Balffier&HQstetlerLLP yvashlngton SqU£^ Suite lio6 1050 Cohniscticut.Avenue, N.W.. Washington, .QC 20036-5304 T 202i.861.1.5G0 F 2.p2;^@ei. 17183 June 14i 2012 wvvwibaketiaw.obm

E.'Mark Braden Office of the Qjeneral Counsel dlf^ctdial:; 20i86iv1S(}4 Federal Election Commissioh 999 E Street. N.W. O Washington, DC 20463 Attention: Dariiel Petsilas Associate General Counsel foir EnifdrGemeht o Re: Complaint

Dear Sir.

Enclosed with this letter is a signed, sworn to: and notarized cdmplalht aileging violations of the Federal Election .Campaign Act Qf 1dt1, as amended (^ct). the attached doGument recites^ facts that show specific viojations of the Act and provides identification of named: ihdividuats who may have committed violatiohs. The: compraint provides the Federal Electibn Commissioh (CQmtnijSsion) with details fegardjiig these violations. VipLations include failure to compiy .wjth jEjisclalmer req.uiremehts bh mesisages authorized and/or firiahcied by a^ c^iiididat0^, failure to di$clbse e>;penditures of coordinated Gprrimuhlq^tiphs!^ and 4ther possible-yipl^tlohs of the Act; the contact infbrmation and ievidehce included In this complaiht should be of assistance tothe Commission in Its investigatibn.

ifyou should have any questions regarding this matter; please do not hesitate to Qohtact me.


:.0 1; E. Mark Braden

Attachments: Original and 3 copies

11 CFR 11Q.11(b)(1); 11 CFR 110.1 11 CFR 109;21; 11 CFR 109.23; 11 CFR 109i.3(a) and (b). Office of General Counsel Federal Electioh Coinmissioin 999EStrcetHm Washington, Tm 39163

rsl David Clark Howard Wallack Q Santa ClaravUT 84765 ParkCityi 84^)60 Phone: Home Phoiie: Home Email: i o Email';,. Cherilyn Eagar Jdhh ''Chuck" Williams 999 Murray-Jioiiaday Road Suite 202 , Utah 84117 Heber Gity, Utah 84032 Cell Phone: HomePhonie: Email: Email;


z?. •f...

-ij..;. KZ;1 V'^ ^lr>



An anonymous letter, lacking the appropriate disclaimer^ was mailecl to a select group of convention delegates within three days ofthe Utah Republican-State Nominating: Convention. This letter likely altered the results ofthe. riomiriation process fbr the 2"** Congressional District. At the Utah State Republican Nominating Convention, the delegates passed a mptipn requiring the Utah State Party Chaiiman thorn to conduct a "full" investigation of 2 Congressional District, candidate Milt Hanks* charges of GonspiraGy and election fraud relating to the letter wMch Mr, Hanks levied against four other candidates on the convention floor.

In Mr. Wright's official report,, issued Tuesdayi May 7,2012, the CMrmain siatied that an ^ inflamniatory anonymous letter was mailed to; selisct dieiegate's just prior tO i^e:non)inating ^ convention in violation of Federal Election Commissibn .(FEC) riegulations. He called upon O anyone who had evidence regarding,the matter to file a complaint with the FEC.

Nl A number of facts suggest that a conspiracy existed between two candrdates> Milt Hanks and Chris Stewart^ their campaigns and/or their agents,: leading to the pTOduction and O distribution of this anonymous letter. Nl The individuals submitting this complaint were candidates fpr the Republican nomination for Utah's 2"'' Congressional District. We are collectively submitting, this, coniplaint, alleging that violations of the Federd Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended (Act) occurred related to that 2012 Utah Republican Congressional nommatibn.

BACKORO0ND The Anonvmotts Letter and the {Stcwart :.Ganipaiigri Response Letter

An anonymous letter ("Anonymous Letter'') Without proper disGlaimer and identification (as required by FEC regulations) was mailed to select delegates on April 18,2012, four days prior to the Utah State Republican Nominating Convention held on April 21,2012> Exhibit A: Copy of Anonymous Letter and envelope;

Recipients of the Anonymous Letter included:: Delegate Lisa Black, , Tooele, Utah 84074; phone: ;e-imail::, and PelegateJbto Smith, West Vall.ey City> Utah 84128; phone: ; e- mail:;

Following the convention, during the week of May 7-12, 2012, a survey was conducted of 2"^ Congressional District delegates on tiieir knowledge and/or receipt of the Anonymous Letter and a "response letter" from Chris Stewart; Fifteen pefecent of State Delegates'polled (30%.responded) say they received the Anonymous Letter, and 68% did not. This number shows the .mailing likely targeted only "undecided" delegates. Exhibit B: Independent Poll of State Delegates, Week of May 7,2012.

