Supervision Annual Report 2014 Bank of Albania SUPERVISION 2014 ANNUAL REPORT Bank of Albania 1 2014 Supervision Annual Report You may use data of this publication, provided the source is acknowledged. Bank of Albania, Sheshi “Skënderbej”, nr. 1, Tiranë, Shqipëri Tel.: + 355 4 2419301/2/3; + 355 4 2419409/10/11 Faks: + 355 4 2419408 E-mail:
[email protected] www.bankofalbania.orgPrinted in: 350 copies 2 Bank of Albania Supervision Annual Report 2014 CONTENT MISSION OF SUPERVISION 7 1. MAIN PROJECTS INVOLVING THE SUPERVISION DEPARTMENT DURING 2014 9 1.1 Compliance with Development Policy Loans criteria 9 1.2 Risk-based supervision 9 1.3 From Basel I to Basel II 10 1.4 Treatment of non-performing loans 11 2. REGULATORY FRAMEWORK AND LICENSING 12 2.1 Regulatory framework 12 2.2 Licencing 15 3. PERFORMANCE AND RISK ANALYSIS IN THE BANKING SYSTEM AND NON-BANK FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS 19 3.1 Banking system highlights 19 3.2 Equity ownership structure by country of origin 20 3.3 Banking system structure 20 3.4 Management of banking activity risks 23 3.5 Non-bank financial instiutions and savings and loan associations 42 3.6 ON-SITE EXAMINATIONS 46 3.7 Credit registry 48 ANNEXES 51 Annex 1 Supervision Department Structure 50 Annex 2 Each bank’s specific share in the banking system 51 Annex 3 Assets and liabilities 52 Annex 4 Core financial indicators 54 Annex 5 Banks’ shareholders, as at 31.12.2014 55 Annex 6 Data on the shareholders/partners of the non-bank financial institution as at 31.12.2014 56 Annex 7 Bank branches and agencies in Albania, by prefecture over 2007 - 2014 57 Annex 8 E-banking products over 2006 - 2014 57 Annex 9 E-banking products/services, by commercial bank, as at end-2014 57 Annex 10 Number of entities licensed by the Bank of Albania, by year 58 Annex 11 Banking services statistics as at 31.12.2014 58 Annex 12 Banks’ network as at end 2014 58 Annex 13 List of banking supervision regulations in force as at December 2014 59 Annex 14 Banks and branches of foreign banks licensed by the Bank of Albania (31.12.2014) 62 Annex 15.