

By: Kirsten Greenidge Contact: Mark Orsini/ [email protected] 212-765-5630 No portion of this script may be presented or performed without written permission from the persons listed above.

Draft date: 4/6/20

Development/Production History

OUR DAUGHTERS, LIKE PILLARS (formerly AND MOIRA SPINS) was first commissioned by The Goodman Theatre, Robert Falls Artistic Director, with Tanya Palmer as Director of New Play Development.

It was presented as part of The Goodman’s New Stages New Play Festival in October, 2016.

In July, 2017, it was workshopped and presented as part of The Huntington Theatre Company’s Playwrighting Fellows Summer Workshop series, Peter Dubois, Artistic Director, Lisa Timmel Director of New Work, and Charles Haugland, Artistic Programs and Dramaturgy. The workshop was directed by Jade King Carroll and dramaturged by Phaedra Scott.

OUR DAUGHTERS, LIKE PILLARS was scheduled to be produced in spring, 2020, at the Huntington, under the direction of Kimberly Senior, dramaturged by Charles Haugland, but was postponed due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

OUR DAUGHTERS, LIKE PILLARS is a work of fiction.

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Lavinia Shaw Williams mid-late forties Octavia Shaw Curtis mid-late forties Zelda Shaw late thirties Yvonne Shaw early seventies Missy Shaw late fifties, Bajan Paul King early to mid-thirties Morris Williams fifties

SETTING A summer rental, North Conway, New Hampshire.

The present.

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A large back yard with deck and patio, stonework.

There is grass and landscaped earth.

OCTAVIA sits, laptop in lap.

She looks blankly at the laptop, then types a bit, then stops.

She looks up, around.

She breathes in, deeply.

OCTAVIA is about to exhale when LAVINIA bustles in with a glass pitcher of ginger- lemonade.

LAVINIA takes in the view.


LAVINIA: How do you like it?

OCTAVIA: Oh, it’s wonderful. I love it, Vinnie, I really do.

LAVINIA: Me too. I love it, too, but Morris has an earful to say about every inch. Every corner he turns in there, he’s got a comment.

OCTAVIA: He doesn’t like it? It’s gorgeous.

LAVINIA: It is, of course it is. I made sure it is. Next time he says something I’m going to tell him he can tuck all those shouldn’ts right up his—

OCTAVIA: Oh, Vinnie, that’s not nice. Be nice. Why would you want to say something like that, now?

LAVINIA: It’s ours for the week, so just relax. Just let yourself go. Let yourself: unravel…

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LAVINIA dramatically, physically, unravels:

Flop…flop…LAVINIA reaches for OCTAVIA and OCTAVIA swats LAVINIA away.

LAVINIA stops.

LAVINIA: Are you thirsty?

The whole thing startles OCTAVIA.

OCTAVIA: Ahhhhh.

LAVINIA: Are you thirsty?

OCTAVIA: Jesus, Vinnie. I thought we were lying down, relaxing, unravel—

LAVINIA: Here, have something to drink.

LAVINIA pours.

LAVINIA: It’s lemonade. It’s ginger-lemonade. It’s divine. Drink.

OCTAVIA: Oh, sure. In Brussels I think I had some.


LAVINIA: Brussels?

OCTAVIA: Me and Tim. We were there for that fellowship. LAVINIA looks at OCTAVIA. What.

LAVINIA: Brussels.

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OCTAVIA: Brussels. Yes. Me and Tim—

LAVINIA: Up at the end of the week?

OCTAVIA: Yep. Yes. Up at the end of the week he said. She holds up her phone. I’ll give him the address. And yes. Me and Tim in Brussels. Had lemonade just like that.

LAVINIA: Tim good?

OCTAVIA: That’s what that look was? About Tim?



LAVINIA: No. I’m sure he’s fine.

OCTAVIA: What was that look?

LAVINIA: It was…It’s: Tim and I.

OCTAVIA: …Serious?

LAVINIA: Tim and I. Not Tim and me.

OCTAVIA (Amused): You’re crazy.

LAVINIA: Well you’re the one writing the book,

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OCTAVIA Trying to.

LAVINIA I shouldn’t even need to say these things It is Tim and I. You should be happy you have me to help with these things.

OCTAVIA: Oh so true, where on earth would I ever be?

LAVINIA: And I remember, of course I remember.

OCTAVIA: Brussels.

LAVINIA: I just didn’t know Brussels was known for lemonade.

OCTAVIA: In Brussels there is no lemonade?

LAVINIA: Not like this there is not.

OCTAVIA: No, no, I could have sworn we had something like this/there—

LAVINIA: Mumma said she couldn’t remember her recipe: I called Zelda: and asked for hers, but that’s like blood from a stone.

OCTAVIA: Vacation, remember. Be nice. And you can always look on her site.

LAVINIA: Site? Tuh. Which site? Who can keep up with Zelda’s never ending hobbies? No, I consulted the big one: The Food Network.

OCTAVIA: When’d Zelda say she get here anyway?

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LAVINIA: Then I cross referenced that with a recipe from the girls in my chat group, and then I got another from a girl at work who thinks she could die and come back as Oprah on the cover of her own magazine with a basket of puppies.

LAVINIA: Well drink up. It’ll get warm.

OCTAVIA takes a large sip.

LAVINIA: But don’t drink too much.

OCTAVIA spits her drink back into her glass.

LAVINIA: Octavia.

OCTAVIA: You said not to drink it.

LAVINIA: I meant leave room for dinner.

OCTAVIA: Oh. Okay.

OCTAVIA drinks from her glass again.

LAVINIA: For goodness sake, Tavie.

OCTAVIA: What? What now?

LAVINIA: That’s even, that’s even worse. That’s disgusting. Now really.

OCTAVIA: Well I don’t know.

LAVINIA: Give me that. You need a new glass. Now you need a new glass.

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OCTAVIA: Well, I don’t know.

LAVINIA pours a new glass.

LAVINIA: I meant, I only meant, leave room. For dinner, for supper. I’m making a supper and you will spoil—

OCTAVIA: Oh, you didn’t have to. We could all cook, how about?

LAVINIA: Setting up many pots to boil, pouring a glass of wine, and then walking away while someone else actually cooks, is not cooking.

OCTAVIA: Then we could order.

LAVINIA: Order what? From where? The rock at the fork in the road?


LAVINIA This is the woods. No. I am making a supper. I like to do it.

OCTAVIA: You like to do it?

LAVINIA: I love to do it. And this week isn’t about who cooks it is about being all together. It’s been so long.

OCTAVIA: I guess Birdie does always skip Christmas.

LAVINIA: So, so long.

OCTAVIA: And I make soups: that is what I make.

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LAVINIA: Mumma’s 75th, that’s how long it’s been, since we all of us, and mum, have been together.

OCTAVIA: That was nice, Vinnie. A nice party for mumma.

LAVINIA: But this. We need this: One week up here. No politics, no religion.

OCTAVIA: Right, Tim’s not here, we can talk about whatever we want.

LAVINIA: That’s not what I--

OCTAVIA: He’s just got big ideas.


LAVINIA looks down and away.

LAVINIA: One week to just relax. That rain better hold off.


OCTAVIA looks up at the sky.

OCTAVIA: Plans already?

LAVINIA: Oh Yes. Yes, yes, yes: Antiquing.

OCTAVIA: Everyone else? Agreed on antiquing?

LAVINIA: Well I didn’t know your calendar was already filled.

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OCTAVIA: Oh, my calendar’s open. I just like jet skis.

LAVINIA: Ah see there? See you’re getting the hang. You will love it here.

OCTAVIA: One jet ski does not equal true love.

LAVINIA: I said to Morris myself, I said: You will have to drag me kicking and screaming. I said to Morris this very morning, on our way up to get the keys, open up the house, I said to him: I will never want to leave.

OCTAVIA: Yeah, I’m a hard no on antiquing.

LAVINIA: What? Why?

OCTAVIA: Because sometimes old things make my skin crawl. Because sometimes I think I’d suffocate after an afternoon of looking at them.


OCTAVIA: Antiquing. The antiquing. Might kill me.


LAVINIA: That’s a colorful way to put it.

OCTAVIA(Overly bright): But of course if everyone else is going. Sure. Let’s all hope for sun sun sun. Yay for antiquing. Wouldn’t want to miss that.

A cell phone.


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A cell phone rings, then cuts off mid ring.



OCTAVIA: Just make him turn it off.

LAVINIA: One time it might be the kids.

OCTAVIA: Turn it to vibrate then.

LAVINIA: One time it might be that camp, telling us one of them got mauled by a bear.

OCTAVIA: Vinnie.

LAVINIA: Why’s he lurking around in the house anyway? I told him leave it. I left mine on that table in there. Already has a phone on it: perfect. I said: Go down to the lake: Fish. Swim.

OCTAVIA: Oooo. Maybe we play a game ‘til everyone gets here. Morris is always good for a game.

LAVINIA: I can’t play Monopoly and cook all that food.

OCTAVIA: I said Morris. You’re no fun.

LAVINIA: Lies lies lies: I am the capital F in Fun.

OCTAVIA: You are huh? Point in fact, Monopoly is like the least fun game to play. There’s a whole shelf of more fun games to play in there than Monopoly.

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LAVINIA: Karaoke then. Go set that up while I get everything ready. Birdie and Zelda should be here by dessert. I should have everything done before then.

OCTAVIA: Dessert. So Zelda said when she was coming? By dessert?

LAVINIA: It’s Zelda. It could be by dessert or could be Wednesday?

OCTAVIA: But just now I asked and you didn’t say—

LAVINIA: Well honestly, Octavia, if I knew I would tell you, why would I lie?

OCTAVIA: I am not saying you would lie—

LAVINIA: Well I just I do not know.

OCTAVIA: No you just said she said by dessert.

LAVINIA: No I said I want to have everything ready. You twist things—

OCTAVIA looks down.


OCTAVIA: You just seem to know when they might be here. I’d like to know when they said they’d be here. It’s nothing. I.

OCTAVIA stops.

LAVINIA recoups.

OCTAVIA: Too bad the girls couldn’t come.

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LAVINIA: We will survive.

OCTAVIA: I should have seen them more this year.

LAVINIA: The quiet’s nice.

OCTAVIA: They’re getting so big.

LAVINIA: They’re fine.

OCTAVIA: I didn’t say anything was wrong with them.

LAVINIA: Of course nothing’s wrong with them.

OCTAVIA: Vinnie.

LAVINIA: What would be wrong with them?

OCTAVIA: I meant, they’re not little girls anymore. Bam. They’re like old ladies now.


OCTAVIA: They’re beautiful girls. You should be proud.

LAVINIA: …Thank you.

OCTAVIA: I just hardly got to see them all spring. Is what I meant. We all do need this vacation. The house is very nice. You’ve been very generous.

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LAVINIA: What are sisters for? What is family for?


OCTAVIA: I…I just want to say. About the spring, Vinnie, I am—

LAVINIA: Go sink your toes into that sand, take a swim in that lake—

OCTAVIA: About the spring. About before, then, too—

LAVINIA: Sh. Shhhh. Listen. Isn’t it just so, so—

OCTAVIA: About everything, all of it. I. I. Need to say—

LAVINIA: Go. The sun’s still out.

LAVINIA has turned to look up and out to the sky.

LAVINIA: Don’t worry, Tavie.

OCTAVIA looks to LAVINIA but when LAVINIA does not turn to her, follows LAVINIA’s lead.


It seems as though the sun is all there is…

LAVINIA: Don’t worry about anything at—

A lurching sound.

LAVINIA: What in the world?

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A large camper/caravan seeming building with wheels begins to move onstage.



The camper continues to roll and roll and roll...

LAVINIA: Hold it. Hold it, hold it, hold it.

OCTAVIA: What on God’s green earth?

The camper does not stop.

LAVINIA: The porch.

The camper does not stop.

OCTAVIA: The porch.

LAVINIA (Calling to the house): Morris?

The camper edges closer.


OCTAVIA: Well what can Morris do?

LAVINIA(Calling out to the camper): Hello?


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The camper lurches and makes a noise.

LAVINIA: Morris.

OCTAVIA: Lavinia, what’s that man going to do, really, about a, a—

LAVINIA: That man should have his hearing checked, I swear.

OCTAVIA: Call the police.

LAVINIA: Don’t be ridiculous.

LAVIINIA (Calling out): Hello?

OCTAVIA(Calling out): We’re calling the police.

The sound of a car door opening and slamming shut.

ZELDA enters from the “camper’s” front end.

ZELDA: I’d like to see you go ahead.


LAVINIA: Oh for crying out loud.

ZELDA: You for crying out loud.


ZELDA: In the flesh. The one and only.

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LAVINIA: What is this? I thought you weren’t coming ‘til dessert.

OCTAVIA: Dessert. I knew it. Knew it, knew it, knew it.


LAVINIA steps back.

LAVINIA: But, but what is this?

ZELDA: Like it?

OCTAVIA: A whole week all of us together. Vinnie’s planned the whole week.

LAVINIA: What Is this?

ZELDA: Do you like it?

OCTAVIA: Is it one of those tear drops?

ZELDA: I love it. Solar. Pine. Collects rain water to run through its own pipes.

LAVINIA: Own pipes? Why own pipes?

ZELDA hits the side of the camper.

ZELDA: Home. Truck. Completely sustainable.

LAVINIA stares at the camper.

ZELDA: What?

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LAVINIA leans down, touches where a wheel meets the ground.

LAVINIA: It looks much too heavy for the lawn.

ZELDA: Economical. That’s what it is. All I need is an electrical hook up.

OCTAVIA: Like a prius.

LAVINIA: The wheels just dig right in, you see that?

ZELDA: It’s super cozy. Insulated with denim.

LAVINIA: Dungarees?

ZELDA: I’m excited for you all to love it.

OCTAVIA: This is, this is—

LAVINIA: This? is insane. Look at this grass. Those wheels will sit there and sit there—

ZELDA: It’s a yard. That’s what wheels do in yards.

LAVINIA: It’s a lawn. There’s a security deposit.


LAVINIA: What’s that? What’s that mean? What’s so funny? Why’s that funny?

OCTAVIA: Have the ginger-lemonade.

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ZELDA: That come with the house? Or with the domestic confinement?

OCTAVIA: Vinnie made it. It’s just delicious. Tim and I had something similar in Brussels.

ZELDA: Tim’s here?

OCTAVIA: He’s, um, working.

ZELDA: End of the week?




LAVINIA takes in the tiny home.

OCTAVIA: End of the week. Yes.

LAVINIA: Why did you bring your own house to my house?

ZELDA: It is not your house: you paid a security deposit.

LAVINIA: Mumma was very much looking forward to spending this week with you.

ZELDA: And definitely don’t do that.

LAVINIA: Do what?

ZELDA: Drag mumma into this like that.

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LAVINIA: Well that is just the point. To visit with her. To spend actual time together. Not holed up in a wood cube. That is filled with dungarees. Ruining the grass—

ZELDA: I’ll pay for the grass.

LAVINIA: The lawn is not the point.

ZELDA: Well what is the fucking point?

OCTAVIA: You know, I’d love to see the inside.

LAVINIA: The point is I, Morris and I, plunked down, put hard earned cash down, on, on, on this house with, with, with a specific number of rooms. And then. And then you show up with your own room. And it is inconsiderate: it is very, very rude.

ZELDA: Well, I seem to remember Martha’s Vineyard 2011: when I did not even get a room: I got a pull out couch. So this time I came prepared. You know what Tavie, I will take that lemonade.

OCTAVIA goes to pour ZELDA some lemonade.

LAVINIA: Ah, here she is, the queen is here, she has arrived. Do not lift one finger for her. Do not lift one finger I will bite it off if you do.

OCTAVIA: Oh Vinnie.

OCTAVIA pours.

ZELDA: Birdie got the floor that trip.

LAVINIA: Well it was the Vineyard. How was everyone supposed to get their own room, especially Birdie if he’s the youngest.

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OCTAVIA: Tim and I had the most excellent Fondue once on, on Nantucket.

ZELDA: Only old people are entitled to beds on vacation? And who eats fondue in the middle of the summer on Nanfuckingtucket, Octavia?

LAVINIA: What is wrong with you?

OCTAVIA: It is a special week.


OCTAVIA: Vinnie brought recipes, she’s cooking for all of us—

ZELDA sips the lemonade.

ZELDA: Lemonade.

OCTAVIA: Delicious.

LAVINIA: Thank you, Octavia. Thank you very much.

ZELDA: Agreed. But.



ZELDA looks into the glass and then stirs it with her finger.

ZELDA delicately licks her finger.

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ZELDA: But, Mumma used to add apricot. Remember that? That shit was good. You add apricot, but you freeze them first, cube the frozen pieces just so—

LAVINIA takes the glass back.

LAVINIA dumps the contents of the glass over the side of the porch.

ZELDA: Oh come on, Vin.

OCTAVIA: Geez, Zelda, look what—

ZELDA: It was good. It was good—


LAVINIA pours another glass of lemonade and drinks.

LAVINIA: It is very good.

LAVINIA pours glasses of lemonade for OCTAVIA and ZELDA.

They watch her.

LAVINIA hands them glasses of lemonade.


In silence.

ZELDA: It’s completely sustainable. Twenty thousand bought and paid.


LAVINIA: Twenty thousand?

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ZELDA: See? Pretty amazing. Your baby sister, huh? But I don’t have to sleep out here. I didn’t mean to ruin your plans. I just want you to see where I live.


ZELDA: Yes. My tiny home.

OCTAVIA: I think it’s beautiful, Zelda.

LAVINIA: You pulled together twenty thousand dollars? All at the same time?

ZELDA: A tuck here, a nip there. All these questions. This will not be enough. ZELDA holds up a glass of the lemonade. When do we eat?

The tiny house door opens and PAUL appears from within. PAUL: The crapper’s fucked again, Babe—. Aw man.


PAUL: Hey ladies.

ZELDA: Sisters Shaw, meet Paul.


PAUL continues to hang out of the door frame.

ZELDA remains on the chaise lounge chair.

ZELDA sips ginger lemonade.

LAVINIA steps forward towards PAUL.

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PAUL: I don’t think I can fix it.

PAUL disappears into the tiny house.

The sound of the door clicking shut.

ZELDA takes a long sip of lemonade.

ZELDA: Yummy.

OCTAVIA: I’ll say.


LAVINIA: What is going on here?

OCTAVIA: I guess it’s not as small in there as it looks.

ZELDA: No, it is.

LAVINIA: Who is in there?

ZELDA: I just said his name is Paul.

A cellphone rings inside.



LAVINIA starts to enter the house.

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ZELDA: Let the man answer his own phone—

LAVINIA: Well of course he can answer his own—

OCTAVIA: It’s nice Zelda. And it’s important. It’s important to—

A cellphone rings inside.



LAVINIA squirms a bit.


OCTAVIA sinks into a deck chair.


OCTAVIA almost alone. OCTAVIA looks towards the tiny house.

OCTAVIA: It’s important to have something to call your own. Of course, there was Minsk. Where I said to Tim I said: These cheeseburgers are delicious but I’m just not sure about the breading. The sesame seeds on this breading, I don’t think I enjoy them. I remember them as cheeseburgers, but now I am not really sure. Whatever they were, Tim grew very upset. Just eat, Tim said. This is the way they are served. Impatient. Do trips make people impatient? Tim. In Minsk. In March. I sat across this man, my husband, and I saw him, really knew him when I saw him

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For the very, very first time. He is very particular. Precise. When he packs his shoes. For these trips. He packs them in zip lock bags. Very neat. And smart. I always thought that was so smart. But in Minsk I think I finally realized. I said to him: When we get back, we will finally unpack. I said to him. When we get back to Cambridge I would like something else. Curtains and full sets of plates. We had blue and white plates as kids, we could buy a set, just like, how ‘bout. But Tim did not look back at me. Tim didn’t answer at all. He sat and ate instead. I remember cheeseburgers in Minsk but it could not have been cheeseburgers in Minsk Because that doesn’t sound quite right, does it? OCTAVIA looks at the tiny house. It’s important to have something to call your own, even if it is very little. A cellphone rings from inside.

Shift back.



ZELDA laughs at herself. Something softens.

ZELDA: A little bit. I know. We were way early. You got a house full of people and dinner to get on.

LAVINIA: It’s a supper, actually.

A cell phone from inside.


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MORRIS (From inside): ROBO CALL, BABE.

