CRYPTREC EX-3003-2020 CRYPTREC Review of EdDSA Steven D. Galbraith Mathematics Department, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.
[email protected] 1 Executive summary The EdDSA signature scheme is a digital signature based on the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP). It was proposed by Bernstein, Duif, Lange, Schwabe and Yang in 2012 [18]. It builds on a long line of discrete logarithm based signature schemes, including Elgamal, Schnorr, DSA, and ECDSA. The security of signature schemes of this type is well-understood, and elliptic curve cryptography is a mature field. My conclusions and opinions: 1. EdDSA is a good design for a signature scheme (except perhaps for the key clamping, see Section 6.1, which seems to cause more difficulties than it provides benefits). 2. EdDSA is more closely related to Schnorr signatures than ECDSA, and so enjoys many of the rigorous security guarantees that are known for Schnorr signatures, including recent work on tight security proofs. 3. Deterministic signatures solve some of the security problems of discrete log signatures, but constant time imple- mentation is still critical in many settings. 4. EdDSA is superior to ECDSA when doing batch verification of a large number of signatures. 5. Curve 25519 provides a high level of security for the next 10-20 years, and 448-bit keys (such as in Ed448) are over-conservative and not recommended. 6. It is unlikely that quantum computers capable of solving 256-bit ECDLP instances can be built within the next 10 years. 7. I am confident that EdDSA using Curve25519 is a good signature scheme for use up to 2030.