San Diego County Edition

Vol. 30, No. 10 October 2012

Elections Cal Thomas World

The Hispanic vote: Dealers in hope: Freed Iranian pastor FREE What matters to them Poverty’s superior says God provided solution during years in prison page 4 page 7 page 15 Pastors to challenge IRS restrictions with Pulpit Freedom Sunday By Lori Arnold lenge the IRS guidelines during their Sunday services and then LA MESA — Americans United sending the sermon tapes to the for Separation of Church and State federal agency. Many evangelical has sent out 60,000 letters to clergy pastors believe the guidelines are warning the spiritual leaders not to unconstitutional and are hoping intervene in partisan campaigns. to bring a lawsuit if the IRS seeks “People don’t join churches be- action against a pastor or church. cause they want to be told how to The 2,200 lawyers affi liated with vote,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Alliance Defending Freedom, the executive director of Americans event sponsor, have pledged to United. “Our letter reminds reli- provide pro bono representation gious leaders about what the law re- to any pastor or church that fi nds quires, why it makes sense and how its tax-exempt status in jeopardy for With the November election just weeks away, numerous it could affect them.” defying the regulations. evangelical groups are beginning the countdown through a variety The letter, announced Sept. 12, The event has drawn the atten- of initiatives, including the national 40 Days to Save America. comes as evangelical leaders across tion of former Arkansas Gov. Mike the country are gearing up get-out- Huckabee, who highlighted it in the-vote initiatives and just weeks mid-September during his Fox before national Pulpit Freedom News show. Featured on the show Sunday in which more than 1,000 was La Mesa Pastor Jim Garlow, who churches are expected to challenge is also involved with the coalition Approaching election spawns Internal Revenue Service regula- backing Pulpit Freedom Sunday. tions that prohibit pastors from en- “While the Democrats are trying dorsing candidates during worship to fi gure whether or not they want numerous prayer campaigns services. God in their platform, the IRS is The Oct. 7 Pulpit Freedom event By Lori Arnold of 2 Chronicles 7:14. Perkins, the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, is asking pastors to directly chal- See PULPIT, page 2 “While we are deeply troubled by Mat Staver, Ron Luce, Tim Wildmon SAN DIEGO — From pledges to the direction in which our nation is and Bishop E.W. Jackson Sr., is asking prayers evangelical Christians across headed this is not a political effort,” pastors to prepare sermons or special the country are preparing their heads, said Dr. Rick Scarborough, president programming to initiate and conclude hearts and knees for the November of Vision America. “The political prob- the campaign. presidential election. lems which beset us are symptoms of San Diego participants include Dr. Saying they are dismayed by anti- a deeper spiritual malaise. In times of Jim Garlow, Tim and Beverly LaHaye, family legislation that widens homo- national tribulation, our people have Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-El sexual rights, extends taxpayer-funded often been urged to humbly turn to Cajon) and Dran Reese, founder of abortions and eliminates religious God in prayer.” the Salt and Light Council. conscience, numerous evangelical Scarborough and a coalition of “Our nation was founded on a re- leaders have launched campaigns to Christian leaders have teamed up ligious vision: the belief that America encourage Christians to seek divine for the Save America campaign that exists to advance God’s glory and, guidance before heading to the polls. calls for prayer, fasting and action consequently, that as long as we re- One effort, 40 Days to Save America, from Sept. 28 to Nov. 6. The coali- main true to that vision, we will enjoy declares that the United States is tion, including Gen. Jerry Boykin, His blessings and protection,” Scar- talk show host Mike Huckabee, left, interviews La Mesa Pastor Jim in a “national tribulation” and asks Bishop Harry Jackson, James and Garlow about the Oct. 7 Pulpit Freedom Sunday. Christians to focus on the promises Shirley Dobson, Penny Nance, Tony See ELECTION, page 2 Ransom Notes Graham granddaughter manages online community of stories about redemption By Lori Arnold nior year when a friend returned control anymore—he was. He was from summer break with a stunning telling me lies. I wasn’t seeing my- RANCHO SANTA FE — It was new body after a signifi cant weight self through my eyes or the Lord’s a high-profi le kidnapping never loss. Lynch, who now lives in San eyes. I was seeing myself through reported to police, but thanks to a Diego, said she was mesmerized Satan’s eyes.” renewed faith in Jesus Christ, Cis- not only by how good her friend The road to addiction started sie Graham Lynch was ransomed looked, but also by the responses to simply with a diet here and a diet nonetheless. her friend’s weight loss. there. She started weighing herself For nearly three years begin- “It turned into something I could several times a day. That’s when she ning in high school Lynch—grand- control,” Lynch said. “It wasn’t just turned to diet aids. daughter of and about what I looked like. It was “It might start off so little, but the daughter of —was about I couldn’t control other bondage just grows and grows,” she held captive to an eating disorder things in my life, but I could con- said. “It was a burden that I carried Cissie Graham Lynch, daughter of Franklin Graham and granddaughter of grounded in an obsession over her trol this. It became such a deep because it was bondage over my evangelist Billy Graham, overcame an eating disorder through her faith in Jesus appearance, diet pills and laxatives. bondage that Satan had, bondage Christ. Now she manages an online support community for young people. The The disorder emerged in her ju- over my heart, and that I wasn’t in See RANSOM, page 14 Ransom website is a project of the Billy Graham Evangelical Association. For information about advertising, subscriptions, or bulk delivery, please call 1-800-326-0795 2 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • October 2012 SD

“The law hangs over us like a Da- PULPIT… mocles sword, in essence chilling Continued from page 1 pastors, muzzling them, intimidat- Local Rock America, Stand Up rally ing pastors,” Garlow told Huckabee. trying to control what some pastors “The result is, often times, pastors among events that target election can say about the political issues that try to be biblical, speak out on that matter most to their congrega- issues that are biblical, tearing up By Lori Arnold concern on my heart: the biblical re- sire to turn back regulations in the tions,” Huckabee said while intro- a baby in the womb, for example, sponsibility that Christians have today new federal healthcare initiative ducing the segment. or the practice of homosexuality or SAN DIEGO — The Rock Church’s to seek to infl uence government for that forces religious institutions to “It’s a pretty bold thing to say on Oct. the defi nition of marriage. People Salt and Light Rock ministry, which good,” Grudem said. provide services that violate their 7 a bunch of pastors, maybe hundreds, say ‘Oh, you are too political, you focuses on bringing a biblical worldview Thomasson will share with attendees beliefs. maybe thousands across the country are too political.’ No, we are simply to governmental issues, will present on how they can make a difference in Under the new law, employers are going to stand in their pulpits and being biblical, but people don’t rec- “Let’s Rock America—Vote 2012” from their community to affect the election, will be required to provide health essentially say the IRS cannot tell us ognize biblical sermons anymore. 3 to 7 p.m. Oct. 27. while Huey will be reviewing the ballot, plans to include free contracep- what we can or cannot say.” That’s the challenge. That’s why The focus of the free event is to including the presidential candidates, tives, sterilizations and abortion- Garlow, a student of American pastors are rising up and reclaim- honor God, learn more about gov- propositions, judges and San Diego inducing drugs, regardless of any and church history, explained that ing that which is biblical as biblical, ernmental issues and pray for the candidates. moral or religious objections. the IRS regulations, enacted by and being bold in the pulpit.” community, organizers said. Several competitions will be includ- Local speakers will include Bish- Congress through the 1954 John- But Lynn, the advocate for sepa- “With 56 percent of citizens not vot- ed throughout the evening, including op George McKinney of St. Ste- son Amendment, violate the inten- ration of church and state, dis- ing in the 2008 elections, our national the Citizen of the Year Award and prize phen’s Cathedral Church of God tions of the founding fathers who agreed. debt currently at $15,964,000,000 and giveaways for the “I vote because” in Christ; Chuck LiMandri of the placed a premium on religious “Most clergy of all faiths know it’s the Bureau of Labor and Statistics stat- videos. Resources will also be made Freedom of Conscience Defense freedoms. Then-Sen. Lyndon B. inappropriate to use their pulpits ing that the national unemployment available for all attendees. Fund; Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Johnson pushed for the regulations to stump for political candidates,” is at 8.3 percent, the upcoming presi- While life and family issues are tak- Church; Dr. Jennifer Roback More after several business owners used he said in a statement announcing dential election has surfaced a heavy ing center stage for many evangelicals, of the Ruth Institute; Eric Ander- their non-profi t status to campaign the clergy letters. “But there are necessity for Christians to become more the broader theme of religious free- sen of im2moro; Pastor Vincent against the representative. very vocal misguided religious and informed about governmental issues,” dom is also a key political focus and Montano of Zion Centro Cristiano; “The result of it was that they be- political forces that constantly prod said event organizer Alana Sorensen. has prompted San Diego’s religious Father Anthony Saroki of Our Lady leaders outside of Protestant circles of Mount Carmel Catholic Church; gan to put a muzzle on churches,” religious leaders to violate federal “‘Let’s Rock America’ will raise aware- ness of critical issues amongst Chris- to join forces. Deacon Keith Esshaki of St. Pe- Garlow told Huckabee. “We lost tax law. We urge clergy to just say tians and encourage them to vote.” ters Chaldean Church; and Steven 166 years of freedom in the pulpit.” no.” Confi rmed speakers include Dr. Stand up for freedom Pynes, president of the Church of Pulpit Freedom Sunday, now in Huckabee reminded his viewers, Wayne Grudem, professor at Phoenix The ecumenical Stand Up for Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. its fi fth year, began with 33 pastors. however, that the founding fathers Seminary; Randy Thomasson, presi- Religious Freedom Rally will hold Described as non-partisan, par- Last year, 539 pastors participated were clear of their intention to pro- dent of; and Craig its third gathering of the year from ticipants are encouraged to bring in the pulpit protest. tect religious freedom. Huey, founder of Election Forum and 10 a.m. to noon Oct. 20 at the cor- their children and grandchildren. “This year we will have a 1,000 “The simple reality that we all ner of Park Boulevard and Presi- or 2,000 pastors on the same day need to remember is that the very Grudem will discuss some of the hard dents Way in Balboa Park. More For information on Rock America, intentionally, will exercise their bib- fi rst line in the Bill of Rights is that questions that Christians face when than 160 similar rallies will be held visit For lical authority and constitutional Congress shall make no law,” the dealing with politics. across the country the same day. Al- information on the rally, visit www. rights and record their sermons cable talk show host said. “Then it “I look forward to talking with the though each rally has its own fl air, and search San Diego and mail them to the IRS,” Garlow goes on to describe what Congress audience at Rock Church about a deep at the core of all of them is a de- for religious freedom. said to a round of applause from can’t do. It never says what church- Huckabee’s studio audience. es can’t do. It never says what citi- The pastor stressed that no zens can’t do. It never says what pas- church has ever lost its tax exemp- tors can’t do. It says what Congress ELECTION… God-given and can be sustained only “Education, government, and man’s tion status for endorsing from the cannot do, but they seem to be do- with his mercy.” wisdom cannot solve this problem. Continued from page 1 pulpit, which is why the religious ing it anyway.” As part of the campaign, 40 Days to There is only one remedy that truly leaders are pushing forward with its Save America is also hosting conference can ‘heal the Land.” advocacy of no government intru- For more information, call www. borough said. “Our freedoms, which calls and various resources including As a result, the group has selected sion upon churches. today are everywhere imperiled, are networking, ideas and materials. 2 Kings 2:19-22 as its theme Scripture, Earlier in September, another co- which organizers said fi ts with God’s call alition launched iPledge Sunday: A for “His people to bring ‘the salt,’ which Call to Faith, Family, and Freedom.” is the church, to the head of the waters It was launched with a nationwide where the foundation of our American simulcast to 2,000 congregations and liberty was birthed in Philadelphia and is still available to churches wishing to intercede for God to heal the land.” to encourage their people to advance Heading into October, The National faith, family and freedom. More than 30 Day of Prayer Taskforce has called for congregations in Southern California The Summons to be held on the steps participated. of the U.S. Capitol and the Washington The 90-minute program, co-hosted Monument on Oct. 3 to 7. Billed as by Family Research Council and Ameri- a Solemn Assembly, participants will can Family Association, features Tony worship and pray at those two public Perkins, Bishop Harry Jackson, Kirk landmarks as well as the Pentagon and Cameron and Sen. Rick Santorum. the U.S. Supreme Court. Activities will “Thousands of congregations and also include meetings with congre- home groups will be informed, gational leaders. The theme for The equipped and challenged to pray Summons is Psalm 50:1-6. for the upcoming election, prepare Earlier this year, a team of national Coming by registering themselves and others women ministry leaders, including to vote and participate by voting on Vonette Bright, Shirley Dobson, Penny Election Day,” Perkins said in advance Nance and Janet Parshall, implement- Oct. 8 of the event. ed the American Prayer Initiative, com- The emphasis for that campaign is to mitting to pray at least 60 seconds daily pray for the election, prepare through until the Presidential Election. The registering self and others and voting initiative emerged as part of a strategy on Nov. 6. An iVoteValues Voter Toolkit, meeting when the women determined ONLINE! including a DVD, is available online as culture could not be changed unless is a pledge form. its people were changed. Their website On Sept. 28 and 29, several thou- offers strategic prayers designed to sand people were expected to gather return America to her founding roots VOTER GUIDE at Independence Hall in Philadelphia and principles. for a solemn assembly called “America Speakers for the conference will be for Jesus.” The national call to prayer Dobson and her husband, James, Dr. is the latest in a series of gatherings, Dick Eastman; U.S. Rep. Randy Forbes, 7HICHCANDIDATESREPRESENTyour values? which were held in 1980, 1981, 1988, R-Va;, U.S. Rep Louie Gohmert, R- 1996, 2004 and 2007. Texas; Bishop Harry Jackson; and Tony The leadership team for America Perkins of Family Research Council. for Jesus includes Anne Gimenez, the Finally, there is an ongoing effort national chairwoman; Cindy Jacobs, called the “Presidential Prayer Team.” Generals International; Lou Engle, The national prayer ministry was The Call; Harry Jackson, High Impact launched in 2001, after the terrorist Formerly San Diego County Christian Coalition, Leadership; Jane Hansen, AGLOW; attacks on America. Through it millions Providing Non-Partisan Voter Information Since 1992 Samuel Rodriguez, National Hispanic of people pray each day for the presi- Leadership Conference; Jim Garlow, dent, national leaders and the military. Renewing American Leadership and Paul Cedar, Mission America Coalition. For more information, visit Please email this website to all your friends! “America is in a state of emergency, evidenced by the symptoms of wide-, www. &AMILY6OTER)NFOORGs0/"OX 3PRING6ALLEY #!s    spread moral depravity and economic and www. meltdown” the gathering’s website said. SD October 2012 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • 3 Biola challenges HHS regulation as unconstitutional By Lori Arnold but any abortifacients we would In Colorado, a Catholic for- of change fi rst,” he said. “You get thing, is a mischaracterization,” he certainly oppose,” said Jerry Mack- profi t family business successfully used to the language and accept said. LA MIRADA — Biola University ey, legal counsel for the university. challenged the mandate but is still it. Then all of sudden things are “It’s by far the narrowest defi nition is suing the Obama administration Mackey is assisting attorneys from working through appeals. pulled along like a string.” in any federal regulations or any kind alleging federal mandates in the Alliance Defending Freedom, who “That was an encouraging case,” Mackey warned that the Obama of congressional enactments. This is by Affordable Care Act violate the reli- fi led the lawsuit. Mackey said. administration is trying to couch far the most limited religious exemp- gious freedoms of the private Chris- Mackey said Biola covers the ma- Mackey said the issues raised by the religious implications by fram- tion there’s ever been in federal law. tian university. jority of health care costs for its em- the lawsuit go much deeper than ing the argument as solely a repro- We feel that is defi nitely something “The Obama administration’s ployees. life-ending contraception. ductive rights issue. worth opposing.” mandate forces us to act against “In effect, we would be forced to “It’s certainly a dangerous prec- “Where it’s been spun, I think, by our own doctrinal statement, which underwrite something that was in edent on the federal level, the nar- the Obama administration is it’s a For more information, visit www. upholds the sanctity of human life,” opposition to our religious convic- rowing of religious freedom and re- women’s rights issue, which, if any- Biola University President Barry tions,” he said. “That’s the nexus of ligious convictions,” he said. “That’s H. Corey said in a statement. “It where the argument is.” kind of the bigger picture, and our unjustly intrudes on our religious Numerous other suits have been concern is that it will carry over into liberty as protected under the U.S. fi led across the country with at least other areas. The law always works in Voter resources Constitution and makes a mockery three already thrown out in other incremental steps.” California state election sites: of our attempts to live our lives ac- jurisdictions. Mackey said all three Information: cording to our faith convictions, were dismissed on technical issues Marginalizing faith Guide: time honored and long protected.” such as lack of legal standing. One The attorney said the law’s language The suit, which also includes Grace judge ruled that since the Obama is part of a broader intent to squash all Nonpartisan websites: College and Seminary in Indiana, was administration delayed implemen- public expressions of faith. Project Vote Smart: fi led Aug. 23 in the U.S. District Court tation of the mandate for one year, “There are a number of these SmartVoter: Family Voter: for the Northern District of Indiana. it was too early to legally challenge. smaller movements, which I think Grace Schools v. Sebelius argues that does represent a mindset to really Partisan sites: the mandate violates the Religious Dangerous precedent restrict religious expression just to Craig Huey Election Forum: Freedom Restoration Act as well as the Mackey said a lot of confusion re- the church essentially, to a private Craig Huey on judges: First and Fifth amendments to the U.S. mains over the yearlong Safe Har- expression,” he said. Conservative California Election: Constitution. bor delay, during which time the He said evidence to that mind- The mandate, the target of a administration said the mandate set is wide ranging and usually be- Registration information: series of protests since it was an- will not be enforced. gins with semantics. For instance, Registrar of Voters: nounced earlier this year, requires “It’s kind of interesting because he cites a push by progressives to Guidelines on what churches can legally do at election time: all employers to provide insurance when it fi rst came out it was ‘Oh great, redefi ne freedom of religion to National Center for Law and Policy: coverage for abortion-inducing now we have a year to change our re- freedom of worship. Two years ago, Concerned Women for America: drugs at no cost to employees re- ligious beliefs,’” Mackey said, making in a talk at Georgetown University, (will download the information automatically) gardless of religious or moral objec- light of the administration’s decision Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Liberty Council: tions. The only exceptions are for to allow a one-year delay. delivered a speech on human rights Alliance Defending Freedom: churches and religious orders. “We think we have some good in which she referred to freedom Church/LearnMore/Details/3765 The mandate means that all arguments for why (the case) of worship, instead of the constitu- General election deadlines: Christian schools, hospitals, mis- shouldn’t be dismissed, but there is tional guarantee of freedom of re- Oct. 22: Voter registration deadline sions organizations and any other certainly the possibility it could be,” ligion. The concept of freedom of Oct. 30: Absentee ballot application deadline parachurch organizations must the attorney said, citing procedural worship, Mackey said, implies that Nov. 6: General election provide abortifacients, including considerations. it should be limited inside the walls the morning after pill and RU 486. Not all of the news has been bad of the church, marginalizing faith Voter resources provided courtesy of Christian Examiner columnist “We are not opposed to contra- for church-oriented companies, to its smallest denominator. Frank Kacer, founder of the Christian Citizenship Council. ceptives, which are pre-fertilization, however. “A lot of times the semantics sort