LAVINIA (Calling): O-KAY.

ZELDA: Let me help.


LAVINIA: Thank you, Zelda.

LAVINIA enters the house.

LAVINIA: You’ll love it here. I promise.

OCTAVIA: You will love it all, Zel. The week, your room.

ZELDA takes in the porch, the house.

ZELDA: …We’ll see.

They go inside.

The patio door closes behind them.

Sliiiiiiiide. Click.

The sound of feet on grass.

MISSY appears, suitcase in hand.

MISSY takes in the yard, the patio, the deck.

MISSY takes in the tiny house.

MISSY steps towards the tiny house but then a YVONNE enters the porch, cigarette in hand.

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MISSY hides herself.

YVONNE smokes.

LAVINIA enters, takes in YVONNE.

LAVINIA: Oh, mumma.

YVONNE looks up at LAVINIA.

LAVINIA: There isn’t an ashtray…

YVONNE smokes.

LAVINIA: Mumma. I said. There isn’t an…

But LAVINIA watches YVONNE smoke.


And YVONNE does not stop smoking.

LAVINIA: Okay fine.

YVONNE smokes.

LAVINIA: So only out here.

YVONNE smokes.

LAVINIA: Since there isn’t an ash— YVONNE leans her head back and exhales gently, regally. Okay, mumma.


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LAVINIA: I’m thinking. I’d love your help with dinner. I was going to do those potatoes. Those potatoes the way you’d do them when we were little. And you’d serve them on those pretty little plates. So, so prett—… And. And beans. Just the way you. Nothing fancy. We just always liked…

YVONNE gently extinguishes her cigarette and then saves the butt.

LAVINIA: And I can never get the dill, it’s dill? On those potatoes.

YVONNE rises and exits into the house.

LAVINIA watches YVONNE go.

But then.

LAVINIA softens.

LAVINIA sets herself on tending to the porch, eventually, she enters the house.

Elsewhere in the house, ZELDA paces.

ZELDA: Uhhhhhhh, no.

OCTAVIA: I think it’s charming—

ZELDA: It is a closet.

OCTAVIA: In some countries it’s a condominium.

ZELDA: How are me and Paul supposed to stay here a week?

OCTAVIA: Paul and I.

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ZELDA: Save it for your book. I. Am not sleeping one night in this house.

OCTAVIA: Yes you are. Of course you are.

ZELDA: Right, I bought my own house. So, I do not have to.

OCTAVIA: Really, how’d you pay for that thing? Which really is very cute, by the way.

ZELDA: No one thinks I am capable: Jesus.

OCTAVIA: Who said that?

ZELDA: Vinnie, you, everybody—

OCTAVIA: Nobody, nobody said all that—

ZELDA: It is how you are acting. How are you acting? What is the behavior? “Oh you weren’t going to get here ‘til dessert”. I am capable of driving to New Hampshire.

OCTAVIA: Twenty thousand dollars, Zelda.

ZELDA: I earned it.

OCTAVIA: With your clothes on?

ZELDA: Of course with my clothes on.


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ZELDA: Vinnie acts like I stole the thing and you think I’m hooking on the streets.

OCTAVIA: I pictured high priced madam, actually.

ZELDA looks at OCTAVIA, then smirks.

OCTAVIA smiles.

ZELDA: Well, thank you.

OCTAVIA: But admit, the last few years were kind of—

ZELDA: I’m on my feet now.


ZELDA: Here I am. On my feet. I drove all the way here, ready to tell you all all about it, and what do I get? I get a cot, in a closet, but I am a grown woman with a partner.

OCTAVIA: Awhatnow?

ZELDA: And we can’t be expected, we cannot be expected—

OCTAVIA: A partner, Zelda? Come on.

ZELDA: Yes. Yes that is what I said. That is what Paul is. Vinnie has Morris. You have Tim. I have. I have.

OCTAVIA: Well okay I’ll switch rooms with you—

ZELDA: This is just like her. This is just like her.

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OCTAVIA: So stay in your own house. Just let’s be. Let’s find a way to be nice. Maybe you help fix dinner. You’re wonderful at that. All those recipes. I go to your page all the time to look things up.

ZELDA: Oh yeah?

OCTAVIA: Oh sure.

ZELDA: Right, it’s useful. People love it.

OCTAVIA: It’s amazing.

ZELDA: Thanks. It. It looks like it might take off a bit.

OCTAVIA: You think?

ZELDA: More than think. Much more than think. It’s—

OCTAVIA: You’re so great at remembering all those recipes. Poor Vinnie’s always forgetting them. She asks Mumma but Mumma—

ZELDA: Never wrote anything down. Half the stuff on my site is just scraps from things I think I remember way back when—. The other half I just make up.

OCTAVIA: Still comes out pretty good. Go give her hand. But be nice. This means so much to her, to Vinnie: it’s everything. Something’s a little.

ZELDA: Well it is Vinnie. Something is always a little.

OCTAVIA: It’s important to her.


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ZELDA: When’d you get so calm and wise?

OCTAVIA: It’s all the drugs they give you after a psych hold.

ZELDA: Tavie.

OCTAVIA: I’m kidding. I am kidding. That is my approach. To have a sense of humor. About it. About the whole “spring”.

ZELDA: Okay…

OCTAVIA: And the “aftermath”. They dropped half my classes. Did Vinnie say? They. Anyway. It’s fine. I’m fine.

ZELDA: Well you look: good, great. Tim’s nursing you back to health.




ZELDA: And you’re dropping all this knowledge: your book is going to be amazing.


OCTAVIA looks down and away.

ZELDA: It is.

OCTAVIA looks back to ZELDA, smiles.

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OCTAVIA: I’m going to use the week to write, to really. Dig in.

The telephone rings.

LAVINIA: Let it ring.

OCTAVIA: Go help Vinnie.

The telephone rings.

ZELDA exits.

OCTAVIA steps to exit.

But then: ring.

OCTAVIA’s phone.

OCTAVIA stops.

OCTAVIA reaches down for her phone, looks at its screen, pushes it, listens as she follows ZELDA.

In the yard, the trees rustle.

The telephone rings.

LAVINIA begins snapping beans.

She works swiftly, quietly, but with a heaviness.


LAVINIA stops.


LAVINIA looks further into the yard.

The rustling stops.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 35

LAVINIA takes a step towards where we have seen MISSY go.



LAVINIA takes a step further.

In the patio door we see ZELDA.

She waits.

She watches LAVINIA.

Behind her appears OCTAVIA.

OCTAVIA urges ZELDA to continue out the door.

ZELDA mimes “wait”.

OCTAVIA mimes “go”.

PAUL (from seemingly nowhere): Dinner sure smells good—

LAVNINA yells in surprise.

ZELDA opens the door.

Click. Sliiiiide.

ZELDA: Hey. Hey, hey, hey.


The rustling has stopped.

OCTAVIA: Sure does, sure does smell real good, Vinnie. Zelda, doesn’t dinner—

Another rustle.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 36

LAVINIA stops. Holds up a finger.


ZELDA: What.

OCTAVIA: We thought—. Zel and I, would love to help.

ZELDA: Sure would. Paul. Um. Too.


LAVINIA holds her finger up higher.


OCTAVIA: Vinnie.

LAVINIA shakes it off.

LAVINIA: Never mind. I came out here because it’s so peaceful. She holds up a bean. I came out here to take it all in. I am really feeling so settled.

OCTAVIA: That’s nice, isn’t that—


LAVINIA looks in the direction of the trees and brush.

LAVINIA: But I just thought I. Heard.

All look at LAVINIA.

LAVINIA looks at all.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 37

OCTAVIA: Bigfoot.

LAVINIA: Really, Octavia.

OCTAVIA: Tell me I’m wrong.

PAUL: If he’s anywhere, he’s here.

PAUL looks out and over the yard, a bit as if he is an action movie.

ZELDA: Jesus.

OCTAVIA: Yes, yes.

PAUL: I am so right on this babe.

ZELDA: Uhhhhh.

PAUL: Bigfoot, man.

LAVINIA: It. Was not. Big. Foot.

ZELDA smirks.

ZELDA: Look at her.Look at Vinnie.

LAVINIA: Look at what?

ZELDA: She believes.

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OCTAVIA: Look at her. Look at her.

ZELDA: She believes you two.

LAVINIA: Look at what?

OCTAVIA: Look at her. Look at her.

LAVINIA: This is ridiculous. You are ridicu—

The sound of a branch breaking, off.

ALL scream.

OCTAVIA: Who’s ridiculous? Who’s ridiculous?

LAVINIA: Stop it. Now, really.

OCTAVIA (In a whisper): Biiiig foooot.

ZELDA: Don’t say that.

PAUL: Big foot. Phshhh. Could be a lonely man in a furry rental suit. What really gives me the jeebies is that loch ness.

All look at PAUL.

PAUL: Loch Ness Monster?

ZELDA: We heard you, Paul.

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PAUL: But that is not a dude in a rental suit. What dude can keep holding his breath that long? There is not one dude that can chill in the water that long. Loch ness is the realness. No way I’m swimming alone out there. No way.


No one moves.

OCTAVIA finally smiles at PAUL.

OCTAVIA: Thank you, Paul.


ZELDA: …Let me see those beans, Vin.

ZELDA goes to the bowl of beans, begins sorting them, but not snapping them.

LAVINIA waits, then paces the porch.


As she sits:

OCTAVIA: Togetherness. Vinnie. You are right. You are so right. Coming up here. It’s perfect.


PAUL stands awkwardly.

OCTAVIA: Really, I think to myself. I think: this is a way for us to all, an opportunity for us all, to be closer.

LAVINIA notices ZELDA’s work.

OCTAVIA: Reconnect.

LAVINIA: Reconnect.

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OCTAVIA: Yes. Yes, like—

LAVINIA goes to the bowl of beans.

OCTAVIA: Like, stay up all night like when were little kids. Share our, share what we—

LAVINIA begins to redo ZELDA’s work.

OCTAVIA: Share our, share things we—

ZELDA, OCTAVIA, and PAUL notice LAVINIA redoing ZELDA’s work.

ZELDA halts.

ZELDA: Uhhhh, what are you, what you are doing?


ZELDA: What are you--?

OCTAVIA: When I eat green beans I can really eat them either way—

ZELDA: You are snapping my beans.

LAVINIA: Yes, that is the task. To snap the beans.

ZELDA: The trend now. The custom—


Draft Date: 3/31/20 41

ZELDA: Is to leave them—

LAVINIA: This is the way we—

ZELDA: Fine, you do them.

LAVINIA: No, no, no, you do them any way you—

ZELDA: I did. I did them any way I wanted and you came up right after me and—

OCTAVIA: I really enjoy them either way.

ZELDA: You lose half the vegetable ripping it to shreds and tossing it away like that.

LAVINIA: This is the way I do it. This is the way mumma did it.

ZELDA: No. no. Ask her. Go in and ask her. Mumma would not waste half a green bean by chucking it in the garbage. Ask her.

LAVINIA: Compost. There is a compost.

ZELDA: Did you pay extra for that? Is that an amenity I should enjoy?


ZELDA: Should I take my dessert in there before I retire for the evening in my closet?

PAUL: I’m cool to knock-out wheverevs, just so you know. It’s all good—

Draft Date: 3/31/20 42

LAVINIA (To ZELDA): What? What you are you talking about?

ZELDA: Our room is a closet.

LAVINIA: I believe the term is quarter-den.

OCTAVIA: Vinnie.

ZELDA: Really, I have my own house, if I need.

OCTAVIA: Which you do not.

LAVINIA: We have been over this. Morris and I planned—

ZELDA: Well Paul and I have also planned.


PAUL gulps.

LAVINIA: Honestly, Zelda, that thing is. If you think about it, that thing is offensive on the grandest of scales.

ZELDA: Offensive.

OCTAVIA: The important thing is we are all together.

LAVINIA: Offensive.

ZELDA: Paul and I do. We have plans. Up the shore. Then maybe West. Route 66, like the song.

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LAVINIA: “Route 66. Like the song.”

LAVINIA looks at PAUL.

ZELDA: Maybe this is just a pit stop.

LAVINIA: What kind of life is, life is…well I just do not.

ZELDA: So quarter den, one eighth den, no den: it’s all fine to me. To us. Right babe?

PAUL smiles at LAVINIA.

ALL watch for a response from LAVINIA.

But LAVINIA returns to her work.


LAVINIA: “It’s all good”. It ‘s all. A little. Rootless. If you ask me. People need other people. What do you think about that, Paul?

PAUL looks to ZELDA.

LAVINIA: Together. That is what is important. About the week, about being here. The way I think about it, feel about it, is we do so much better together, all people do. Yes? It’s when we are apart that things deteriorate.

ZELDA: Deteriorate.


ZELDA: Uh-huh.


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Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Together is. Well. The way I Ithink about it, we all do better, much better, when all of us, the entire family is all together. We hold each other up.

ZELDA: Uhhhhhhhhh—

ZELDA holds up a finger, about to counter point…


OCTAVIA: See. See, see. There is so much to say, to share. I bought wine. Let’s pour it—


OCTAVIA: Just a little.

ZELDA: “Together”. You won’t even do these beans the way I say.

LAVINIA: No wine.

OCTAVIA: I won’t tell if you don’t.

LAVINIA: No wine. Do we have to watch you like a hawk? And together. Yes.

ZELDA: Lavinia.

LAVINIA: The beans are mumma’s way, not mine. I am not making anything up here, it is the way things are done.

OCTAVIA: Which. Which do you prefer, Paul, you’re the guest.

LAVINIA: Honestly, all of you, what would you all do without me?

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ZELDA: Breathe.

LAVINIA: No. Honestly.

ZELDA: Fine.


ZELDA begins snapping beans in half, LAVINIA’s way.

PAUL stands awkwardly.




A cellphone rings.

The telephone rings.

We see MORRIS inside the house.

LAVINIA turns, enters the house.

ZELDA Answer the phone.

Click. Sliiiiiiide.

Without pausing to check caller ID, or any other functions on any of the phones, LAVINIA stops all phones from ringing by pressing buttons and picking up then placing down receivers rather brutally. When she finishes she calms herself by smoothing her palms over her thighs. Ahhhh.

ZELDA exits to the Tiny House.

PAUL follows after her.

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And OCTAVIA is left with the bowl of green beans, which she regards for a while, then looks into the bowl, and lifts the discarded green bean pieces up, examines them for a bit intently, and then gracefully throws one or two into the yard before exiting into the house.



Rustle, rustle, rustle.

MISSY enters the yard slowly, making sure not to be seen.

She approaches the pieces of discarded green beans, looks down at them, bends, touches them with her finger tips, then curls them up into her fists.

She is pleased.

MISSY stands.

The sky darkens.

The sound of night.

The porch door opens.

Click. Sliiiiiiiide.

MISSY hides.

MORRIS enters the yard from the side of the house, full trash bag in tow.

LAVINIA follows.

They walk without speaking.

MORRIS stops.

LAVINIA almost crashes into him.

MORRIS, back to LAVINIA, smiles, chuckles.

MORRIS continues walking.

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LAVINIA continues walking.

MORRIS halts.

LAVINIA crashes into him.

This amuses MORRIS.

MORRIS: Why you trailing me? I’m only walking to the barrel.

LAVINIA: I’m not trailing you. I’m taking a night walk to look up at the stars.

MORRIS: You don’t say.

LAVINIA: ..and I happened to bump into my handsome husband.

LAVINIA steps towards MORRIS, places her hand on his chest.

MORRIS: We got a house full of people now.

LAVINIA: But they aren’t on this night walk, just you and me are on this night walk. You and me: looking up at the stars…

MORRIS: We can see the stars from the porch.

LAVINIA: But the porch could have people on it. Out here’s just got you, me—

MORRIS: --the trash bins.

MORRIS laughs.

LAVINIA doesn’t.

LAVINIA: Fine. You’re gonna wish you were nicer to me later, that’s all I have to say—

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MORRIS’ cell phone rings.

LAVINIA grabs the phone from his belt loop and rejects the call.

LAVINIA: We’re on vacation.

MORRIS: What if it’s one of the kids?

LAVINIA: They can’t use phones at camp.

MORRIS: Something to do with the kids—

LAVINIA: Then that camp will call me. On my phone. For the rest of the week, do not answer any phones.

MORRIS: Don’t answer any phones.

LAVINIA: You will thank me later. Once you fully are in receivement.

MORRIS: Receivement.

LAVINIA: Of all of this relaxing: receivement, yes.

MORRIS: You know who needs some relaxing receivement? Some time to just mellow…

LAVINIA: Mellow?

MORRIS: Mellow, yes, that is what I said and you know exactly who I mean.

LAVINIA: No, Morris, I cannot “mellow”. Nothing is “mellow”, Morris, I do not think you understand what is going on here.

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MORRIS: No, no: I do.

LAVINIA: You do.

MORRIS: There’s concerns.

LAVINIA: Exactly. Exactly, Morris.

MORRIS: Questions.

LAVINIA: Yes, husband, yes there are.

MORRIS: Very serious, very grave.

LAVINIA (More to herself): Tires on the lawn. Insulting my green beans, mumma’s green beans.

MORRIS: How we’re gonna get through this long week with only two barrels for trash for all of us is a mystery to me, too.

LAVINIA: No, no, you ninny. The visit, the visit. This visit is confirming, confirming, that there are very important things to, to, to attend to. As a family. As a whole. Everything has been revealed to me this afternoon, Morris. Everything.

MORRIS: C’mon, Vinnie. It’s the first night. We’ve barely finished dinner.

LAVINIA: Morris. Listen.

MORRIS: And we ain’t even had the pie yet.

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LAVINIA: We’ve got mumma with us now, living with us full time now, and I just spent the spring—

MORRIS: Octavia’s good as rain now.

LAVINIA: Octavia? Octavia? This is Octavia. This is Octavia. “I bought some wine, let’s all have a sleep over.” The woman is a twelve year old. I am babysitting.

MORRIS: Tomorrow you go for a swim. That ice cold water will reset everything.

LAVINIA: And if Octavia isn’t enough, then here comes Zelda basically living in a cracker jack box complete with its own human prize at the bottom.

MORRIS: What you want me to say? I’ll say that, save both time and aggravation.

LAVINIA: One week and everyone will agree. I know it.

MORRIS: Now, now, slow down, now. Agree to what?

LAVINIA: So I think the best thing is we all go in together.

MORRIS: Lavinia, honey, you’re not making sense.

LAVINIA: You, me, the kids. Mumma, Tavie, Zel. All of us. Live like we’ll live this week, only all the time. All of us together. One house: all the time.

MORRIS: Where people live is their own affair.

LAVINIA: Save on all the bills.

MORRIS: That part would be nice.

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LAVINIA: This entire spring it was like our pockets had sprung leaks, that’s what you said.

MORRIS: I did.

LAVINIA: You sure did. And even before that we were helping Zel. Everyone is so scattered. I feel it. I felt it the moment she stepped out of that thing, Morris. You’d never know these things over text. Over computer. You have to see them in person.

MORRIS: Zelda is a grown woman and we’re about to have our own teenagers now.

LAVINIA: I know how old our children are.

MORRIS: Why’d we send them away to other woods to then go spend more money to sit in these woods without them?

LAVINIA: Camp equals college equals the rest of their lives.

MORRIS: They should still be skinning their knees.

LAVINIA: What college has a degree in running through the woods?

MORRIS: What college has a degree in macrame and canoe racing?

LAVINIA: That camp has two hours of academics a day, there is no macrame.

MORRIS: Oh my babies—

LAVINIA: Morris.

MORRIS: I knew I should have read through all that camp stuff.

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LAVINIA: We want to build children with character. And it’s good they are away. I can work on getting this family in shape. We’re falling apart, Morris.

MORRIS: Don’t say that.

LAVINIA: Things would be easier if. I wasn’t spread all over the place. I don’t see what’s so wrong with this plan. We each contribute. Even if it’s only with just helping mumma. As her daughters. We each do that for her.

MORRIS: But you spinning and spinning you gonna make yourself dizzy. No one else is giving all of this this much thought. Everyone else is eating pie.

LAVINIA: Who’s spinning? I just think if this week goes well, they’ll say yes. Octavia, Zelda—

MORRIS: How we gonna fit everyone in our house if they all say yes?

LAVINIA: How everyone will fit is exactly what’s on my mind. You exactly read my mind. We are exactly alike, husband, exactly alike.

