The Geeveston Tramways and Timber Leases · Bill, 1901; (Private) : \
.. (NQ. 70.) 1901. '· PARLIAMENT OF TASMANIA THE GEEVESTON TRAMWAYS AND TIMBER LEASES · BILL, 1901; (PRIVATE) : \. REPORT 'OF SELECT COMMITTEE, WITH MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS, ADDRESS OF COUNSEL, AND APPENDICES. Brought up by Mr. Evans, November 29, 1901, and ordered by the House of , Assembly to be printed. Coat of printing-£15 7s. 6d. · -(,No. ·10.) SELECT COMM1TTEE appointed on the 20th day· of November, 1901, to con sider and report upon "The Geeveston Tramways and Timber: Leases Bill, 1901, (Private)." MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE. MR. TREASURER. MR. BuRBURY. MR. DUMARESQ. MR. HoPE. MR- McCRACKAN. MR. EVANS. · ( Mo11er.) MR. ·GuEsDoN. DAYS OF MEETING. Thursday, November 21; Friday, Novt'lmber 22; Wednesday, November 27; Thursday, _November 28; Friday~ · Nov.,ember 29. ' WITNESSES EXAMINED. Mr. J. W. Geeves, of Geeveston, Mr. J. W. Beattie, of Hobart, Mr. E. A. Counsel, Surveyor-G~neral of Tas , mania, M~. Russell Allport, Electrical :f:ngineer, of Hobart. R_E P O R T. Y CUR Committee, having taken evidence in support of the allegations contained in the Preamble of the Bill, have the honour to report that ·the said Preample, subject to certain. Amendmerits which the Committee recommend, has been proved to their satisfaction.. Your Committee having agre~d that the Preamble, as amended, should stand part of the Bill, then entered upon the consideration of 'the several Clauses, and having made certain amendments therein,' have 'now the honour of submitting the Bill to the favourable consideration of your Honourable House. J. W. EVANS, Chairman. Committee Room, !fouse ef Assembly, 29th November, 1901. (No. 70.) . IV M I N U T E S O F P R O C E E D 1 N GS.
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