Twenty years of dedication to the Citizens of La Mesa Ruth Sterling

“Old Fashioned Values with a Heart and Voice for the People”

— Vote November 6 —

Paid for by Ruth Sterling for City Council 2012 FPPC#1307404 4 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • October 2012 SD The Hispanic vote: What matters to them ‘Evangelicos’ support focus Evangelical Hispanics drawn on social justice, education to issues of life, family By Lori Arnold up hope. We turn our back on the poor and By Lori Arnold that Latino Christian is standing in the middle the needy. saying ‘Where do we go?’ COSTA MESA — Dr. Jesse Miranda is an “I don’t know what other message is more SACRAMENTO — As the Democratic Party “My answer is at the end of the day its not Assemblies of God pastor, Christian university prevalent in Scriptures than the theme of the platform has turned more to the left on matters of about the donkey or the elephant, it’s about professor and CEO of the National Hispanic poor. Why aren’t evangelicals, per se, in gen- life, faith and family, the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, the agenda of the Lamb. That means the La- Christian Leadership Conference. Just don’t call eral, not heeding to the Word?” president of the National Hispanic Christian tino community really has an opportunity of him an evangelical. Leadership Conference, said the redeeming both narratives.” “We use a term in Spanish, Emotion and passion door to the Republican Party is evangelico, to differ from the Miranda’s worldview and widening for Latino evangelicals. Game changers evangelical mainstream because those of his constituents, he “The Democratic value system The Hispanic vote is abso- I think there are differences, said, is heavily steeped in their embedded in their platform lutely critical in an election especially cultural, even if there cultural tradition of deep and does not refl ect the values of the that has been within per- are doctrinal and theological abiding commitment to the Hispanic community,” said Ro- centage points for months. similarities or common issues,” concept of loving and serving driquez, whose group represents According to Rodriquez, said Miranda, who heads the your neighbor, which is lived 40,000 churches. “So it’s a party the Hispanic faith com- Jesse Miranda Center for His- out through helping the poor, that wants to reach the Latino munity played a signifi cant panic Leadership at Vanguard promoting education and advo- community, that has reached role in the 2000 and 2004 University. “The interpretation cating for the suffering. To many it for years based on its issues presidential elections, when and application of those theo- Jesse Miranda evangelicos, their evangelical of social justice and education Samuel Rodriguez the Interstate 4 corridor be- logical, doctrinal studies or peers are much more stoic in reform. Now it’s coming across tween Tampa Bay and Or- knowledge are not the same. Don’t put us in one their approach to God and country and neighbor. the wall that some Latinos are swaying away from lando proved to be a tipping point in elect- big tent by saying evangelical because some of “As Hispanics we come with one of the char- the Democratic Party because it has turned too ing George W. Bush. The corridor is heavily our evangelical brothers and sisters do not have acteristics or traits of passion, emotion,” said far to the left.” populated with Christian Latinos. the same feelings we do, do not have the same Miranda, who has also taught at Azusa Pacifi c Particularly disturbing to Rodriguez and “The Hispanic community, because of issues that we do.” University. “For the evangelical general popula- his constituents was the recent fl oor debacle its Christian worldview, can turn an elec- Those differences, he said—speaking not with tion, emotion is probably for football and soccer at the Democratic National Convention over tion one way or the other,” Rodriguez, an harshness, but out of resolution tempered from but not within loving people or in church, (or) the removal of the word “God” from the par- Assemblies of God minister, said. “Now, we his years of studying social ethics—make it dif- emotion in worship, feelings and regards to the ty platform. It took three confusing votes on are no longer just in Florida and California fi cult for many Hispanic Christians to buy into poor and the needy. live TV and a robust chorus of yeses, nos and and Texas. We are spread across the country. the ideals and promises of the Republican Party. “I think most of the evangelicals in general boos before convention chairman Los Ange- Because of that, I think that this community, “I see some change, but it’s light and moving are middle class, upper class, and they weren’t les Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa declared the this demographic, I believe, has the potential too slow for there to be peace and coordination to be a major player for years to come.” and for the church, in particular, to be effective One of the major factors for Hispanic and be able to model for the new generation the evangelicals in play this election cycle is the reality of Scripture,” the lifelong educator and federal Health and Human Services man- social justice proponent said. date in the Affordable Care Act, which is “You can make strides, but the tempo of the forcing religious institutions such as schools, growth and the depth and the need of a commu- hospitals and parachurch organizations to nity is what is important. In other words, we can provide life-ending contraceptives through look at quantity, but what about the quality and their employee insurance plans. the investment? Issues of education are salient “We fi nd that to be morally reprehensible and very important to the Hispanic community.” and egregious, and it runs counter to our re- He said surveys of Hispanics show that their ligious liberty and even to the First Amend- top concerns are education and unemployment, ment to a great degree so we are pushing with immigration coming in third or fourth, while back as a community,” Rodriguez said. the trend among Republicans is unemployment and immigration. Working both sides “Education is not there,” he said. Rodriguez said his group’s approach is to work As another example, he cites the civil rights with Republicans to establish a more prominent movement, which rolled back discrimination biblical justice approach to such issues as pov- laws limiting access to water fountains, eating erty, education, incarceration and re-entry, and establishments, buses and schools. While the affordable housing. At the same time, they are law changes behavior, it can’t, Miranda said, working to move Democrats back to the center change the heart. on prolife and homosexual issues. “I think it was Henri Nouwen, a Catholic theo- “I think Hispanic evangelicals have a role in logian, who said regarding civil rights that it was The Rev. Samuel Rodriquez, left, and his friend, Jesse Miranda, take the stage at a recent event. prophetically addressing both parties with integ- good. It changed laws. It changed behavior but Although the two men serve together in the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, they rity in order to change the narrative,” he said. (not) the animosity, the underlining feelings,” the each have differing views on public policy. The role of evangelical Hispanics has been a major focus of “It’s what I call ‘reconciling Billy Graham’s professor said. “I think the pathos goes beyond the 2012 presidential election. message of salvation through Christ and Dr. just the ethos and the logos, the knowledge and Martin Luther King Jr.’s march for justice.’ the laws.” always there. They started out being the poor and delegates had successfully voted to reinstate It’s both righteousness and justice. It’s cov- the needy, but it’s the ethnics and, in particular, God into the platform. enant and community. It’s the image of God Law vs. compassion the Hispanics that the majority are suffering in “It was not only the omission of God, it was and the habits of Christ.” The same application, Miranda said, can poverty and needs, and our brothers are unaware the response from the crowd,” the national be made to various Republican policies—im- or unconcerned about it.” leader said. “We all saw it. We all heard it. Truth to power migration, and reforms for welfare and so- We all know the majority of the people on The tightrope, he said, is to engage party Seeking a relationship cial security—which he and others believe that fl oor were not in favor of reincorporat- leaders without becoming part of the system. embrace compassion from the head, but not True or not, perception many times is the driv- ing the term God. We saw it as a nation. The “In order for us to maintain the integrity necessarily the heart. Although moderates ing force behind politics and often determines world heard it. Through parliamentary ma- of our prophetic witness we can’t marry a in the party and some conservatives, such as which bubble voters will check in the ballot box. nipulation the result was otherwise. political ideology,” he said. “We are called Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Con- While Miranda has been critical of conservative “Now you can imagine a Hispanic believer as Daniel and Joseph and Esther and Paul to vention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Com- politics, he acknowledges that there has been pan- saying, ‘Why do I want to be a part of a party speak truth to power. We have to be indepen- mission, have championed some softening of dering for Latino votes on both sides of the aisle. who has a problem with God?’ The Christian dent enough, with integrity, to speak into the the nation’s border policy, Miranda still sees “I think our vote should be considered through- worldview is not just something for the His- party apparatus.” a fi ssure between law and compassion. out a president’s tenure rather than just a blip panic faith community. It’s everything. It’s In the end, Rodriguez said Hispanic evangeli- While they debate their approach to social on the screen during the election,” he said. “I the optic that drives us.” cals must search their hearts—and souls—against justice issues, churches across the country, think it’s a little stronger now, the incentive, the Still, the party lines can be confusing for the backdrop of a biblical worldview. in keeping with their philosophy of smaller awareness, the consciousness, because of num- Hispanic evangelicals. The hard-line stance “One of the messaging components that we government, have responded by stepping up bers. It’s the quantity. There is a narrow margin against immigration by Republicans is also a share with our constituents across the country their involvement with community enhance- there that now we are told that Hispanics can be game changer for evangelicals who believe is when you go to the voting booth do not vote ment projects and have tackled such social is- the critical difference because of that.” the Christian response should be more com- as a Hispanic, as a black, brown, white or yellow sues as human traffi cking and creation care. Because of the growth of the Hispanic popula- passionate and charitable on social justice person,” he said. “Do not vote your cultural “It did not go deep enough that it would tion, Miranda said, both parties should become issues. heritage or your ethnicity. Vote vertical. Vote your be rooted in the solitude of the heart where more inclined to earnestly listen to the hearts of “The Republicans have a good platform, but Christian worldview. You are fi rst and foremost there is the Good Samaritan ethos, the feel- Christian Hispanics year-round. the rhetoric kind of pushes us, alienates us,” he a Christian, a child of God.” ing of helping others,” he said. “When only “Where is the substance and the prolonged said. “So here we have a Republican Party whose He likened the concept to a cross. our minds and our hearts work together, we relationship with the community and its needs?” immigration rhetoric conveys a mixed message “When we vote it’s an act of prophetic wit- quickly become dependant on the result of he asked. “We’re used to working on the borders of whether or not they like Latinos and we have ness, so we can’t take it lightly. We need to be our actions and we tend to give up when they between two. We seem to be bilingual, bicultural. a Democratic Party that through its platform very careful in letting our horizontal reality don’t materialize, and that’s what happen- … So consequently we deal with the parties the conveys a message that does not necessarily guide us in how we vote. Our vertical voting ing. It’s not materializing, so we are giving same way. To us its not either or, but vote.” resonate with the Christian Latino worldview so will have horizontal consequences.” SD October 2012 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • 5 Governor Jerry Brown signs bill Calvary Ranch A Recovery Facility for Drug and Alcohol Abuse restricting picketing at funerals Where God does the healing