MORRIS: Mm-mm.

LAVINIA: What I am thinking. What we might need, Morris, is something, you know, bigger, If this is going to work. Maybe even someplace up here.

MORRIS: Up here?

LAVINIA: Plenty of folks up here.

MORRIS: We don’t need to be one of them, especially now.

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LAVINIA: No politics.

MORRIS: I’m just saying.

LAVINIA: There are plenty of us up here, Morris, and we could find some place much bigger. We could. Up here, we can afford it.

MORRIS: Vinnie, we’re here for a week. We’re not meant to stay. These houses are meant for people who buy more than one roll of paper towel a week.

LAVINIA: What’s paper towel got to do with anything?

MORRIS: At home we use one roll of paper towel. The people who live up here for they weekends, For Fourth of Julys, they buy whole boxes of paper towel just to keep on their shelves all year long.

LAVINIA: Why are you day dreaming about other people’s paper towels?

MORRIS: Why you day dreaming about other people’s everything? This is a one week vacation and that’s that. We saved up to do it all fancy like you want, put on a show. Be happy with that. See, see: your plan isn’t even started yet: no one has agreed to anything yet, and already it sounds like it’s going to eat my insides. And that pie looked good, too.

LAVINIA: Zelda said she paid twenty thousand for whatever that thing is over there. That would be a start.

MORRIS: Oh Vinnie, no.

LAVINIA: Oh Morris, yes.

MORRIS: You keep your fingers out of your sisters’ lives.

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LAVINIA: They have pulled my fingers in, in to their lives by showing me what all is going on.

MORRIS: She’s proud of it.

LAVINIA: That thing is completely indecent, immoral. People are meant to gather, to commune, that is how we meet other people and live and multiply, not, not. And she turned my reunion supper into a joke, a farce.

MORRIS: Can’t be a reunion without Birdie. When’s he get here, anyway?

LAVINIA: Birdie’s never been on time a day in his life.

MORRIS: The supper was not a joke: it was a success.


MORRIS: The boyfriend ate all the green beans.

LAVINIA: “Boyfriend”. What kind of person slathers A-1 all over a perfectly grilled Delmonico steak?

MORRIS: You know what, it is: where people live: is their own affair. All under one roof just sounds—

LAVINIA: Easier.

MORRIS: I say we enjoy our week and that’s that.

LAVINIA: Tuh. No. I say I get everyone to agree now Before Birdie shows up and talks everyone out of everything.

MORRIS: This is, this is starting to eat my insides: I’m gonna need Tums.

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LAVINIA: Then go finish with the trash if you’re not going to help. I don’t want the cream to melt.

MORRIS: ... I know you’ve had a time of it, honey.

Sharp shift.

LAVINIA: Time of it. I will tell you what a time of it was. Righting myself. Pulling myself back up. Over and over. Always do for others what they never do unto me. That is the fine print. In life. In life. That is the. That is. And it is very, very tiny. It is etched in small, small letters. In that very soft space under my upper arm.

The fine print is you leave your clarinet In the crawl space of the house our father kept after your mother moved the rest of you out. After that, you stop breathing a little bit The fine print is my letters, my spelling, my marks were high, so high, the highest Of all of us But that first Thanksgiving home, after I finally learned to breathe again on my own at college, That fine print, that fine print Whispered come home And After I came home and saw the kitchen and the bathroom and Zelda’s hair in knots The fine print, that fine print screamed stay. But I didn’t.

Christmas, the same. Easter: worse?

Fine print, fine print: By next Thanksgiving I was turning whole work-study checks over to them all. Finefinefinefinefinefinefine: no air, no air, but I got through, I pushed.

Before I had to leave, a professor told us— turned from blacking up the board and told us— that he didn’t believe in the struggling student, the starving artist,

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that type of person on the crust. That is a choice, he said. That is a myth. There is always money somewhere, he said. Go find it, he said. Take it, take it, take it. The problem was, I could not find it. Or I would earn it and someone would need it. Finefinefinefinefine. In the soft spot of my arm.

I was sitting right there in front of that professor, every week. Who was he to say someone like me did not Who was he to say someone like me did not. I do I do I do I do I do—

A branch breaks.



LAVINIA: “Time of it.” No different than any other time. I am fine.


LAVINIA: How many babies you see out here with us Morris?

MORRIS: I see one baby: my baby. .

LAVINIA softens.

MORRIS: Come ‘ere.

He holds her.


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MORRIS: I do know how much this means. You miss everybody. You want to take care of everybody.

LAVINIA: Well yes, see. I am. Trying to do just that

LAVINIA: So there is one thing, one thing: that would just make my heart sing.


LAVINIA (Nodding): Mm. Mmmm: Her keys.


LAVINIA: Just get Zelda’s keys. Make sure she stays, hears out this plan.

MORRIS: Keys? Keep Zelda here? Vinnie, I know this spring’s been—

LAVINIA looks sharply at MORRIS.

MORRIS: The whole spring. Your father passing—

YVONNE enters.

LAVINIA: I do not care one finger about that man.

YVONNE prepares a cigarette.

MORRIS: I never met him—


Draft Date: 3/31/20 58

MORRIS: But maybe all this/has something to do with—

LAVINIA: Oh, mumma…Mumma.


YVONNE lights her cigarette anyway.

LAVINIA: ‘ you enjoy dinner, mumma?

YVONNE does not answer.

LAVINIA: Ash um tray, ah, never…


LAVINIA: I am so tired, Morris. Please.



LAVINIA: You will do this. Yes, Morris? For me.

Sliiiiiiide, Click.

OCTAVIA enters, laptop in hand.




OCTAVIA: Before dessert I was maybe going to try to but it’s so—If you all are out here I can—

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I’ll head back insi—


OCTAVIA: It’s a little…crowded…

LAVINIA exits back into the house.

LAVINIA: Dessert. Coming right up.

OCTAVIA: Maybe I will just. Go back up to my…

OCTAVIA exits back into the house.


YVONNE looks at MORRIS, then exits as well.

MORRIS looks down at the trash bag in his hands.

Then MORRIS looks at the tiny house.

MORRIS looks around.

MORRIS goes to the tiny house, touches it, wiggles it, is maybe going to try going inside, when…

We hear ZELDA and PAUL inside, giggling.

MORRIS gets nervous, quickly steps away from the tiny house, goes to place the trash bag in a trash barrel and then swiftly exits the yard.





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MISSY gathers herself and looks as if she is about to go to the door, when the tiny house door opens.

ZELDA and PAUL tumble into the yard, mid-something kissing like.

PAUL: Hold on, just, just—

ZELDA: What, what is your prob—

MISSY retreats to a corner of the porch, unseen in the darkness.

PAUL: Your sister was pretty, you know, clear, right? About everyone having dessert in the house—

ZELDA: We were just in a house. My house.

PAUL: I don’t want to, you know hey, stop—

ZELDA: She’s my sister, not my mother.

PAUL: Well yeah your mother’s in there, too, so even more reason—

ZELDA: My mother won’t notice.

PAUL: I don’t want to be disrespectful, this is your sister’s home—

ZELDA: It is not. She lives in a duplex with her creepy husband and illiterate kids.

PAUL: Zel.

ZELDA: Don’t call me that. They call me that. Just say my name. And I guess her kids can read. If they couldn’t they wouldn’t be perfect and Vinnie wouldn’t stand for that one bit. But. I don’t want to get into all that, I’d rather get into this—

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She goes for PAUL’S belt buckle.

PAUL is half into it, half…

PAUL: Maybe, you know, maybe. I was thinking maybe. I should stay up the road. I saw there’s a, a bed and breakfast type thing.

ZELDA looks at PAUL, steps back.

PAUL I could come for the meals but not get in the way.

ZELDA: Oh yeah?

PAUL: ‘Cause it seems. There’s like a family “thing” happening here.

ZELDA: You’re going to stay up the road and just come here to eat and f—

PAUL: No, no that is not what I said.

ZELDA: You can’t go to a bed and breakfast, you haven’t even chipped in for gas money.

PAUL: She’s your sister but she doesn’t act like it.

ZELDA: Like not even once.

PAUL: I feel...very...

ZELDA: This is lame, Paul.

PAUL: Awkward. Awkward: I’m sorry. I am sorry. I do.

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ZELDA: This is supposed to be a fun road trip. This is supposed to be adventure and caution to the winds and romance. We were totally having fun.

PAUL: I’m very confused. It’s all going so fast. Cute girl in bar, drinks, hook up, then, then, this—

PAUL points to the tiny house.

ZELDA: And obviously there’s a connection. There’s like, something, you know, real, between us, Or I would not invite you into my house, my home—

PAUL: I thought we were visiting lighthouses.

ZELDA We will, we will do that.

PAUL: I thought we were going to clam-shacks and renting kayaks. All I did was fall asleep in the back. Next I wake up here? And your sister’s planned a whole week—

ZELDA: No one wants to go antiquing we can totally skip that.

PAUL: Oh I’ll go antiquing. I’m talking dinner. I’m talking about dinner, right? All I said was no mushroom sauce.

ZELDA: Yeah so: next time: take the mushroom sauce.

PAUL: All I said was no, thanks, hold the mushroom sauce.

ZELDA: Well it went with the beef, Paul.

PAUL: And it was, it was mayhem, Zelda.

ZELDA: If you’d just put it on there no one would have bothered you.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 63

PAUL: I did not want mushroom sauce I use A-1.

ZELDA: Did you even taste it?

PAUL: Mushrooms are sneaky things that lurk in the ground, you do not put them in your food.

ZELDA: So we’ll get groceries. You make food here.

PAUL: She cooks six course extravaganzas in there and I boil quinoa on a cook stove in a camper.

ZELDA: It is not a camper it is a tiny home.

ZELDA: And I cook way more than quinoa.

PAUL: Whatever you made in that bowl was pretty damn good.

ZELDA: See. And that was just pasta salad. You’re fine.

PAUL: But we just met.

ZELDA: Fated.

PAUL: Two weeks ago.

ZELDA: Kismet.

ZELDA runs her fingers up PAUL’s arm and chest.

ZELDA: Destiny.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 64

PAUL: Alright.

PAUL looks at ZELDA.

ZELDA looks at PAUL.

ZELDA smiles.

PAUL smiles.

ZELDA: See? Yes?

PAUL smiles.

They kiss.


PAUL: Or it actually could be fate. You know. Not guided by us. Just. Happening

ZELDA: Maybe.

They kiss.

ZELDA: But no. Nonononono…Fate implies there is some higher, other force, predetermining things. And destiny implies:that we, have a bit of a say in the future, and I like to believe—

PAUL goes in to kiss her.

ZELDA: I like to believe we have a say. In our own lives.

PAUL: I didn’t have a say in that mushroom sauce.

ZELDA: So you were fated by Gods on high—

Draft Date: 3/31/20 65

PAUL makes an “angels in the clouds” type sound.

ZELDA: Are you laughing at me?

PAUL: Naw. No. I’m not. I. I just don’t like being governed, you know? By anything but the universe.

ZELDA: Unencumbered.

PAUL: Correct. See? Now you get me.

ZELDA: Yeah, well, when Lavinia wants to govern you, you will know. And you were not fated to consume mushroom sauce. That sounds sad. And pitiful. And like you don’t want to, want to be with me at all.

PAUL: Whoa, I didn’t say that.

ZELDA: Maybe you were destined to have that mushroom sauce. You chose me, so you chose mushroom sauce.

PAUL: My head is spinning, and she’s in there, in there: click, click, click: She’s in there weaving some cloth of mushrooms to smother me in my sleep, like some, like in some fairy tale—

ZELDA: That’s Dickens and knitting and she is not insane, Paul.

PAUL: I did not want mushroom sauce.

ZELDA: No, you do. We do. We shape our own lives, our own—


ZELDA: It’s that I had this cubicle, right?

Draft Date: 3/31/20 66

I worked in this cubicle, the stereotype, the cookie cutter, cog-in-wheel— But we did do good work. We totally helped people. Tavie would said the family business is to write but I say the family business is to help. With words. That is how to be in the world. Is what we learned in the fucking womb. Right? Go out in the world and serve others.

So I did and it kinda sucked. I had my cubicle where I made my phone calls asking, begging, for money and attention, From foundations and corporations and donors and, and, and I started to hate the sound of my own voice.

I had a business card to give to families, usually mothers, If they needed to ask other people for help after asking me for help because we could only give in small, small pieces. We could only carve help up in certain special ways. That is what made going to work hurt so bad.

I’d peer at those women and see my mother. Subtract my father and the memories of cocktail parties and my mother and these women could fit in the same sweater sets and pearls.

What the matter was was: was that I had gotten into the habit Of buying an egg sandwich before I got to that effing cubicle And making it last all day. Not because I like egg sandwiches but because Unless someone brought cupcakes for their birthday Or beer for casual Friday. (Okay that never happened. We weren’t corporate). That was all I would eat. And I got to thinking, Am I going to be fifty years old, living off my sister, helping people help themselves, only eating breakfast foods for the rest of my life? I am a beyond ridiculous person. I am the extra screws they give you with Ikea furniture. Because there is more than egg and bagel and cheese.

So I stopped buying those sandwiches And put that money into one of the old air mail envelopes my sister Vinnie got me to take to summer camp years ago.

Instead I started cooking. And writing it all down.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 67

And remembering. And writing it all down. I was stuck and now I am not stuck so you do You choose, you choose, you—

Shift back.

ZELDA puts PAUL’S hand on one of her ass cheeks.

ZELDA: You don’t have to eat mushroom sauce.

They kiss.

ZELDA: But that beef was Delmonico cut.

PAUL: If this is destiny, If we have a say, then let’s choose to do the right thing. We, I should be, getting to know them, if I’m going to be living in this yard.

ZELDA: Five minutes ago you wanted to go stay at a hotel.

PAUL: To be respectful. Of your family’s house.

ZELDA: Lavinia is not respectful of my house. Asking me to stay like I am some stray cat? I am a grown person.

PAUL: Maybe if we stayed in the house, we could all have a discussion about it. She put this whole thing together. She’s like working it, right?

ZELDA: I think Lavinia is ruining my sex life like she ruins everything else.

PAUL: Don’t be like that. I am just pointing out your sister is doing a nice thing.

ZELDA: No. No she is not. Don’t think about Lavinia. Think about me. Just me. Can you do that? Think of just me?

Draft Date: 3/31/20 68

ZELDA looks at PAUL for a while.

ZELDA smiles.

PAUL smiles.

ZELDA kisses PAUL.

PAUL kisses back.

They kiss their way to the sliding door.

Click. Sliiiiiiide.

The sound of a cell phone ringing.

LAVINIA (from within, calling): DON’T ANSWER IT. WE’RE ON VACATION.

Sliiiiiiiiiiide. Click.

MISSY shuffles.

Dark, dark.

We see the Shaw family gather inside the house.

One by one they join each other, and when they are assembled, LAVINIA begins to speak to them.

We see LAVINIA speak.

We see the rest of the family take in LAVINIA’S words.

We see MISSY watch the Shaw family from without.


SHE is animated.

The group becomes animated.

MISSY watches.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 69

The group becomes more than animated: upset? angry, annoyed, done…

When someone bursts through the porch door to escape we hear LAVINIA yell:


…as the group disperses, and scatters throughout the house.

Sliiiiiiiiide, Click.

The sound of summer at night.

Sliiiiiiiiiide, Click.

ZELDA enters the porch area.

ZELDA breathes in the air.

Sliiiiiiiide, Click.

MORRIS enters.

He carries two mugs with spoons in them.

He hands one to ZELDA.

ZELDA and MORRIS eat cream from mugs with spoons on the porch.

The sound of metal spoons on ceramic.


ZELDA finishes her cream.

MORRIS: I know you like just the cream. You eat the pie first. Then you save room for plain cream to eat later.

ZELDA: I add more vanilla.

The sound of metal spoon on ceramic as MORRIS eats more cream.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 70

MORRIS: This dude seems alright. You’re doing alright.

ZELDA looks out.

MORRIS: I kinda miss that last one though. Nice fella. But this one does: he seems alright.

Click, sliiiiiiid.

OCTAVIA enters, laptop and papers and pen in hand.

OCTAVIA: Oh. Hello. Was going to. But. I can—

ZELDA: No, stay.

The three stand.

OCTAVIA stands with her laptop.

MORRIS stands with his mug.

ZELDA looks up and out, stands with her mug, as if she does not see MORRIS at all.


ZELDA(To MORRIS): Tell Lavinia I don’t need a talking to and I am never, ever, living under her same roof.

ZELDA places her spoon in her mug, then gives the mug to MORRIS.

ZELDA: But I am all done, like a good little girl.

MORRIS looks down at the mug.

ZELDA: ‘night.

MORRIS looks at ZELDA, then off to the tiny house.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 71

OCTAVIA: The house is beautiful, Morris. I’m having a lovely time. Getting work. Gonna get work—

MORRIS: ‘night.

MORRIS exits into the house.

OCTAVIA: ‘night, Morris.


LAVINIA(From inside): Shut the door.

Quick ring of a phone

OCTAVIA looks at her phone, silences it, then puts her phone back in her pocket.

LAVINIA(From offstage): Shut that door somebody don’t have me come out there.


ZELDA does not move.

OCTAVIA closes the door.

Sliiiiiiiide Click.

ZELDA: Live together. Why would we all do that? Holidays are more than enough.

OCTAVIA: Holidays are not enough you skipped the last holiday.

ZELDA: Because it was Easter and I don’t eat lamb.

OCTAVIA: No one has seen you in six months, Zel. And, she did roast chicken.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 72

ZELDA: I just thought you’d be on my side. Coming back here. I thought you all would be happy for me and at least you’d be on my side.

ZELDA: I don’t know how long I can stay here.

OCTAVIA: So then we spend half the week begging you not to leave. Vinnie is right, you do think you are the queen of all of us. Where have you been anyway? Besides a bar.

ZELDA: I can’t believe he told that story.

OCTAVIA: You don’t know what story he will tell because you do not know him.

ZELDA: But I do. I know enough to see him on a level of human decency. That is the point. Vinnie does not have the decency to see us as real people or she would not stoop to this low of erasing our individuality by suggesting I live with her, her crazy kids, her loser husband.

OCTAVIA: He could be some identity thief hacker guy person.

ZELDA: Who cares, at least he’s here. Unlike Tim who is, surprise, surprise, nowhere to be found.

OCTAVIA blinks.

OCTAVIA holds out her hand, which still has a wedding ring on it.

OCTAVIA: He’s up at the end of the week. He just got back from a study. He was on an anthropological study of a very ancient, ancient … He likes to spend summer someplace warm. New Hampshire is not warm.

ZELDA: That just flew out. I’m sorry, Tavie.

OCTAVIA: You are always sorry but you don’t ever stop.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 73

Maybe OCTAVIA fidgets.

Maybe ZELDA fidgets.

OCTAVIA: It was a very cold spring.

ZELDA: I know. I know that—

OCTAVIA: No matter what I did, I could not keep warm.

ZELDA: I don’t want to argue. I don’t want to make you upset. You’re here to relax. Get your book done—

OCTAVIA: I went to the funeral.

ZELDA: What?

OCTAVIA: I sat in the very back and I wore a hat with a veil so no one would see it was me but no one we know was even there, I don’t think. I don’t know. Isn’t that strange? The veil was ridiculous. Birdie did go, actually. So maybe not.

ZELDA: Vinnie.

OCTAVIA: I know.

ZELDA: Vinnie will kill you.


ZELDA: Octavia.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 74

OCTAVIA: I want to tell her. All spring when she was helping me, with everything, it was on the tip of my tongue. All spring I’ve wanted to. Today, even, I tried, but she. Zelda, please. Don’t say anything. I will be the one to.

ZELDA: And Mumma?

OCTAVIA: OoaaaIIknnnowwww…

ZELDA: Tavie.

OCTAVIA: I thought I should go. A daughter should go. So I did. And Birdie told me stories—

ZELDA: I’ll bet.

OCTAVIA: No, nice ones. Ones I hadn’t heard. We grew up with Mumma one way, but maybe if we’d stayed there’d’ve been another way—

ZELDA: You were there, Octavia. We did not make up what he did to mumma, to our family. We were left with nothing. What kind of person does that? To his wife? To his kids? We do not need him. We do not need to revere him in some ceremony.

OCTAVIA: No. No. I did. You did not have to, but I did.

