WEST WYALONG – HAY – 3-7 March 2017

We set out with our usual anticipation of what God would accomplish through our travels. At Hartley we met S from NZ who is a Christian and we shared a "cuppa". At Orange fuel stop S1 prayed with us and from Gooloogong to Garema we began the anointing, with certain properties on our hearts, including the area which had been so badly affected by the recent floods. We stayed at West Wyalong that night.

Next day we went back to Clear Ridge and the Wamboyne/Burcher area, returning to West Wyalong through Girral where we anointed quite a lot of properties, though trying to find a particular one. S2, at West Wyalong fuel stop, prayed with us. We then drove to where we drove a pretty rough road to find a property where the RFS truck should have been. We searched up Road too but anointed all we could since we did not find the property as we expected to. From there we drove to Moombooldool and Semmler Road where we found the one where we had met the owner on a previous trip and he had asked us to pray for him. We did not find the other property we had searched for and none of the locals knew it either. We did meet P on the road though. He was moving his sheep and was happy to pray, even though not a churchgoer. Sometimes these encounters feel like a "Gaza road" re-enactment, because they are so unexpected. We had lunch in Barellan and drove through and via Gum Creek Road (where, on our last trip, someone had told us there was a RFS team) to Hay. J at our motel prayed with us.

Next morning, Sunday, we attended the Anglican Church. E gave us a great welcome as she had met us by phone previously and she and also L shared our prayer with us. As we sat having morning tea we also prayed in our usual very bold fashion for a lady and someone she loves who had had an accident. It is good to share our "great faith in an awesome God" with those who are weaker in their faith! If God says that nothing is impossible with Him if we can believe then we go for the impossible! It was a late start but then we headed off for . Our friend was not there but her son prayed with us and prepared a lovely cool drink. We drove on to our (especially the driver's) big challenge, the back roads in the outback. When we tackle these roads we anoint everything we pass as it is highly unlikely we will ever pass that way again. People actually live out there where the roads have no gravel and are slithery in the dust and L, P and E at the church. quagmires in the wet. We eventually arrived at Clare Public School where we met B. He did not want to pray but we encouraged him in the gospel and had a time of fellowship and learnt a bit more about country life, and being a school principal so far out and with so few children. We drove through Hatfield, saw (and prayed for) the community centre as we were rather shocked that this was the only meeting place for the community there. We arrived in Balranald and prayed with our motel owner, J.

Next morning we went to visit RM, whom we had met on a previous visit at a bad time in his day/life. He greeted us like long-lost friends and with great joy. This was very happy for us as we had prayed for God to lift him up since our last visit. We drove to Benanee where we found a RFS shed and to Paringi where we met and prayed with A. We prayed for the extensive grape-growing properties and returned to Balranald for lunch. Then we went on to Hay where we stopped for fuel, another opportunity to offer to pray, which was accepted. We anointed some more properties on the Sturt Highway and came to . This time K, who prays with us every time, drew her daughter into the prayer. God has been mightily blessing her business and her cooking skills.

We decided to drive home via Young which was very fortuitous as we discovered RFS sheds we had not been able to find previously. P, at the fuel stop in Cowra, said "I am an atheist, one of those bad people". We answered that he was an atheist in his integrity because of having never met Jesus. We shared the gospel very briefly. He did not pray but he accepted the prayer "for a future occasion" when he might need God. Finding these sheds encourages us that God likes what we are doing as He does His very best to lead and guide us to these places. This meant that North Berry Jerry, Mimosa and Birdlip received the prayer for God's blessing. We arrived home, having travelled more than 2500 km and having prayed with 12 people to encourage them in the Lord, but having had the opportunity to preach the gospel to many more and to pray for many people and God's blessing on more than 70 properties. We believe and pray that the light of Christ will shine on and that His presence will be sensed by all who are in the vicinity of Him in us.