By Lori Arnold Breaking the bondage of SACRAMENTO — Funeral pro- addictions testers in California will have to since 1972 stay at least 300 feet away from all burial or memorial sites thanks to a For more information please call bill signed into law Sept. 17 by Gov. 800-404-2258 Jerry Brown. The bill was drafted in response 13610 Willow Road, Lakeside to ongoing picketing of military funerals nationwide by members of the Kansas-based Westboro Bap- tist Church, which believes soldier combat deaths are God’s punish- ment for America’s pro-homosexu- al public policy. WE TEACH SKIN CARE Last year, Brown vetoed a similar measure that required protesters to Mary Kay has a proven effective PHOTO BY ARIZONA LINCOLN/WIKIPEDIA stay at least 1,000-feet away from the Followers of Westboro Baptist Church, pictured at a previous anti-Semitic skin care program for you. All funerals, saying he did not believe protest, will no longer be able to protest within 300 feet of funerals in California basic skin care products are non- it complied with a U.S. Supreme after Gov. Jerry Brown signed a new law restricting access to all burial sites. The comedogenic and clinically tested Court ruling earlier in the year. group has protested military funerals across the country saying military deaths for skin irritancy and allergy. “(I was) very tempted to sign it,” are God’s punishment for homosexuality. Call today! Brown said at the time. Sandy Hertzberg The nation’s high court, in an 8-1 federal ruling, state Sen. Ted Lieu, his followers “verbal terrorism.” (619) 265-0138 vote, upheld the church group’s right D-Torrance, later modifi ed his bill “Fred Phelps and his followers’ Independent Beauty Consultant to protest in March 2011 after the family before reintroducing it earlier this grotesque assault on these bereft of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder fi led suit year as Senate Bill 661. The new family members is nothing less against Westboro Baptist after protest- proposal reduced the buffer zone than verbal pornography and ob- ers targeted his Maryland funeral. In from 1,000 feet to 300 feet. scenity,” he said. “It is not, and Shedding light its decision, Supreme Court Justice “Since time immemorial, soci- should not be, protected under the John Roberts, writing for the major- ety has respected the dignity and First Amendment. For this group of on FINANCIAL ity, said upsetting or contemptuous sacredness of putting the dead misguided zealots to do their despi- speech does not justify such stringent to rest,” Lieu said in a statement. cable deeds in the name of God is and INSURANCE needs regulation. “This bill recognizes the sanctity blasphemous.” “Westboro’s funeral picketing of funerals by placing reasonable Over the years, members of the is certainly hurtful, and its contri- time, place and manner restrictions group have traveled to Southern bution to public discourse may be on disruptive protestors.” California to protest not only funer- Luminary Financial and Insurance Solutions negligible,” Roberts wrote. “But The law initiates the distance re- als, but also churches, the Academy Westboro addressed matters of strictions beginning one hour be- Awards and fi lm sets. In San Diego Ask me about... public import on public property, fore and one hour after funerals. County, the group has protested - Life Insurance “you don’t have to die to use” in a peaceful manner, in full com- Violations include a fi ne of up to in Carlsbad, El Cajon, La Jolla, La $1,000, imprisonment in a county Mesa, Miramar, San Diego, Santee - Using Life Insurance for your retirement needs pliance with the guidance of local tax free! offi cials. The speech was indeed jail for as long as six months, or and Spring Valley. planned to coincide with Matthew both. - Single Premium Life Insurance Snyder’s funeral but did not itself Westboro Baptist is known for its - Return of Premium Term Life insurance disrupt that funeral, and West- brightly colored signs, which are Frank Cueva - Senior Citizen Final Expense Programs boro’s choice to conduct its picket- tailored to various protest targets, CA Lic #OG88532 (featuring no medical exams and permanent ing at that time and place did not including Jews and homosexuals. 1-800-991-5307 x4 coverage that does not increase) alter the nature of its speech.” Those frequently used for the mili- CENTURY 21 AWARD fcueva@ - Coverages available for Cancer, Terminal tary funeral protests include “God luminaryfi Illnesses, AIDS, Diabetes, Hepatitis, Alzheimer’s, Roberts then reiterated the foun- PROVERBS 3:5-10 dational right to speech. Hates Fags,” “Pray For More Dead Parkinson’s, Organ Transplants, Dialysis “Speech is powerful,” the justice Soldiers,” “You’re Going to Hell,” Contact me conditions, and more. said. “It can stir people to action, and “Thank God for IEDs.” Gary L. Ryerson today and move them to tears of both joy and Church leaders from across the 619/ 619/ experience sorrow, and—as it did here—infl ict country have denounced Westboro 593-4300 or 590-3053 our client-fi rst great pain. On the facts before us, for its actions, including Richard philosophy www.luminaryfi we cannot react to that pain by pun- Land, president of the Southern 10% referral for ishing the speaker.” Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty buyers and sellers to Responding to Brown’s concerns Commission who labeled the work your church or ministry. “There is a difference between having insurance and being insured.” about possible violations of the of church leader Fred Phelps and


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*9000-%&-0-8=-2796)( 0-' 6 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • October 2012 SD

Times are too important to live life inside of a bubble Ever feel like choosing to drop to tune out what’s ogy, many of us wan- believe the world is one big alarm distracted or too immersed in our out for a while, trying to escape around me. I’m ready der around town with clock. Just like when checking into selective detachment to pay atten- reality and attempting to live a bit to put on headphones, ear buds in place, a hotel and calling the front desk tion or even care. of life in a bubble? Feeling like run- open a book or turn monitoring our mu- for a morning wake-up call, we be- ning away from life’s pressures and on my Nook device to sic playlists and other lieve we can call all the shots. We’ll Settling accounts challenges is normal. Only if you read and take myself audio streams such awake on our schedule and assume As Election Day draws near, I’m make it an endless proposition can away from the uncom- as our beloved radio we can just hit the snooze button very concerned that too many of us it become a problem. fortable nature of the podcasts. If we’re not when we don’t want to participate. have decided to spend more time Opting out too often can lead to fl ying sardine cans or careful, however, we Then we have the audacity to re- separated from current events. disastrous results. cattle cars we all expe- can wander into ac- quest a follow-up alarm. Some of the smartest people I Remember that movie account rience. cidents just waiting to God has a knack for making us know have expressed frustration of the young man who had to keep On arrival at a ho- Mark Larson happen. take notice when we get too busy with candidates and issues and away from all the germs and health tel, I hang the “Do Not Numerous news building our own bubbles in life. threaten to opt out of the process. threats in life, so he was wrapped Disturb” sign on the door so I won’t reports this year have highlight- He can allow new surprises and Some even claim they’ll just stay inside a kind of protective bal- be bothered when I’m prepping for ed people’s getting into trouble challenges to help us refocus on home and not vote on Nov. 6. loon? They called him the “Boy in meetings and events. As much as I when they’re absorbed with what’s more important things, like cen- There’s too much on the line the Bubble.” On the surface, it can enjoy good service, I can turn down playing in their headphones. Cell tering our lives upon Him. Unless right now for us to hit the snooze seem attractive at times. my own bed, thank you. Just give phones have also become the hot- we take a moment to see the big- button and ignore the ringing There are also some people in me a little privacy, please. test item for hit-and-run criminals ger picture, we may assume His alarms. And as we do at hotels upon life we might want to put into a bub- We all do this kind of thing, to steal, grabbing the valuable de- attention-getters are merely “coin- checkout, it’s important to remem- ble… those over-exposed, cranky, sometimes without even knowing vices while the owner’s oblivious to cidental.” Blessings and answers to ber to “settle our accounts.” These just not-fun-to-be-around types. But it. Again, such mini-escapes can his or her surroundings. prayer are ignored. are days that require all of us to be in today’s 24/7 media culture, even be good and necessary at times, One famous video shows a per- Right now there are alarms ring- prayerfully alert, embracing our re- those people get their own reality but aren’t we doing too much “in- son falling into an open manhole ing all over America, and around sponsibilities as citizens—and keep- TV shows, so we can’t get away from tentional tuning out” these days? on the street while consumed by the world. There is no shortage ing our personal “accounts” up to them. “Snooki” comes to mind, With everything going on in our her iPod. Another features a wom- of news that often shocks us back date with God. bless her heart. So much for setting world—decisions and events that an walking full speed ahead until to reality, popping our protective them aside, out of sight and out of determine our future waiting for she tumbles into a refl ective pool bubbles. Whether it’s an unbeliev- Larson is a veteran Southern Cali- mind. attention—shouldn’t we be more and water fountain. Even worse cas- able crime down the street or ter- fornia radio/television personality I’ll admit that when I travel, I in sync with what’s happening? es involve tragic and yet avoidable rorist attacks around the world, it’s and media consultant. He can be have a variety of “bubble measures” I’m in the news business, and life-and-death consequences. clear that the forces of evil are on heard daily in San Diego on KCBQ to deploy. When boarding a crowd- I know I can never get enough the march. God’s in control, but 1170AM from 6 to 9 a.m. and on ed airplane I’m usually very eager information. Operating on snooze Satan is having a fi eld day. He is KPRZ 1210AM from 2 to 4 p.m. to get seated and then quickly try With new smart phone technol- Sometimes I think too many of us making progress when we are too Email: [email protected]. The November election and the Chick-fi l-A phenomenon Our traditional, biblical moral Unfortunately, this last genera- government then affi rmed traditional swell is supported by massive num- values have been under attack as tion of moral relativism has pro- in absolute control marriage and clearly bers of Christians, in spite of the long as I can remember. Although duced an abundance of political of our lives, no one rejected same-sex lack of widespread pastoral involve- this in and of itself should be of leaders willing to canonize a belief will be able to bet- marriage. These ment in equipping or encouraging no surprise, what’s particularly that government can benevolently ter their situation contests were won their fl ocks to become engaged troubling is the degree to which serve as an all-powerful protector through their own by those who knew (Matthew 5:13-16). open hostility has been nurtured and provider for everyone’s needs hard work. right from wrong This is all leading up to a truly and promoted in the public realm. at the expense of wealth creators. Fortunately, even and through the or- pivotal fall election with the presi- Aided and abetted by such things as Regrettably, this Robin Hood class in this dire time, ganizational skills dency, Obamacare and the country an “anything- goes” entertainment warfare only creates unfruitful there are amazing and commitment on the line. As November gets clos- industry; major news outlets that dependency by playing to man’s counter trends. In of Roman Catholics er, the hypocrisy of liberalism, the are nothing more than cheerlead- selfi sh nature (2 Thessalonians spite of most church- Frank Kacer and Mormons, while playing to race and class envy, the ers for political correctness; and a 3:11-12) rather than promoting es’ refusing to be the evangelical leaders shrillness of homosexual activism, government-controlled education personal responsibility, initiative moral conscience to often stood on the the demonizing of biblical values system hostile to any Christian in- and commitment to provide for the nation, and the narrowness of sidelines. and the obvious denial of four years fl uence, an entire generation has oneself and family (1 Timothy 5:8). mainstream reporting, talk radio What about the marketplace? of incompetent economic manipu- emerged without benefi t of a solid The current administration and Fox News have helped shape Recently J. C. Penny came out lation will give people of faith the moral compass. perfectly embodies this ideology the public dialogue on issues of with gay friendly advertising, opportunity to once more stand up Is it any wonder that self-cen- and is quickly taking the last steps the day. While pulpits are silent and it’s stock plummeted, not and be counted. teredness, victimhood, hedonism necessary to dismantle our free about government theft of wealth because of church leaders’ lead- They may be silently taking care and an entitlement mentality have enterprise, market-based system and its appetite for indebtedness, ing the way but because so many of their own lives, but when given become commonplace and that to replace it with a coldly prag- the Tea Party has emerged to are fed up with the in-your-face the chance they’ll speak loudly at biblical truths are denigrated? matic, restraint-free statism. With challenge government’s intrusion sexual lifestyles constantly being the polls for what’s right. in our lives and the bankrupting promoted. And even more re- Contrary to what sexual liber- of America. Contrary to what cently, when the CEO of Chick- tines or those that want govern- the mainstream news thinks, this fi l-A openly supported traditional ment to be their parent or those movement has not disappeared marriage and rejected same-sex who envy successful people say, but instead has grown, matured marriage hundreds of thousands we’re not on the wrong side of and become more focused since of people across the nation voted history. In reality, liberalism is on Publishers: Lamar & Theresa Keener the 2010 midterm elections. For for him by opening their wallets the wrong side of biblical moral- Managing Editor: Lori Arnold one recent example, remember at his fast food restaurants. ity, and it will fail. Proofreading: Cassie LaFollette the failed recall of Gov. Scott Advertising: Scott Coyle EVANGELICAL Walker in Wisconsin by out of A pattern emerges Kacer is executive director for Calendar/Classifi eds: Brittany Keener PRESS control labor unions? There’s an interesting pattern the Christian Citizenship Council of ASSOCIATION Copyright © 2012 Selah Media Group What about the family? Same- here. When conservatives get in- San Diego. He can be reached at sex marriage has only been imple- volved fi scal irresponsibility is re- [email protected]. The Christian Examiner, formerly known as the Christian Times and fi rst established in 1983, is an in de- mented through raw judicial fi at jected, marriage is protected, godly Originally published in The pen dent Christian news pa per pub lished monthly by Selah Media Group with an audience of Evan gel i cal or political grandstanding by lib- businesses are supported and those Communities at the Washington Christians. It is available in fi ve regional editions throughout Southern California and the Twin Cities. All eral state legislatures. When sub- with the same values are placed in Times at www.communities. our regional newspapers are available without charge at Christian bookstores, churches, and Christian businesses. Mail sub scriptions are $19.95/year. The com bined press run monthly is 150,000 copies. mitted to a popular vote, 32 states offi ce. Remarkably, this ground- The Christian Examiner welcomes press releases and news of interest that is relevant to our readership. All unsolicited material is subject to the approval of the publishers and is not returned. Viewpoints expressed in the Christian Examiner are those of their respective writers, and are not neces- sarily held by the publishers. Advertising in the Christian Examiner is open to anyone desiring to reach the Christian community. Reasonable effort is made to screen potential advertisers, but no endorsement of the publishers is implied or should be inferred. The publishers can accept no responsibility for the products or services offered through adver tise- ments. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any ad ver tis ing. Deadline for submission of ad copy, calendar events, and articles is the 15th of the month preceding publication for the San Diego edition and the 18th for the other editions. Address all correspondence to: Christian Examiner, P. O. Box 2606, El Cajon, CA 92021 Phone (619) 668-5100 • Fax: (619) 668-1115 • E-mail: [email protected] Advertising and Bulk Delivery Information (619) 668-5100 or 1-800-326-0795 SD October 2012 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • 7

