The Hunger Games Directed by Gary Ross

Preparing for the Film

1. Given that a dystopian society is the opposite of a utopian society, what are key qualities or behaviors that you would expect to find in a dystopia? What are some examples of dystopian novels or films that you have read or seen? 2. What are some specific pressures that the oldest child in a family may experience if parents are absent, irresponsible, or weak? 3. How might people behave if their government compels behavior that seems immoral or unjust? 4. What are some reasons that rivals may fall in love? 5. If you have read the novel by , what are some challenges that a director may have adapting this book to a film version?

Reflecting on the Film

1. What do we initially learn about the motive for and requirements of the Hunger Games? What do the Games reveal about the government of the Panem society? 2. What is revealed about 's character through her early interactions with her sister, her mother, and Gale? 3. Describe the train ride to the arena and the tributes' initial interactions with District 12 representatives Effie Trinket and Haymitch Abernathy. How does Haymitch's character develop in the film? 4. How does the film portray and his past interactions with Katniss? What does Peeta reveal is his greatest concern? 5. What is the importance of audience appeal, packaging, sponsorship, and heightened drama in these Games? What does the President reveal to Seneca about why there is a winner? 6. What is Cinna's role in the film? What are his values and how does he help Katniss? 7. In what ways does Katniss's relationship with Rue reflect the bond that Katniss has with Prim? 8. Which rivals are more prominent characters and how does each help us better understand Katniss? 9. How does Katniss catch and hold the television audience's attention throughout the competition? 10. What aspects of society is the film exposing and satirizing? 11. How does the relationship between Katniss and Peeta develop and deepen during the actual Games? 12. What are the multiple consequences of Katniss's decision to refuse to oppose and kill Peeta?

Writing about the Film

1. Write a character analysis of Katniss Everdeen as developed throughout the film. Analyze specific scenes and quotations to support your claims. 2. In an essay, compare and contrast Katniss and Peeta in terms of strengths, values, and compatibility. Include details and quotations from the film for support.

3. Write an essay focusing on this film as a satire of both government and the media. What is being criticized and exposed about both targets of the satire?

4. In an argument essay, convince readers that the government representative in the film reflect weaknesses in the government and society today. Analyze specific scenes and quotations for support.

Works Cited

Collins, Suzanne. The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic Press, 2008. Print.

The Hunger Games. Dir. Gary Ross. Perf. , , Liam

Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Stanley Tucci, Donald

Sutherland, and Wes Bentley. Lionsgate 2012. Film.

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