THE FERTILISERS AND CHEMICALS TRAVANCORE LTD. (A Govt. of India Enterprises) COCHIN DIVISION - AMBALAMEDU – 682 303, KOCHI, KERALA CIN: L24129KL1943GOI000371 GSTIN- 32AAACT6204C1Z2 CIVIL PROJECTS & PLANNING Fax: 0484-2720948 Tel: 0484- 2723236, 2723315, 2723338 NOTICE INVITING E- TENDER TENDER No. 04046/2019-2020/E21293 dtd 14.03.2020 Encrypted competitive Item Rate, Single stage Two Bid Tenders containing the NAME OF WORK and TENDER REFERENCE NUMBER are invited by the General Manager (Projects) /CD from reliable and experienced contractors of sound financial standing. Tenders received will be opened online on the due date and time. Tender details are given below. Enquiry No. 04046/2019-2020/E21293 dtd 14.03.2020 Prebid meeting Date, 02/04/2020 from 10:00:00 Hrs at Q10 Berth, Willingdon Island, FACT Time and place Ltd Due date & time for 14/04/2020 Upto 14:00:00 Hrs Submission of bids Date & Time for Part-A 15/04/2020 after 14:00:00 Hrs Bid opening Date & time of opening Price bid of the bidders who are qualified in Techno-Commercial of online price bid Part -B Evaluation only will be opened. The date & time of price bid opening will be intimated to the qualified bidders. Name of CIVIL WORKS FOR ELECTRICAL WORKSHOP,ROAD CROSSING Work/Description TRENCH AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS AT Q10 BERTH, WILLINGDON ISLAND EMD INR 1,00,000/- Indian Rupees One Lakh only) Validity of Tender 6(six) Months from the date of Part A Bid opening Period of Completion 4 (four) Months. Tender Document Fee Nil Contract Type Item Rate - WORK ORDER Contact Details General Manager ( Proj ), Assistant Manager Civil ( P ) Phone: 0484-2723336/3326/3406 email:
[email protected];
[email protected] Detailed specifications and other terms and conditions are mentioned in the Tender Documents.