ZELDA: You are a mess. What is wrong with you?

OCTAVIA: I don’t know it just felt—

MISSY: Decent.

MISSY enters from the brush.

OCTAVIA and ZELDA startle.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 75

ZELDA: Jesus.

MISSY: It feel decent, it only decent. To bestow upon the father the love and the adoration of the child, of the family. A daughter feels this, knows this. It decent.

ZELDA: Oh my God.

OCTAVIA: What are you doing here?

MISSY opens her arms wide.

As she wears a shapely coat with feathers, she appears almost bird like in shadow.

The sound of thunder.

MISSY: My girls. My babies: I have come home.


Bright, bright light.


End of Act I.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 76

Act II


The patio and the yard.

MISSY sits, spreading a popover with jam.

LAVINIA sits, hands in lap.

OCTAVIA, and ZELDA also sit, watching MISSY.

MISSY shoves the popover in her mouth.

MISSY reaches for another.

MISSY spreads the popover with jam.

MISSY shoves the popover in her mouth.

MISSY chews.

MISSY swallows.

MISSY dabs the corners of her mouth with her napkin.

MISSY: Who made this? You made this?

OCTAVIA: Lavinia’s amazing—

MISSY: A little too much of the sweet, don’t you think? The jelly? What else is this I am eating?

ZELDA: Such a surprise to see you, Miss Daniels.

MISSY: There you go with the Miss. Such a cheeky thing. You to call me mother. I married to your father, you call me mother now.

LAVINIA: It’s a popover.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 77

MISSY: The starch. My poor belly.

MISSY helps herself to another popover, slathers jam on it, and stuffs it in her mouth.

LAVINIA: Yes, it certainly is a surprise to see you.

MISSY: Of course I come. We are family. At the end of the day, that is what you have. Family and the Good Lord, that is all you have.

LAVINIA: How on earth were you able to find us?

ZELDA: Way, way up here.

MISSY: Oh, well that was easy. Birdie’s sweet as can be.

LAVINIA: Is he now?

ZELDA: Umph: Birdie.

MISSY: Not tricky like you girls.

ZELDA: Yeah, Birdie’s something, alright.

ZELDA: Miss Daniels—

MISSY: I say, who this Miss Daniels?

OCTAVIA: Let’s all calm down.

MISSY: I marry to your father.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 78

LAVINIA: Yes— but he’s dead now.

MISSY: How many years I marry to your father?

ZELDA: Too many.

MISSY: Thirty years I marry to your father. And you call me the Miss like I just walk in off the streets.

LAVINIA: Perhaps, if you’ve finished, I’ll have Morris start up the car, take you to the station.

OCTAVIA: That’s a good idea.

MISSY: Station? Who’s going to the station? Truly, madly, deeply, I am staying right here with my girls.

ZELDA: Oh no.

LAVINIA: Excuse me?

OCTAVIA: Miss Daniels, there’s been some kind of mistake.

MISSY: No mistake. None at all. It the decent thing to do. Octavia knows. Don’t you, Octavia?

ZELDA: You can’t stay here.

MISSY blinks.

MISSY: Octavia is decent. I stay. I come home to my girls. I love my girls: I come home to my girls.

Click. Sliiiiiiddde.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 79

PAUL appears at the porch door.

LAVINIA, OCTAVIA and ZELDA look at him.

PAUL realizes this is a bad moment to join, looks like a deer caught in headlights and shuts the door.

Sliiiiiide. Click.

We see Paul back away from the glass door as the women continue speaking.

MISSY: When I marry your father, I was just a girl, not much older than you were then, Lavinia

LAVINIA: Yes, I know.

MISSY: He come to the dining hall for his lunch.

LAVINIA: We don’t need to rehash the details—

MISSY: Every day he come for his lunch. And every day, I say “Doctor Shaw, It is a pleasure to see you here today, Doctor Shaw.” And he take his tray, and he sit in the far corner of the dining hall, and he look like a sad man, your father.

ZELDA: I don’t think he was a sad man.

MISSY: He look like a very sad man.

LAVINIA: We’ve heard this before, we’ve heard this all before and our mother’s inside—

MISSY: How this upset your mother? It a fact he a sad man. If she want him to be a happy man, she make him a happy man. How it is my fault he look like that in the corner of the dining hall?

ZELDA: Exactly why are you here?

Draft Date: 3/31/20 80

MISSY: It not my fault we sit and talk and I make him laugh. It not my fault we build a home together. How this my fault your mother’s home grow cold?

LAVINIA: MORRIS. (To MISSY:) Morris will drive you down now. MORRIS.

MISSY: He begged for you girls in the end.


MISSY: He did, he most certainly did. On his bed of death, so sick, so little, he begged for you. I told Birdie tell you that. Did he tell you that?

LAVINIA: It doesn’t matter what our brother did or did not tell us.

MISSY: Birdie knows all this. Birdie cares about this.

LAVINIA: But, it is my experience that Birdie cares about Birdie.

ZELDA: You got that right.

OCTAVIA: I don’t think that’s true—

LAVINIA: Birdie unleashes chaos—

MISSY: Me? I am the chaos?

LAVINIA indicates the space of the porch.

LAVINIA: This, this is the chaos. And Birdie has created it and now he has run to God knows what corner of the earth before anyone can make him take any responsibility—

Draft Date: 3/31/20 81

ZELDA: Fucking Birdie.

MISSY: Chaos…

LAVINIA: Yes, yes, this is just like him, this is just like Birdie. You should go.

MISSY: I have no home, nobody and no home.

MISSY clucks her tongue.

LAVINIA: I seem to remember you have a sister in Toledo, Miss Daniels. Perhaps you could go “visit” with her.

MISSY: That land is so flat. The wind rushes right through you when it comes.

LAVINIA: Birdie really shouldn’t have done this, invite you up here like this. We’re in a tight spot.

MISSY: A beautiful house.

LAVINIA: ..It is. But all these additions. I know I’m finding it very tight.

ZELDA: Very.


MISSY: No, it is Heaven: I almost might not want to leave.


MISSY: The weather should hold off for the week. I really might want to stay. Being together is so nice.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 82


LAVINIA: Exactly how long have you been here?

MISSY: Is this a way to be with your mother?

LAVNIA: You are not our mother.

MISSY: Be nice. This whole week, let’s be nice.



MISSY: You girls can get so lively. When you were little, and even now today. Wild. Lem and I agreed on that.

LAVINIA: Did you now?

MISSY: This spot is not so tight.

LAVINIA: Oh no, see, I’m afraid it really is.

OCTAVIA: Vinnie, she says she has nowhere to go?

MISSY: The truth. This daughter speaks the truth.

LAVINIA, ZELDA, and OCTAVIA watch as MISSY reaches for a pop over.

MISSY spreads jam on the pop over.

MISSY bites the popover, chews.


Draft Date: 3/31/20 83

LAVINIA: Excuse us, for a moment, won’t you?

LAVINIA leads OCTAVIA to a corner of the porch.

ZELDA follows.

MISSY: Of course, but after that, I might like more jelly.

LAVINIA (To OCTAVIA): Just what has gotten into you?

ZELDA: Really, Tavie.

OCTAVIA: I am right on this. She’s old. She came all this way.

MISSY (from her chair): And I think I’d like a rest, before the antiques.

ZELDA: Antiques? How’s she know about antiques? Tavie, come on, this woman cannot stay here.

OCTAVIA: It isn’t right to throw her out.

LAVINIA: What allegiance do we have to this woman?

MISSY: And I like that little house. I think I might like to go in.

ZELDA (Sweet-to-adults-voice): Ah, no. No thank you.

LAVINIA: This was supposed to be a beautiful week—a beautiful week--

OCTAVIA: The week can still be fine—

Draft Date: 3/31/20 84

ZELDA: No, no, she has been out here, listening to us.

OCTAVIA: Leave her alone, Zelda.

ZELDA (Across the porch):

Exactly how long have you been out here?

LAVINIA: Tavie, I don’t understand this sudden infatuation with this woman who basically rolled in like a turnip off a truck.

MISSY: Really, without the jelly, these are much too dry.

LAVINIA: Octavia, Is there something I should know?



MISSY: So happy to be here. So happy you girls asked me to join you. But the jelly—

LAVINIA: Nowedidnotaskyoutojoinusnoonewantsyouherethereisnomorejellyforyou.

LAVINIA takes a breath.

LAVINIA calms herself, then turns back to MISSY and sits.

LAVINIA: It. Has been a pleasure. But I am afraid we just cannot help you. So I believe that popover is Goodbye, Ms. Daniels—

MISSY: I come here, but I called in.

MISSY pulls the string bean ends out.

MISSY sprinkles them on an end table.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 85

LAVINIA: What’s this?

MISSY: You girls called me in. With these. When you throw them into the yard.

OCTAVIA: Umooohhh...

ZELDA: I told you to leave them on.

LAVINIA: This is. This is. Beyond words.

MISSY: You girls call me here. See? You girls snapped the beans: a wish. Octavia spread them into the air, to help the wish come true.

OCTAVIA: Ohhhhhhh.

ZELDA: Octavia.

LAVINIA: Well I just do not know what to—. I do not know what to—.

ZELDA: Well now you definitely can’t stay here. You’ve been sneaking, lurking, you’re creepier than we all ever thought in the first place.

MISSY: No. Like I said. I have no one. I sell the house, pack it all up, and I come here.

LAVINIA: Sold the house?

MISSY: A heart can live anywhere.

LAVINIA: Just like that. Sold the house.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 86

MISSY: You don’t want that house. You left that house.

LAVINIA: Mumma, Mumma had wisteria. In the side yard. It matched Mumma’s blue and white plates. Remember that?

OCTAVIA: I think?

MISSY: Without Lem it was hardly a home.

LAVINIA: And that crawl space for hide and seek.

ZELDA shrugs but is not unkind.

ZELDA: I was too little.

LAVINIA: Sold the house.

MISSY: I here. That is what matters. I have my pension, Lem’s pension—

LAVINIA: And you sold that house. Just like that. She snaps her fingers.

MISSY: Now we can really get to know each other. So much time has passed. Now is the time we can come to know one another. Yes Octavia?

ZELDA: Octavia seems to have contributed more than enough to this situation already.

OCTAVIA: Uh, I can speak for myself.

ZELDA: This lady won’t leave, Octavia. Whose fault is that?

Draft Date: 3/31/20 87

OCTAVIA: Shhhhh. Just. Sh. Just. This is making my head swim—

ZELDA: So, I think maybe whosever fault it is, should help clean it all up.

OCTAVIA: Watch it, Zel.

ZELDA: Vinnie, tell Tavie to tell her new BFF to vay-cate.

OCTAVIA: I think I can speak for myself, I have my own voice, and it is not right to throw an old woman out on the street.


ZELDA: Own voice?

LAVINIA: Well it seems everyone is just dead set on ruining this morning of Veranda Popovers.

ZELDA: I’d like to hear more of this “own voice”.

LAVINIA: Now what is the matter. What is everybody talking—

OCTAVIA: That is what a family, a regular family, does. It listens. Then it can learn, and shift—

LAVINIA: Tavie, it is not time for a group session—

OCTAVIA: Vin, stop.

ZELDA: Okay. Alright. You want to talk family.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 88


ZELDA: We’re shifting: let’s go, let’s move.

MISSY: Octavia’s a sweet, girl. Decent: yes.

ZELDA: Explain why Missy here seems so friendly with you, in particular, Octavia.

OCTAVIA (To ZELDA): I said I would on my own.

LAVINIA: What is going on?

ZELDA: Shift, Tavie.


ZELDA: Go ahead. Tell her what Birdie ==


LAVINIA: What is going on?

ZELDA: Tavie went to Daddy’s funeral.

MISSY: Lovely daughter, spun from pure gold.

OCTAVIA: Vinnie—


Draft Date: 3/31/20 89

During which LAVINIA begins to pick up breakfast.

OCTAVIA: Vinnie?

ZELDA: Vinnie? Uh. You. Okay? Let me. Help.

But LAVINIA makes a flustery type of movement.

OCTAVIA and ZELDA are still.

LAVINIA (Overly bright and animated): All this excitement and it’s not even noon.

They all watch LAVINIA clean up.

OCTAVIA: I’m so sorry Vin.

Dishes and plates in her arms, LAVINIA stands.

LAVINIA: Weeeee.

OCTAVIA: I am very sorry.

LAVINIA exits into the house.

Sliiiiiiiide Cick.

Awkwardly all follow except MISSY.

She brushes any crumbs off her lap.

Next, she gathers the green bean ends and places them back from where she had been keeping them.

Then, she stands and wanders, pleased around the side of the house.

Elsewhere, the tiny house, where we see MORRIS’ edge his way across the side of the tiny home.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 90

When he finally peels himself away, we see he holds a set of keys in one hand, newly lifted from ZELDA’s tiny home.

He looks up at them in his hand.

Then, he looks towards the house.

When he hears the sliding door begin to open he stuffs the keys into his pocket, and hides under the tiny home.

Sliiiiiide click.


She stands alone on the deck.

YVONNE smokes.

PAUL enters, empty bowl in hand.

PAUL seems caught, not sure what to do.

PAUL does not move.

YVONNE: The thing about Walden, about Thoreau, was, He took his meals with his sister. He had her launder his clothes, too. That cottage sat on a pond. Ponds. Seem like the only ponds, the only water, for miles around. But they are not.

Thoreau knew this., he wrote about this. While that sister met his schedule that he’d crafted to his liking.

Ponds are fed by other water— underneath, you see. While it seems to exist in autonomy. It thirsts, so it drinks and drinks and drinks. I think about that. Who does your work while you do your work? Who drinks, while you thirst and thirst?

Draft Date: 3/31/20 91

Who does your work while you do your work? And then, when there’s no one left doing the work…? I don’t know, I just do not know.

I had great capacity, Which I think was misread as weakness. When I felt thirst, what was left? Such is marriage, such is life.

I did not make that mistake again.

YVONNE smokes.

PAUL holds up the bowl.

PAUL: Zelda told me to. Bring in this bowl.

YVONNE: I asked: where is the capacity? I asked him that, once I got a good look at her.

PAUL: Uhhhh.

YVONNE: I did his work while he—. I would like to say never mind. But here I am.

PAUL: Yeah.

YVONNE looks at PAUL.

YVONNE: And here you are, holding my daughter’s kitchenware.

PAUL: Um, yeah.


PAUL looks around.

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YVONNE: You are polite.

PAUL: Uh. Thank you.

YVONNE: The sound of your voice is pleasant.

PAUL: I’m happy to meet you, Mrs.—

YVONNE: That bowl.


YVONNE: You enjoy this?

ZELDA (from inside the house): PAUL.

YVONNE: You enjoy this.

PAUL starts to continue on his way.

YVONNE: Capacity. You enjoy existing in this capacity.

PAUL: Pardon.

YVONNE: Well, I’m not the one holding anybody’s bowl, now am I?

PAUL looks down at the bowl.


PAUL looks down at the bowl.

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YVONNE turns and goes into the house.

PAUL considers the bowl as he continues on his way, exits.

MORRIS and LAVINIA at the side of the house.

MORRIS holds the keys out to LAVINIA.

He looks down at it, shakes his head.

LAVINIA: Back. BACK. Put those back. I don’t want them living near me, crawling up me, sitting on my backside like boils.

MORRIS: Vinnie.

LAVNIA: The nerve of that woman. Selling our house.

MORRIS: This about the will?

LAVINIA: I do not care about the will. I do not want the house. But she should not have gone off and just sold it. Like that. She snaps her fingers. Missy Daniels is definitely leaving. By car, train, covered wagon that I will personally drive myself. And what was Octavia thinking going to that man’s funeral? If mumma finds out—

MORRIS: Your mother’s a grown lady.

LAVININA: Do not twist this, Morris.

MORRIS: So let Zelda fly away, however she pleases?

He holds up the keys.

LAVINIA: Look what Birdie’s sown. Just look what he has planted in the ground back in cold, cold February when he went skulking around Octavia, look what grew up, circled out. It is no longer

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this tiny seed, meek and mild. It is now this hard and hulking creature with, with: bulk and bite. That woman told me I raised wild children.

MORRIS: We haven’t finished with our children.

LAVINIA: Tavie, Zelda.

MORRIS: None of this is good, Vin. You’re beside yourself. You won’t get to enjoy antiquing.

LAVINIA: We can’t afford real antiquing and I am fine. But well just look at what all this has done to Octavia. All this deceit. The entire spring. She could barely get out of bed. I was over to their apartment, making sure she remembered to eat, to shower, wondering why, wondering what happened. Well it is no wonder the spring shriveled up to hell if she went marching to that funeral with Birdie—

MORRIS: Octavia’s always been—

LAVINIA: There was understanding. Not to go. Out of common decency and especially for Mumma.

MORRIS: Just let’s calm—

LAVINIA: No, I will not calm down. But I do need to think—

MORRIS holds up the keys.

MORRIS: So I’ll put these back. Sneak back in and—

LAVINIA: And Zelda knew the whole thing. Did not tell me one word. How was that going to help Tavie, keeping that from me? And what does Birdie even know? He was a baby. A child. Ask me. Not one truthful thing did Birdie tell Tavie, or that woman, or she wouldn’t show her face up here. That’s for sure. Never enough food, never enough clothes, while they—.I am done. I am done keeping Mumma, Octavia, Birdie, Zelda in the palm of my hand. So yes, put those right back. Whatever hook you found them on in there—

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MORRIS: Tucked on the visor. Like I taught her.

LAVINIA: We are not going to keep our arms wide open for them to take and take from our hearts forever. We are not.

MORRIS: Hmp. You’re right about that.

LAVINIA stops.

LAVINIA: I am? I mean I am. But you agree I am I am?

MORRIS: Zelda handed me her mug of cream like I was the butler.

LAVINIA: Ah see?

MORRIS: The butler.

LAVINIA: Little girl, little girl.

MORRIS: How long I known that “little girl”?

LAVINIA (Facetious): I thought she was a grown woman to you.

MORRIS: What a person says they need and what they really need may be two separate things. With everyone in one place, we could keep track of everybody.

LAVINIA: Well I don’t want them. They can have each other. Just go do what I say. Put those back.

MORRIS: You’re the kind of woman who sees to things.

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LAVINIA: … I am.

MORRIS: You hold things together.

LAVINIA: I do. But –

MORRIS: You see to me, to your mother, our girls—

LAVINIA: The rest of them can eat each other up for all I care. Where’s it written that it’s me that’s got to clean up after everybody?

MORRIS: Zelda, Octavia, they need you.

LAVINIA: Snipe, snipe, snipe, that’s all they do. There’ll be nothing left of me.

MORRIS: They need you. Always needed you. Where would they all be without you? I’ll answer that: The gutter. Zelda: the gutter. Tavie: the gutter. Maybe Birdie’ fly away, but sure as you’re born he’d trick and treat your mother with the most specialist of sweet talk he saves just for her, that she loves so much and then carry her by her neck: to the gutter. You got to do this, Vin. Family ruptures, it’s up to folks who know better, who know best, to tamp everything down, keep everyone close.


LAVINIA takes a deep breath.

LAVINIA: Yes. You are right. You are very right.

MORRIS: ‘Course I’m right.


MORRIS kisses LAVINIA back.

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LAVINIA: Show Missy Daniels what’s what.

MORRIS: And, I’m always right.

LAVINIA: Don’t get carried away.

MORRIS: There’s an app for that: it’s called: I am always right.

LAVINIA kisses MORRIS on his head: sweet.

LAVINIA: You win husband. You win—

The inside phone begins to ring.


LAVINIA begins to rush away, into the house to answer the phone.

MORRIS: Wait. Vinnie. So: these?

MORRIS holds up the keys.

VINNIE: The plan. Morris. Back to my plan.

The phone rings.

As she leaves…

MORRIS looks down at the keys in his hands, then after LAVINIA.

Elsewhere we see OCTAVIA, pacing, phone in hand.

Pace, pace, pace.

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MORRIS still stands, keys in hand.

When he looks up, YVONNE is near, wine glass in hand.

YVONNE: To be a fly on the wall when he took that little peach to the faculty club.

MORRIS: I’m not one to gossip.

YVONNE: I am. I love to gossip. Anyone who tells you they do not gossip is lying to your face. “Cold home”. Who gives a damn? I stepped out that front door. I did not ask for one cent from that man for myself.