Dealers in hope: Poverty’s superior solution During the Democratic National lessness and poverty, dent groups around the Convention in Charlotte, columnist those he serves must country, but The King’s Leonard Pitts wrote a story for the front If you can change the way develop a new out- Kitchen shows the power page of the Charlotte Observer indicting look on themselves of one couple and the vi- both parties for failing to speak up for and on life: “If you sion they had for caring the poor. He inspired this column. a person sees himself, you can change the way for what Scripture calls Pitts, though a lefty, is right. If the a person sees him- “the least of these.” Democrats and Republicans aren’t self, you can change A footnote: Jim Noble talking about the greater goal of can change his whole life. his whole life. If they says he is a political con- helping the poor become un-poor Jim Noble, restaurant owner can just reconnect servative, but “socially (rather than just sending them a with the dreams they Cal Thomas liberal” in the sense he check to sustain them in their pov- had when they were believes in spreading his erty), is anyone doing something young, build their faith and trust own wealth around to help the needy. to help them? At least one person King’s Kitchen. Standing between “We are dealers in hope; we give God to get out of the ditch, they The difference between his “lib- is—and within sight of the Demo- a Hooters and a Morton’s steak people hope,” he says. can transform their lives.” eralism” and that of the Democratic cratic National Convention. house, Noble donates profi ts from The King’s Kitchen may be Jesse Spann is a cook at The National Convention meeting a few Jim Noble is a native North Caro- The King’s Kitchen to a ministry unique among restaurants. It King’s Kitchen. Spann says he’s blocks away is that he is liberal with linian and restaurateur. In the busi- he and his wife began to help get earned non-profi t status from the been homeless, unemployed and the money he makes and he holds ness for 30 years, he says his Chris- people off the streets and back on IRS because of its focus on job de- survived at one time by “digging in accountable those on the receiving tian faith led him and his wife to their feet. velopment and training. “We give dumpsters.” Spann is now married end. There is another difference: help Charlotte’s growing homeless The place has been operational them a job and they get paid and with children and his wife is a min- His program has a far better success population—which has increased only since 2010 and Noble empha- then we have Bible discipleship ister. He says he loves going back rate than the government’s, which signifi cantly. According to the U.S. sizes “it’s not a soup kitchen,” but and church in the restaurant on into the streets and ministering to does not and cannot change hu- Conference of Mayors, in August more like a restoration center with Sundays,” Noble explains. “They the homeless. He can identify. man hearts with the transforming 2010, homelessness among families food. He feeds bodies so he can have to attend and we give them Noble says there are enough message Noble not only preaches increased 21 percent in Charlotte also feed souls. Noble believes that leadership classes and teach social churches in Charlotte that if each and teaches, but lives. from the year before. if a homeless person, drug addict skills and restaurant skills. They go one helped just one poor or home- And the Southern-style cooking Noble owns a for-profi t restau- or alcoholic is not changed from through a one-year program and less person, the problem would be is excellent. rant in downtown Charlotte, but within and given hope, he or she is then they can either get out and get effectively solved. the one that is making a differ- unlikely to see their circumstances a job, or stay on with us.” There are many good works per- © 2012 Tribune Media Services, ence is a non-profi t one called The improve. Noble says to overcome home- formed by church and indepen- Inc. A Christian nation? Faith, freedom and virtue One way to grasp on the hill.” Certainly, Triangle of Freedom.” The critical what kind of nation we many founders did take …the founders provided a thing we must understand, Guinness were founded to be is their personal faith in says, is that the three truths that make to look closely at what Jesus Christ seriously; up this triangle—freedom, virtue and we’ve abandoned. but others like Jefferson formula for how freedom faith—are interdependent. The debate over and Franklin certainly In other words, freedom requires whether America is did not. In fact they ex- virtue. Virtue requires faith. And a “Christian nation” pressed views that were could be sustained. faith requires freedom. If freedom, has been raging for far from orthodox. virtue or faith cease to be central to decades. On the one So what’s the truth? is not that freedom was won, but And as Chuck Colson often the American way of life, the most hand you have those I think my friend Os Eric Metaxas that the founders provided a for- pointed out, the loss of virtue is the radical and effective experiment in who claim the found- Guinness offers ter- mula for how freedom could be greatest threat to freedom. self-government in the history of ers were deists, and that the ideals rifi c clarity in his new book “A Free sustained. The American founders, for that sparked the American Revolu- People’s Suicide: Sustainable Free- the world will fail. Sustaining freedom, according to the most part, shared the Judeo- tion were as secular as those that dom and the American Future.” That’s why we care so deeply drove the French Revolution. Friends, I simply cannot overstate Os, is incredibly rare because freedom Christian understanding of human about the HHS mandate, or the From this perspective, our best bet how important this book is at this is its own worst enemy. James Madison nature, that man, the most creative Chick-fi l-A fi asco, because they re- would be to keep religious views out moment in our history. observed that, “Liberty may be endan- and intelligent of creatures, is also fl ect the cultural and political trend of the public square and maintain a In the book, Os points out that gered by the abuses of liberty as well fallible; he possesses an insatiable to push faith from the center of our radical separation of church and state. revolutions are not rare in the his- as the abuses of power.” Think about appetite for power. So the founders public life. On the other hand, some Christians tory of nations, nor is the pursuit it: The risk of freedom is that when offered a recipe for sustaining free- paint most or all of the American of freedom. History tells plenty of freedom is achieved, it often leads to dom based on an accurate under- © 2012 Prison Fellowship. Metax- founding fathers as evangelical Chris- stories about how freedom is won a sense of entitlement, justifying what- standing of fallen human nature. as is the voice of “Breakpoint,” a tians, who sensed a call from God to through revolution. But what made ever lifestyle choices we want to enjoy. In “A Free People’s Suicide,” Os radio commentary, formerly featur- establish a Christian nation, a new “city the American experiment unique Unbridled license undermines liberty. Guinness calls this recipe “The Golden ing the late Chuck Colson. Cal Thomas CHILD CUSTODY & Support Uʛ£Ê >̈œ˜>ÞÊ -ޘ`ˆV>Ìi`Ê œÕ“˜ˆÃÌ Law Office of

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UÊ*Àœ‡ˆviÊ`ۜV>Ìi 33 YEARS~ OF FAMILY LAW EXPERIENCE /œÊÃV i`ՏiÊ >Ê/ œ“>ÃÊ Also handling… vœÀÊޜÕÀʘiÝÌÊëiVˆ>ÊiÛi˜Ì]Ê Divorce and Property Division Vœ˜Ì>VÌÊ >ÀŽÊ>Àܘ° Named by the San Diego Daily Transcript as a San Diego County Top Attorney 2008 ,i«ÀiÃi˜Ìi`ÊLÞÊ >ÀŽÊ>ÀÜ˜Ê i`ˆ>Ê-iÀۈViÃ]ʘV° 1-888-FAMLAW-5 7-!$)3/. %,#!*/.s   * œ˜i\Ê­È£™®Ênn£‡Ónx£ÊUÊ “>ˆ\ʓ>ÀŽJ“>ÀŽ>Àܘ°Vœ“ 8 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • October 2012 SD 50 industry professionals confi rmed for fi lm festival SAN DIEGO — The San Di- tor and producer Richard Cook, ego Christian Film Festival will “Omega Code,” “One Night With host its third annual event Nov. the King”; Jenn Gotzon, “Frost/ 9 to 11 at the newly restored Nixon,” “God’s Country,” “Doon- 700-seat Birch North Park The- by”; Brad Silverman, “Grace ater. In all, more than 50 Chris- Unplugged,” “No Greater Love”; tian industry professionals will John Sullivan, “2016: Obama’s be attending. America,” “Expelled,” “No In- Among the highlights will telligence Allowed”; Gabrielle be the screening of “25 Hill,” a Evans, a Los Angeles casting new fi lm from Corbin Bernsen. director; Richard Krevolin, a Members of the cast are ex- screenwriting consultant; and pected to be in attendance for Randy Slaughter, from Rocky a meet-and-greet after the mov- Mountain Pictures, which has Laura Reaper (played by Jenn Gotzon) tries to steal Sam Doonby’s (played by John Schneider) diary to discover his hidden ie’s screening. The screening released such fi lms as “Hardfl ip” secrets in mystery-thriller “Doonby.” will usher in the opening night and “Luther.” and include a special tribute to Numerous workshops are local veterans. planned to allow attendees Also showing during the fes- to learn fi rsthand from work- tival will be an exclusive West ing industry experts as well as Acting out Coast premier of David Nixon’s viewing the best in faith-based latest fi lm, “Renee.” Nixon, fi lms submitted from across who has produced “Facing the the globe. The festival is being Giants,” “Fireproof” and “Let- produced in cooperation with Christian actress lands roles, uses ters to God,” is also scheduled Princebury Productions. to make an appearance. Nixon will be among the invit- For more information, visit www. them to inspire values discussions ed speakers, which includs direc- By Lori Arnold that have storylines that can enter- tain people but really can inspire HOLLYWOOD — Fresh out of someone’s life or can impact some- Need auto body repairs? high school, Jenn Gotzon was fl oat- one’s life to want to be a better per- ing in a pool wondering what to do son.” Consider it done. with her life. She prayed for direc- Raised a Catholic, Gotzon said tion and at once was reminded of that as young teen she had strayed Services include: an advertisement for dancers at from her faith and her parents as s #OLLISIONREPAIRFROM Florida’s Disney World. she began to run with the wrong minor dings to major She called the amusement park crowd in high school. She could damage) to get more specifi cs and asked have benefi ted from her own inspi- s &RAMESTRAIGHTENING the switchboard operator if she rational movie, but instead went to s #USTOMPAINTING knew of anyone there needing a a Catholic retreat. roommate. “At that time in that retreat, I s $ENTSCRATCHREMOVAL “We don’t provide roommate just saw Jesus forgiving me. and s 7INDSHIELDSIDEWINDOW service,” the woman said kindly I felt like I had shackles on,” she replacement chuckling, but took her number said. “I guess it would be spiritu- s &2%%ESTIMATES just in case. al shackles. I felt I (had)gotten s )NSURANCECLAIMS Ten minutes later Gotzon’s into bondage, but I didn’t really phone rang with the Disney opera- know until those shackles were Looking for a quality repair shop? One that’s verifi ed by Underwriters tor on the other end of the line. released. That was after I experi- Laboratories Inc. to meet Certifi edFirst™ Network high standards “Would you like to live with the enced Jesus really forgiving me. for equipment, personnel, training and amenities? One where Little Mermaid and the Jungle Actress Jenn Gotzon serves as a At that moment, I was for the independent research consistently shows that its customers are “very Book Monkey and Hercules?” she presenter at a past Movieguide fi rst time really understanding satisfi ed”? One that offers a Lifetime Paint Performance Guarantee* asked Gotzon, explaining that she Awards. Jesus as my personal Savior. He using products that have earned the Good had just gone on break and found from an agent sending them on an died. He died for my sins, for your Housekeeping Seal? Then select a Certifi edFirst™ a posting in the employee lounge. audition. For me, God has been my sins, for all of our sins.” Network shop, and consider it done. “I took that as my fi rst affi rma- agent. I have gotten jobs from God- In keeping with her relationship tion of God’s faith,” said Gotzon, ordained arrangements.” with Christ, Gotzon, who now at- Duggan’s Collision Center who had earlier competed in the In one instance she was offered tends non-denominational church- 630 Grand Ave., Spring Valley local Miss America pageants. a role by way of Facebook, while es, said she accepts movie roles that So she left Pennsylvania with another time a producer found express themes of redemption, (619) 465-5655 the $200 she had in her bank Gotzon by doing a Google image faith or are family friendly. *see Guarantee for details and limitations. www.certifi edfi 1-866-CERT-1ST account to try out for one of the search for Jenn, saying the name “It’s a really good, positive world- dancing acts at Disney’s Animal just popped into her head while view that can teach people about Kingdom Theme Park in Or- they were discussing casting for an love, , forgiveness and all the lando. She landed a part as an upcoming fi lm. values that we believe in in our Liberty Charter High School opening dancer in the March of Gotzon said she embraces not faith,” she said. the ARTimals parade. only the long journey that led her Grades 9-12 Since coming to faith late in to this point but also the Lord’s Changing Hollywood high school, Gotzon said God’s handprints she’s seen at every turn. In addition to being blessed by No hand has clearly been on her “Maybe now it’s coming to frui- the rise of her own star, Gotzon said career. Leaning on her fi rst love, tion because maybe I’ve experi- she’s pleased that faith-based fi lms Tuition the Lord, has led her to success enced more growth in my life per- are also coming into their own. in her second love—acting. sonally, and maybe I have more “We’ve seen a dramatic change, “Every season God has revealed that I can offer now for others,” she which is so exciting,” she said, add- Small School new opportunities,” she said. “I’ve said. “I don’t know if anyone is ever ing that a production company been so overwhelmingly blessed ready; it’s really by God’s grace, but that produces horror fi lms has now Strong that after pursuing this since I was maybe God’s timing is because of broadened its scope into the faith- Academics 15 … fi nally, my dream is starting that.” based genre. to come. I’m starting to be able She is also cognizant that the wait In June, Variety magazine co- Leadership to see the fruit of it.” could have been much longer, if at hosted the Family Entertainment Literacy Now 33, Gotzon just released “I all. and Faith-Based Summit in associa- Am Gabriel” on DVD, the fi rst of “Talk about the guys in the Bible, tion with Rogers & Cowan. Technology nine fi lms in the pipeline in which 40 years—40 years,” she said. “Can “They basically made a stamp in she is billed as a lead actress. you imagine?” the industry saying faith-based fi lms “It’s such an endearing, inspira- are real,” Gotzon said. “They are ENROLL tional drama about talking to God A teen’s dreams accepted, and we don’t understand and the angels in our life,” she said. Gotzon’s love of fi lm emerged it, so let’s understand it. Let’s have NOW The sequence of fi lms emerged during her teens when she fell in a conference. Let’s bring everybody after a successful role as Tricia Nix- love with the big screen stories. together and really understand Call Today on in the 2008 “Frost/Nixon” and “When I walk out I am electri- what’s happening here, which leading roles in this year’s “Doon- fi ed with passion from my head to was a revolutionary mark for Hol- 619.668.2131 by” and “God’s Country,” which my toes,” she said. “I want so much lywood.” was directed by her husband of six to do that for other people. I get so During the summit Gotzon said Located in years, Chris Armstrong. moved by movies sometimes that I she talked with several Christian in- Our goal is to create and equip Lemon Grove “That little role (Trish Nixon) just want to be able to give that gift dustry insiders who were near tears the leaders of tomorrow 8425 Palm Street is what God used to launch my ca- to others. reer,” she said. “Most actors get jobs “I wanted to be a part of movies See ACTRESS, next page SD October 2012 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • 9 ACTRESS… Continued from last page when they asked, “Could you imag- ine this happening 20 years ago?”

God’s presence While landing roles is obviously the center of her career, Gotzon said she’s adamant about using her high-profi le profession as a beacon for her faith. “For me, as a Christian, I love the Lord. I go to Bible study,” she said. “I’m a work in progress. I am in no way or any shape close to being per- fect, I am so far from it, but I just feel God’s love and His presence. “When I go on a movie set, whether it’s in Hollywood or on an indie fi lm, I feel God’s presence and his love. It’s just so wonderful to be- come friends and love one another unconditionally, being on sets with all walks of life, different belief sys- tems, and just love people.” Because the industry is built on relationships, the actress said she’s always carefully considering the ap- propriate time to share her light with an often dark industry. “I will pray, and if God puts it on my heart, I will share a little bit Eden Graham (played by Michael Toland) takes an earful as Meghan Doherty (played by Jenn Gotzon) puts her foot down in making him sign the deal in “God’s Country.” about where that light is coming from,” she said. “I try to be very wise The actress also uses the movies For instance, in talks about “I am and discerning on when to share that she’s been in to lead seminars Gabriel,” she pursues discussions because we are not on a movie set and work one-on-one with people on how we talk to God, how to and to be at church.” to establish their own strategies us- how to listen. In “God’s Country” ing character traits of the roles she she explores idolatry and such top- Paying it forward has played. ics as how easily we worship our Now that she is established in “I feel like the call that the Lord career, worship cars or “get caught Hollywood, Gotzon is looking to use has on my life, when I pray and up in the rat race instead of taking what she has learned to help others when I discern, is to be able to use time for family and friends and be- spiritually. She has established Inspir- the movies that I’m in, screen them ing out in God’s creation?” ing Audiences, in which she uses her for churches, fi lm festivals or high “It’s totally God,” she said. “Each own testimony to encourage others to schools or even colleges, and then fi lm I’m in has that type of story. overcome life’s barriers. afterwards talk with the group and Who gets cast on Facebook?” “There are so many obstacles talk about what the principles of the when you are trying to pursue a call movie teaches,” she said. “What can For more information, visit www. that God has given,” she said. we learn? What can grow from?” 10 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • October 2012 SD We’ve got all the numbers… and websites you need!

