ST ALBANS DISTRICT COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 25TH MARCH 2016 THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 15TH APRIL 2016 (COUNCILLOR CALL-IN PERIOD Information regarding Councillor call-in period and procedure for public consultation. Comments and call-ins may be made on any Advertisement Consent, Listed Building, Conservation Area, Householder, Certificate of Lawfulness (existing), Telecommunication and Planning Applications please e.mail:
[email protected] (Please include the Application No (e.g. "5/2009/1234") in the title of the e.mail) Application No 5/2016/0384 Ward: Ashley Area: C Proposal: Single storey side extension at 13 Elm Drive St Albans Hertfordshire AL4 0EE Applicant: Agent: Mr Clive Anstey 13 Elm Drive St Mr Clive Anstey 13 Elm Drive St Albans Albans Hertfordshire AL4 0EE Hertfordshire AL4 0EE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application No 5/2016/0577 Ward: Ashley Area: C Proposal: Change of use of part of first floor from Class B8 (storage) to Class C3 (residential) to create one, two bedroom self contained flat with associated parking, landscaping and amenity space, insertion of new windows and rendering at 114 Ashley Road St Albans Hertfordshire AL1 5JR Applicant: Agent: L Bennet & Son Ltd C/o Agent DLA Town Planning Ltd 5 The Gavel Centre Porters Wood St Albans Hertfordshire AL3