Economics and Governance Committee 2021 Estimates
ECONOMICS AND GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE 2021 ESTIMATES PRE-HEARING QUESTION ON NOTICE No. 1 THE ECONOMICS AND GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE ASKED THE MINISTER FOR TOURISM INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION AND MINISTER FOR SPORT (HON S HINCHLIFFE) ― QUESTION: With reference to page 4 of the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport Service Delivery Statements, and the reference to promoting long term growth to the tourism industry, will the Minister provide an update on the Year of Indigenous Tourism? ANSWER: On 19 July 2020, the Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, Premier and Minister for Trade, extended the Year of Indigenous Tourism to 2021 due to the impacts of COVID-19. The Palaszczuk Government is investing $10 million over two years for Indigenous tourism development and growth as part of the Year of Indigenous Tourism. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tourism experiences are an iconic part of Queensland’s tourism sector and a strong economic driver, as the sector supported $505 million in visitor expenditure and employed nearly 2500 people on a full-time basis before the COVID-19 pandemic. Key initiatives of the Year of Indigenous Tourism include: • $7 million Growing Indigenous Tourism in Queensland Fund • Our Country Tourism Business Development Service • Advance Queensland One Business program, for Indigenous business innovators and entrepreneurs • Indigenous experience, marketing, festivals and events • The scoping of the potential to establish a peak Indigenous tourism body. Under the Growing Indigenous Tourism in Queensland Fund, 24 businesses received funding of up to $25 000 to develop business concepts and feasibility studies for new growth of Indigenous tourism product or experiences, while nine businesses received funding of up to $1 million to deliver a new tourism attraction, experience or built infrastructure.
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