Cherilyn Eagar has personal knowledge, via a telephone conversation with Delegate John Smith that: 1) he received the Anonymous Letter sent to an incorrect address from what appears to be an outdated caucus attendee list. It wais forwarded, to his current 2012 delegate list address; 2) he did not receive the "Chris Stewart Letter,'' ("Cg Letter"), the response tp the Anonymous Letter^ but Mr. Smith; did receive niailers i^om all the other candidates at his current address; 3) Mr. Slrhith is; pn the Cbmplainants' delegate lists a.t his current cprrect address; he did receive their mailings. Exhibit C: Excerpt of th^ delegate databases *'Smifh-' listings.

^ Cherilyn Eagar believes that delegate Rick Raile may have more infprmatipn abo.iit the origin ^ of the Anonymous Letter and who was responsible for it. Rick Raile, Q Salt Lake City, Utah 84108; phone: ; e-mail::

^ Chris Stewart's supporter«McKay Christensen stated that: 1) he had received a phone call ^ from his wife that the Anonymous Letter had arrived in their mailbox in Genteryilie, Utah O at 1Q:00 am, April 19,2012; 2) he notified the Stewart canipaign who sent a ^ volunteer/staff member to pick it up by 10:3Q a.m., and the letter was delivered to the Stewart campaign headquarters in Farmingtbn, Utah, at an estimated arrival time of 10:45- 11:00 a.m., April 19, 2012. McKay Christensen, =, Centerville^ Utah; phone: ; e-mail:.

Exhibit D: Salt Lake Tribune VmlRolty Article. Source: httpi// email.htmi.csp?paige=^l

Exhibit E: Faccbooli screen shot comments about Anonymons Letter, Paul Roily Article Comments (See Exhibit D Source).

The Anonymous Letter envelope was post-m£u*ked at the Salt Lake City 84] post pfflce pn Wednesday, April 18, time stamped at :2:pm with a flrsjt-class ppstage stamp. The envelope had no return address. A response letter from the Stewart campaign. (CS Letter), referencing the Anoiiymous Letter as "documents," was mailed to delegates on April 19, 2012, prior to the nominating convention held on April 21,2012. Exhibit F: Copy of the *^CS Lptter."

The CS Letter envelope was marked at the Salt Lake City 841 post office on 'rhursday, April 19,2012, time-stamped at 1:00 pm with a first-class jpostage stamp. The envelope had the Chris Stewart campaign's return address affixed. Travel time from Fannington, Utah to the Salt Lake City Post Office is approximately 30 minutes. The postal mark on the response letter mailed to nearly 1„Q00 delegates was time^stamped at ^e Salt Lake Post Office 841 at 1;00 p.m., April 19, 2012. The GS Letter was mailed to all, or nearly all, the 973 delegates in the 2"** District. The CS Letter was professionally printed on the campaign letterhead in color. There is no date on the CS Letter. If there were no advance knowledge of the: need to Craft a response letteri tlie campaign would have had to create the text and print 1,000 copies of the letters^ foidihg, stuiffmg, sealing, and affixing first-class stamp and address: label between 11:00 a.m;. and 12:30 p.m. Since the Anonymous Letter did not arrive at the campaign until, approximately 10:451- 11 :Q0 a.m. It takes time to make a decision to respond and to draft:the response. Assuming that drafting the response takes a minimum of 30 minutes, it might have been created by 11:3'0 a.m. Depending on where the letters were printed, that would adid (at a miiiimm) another 30: minutes, making it Noon. PFpcesslng'973 letters for moling takes time. It is highly unlikely that the Stewart campaign: coulid haye accomplished this feat> Volunteers would have: been needed at campaign headquarters with one hour's liotiCe and the Jetters delivered immediately to the Salt Lake Ppst Office .30 miniiftes. awa Post Office by 1 p.m> It is improbable the post office cpuld have timersiarnped Uhe enveippes by © 1:00 p.m,, unless the letters were prepared in advance.

Q The time-stamps of these two letters, the Anonymous Letter and the CS Letter^ are in such close proximity - 23 hours apart, the only reasonable conclusion is: lhat the Stewart ^ campaign and/or its agent(s) pre-planned both the AnQnympus Letter and the GS. Letter.

Q Additipnally, the Stewart campaign sent- an email tp delegates with: an identical message on ^ April 20,2012. There Was no logical xeason to wail to send the identical email the fbllowing day, on Friday, April 20,2012, because of the urgent need to get the message out as soon as possible. This further indicates probable adyanced-plannih coordinate with the receipt pf the April 19,2012 letter, due to reach the delegates on April 20,2012..