MORRIS: Lot of pride, lot of pride.

YVONNE: You could call it that. I don’t know what I’d call it. Faculty club, President’s house, Dinner parties where the husbands were a bit more like children with their writing schedules and course schedules and demands. If you were a good wife—and I was a damn good wife-- you didn’t see it like that. If you were a good wife you saw it, felt it, as being at the center of it all. We weren’t like our mothers with their frigidaires and their cook ranges. Our life was about ideas. Books; marches: triumphant; militant.

MORRIS: I would. I would call that pride.

YVONNE: To become married to Lem in the first place I wore a lavender skirt suit and a hat with a veil. No bridesmaids, no church, no steeple, no cake. My mother sent us blue and white plates as a gift anyway.

MORRIS: The blue plates. Lavinia talks about those blue plates like—

YVONNE: You begin marriage nestled inside each other. Then you untether and you see a little more clearly. You become your own again.



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YVONNE: You and Lavinia live inside the same skin.

YVONNE sips from her glass.

The phone rings.


YVONNE exits.


MORRIS takes the keys out of his pocket, looks down at them.

The phone inside rings.

But we see LAVINIA gathering herself to go out.

The phone quiets.

We see MISSY enter the porch, she looks around: no one.

She is disappointed.

MISSY: Hello?


MISSY: Lavinia?


MISSY: Girls?

More nothing.

MISSY is disappointed.

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MISSY looks out into the yard.

The tiny home catches her eye, and she crosses to it.

She reaches out, touches it with one finger.

She likes it.

She touches it with her palm.

She likes it.

She pulls a lawn chair closer to the tiny home.

MISSY watches the tiny home.

MISSY begins to hum.

A branch breaks, off.

MISSY startles, picks up a stick, and sits with it sticking out to protect herself.

She drifts off.

The afternoon passes.


MISSY startles awake.


They have been antiquing and shopping.

They carry a few shopping bags.

When they enter, ZELDA hands bags to PAUL, who looks down at them, confused.

Finally, ZELDA points him towards the tiny home, and he takes the bags there.

MORRIS has gone straight to the house with his and LAVINIA’s one bag.

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MISSY: Oh. There you all are. I worried about the Bigfoot but, but it looks like you went to antiquing alone without me.

LAVINIA(Calling after YVONNE): Lunch soon, Mumma—

YVONNE walks into the house, past MISSY.

MISSY: And bought the whole town.

LAVINIA: Just a few odds and ends. Pay day’s Thursday. We can go again. If you’re still here.

YVONNE holds up an arm in acknowledgement, but disappears into the house silently.

MISSY: I go powder my nose, I come out, all the cars: gone.

ZELDA: So sorry.

LAVINIA: Next time.

MISSY: I hope so.


MISSY: I certainly hope so.

LAVINIA: Absolutely.

MISSY: But that is okay because I sat down right here. I sat down right here next to Zelda’s little box.

ZELDA: Tiny home.

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MISSY: And Zelda’s little box and I had the most lovely time.

ZELDA: You did, huh?

MISSY: We did, yes.

LAVINIA: Well that is wonderful. Morris can hear all about it when he takes you to the—

MISSY: I am not leaving yet. I am staying right here. And I was thinking. I was thinking I was correct. I would like to see the inside. I do think I might like one. Of my own.

ZELDA: Inside?


OCTAVIA: I’m going to—

ZELDA: Yes, take it. That phone is like (makes a blowing up gesture with her hands).

OCTAVIA steps aside looks down at her phone.

MISSY: Well I certainly need a house now.


MISSY: As I am so alone.

ZELDA: Well that may be.

MISSY: No. It is true. But this, this can go anywhere. Close, close up or far, far away.

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LAVINIA: Far, far, yes, yes.

ZELDA: Well there’s plenty of sites. Go look on one of those.

LAVINIA: Far far far far far.



MISSY: Oh, to have a little house like this. It would be just the thing for me.

LAVINIA: I agree. I most certainly agree. This love, love, lovely little house home house can go: Anywhere. Any time. Right away. You really should take a peek.

ZELDA: Take a peek? Inside my home? To LAVINIA: What antiques did you buy? Is one haunting you? Take it back.

LAVINIA: Zelda, let’s show her inside.

ZELDA pulls LAVINIA aside.

ZELDA: Seriously, what is wrong with you?

MISSY calls out to them:

MISSY: That’s very wicked if this is a trick: talking with you girls is sweet-balm to my soul.

LAVINIA (calling back to MISSY): Not at all. Not a trick at all.

ZELDA: You drive to Boston and show her your home, Lavinia.

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OCTAVIA: Vinnie. Really. What are you--?

MISSY: Trick or treat is a mean, mean thing: shame the devil.

LAVINIA (Calling out): A treat, if you will.

ZELDA: Treat. Treat?

LAVINIA (To ZELDA and OCTAVIA in earshot): She likes the house, she finds one online, she uses that man’s money to rid herself from our sight. She calls out: The girls can show you around. They’d be happy to, yes? Zelda?

MISSY: If we having a tour I might need you girls to fix me a plate. I am feeling peaked, yes, I am.

ZELDA: What. The actual. F—

LAVINIA: Zelda, cut the crap and show us the box. I mean the camper. I mean your adorable little home.

OCTAVIA moves to enter the house with her phone.

LAVINIA: No, no you, too. You are in this, too.

OCTAVIA stops.

LAVINIA: This is what family does. Isn’t it?

ZELDA: That woman is not our family.

LAVINIA: Fifteen years old and I’m keeping house, I am signing permission slips—

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ZELDA: No one is—

LAVINIA: And now I need this one thing—

ZELDA: Your one thing is like a, like a fungus.

LAVINIA: All I am saying.

ZELDA: You give the tour.

MISSY: We all go. We all do it together.

LAVINIA: All I am saying is I would have given anything to have what Mumma and I made sure you, and Tavie, and Birdie got. And all I am asking is this one thing. I am asking you to take my side for once. Once.

OCTAVIA: Sides. My side. Your side. Mumma’s side. Daddy’s side. So many sides. But maybe there were other sides. So that was what I was thinking. That is why I went.


ZELDA: …Fine.

LAVINIA exits, goes to the kitchen, begins to make lunch.

YVONNE enters the yard, wine glass in hand.

YVONNE comes across a corn hole game.

YVONNE picks up a bean bag.

YVONNE goes to throw a bean bag, realizes she is about to spill her wine.

She babies her wine, places it someplace safe.

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Then, YVONNE throws a bean bag at the corn hole game.

YVONNE throws another bean bag at the corn hole game.

YVONNE then throws another bean bag, but this time out into the yard.

She likes this.

She throws several more bean bags out into the yard, brisk, hard. She breathes heavy and quick. She chuckles.

Then, YVONNE returns to her wine glass.

She gulps a large sip of wine, maybe three or five gulps.

The tiny home.

MISSY scuttles about the small space.

ZELDA stands looking at the house through one of the only windows.

OCTAVIA takes in the space.

PAUL stands awkwardly.

ZELDA: And there you pretty much have it.

MISSY: So compact. You cook here? How you cook here?

PAUL: We. Mostly. Eat out.

MISSY: Who dis anyway?

ZELDA: Missy Daniels, Paul—

PAUL: King.

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ZELDA looks at PAUL.

ZELDA: I knew it. I know your last name, Paul.

PAUL: I’m just helping.

MISSY: This ‘gone to be a tight squeeze for the babies.

ZELDA: Babies?

PAUL: No, no, we’re not.

MISSY: Why not get a house with the bedrooms? The babies roll over, they fall right out here on the floor.

ZELDA: There are no babies, Missy.

MISSY: There should be babies in all the homes. Don’t matter where they come from. Here (She pats ZELDA’s stomach) Or anywhere. (She indicates the air).

ZELDA: And the bathroom’s over here. Got it? Great.

MISSY: Oh yes. The toilets. We need to know all about those

MISSY disappears…


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ZELDA: Why are we stuck with this?

PAUL: Maybe I should step out—


ZELDA: Well. I know why you should be stuck with this.

OCTAVIA: Why did you do that? I told you—

PAUL: She seems harmless.

ZELDA: She isn’t. And you are getting awfully cozy, Paul --—

She makes a shooing gesture.

PAUL: What did I say? On her worst day she serves broken lady finger cookies and lemonade without enough sugar. Harm. Less.

ZELDA looks at PAUL.




ZELDA: Oh. Migoodness.

PAUL: All I said was.

ZELDA: She is a little sneaky.

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(To OCTAVIA:) Can we not agree, like we have for the last thirty years? That she is a little sneaky?

OCTAVIA (To PAUL:) She is a little sneaky.

ZELDA: She is “harmless” in the same way a lady cobra is “harmless:. “Oh hello, Lady Cobra, hi, hi, hi, Lady Cobra.” “Well hello,” says that Lady Cobra, “I booked us an appointment at the salon. Let’s go get some brunch.” “Oh thank you, Lady Cobra, I love you lady Cobra.” “Mmwa.” “Mmwa.” “MMWA….”

ZELDA mimes getting bitten in the neck by a snake.

ZELDA: You can’t be friends with a cobra.

OCTAVIA: Not harmless.

ZELDA: She’s disgusting.

OCTAVIA: How they met—

ZELDA: The both of them: disgusting.

OCTAVIA: The dining hall.

ZELDA: All in the open.

OCTAVIA: The college dining hall. Just like that. Wham. One conversation and then our father came home—

ZELDA: He came home that day from class.

OCTAVIA: And it was raining.

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ZELDA: And he took off his galoshes.

OCTAVIA: She was making beef burgundy.

ZELDA: Right. Right, right, right. Vinnie was making.

OCTAVIA: No. No, no, no, no. I do remember this.

ZELDA: I remember this.

OCTAVIA: Not right you do not. Mumma. Was making—

ZELDA: Beef burgundy. With mushrooms and butter and onions.

OCTAVIA: You are: very good at recipes.

ZELDA: I’m the best. I’m the best at recipes.

PAUL: So she says.

ZELDA: Any recipe. Any, any recipe. But. But I was little for that one.

OCTAVIA: That night, you could smell it all through the house.

ZELDA: It was. It was.

OCTAVIA: And the rainwater. From his galoshes. Was soaking into the wooden floor. Which was strange. Which was odd. Because he was very particular. He was very particular about so many things. The right fork. Everything just, just so.

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ZELDA: He and that woman together make no sense.

OCTAVIA: When he came home that night, he sat on that wooden chair by the front door for the longest time. With our mother watching him. Mumma just stood there watching him. And nobody moved for a very long time. Us kids had no idea why. Then finally she said, mumma said: “The beef burgundy”. And Daddy said: “I will not be able to stay”. The right fork. Everything just, so. Everything in his life until that point jigsawed together so precisely. And he walked out that door. Like a cat. And I think maybe Mumma sank. Into one of the living room chairs. And the house got very still.

ZELDA: But our house was never cold. Missy would say: she’d say, to our faces, like it was just one of those things: “I worked in the dining hall. Your house was cold.” Where do they write about that in the Bible? (A little louder so MISSY can hear:) About stealing other women’s families, then blaming it on central air?


MISSY touches something and we hear a slight crash.

ZELDA (whiney): Hey, this is mine, be careful.

MISSY pops up again.

MISSY: No time. I bet you clean this whole thing in no time at all.

MISSY climbs out from where she’s been and charges out the door.

ZELDA: Hey, hey, where are you going?

MISSY: Very nice. I like it very much. Perfect for me.

ZELDA: Wait what? What’s happening?

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ZELDA charges after MISSY.


OCTAVIA looks around.

OCTAVIA: It really is adorable.

PAUL: My favorite part is that skylight up there. Most of the time I don’t know what I’m looking at, but I like to know I can if I want.


PAUL smiles.

OCTAVIA: Zelda barks, but—

PAUL: She bites, too.

OCTAVIA: Ew. But. Yeah. Got me. Yeah. She does.


OCTAVIA looks at PAUL.

PAUL looks at OCTAVIA.

They both smile.


OCTAVIA: What do you do, Paul?


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OCTAVIA: Line of work. Living you make? Self you feed?

PAUL: This and that.

OCTAVIA: That and this.

PAUL looks at OCTAVIA:

PAUL: That makes it sound…

OCTAVIA: No, no.

PAUL: I am unencumbered.

OCTAVIA: By work.

PAUL gives a nod.

But it is coy.

PAUL: Got a buddy own’s a moving company. Right now that’s what I am. It’s best when we’re called in to pack someone up. You walk into a house, a room, you get to intuit a whole life.

OCTAVIA: Cool. Cool-cool.

PAUL: You don’t think so.

OCTAVIA: No, no, I do, of course I do, I. I just. Intuit a life. Is. I. I mean. Okay.

PAUL: Well…What do. What do. You do?

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OCTAVIA: I am--: I write. About who we are and why we are and how we are in the spaces that contain us. And I teach.

PAUL: Dad’s footsteps.

OCTAVIA: Mostly I go to Karaoke—

PAUL: So watch out for you, then. When we bust that out.

OCTAVIA: I do group numbers only. You’re good. I don’t like the mushroom sauce either.

PAUL: Aw, see, yeah, I knew I was not the only one. I knew it. Mushrooms are some crass folk.

OCTAVIA: But I keep my cool about it.

PAUL: Was I not the essence of suave in there?

OCTAVIA: Until Lavinia spooned that sauce on your plate.

PAUL: I am the essence of suave.

OCTAVIA: Unencumbered. Essence. Of suave.

PAUL: And. I take things as they come.

OCTAVIA: You did not take that mushroom sauce.

PAUL: No. No see. That is my outlook. On life. That is my philosophy.

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OCTAVIA: On life.

PAUL: Yes.

OCTAVIA: To be force fed meat sauces.


OCTAVIA: Your arms did this thing. We all thought you were going to teleport.

PAUL: I’m like what’s known as a freegan.

OCTAVIA: Oh Zelda, Zelda, Zelda. Freegan.

PAUL: Dinner out? I find it. Need a new coat. New lamp. New shoes.

OCTAVIA: Find it.

PAUL: People throw out perfectly good everything. Not just food.

OCTAVIA: Are we talking like dumpster diving, Or like what are we talking about? Are you like a derelict?

PAUL: I would be if this were Victorian England. Like no. I am just saying. Our culture creates so much, too much. And so I use that so much, for free. And no one is any the wiser.

OCTAVIA: For there is nothing lost that may not be found if sought. The French say that. I think. My husband. Tim. He would know.

PAUL: Zelda said. He’s. Is he. He’s coming up.

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OCTAVIA: No she didn’t say that.

PAUL: No she didn’t say that.

OCTAVIA: But you’re kind. And he is. End of the week though. He’s got work. He writes too. And teaches. Brilliant. Absolutely. I get by. I think I’m average.

PAUL: You’d love a good dumpster dive, I think I can tell.

OCTAVIA: Okay, I’m not below average. I’m not about to go slinking around in the dirt.

PAUL: Food, flowers, clothes, anything: the universe provides and I follow.

PAUL looks at OLIVIA.

OLIVIA smiles. But then.

OCTAVIA: You’re milkweed, blowing around.

OCTAVIA looks at PAUL.

PAUL looks at OCTAVIA.

OCTAVIA: You just do whatever you want.

PAUL: I flow, right.

OCTAVIA: These are, these are like, lines. That like, actual people do not say. They are ridiciulous.

PAUL: Not ridiculous. A way to move through this shit and not make myself crazy, right?

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OCTAVIA: Uh-huh.

PAUL: Most people have an expectation of how things should be. And it’s killing them, twisting them—

OCTAVIA: You just do whatever you want.

PAUL: I think you have an expectation of how things should be—

OCTAVIA: I don’t think you know anything about me.

PAUL: All that moving people around, I notice things.

OCTAVIA: I don’t think you know anything about me.

PAUL: No one is average, I know that.

OCTAVIA: And I certainly don’t know anything about you. Except you are willing to act the fool, when mushrooms come your way.

OCTAVIA looks at PAUL.

PAUL looks at OCTAVIA.

Elsewhere: MORRIS.

We see MORRIS holding the keys up, looking at them, then at the tiny home.

MORRIS shakes his head.

He hears commotion and hides the keys once again, begins walking, and bumps into LAVINIA.

LAVINIA: The plan, Morris. The plan is right as rain.

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MORRIS holds up the keys.


LAVINIA: That little house is going to pay off—

MORRIS: Pay off.

LAVINIA: Well. Yes.

MORRIS: You said we were just doing the keys.

LAVINIA: Can I help it if opportunity falls in my lap? Missy Daniels is drooling over that, that—

MORRIS: This feels—

LAVINIA: I’d like to live in a world where we are not hung up on how everybody feels.

MORRIS: What I mean is. Eye to eye. Do we see this. You know. Eye to—

LAVINIA: Just keep those things to yourself.

LAVINIA indicates the keys.

LAVINIA: Don’t make me have to do everything on my own. You promised.


LAVINIA: Morris.

LAVINIA grabs the keys from MORRIS, and hides them in a drawer.

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LAVINIA continues on into the house.

MORRIS looks after LAVINIA.

MORRIS looks towards the drawer.

Elsewhere, LAVINIA, ZELDA, and MISSY.



MISSY: I love it. You are correct, daughter. And it is what your father would have always wanted.

ZELDA: I do not understand what is HAPPENING.

MISSY: For us all to be united: yes.


LAVINIA: Let’s everybody calm down.

ZELDA: Easy for you. You are not the one whose house just got busted up.

MISSY: You got to test the craftmanship.

ZELDA: You didn’t need to touch my stuff. You were all in my things. My personal --

MISSY: You did not buy a dud.

ZELDA: Vinnie.

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MISSY: In fact, I would like one just like it.

ZELDA: Online. Sure.

MISSY: No, that one.

ZELDA: “That one” is taken.

MISSY: I give you money. You can use it to buy another.

LAVINIA: Buy another?

MISSY: Twenty thousand?

ZELDA Lavinia will look one up. Another one up. On the computer. Press check out. Buh-bye.

MISSY: Not a dud: that is a beautiful thing, a fortunate thing. Such a lovely home. Okay. You twist my arm: thirty. Thirty thousand.

LAVINIA: Dollars? Uh.


MISSY: Forty? Forty. You drive a hard bargain but it is worth it. You are a smart daughter, a lovely girl. We are going to have so much fun-

ZELDA: No. Nope, Nope. Nope. No we

LAVINIA: Let’s all take a deep breath.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 121

ZELDA: Did a pine cone get lodged someplace you need to yank out?

MISSY: Oh this is not polite. You girls. I tell Lem you should be more polite—

ZELDA: We are plenty polite. You should have told “Lem” to watch his manners—


MISSY: Watch his? What say now? This is. This is.

LAVINIA: Zelda, let’s. Let’s. Shhhh. Let’s let Miss Daniels perhaps enjoy the idea of this little house—

MISSY: Lem had perfect manners. Everyone thought so.

ZELDA: You call kids back.

MISSY: When he not call you back?

ZELDA: You return an eight year old’s telephone calls.

MISSY: I do not remember this.

ZELDA: Oh no?

MISSY: Water under a bridge is long, long gone.

ZELDA: Go ask him, if you don’t remember.

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MISSY: Ask. Him?

ZELDA: Oh. That’s right. We can’t. He’s dead. Always the easy way out with Lem Shaw.

MISSY: That is no way to honor the father.

ZELDA: Honor ME. Me, me, me, me.

ZELDA gets upset.

When ZELDA yells it is more uncontrolled than expected.


ZELDA sobs.

LAVINIA starts towards ZELDA.

ZELDA flinches away.

ZELDA breathes heavy.



LAVINIA looks up and around and at MISSY, not sure how to get rid of her or what to do next.

LAVINIA: I’ll have lunch ready soon. I’ll find you when it’s ready, Miss Daniels. Why not go freshen up.

MISSY: You will see to me correctly, I know you will.

LAVINIA: Of course we will. Go. Relax. There’s an outdoor shower. So refreshing.

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MISSY: Sounds like what the heathens do.

LAVINIA: Nonsense. Very cleansing. Give it a go.

MISSY suddenly eases completely.

MISSY: Oh of course. Why do I get so riled up? You will see to me correctly.

LAVINIA: Yes. We will.

MISSY: I will take that shower.

LAVINIA: Yes, you go and take that shower.

MISSY walks off.

LAVINIA: You know, I was worried about this week. But I think it’s going to be okay.