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Get your own FREE copy s0ICKUPACOPYATYOURCHURCH 4HE2OCKPILE"OOKSTORE0OINT,OMA "EREAN#HRISTIAN3TORE+EARNY-ESA #ALVARY#HRISTIAN3TORE /CEANSIDE #REATION%ARTH(ISTORY-USEUM3ANTEE OROTHER#HRISTIANRETAILSTORESCOUNTYWIDE s#ALLUSAT  EXT ORSENDANEMAILREQUESTTOCEYP CHRISTIANEXAMINERCOMWITHYOURMAILINGADDRESS 7ELLMAILIT TOYOUATNOCOSTTOYOU Find us online at s$OWNLOADACOMPLETE0$&COPYOFENTIREDIRECTORY s"ROWSETHEPAGE BY PAGEDIGITALmIPBOOK s3CROLLTHROUGHTHEINDEXEDONLINELISTINGS SD October 2012 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • 11 The Love Trap Keeping teens from the tricks of traffi ckers By Patti Townley-Covert ment Anti-Human Traffi cking Task of the system in an effort to help Force. After training more than 800 them get established. RIVERSIDE — A giggling group of government offi cials and 4,000-plus But before any of that can hap- high school girls shop for homecom- pastors, civic leaders, city personnel, pen, churches must recognize the ing at the local mall. While the others corporations and public health offi cials truth and severity of the problems, head for the dressing rooms, one girl on how to identify and report human Singleton said. She’d especially like lags behind. Her father is unemployed, traffi cking and assist victims, Singleton to see more men get involved. so she has no money. Besides, no one’s said she realized that “traffi cking in the “This is a men’s issue,” she said. asked her for a date. She eyes an emer- U.S. is more diverse and brutal than in “It has to do with the safety of their ald green strapless gown while waiting developing countries because gangs family and community.” for her friends. have developed teen prostitution into Businesspeople could also make From out of nowhere, a man in his an industry.” a difference by subsidizing the mid-20s approaches. His words dripped Using “The Love Trap,” Million Kids training. Singleton said that with with honey: “You are so beautiful; that has already educated more than 2,000 enough funding, she could recruit dress would look gorgeous on you. Let individuals on how to understand “the a couple of former victims to tell me buy it for you.” sounds of a predator.” their stories as they take “The Love “Oh no,” she says, secretly fl attered. “Recognizing the techniques, Trap” around the country. “I couldn’t.” psychology, and methods they use During the recent CASE Walk to support Proposition 35, Million Kids Director “Teens telling teens the truth “You really should be a model,” to cultivate relationships with vul- of Development Opal Singleton shares a light-hearted moment with a fellow would have the greatest impact,” he insists. “Here’s my card.” nerable young people” can help abolitionist. she said. According to Opal Singleton, teens avoid modern-day slavery. director of development for River- sual sex is used as bait. a potential runaway’s vulnerability. For more information see million- side-based Million Kids, encounters Broken homes a risk Damaged Goods Trap—Preda- Some churches are even “adopt-, or to book a presentation/ like these often mark the begin- Singleton said her research has tors keep their victims enslaved by ing” foster youth who are aging out training call (951) 323-0298. ning of a long-term grooming pro- revealed that though 40 percent creating a mental prison. cess leading to human traffi cking. of traffi cking victims come from Earlier this year, the Riverside It’s as though, she said, some kids foster homes, another 40 percent Board of Supervisors chose Single- wear a billboard that makes them come from homes in crisis. During ton to be one of three key speakers easy prey. the critical life-event years of 13 to to hundreds of teen representatives Easy access also plays a role. 15, a family crisis such as a parent’s from Riverside County schools. Parents, for instance, used to say, divorce, affair, unemployment or Even the boys paid close atten- “Don’t take candy from strangers.” even the death of a beloved grand- tion to this proprietary program But now that candy can be found parent can make young people es- because they, too, can be targets with cell phones, always within easy pecially vulnerable. Their response for traffi ckers. The interest was so reach. Traffi ckers—sometimes a to such painful events has the po- intense on all levels that this fall friendly young woman—will lure tential to change their lives forever. Singleton said she’ll be presenting girls with gifts, Singleton said. Traffi ckers respond to kids in crisis “The Love Trap” at several high “Parents want to watch for a and use a variety of tricks to entrap schools in Riverside County. change in their child’s fi nancial ac- them. tivity because traffi ckers reel (their According to Singleton, their Living Christ’s love In San Diego Call 619-442-2993 victims) in that way,” she said. strategy includes the following: Churches that make teens their In doing so, parents need to ex- Love Trap—This “love” exploits mission can make an even more ercise care, Singleton warned, say- rather than empowers. substantial difference, Singleton ing that when parents express their Internet Trap—Predators access said. Not only can informed church Helping obtain Social Security disability benefi ts concerns or try to restrict behavior, their victims using technology, then leaders increase awareness about for claimants throughout Southern California a girl might get angry and run into sell their services using niche mar- how exploitation works, but they the arms of the very one who will keting. can also develop crisis interven- enslave her. Once a teen crosses the Baby Trap—When a pimp gets a tion teams. Identifying families in DENIED DISABILITY? threshold of being turned out into girl pregnant, the hope of making crisis and offering their children Social Security Disability and SSI prostitution, the battle becomes far enough money to support her baby family-oriented support and activi- more fi erce. keeps her imprisoned. ties can help prevent shame-based UÊ ÀiiÊ œ˜ÃՏÌ>̈œ˜ UÊ œÊviiÊ՘iÃÃÊޜÕÊ܈˜ “That’s why I wrote ‘The Love Trap,’” Runaway Trap—Within 48 hours, behaviors. Establishing a teenager’s UÊ œ“«>ÃȜ˜>ÌiÊ UÊ 7ˆ˜˜ˆ˜}Ê`ˆÃ>LˆˆÌÞÊV>ÃiÃÊ Singleton said of the program used at least 35 percent of the more than unique place within the family of Ài«ÀiÃi˜Ì>̈œ˜ vœÀʜÛiÀÊÓäÊÞi>Àà by Million Kids, a nonprofi t formed 1.6 million kids who run away each God also establishes their value to in 2008 by Kerry Decker to combat year engage in survival sex. That Him. Providing a hurting child with Joseph F. Massa, J.D. traffi cking in Southeast Asia. Million leads to rape, beatings and forced a designated person to turn to, one Social Security Disability Advocate Kids soon became involved with the prostitution. who will listen and offer a place to Riverside County Sheriff’s Depart- Easy Money Trap—Money for ca- diffuse, can dramatically diminish £‡nÇLJxÎn‡nÓÓÓÊUÊÜÜÜ°œÀ>˜}i`ˆÃ>LˆˆÌÞ°Vœ“

Special presentation

Sunday, November 18, 2012 5:00 pm $OORSOPENATPMs/PEN3EATING El Cajon Wesleyan Church %AST,EXINGTON!VE%L#AJON   sWWWECWESLEYANCOMs  

3UGGESTEDDONATIONFORLOVEOFFERINGPERSONFAMILY 12 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • October 2012 SD Youth leaders to host Save Our Students seminar By Lori Arnold available and leaders became more unthinkable: bullying, cutting, domes- “There were only 350, but they We’ve got to team together. If we savvy on how to reach kids. tic violence, drugs gangs, traffi cking, represented 52 high school cam- don’t team together are not go- FALLBROOK — They prayed Then Jack McKee, a local, full- pornography and suicide. puses and 12 middle schools cam- ing to reach these kids. We want to over Post-it notes on a map of San time missionary who founded “The goal is to equip these Chris- puses,” McKee said, adding that reach all of the kids in San Diego Diego County. They prayed that Youth Vision America and was tian leaders to be able to come most of the students were movers County.” youth leaders around the region among those praying over the map, alongside kids who are being bul- and shakers at their schools. lied or are involved in cutting “We’ve had the opportunity to A kingdom vision would be able to expand their min- was struck with a thought: themselves or in gangs so we can make a huge impact in San Diego On a personal level, McKee, who istries through campus clubs, rel- “What do we do with the kids help these kids get beyond what County over the years in many dif- worked for Campus Crusade for evant church groups and network- once we have (reached) them?” is holding them in bondage,” said ferent ways,” McKee said. “We’re Christ and Church Resource Minis- ing with parachurch groups. Today’s students are dealing with McKee, whose ministry is part of a not reaching as many leaders as tries before launching his own min- Over time the ministries ex- myriad issues that just a few genera- collaborative effort called San Di- we’d like, yet, but our goal is to istry to extend his own outreach ploded as more resources became tions ago were under the radar, if not ego Mission Team. equip those youth pastors and to one-on-one work, said he has a The team is sponsoring a free youth leaders who want to more ef- mammoth goal for the county’s Save our Students seminar from 8 fectively help the next generation youth. LOVE THAT HONORS a.m. to noon Oct. 27 at Point Loma to get where they need to go in or- “It’s been my vision for years Nazarene University. Youth pastors der to glorify God with their lives.” that not one single student would In this season of politics there has emerged a ‘desperate fear’ in and leaders are invited to come and graduate from high school without candidates of being voted out. To get elected at all costs, one will meet in intimate settings with ex- Cohesive unit having had at least one opportunity disrespect another, without care of dividing a country! ‘Flattery perts on the topics teens are facing. The San Diego Mission Team to hear and respond to the gospel “We have some experts that are grew out of the 2003 Billy Graham of Jesus Christ,” he said. and slander for gain’ is now considered to be acceptable in today’s coming in to lead discussions in Mission and was created to assem- Although the task seems daunt- society. The worst part is that many ‘deceived voters’ buy into truth those areas so that these leaders can ble regional facilitators to coordi- ing, McKee said it is easy to see how be better equipped to turn around nate the crusade’s youth night, an it can come to fruition. that is twisted. Are we now a nation that buys into ‘flattering lies’? A and be effective one-on-one with a event that fi lled Qualcomm Stadi- “Look at any high school in generation ago, it was said: “When all else fails, lower your standards” kid,” McKee said. um to overfl owing. the county,” he said. “How many and “Man has no shame!” Is this the best we can be as a nation The seminar is a recasting of the “It’s directors of ministries hold- churches sit around that high previous Summit on Schools gath- ing hands together saying. ‘We can school?” under God! Is this election about the economy or is God just revealing erings in which youth pastors were do more together,’” McKee said. He said he’s often dismayed to deceitful hearts of desperation? When people lose respect for each encouraged and equipped to start At a crusade debriefi ng after the hear youth pastors discussing the other, the nation will divide and eventually collapse. new clubs or enhance their cam- crusade the team members decid- issues they face with their teens, pus ministries through networks ed the network was too valuable to often sharing stories of pre-marital In the Bible we are taught to “Respect all men, love the brotherhood” such as Student Venture, Youth for pack up and put away. sex, pregnancy and drug use. That (1 Peter 2:17). To love your neighbor as yourself is to first respect him. Christ and National Network of “We said, ‘Wow, do you realize is why, McKee said, the training is We Christians are to be the example. ‘Love that honors’ each other is Youth Ministries. that essentially the whole body of so vital. “This year we are a little bit more Christ in San Diego County was “These are church kids.,” he a gift from God that we are to live out. This then provokes the world focused on not just doing campus unifi ed right there in that stadium said. “How many of these kids are to jealousy so they too would desire ‘The God Life’. This powerful love ministry but literally impacting the on that day, on that evening?’ We surrendered to the Holy Spirit, are that honors comes as a gift from reverencing a Holy God and His Holy lives of individual kids,” he said. said, ‘We can’t let this thing have walking powerfully in His light, im- The October event is part of an just been an event. We have got to pacting their campus? How many Word. When the world sees this unifying love that honors that began ongoing emphasis by the San Diego keep it going.’ We realized that just are actually making a difference on with forgiveness, they too will desire this gift (Psalms 130:4, 133:1). Mission Team, which has hosted a this handful of people can make a their campus?” variety of programs since it was es- big difference. You are cordially invited to The Bible Forum on Saturdays at 6 PM. The event will include a free tablished nearly a decade ago. One “All of them are doing an incred- lunch. This message placed by Richard Malievsky…Realtor event several years ago targeted in- ible job of reaching the youth. It’s #ALL2ICHARDAT  sEMAILTHEBIBLEFORUM AOLCOM fl uential youth pastors who could just wonderful that we all kind of To register, visit www.saveourstu- reach out to other youth pastors. work together. We can’t do it alone. SD October 2012 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • 13 14 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • October 2012 SD RANSOM… Continued from page 1 heart, which became a sinful na- ture. It became very destructive to my body.” The control quickly turned to de- spair as Lynch said she often went to bed at night in tears feeling “like I failed everyday that I couldn’t conquer it.” “I had pills hidden in my car, in my locker, in my purse, in my closet, in my backpack and anywhere else I thought necessary,” she wrote of her addiction in an online testimony. “Many days I took up to eight pills.” She said she was only several months into the destructive pattern Cissie Graham Lynch and her husband, Corey Lynch, just moved to San Diego a when she realized what she was month ago. Corey is a safety for the San Diego Chargers. struggling with was much deeper than just a diet. the footsteps of her famous father, launched a year ago, features testi- “I don’t know if, at the time when who spent his teen-age years rebel- monies called Ransom notes. you are in it, you label yourself with ling against his father’s ministry by Featured on the site is Lynch’s a disorder,” she said. “It’s when you drinking beer and riding motorcy- testimony, which she wrote down look back and you’ve been healed cles. During those years, joining his for the fi rst time last fall. that you can examine what you’ve father in ministry was the furthest “I believe it was an instant free- been through. thing from his mind. dom even though I had been “It was brokenness. I would break For Lynch, the family name healed for years,” Lynch said. “You my own heart. I was allowing Satan didn’t begin to register with her know the Scripture says if we con- to defeat me because as a believer personally until middle school. fess our sins among others that we we believe that Jesus Christ can con- “I started noticing kind of the dif- might fi nd healing.” quer all. I was wondering why am ference in my life of being a Gra- Lynch said she believes the site I allowing Satan to deceive me? Ev- ham and what came with it and the is cathartic and becomes more ery night I was getting on my knees responsibilities and what people valuable as new people contribute. and saying Lord, please allow me to expected of me,” she said. She said, for instance, her story Cissie Graham Lynch reaches out to children during a missions trip with see myself through your eyes and By high school, like her father, many only speak to a small seg- Samaritan’s Purse, the relief organization operated by her father Franklin not his.” ministry was not on her radar. ment of those visiting. Others who Graham. After several years of prayers and “I didn’t want to be a part of the have overcome self-mutilation and desperation, Lynch took some time Graham name because of the pres- other addictions will be a blessing sus Christ has brought them from,” on a cross for me and for the whole off of college after her freshman sures or what people expected of to young adults dealing with those she said. “Many young adults … world to see, with my shame upon year and went to work in Thailand me, but it was later as a freshman in issues. have never even shared their story Him on that cross, that I’m not go- for her father’s ministry. college I realized what a gift it was “I don’t want people to be because they might be ashamed of ing to be ashamed to tell my story “It was really then when I woke to be able to have a grandfather ashamed of their stories of where Je- it. I look at it like Jesus Christ hung and how he has ransomed me.” up every morning thinking, ‘How who has taught me so much and a can I serve the Lord where I am father who has shown me the world Offering solace working today,’” she said. “I wasn’t and what the gospel really means,” Children of Billy Graham Stories, she said, are a bonding thinking about myself fi rst thing she said. Evangelist Billy Graham and his wife, Ruth Bell Graham, had fi ve agent that can transcend signifi cant in the morning. I wasn’t thinking “Finally, I had to grow up in this children. Several of the Graham children rebelled earlier in life, hav- barriers for those seeking solace. about myself when I was going to world and say this is who I am, and ing acknowledged issues with drugs, alcohol and divorce—yet all end- “I want others to know not be bed. The Lord really healed my I’m proud to be a Graham and look ed up in the ministry. ashamed to use their stories for his heart because I wasn’t being self- at all the good that comes with it. Virginia “Gigi” Graham Tchividjian (pronounced cha-vi-jin): Oldest glory; use it to help others to share ish anymore of thinking me, me, What an honor it is that the Lord child. Inspirational speaker and Christian author. because there is such power in our me. He healed me, and now I see has allowed me to be a part of : Middle daughter. Founder of international stories,” she said. so many young girls struggling with my family and what my father has teaching ministry AnGeL Ministries, speaker and author. “Many people think that to share the same thing. taught me.” Ruth “Bunny” Bell Graham: Youngest daughter. Founder and presi- their testimony they have to have “It’s so deep, and it’s so hard dent of & Friends. Leads conferences throughout the had some dramatic story to share, and that’s not true at all. Every to get out of. It’s a vicious cycle. I Living her own story U.S. and Canada. story, I believe, is beautiful in its would just encourage others to get In addition to helping her father Franklin Graham: Oldest son. President and CEO of both the Billy own way and defi nitely beautiful in on their knees daily and give it be- with Samaritan’s Purse, Lynch also Graham Evangelistic Association and the international Christian re- the eyes of our loving Savior Jesus fore the Lord so that you might see serves as a special projects pro- lief organization Samaritan’s Purse. Christ.” yourself through His eyes and not ducer for the Billy Graham Evan- Nelson “Ned” Edman Graham: Youngest child. President of East In addition to the personal sto- Satan’s.” gelical Association. Her current Gates Ministries International, which distributes Christian literature ries, the site features music vid- project is manager of Ransom, an in China. eos, articles on social and cultural Skittish of the name online community targeting young topics, devotionals, spiritual help In many ways, Lynch followed adults who are hurting. The site, Grandchildren of Billy Graham articles, music, movie and fashion Graham has 19 grandchildren and, like their parents, there have reviews, short fi lms, interviews and been trials including teen pregnancy, drug addiction, divorce and eat- user-submitted content. ing disorders. Still, at least half are serving the Lord through some Lynch is managing the site from Helping Hearts Heal form of ministry. San Diego where she and her hus- William Graham : Son of Gigi. Senior pastor of band of nearly fi ve years, Corey Foster Parents needed Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale and visiting pro- Lynch, moved this summer after fessor of theology at Reformed Theological Seminary and author. the veteran strong safety signed Basyle Tchividjian: Son of Gigi. Co-author of “Invitation: Billy Gra- with the Chargers in late May. The ham and the Lives God Touched — Stories of Real People Trans- couple is staying with friends in formed By God.” Former Assistant State Attorney for Florida’s 7th Rancho Santa Fe while searching Judicial Circuit who now teaches at Liberty University School of Law. for a rental. They maintain a home Aram Tchividjian: Son of Gigi. Co-author of “Invitation: Billy Gra- in Fort Myers, Fla. ham and the Lives God Touched — Stories of Real People Trans- Since people can contribute formed By God.” wherever they live, Lynch said she Jerushah Tchividjian Armfi eld: Daughter of Gigi. Launching a hopes Ransom can become a trans- South Carolina church plant with her husband, Chris. formative network beyond the com- Stephan Tchividjian: Son of Gigi. Assistant pastor at Calvary Church puter by giving back to their local of Fort Lauderdale and founder and president of the National Chris- communities. It begins, she said, by tian Foundation of South Florida. conquering the lies of Satan who Jonathan Lotz: Son of Anne. Director of Jonathan Lotz Ministries. relishes the peddling of self. Morrow Lotz Reitmeier: Daughter of Anne. Assists mom in her An- “I think in any disorder, any ad- Gel Ministries and other women’s conferences. diction, comes selfi shness,” she Jehovah Jireh, “The Lord will provide.” Genesis 22:14 Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright: Daughter of Anne. Assists mom in her said. “You are being selfi sh because AnGel Ministries and other women’s conferences. it’s about you, you, you all the time. : Son of Franklin. Assistant director of the Billy Gra- I felt disappointed because I was Rancho Jireh ham Training Center at The Cove and associate evangelist of the Billy disappointing my Lord and Savior Graham Evangelistic Association. and that’s not true at all. That’s Foster Homes Roy Graham: Son of Franklin. Assistant director of facilities for Billy what so many believers think today Graham Evangelistic Association and board of directors for Samari- with our own stories … that’s not Please call for information tan’s Purse. true and once again Satan is telling Cissie Graham Lynch: Daughter of Franklin. Special projects pro- us lies. Toll-free (866) 275-7534 ducer for Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse. For more information, visit www. SD October 2012 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • 15

