Minimal Surfaces As Isotropic Curves in C3: Associated Minimal Surfaces and the Bj Orling’S Problem by Kai-Wing Fung
Minimal Surfaces as Isotropic Curves in C3: Associated minimal surfaces and the BjÄorling's problem by Kai-Wing Fung Submitted to the Department of Mathematics on December 1, 2004, in partial ful¯llment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Abstract In this paper, we introduce minimal surfaces as isotropic curves in C3. Given such a isotropic curve, we can de¯ne the adjoint surface and the family of associate minimal surfaces to a minimal surface that is the real part of the isotropic curve. We study the behavior of asymptotic lines and curvature lines in a family of associate surfaces, speci¯cally the asymptotic lines of a minimal surface are the curvature lines of its adjoint surface, and vice versa. In the second part of the paper, we describe the BjÄorling's problem. Given a real- analytic curve and a real-analytic vector ¯eld along the curve, BjÄorling's problem is to ¯nd a minimal surface that includes the curve such that its unit normal ¯eld coincides with the given vector ¯eld. We shows that the BjÄorling's problem always has a unique solution. We will use some examples to demonstrate how to construct minimal surface using the results from the BjÄorling's problem. Some symmetry properties can be derived from the solution to the BjÄorling's problem. For example, straight lines are lines of rotational symmetry, and planar geodesics are lines of mirror symmetry in a minimal surface. These results are useful in solving the Schwarzian chain problem, which is to ¯nd a minimal surface that spanned into a frame that consists of ¯nitely many straight lines and planes.