Suspicion :M.=ClI.onsnirtfcy iitctwccp Two: Candidates;,ah^^

Each Cpmplainant denies having any pripr knpwledge ofthe existence of this Anonympus Letter tintil after select delegatiss who had.rec.eiived:it.cLQ:ntacted: us. Cherilyn! Eagar's first notification came on the afternoon of Thursday, April 19,2012, by-phonC firom a female delegate she did ;not know. The Gomplainan^ deny haying any communication with each Other regarding the Anonympus Letter pr the CS Letter until after we ha:d: deliyered pur speeches on the cpnventiPn flpor Saturday, April 21, :20;12;

However, on or about Tuesday, April 10,2012, a rumor began through the Chris Stewart, campaign that his opponents were desperate and planning to launch a negative campaign to damage Mr.: Stewart and that documents would be receiyed cpntaining: falise infoiiiladpn about him. The Stewart; campaign started this rumor, as well as an- additional runiOr that: the candidates had conspired against them With an "ABC: Club" (Anyone but Chris) and that "ABC buttons" would be worn at the convention.: Chris Stewart and/pr his agent/s sent out ail emedl via the Utah State RepubUcem;JPart^ email list claiming the complainants were responsible for thiis negative campaign. This email commimication breached the decprum rules pf candidate emails. Exhibit H: Copy of Utah Republican Pa:rty email dated April 10,2012 and sent April 13,2012.

.Cherilyn Eagar and her Cpmmunicatipns Director Lee Rech, alsp a 2"^ District State Delegate never received the Stewart campaign's e-mail,: so a retraction or rebuttal cpul.d n^^ be sought in advance of the convention. Cherilyn Eagar did not receive her emails sent by the Utah State Republican Party^ although she received the other candidates* emails. The Party never corrected it, therefore, Mrs,, Rech did not see: the email dated April 10,2012 from the Stewart campaign. Witness: , Salt Lake City, Utah 84105; phone: ; ; e-mail: [email protected].

Glenn Beck Event

Glenn Beck and candidate ChriS: Stewart have a business relationship writing and selling books together, Mr. Beck came to Utah and held an event for Mr. Stewart at which Mr. Stewart agreed he would not raise campaign ftmds. However, campaign contribntions were solicited and received. Mr. Beck endorsed Chris Stewart. In an April 20^*^ radio interview with Glenn Beck, only one day before the nominating convention, Chris Stewart and Mr. Nl Beck falsely claim that there is "a nCw website out" saying "horrible, horrible things" about Q Chris Stewart that was put together by an "Anyone But Chris Committee," of 3 or 4 ^ opposing candidates who are "coming against'^ Stewart, and that these candidates have ^ made ABC buttons. Ekfaibit I: Screen shot of Stewart^EleGk event from Stewart ^ website. Exhibit J.: Transcript of 4/20^012 Radio Show. Q Source: httpi//www.glennbeclfccom/content/show/20i2-04q2D/. Nl Pre- and post-convention, KSL radio talk shpw host Doug Wright told his audience that he had been good friends with Chris Stewart for 10 years. His listening audience knows that he is frbm Eur.eka and is also ftiiends with.Eureka Mayor Milt Hanks. Post-convention, Mr. Wright said that 10 days earlier he had "heard aibput spmething" that was "represented to me as being kind pf the 'ABC Club,' the Ahybody But Chris Glub." This serves as further proof that the origin of the term "ABC Club" came ficbm the Hanks and Stewart: campjaigns and that they collaborated.

However, the only campaigns of the eleven in the 2"*' congressipnai: district tp use the term "ABC Club" (or "group") were the Chris Stewart and the Milt Hanks campaigns. The first time the other canididates heard this term used was during Hanks' April 21st convention speech. Candidate lason Buck denies the news report that claims Mr. Buck was: asked tb join the "ABC Club" priPr tP the GPnverition, but tiiat he "declined.'' Mr. Buck says this never happened and that he never heard a wprd abput the ABC Club before: iEjanks' April 21,2012 speech. Witnesses included: Candidate Jaspn Buck, 32 West 200 South, Suite 508, Sah Lake City, Utah; 84101;. phone: ; Email: : Stefani Williams, Chuck Williams' wife, Complainant Cherilyn Eagar, via phone conversation.

Milt Hanks Campaign

The Hanks Campaign was a sham. He was a strong supporter of Chris Stewartand was a close friend to Chris Stewart's campaign staff member Connie Smiih, As early as Febriiary 2012, approximately three weeks before he declaied his eandidacy for U.S. Congress in the 2"^ Congressibnal District bf Utah, Mr. Hanks clearly stated his strong support for candidate Chris Stewart and made negative and disparaging remarks aboiit four candidates: Dave Glark, Cherilyn Eagar, Howard Wallack and Chuck Williams. Witness: , :, UT 84532; phone- Email-

