Vocabulary: Accessors & Mutators

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Accessor: „ A method that reads, but never changes, the Aliasing and Immutability (abstract) state of an object Computer Science and Engineering „ College of Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Concrete representation may change, so long as change is not visible to client † eg „ Examples: getter methods, toString Lecture 8 „ Formally: restores “this” † : „ A method that may change the (abstract) state of an object „ Examples: setter methods „ Formally: updates “this” „ Constructors not considered mutators

A Fixed Epoch Interface A Broken Time Period Class

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University // Interface cover story goes here public class Period implements FixedEpoch { // Mathematical modeling … private Date start; // constructor private Date end; // requires start date < end date // initializes start and end dates // operations have specifications based on the model public Period(Date start, Date end) { // exercises … this.start = start; thi s.en = en d; public interface FixedEpoch { } public Date getStart(); public Date getEnd(); } public Date getStart() { return start; }

public Date getEnd() { return end; } }

Problem: Aliasing A Better Period Class

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Assignment in constructor creates an alias public class Period implements FixedEpoch { private Date start; „ Client and component both have references to the private Date end; same Date object † Class invariant can be undermined via alias public Period(Date start, Date end) { this.start = new Date(start.getTime()); Date t1 = new Date(300); thi s.en d = neew D ate(en d.getTim e()); Date t2 = new Date (500); } Period p = new Period (t1, t2); public Date getStart() { t2.setTime(100); //modifies p’s rep return start; † Solution: “defensive copying” } „ Constructor creates a copy of the arguments public Date getEnd() { „ Copy is used to initialize the private fields return end; „ Metaphor: ownership } }

1 Problem 2: Aliasing (Again) A Better+2 Period Class

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Return value in accessor creates an alias public class Period implements FixedEpoch { private Date start; „ Client can still obtain a reference to the class’s private Date end; internal representation (the private fields) „ aka “privacy leak”, but really just an alias problem public Period(Date start, Date end) { this.start = new Date(start.getTime()); † Class invariant can be undermined via alias thi s.en d = n ew D ate(en d.getTim e()); Date t1 = new Date(300); } Date t2 = new Date (500); public Date getStart() { Period p = new Period (t1, t2); return new Date(start.getTime()); p.getEnd().setTime(100); //modifies p’s rep } † Solution: “defensive copying” public Date getEnd() { „ Accessors create a copy of internal fields return new Date(end.getTime()); „ Copy is returned to the client } }

Good Practice: Defensive Copies Immutability

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Always make defensive copies when † An immutable object is one whose (abstract) needed value can never change „ Problem: Aliases undermine the privacy of a field „ Constructor allows initialization to different values „ Solution: Prevent aliases to fields „ No mutator methods † Typical examples † Whyyoud would we wa nt su ch a thing ? „ Parameters in constructors and mutators † Because aliasing an immutable is safe! „ Return value from any method „ Having multiple references to the same immutable † Note: There are some types of fields for is indistinguishable from having multiple which aliasing is never a concern! references to different immutables that have the „ Fields that are primitive (eg int, float) same value „ Fields that are enumerations (eg Suit, Colors) „ Defensive copies of immutables are not required! „ Fields that are… (next slide)

How to Write an Immutable Interf. How to Write an Immutable Class

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Do not provide mutators † Implement an (immutable) interface „ Result: no mutators „ Check alters clause of all methods „ You do that anyway, right? † Make all fields private „ You do that anyway, right? † Ensure exclusive access to any mutable objects referred to by fields „ Rule: If the class has fields that refer to mutable objects 1. Make defensive copies of parameters in constructors and mutators 2. Make defensive copies for return values from methods „ Defensive copies not needed for fields that are primitive, enumerations, or refer to immutable objects

2 Examples Good Practice: Immutable Idioms

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Period † Declare all fields to be „ Has fields that refer to mutables (Date) „ Guarantees immutability for primitives Needs defensive copies „ „ Underkill: For reference types, final is no † String help „ Lots of methods look like they could be mutators † Still considered an idiom that signals intent † eg toUpperC()bCase(), substring (int,int ), to write an immutable class replace(char,char) „ Overkill: Only abstract state needs to be „ But these methods actually return a String immutable String str = new String(“Hello there”); † Concrete state (ie fields) can change so long str.toUpperCase(); as client-view of object is unchanged System.out.println(str); //surprise † Declare class to be “final” † Wrapper classes „ We will talk about what this qualifier „ Integer, Long, Float, etc… means for classes later

A Better+3 Period Class Wrapper Classes

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University public final class Period implements FixedEpoch { † Every primitive type has a corresponding private final Date start; wrapper class private final Date end; „ Integer, Long, Float, Double, … public Period(Date start, Date end) { † The classes are immutable this.start = new Date(start.getTime()); „ So no aliasing worries thi s.en d = n ew D ate(en d.getTim e()); } † Do not provide a zero-argument constructor † Do provide useful static constants public Date getStart() { „ Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE return new Date(start.getTime()); } † Do provide useful static methods „ Converting from String to primitive: parseInt() public Date getEnd() { † int i = Integer.parseInt(“33342”); return new Date(end.getTime()); „ Converting from primitive to String: toString() } } † String str = Double.toString(123.99);

Boxing and Unboxing Supplemental Reading

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Boxing: primitive --> wrapper † Bloch’s “Effective ” Integer integerObject = new Integer(42); „ Item 13: Favor Immutability † Unboxing: wrapper --> primitive † int i = integerObject.intValue(); „ Item 24: Make defensive copies when † Java does this automatically for you needed Double price = 499.99; //auto-box † IBM devel operW ork s paper price = price + 19.90; //auto-unbox then box „ “Java theory and practice: To mutate or „ But be very careful… not to mutate?” Integer i = new Integer(2); Integer j = new Integer(2); „ http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java assert (i >= j); //success (unboxing) /library/j-jtp02183.html assert (i <= j); //success (unboxing) assert (i == j); //failure! (no unboxing)

3 Summary

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Defensive copying „ Copy constructor arguments (reference types) „ Return only copies of fields (reference types) † Immutable interfaces and classes „ Each instance represents a distinct value „ No mutators: no methods alter “this” † Methods can return a new instance „ Defensive copying of mutable fields † Examples of immutables „ String „ Wrapper classes (Integer, Long, Float…) † Auto-boxing / auto-unboxing