'Digital Biology' of Benveniste- the Bible of Pseudo-Science and Quackery Under Label of Homeopathy
'Digital Biology' Of Benveniste- The Bible Of Pseudo-science And Quackery Under Label Of Homeopathy Chandran K C http://dialecticalhomeopathy.com Proponents of all those 'modern' ENERGY MEDICINE models and practices of homeopathy and CAM, amounting to sheer occults such as 'vibrations', 'resonance', 'wave theory', 'frequencies', 'EM signals', 'bio-photons', ‘bio-magnetism’, 'distance healing', 'hair transmission', 'photo transmission', 'PC resonance remedies', 'paper remedies', 'water remedies', 'mp3 remedies', 'radionics', 'reflexology', 'meditation proving', 'dream proving', 'trituration proving', etc etc seek their solace of 'scientific' foundation in the 'DIGITAL BIOLOGY' of BENVENISTE. It is almost like a BIBLE to them. In my opinion, the REDUCTIONIST and PSEUDOSCIENTIFIC speculations of benveniste, which he called 'Digital Biology', is actually the 'MOTHER OF QUACKERY' in homeopathy as well as everything known as CAM practices. Jacques Benveniste(1935–2004), who was once a famous and respected French immunologist, published a research paper in Nature magazine in the year 1988. This paper and the subsequent controversies which shook the world of science, were incidents which roused great interest as far as Homoeopathy was concerned. It was through this article that the idea of ‘molecular memory of water’ became a subject of discussion in the world of science. But an influential section of scientists took a stand that ideas put forward by Benveniste were nothing but nonsense. Heated controversies followed, which have not subsided yet, even after 22 years. The accusation raised by his enemies was that Benveniste could not prove his arguments in the controlled experiments overseen by experts appointed by Nature. Benvenistse had later put on record that he was a made a scapegoat, and subjected to ‘inhuman revenge and character assassination’ from the part of representatives of official science.
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