Mr. Hanks filed a,statement pf candidacy with the Federail Eiection Cbmmission pn February 24,2012; Source: FEC Candidate Summary http://wwW.fe.c.gbv/data/CandidateSummaiv.db?fbnnafehtinl Mr. Hanks filed a Utah declaration of candidacy on the final day of filing, March 15,2012, and paid the required $435 filing fee to the State of Utah Lieutenant Governor's office. Exhibit K: Copy of Utah Declaration of Candidacy, Milt Hanks Mr. Hanks attended bnly a handftil of campaign events over the course of the campaign. He ^ did not have yard signs or literature other than a oncrpage printed flyCr. He did not hold bis ^ pwn eventis to meet delegates. Mr: Heinks had knowledge of this "ABG Club" rumor Q fhrpugh his communications witii: the Stewart campaign^ most likely tiirough his close ^ friend and Stey/art campaign staffer, Connie Smith, who is also the Juab County ^ Republican Party Ghairmanj the county where Haiiks lives. Mr. Hanks had: prior ^ ^knowledge of the Anonymous Letter which likely may have been e-mailed IP him by Mrs. Q Smith and/or other agent(s) of the Stewjut campaign on April 18 or April 19,2Q;12. Mr. Nl Hanks' story, as reported in the official Republican Party inyesti gation, is that an imknpwn woman approached him in a Provo Mall Friday afternoon, April 20,2012, recognized him as Milt Hianks and gave him a cppy of the Anonymous Letter, Mr. Hanks's position is that he then went home, wrote and memprized a convention speech for the next day, attacking the Complainants for the letter. Mr. Hanks's explanation lacks any credibility. Exhibit N: Salt Lake Tribune Article about Milt Han Source: httbi//Ww^;sltrib town.html.csp The more logical explanation is that Mr. Hanks and the Stewart campaign and/pr its agent(s) assisted him and set him .up tp deliver the "conspiracy speech." Before the speeches began, Casey Jackson, a staff member of Howard Wallack's campaign, overhead Stewart supporters, vs^ho were wearing lime green t-shirts, say they .knew about "a speech that was going to blow everyone away." Witness: #52, St. George, Utah .84770; pihone:

Joe DeBose, Cherilyn Eagar's campaign manager, saw Mr: Hanks sitting next to Mr. Stewart in the '"holding area" to the side of the stage prior to Mr. Stewart's speech Where they were observed in positive conversation. Witness: :, phone: ; e-mail: ;

Brian Chapman, Chuck Williams' campaign manager also saw Mr. Hanks and Mr. :Stewart were sitting together in the "holding area" to the side of the stage prior tb the candidate speeches were they were observed in positive conversation. Witness: ., !, Siute 204, Provp, Utah 84606; phone; ; e-mail: On Satiirday, April 21,2012, at the state conyentipri during his norn^m^ Hanks and Randy Minson, Chris Stewart's campaign consultant, accused Dave Clark, Cherilyn Eagai;, Hpward Wallack and Chuck Williams by name, of having conspired to Anonymous Letter to selected deleg'ateSi they were resppnsiblei foi; It and had: prganized the "ABC Club" and that the complainants had a^ked Hanks to join them to defeat Mr: Stewart.

The Complainants, each speciflcaLlly, deny this allega;tipn and: allieges that; candidate Hanks and/or candidate Chris Stewart, their campaigns and/or agents of their campaigns; probably created the "Anyone but Chris" (ABC) Club and campaign; and that they were likely responsible for the Anonymous Letter that failed to have the appropriate identification/disclaimer affixed, a viblation of Federtd Electipn Law.

Mr, Hanks' speech drew the strpngest: applause and cheers pf all the: speeches and: he ^ received a standing: pvatipn firptn St^wart^s supporters y/earing lime green trshirts sitting,: Q against this rulCsij in the delegate section. Mr. Hanks' spieech slandered the; four candidates ^ filing this Complaint, altered the first round of ballptihg^ an^:^^^^^^^ likely alteiied the: ^ outcome of the election. The results of the first round voting showed Mr. Hanks, whp: had ^ previously had no support in prercpnventipn ppils^ now in third placcv The slandered 0 candidates had no opportiinity fbr rebuttai during the cpnyentibn and there was mass Nl Confusion among the delegates. Utah State Delegate Steve Kelley made a. motion to request that Chairman ThPmas Wright conduct a full investigaitibn pf what: haippened.. The motion passed.

On Wednesday, April 25,2012j Thotnas Wright, Chairman of the conducted an investigation in the presence ofthe Utah Republican Party Executive Director Ivan DuBpis^ but withPut two executive CPmrriittee inem^ present (Vice Chair Lowell. Nelspn and Secretary Di;ew Chamberlain) and also without Treasurer Mike McCauley<

The Utah Party's investigation was: limited, leaving many gaps and unanswered questions, principally the origin Of the Anpnympus Letter.

Mi". Wright annpunced pn Tuesday, May 8,2012, his findings that Mr. Hanks' had np proof to make the claims he inade in his speech. ChjEumian Wrigtit asked for anyone who knew of the origin of the Anonymous Letter tp step forward and provide that infbrmation and file an FEC complaint.

