1- , . ' . 1889. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2l NOMINATIONS. James V. Campbell, to be postmaster at Ada, in the county of No:r- Executive nominations received by the Senate the 14th day of March, 1889. man, and State of Minnesota, in the place of Fred. Pichler, resigned. SAMOAN COMMISSIONERS. GOVERNOR OF ARIZONA. John A. ~asson, of Iowa; William Walter Phelps, of New Jersey, Lewis Wolfley, of Tucson, Ariz., to be governor of Arizona, vice C. and George H. Bates, of Delaware, to be commissioners to represent Meyer Zulick,·to be removed. the United States at the conference to be held in Berlin concerning af UNITED ST.ATES .ATTORNEY. fairs in the Samoan Islands. Rathbone Gardner, of Rhode Island, to be attorney of the United UNITED STATES .ATTORNEY. States for the district of Rhode Island, to succeed David S. Baker, jr., Elbert D. Weed, of Montana, to be attorney of tbe United States for whose term of office expires on March 23, 1889. the Territory of Montana, vice Robert B. Smith, resigned. .,. COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. WITHDRAW AL. Jeremiah Sullivan, of Montana, to be collector of customs for the To the Senate of the United States: district of and Idal\o, in the Territories of Montana and Idaho, I hereby withdraw the nomination of Elbert D. Weed, of Montana, to be mar to succeed Thomas A. Cummings, whose term of office has expired by shal of the United States for the TelTitory of Montana. BENJ. HARRISON. limitation. FIRST .ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENERAL. EXECUTIVE MANSION, March 14, 1889. Jam es S. Clarkson, of Iowa, to be First Assistant Postmaster-General, vice Adlai E.
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