Premature Termination of Telomeric Extension- PCR for Detection Of
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MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES Premature termination of telomeric extension- third “G.” The products are identical oligonucleotide ssDNA with 3′ ends of PCR for detection of telomerase activity “AGGG.” (ii) Taq DNA polymerase has the ability to bind and extend the Ran Chen, Ji Qian, Lijuan Wang, and Yu-min Mao matched, but not the mismatched, nu- cleotides at the 3′ end of a primer an- Fudan University, Shanghai, P.R.China nealed to a complementary template strand. While the 3′ end of the primer BioTechniques 35:158-162 (July 2003) that matches the template is necessary for PCR, sporadic mismatches within In this article, we report a simple, rapid, and efficient method to detect telomerase activity: the primer do not hinder PCR (16–19). the premature termination of telomeric extension-PCR (PTEP). Similar to the telomeric re- Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram peat amplification protocol (TRAP), this method is based on PCR amplification following of PTEP. Except for two bases of its 3′ the in vitro telomerase reaction, while the in vitro telomerase reaction here is prematurely, end, the telomerase primer TS is ho- rather than randomly, terminated. Apart from this, the telomeric extension products are used mologous to the corresponding sites of as initial primers, instead of as templates, to trigger the amplification with a specially con- the specially constructed DNA (SP structed plasmid DNA as the template that cannot be directly amplified with the telomerase DNA; the template, a plasmid carrying primer. The end product is a specific 159-bp DNA fragment that reflects telomerase activity. one pair of reverse repeat sequences: 5′- Because its product can be clearly identified with routine agarose gel electrophoresis and AATCCGTCGAGCAGAGAAAGGG- ethidium bromide staining, PTEP allows even lesser-equipped laboratories to easily detect 3′. See Construction of SP DNA sec- telomerase activity. tion). However, because its 3′ end does not match the template, it does not trig- ger the amplification of the template. After the telomeric extension is prema- turely terminated, with four nu- cleotides, “AGGG,” linked to the 3′ end INTRODUCTION reagents and equipment, they are im- of TS, the extended oligonucleotide ss- practical for most laboratories. DNA (TSG) can be annealed to the Telomerase is a reverse transcriptase Gel electrophoresis is the primary template and trigger the amplification. that catalyzes the addition of telomeric method for the detection of DNA. After two cycles, the whole comple- repeats to the 3′ end of chromosomal Agarose gel electrophoresis is much mentary sequences of TSG are synthe- DNA. It plays a key role in the mainte- more convenient than polyacrylamide sized. Thus, a second PCR can be es- nance of chromosome termini (1). Cur- gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Coupled tablished with TS as the primer and the rently, the telomeric repeat amplification with ethidium bromide staining, it is the newly synthesized DNA as the tem- protocol (TRAP) is the most effective simplest and most cost-efficient method plate. In short, there are two PCRs in and sensitive method to detect telom- thus far to detect PCR products. How- the system. The first is primed by TSG, erase activity. The TRAP assay is based ever, TRAP needs PAGE for the detec- and the second is primed by TS. The on the PCR amplification of the in vitro tion of its products. Because TRAP in- first is triggered by the telomerase reac- telomerase reaction (telomeric exten- volves the random termination of tion, and the second is triggered by the sion) products. It can reveal telomerase telomeric extension, the end products first. Because TS is prevailing abundant activity, even in a limited quantity of are 6-bp DNA ladders, which can hard- in the system, the second PCR is the cancer tissues or cultured cells. When ly be identified in routine agarose gel dominant one. The end product is a spe- TRAP is applied, telomerase is observed electrophoresis. Here we report a novel cific DNA fragment (159 bp) that re- as being reactivated in a majority of can- method, premature termination of flects telomerase activity. cers while remaining inactive in most telomeric extension-PCR (PTEP). The somatic cells (2–4). Some important end product of PTEP is a specific DNA modifications have been made on fragment that can be identified in rou- MATERIALS AND METHODS TRAP, including using different primers tine agarose gel electrophoresis. PTEP to improve the specificity of PCR ampli- was developed around the following Samples Collection and Extraction fication (3,5,6), which enforces an inter- characteristics of telomerase and Taq nal standard to improve the linearity and DNA polymerase: (i) in vitro telom- Lung cancer tissues (14 samples), reliability of the result (7–9), and apply- erase reaction (i.e., telomeric