Exhibit L: Copy of URP Investigation Email and Report

Exhibit M: News Sources Surrounding 2012 Convention

GOP prob:e.findS:np wroniedoing in 2nd.:Pistrict chaos

rnvestigations Finds No Shadv-itfcaiihg in Utah COP 2nd Bistrict Race.

•GOP chiairman-.finds Eureka mayor-s charges: baseless Reptfrt;:M> 'bwefcroom-jdlejalingl invOlij^^di!^in:;G^

Utah GOP Report on Second District ShenaniiganSi

GOP: repQirtt;. 'Backroom dealing' notto blame foi' Utah cbnvention; contfovcfsv

St. George Article

Tim Stewart

In 2010j Chris Stewart's brother Tim Stewart was found to be linked: to a similar anonympus mailer intended tp defame former Utah: Senator-Bob Bennett's opponent, now ^ Senator Mike Lee, a few days prior to the 201Q State Nominating Conyentit)n; Exhibit 0: ^ News articles. Sources: httD://WwWiSltrib.coni/neWS/ci 15297^67. Q http://www.rertewamerica.corti/Golumns/vei'n6^^^^^ 'ST ^ Tim $tewart's lobbying firm. American Capitol Group is also the lobbying finn for his ^ brother Chris Stewart's company SMptey Group. Exhibit P: American Capitol Group Q Website; Open, Secrets Website^ Sourpes: N) http:/OHy^^^!am tetI)^:)ywV^v(3ip^ htb^//www;reeovei^.gQv/trarisparency/^^^ =969867993

Tim Stewart Was fined for a similar anonymous strategic mailer tiiat was sent in the same timeframe and manner before the 2010 cpnventipn, while working as an agentfpr the incumbent candidate Senatpr Bpb Bennett. Qn April 23y 2012, news accounts reported that Tim Stewart was^ found gtiilty of electibn fraud: and, fined $1,400 for not properly disclosing the appropriate identification on the mailer: Exhibit Q: Newsi acco.unts related to FEC investigation of Tim Stewart. Source^:- hitp^^wvfe^^ maileri-caschtml


http://vy^ww.sltrib.CQm/sltrib/politics/S399836Q-90/agreement-beh^^^^^ campaign.htttil.Gsp


In 2010j Randy Minson, Chris Stewart's campaign consttltot, was under a Davis County Attorney Office investigation for a similar campaign: strategy tp frame ail innbCent candidate in. a County Sheriffs race between the: winner Todd Richardson, who. he represented, and Solpmon Oberg. It was alleged ihat Randy Mii^on sent out a sianderous email to the delegates just days prior to the Davis County Npmiin?^^ Conyentiionj wthich altered the outcome of that eleetion. An investigation took place,, and all but onC: computer

8 was seized. The case was dismissed as the evidence could not be found on-the seized: computers; Exhibit R; N^ws article regarding Davis C^^ and Minson tactics.

Online Sou reels :

http://www;standard;net/top(^ vendor-davisTCandidatc-investigated-oVer-

htllp:/i^vww;s1[andar^^ political-consultant-expands-davis^cou

Lfl Witnesses: Utah State Representative Curt Oda, PO Box 824 GleaffiCld, UT 840.89; Phone;: ^ 801-773-9796; Email: cpda<@le:utah.gpv: Dalane England. Q Bountiful,Utafa «4010;Phpne;: ;lmaft; ; . JS/b.. ^ Stewart* s campaign manager, Brian Steed, may have knowledge of this .Anonympus *^ Letter's origin^ or of the :scheme itself (See Exhibit H.) Carl Downingi Heward Wallaek's ^ consultant stood next to Mi*. Steed when Mr; Siewart won the nomination and said; "I'm Q quitting." Carl asked what he. meant because his candidate had just won, Mr; Steed, replied Nl emotionally, "I'm quitting, We didn't have tp win it this vvay;. We didn't have to win it this way." Then he walked away..

Witnesses: Brian Steed, , Logan,, UT 84322; Phone: ; Email: [email protected]: Carl Downing, , Farmington, UT 84025; Phone: ;Cell: lEmail:;

Mr. Hanks' consultant, Kelly Casaday, owner of advertising and consulting firm Letter 23, was Mr. Hanks' consultaiit. Exhibit S: Article on Mr. Casaday's connection to Mr. Hanks. bttp;l^vww^itrib;Cffm/tesp/cms/^it^

The Complainants allege that: these closely-conneGted consultants, and the numerous similarities in the prior FEC violation, are more than cpincidental, and that: they lead logiGally tp the conclusion that the illegai Anoriymbus Letter and the strategy employiod was created and/or executed by the Stewart: qampaiign ahd/oi: ;its: agent(s) j including consultant Randy Minson and/or his agent(s), Tim Stewart and/or his agent(s), and that it is probable that Milt Hanks collaborated witii, was asked to participate in, or had knowledge of this scheme in advance ofthe State Nominating Convention on April 21,201:2.