ZELDA: What are you doing?

LAVINIA: I think there’s enough towels, if everyone uses one to bathe and one to swim.

ZELDA (Giving up): This is all Birdie’s fault.

LAVINIA: Of course the real problem, is the suppers and the dinners.

ZELDA: I am going to die here.

LAVINIA: I hadn’t planned on so many extra people. And meat is expensive. Although by Thursday I get paid and Morris gets paid—thank God for Direct Deposit—but I just don’t know how many Kale salads I can fool people with.

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ZELDA: Just roll me to the water’s edge and dump me in.

LAVINIA: Mumma has the macaroni recipe but. Well you know how that goes. She barely tells anyone any of those meals she cooked. We all should have made her write them down.

ZELDA: …tuh.

LAVINIA: Maybe I double the meat tonight. And we see about visiting that Farmer’s Market tomorrow.

ZELDA: Just. Tell Morris. To take her. To the train.

LAVINIA: I will not.

ZELDA: Vinnie.

LAVINIA: Miss Missy Miss is a down payment on a very nice house.

ZELDA: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

LAVINIA: We help her with what she wants, what she needs: the tiny home. And she helps us with what we want, what we need: her money.

ZELDA: What I want is to leave here. I do not want to be here.

LAVINIA: Well I think we all need to be here. Or at least together.

ZELDA: Why together? What was so good about the first time?

LAVINIA: Just look how things have spun/out of control.

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ZELDA: Spun? What spun? What is spinning?

LAVINIA: Well do not make me spell your life out—

ZELDA: Come to New Hampshire, she says. Come to the Mountains, she says. No wonder you shipped the kids off. You didn’t want a scene, when you tried to coerce everyone into this crazy, this crazy. No one wants to live with you.

LAVINIA: I’d like to see everyone try to live without me.

ZELDA: Well somehow I am living just fine without you. I came up with twenty thousand dollars, now didn’t I?

LAVINIA: And it turns my stomach to think how. Six months ago I was paying your rent. You, Tavie, you need this. Selling that camper is the first step to keeping everything in order. For you, for Mumma—

ZELDA: Twenty thousand. You want to know about that twenty thousand?

LAVINIA: I think. I think let’s not talk about unpleasant things when we’ve just had a wonderful afternoon. True beauty is really hard to come by. And we had a really beautiful—

ZELDA: You want to know? Where I got it?

LAVINIA: Or we could. If you don’t want to rest, ride back in to town.

ZELDA: You’re just dying to know. Your fingers are aching to know.


ZELDA: Those recipes.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 126

The sound of pipes chugging.

LAVINIA: I’m going pour some more lemonade.

ZELDA: Mumma’s recipes. I sold them.

LAVINIA: Tuh. For twenty thousand dollars you “sold” a recipe?

ZELDA: Not a. Them. In a book.

From Elsewhere:



ZELDA: All those recipes you can’t get your head around. All those recipes you can’t get your tongue to spit out. The ones Mumma hides in her mind? The ones she won’t share. With you? Well I know them. Me. That book Tavie can’t sit and finish? Well, I finished something. Me. Twenty thousand. Advanced. To me, only me. I was stuck. And now I am unstuck. And I will not let you all stop me.

The side of the house.

MISSY walks from around it, in a towel.

She bumps into MORRIS.

MISSY: That water. Cold as devil’s breath. You can fix that water? It is not relaxing at all.

MORRIS: Plumbing’s not in my repertoire.

MISSY: My skin. Almost burned, so.

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MORRIS: But. I’m sure the landlord knows who we could call—

MISSY: My girls would not steer me wrong but oh, OH…

MISSY hurries off into the house.

MORRIS picks up his cell phone and is about to make a call, when the inside phone rings.


MORRIS looks down at his phone.

Thinks better.

Then shoves the phone in his pocket.

MORRIS exits into the house.

OCTAVIA enters the patio with her computer.

OCTAVIA tries to work.

PAUL enters.

PAUL: I have a mother, two sisters, a brother, And a dog. And I don’t like popsicle sticks. Like after you eat the popsicle? That’s straight up funk, right there.

OCTAVIA looks at PAUL.

PAUL: Now you know something. About me.

OCTAVIA: You think so, huh.

PAUL: You wanted to know about me.

OCTAVIA: I know five things about you that tell me nothing at all.

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PAUL: I could flip this and ask, why you even want to know about me. Why’s it matter to you at all, right?

OCTAVIA: Um. Because this is my family, and I care about it, and you are new. We have no idea what your intentions are.

PAUL: Intentions.

PAUL and OCTAVIA look at each other.

PAUL: I don’t have “intentions”. That. Um. Is the whole point of my life, right.

OCTAVIA: Yeah? Well popsicles need sticks, so you should rethink some things.

PAUL smiles.

OCTAVIA half smiles.

PAUL: That’s the paradox about them.

OCTAVIA fully smiles.

PAUL: The number six thing you don’t know about me. Is this is my first trip. Zelda asked and I thought nothing better keeping me, and the first week, we drove together in the truck. Pennsylvania, up to, um, Niagra—

OCTAVA: Falls. Ah. I just finished your sentence.

PAUL: Uh, and what else would come after Niagra?


Draft Date: 3/31/20 129

PAUL: Falls, Yes. Niagra Falls.

OCTAVIA: Beautiful.

PAUL looks at OCTAVIA.

PAUL looks out.

PAUL breathes in. And then out. And then in again.

PAUL: Open Road. The way I look at it, there are still towns where they don’t want the sun to set on my ass. And here I am, on a trip, blazing through the entire country, wherever I want. That’s a revolution right there.


PAUL: Any time you let yourself bust free out in to the wide, wide air when people around you say don’t, can’t, stop? Is a revolution.

OCTAVIA: Okay. Okay, I admit. Number six about you is kinda cool.

PAUL: And it’s quiet in that thing. I like it in there.

OCTAVIA: Quiet’s nice.

PAUL: Growing up our house was looooud, shoot.

OCTAVIA: Four kids, I bet it was. Our house was a zoo.

PAUL: Sure. Yeah. But also. No. My. My brother’s got. Then it was autistic now it’s. The spectrum. Which. Sounds like he hangs out with strobe lights dressed in a neon body suit or something.I don’t know. I love him to death but little dude was noisy as all get out. He’d love this trip.

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OCTAVIA: That’s nice. A brother. A brother probably misses you.

PAUL: I miss him, too, but I like trips. Or, this trip. I think I like trips a ton.

OCTAVIA: You like being held captive for forced family Jenga?

PAUL: I’m holding out for Scrabble.

OCTAVIA: I love trips.

PAUL: So you know.

OCTAVIA looks at PAUL.

OCTAVIA (whispers): Know what?

PAUL: That feeling of being part of something bigger, when you’re on a trip.

OCTAVIA: I don’t know. I don’t know if I feel. They’re Tim’s trips. For work. I tag along.

PAUL: Tim. OCTAVIA holds up her phone.

OCTAVIA: Tim thought the girl he married was Lemuel Shaw’s daughter. He’s never even met the man: but he still saw tenure and dollar signs and a nice house on professor’s row. The girl Tim actually got can’t line up dates and places. The girl Tim actually got is on page five hundred seventy six of her book, and can’t finish. My book deal? Had a meeting, spun some outlandish thing. Bam. Done. That is one gift I will admit I have. I can spin things from pure air. So maybe I’m like Lem Shaw after all: in one swift move after lunch in the dining hall, Lem Shaw spun a whole new life.

PAUL: Then you need a trip, if you’ve never get to have them for yourself.

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OCTAVIA: But this one is so much fun.

PAUL: Name the place.


PAUL: Name it.

OCTAVIA: I’m staying put. Finishing my work—

PAUL: Bora Bora.

OCTAVIA: Keeping an eye on Lavinia.

PAUL: Name it.

OCTAVIA: She’s going to devour that woman.

PAUL: Name it. You must want to go somewhere.

OCTAVIA: That woman: Cold house? I don’t even remember. What I do remember is. Our parents working. On the dining room table. Dinner barely cooked on the stove top. Sometimes a very lot of laundry in the hamper. I remember asking for a clean towel…Walking over to that dining room table filled with papers and pens and coffee cups, and mumma looking at me, and daddy looking at me: as if I’d torn a gash in the air around them.

Didn’t I see them working? Didn’t I see their papers and books? I definitely saw the coffee cups. Day old. Dark rings at their rims. So maybe it was cold. Maybe it was not warm at all.

I don’t know: Tanzania. Tanzania.

PAUL: This thing can’t go to Tanzania.

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PAUL smiles.

OCTAVIA: Then what did you ask me for?

PAUL: It’s a game.

OCTAVIA (Annoyed): Ridiculous. You are ridiculous. I don’t want to go anywhere.

PAUL: You do.

OCTAVIA: I said Tanzania.

PAUL: It’s just a game, right.

OCTAVIA: You know what?

PAUL: Come on, it’s a game right?

OCTAVIA: You know what, I think maybe you do want to know what comes next very badly or you would’ve just let Vinnie pour that fucking sauce all over that steak. Instead of trying to control it. I think what you did with that meat at dinner is who you really are. I think you wander all over the place, you and Zelda wander all over the place, with no decency, no, no decent plan.

I think you’re full of shit.

OCTAVIA and PAUL look at one another.

PAUL: I can’t turn on my phone without seeing the world burn. I can’t turn on my phone without seeing bodies, and ice caps melting and people screeching and. And I like the open road because on it I’m free. Or maybe I like the open road because I am not free at all anywhere. What’s next? I have no idea. I didn’t grow up thinking there was a next. How’m I supposed to stay in one place and wait for it? I don’t think I’m supposed to stay in one place ever at all. Do you?

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OCTAVIA and PAUL look at one another.

OCTAVIA and PAUL step towards each other.

A cellphone rings.

They separate as YVONNE enters.


YVONNE continues on her way, and prepares to smoke a cigarette peacefully, but MISSY barges in.

PAUL and OCTAVIA scatter.

MISSY is startled.


YVONNE is not.

YVONNE nods.




MISSY: That not feel so right.

MISSY looks around.

MISSY: That not feel so right, especially since I almost catch my death. That shower. Frigid.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 134


MISSY looks around.

MISSY shifts her feet.

MISSY locates a place to sit.

MISSY sinks into a chair.

YVONNE: After I sank into that arm chair in my living room that night I paid some visits.

MISSY: Some visits.

YVONNE: Holy Name, St. Stephens, Mission of God.

MISSY: Those sound like nice visits.

YVONNE: And a friend I would have coffee with. On occasion.

MISSY: So sweet.

YVONNE: But I kept thinking about your shoulders.

MISSY looks from one shoulder to the other.

Then, she looks to YVONNE.

YVONNE: They are light.

MISSY fishes for the green bean ends.

She digs them out.

She displays them to YVONNE.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 135

MISSY: They are beautiful. This family. That is all I want. In my throat. I feel it.

YVONNE: My shoulders. The bones. Are slab. Heavy.

MISSY: I do not see this.

YVONNE: There was wisteria. That grew. Just outside the kitchen window. On the side. Did you keep it?

MISSY: I do not see this.

YVONNE: On the side. I’d like to learn how to keep hollow. Free.

MISSY laughs nervously.

MISSY: You are confusing me, Miss Yvonne.

YVONNE: You’ll teach me?

MISSY laughs nervously.

MISSY: Lem always said I was a silly woman. You are confusing me. Or, or maybe it is the chill. That shower was broken. I think I caught a chill—

YVONNE reaches out, touches MISSY’s shoulder.

YVONNE: I want my shoulders hollow as a bird’s.

MISSY watches YVONNE’s touch.

MISSY: Okay, Miss Yvonne.

MISSY laughs nervously.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 136

MISSY: Okay.

The faint sound of thunder.

We see MORRIS, keys in hand.

MORRIS looks down at the keys.

We see OCTAVIA and PAUL, same as before.



Bright, bright.

End of Act II.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 137


Later the same night.

The telephone rings.

LAVINIA stands in the yard. She looks up at the sky.

Quiet, then over to the tiny home.

She approaches it.

She runs her hand over it.

Click sliiiiiiide.

LAVINIA looks at the house, sees OCTAVIA entering the patio, gives a last look, then passes through the yard.

LAVINIA: So nice out here.

OCTAVIA: Vinnie, I really would love to talk—


OCTAVIA: Do you. Want to. Talk about.

OCTAVIA: Vinnie.

LAVINIA: Once. Upon a time. A scorpion asks a frog for a ride across a stream. “But you might sting me,” says the frog. “Then we’d both drown,” says the scorpion. So off they go. When they reach the middle of the stream, the scorpion stings the frog, and just before they sink into the water, the frog asks “why, why”.

OCTAVIA: Everybody knows this story, Vinnie. I am not some stinging bug.

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LAVINIA: Did I say that? Did I say anything like that?

OCTAVIA: Well, then what then?

The phone rings inside and LAVINIA speeds up.

LAVINIA: Do not answer it…

OCTAVIA: Vinnie.

LAVINIA: I am simply relaying thoughts, Octavia. I have so many. I am simply saying: let’s no one sink. That’s what we were like back then. We helped each other. We held together. We made it through. Yes? No one. Sink.

LAVINIA exits into the house.

The phone rings.


OCTAVIA sits on the porch.

Also near her are her laptop and reams of paper, notes.

She fidgets.

She works.

She fidgets.

She works.

She crosses something out in rather angry moves.

She begins again.

She holds up a piece of paper.

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She looks at the paper.

She holds the paper between her two hands, as if about the tear it.

The telephone rings again.



YVONNE enters, glass of wine in hand.

YVONNE: You’re making good use, especially before the rain.

OCTAVIA puts the paper down.

OCTAVIA: We should go inside. It is, it is cold out here.

YVONNE: I think I like it.

OCTAVIA: Lavinia wants us inside—

YVONNE: I’ve been listening, but I can’t tell if there’s a pond: middle of nowhere.

OCTAVIA: There’s a lake.

YVONNE: A lake, a pond, any body of water: You look out at it and you have to wonder: What’s holding it up?

OCTAVIA: Let’s come inside. I’ll get something warm on.

YVONNE: How’s the book?

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OCTAVIA looks at the papers around her.

OCTAVIA: Oh, fine.

YVONNE: I want to put it up where people can see it. Morris built me three bookshelves back home. I’m going to put yours right in the middle of the best one of them.

OCTAVIA: I guess I need to get a move on. Keep up with the rest of everybody. Zelda—

YVONNE: Cookbook.

OCTAVIA: It’s exciting.

YVONNE: It’s a cookbook.


YVONNE: You have proofs? I could help with proofs. With your father, we’d each take some pages and get down to business, spread them on the dining room table once you girls were tucked in bed, Birdie in the crib.

OCTAVIA: Let’s go inside.

YVONNE: They aren’t cross with you?

OCTAVIA: Cross? Who?

YVONNE: The editors.


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YVONNE: I want something to put up with the others.

OCTAVIA: Mumma, those are Daddy’s books—

YVONNE: If they haven’t called, then there’s nothing to worry about. One time. One time we were having the darndest time on this one section, I just could not get it to come out right. I’d spin it this way. Then I’d spin it this other way. Oh my Lord. I just could not get it to hold itself together. Lem was stalking the front hall, where the phone sat, waiting for it to go off like a siren. But I worked it, I worked it. And it all turned out just right.

OCTAVIA: What do you mean, “you worked it?”

YVONNE: What do you mean what do I mean?

OCTAVIA: That is what I mean, Mumma. You’re sounding like you’re the one who wrote Daddy’s books, not just “helped”, but actually wrote.

YVONNE: My shoulders are like slate. That became my problem all these years.

Of course I wrote them

OCTAVIA Mumma: Jesus. You never said that.

YVONNE: There is not one drop of ink that bears my name. In any of those books. And the weight of me became very heavy.

OCTAVIA: … …I’m sorry, Mumma. About those books. About the funeral.

…. …. …. YVONNE looks at OCTAVIA… … …

YVONNE: You use the week. Get work done. Lavinia’s had her fun: “antiquing”. Dragging us flies around the buttermilk up here.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 142

OCTAVIA: You put your entire life self. Into those books. Into our home.

YVONNE: I did.

OCTAVIA: What kind of man let’s that happen? To someone he loves? But Daddy watched that happen to you. He did that to you, to your work. You never told anybody?

YVONNE: Lots of us wives did it.

OCTAVIA: Those books are half yours, Mumma. Doesn’t the whole thing make you want to strangle something?

YVONNE: Now it’s your turn. Use the week. It’s so peaceful. It always is with water nearby. Although with water, I always ask: what’s holding it up? What’s feeding it?


YVONNE: No, no, there’s always more water somewhere. You need to go back and read Thoreau.

OCTAVIA: Thoreau’s full of shit. He learned all that from black people, enslaved black people. In the woods, Leaned on everyone else, then contemplated for pages and pages about being “alone”.

YVONNE: That’s my girl. See, see? You need to stay out here on this porch. You and me are gonna build your own pages together. I knew the spring wasn’t going to get the best of you. You’ll be back with Tim in no time. Working. Writing. You’re the one.


YVONNE: You’re my girl. You’ll get some pages done, have something to show Tim when he’s up at the end of the week.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 143

OCTAVIA: Tim won’t be up. Ever. No. She holds up her phone. Yeah. I. Never texted the address. He keeps asking me for the address but I can’t seem to make myself give it to him. Isn’t that…?

OCTAVIA takes a deep breath.

YVONNE: Perseverance is all part of it. You won’t be like me. You and Tim. Equals. You’ll have your own books. Your own home you have a rightful hand in. No one to take it away.

OCTAVIA: There’s great strength in perseverance. The Alsatians believe in that.

YVONNE: Alsatians.

YVONNE begins to exit into the house.

YVONNE: Just sit it will come.

OCTAVIA goes to her notes..

OCTAVIA: No, Mumma. That’s what I mean. I don’t—

YVONNE exits.


OCTAVIA goes to her notes..

She works.

She fidgets.

She works.

She fidgets.

She fidgets with the corner of a page of notes.

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It tears.

She looks at the torn piece.

She looks back at the page of notes.

She tears another piece.

She tears another piece.

She tears another piece, and more and more.

PAUL enters, sees her, stops.

A mound of paper sits before OCTAVIA.

She leans in.

She blows.

Some paper moves, but not much.

She blows again.

Some paper moves, but not much.

She blows again.

A bust.

This is not magical: the paper does not catch flight.

OCTAVIA: Damn it.

OCTAVIA gathers up the bits of paper and holds them in her hands.

She tries to ceremoniously spread them into the yard.

They do not move, but seem to stick to her.

OCTAVIA makes a frustrated garbled yell-like noise and gesture.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 145


Bits of paper filter to the ground, some remain on her.

She exits.

PAUL enters, picks up a few bits of paper, looks after OCTAVIA.

MORRIS enters the yard from the side of house, keys in hand.


A telephone rings.


PAUL is not sure where to turn with the bits of paper.

MORRIS is about to cross to the tiny house with the keys when he sees PAUL.

MORRIS quickly throws the keys in a shrub.


PAUL and MORRIS collide.

PAUL shoves the paper bits into his pocket.

MORRIS: Hey now.

PAUL: Sorry man.

MORRIS: What in the—

PAUL: Sorry, man.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 146

MORRIS: What you doing out here?

PAUL: Um. Just the trash. What you doing out here?

MORRIS: Aw, okay. Me too. Just the trash, too. Checking on the bags. Are they secure?

PAUL: I know trash. They are: Secure.

MORRIS: Well good. Excellent.

PAUL: Most excellent.


LAVINIA (From inside the house): MORRIS?

ZELDA (From inside the house): Well how’s Paul supposed to hear me now if you keep yelling—

They look at one another.

LAVINIA (From inside the house): ZELDA: MORRIS. PAUL.

And then walk in opposite directions.

PAUL: Man, I don’t know how you do this.

MORRIS: After each meal I collect—

PAUL: Not the trash, man.

MORRIS makes a spinning motion with his hand.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 147

MORRIS: Oh all that?

PAUL: You ever almost just, you know, break free?

MORRIS: I am right as rain in my house.

PAUL: I live my life: I like, step into truth into each moment of that life. I own that truth for that one moment. It is mine. This is. This is. Confusing.

MORRIS: Show me where real life looks clean off the bone like that, and I’ll go get my knife and fork. Sure would like some of that meal.

PAUL: It can be. It can be that clean.