extension) normal lung tissues (6 samples), and ing nonradioactivated detection (e.g., can be prematurely terminated (1,14, leukemia cells (43 samples) were col- ELISA, fluorescence, or other biolumi- 15). Three kinds of dNTP (i.e., dATP, lected from the Changhai Hospital of nescence methods) to improve sensitivi- dTTP, and dGTP) are necessary for the the Second Military Medical Universi- ty and operability (7,10–13). With these extension of the telomeric repeat unit ty (SMMU) in Shanghai. K562 cells improvements, the assay becomes sensi- “TTAGGG.” Where only dATP and were cultured and harvested (2 × 107 tive, robust, and quantitative. However, dGTP are used, the telomeric extension cells/flask) in a routine procedure. since they require extra cost-generating will be prematurely terminated at the Cells and tissue extracts were prepared 158 BioTechniques Vol. 35, No. 1 (2003) as previously described (2). The protein eric extension. The 50-µL volume of PCR cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 60°C for 30 concentration of the extract was mea- reaction mixture contained 50 mM s, and 72°C for 30 s. The products were sured with the bicinchoninic (BCA) Tris-HCl, pH 8.2, 150 mM KCl, 2.5 analyzed using agarose (2%) ethidium ® µ protein assay kit (Pierce Chemical, mM MgCl2, 0.05% Tween 20, 1 mM bromide (0.5 g/mL) gel electrophore- Rockford, IL, USA). EGTA, 0.1 mg/mL bovine serum albu- sis. The gel was then viewed under UV min (BSA), 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), transillumination and photographed. The Construction of SP DNA 0.11 mM dATP, 0.11 mM dGTP, 10 existence of 159-bp band indicates a U/mL RNasin®, 2.5 µM TS, 2 µL cell telomerase-positive result. On each strand of the DnaE (E. coli extracts (0.5 µg protein), and 0.05 In contrast, TRAP assays were con- DNA polymerase III α subunit) gene, ng/µL SP DNA. The mixture was incu- ducted with the TRAPeze® telomerase the sites that are in part homologous to bated at 37°C for 20 min to facilitate detection kit (Oncor, Gaithersburg, the sequence “5′-AATCCGTCGAGC- telomeric extension and then heated at MD, USA), according to the manufac- AGAGAAAGGG-3′” are searched and 96°C for 3 min to stop the reaction. turer’s recommended protocol. The paired using the software OMIGA® 2.0 This heat treatment can also inactivate products were resolved on a 12% poly- (Accelrys, Burlington, MA, USA), and potential inhibitors and denature the SP acrylamide gel and detected with silver then telomerase-DnaE linker primer DNA for PCR. staining. pairs (TDLP1 and TDLP2) are de- PCR and electrophoresis. PCR ad- signed to amplify a 166-bp fragment. ditional reagents mixture (5 µL) was The sequence of TDLP1 is 5′-TGA- added to the telomeric extension system, RESULTS AATCCGTCGAGCAGAGAAAGG- and the final concentration of the addi- GCGCAGGGATT-3′ (corresponding to tional reagents was 0.1 mM dTTP, 0.1 To detect telomerase activity effec- the region 152–186 of DnaE plus mM dCTP, and 0.04 U/µL Taq DNA tively, PTEP must not only be an effec- strand with 11 nucleotide differences), polymerase. This system consisted of 30 tive amplification system where there is and the sequence of TDLP2 is 5′- AGATAATCCGTCGAGCAGAGAA- AGGGCAGATTCTG-3′ (correspond- ing to the region 317–283 of DnaE minus strand with 11 nucleotide differ- ences); the bases underlined are se- quences from the telomerase primer TS, the bases in bold are designed to generate the complementary site that can bind TSG but not TS, and the itali- cized bases are perfectly complemen- tary to the template to ensure the spe- cific amplification of the DnaE DNA (region 152–317). A standard PCR pro- cedure was applied. The 166-bp frag- ment was retrieved from the agarose gel with the Gel Extract Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA) and cloned into the pGEM®-T vector (Promega, Madi- son, WI, USA). Plasmid thus construct- ed was amplified in XL1-blue E. coli (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA, USA) and then purified. When its sequence was reconfirmed by DNA sequencing, the plasmid was used as the SP DNA. Telomerase Activity Assay The telomerase primer, TS (5′- AATCCGTCGAGCAGAGTT-3′) was used, the underlined being the bases that perfectly match the two corre- sponding sites of SP DNA, and the bold being the 3′ end bases that mismatch the corresponding sites. Premature termination of telom- Vol. 35, No. 1 (2003) MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES telomerase activity but also an effective ing the TRAP silver staining assay. As erase activities of clinical research sam- amplification-refractory system where shown in Figure 2A, the telomerase- ples were detected. The presence of a there is no telomerase activity. It has positive band (159 bp) is clearly pre- 159-bp band indicates that the samples been acknowledged that certain mis- sent in lanes 3–7, unfolding telomerase of leukemia cells and lung cancer tis- matches such as G:T or C:A (pri- avtivity from 1 × 100 to 1 × 104 cells.