Iranian pastor says God provided Come to the San Bernardino Mountains during his three years in prison Sa Ha Le Lodge BP News court exchanges. vided through the trial, allowing Plan now for your winter and “Repent means to return. What me to face the challenges that were spring camps and retreats TEHRAN — The Iranian pastor who should I return to? To the blas- in front of me. As the Scriptures spent more than 1,000 days in prison phemy that I had before my faith in says, ‘He will not allow us to be test- s%NJOYOURMODERNFACILITIES simply for being a Christian has written Christ?” Nadarkhani asked. ed beyond our strength....’ s9OUPROVIDEYOURCOOK FOOD AND an open letter saying Christ provided “To the religion of your ances- “Despite the fact that I have been PROGRAMCATERINGISAVAILABLE for his needs while behind bars and tors, Islam,” the judge reportedly found guilty of apostasy according thanking those around the world for replied. to a certain reading of the Shar’ia, P.O. Box 13 (909) 866-4155 praying for him. “I cannot,” the pastor responded. I am grateful that He gave the lead- Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 “I have been put to the test, the Below is the full text of his open ers of the country, the wisdom to test of faith which is, according to letter: break that judgment taking into the Scriptures ‘more precious than “Salaam! (Peace be upon you!) account other facts of that same perishable gold,’” the pastor, You- “I glorify and give grace to the Shar’ia. It is obvious that the de- cef Nadarkhani, wrote Sept. 8 in a Lord with all my heart. I am grate- fenders of the Iranian right and the letter that was translated into Eng- ful for all the blessings that He gave legal experts have made an impor- lish. It was posted on the website of me during my whole life. I am espe- tant effort to enforce the law and the American Center for Law and cially grateful for His goodness and the right. I want to thank those who Justice ( divine protection that character- have defended the right until the “But I have never felt loneliness, ized the time of my detention. end. I was all the time aware of the fact “I also want to express my grati- “I am happy to live in a time that it wasn’t a solitary battle, for tude towards those who, all around where we can take a critical and I have felt all the energy and sup- the world, have worked for my constructive look to the past. This port of those who obeyed their con- cause, or should I say the cause that has allowed the writing of univer- science and fought for the promo- I defend. I want to express my grati- sal texts aiming at the promotion tion of the justice and the rights of tude to all of those who have sup- of the rights of man. Today, we are all human beings. ... The Lord has ported me, openly or in complete debtors of these efforts provided by wonderfully provided through the secrecy. You are all very dear to my dear people who have worked for trial, allowing me to face the chal- heart. May the Lord bless you and the respect of human dignity and lenges that were in front of me. give you His perfect and sovereign have passed on to us these universal As the Scriptures say, ‘He will not Grace. signifi cant texts. allow us to be tested beyond our “Indeed I have been put to the “I am also debtor of those who strength. ...” test, the test of faith which is, ac- have faithfully passed on the Word Nadarkhani was arrested in Oc- cording to the Scriptures ‘more of God, that very Word who makes tober 2009 while registering his precious than perishable gold.’ But us heirs of God. church in Rasht, Iran, although he I have never felt loneliness, I was “Before ending, I want to express initially was arrested for protesting all the time aware of the fact that a prayer for the establishment of an his children being taught Islam in it wasn’t a solitary battle, for I have unending and universal peace, so school, according to ACLJ. He was felt all the energy and support of that the will of the Father be done charged with apostasy for suppos- those who obeyed their conscience on earth as it is in heaven. Indeed, edly abandoning Islam and later and fought for the promotion of everything passes, but the Word of was given a death sentence. the justice and the rights of all hu- God, source of all peace, will last Nadarkhani was acquitted in ear- man beings. Thanks to these ef- eternally. ly September of apostasy, but the forts, I have now the enormous joy “May the grace and mercy of God court found him guilty of evange- to be by my wonderful wife and my be multiplied to you. Amen!” lizing Muslims and sentenced him children. I am grateful for these to three years in prison — then re- people through whom God has leased him because he had already been working. All of this is very en- served that much time. Nadarkhani couraging. said he never had been a Muslim. “During that period, I had the “I also want to express my grati- opportunity to experience in a mar- tude towards those who, all around velous way the Scripture that says: the world, have worked for my ‘Indeed, as the sufferings of Christ cause, or should I say the cause that abound for us, our encourage- I defend,” he wrote in the open ment abound through Christ.’ He letter. “I want to express my grati- has comforted my family and has tude to all of those who have sup- given them the means to face that ported me, openly or in complete diffi cult situation. In His Grace, He secrecy. You are all very dear to my provided for their spiritual and ma- heart. May the Lord bless you and terial needs, taking away from me a give you His perfect and sovereign heavy weight. Grace.” “The Lord has wonderfully pro- He said while in prison he “had the opportunity to experience in a marvelous way the Scripture that says: ‘Indeed, as the sufferings of Christ abound for us, our encour- agement abounds through Christ.’” “[Christ] has comforted my fam- ily and has given them the means to face that diffi cult situation,” Nadarkhani wrote. “In His Grace, He provided for their spiritual and material needs, taking away from me a heavy weight.” In September 2011, Nadarkhani was given four chances to recant his faith in court and refused each time. ACLJ reported one of his 16 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • October 2012 SD