The Complairiants request an expedited FEQ ihyestigatipn tp detennine who is responsible for the Anonymous Letter and to execute tileapprc^riat e Electibn Campaign Act. 17

Signed and sworn to befbre the undersigned, under penalty of perjury:



O Nl


HI Signed and sworn to before the undersigned, under penalty of perjury :


Nl " " " '''1May.f^Mi>i: HI QNTHE .DAY OF. ' fiiiMtirUttA;, Q ^^^^••m\\}(^^ • . . SI6NER(S)0FTKeABOVE: INSTRUMjENi;-WlffijUiy:i*C^^ Nl HE/$H|n^HEV:EX|ei|[EI|^

O Nl Signed and swOm tp before the undersigned, under pnally: of peijilry.

CompMniaht David Clark Date

State of Utah County of Vashlnj^on CO Nl Subscribed and jsworn to before me on this 11th daiy of. jime,.. 2012'. H o NOTARY PtroUC Nl MwrteneEiPtaknon S78284 Notary :publle My Gcimniission .Expires O Mareh3i,20l3 kl STATE OF CTEAH -1 18

Signed and sworn to before the undersigned, under pendty gf perjiiiy:

plainaht Howard Wallack Date '

Nl H O Nl

O Nl FEC Complaint List of Supporting Documents

Exhibit A: Copy of Anonympus Letter and envelope Exhibit B: Exhibit G: Exhibit D: Salt Lake Tribune Paul Roily Article

Source: h:ttp'://\vww.sltrib;C(Mn/sltrib/poii:tics^ convention-email,html.csp?page=l

Exhibit E: Facebook screen shot comments about Anonymous Letter Exhibit F: O Exhibit G; ^ Exhibit H: oH ...... •57 Exhibit I: Copy of Utah Declaration of Candidacy, Milt Hanks Nl ^ Source: FEC Candidate Summary

Nl Exhibit J; Screen shot of Stewart-Beck event from Stewart website Exhibit K: Transcript of 4/20/20li2 Beck Radio Show

Source: lTit:p;//ww\y,glennb.ecU..G of URP Investigatibn Email and Report

Exhibit L: Exhibit M: News Sources Surrounding 2012 Convention

GOP probe (IncLs .no vwpngdpjng jn 2nd


(iOP^ihiiirmafi: linds l-ilreka maypi;ls (^hai;g(i:jv

Report: No 'biickiomn dGtiling' invoivctl in tJO!' convention cpntro.vcrsy

l .'itih (t(.)P Report un .SecDiKl Disirict Shenanigans

(rOP repori: 'Hackriiom ileaMnjj' noi to blanie Inr Uiah convenlion coiilroy.cirsy

St. Gebnge Article

Exhibit .N: Salt Lake Xriibune Article about Milt Hanks Source: iiilp:vAv\vvv.sliribxt)nysliriiyptililJ^^^ in\vn..lU'iii...csp Exhibit 0: News :articles

Sources: 'it tRi//^VAv w. sltri b. cvmi/ne ws^^ 529726:7 l\i:tp ://www. rene>yameiriea .co.m/cp.l umns/ye.rnon/ .100614 Exhibit P: American Capitol Group website; Open Secrets Website

Sources: liUp;//wvvw..americi;mGap i to l:gi.w^ IUtp://www.pp^iiscG!^ 3 p^yeiar-SO^l 0 hUp://'fcfanspai-Cncy^^^ SRX|dyns=^6§§^^ " ' ""'" ""*-"^

Exhibit Q: News accounts related to FEC inyestigation of Tim Stewart

^ Sources: hi5p5//\vww^^ ^ maiieivGase.html

Nl iiup://vi^ww;sl:trih;cpni/si^ HI canipaign.htniLcsp lutp:://www.s.ltrib.xoin/sllrib/p^^ chris.htmLcsp

Exhibit R: News article regarding Davis County Sheriff election and Minson tactics.

Online Sources: liilp;.//vYvvw.;Sl;an.da.i'd caijipaiun-Vcndpri^dayi^ lutp;//www:standafd,net/topi(^ independ:ent-pG:)ilical-c

Exhibit S: Article on Mr, Casaday's conneGtipn to Mr, Hariks Source: hUp://\vww, palh.litnil.csp EXHIBIT A Why you should not vote for Stewart. It comes down to Integrity

First off let me say, there are steps you should take in choosing, the best candidate for office. Check v.o:ii:ng records, check: c:pnfllcts. pf interest, and,rnatfe sure they have heeri thoroughly yetted., Visltwebsites and Ippk intp th.ei.rp company history.

I have dpn:e that, and I found some, very concerning things regarding .at least one-candidate for the Z'^ congrjesslooal district-

Chris Stewart has always been my 2"*' choice until I learned a couple things about him that made m,e questionhis.hpnesty,

integrity, and real motives for running for congress.