MORRIS: “Break free” from what?

PAUL: All the excess, all the extra. Just being—

MORRIS: What are you smoking? Like, for real.

PAUL: Naw, naw—. Nevermind. Well. We about to head out.

MORRIS: That’s too bad. So soon?

PAUL: Zelda.

MORRIS: Moss don’t grow on that one—

Draft Date: 3/31/20 148

PAUL: Guess not.

MORRIS: Well you enjoy the lighthouses.

PAUL: I hope to, I sure hope to—

PAUL: It was nice to meet you.

PAUL holds out his hand.

MORRIS is about to shake it.

MORRIS: It’s only. It’s only: I can’t help thinking, the light houses are way out over—. Well, it’s none of my business.

PAUL: No, no, I hear that. That’s why we’re heading out, right?

MORRIS: Sure, sure.

PAUL: Sure.

MORRIS: Course big question is, are you heading east or west? North or south? Lighthouses are one way. Zelda follows her truth, does whatever she wants: She goes her way. No matter which way you wanted to go. And you want to go to the lighthouses.

PAUL: …yeah. But I can—

MORRIS: After this week, who knows what Zelda’s gonna want, gonna need. May decide to stay here.

PAUL: Naw, Nope. They argue about which way the wind blows. They’d argue over literal free space above their heads.

Draft Date: 3/31/20 149

MORRIS: But. That’s a beautiful thing, right? That’s what you guys are all about, right? “My space got supreme truth. I am on a journey as I explore my supreme truth; Your space? Well, sorry, We were talking ‘bout my space, Now weren’t we?” But it’s none of my affair. Next time, you and me’ll go fishing.

PAUL looks at MORRIS.

PAUL: …Alright.

MORRIS: After you get to see that lighthouse, of course. Take care of yourself, Paul.

MORRIS secures the top of the barrel.

MORRIS exits.

PAUL looks at the barrel.

PAUL pulls the paper bits out of his pockets, looks at them.

The telephone rings.

The telephone rings.

The telephone rings.

LAVINIA paces in front of the house phone.

ZELDA (as she enters): PAUL, GET IN THE TRUCK. TIME TO GO. To LAVINIA: Well, that’s that. The phone rings. And I have had it with this ph—

ZELDA grabs the receiver.

We hear a voice, garbled, on the other end.

LAVINIA violently slams the receiver back down in its cradle.

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LAVINIA: Wrong number, it is the wrong—

The telephone rings.

LAVINIA does not move to answer the phone.

OCTAVIA enters, goes to answer the phone.


OCTAVIA stops going to answer the phone.

OCTAVIA looks at LAVINIA, then at ZELDA.

OCTAVIA: Uhmmmm.

ZELDA: I don’t care. I do not care. She can answer it, can leave it, I do not care. We’re leaving.

OCTAVIA: What? Zel? No.

ZELDA: Straw. Straw, straw, straw. Camel’s back. Broken. Good-bye.

LAVINIA: A fire. In the Great Room. And a game.

OCTAVIA: Everyone’s tired, Vinnie.

LAVINIA: Dinner was nice. We had dinner. Wasn’t it nice? Let’s just keep—

ZELDA: You are trying. To sell. My home.

LAVINIA: Or sing along. Tim’s not here. Tavie can really let loose.

ZELDA leans in for side kisses.

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ZELDA: I’ll call.

LAVINIA: There’s dessert.

ZELDA: I. Don’t need to stay for dessert. So no, thank you. I. Will make my own dessert. In my House.

LAVINIA: But it seems terrible to end in such a sour way.

ZELDA: I’ll find Mumma on the way out.

LAVINIA: I really was hoping.

ZELDA: Paul and I have plans.

LAVINIA: Give that man a chance to breathe, Zelda, honestly.

LAVINIA: I was thinking—

LAVINIA pulls out her phone, scrolls.

ZELDA: Um, what was that?

LAVINIA: Something to cap it all off.

ZELDA: What was that?

LAVINIA: Well with you down his throat how can that man relax? Really? This is vacation. Karaoke.

ZELDA: Uhmmmm.

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LAVINIA: I was thinking everyone gets one song, then a group song. The girls love it. Or. When we make them do it, they love it. But teenagers, so grouchy. Pick. LAVINIA holds out her phone. Pick your song.

ZELDA looks at the phone.


ZELDA: I. Am not going to mention Morris. To whom you yell at on a perpetual basis. I. Am not going to mention I came here hoping, hoping you all would be so proud of me—

OCTAVIA: We are proud of you.

ZELDA: That you, Vinnie, would be--

LAVINIA: I already said—

ZELDA: But. But I am realizing. I am realizing. You must be mad. I know you must be mad—

LAVINIA: Mad? I am not mad.

ZELDA: Not mad.

LAVINIA shakes her head.

ZELDA: Even the funeral.

OCTAVIA: We are all grown—

ZELDA: SH, Tavie.

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ZELDA: Even the funeral: not mad.

LAVINIA: I am not mad.

OCTAVIA: I’m very tired. I’m just going to bed.

LAVINIA: Then go to bed.

LAVINIA recovers.

OCTAVIA does not move

LAVINIA. No, I am thrilled.

ZELDA: Thrilled.

LAVINIA: I am happy. I am very happy for your cooking book.

ZELDA: Book book. It is a real book.

LAVINIA: I’m happy. Aren’t you happy, Tavie?

OCTAVIA: I don’t know. Don’t ask me anything.

LAVINIA: Get that wine you brought. We can all have some.

ZELDA: I was right. I am leaving.

LAVINIA: No, no. That is not what I. Please let’s. Everyone pick.

Nobody moves.

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Nobody moves.

Finally, LAVINIA gets wine glasses, a bottle of wine.

She goes to her phone and begins programming it.

As she does, OCTAVIA goes to the wine and glasses and pours, handing wine to ZELDA and LAVINIA.

LAVINIA: There and there and there…

ZELDA: No, no, no.

LAVINIA: Just give it a chance.

ZELDA: I am not singing with you.

LAVINIA: You pick then.

OCTAVIA: She said no, Vin.

LAVINIA: Well don’t get nasty.

OCTAVIA: I am not. I am saying.

LAVNINA: This one.

LAVINIA picks a song.

ZELDA: Oh my God.

LAVINIA: Something else?

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ZELDA: Vinnie.

LAVINIA goes to pick another song, but is distracted by OCTAVIA, who stands at the third wine glass.

LAVINIA sees her.

LAVINIA: A little, remember.

OCTAVIA pours.

She pours to the top of the glass.

She looks LAVINIA in the eye, and slurps.

PAUL appears in the doorway.

ZELDA: Good, we’re leaving.

ZELDA: Goodbyes, goodbyes.

LAVINIA: This one.

LAVINIA selects a song.

A few notes play.

ZELDA: Get in the truck.

PAUL goes.

OCTAVIA grabs VINNIE’s phone.

OCTAVIA throws it.

The song continues from the phone’s place on the floor.

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No one moves.

Outside one of the windows, MISSY dances past.

It is an odd dance.

ALL watch.

It is quick.

ZELDA smiles.

LAVINIA smiles.

ZELDA: Missy Daniels can cut a rug.

Buzz from OCTAVIA’s phone.

LAVINIA: See, we can still have fun. Stay for dessert.

ZELDA softens, smiles.

ZELDA: I do like me some Karaoke.

LAVINIA: See? See? See? See?

ZELDA: But watch it.

OCTAVIA looks down at her phone.

The telephone rings.

ZELDA: Who calls at this hour? Jesus.

MISSY (Off): For the Lord will not hold guiltless anyone who takes His name in vain.”

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ZELDA: Just keep dancing Misty Copeland.


LAVINIA: Please. Stay. You can tell me if the shortcake came out right.

ZELDA: Okay. Just for dessert.

LAVINIA and ZELDA exit further into the house.

OCTAVIA remains in the kitchen.


OCTAVIA looks down at her phone.

She places the phone in the full wine glass, then follows her sisters.



Another song begins to play on the phone on the floors.

Whatever is playing is soft and strong.

YVONNE enters.

She sees the phone.

She places it on the counter.

She listens.

When the time is right, she sings along.

It is soft and strong and as if she is on a small stage.

When she is done, she pours another glass of wine.

MORRIS enters.

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MORRIS goes to a corner of the kitchen and retrieves the keys.

He has not noticed YVONNE…

YVONNE: You lurk in your own house, Morris?

MORRIS: No. I. And this isn’t my house.

YVONNE waggles her wine glass.

MORRIS: Oh. I. I don’t know.

YVONNE opens a cupboard and pours whiskey instead.

As she does:

MORRIS: ….Say, if you need a decent night’s sleep, I can drive you down the B and B.

YVONNE: Over my crumbling dead bones will I leave another house before that woman.

MORRIS: Point taken.


YVONNE: Lavinia seems. YVONNE takes a long sip of wine. Keen. On something. You notice that.


YVONNE: Keen. You know her best. When she gets that sweat on her brow. Something slick and cool up her sleeve.

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MORRIS: Naw. haven’t noticed anything.

YVONNE: Sometimes one must have someone to say to them: You. You there. I see you.

MORRIS: …haven’t. Haven’t noticed anything, no…. MORRIS takes a sip of his drink which turns into a long swig.

YVONNE: Days pile up when you spend them with someone. The floor under your feet gets crowded.



YVONNE: One day your floor doesn’t even look right under you. One day, your floor is so soaked with rain water, you can take towels to it. I took a yellow crocheted towel to it, but it still bled. Somehow, I became very tired. But I did try.

Because other days, most days, after that one day, Lord forgive me, I just felt like having a cup of coffee. Sometimes I read an extra chapter of my book at night And slept through that awful alarm. Sometimes I just couldn’t. So I chose. Not to. And so maybe there were no more bobby socks and starched dresses and braided heads. Maybe my girls ran lose like expected. Maybe those churches were right to turn me away. Maybe that friend should have refused to pour me coffee. Maybe Lavinia sees me and I can’t stand to look at her back. A mother ought not do these things. And yet and still. Here I am and I do not feel as sorry as all of them perhaps think I should.


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YVONNE takes a long, long sip of her drink.

YVONNE: The teacup has turned on the saucer, when it comes to myself and Lavinia. I do blame that woman.

MORRIS finishes his drink.

MORRIS: Those girls are gonna skin Birdie alive, next time they see that cat. He’ll be lucky if there’s anything left.

YVONNE: Serves him right, leading that woman up here like he’s the great god pan. He can be a lousy rat like his father. These things get passed down. I’d like to watch him just try to show his face to me, after this. The little shit.

A cellphone rings.

A telephone rings.

MORRIS’ telephone rings. He silences it.

A telephone rings.

MORRIS at the tiny home.

He checks to see if the coast is clear, he holds up the keys, about to return them, when…

LAVINIA (out nowhere): MORRIS.


LAVINIA: What are you doing?

LAVINIA snatches the keys.

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LAVINIA: I thought we were of the same mind. MORRIS. Now, really.

She storms off with the keys.

MORRIS looks after her.

Elsewhere, ZELDA calls for PAUL.

ZELDA: Paul? Paul, we’re staying. For a bit. PAUL?

MORRIS at the tiny house.

He touches it.

He shakes it.

It lurches a bit.

But seems steady.

ZELDA appears.

ZELDA: You break, you buy.

MORRIS is startled.

MORRIS: Ahhhhh. Oh God. Oh my Lord.

ZELDA holds up a bowl of shortcake.

ZELDA: This isn’t bad.

MORRIS goes to ZELDA and holds her to his chest.

ZELDA is caught off guard.

MORRIS: It’s turned.

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ZELDA: Morris?

MORRIS: The saucer. It’s turned…

MORRIS releases ZELDA, looks at her, then walks off.

ZELDA: Uhhhhh. Yeah…..

ZELDA shakes it off.


MORRIS looks towards the summer house.


LAVINIA pours a tall glass of lemonade for MISSY and hands it to her.


MISSY looks around the room.

LAVINIA smiles tightly, hands MISSY the lemonade.

MISSY: Where the girls? I thought we finish the karaoke. I thought we have some dessert. While we talk about the little houses. I buy that one there. I will stay with you always.

LAVINIA: It’s been so lovely to see you. After all these years. All of us together.

MISSY: They’ll join soon? We have so much to talk about. So exciting.



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LAVINIA: So exciting.

MISSY: What do I sign?

LAVINIA: About that. I am wondering, Mother Daniels—

MISSY: Mother Daniels. How many years have I waited to hear these words ring out of you girls’ mouths? But you know if we are to have the mother, I like to add the Shaw.

LAVINIA: Mother, mother, mother…Shaw…

MISSY: And we all live together. You girls. Me. Birdie.

LAVINIA: Birdie.

MISSY: Birdie no come. I was hoping he join us. He a sweet boy. Decent.

LAVINIA: Perhaps.

MISSY: I…I sometimes wonder what it would be like. To have a child so decent. So caring. Maybe, end of the week, you, me, we go to the antiques and fill bags and bags—

LAVINIA: Oh. I don’t—

MISSY: Do not say no right away. Birdie is such a good boy. That is why he got all he did from your father. That is exactly why.


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MISSY: He a good son to a good man. Your father’s heart filled so when Birdie visited. All through high school, all through college and that law school. I think he finally found himself with the art school. Your father took care of all of that, he was always so happy to see his son. And the trips. Birdie loves to travel. Your father see to that, too. Birdie feed your father with a spoon, when he could barely swallow. He do that. He deserve everything.

LAVINIA: Everything?

MISSY: He deserve it.

LAVINIA: Deserve? I’m. Not sure I. Agree…

MISSY: But that all past now.

LAVINIA: Past. Past, yes. Of course.

MISSY: We are seeing to the future.

Click. Sliiiiiiide.

YVONNE enters the patio, lighting a cigarette.

LAVINIA: Oh. Mumma—

MISSY: Ah, hello. I just saying to your daughter how nice it would be to spend more time—

YVONNE turns slightly to MISSY.

YVONNE: You just flit from place. To place. It must be so nice. So freeing.

YVONNE does not stop walking. She continues past.


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LAVINIA: So yes, the future…

MISSY: Oh, it a shame the way she treat this house. Ash on the porch. Wicked.

LAVINIA: Mother Daniels—

MISSY: Shaw. I say to Lem all the time. Your mother would send the papers, the boxes back, nearly tore your father in two. Wicked, I would say.

LAVINIA: Sent back?

MISSY: Papers. Boxes. Your father send. Your mother send back.

LAVINIA: No. No, no, no.

MISSY: Yes. Yes, yes.

LAVINIA: Our father left us with nothing, Miss—. Mother Daniels—

MISSY: Shaw.

LAVINIA: I think if we’re going to do business together. We should see eye to eye—

MISSY: No. No your father try to care for you all.

LAVINIA: No. No he most certainly did not, but as you said yourself, this is about the future.

MISSY: He did care for you all. He did, he did. He try to send you what you need. Some things he kept for years and years.

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LAVINIA: You’re mistaken.

MISSY: One box, well, it was not my idea to keep.

LAVINIA: The future, please, Missy-Mother Dan, Shaw, yes.

MISSY: It was the box with the plates.

LAVINIA: Plates?

MISSY: Blue and white.

LAVINIA: Mumma’s plates.

MISSY: Blue.

LAVINIA: And white.

MISSY: And I said to Lem, I said no. When I first saw those blue and white plates, I said, I think they go in the trash.

LAVINIA: In the trash.

MISSY: But Lem say no. So I wrap each on in newspaper and send them in the mail to your mummy’s new house.

LAVINIA: Apartment.

MISSY: But they come back like everything else.

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LAVINIA: No. No our father never sent anything.

MISSY: Your father was not happy about how many times he sent over the legal papers, the boxes of linens and cups and plates. He was not happy about how visits from you girls turned to phone calls turned to greeting cards turned to air.

LAVINIA: Now Mother Daniels—

MISSY: Shaw.

LAVINIA: She would have said. Our mother would have—

MISSY: Pshhhhh. All those boxes. Pshhhhh.

LAVINIA: Our mother would have said.

MISSY: No, no she wouldn’t. She didn’t.

LAVINIA: There’s. It’s. Been. There is a mistake.

MISSY: You call it what you want. I say you do now know who cared for who and was left in the cold. It upside down from what you know.

LAVINIA: Mistake.

MISSY: When they come back to me I do not unwrap them and use them like Lem say. I make him buy brand new plates for our twenty year anniversary: beautiful. Yellow. That a warm color. Now my plates are yellow and those blue plates from you all: gone.


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MISSY: She refuse to let him see you, she give up those things. Like this:

MISSY makes a blunt gesture.

MISSY: But Birdie with him in the end. He deserve all the things.

LAVINIA: Deserve.

MISSY: Birdie. Yes.

LAVINIA: That word again. Deserve….deserve…

MISSY: It is true. Birdie does.

LAVINIA: Birdie “deserves”.

MISSY: Yes. All the things. I even offer the house before I sell it, but Birdie so sweet, he say, what he do with a big house like that.

LAVINIA: The house.

MISSY: For his future.

LAVINIA: For his future…

MISSY: A good boy. A good future. We all have good futures now: Birdie. You girls. I am going to follow, follow, follow you in that little house right there and we be the best of friends, once I get into that little house right there, we each get what we deserve…

LAVINIA: Deserve. The house?

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MISSY: Well now I do not need that big house either. That little house going to be mine, mine, mine.

LAVINIA looks to the house.

LAVINIA: That little house.

MISSY: I give you the money.

LAVINIA: Money. Money? Yes. Yes, yes. They money Um. Yes. Yes, yes, yes.

MISSY: …Yes.

LAVINIA: But that little house. I’m not sure if that little house. Will suit you.

MISSY: It will. Of course it will.

LAVINIA: All your things? I’m not so sure.

MISSY: It suit me just fine.

LAVINIA: Well. An anniversary present deserves to be shown off—


LAVINIA: I bet the yellow glows.

MISSY: It does.

LAVINIA: A tiny home might not suit you at all.

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LAVINIA smiles.

LAVINIA: A tiny home might not be the right fit.

MISSY: Not the right fit?

LAVINIA: But a nice warm home. With family?

MISSY: We live together?

LAVINIA: I’m thinking, of course, of what each of us, after all these years, deserves.

MISSY: Deserves.

LAVINIA: Yes. Yes, yes, yes. After all these years, I think it’s time we had some roots. A foundation.

MISSY: Oh; yes.

LAVINIA: Yes. So. YES: We are thinking of a larger home.

MISSY: WE LIVE TOGETHER. Ohmydreamcometrue.

LAVINIA: But, we might need you to contribute.

MISSY: Contribute. Money?

LAVINIA gives a coy nod of her head.

LAVINIA: Contribute. Money. Yes.

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MISSY: If I give money to you, how much house is mine? When you buy it? How much belong to me when we all live together.

LAVINIA: Well yes, if you think about, it, the money, since we are his children after all, is really shared between all of us don’t you think?

MISSY: Shared with who?

LAVINIA: We’re your family, you said so yourself. I think we could both agree. And it’s money owed, the money you got for that house.

MISSY: It no sucha thing. Lem tell me see to Birdie’s school.

LAVINIA: Birdie’s a grown man.

MISSY: Lem didn’t really tell me anything about the money and you girls.

LAVINIA: Well that hardly makes sense. Him being such a family man.

MISSY: He was, he most certainly was. Your mother turned your heads and hearts from him.

LAVINIA: So he would want his children to be comfortable.

MISSY: Well, now, he, we, never, discussed.

LAVINIA: Never discussed?

MISSY: Lem was a good man.

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LAVINIA: A good man would not let his children, the mother of his children go without, even for a moment.

MISSY: If it was up to me we’d have our own children. But God had another plan.

LAVINIA: Perhaps that was God’s true plan.

MISSY: No. No I don’t think so.

LAVINIA: I think God—

MISSY: No. Do not twist things around—

LAVINIA: I think God had a plan.

MISSY: For me to find your family, yes—

LAVINIA: No, no, in the grander sense. God had a plan, Lem Shaw had a plan

LAVINIA: Perhaps Lem Shaw’s plan was a bit larger than that dining hall.

MISSY: No. No that not right at all.

LAVINIA: If Lem Shaw was such a good man, such a family man. Perhaps this is all part of Lem’s plan, which you have believed in for so long, have you not, Mother Shaw?

MISSY: I have. I did.