OCT 12-13 • FRI-SAT OCT 19-20 • FRI-SAT (cont.) NOV 3 • SATURDAY Have your event listed FREE! Living Proof Live, with Beth Moore & Hosted by C3 Church San Diego • Creation Club Workshops for Kids, ages Send us your Christian activity/event for next month, and we’ll list it in Travis Cottrell. Long Beach Convention &, (760) 804-8524 3-12. 10am, Creation & Earth History THE CALEN DAR at no charge. The deadline is the 15th of the prior month. Entertainment Center, Long Beach, $65 Museum, 10946 Woodside Ave. N., San- Send to the Christian Examiner, P.O. Box 2606, El Cajon, CA 92021. Or • 1-800-254-2022, OCT 25 • THURSDAY tee •, (619) 599-1104 fax to (619) 668-1115. Or e-mail to [email protected]. We OCT 13 • SATURDAY Pastors Appreciation Luncheon, with Tim NOV 7 • WEDNESDAY regret we cannot list Sunday morning services. LaHaye. 11:0am-2:30pm, Four Points 5th annual Faith at Work Conference, Sheraton, 8110 Aero Dr., San Diego, My Therapist ‘Sez’…”, an interactive with Art Barter, Noel Massie & more. free • (858) 535-1210, panel of Christian therapists moder- SEP 28-30 • FRI-SUN OCT 6 • SATURDAY (cont.) 8-11:45am, Concordia University, Irvine, ated by Dr. Don Welch on “The Intimate Health Care Center Open House. 4-6pm, $10 •, (714) Marriage (part 2)” with Jennifer Konzen “The Truth War” apologetics confer- Museum, 10946 Woodside Ave. N., San- Mount Miguel Covenant Village, 325 272-7865 presenting, Yolanda Gorick & Debbie ence with Josh McDowell, Tim LaHaye, tee •, (619) 599-1104 Kempton St., Spring Valley • (619) Ed Hindson, Kent Sparks, Joe Holden. San Diego Women’s Connection. Wagner. 6:45-8pm, Skyline Church, Advocates for Faith & Freedom Justice 479-4790 Abundant Living Family Church, 10900 11:30am-1:30pm, Best Western Seven 11330 Campo Rd., La Mesa • (619) 2012 Annual Fundraising Gala, with Civic Center Dr., Rancho Cucamonga, free Seas, 411 Hotel Circle S, San Diego, Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center 660-5000 keynote speaker Dinesh D’Souza, 5pm, • (909) 987-7110, $22 • (619) 670-3833, (619) 276-6972 Annual Fundraising Banquet. Featuring Hilton Orange County, Costa Mesa. Silent Shawn Carney, co-founder of 40 Days NOV 8 • THURSDAY The Planting Hope Gala, fundraising SEP 29 • SATURDAY and Live Auctions • for Life. 6:45pm, San Diego Marriott Rancho Jireh Foster Homes information com, 1-888-588-6888 banquet for Plant With Purpose. 6pm, Museum Day 2012 & Grand Opening of Paradise Point Resort, San Diego • Del Mar, 11966 El Camino Real, free • meeting. 6:30pm, North Coast Church Tabernacle & Age of the Earth Exhibits, Straight Up Praise. 7pm, San Diego Bible (858) 457-7800 Carlsbad, 2310 Camino Vida Roble, with guest speakers Darek Isaacs & Ray Carlsbad • (619) 387-6666 Church, 10695 Treena St., San Diego, OCT 13-14 • SAT-SUN Tenth Avenue North, the Struggle Tour, Comfort. 9am-6pm, Creation & Earth Mu- free • (619) 954-2825 with Audrey Asas & Rend Collective NOV 9 • FRIDAY seum, 10946 Woodside Ave. N, Santee, Art Glass Guild Show & Patio Sale. Experiment. 7pm, Calvary Church, 1010 free •, (619) 599-1104 OCT 8 • MONDAY 10am-5pm, Spanish Village Art Center, N Tustin Ave., Santa Ana • transparent- Winter Jam, with TobyMac, Red, News- The “Good News Singers,” in concert. El Cajon Aglow, with John Pata. 6:30pm, Balboa Park, 1770 Village Pl., San Diego ong, Chris August, Jason Castro & more. • (619) 702-8006, 7pm, Citizens Business Bank Arena, 5pm, City View Church, 8404 Phyllis Pl., First Lutheran Church, Tedrahan Hall, OCT 26 • FRIDAY San Diego • (858) 550-0993 867 S Lincoln, El Cajon • (619) 440-2508 OCT 14 • SUNDAY Ontario, $10 • Tenth Avenue North, the Struggle Tour, NOV 9-10 • FRI-SAT SEP 29-30 • SAT-SUN OCT 8-9 • MON-TUE Birthline of San Diego’s Annual Walk for with Audrey Asas & Rend Collective Life. 1-4pm, De Anza Cove, Mission Bay Sleepless San Diego. Sat 4:30pm-Sun Experiment. 7pm, The Packinghouse The Alliance Conference, for youth Auditions for “A Beautiful Star: An Ap- Park • 7am, Liberty Station, Point Loma. Pre- palachian Nativity.” 6-8pm, The Village Church, 27165 San Bernardino, Red- & young adults. Escondido Christian sented by the San Diego Rescue Mission Church Community Theater, 6225 Paseo OCT 15 • MONDAY lands • Center, 927 Idaho Ave., Escondido, • Delicias, Rancho Santa Fe • village- $19 • (619) 379-0982, allianceconfer- San Marcos-Vista Christian Women’s OCT 27 • SATURDAY SEP 30 • SUNDAY Club Luncheon. 11:30am, Lake San Marcos Country Club, 1750 San Pablo SOS: Save Our Students. 8am-12pm, Messianic Concert. 6pm, 5714 El Cajon O CT 9-10 • TUE-WED NOV 10-12 • SAT-MON Dr., San Marcos, $17 • (760) 432-0772, Point Loma Nazarene University, 3900 Blvd., San Diego • 2012 Resurgence Conference, with (760) 591-0155 Lomaland Dr., San Diego, free. Presented International ProLife Youth Conference, org, (858) 366-2088 by San Diego Mission Team • (619) presented by Survivors of the Abortion Rick Warren, Greg Laurie, Lecrea, Nick OCT 17 • WEDNESDAY OCT 2 • TUESDAY Vujicic, Miles McPherson, James Mac- 884-5754saveourstudents.eventbrite. Holocaust, St. Matthias Auditorium, Donald, Craig Groeschel & Mark Driscoll. South Bay Christian Women’s Connec- com Downey • Network of Evangelical Women in Ministry 9am-5pm, Mariner’s Church, Irvine • tion. 11:30am-1pm, Chula Vista Golf meeting, San Diego Chapter. 7pm, Trin- Fall Fest Craft Fair. 9am-3pm, The Salva- NOV 9-11 • FRI-SUN Course Restaurant, 4475 Bonita Rd., ity Church, Spring Valley, free • (619) tion Army, 1011 E Main St., El Cajon • Bonita, $15 • (619) 422-1628 (619) 440-4683 San Diego Christian Film Festival. Birch 749-3114 O CT 9-11 • TUE-THU North Park Theater, San Diego • (877) OCT 18 • THURSDAY “Let’s Rock America: Vote 2012, with OCT 3 • WEDNESDAY The National Worship Leadership Confer- 457-7732, Wayne Gruden. 3-7pm, Rock Church, ence, with Jeremy Begbie, David Nasser, Men With a Purpose, with Paul Saber. My Therapist ‘Sez’…”, an interactive 12-1:30pm, Doubletree by Hilton, 1515 2277 Rosecrans St., San Diego, free • NOV 12-19 • MON-MON Leonard Sweet Scotty Smith & more. Em- panel of Christian therapists moder- Hotel Circle, San Diego, $20 • (619) (619) 888-4708, ivotetorockamerica. manuel Faith Community Church, 639 E Operation Christmas Child National Col- ated by Dr. Don Welch on “Managing 222-3688 com that Troublesome Family Member” with Felicita Ave., Escondido • worshipleader. lection Week. Foothills Christian Church, Dennis Estill presenting, Debbie Wag- com/nwlcca OCT 19 • FRIDAY OCT 28 • SUNDAY 365 W Bradley Ave., El Cajon • (619) 442-7728, ner. 6:45-8pm, Skyline Church, 11330 OCT 11 • THURSDAY S enior Heath Fair. 10am-12pm, Crider The Messengers Quartet of San Diego, Campo Rd., La Mesa • (619) 660-5000 Gardenside, Mount Miguel Covenant sing-along Sunday. 6pm, City View NOV 15 • THURSDAY The East County Pregnancy Care Clinic, Village, 325 Kempton St., Spring Valley OCT 4 • THURSDAY Church, 8404 Phyllis Pl., San Diego • Men With a Purpose, with Jimmy Brown. 2012 Fall Fundraising Banquet, with • (619) 479-4790 (858) 550-0993 Family Connections Christian Adoption Lynn Vincent. El Cajon • (619) 442-4357 12-1:30pm, Doubletree by Hilton, 1515 Information Session. 6-8pm, 3150 A Heart to Hold Assembly. 3:30-8:30pm, Messianic Concert. 6pm, 5714 El Cajon Hotel Circle, San Diego, $20 • (619) Pio Pico Dr., Apt. 105, Carlsbad, free An Evening with C.S. Lewis, dramatically The Church at Rancho Bernardo, 11740 Blvd., San Diego • 222-3688 •, (760) 966-0531 portrayed by David Payne. 7pm, Horizon Bernardo Plaza Ct., San Diego • aheart- org, (858) 366-2088 Christian Fellowship, 6365 El Apajo Rd., NOV 18 • SUNDAY OCT 4-6 • THU-SAT Rancho Santa Fe. Presented by K-Praise, Fall Writers’ Conference, with Barbara OCT 31 • WEDNESDAY The Liberty Quartet in concert, 5pm, KPRZ • Arising! 2012 Aglow International US Nicolosi & Kim Bangs. 7-9pm, Maranatha Halloween Alternative. 5-8pm, Alpine El Cajon Wesleyan Church, 1500 E. National Conference. Ontario Conven- OCT 12 • FRIDAY Chapel, Rancho Bernardo, $195. Hosted Community Center, 1930 Alpine Blvd., Lexington Ave., El Cajon. $10/person tion Center, Ontario • 1-800-755-2456, by San Diego Christian Writers Guild • Alpine, free. Hosted by East Valley Chris- donation suggested • (619) 442-5941 The Angels Foster Family Network pres- (760) 294-3269 tian Fellowship • ents: “An Evening with the Angels,” NOV 25 • SUNDAY OCT 6 • SATURDAY OCT 19-20 • FRI-SAT H arvest Festival. 6-8pm, Hesperia First fundraising reception & silent auction, Michael W. Smith – Christmas Tour, Creation Club Workshops for Kids, ages with Antwone Fisher. Hyatt Aventine, La Cherish Women’s Conference, with Lisa Assembly, 11616 Hesperia Rd., Hespe- ria, free • (760) 244-3330 featuring a full orchestra & choir. Calvary 3-12. 10am, Creation & Earth History Jolla • Bevere, Sharon Kelly & Pastor Leanne. Community Church, 5495 Via Rocas, Trunk or Treat Event. 6-8pm, City View Westlake Village • celebrationconcerts. Church, 8404 Phyllis Pl., San Diego, com free • (858) 560-1970, FEB 23-MAR 2 • SAT-SAT NOV 1 • THURSDAY 2013 Praise & Worship Cruise to the F amily Connections Christian Adoption Southern Caribbean, with Phillip, Craig Information Session. 6-8pm, 3150 & Dean, Avalon, Carl Herrgesell & Jamie Pio Pico Dr., Apt. 105, Carlsbad, free Jamgochian, $629+ • 1-800-288-4778, •, (760) 966-0531 NOV 1-3 • THU-SAT FEB 28-MAR 2, 2013 • THU-SAT Defi ned by God Conference, Refresh- Southwest Gospel Music Festival, The ing Pastors’ Wives for Ministry, with Booth Brothers, Legacy Five, The Mar- Amy Groeschel, Jani Ortlund, Lauren tins, The Hoppers, The Allen Family, Dr. Chandler & more. Shadow Mountain David Jeremiah & more. Grand Canyon Community Church, 2100 Greenfi eld University Arena, Phoenix, AZ • (602) Dr., El Cajon, free • 1-800-875-6467, 639-8999, southwestgospelmusicfes-

MORE EVENTS online now at

• Future events for San Diego County not listed in this issue. • Events for Orange County, LA County and the Inland Empire • Weekly and monthly ongoing meetings: Bible Studies, Evangelism, Fel low ships (Men, Women, Seniors, Singles, Youth, MOPS), Motor cy cle Min is tries, Music/Entertainment, Prayer Groups, Recovery and Sup- port groups (Alcohol, Divorce, Domestic Violence/Abuse, Food, Sexual, Grand par ent ing, Grief, Celebrate Recovery, The Most Excel lent Way, and many more), Semi nars/Classes, Health/Fitness. SD October 2012 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • 17

and has since produced multiple con- turing British actor David Payne, are $15. VIP tickets, which include a 6 either bring a book from home or ferences, tours and concerts reaching will be held at 7 p.m. Oct. 11 at Ho- p.m. appetizer reception and reserved purchase one at the event. thousands of young people from San rizon Christian Fellowship North seating, are $25. Tickets at the door are The free luncheon will be held from Diego to Seattle and beyond. County. The event is billed as “an $30 and $50 respectively. 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Four Admission to the conference is $19. intimate evening with the author The church is located at 6365 El Points Sheraton on Aero Drive. For more information, visit Al- of ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Apajo Road in Rancho Santa Fe. The event is open to San Diego or call Wardrobe.’” According to event On Oct. 25, KPRZ will host its County pastors, ministry leaders (619) 379-0982. organizers, Payne “captures the es- seventh annual Pastor’s Apprecia- and their spouses. sence of the man who created the tion Luncheon featuring keynote A Passport to Prizes competition PHOTO BY LORI SNATCHKO Rancho Jireh foster Narnia chronicles in an enthrall- speaker Tim LaHaye. His topic will will be held with the winner receiv- Shawn Carney, co-founder of 40 Days home agency hosts ing, laughter-fi lled and poignant be “The Joys of Serving Jesus for a ing an Apple iPad2. for Life, will be the keynote speaker performance.” Lifetime.” LaHaye will also be avail- To register, visit or for Turning Point Pregnancy Resource informational meeting Advance general admission tickets able for a book signing. Guests may call (858) 535-1210. Center’s Annual Fundraising Banquet CARLSBAD — Rancho Jireh Foster on Oct. 25. Homes will hold an informational National pro-life meeting for people interested in be- coming a foster parent at 6:30 p.m. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY - COUPLES NEEDED leader to speak Nov. 8 at North Coast Church Carlsbad. DEL MAR — Turning Point Preg- In addition to the informational Do you have a heart for abused children? nancy Resource Center will hold its meetings, Rancho Jireh will also Annual Fundraising Banquet at 7 p.m. host a series of trainings for those These children need you! Oct. 25 at San Diego Marriott Del Mar. wishing to become foster parents. Our Christian ministry is hiring couples who will work together serving children who The guest speaker for the event will The dates for those trainings are have suffered from abuse and neglect. Training provided. $49,000.00/yr. per Shawn Carney, co-founder of 40 Days Nov. 12, 15, 26 and 29. couple. Rent, utilities, and meals are paid for. These live-in positions also for Life. Carney began in the pro-life Rancho Jireh Foster Homes is provide medical/dental benefits, paid holidays, and paid vacation. A couple will be movement in college as a volunteer a non-profi t Christian foster fam- allowed to have their own child (a maximum of 1) living with them in the ministry. for the Coalition for Life, eventually ily agency that serves the needs of becoming its executive director. abused and neglected children. Founded in 1988, it has served Call 1-800-404-5516, ext. 213 In 2004, he helped to lead the / iÃÃ>œ˜ˆŽ>Ê>“ˆÞÊ-iÀۈViÃÊUÊÜÜÜ°{Žˆ`ÃwÀÃÌ°œÀ} fi rst-ever 40 Days for Life campaign hurting children by placing them in College Station, Texas. The break- with Christian families in San Diego through initiative uses 40 days of prayer and Riverside counties. and fasting for an end to abortion, The families involved in the pro- round-the-clock peaceful vigil outside gram provide individualized care a local abortion center and grassroots and nurturing, helping children Bethel Seminary San Diego door-to-door outreach. Local abortion heal and blossom to their true po- numbers dropped by 28 percent after tential. Foster children experience the launch of the effort. safe, loving homes while foster par- A free sit-down dinner will be pro- ents enjoy a unique and rewarding Distinguished Lecturer Series vided, but reservations are required. experience in a much-needed min- The hotel is located at 11966 El istry to children. In recognition of the Camino Real. The church is located at 2310 For more information, send an Camino Vida Roble. 50th Anniversary of Second Vatican Council email to [email protected] For more information, send an or call (858) 457-7800. email to [email protected] call November 2, 2012 (619) 387-6666. Churches join forces for Straight Up Praise! Salvation Army plans Dr. Thomas Rausch, S.J. SAN DIEGO — San Diego Bible benefi t craft fair Professor of Theology Church will host Straight Up Praise! EL CAJON —The Salvation Army Loyola Marymount University at 7 p.m. Oct. 6. Fall Fest Craft Fair will be held from The gathering is billed as an intimate 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 27 at the corps Rev. Thomas P. Rausch, S.J., Ph.D. in religion from Duke night of praise with different worship offi ce. University (1976), is the T. Marie Chilton Professor of leaders from local churches. The focus Proceeds from the event will Catholic Theology at Loyola Marymount University in Los of the event is less individuals or the benefi t the agency’s women’s pro- Angeles. A specialist in the areas of ecclesiology, ecumen- churches to which they belong, but on grams. ism, and the theology of the priesthood, he has published The women’s ministry at the “Almighty God.” seventeen books and over 200 articles. From 1981 to 1985 The guest speaker will be Jorge corps center includes the Home Father Rausch served as Director of Campus Ministry at Flores. League, Ladies of Victory and Com- The church is located at 10695 munity Care ministries. LMU. In 1983-1984 he was appointed by the Secretariat for Treena St. The offerings will include hand- Christian Unity as Catholic Tutor to the Ecumenical Insti- For more information, send an made crafts, unique gifts and per- tute, the World Council of Churches study center at Bossey, email to straightuppraiseonline@ fect selections from various ven- Switzerland. He was rector of the Jesuit community at Loyola or call (619) 954-2825. dors. Lunch, for a small cost, will Marymount from 1988 to 1994, and chair of the department be available beginning at 11:00 a.m. of Theological Studies from 1994-2000. Father Rausch was a member of the U.S. Catholic/Southern 2-day Conference for Shoppers will also be able to pur- Baptist Conversation 1994-2001 and was one of the signatories of the Richard John Neuhaus/Charles chase home baked goods, includ- youth, young adults Colson Evangelicals and Catholics Together 1997 document, “The Gift of Salvation.” In 2001 he was ing pies, cakes, cookies and coffee. appointed to the Roman Catholic/World Evangelical Alliance Consultation. He is co-chair of the The center is located at 1011 East ESCONDIDO — The Alliance Con- Theological Commission of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles; he is also a member of the Editorial Com- ference, designed for youth and young Main St. mission for The Tidings and serves as co-chair of the Los Angeles Catholic-Evangelical Committee. adults, will be held Nov. 9 and 10 at For more information, visit www. Escondido Christian Center. or call The conference’s mission is to in- (619) 440-4683. 12:00 noon (Luncheon: $15 for pastors, laypersons; $10 students, alumni) spire and equip young people to pas- sionately pursue Christ and effectively KPRZ hosts two What Happened at Vatican II and Why it Matters change culture. October events It will offer two days of worship, con- 7:00 pm certs, speakers and workshops. Among SAN DIEGO — KRPZ 1210 AM those performing will be Go Project, will usher in the fall season with a Vatican II and Opportunities for Shared an award-winning hip-hop group from tribute to C.S. Lewis and county San Diego. The band helped launch pastors. Witness in a Needy World One Generation Under God in 2009 “An Evening with C.S. Lewis” fea- Response: Dr. Glen Scorgie

