Lookin for Barre
Hip No Con signed by F. Bert Lamb Hip No. 51 LOOKIN FOR BARRE 51 Sor rel Mare 1992 Duck Dance TB Wa ter Prince Clas sic Rhythm Lookin Em Over SI 89 2419190 Sun shine N Flowers SI 85 Sunday Meet ing TB LOOKIN FOR BARRE Rare View SI 82 3078212 Mr Hay Bug SI 102 Lady Bug’s Moon SI 100 Runnin Barre SI 109 Miss Hay Day SI 100 1421827 Holly Barre Bob’s Folly SI 100 Barre Twister By LOOKIN EM OVER SI 89 (1983). Win ner at 2, $8,244. Sire of 5 start ers, 2 ROM, earn ing $8,799, Over Break SI 86 (3 wins, $6,285), Flowers N Candy SI 86, etc. Son of stakes win ner DUCK DANCE TB, sire of 25 stakes win ners, 1 cham pion, in clud ing MER GAN SER SI 105 ( World Cham pion , $1,373,704, All Amer i can Fut. G1, etc.), OSCEOLA WAR RIOR SI 108 ($265,778, Can ter bury Park D. G2, etc.), THE SWOONER SI 99 ($233,001, Old South Fut. G2, etc.), SHE CAN’T MISS TB ($202,185), THE WID GEON SI 110 ($179,055), etc. 1st dam: RUNNIN BARRE SI 109 (1978), by Mr Hay Bug. 11 wins, 2 to 4, $185,493, Oklahoma Fut., Oklahoma D., Sunland Park Fall D., 2nd Kan sas D., Sunland Park Fall Fut., Go To gether H. 1st Div., ntr 440 yds :21.34. Sis ter to Mr Holly Barre SI 94. Dam of 10 foals, 7 to race, 4 ROM, Thats Runnin Raney SI 98 (f.
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