Structures of Pi4kiiiβ Complexes Show Simultaneous Recruitment of Rab11 and Its Effectors John E

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Structures of Pi4kiiiβ Complexes Show Simultaneous Recruitment of Rab11 and Its Effectors John E RESEARCH | REPORTS 13. C. Leduc, F. Ruhnow, J. Howard, S. Diez, Proc. Natl. Acad. STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY Sci. U.S.A. 104, 10847–10852 (2007). 14. K. J. Verhey, N. Kaul, V. Soppina, Annu. Rev. Biophys. 40, 267–288 (2011). Structures of PI4KIIIβ complexes 15. H. Kim, T. Ha, Rep. Prog. Phys. 76, 016601 (2013). 16. B. Huang, H. Babcock, X. Zhuang, Cell 143,1047–1058 (2010). show simultaneous recruitment of 17. N. Fakhri, D. A. Tsyboulski, L. Cognet, R. B. Weisman, M. Pasquali, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106,14219–14223 (2009). 18. S. M. Bachilo et al., Science 298, 2361–2366 (2002). Rab11 and its effectors 19. D. A. Tsyboulski, S. M. Bachilo, R. B. Weisman, Nano Lett. 5, 975–979 (2005). – 20. R. B. Weisman, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 396,10151023 (2010). 1 1 1 1 1 21. N. Fakhri, F. C. MacKintosh, B. Lounis, L. Cognet, M. Pasquali, John E. Burke, *† Alison J. Inglis, Olga Perisic, Glenn R. 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Here, we describe structures of PI4Kb (PI4KIIIb) bound to the small GTPase 27. K. Jaqaman et al., Nat. Methods 5, 695–702 (2008). Rab11a without and with the Rab11 effector protein FIP3. The Rab11-PI4KIIIb interface is 28. D. Cai, D. P. McEwen, J. R. Martens, E. Meyhofer, K. J. Verhey, distinct compared with known structures of Rab complexes and does not involve switch Downloaded from PLOS Biol. 7, e1000216 (2009). 29. S. Courty, C. Luccardini, Y. Bellaiche, G. Cappello, M. Dahan, regions used by GTPase effectors. Our data provide a mechanism for how PI4KIIIb coordinates Nano Lett. 6, 1491–1495 (2006). Rab11 and its effectors on PI4P-enriched membranes and also provide strategies for the design 30. S. Dunn et al., J. Cell Sci. 121, 1085–1095 (2008). of specific inhibitors that could potentially target plasmodial PI4KIIIb to combat malaria. 31. Š. Bálint, I. Verdeny Vilanova, Á. Sandoval Álvarez, M. Lakadamyali, Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A.110,3375–3380 (2013). – 32. C. P. 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This behavior can be understood as follows: The low-frequency small G-protein Rab11 play prominent roles in PI4KIIIb and Rab11 confer resistance to these behavior, corresponding to times longer than tc, is white compartment identity. PI4KIIIb is one of four compounds (15). Inhibition of P. falciparum noise that is independent of frequency, characteristic of mammalian PI4K enzymes that phosphorylate PI4KIIIb prevents the membrane ingression that uncorrelated fluctuations. For times shorter than tc,by contrast, the binding of myosins, subsequent force generation, phosphatidylinositol to generate phosphatidyl- occurs during completion of the asexual erythro- and eventual release combine to result in a random walk of inositol 4-phosphate (PI4P). PI4KIIIb localizes cytic stage of the plasmodial life cycle. The role of the net force due to multiple motors in time, with 〈Df2(t)〉 º t, primarily at the Golgi and is essential for Golgi Plasmodium Rab11 and PI4KIIIb in membrane the Fourier transform of which is 〈f2〉 º 1/w2. w 3–5 formation and function ( ). PI4P is recognized remodeling is similar to the role of Rab11 and on June 28, 2019 38. B. Ramamurthy, C. M. Yengo, A. F. Straight, T. J. Mitchison, Drosophila H. L. Sweeney, Biochemistry 43, 14832–14839 (2004). by protein modules, including the PH domains PI4KIIIb in cytokinesis in spermacto- 39. A. F. Straight et al., Science 299, 1743–1747 (2003). of oxysterol-binding protein, ceramide transfer cytes (16). In Drosophila, PI4KIIIb is required for 40. M. Kovács, J. Tóth, C. Hetényi, A. Málnási-Csizmadia, protein, and four-phosphate-adaptor protein, that the recruitment of both Rab11 and its down- – J. R. Sellers, J. Biol. Chem. 279, 35557 35563 (2004). are important for intra-Golgi transport (6–8). stream effectors. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS However, typically, lipid recognition alone is not To understand how PI4KIIIb can both re- We thank L. Cognet, J. Enderlein, M. Guo, J. Lippincott-Schwartz, sufficient for Golgi localization, which requires cruit Rab11 and enable its interactions with and D. A. Weitz for helpful discussions; I. Schaap and M. Platen both PI4P and specific small GTPases. In addition Rab11 effectors, we used hydrogen-deuterium for atomic force microscopy measurements; and the Kavli to its catalytic role in synthesizing PI4P, PI4KIIIb exchangemassspectrometry(HDX-MS)tofacili- Institute for Theoretical Physics (University of California, also has noncatalytic roles that rely on the inter- tate the x-ray crystal structure of human PI4KIIIb Santa Barbara) for hospitality and useful discussions. – Supported by the Center for Nanoscale Microscopy and actions with other proteins such as the small in complex with Rab11a GTPgS [GTPgS, guano- Molecular Physiology of the Brain and the Collaborative GTPase Rab11 (9). Rab11 is predominately located sine 5´-O-(3´-thiotriphosphate)] at 2.9 Å resolu- Research Center SFB 937 (Project A2), both funded by the on recycling endosomes (10). However, Rab11 is tion (see supplementary materials and methods). Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, as well as by the Foundation also found associated with Golgi membranes, To form crystals, highly flexible regions of PI4KIIIb for Fundamental Research on Matter of the Netherlands 9 Organization for Scientific Research, Welch Foundation which requires an interaction with PI4KIIIb ( ). identified by HDX-MS were truncated (residues grant C-1668, and NSF grant NSF PHY11-25915. N.F. was PI4KIIIb activity is essential for replication 1 to 120, 408 to 507, and 785 to 801) (Fig. 1A). This supported by a Human Frontier Science Program Fellowship. of a range of RNA viruses, including entero- included a C-terminal region necessary for cat- N.F. and C.F.S. are inventors on a provisional U.S. patent viruses, SARS coronavirus, and hepatitis C virus alytic activity (fig. S2A). The PI4KIIIb structure application on the method used in the paper, filed by 11 12 Georg-August-Universität. The single-walled carbon nanotubes ( , ). These RNA viruses hijack the activity consists of two domains, a right-handed helical are available from M.P. under a material transfer agreement of host cell PI4KIIIb to generate replication or- solenoid (residues 128 to 243) and a kinase do- with Rice University. ganelles enriched in PI4P. There is no approved main (residues 306 to 801) (Fig. 1B), that are related to the PI3Ks (fig. S3). The kinase do- 1 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS Medical Research Council (MRC) Laboratory of Molecular main has two lobes, an N-terminal lobe domi- Biology, Cambridge CB2 0QH, UK. 2Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, nated by a five-stranded antiparallel b sheet Materials and Methods University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, and a C-terminal lobe that is largely helical, with Figs. S1 to S14 CA 94158, USA. – Movies S1 to S4 the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) binding site *Corresponding author. E-mail: (J.E.B.); rlw@ References (41–45) located in a cleft between the lobes. The N lobe (R.L.W.) †Present address: Department of 24 December 2013; accepted 2 May 2014 Biochemistry and Microbiology, University of Victoria, Victoria, of PI4KIIIb has a PI4KIIIb-distinct, large inser- 10.1126/science.1250170 British Columbia, Canada. tion (residues 391 to 539) (Fig. 1B). SCIENCE 30 MAY 2014 • VOL 344 ISSUE 6187 1035 RESEARCH | REPORTS PI4KIIIb makes a distinct interaction with otide exchange (fig. S2C). PI4KIIIb residues Y159, (GST) pulldowns carried out with the GST-tagged Rab11a that is not characteristic of any Rab or N162, and F165 also form prominent contacts with RBD domain from FIP3 (residues 713 to 756) re- Arf effector (17). This interaction involves pri- the Rab11. The mutants PI4KIIIb-Y159A, N162A, vealed that the complex of the FIP3-RBD with marily helix a3 of the PI4KIIIb helical domain and F165A and the double mutant Y159A/N162A GTPgS-loaded Rab11a (Q70L) was able to bind (Figs. 1B and 2A).
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