RSVP to Mitchell Campbell by October 24th ­È£™®ÊÎÓx‡xÓÓÇÊUʓˆÌV i‡V>“«LiJLiÌ i°i`Õ

Bethel Seminary San Diego 6116 Arosa Street, San Diego, CA 92115 619.325.5200 The award-winning hip-hop band Go Project will perform at the Nov. 9 and 10 Alliance Conference. The group hails from San Diego. 18 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • October 2012 SD

Plan your next group retreat with us! Book Review: INNOCENT Christian Camp and Conference Center The ideal venue for BLOOD America’s Final Trial MEN / WOMEN / YOUTH / SPORT / CORPORATE GROUPS By Tim Palmquist brightly than the star of the story. Year-round Retreat / Conference Packages In some cases, their monologues Call or email for more info, availability or to schedule a tour The quest for knowledge and could stand alone as treatises on   sPVRANCHCHRISTIANCAMP GMAILCOM the desire to make a difference some of the most important themes in the world has been a universal of religion, economics and politics. theme throughout the history of The last third of the novel con- literature. When society faces great tains much of the most valuable challenges such as abortion, the content. Some of the most poi- question often arises, “What can gnant passages deal with abortion one man do?” not as an issue, but as a personal Donald S. Smith’s self-published life story. novel INNOCENT BLOOD America’s The fi ctional biography is diffi - Final Trial shows that in God’s cult to classify at times. Is it a com- hands, one man can indeed make edy or a tragedy? At times it reads a difference. Perhaps it may best like a mystery, science fi ction, or be understood not as a novel about even a steamy romance novel. The abortion, but as a personal story author, best known as the producer about the survival of America in of The Silent Scream fi lm, even in- the face of our greatest challenge. cludes some thinly-veiled autobio- Surprisingly lacking the grue- graphical vignettes. some details one might expect, In truth, INNOCENT BLOOD the book instead embodies an encounter with God, it is evident America’s Final Trial is radically dif- upbeat vision, often focusing on that his destiny is wrapped up in ferent from a typical novel, because the simple joys of life, including God’s glory. However, Maddox its readers fi nd themselves becom- the joy of sex (which some may does not seem to allow his destiny ing more attuned to the real world fi nd to be out of place, although to feed his ego, as he humbly rather than escaping from it, as it is actually essential to a holistic acknowledges that without divine within the fi ction they discover the pro-life perspective). guidance, he is helpless. non-fi ctional seeds of not only po- The story takes place in the The monumental challenges litical but spiritual transformation modern-day world, while many Maddox overcomes seem to pale of our nation. Those who persevere aspects of the past decade or two in comparison to the satisfaction to the end of the story may also fi nd of our history are fi ctionalized. Jef- he experiences in the arms of the themselves with a greater under- ferson Davis Maddox, the central beautiful woman with whom God standing of some of the key points fi gure of the novel, possesses a blessed him. Nevertheless, even of scripture than many pastors. thirst for knowledge reminiscent a virtuous man like Maddox may Ultimately, the strategy Maddox of the hero in Apuleius’ ancient fi nd his sexuality to be his greatest employs to end our nation’s Abor- novel (who said “I want to know threat. tion Holocaust is not fi ctional, but everything in the world, or at least a While the story makes no at- is deeply rooted within the heritage good part of it”). Maddox seems to tempt to hide the ultimate destiny of one of our nation’s greatest be defi ned by divergent character of Maddox, the road that leads him presidents. But in the fi nal analysis, traits, which he embodies without to the presidency is not always what what proves to be good for the na- the diffi culties one might expect: one would expect. As the prospects tion fi nally eclipses what is good for he is a Renaissance man yet a of presidency loom on the horizon, Maddox, as readers close the book practical businessman, a visionary one of the most important lessons with the realization that even the yet a pragmatist, an economist yet he learns is that “America’s prob- great passions of a man like Mad- a humanitarian. lems cannot be solved by economic dox are less important than what Maddox possesses a virtual means alone.” God accomplishes through him. Midas touch, envisioning and car- The phenomenal success of the rying out amazing plans—but his Maddox Presidency is experienced INNOCENT BLOOD America’s Final shortcomings sometimes bring in large part through a network of Trial is available from, him back down to earth. Early “mighty men” who seem to fi nd in, or in his life he catches a vision for him the realization of their own Tim Palmquist has been involved ending abortion, but that vision is uniquely amazing divine destinies. in pro-life ministry for over 25 years, incomplete. It is obvious to Mad- Throughout his life, great men and serving with LifeSavers Ministries, dox and to those around him that women seem to be drawn to Mad- 40 Days for Life Bakersfi eld, Glorify he has a unique destiny; but even dox, and these colorful characters Jesus Ministries, and Pastors Pro- before he experiences a personal at times seem to shine even more Life Resource Center.

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“… integrating professional counseling with Christian principles for healthy living.” NO FEE UNLESS YOU WIN AN AWARD Day, Evening, & Saturday Offi ce Hours Family Consultation Services, Inc. Convenient locations to serve you: Recipient 2003 -ISSION6ALLEY%ASTs-ISSION6ALLEY7ESTs%ASTLAKEs,AKESIDEs3ANTEEs#ORONADO “OUTSTANDING TRIAL LAWYER AWARD” JOHN B. LITTLE /CEANSIDEs#HULA6ISTAs%L#AJONs-IRA-ESAs2ANCHO"ERNARDOs#ARLSBAD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW in collaboration with Center for Enriching Relationships, Inc. NORTH COUNTY 760.633.3332 WWW%NRICHING2ELATIONSHIPSORG SAN DIEGO 858.481.6111 Insurance Welcome Call (619) 280-3430 Se Habla Español 2533 S. COAST HWY 101, STE 280 CA 92007 CARDIFF, SD October 2012 • CHRISTIAN EXAMINER • 19


Accounting Services (PSA, Inc.) Save $$$ on Social Services. Promising Futures, serving El Cajon, 2 bedroom home. 2-car garage, AC, DR, Guitar Lessons. Veteran worship leader and guitar- your personal/business taxes, expenses and much DD population in East County, seeking reliable, ceiling fan, appliances/microwave, tiled entry, car- ist Scott Coyle is now accepting guitar students. Dependable Caregivers more! Visit to learn dedicated individuals to fi ll the following full time pet, verticals, laundry hookups, fenced yard, quiet. All levels welcome. Call (619) 490-9690 for more Assisted Living At Home more about how we can help. (619) 464-1015. and part time positions. Raises/bonuses for $1,398, (619) 669-0770, [email protected] information and availability. Family owned since 2002 exceptional work. Residential program: Program “Call today for help today” Manager, Program Instructor. Overtime opportuni- 619-421-1022 BOOKS ties available. Salary start from $8-$10/hour. H OUSING NEEDED ROOFING Center for Independent Achievement Day Program: Free Bible Study by mail, postage paid! (760) Instructor/Job Coach, $8.50-$9.50/hour. Phone H ardworking mother of two looking for affordable Low cost, top quality. Guaranteed. New, recover, 598-8968. Nondenominational. (619) 592-4850, fax (619) 592-4878 or email rental. Children are quiet and well-behaved. Preferably repair. Dennis Cook Roofi ng. Lic. # 545185. Call resume to pfi [email protected]. need at least a 2 BR. On a tight budget. (619) 820-4248 (619) 443-1300. SINGLES

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES S hadow Mountain Ministries is looking for a Web Urgent Housing Needed. Responsible, Christian Dils Roofi ng & Repairs. Free estimates. License Christian singles activities for Southern California Developer with at least two years of experience with conservative woman, with small, trained Boston #639961. 1-800-501-7663. — dinner-dances, cruises, New Year’s Eve dance, Home business entrepreneurs needed to market .Net websites. Fax (619) 590-1714 or email resume Terrier, seeks room to rent, or house to share in fun activities. Visit the ultimate child protection services to parents. to [email protected]. San Diego area, starting Oct. 15, 2012. Excellent or call (714) 622-4002. Earn big commissions (949) 388-1991. references! Call Jan at (954) 383-5463. ROOMS FOR RENT Need extra income? Work PT with fl exible hours doing offi ce cleaning. Competitive hourly pay. Area: V ista: Female Roommate to share large, quiet TRAVEL CAREGIVER Kearny Mesa. Call: (619) 659-9797. H OUSING RENT TO OWN home. Large bedroom, private bathroom, basic utilities included. Private entrance, kitchen and Lowest Possible Fares on airline tickets. Deal with Free room & board plus salary for live-in experienced C artoonist Needed! Contact James (619) 405-6744 Want a “rent to own” new condo in Downtown Mis- laundry privileges, pool. Must be non-smoking and a Christian Travel Agency. Dick, (619) 448-4755. care-giver for elderly Christian lady in Costa Mesa. or [email protected]. sion Hills, Hillcrest. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 garages. neat. $575 per month, plus $575 deposit. Call Also, part-time experienced caregiver needed. Call (619) 260-1062 Karen at work: (760) 727-6139. VACATION/RETREAT RENTALS Mayda (949) 735-7977. HOUSING FOR RENT Peaceful large bedroom, furnished or non-furnished, Lake Arrowhead Vacation Homes—Great for fami- MINISTRIES plus WiFi, bathroom, kitchen, laundry, patio with lies, retreats, reunions. (562) 427-9810. C HURCH SPACE Small, new 1 bedroom, fully furnished mobile home BBQ, storage. Great neighborhood/Near all. Perfect AVAILABLE on private property. Full deck, nice area, east county. When someone you love is gay. Christian ministry for any age. $550 includes utilities. (619) 997-5639. Cable, water, elect. paid. For one single, mature, to families needing help coping with homosexual- WANTED TO RENT Christian male. No smoking, no pets. $750/month, 1,800 sq. ft. commercial space available for $1/ ity. Group meeting. First Tuesday of every month, $500 deposit. Available Oct. 1 – (619) 443-1876. sq. ft. in busy college area. Keller Williams Realty. 7-9pm. Fireside Room, Education Building, City SERVICES Secure garage for my car. Near highway 15 & View Church, 8404 Phyllis Place. (619) 426-9300. Friars Rd. Next to the Qualcomm Stadium. Call Call Paul Ledgerwood: (858) 531-4953 or email: El Cajon, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. 2-car garage, Electronic Repair. TVs, microwaves, etc. Honest [email protected]. (619) 260-1062. central AC, DR, built-in appliances, carpet, verticals, Same sex attracted? Or have a loved one who is? work at low rates. Dick, (619) 448-4755. cathedral ceilings, laundry hookups, large fenced Join us each Thursday 7pm, Skyline Church, La DISC JOCKEYS yard, quiet. $1,848, (619) 669-0770. Mesa, Campo Road. Safe, confi dential, supportive. Expert Proofreading and Editing. Get it right before Tedd (619) 250-7488, All welcome. your readers see it! Dick, (619) 448-4755. Getting Married? Party? Fundraiser? Fun, organized Christian DJ & wife will help you Come join our team! How to personally know God plan & coordinate your event. We also teach Mount Miguel Covenant Village is a Christian Retirement Community just a Swing, Salsa, Country & more. Lighting available. Realize that you are a sinner. take residence in your life and heart. few miles east of San Diego, Calif. Our community consists of eleven residential No matter how good a life we try to “If you declare with your mouth, 1-800-805-5497 apartment buildings, a 48-unit assisted living facility and our skilled nursing center. live, we still fall miserably short of ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your Our 28 acre park-like setting has been applauded for its beauty and is enjoyed by being a good person. That is because heart that God raised Him from the EDUCATION residents and employees alike. We are an accredited continuing care retirement we are all sinners. We all fall short dead, you will be saved” (Romans community, and are part of Covenant Retirement Communities (CRC), a not-for- of God’s desire for us to be holy. 10:9 NIV). The Bible says, “There is no one Bankruptcy or Immigration Paralegal. Training, profit corporation, dedicated to the service of others. If you would like to have a relation- certifi cate & placement. $395 (626) 552-2885. righteous—not even one” (Romans ship with Jesus Christ, simply pray Employment Opportunities 3:10 NIV). This is because we cannot this prayer with complete sincerity. H igh School math tutor available grades 7-12 all become who we are supposed to be areas (619) 708-6425. We are currently seeking energetic professionals with great communication without Jesus Christ. Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a skills for the following full-time or part-time positions: sinner. I believe you died for my sins T gently teaches over- Recognize that Jesus died on the coming fear of public speaking, Mondays. and rose again. Right now, I turn cross and rose from the dead. ■ ■ from my sins and open the door of Physical Therapy Asst. (FT) Caregiver (Per Diem) The Bible tells us, “But God my heart and life. I confess you as HEALTH & WELLNESS ■ Server (PT) ■ Speech Therapist (Per Diem) demonstrates His own love for us ■ ■ my personal Lord and Savior. Thank Painter (FT) LVN Clinic Nurse Mgr (FT) in this: While we were still sinners, you for saving me. Amen. ■ Occupational Therapist ■ Health Care Admissions Rep (FT) Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8 ■ If you just prayed that prayer and THE POWER OF WELLNESS (FT/Per Diem) Fitness Coordinator (FT) NIV). This is the Good News, that God loves us so much that He sent meant it, Jesus Christ has now $IETARYSUPPLEMENTs-ICRONIZEDFORMULA taken residence in your heart! Your NUTRACEUTICALS If you enjoy working with seniors, we want you to be a part of our mission- His only Son to die in our place when we least deserved it. decision to follow Christ means God SHARON JAHRs619.917.9157 oriented team! Persons with an active Christian faith are encouraged to apply. has forgiven you and that you will To apply for these positions, or to inquire about other open positions, please Repent of your sin. spend eternity in heaven. The Bible e-mail resume w/salary history to jobs.MountMiguel.CV@covenantretirement. The Bible tells us to “repent and turn tells us, “If we confess our sins, he org, or fax to (619) 931-1237, or apply in person at 325 Kempton St., Spring to God” (Acts 3:19 NIV). The word is faithful and just and will forgive Valley, CA 91977. EOE. repent means to change our direction us our sins and purify us from all in life. Instead of running from God, unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9 NIV). we can run toward Him. To put your faith in action, be sure Receive Christ into your life. to spend time with God by reading Becoming a Christian is not merely your Bible, praying, getting involved believing some creed or going to in a Bible-preaching church, and church. It is having Christ Himself telling others about Christ.

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