I arrv certain that his campaign will react to.thjs letter by /al.leging 'negative eampaigninB.' to divert attention and change the subject. Sut everything you will read below is documented either in nevvspapersorpubiic.Ldisclpsure documents.

So despite the complaining, ask him the simple, question, "Are t.he::.a(legations npt fruqi?"

^ Hidden Ghrls Stewart Fact Q Chris Stewart's.connection to the attack on Mike lee

Two years ago, Utah saw the worst case of "Chicago-style polities'' in state election history.

ST The infamous "Temple Mal.!er" was sent to delegates in the 1.1hour before, the:2010.State Convention, and .was designed to O hurt Mike Lee at convention.. And it worl6 of the vote at convention and avoided a costly prtnriary Face-

Lee called the piece "tiniggishyChicui$pT.styIC: lactics," nnd he filed q,c.pmpl.aint Nyitli the. Kf;<&: (Federal LTIectipns Conimission) because the group isn't registered iind. had not disclosed its nnanciing.

A poll showed lhat delegates were offended by the of religion in the face.and some .turned away frpiii Mike Lee,, who. believes.he may have won the nomination outright instead, pf.liaying to go into a primary contest vyith Tim ijridgewater.

(lilp:.'- wmv, .sliiib.'fftf/iiie.'i.'i / 046 /..'•/•• W. 7«'e- Ai*yi;w«-Wi«/trr-.v/i7ir/i; Y.A/wi/.oy?

Why dp 2012.delega.tes need tp know who was behind the I'emp.le Mailer?

First, and: foremost, it's a rnatter of honestv and integrity.. At first theiigrpup b'.e..h.ind the mailer tried to.hjci.e-.whp.Was.inyql^^ which is illogal. Once the media, revealed, the^lnyo.lvern.enl of-a lobbyij;.t.with jctosie ties tp .B.ennett, that rpBhyist refused to Opoippize and refused to say whp else was involved; in fact, he called th.e mail: pigciB "brilliant"..

vVho was. this political thug? Chris Stewart's employc-«:- and brother. Tim Stowart: W.hV'shbuld ChrJs be lieltfaGcountableifpr his brother's indiscretions? At the time Tim Stewart admitted there were others involved, but refused io say. who. But Iini was •ind still is part of Chris Stewart's lobbying firm, Tho Shipley Group,, which includes other former members, pf Senator Bennett^s -Maif. 1.1- is laughable to think that Chris Stewart didn't at. least know about it.

fiy Ihe way, did Chris ever t€?l| you that.he is a lobbyist?

Me neither. He claims, trj be an .)ij thpr,,a military hero and many ath.eir things; but he fails to that he heads a lobby -;hop that ..solicited and rriceiyed tnililnns of dpllars in pork spending we" as dbarn.a.stimulus money.

I'll bet he never mentioned you.

•Jprondly, Clirls Stnvyart's lHVOlvi>ment; in thr^ lemijie Mailer goes to. the core of yyhat we want frorn. our representatives in Wo'ihint'.ton. '^' tmi.


J-l o u 6-: < fM:

.0) o iS (::• w rN:I-- (::• 5/1f/12 . Rplly: Plot'deepens in GOP'Convention bombshell ::| The Salt.Lake Tribune: EXHIBITI)

;!rri)jj*li^¥(ib.^^ I Politics i '\A/ha.Lcan m'hdl'pyoijf^nd? SFMRCI i- •:'53il.Uii.!;8.f->ilv.:S'3'' ri^niltvOioij;;!)'. I (isilip

News Snbi'tss' Ulou's Oiiliiibn Moiicy Itfiisityle -Entcrtaihineht' Obituario's' Honies- Cnr-s.- Classifieds .Sliup|)l.hg. Sulisciibp

Ulah I .Natloh:.*VVbrtd | Nelghbprtidod | Polltfea |. JuBllee | Polyganny |. LDS Church, j Edueaaoh. | Waathar | UtahaRlBhtcom. t McEnlaa :| RoHy'j Oiiliha Today.

Getheyys, spoiis and pplit|;cs aie'rls.;

t e.m.8//addrttW- .SffAr-i;i:i5:'


Conyention bombshell By paul roily. J. Tribune- Colum nis't. o First Published .Maygi !2.012 OiStS'B pim •.La.s.t Updated May 0.1 201211:45 pm

1^ The.plot thidkehs in the 2Tid Corigressidnsii district, debacle at the recent RepubHcain State,Go.nventidn.. A candidate 'who had:hardly ''campa[igneid di'o.pped-an iith hour bomb, during-his/spee'ch, .nialigtiing .seyeriil qther candidates — a violation pf conyejotibn rules — and m.aking;his.;gppd frirad^^ Stc>vart. Q iookvlikc a'victini'oi: a cabal. Wl named in the so^-ealled .plot yiiere shaken;;and. confused and cojilesced behind .one candidate to;prevenFv4iat':they sensed was a clever ploy jtp steal, the cpnyention"

