Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management 235 Promenade Street | Providence, RI 02908 | 401.222.4700 | www.dem.ri.gov | @RhodeIslandDEM FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Gail Mastrati, DEM: 401-255-6144 Friday, May 1, 2020
[email protected] WITH STATE PARKS POISED FOR A PHASED REOPENING IN PHASE 1, RHODE ISLANDERS URGED TO TAKE PRECAUTIONS AND FOLLOW THE RULES TO SAFELY ENJOY THE OUT-OF-DOORS PROVIDENCE – The Department of Environmental Management (DEM) today announced a plan for reopening state parks in a graduated manner during the first phase of reopening Rhode Island’s economy. While DEM will be staggering park openings, reducing the size of parking areas and restricting hours of operation and activities to prevent crowds, many diverse and varied outdoor spaces will be open for Rhode Islanders to safely enjoy while adhering to the Governor’s guidance on not gathering in groups and practicing social distancing. DEM hopes to reopen all parks by the end of May. A second phase will involve the saltwater beaches. “DEM is pleased to begin a gradual reopening of our beautiful state parks to visitors this month,” said DEM Director Janet Coit. “In the first phase, places like Lincoln Woods, Haines Park, Snake Den, Beavertail, and Fort Adams will be open, providing opportunities to recreate across Rhode Island. There’s no better physical and emotional elixir than fresh air and sunshine, especially during these challenging times.” During the COVID-19 public health emergency, visiting parks should be enjoyed as a solitary experience, with just the members of your immediate household, and not as a group activity.