LAVINIA: I’ve come to think that when plans are disturbed, it takes a little it to make them right again, to turn them right again, to spin them in such a way as to, you know, make sure the people who

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may have suffered, who may have really been hurt, get what they should have gotten in this beginning. Don’t you agree?

MISSY: You sad about lesson and pretty clothes and summer camps? You talk to your mother about all that.

LAVINIA: It’s not about clothes and camps. This is about what Birdie got.

MISSY: But Birdie the one who visit. Children should honor they mother, they father.

LAVINIA: They should, they most definitely should. But how could that possibly happen if those children are lost? If they’ve been denied for so long, that they’ve been suffering in the cold, Mother Daniels? Octavia is very ill.

MISSY: She is?

LAVINIA: Oh yes.

MISSY: Ooooh. Oh my.

LAVINIA: And Zelda’s a hot mess a hundred and five percent of the time.

MISSY: Oh I can see that.

LAVINIA: So yes, coming together is the only way forward.

MISSY: I see.

LAVINIA: And from what you can contribute, I can buy something to give roots to this family. You are in a position, Mother Shaw, to right this family, to correct its wrongs and give it a clean start. You are the only one I can count on. It’s up to us.

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MISSY: Us. Us.

LAVINIA: Yes. Yes, so your contribution…

MISSY looks at LAVINIA and then around the porch, but then finally takes out her purse.

Next, MISSY takes out her checkbook.

MISSY writes a check.

MISSY: You are doing good, good work.

MISSY hands LAVINIA the check.

LAVINIA looks at the check.

LAVINIA considers the check.

LAVINIA half-smiles.

LAVINIA: Thank you. Now, let’s get you to that train.

MISSY: Train what train?


MISSY: But it’s so late now.

LAVINIA: Nothing you’re not used to, no? You understand. You really do. (Calling): MORRIS (To MISSY): Thank you. Morris will take you to the station now. Before the rain starts. I don’t want him driving in the storm.

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MISSY’s shoulders fall a bit more.

MISSY: The house, my house, is all packed up.

MORRIS enters.

MORRIS: Vinnie. Maybe we should talk about all this—

LAVINIA: Morris, maybe you should do as I ask, and see Ms. Daniels to the train.

MISSY: This is happening very quick.

LAVINIA: Morris, could you drive Miss Daniels here to the train station?

MORRIS: Vinnie.

LAVINIA: You will do this.

MORRIS: Now hold on now.

LAVINIA: No discussion.

MORRIS: Let’s think this—


MORRIS and LAVINIA look at one another.


MORRIS: I’ll pull the car around.

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MISSY: But the house in Poughkeepsie is sold and all packed up.

LAVINIA: Which is why I am not worried in the least at all about you. You’ll have more than enough to support yourself. You have no more house to take up your resources, your time.

MISSY: And couldn’t I stay here? With you?

LAVINIA: Well this is a rental, Miss Daniels. By Saturday we’ll be scattered to the winds.

MORRIS: Any bags?

LAVINIA Just the one. And stop by the bank on the way back.

LAVINIA hands the check to MORRIS.

MORRIS looks at it, places it in his back pocket.

MORRIS (To MISSY): I’ll get that bag for you.

MISSY: It so peaceful you might never leave, you say.

LAVINIA looks at MISSY. MISSY: You all live together so you can take care of everyone, you say.

LAVINIA: When I’ve found something, I will be in touch.

MISSY: Where am I to go?

LAVINIA: When I’ve found something, I will be in touch.

MISSY: ...alright.

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LAVINIA kisses MISSY’s cheeks.

MISSY seems a bit frozen.

LAVINIA: Don’t worry, Miss Daniels. It won’t be long. I will call. I’m Birdie’s sister, after all. I’m Lem Shaw’s daughter, aren’t I? You trust these things, yes?

MISSY relaxes.

MISSY smiles.

MORRIS returns.

MISSY: You are. I’m being silly. Lem say that. He tell me I am a silly woman. Good bye daughter. You a good daughter. “Then our sons in their youth will be like well-nurtured plants, and our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace”. But you are more, daughter. You are the very marrow holding me in place. This is life. This is what it means to live. To be held up by you. My daughter. I am so fortunate. We are all so lucky. I am so… I mean, I should feel very fortunate. And I am sure that will. I am sure that feeling will come. I am sure that feeling will be warm. Right now, I am still so, so cold, daughter.

I see you soon. You take care of me, too.

MORRIS takes MISSY’s bag. The phone begins to ring.

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MORRIS goes to get it.


MORRIS (To MISSY): You all set?

MISSY suddenly hugs LAVINIA.

MISSY: You take care of me too. I see: this feeling will come.

LAVINIA stiffly hugs back.

LAVINIA pulls away.

LAVINIA looks at MISSY, smiles.

LAVINIA: Of course. What else would I do?



The phone rings.

MORRIS and MISSY exit.

LAVINIA turns to the phone.

LAVINIA walks to the phone. LAVINIA picks up the phone.

LAVINIA presses the phone to her ear. LAVINIA listens.


LAVINIA: Hello. This is she....We do love it, it’s beautiful up here...No, no, everything’s fine, we were just enjoying the peace and quiet, so we turned off all those phones as often as we … no. What?

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You didn’t get it? Ah. Banks. but we can certainly get you a check for the rental week by … mmMM… End of the week, I can have it to you. Thursday, I can absolutely

Sure yes. Alright. Okay. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Okay. Thank you. Good bye.

When LAVINIA hangs up, ZELDA is in an interior doorway, silent, glaring.

ZELDA: No fucking way.

LAVINIA: Watch your language.

ZELDA: You’re not my mother, and I am thirty five fucking years old, and this week, this week in this house is not even paid for.

LAVINIA: I’m thinking cobbler tomorrow. What do you think? We could pick our own blueberries in the morning?

ZELDA: Vinnie.

LAVINIA: Yes, Zelda.

ZELDA: What are you doing?

LAVINIA: I am planning our morning. You love cobbler.

ZELDA: No. That.


ZELDA: Vinnie.

LAVINIA: You love cobbler.

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ZELDA: I do not love cobbler.

LAVINIA: You love cobbler.

ZELDA: I do not love cobbler.

LAVINIA: You love cobbler.

ZELDA: I do not love cobbler.



LAVINIA: Sell that box. Sell it, come home.

ZELDA: No. No, no, no.

ZELDA: Phone keeps ringing. Five bedrooms. Steak and wine and it is all thin air. It is not.It is not paid for.

LAVINIA: Of course it’s paid for, what are you talking about?

ZELDA: Really.

LAVINIA: Really. Missy Daniels just wrote me a check.


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ZELDA: There is no way I am selling my house—


ZELDA: To Missy Daniels –

LAVINIA: You wouldn’t sell it to that woman. You’d sell it to someone else.

ZELDA: That is insulting, Lavinia.

LAVINIA: Cobbler. Let’s think about that.

ZELDA: Vinnie.

LAVINIA: Missy is a down payment, and that box is twenty thousand. Family does this, good strong family does this, it adheres, it binds, it cleaves, it obeys. You will do this. Why should Birdie get everything?

ZELDA: Birdie can have it. Everything I have I got myself—. LAVINIA: “Got yourself”?

ZELDA: No one told you to quit, school. No one told you to give up.

LAVINIA blinks.

LAVINIA: Well aren’t you lucky.

ZELDA: Do not push this back on me.

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LAVINIA: Aren’t you just the luckiest little girl in the world.

ZELDA: You push and you push and you push—

LAVINIA: “Got for yourself”

ZELDA: I did.

LAVINIA: That’s funny.

ZELDA: I did.

OCTAVIA enters.

LAVINIA: You are precisely in time, Octavia.

ZELDA: I did work for this, Lavinia.

LAVINIA: You are precisely in time. We were just reviewing Zelda’s definition of “self”. As in “Got for her self”. As in. Somehow Zelda got herself to school, to lessons, to band practices. Somehow Zelda signed her own permission slips. Checked her own homework. Bought her own groceries. Washed her own clothes.

ZELDA: Okay.

LAVINIA: Cooked her own meals. Oh. Oh wait. We can look that up.We can now look THAT one UP. In a book. A book Zelda shared with all the world—


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LAVINIA: Without telling a soul.

ZELDA: Well obviously I told somebody—

LAVINIA: Obviously.

ZELDA: Because I am getting paid, which is what you can’t stand.

OCTAVIA: You two need to calm it now.

ZELDA: You cannot stand you will not have a say, will not have control—

LAVINIA: Cobbler, for tomorrow, Octavia.

ZELDA: No, no, listen—

LAVINIA: Unless there’s more shortcake.

OCTAVIA: I should have—. I should have told you about the funeral, Vinnie.


ZELDA: Go play house with Morris, with your own kids.

LAVINIA: They won’t let me. They hate me. I can’t get them to say more than two words to me—

Too much. LAVINIA shakes this off, recovers.

LAVINIA: This week is ruined.

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OCTAVIA: No, no it’s not. But I should have. I should have told you, and Zelda, everything.

ZELDA: Who needs to know about him? No one needs to know about him. He was not part of our lives, Octavia.

OCTAVIA: No. That’s wrong. We do. Need to know. He is in every inch, every pore, of each of us—


OCTAVIA: He is. And Mumma is. But sometimes they are cement. And we have been stuck, fixed, in that one moment. Stew and galoshes; rainwater. The spring—

LAVINIA: We don’t need to go into the spring—

OCTAVIA: I do. I do I do I do. This spring I sank, I sank, and when I hit bottom—

LAVINIA: You did not hit anything. I stopped you. I did that. Me.

OCTAVIA: Vinnie—

LAVINIA: Honestly, what has gotten in to everybody today? You and the spring. Zelda and the camper. That horrible woman twisting things around, confusing everything.

OCTAVIA: You did a very good job, Vinnie. For a very long time.

LAVINIA: …well…thank you, Octavia…



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OCTAVIA: But the thing about stuck is.

LAVINIA: Here it comes.

OCTAVIA: The thing about stuck is: we can’t live here: fixed—

LAVINIA: I think we’re all tired—

OCTAVIA: No, no. Listen.

LAVINIA: I think we should head in, get rest.

OCTAVIA: It is always that rainy night.

LAVINIA: I said you should rest.

OCTAVIA: No. Listen.

LAVINIA: Zelda, too.

ZELDA: Don’t drag me in.

LAVINIA: Go rest.

OCTAVIA: No. Vinnie—

LAVINIA: Go to your room.

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OCTAVIA: Vinnie.

LAVINIA: You want to suddenly talk? Suddenly handle everything? You can’t. You cannot. As in. Are unable. As in you are best confined to four walls. I said. Go to. Your room.

ZELDA: Jesus, Vin.

OCTAVIA: I need air.

LAVINIA: I am the one holding this family together, the pillar holding this family up. ME.


LAVINIA: (Holds up a hand to ZELDA): Do not. Tavie’s enough to deal with.

OCTAVIA: Air. Air.

OCTAVIA exits to the porch.

LAVINIA (To ZELDA): Now look what you did.

ZELDA: She can’t breathe because you are cramming this week down our throats. You are choking the life out of us. But I’m done. We are leaving.

LAVINIA: You keep saying that and yet here you always are.




Draft Date: 3/31/20 187

ZELDA exits, leaves LAVINIA alone.

OCTAVIA on the porch.

She shakes her hands out.

PAUL enters.

OCTAVIA looks at PAUL.

PAUL looks at OCTAVIA.

OCTAVIA: I think you are leaving soon.

PAUL: I think you’re right.

OCTAVIA: But. I also think a trip might be nice. Open skies. A trip might be nice: for me.

OCTAVIA looks at PAUL.

PAUL looks at OCTAVIA.

OCTAVIA takes a step towards PAUL.

OCTAVIA: Reykjavik, Dubai, Tanzania, even.

PAUL retrieves the paper bits from his pocket.

He gathers them in his palm and holds them out for OCTAVIA.

OCTAVIA looks at them.

PAUL: I thought you might need them.

OCTAVIA: That’s very nice, Paul.

OCTAVIA takes them and sprinkles them carefully into the ground.

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OCTAVIA: But I don’t anymore.

OCTAVIA holds out her hand for PAUL.

She smiles.

PAUL looks at OCTAVIA.

PAUL looks up at the house.

OCTAVIA looks at the house.

OCTAVIA: These things get passed down. I feel very warm. Don’t you?

PAUL takes OCTAVIA’S hand.

OCTAVIA and PAUL walk of the porch, exit.

LAVINIA in the kitchen, basket of unfolded towels in hand.

MORRIS enters.

LAVINIA: Ahhhh. You’re a dear. A dear, dear sweet husband.

MORRIS: I.I don’t feel a dear.


A car horn, long, off.

LAVINIA: All is blue skies, Morris. Don’t darken this doorway.

A car horn, longer, off.



Draft Date: 3/31/20 189

LAVINIA folds towels without looking down at them. Instead she looks at MORRIS.


LAVINIA: Oh come one, now, really. I asked you for one thing. One simple thing. And you couldn’t do it.


MORRIS: This is not right. This is not right.

LAVINIA: Do not start with me, Morris.

MORRIS: No, please, Vinnie, Listen.

LAVINIA: One. Thing.



LAVINIA: Here I was thinking, thinking: It’s times like these we should know we were meant to be together. It’s times like this we should sit and breathe easy, but you—

MORRIS: She looked so small. She got out of the car. Just stood there for a little while. My insides, Vinnie. They were pounding at me so hard. The corners of her mouth were framed downwards. I. It was all I could do not to turn around and bring her back. We do not treat people this way. Vin. Come on.

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LAVINIA: Back? Bring her back?

MORRIS: We shouldn’t have done all this.

LAVINIA: You’re not making sense, now, listen to yourself. Babble, babble, babble—

MORRIS: I’m frightened. I am so frightened for you, to see you. Like this. For, for what?

LAVINIA: For what is right and good, Morris.


LAVINIA waits.

MORRIS waits, looks at LAVINIA.


LAVINIA and MORRS look at one another.


LAVINIA: “Vinnie”, “Help”. “Vinnie, Fix it”.

LAVININIA calmly resumes folding.

LAVINIA: And this is why, Morris. This is—

MORRIS: Lavinia.

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LAVINIA: They come running, begging, for me to—

MORRIS: Let her go, Vin.

LAVINIA: We belong together. I decide these things. Me. They can not have it both ways. Push me out one minutes, pull me close to have me place every thing right side up again the next. Who is the first person they call out to? Me. ME. Someone aught to know if they don’t know. That’s what should be happening here.


LAVINIA folds laundry.

MORRIS: …I think. I think I’m going to get the girls. Take them home for the rest of the summer.



LAVINIA resumes folding towels.

MORRIS: This isn’t right. None of this. Vin. Come with me. Let’s just go get the girls.

LAVINIA pauses.

But then LAVINIA resumes.

MORRIS exits.

LAVINIA places the lynch pin and chain back within the laundry.

YVONNE enters.


She does not answer.

She lights a cigarette.

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She sits.

ZELDA storms at YVONNE.

ZELDA: Where is she?

YVONNE: Calm down dear, you’ll give yourself an apoplectic fit.

ZELDA: They’re gone— (To LAVINIA): You took them, I know you took them.

LAVINIA: Well perhaps you should keep better track of your things, Zelda, honestly, I do not know what you are—

ZELDA: No. You did this. I know you did.

LAVINIA: I think it’s best we settle down. Do you want me to get you some tea?

ZELDA: I do not want tea. I want you to give me my keys back.

YVONNE: Sit down, dear. Tea does sound nice.

ZELDA: No, no, you stand up.

YVONNE: That tone. So severe. Zelda, now really.

ZELDA: Why are you letting her do this to me? Mumma. Mumma, say something.

YVONNE: Every petal in that wisteria would choke me today. I know it.

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YVONNE: I don’t feel as sorry as I should but I do feel tired a lot of the time.

She smokes.

She smokes.

She smokes…


ZELDA: Mumma.

YVONNE: What’s natural about water is it finds its own level, it seeks its own kind.

ZELDA: MOM. Please. Just. Straight on. Talk to me.

But: nothing.

To LAVININA: Did you do this? Did you really do this to me?

YVONNE smokes.

LAVINIA begins to fold the towels.

ZELDA: You yell about together but from the moment I got her, the very moment you laid eyes on me, you have torn everything about me to shreds. To shreds. It’s mine and you would not rest until you got to take it away. It’s mine and—

LAVINIA: It was not. It most certainly was not yours. Those recipes were ours. Therefore that box: is ours. Really, Zelda, I am not sure what your exact issue is. I sacrificed for you, it is only fair you sacrifice for me.

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ZELDA: Give me my keys.

LAVINIA: I do not have your pathetic keys.

ZELDA: Give me. My keys.

LAVINIA turns, folds.

LAVINIA: Now: barbecue tomorrow? How’s that?


ZELDA looks at YVONNE.

ZELDA: Mumma. Please. For me. Tell Vinnie. Ask Vinnie. If you ask her, she’ll tell you, I know she will. If you ask her, she will tell you, so please, make her tell me. I just want someone to help me. I have this thing, that I love very much. And I. I worked very hard to make this thing my own and I would like to have it back—

YVONNE pats ZELDA’S arm.

YVONNE: Well yes, wouldn’t we all.

Then YVONNE smokes.

ZELDA: No. Nononononono. You let her take everything, take over everything, and she ruined, she ruined it all.


ZELDA exits to the yard.

She goes to the tiny home. She stands at its back side, leans into it, and pushes. She grunts. She pushes. She grunts. She pushes.

LAVINIA watches.

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YVONNE smokes.

ZELDA takes a chair, hits the tiny home, it obviously does not move.

ZELDA takes a branch, hits the tiny home, again and again and again.

LAVINIA folds.

ZELDA finally falls in a heap next to the tiny home out of breath.

Sliiiiiide, click.

LAVINIA sits, deflated.

But then.

LAVINIA resumes folding.

LAVINIA folds, quicker, quicker…

At the tiny home, ZELDA rises, rights herself, looks back at the summer home, then walks away, off, as:

YVONNE: What are you doing? Who are those for?

LAVINIA: All our guests, Mumma.

LAVINIA folds.

LAVINIA folds.

LAVINIA stops.

LAVINIA: I wish. I wish you had not sent anything back. Not the papers or the plates.

YVONNE: One can’t help the past, dear.

LAVINIA: It laps up to the future, mumma.

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YVONNE: To chop down that wisteria: what a silly woman.

LAVINIA: No. No no. Listen. To me. You should have fought harder for us, Mumma.

YVONNE: One day you’ll understand. The happenings between a husband and a wife—

LAVINIA: Mumma. We’re old enough. We can understand—

YVONNE: One day I will be hollow enough to tell you.

LAVINIA: You should have kept something for us, Mumma. You should have kept something for me.

YVONNE: Right, those plates. And that beautiful wisteria.

LAVINIA: No. No, no, no. I could have maybe…I might have liked to. I had a clarinet. Remember that? I might have liked to write things and do things and finish things. Maybe Daddy wanted me to—

YVONNE: We did not need one penny from that man.

LAVINIA: Maybe I did. Maybe I needed many, many things.

YVONNE: I kept a very warm house.

LAVINIA: No, no. I kept a very warm house. I keep a very warm—

YVONNE: Well where is everybody then? If this is so lovely, so wonderful?

LAVINIA: I think I could have taken trips and—

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YVONNE: No, no. You knew. You understood. That woman is right about one thing. A daughter’s place is to hold up the home.

LAVINIA: But I am stuck, Mumma. I am fixed. In this one place. And now I am holding air. And I think. Now I think. It is meant to be the other way around. I think it was you and Daddy. That were meant to hold us up. Surround us with what we needed. Hold us up like the strongest of waters. If I had that holding me up—

YVONNE: Mud holds up lakes. That is what I know.

LAVINIA: If I had you, holding me up—


YVONNE smokes.

LAVINIA looks around the space, begins to overturn items, rustles up order.

Shift. Shift.

LAVINIA: YVONNE: If I had you holding me up. Maybe the fine print I want my shoulders hollow as a bird’s Maybe the fine print Instead Maybe the fine print Instead That I think I read too late? They filled with rainwater and beef stew Would not have felt No hair ribbons or bobby socks Would not have felt so Mud.


Beat. YVONNE: It‘s chilly, don’t you think?

YVONNE stands, walks out of the room.

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LAVINIA sits, alone.

The sound of rain beginning to fall.

End of play.

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