That backfired:and Stewart got the re^^ the delegate .v.o.te tp avoid a prirruny^and become ithe party's nominee. But theiano.nymous anti-Stewart lettieivheld. up by Milt, Hanks/djunng his speech as eyidenGe qf 9 conspiracy, remains a mystery. The Rcpublicait Party has beentry^^ :tbtrack:it down andso far'has cohfirMedthatbhlyitw^ .delegates received it. :Some delegates recieiveda'follo.w^upietter beifbrie'tKe * Jbin the Discussiori cohverition frpin the Stewart.campai^ denouncing the » Posts Comment negath^e letticr and stay .on a positiv.c;message. T.he\aiibbym6us letterwas postmarked April 18..The :jrollo.W7up1etter from the Stewart campaign was postmarked April 19. Political pr

One letten-ecipientihad mpved'since 20.tq,.when he alsoi^s a-state,di:legate. the negative letter and F.espo.nse. letterv^re sent::tp his 2qi.o.add.resSi theafprVyarded'to his 201:2:adidress,. even thQ!Ugh.his 201'2'aadrcss was the one-listed onthe-current delegate lists. 1r.'Bagley.eartb6h:-Gay Bbuqual. 2: TV "6- bM"i!iothm::;20.fineinbr9ble':ch'i^^^^^^ 3. Upstate wU.ikejy.stah^ Coincidental typo »I-wrote in niy Sunday column about Moiihon.c6de that seemed-to.emahate '4...,HuhtBr'HgH crash-aiiivK/or heeds'Bui^wy' from the Stewart campaign at the. convention, with some ofthe othercandidates painted^as having a cabal (or in/Mprmon'teachings, a "secret cbmbinajtioii") and some.Stevrart suppQrtcrs..chanting "The 5. Roly:'VVidrnBn BtunriBd'by unexpected act of idiidriesS: prophecy has been fulfilled" as Stewart was shovm to be a martyr. The coupid'etat was administered Click hereto View .more when Stewart-told the deregates:the truth.wouId.bc confirmed to them — Mormon code, T arn told, referring tb the Holy Ghost.

That makes two typos printed on the agendas of the Millard County and Davis Gbunty convention prbgi'ain^intiriguing.

story .continues tielow'^^ 1./ 5/11/12 Roily:. Plot deepens In GOP Corivisntibh bomlxBhell | The .Salt Lake I cbbkiE CAKEf fiidM GOP probeflnds nb wrongdoing in 2hd District chaos Riblbhed May 8,2012 10:28:13PM

^M^S& •:-'.""..-.i» iSs-:-.:,,-.' Rplly: .BLM sculties Tooele .Boy Scout troop's $42,000 prpiect ?i| z.>'' m RJbilshed May a,2012^dS:2d::03FM Tilings tr} dvi Paul .Rplly: Utahh's:t^st laid, vacatipn.iilahs Red Butte Garden QreHid:-Show go awry. Red Butte iSanien and .oyiay-1 ith at 9:bbam .i YA Hiblislwii May 3.2012 Oe:4S:45PM riibm) -::. :....:...-..

•i J- >: ^9 Rqny:.'Vyaitr^ss. :saj^. Secret Service Clfck Here Wicked partied in Salt liike .dity',: tb6 CapBolThsBtre (May ii'lh-at I0:00ain &'74 mora) Publlslidd Apr 30,2012.08:16:41AM •view.-eyen'l details.

Deral Barton, Ear! Jones, Denis Phlillps & Tony SniKh-Artists. On the agendas of speakers, Chris Stewart was listed as "Christ Stewart." .FMlip^iOalbty-iMay ^ at i;i:.pOam a rrii'ore) vjiew. event detais-

A patlcrn dcvclofiing »1 wrote recently about Bill Hooper, who hadsentan email in March, 2011, in to Senate Presideiit Michael Wiaddoups, R-Taylorsville, asking him to repeal.HB477 ,u>hs ST legislation that-gutted Utah-'s open records act.'He.received a confuTO.ation that his email had been HI opened iri April 2012 —13 ihohth's later. O Then came Gheri Groesbeck who also sent Waddpups anemall urging the bill's repeal in March, 2011: .CareerTruefcer Corporation' v Kl She too.,.received a confirmation that her email was opened —13 monthsliiteF. :\Aterner Meads; Driyeira hl'owi iTired df.Li'... ' 'Maxam Nbfith.Aniierlea, Ine 'ST N.owcomcs;Jbhn Baun. You know the story. He-sent an email urging'therepealinMarch 20ii,:and Proic}jr$iment.Ma.nage.r MaxEim Seeks Aj&orf., 6 received a confirmation recently it had been ppened —13 mpntlis later. But his email didn't even need tobe opened for the Senate to get the nii^age. The subjjeGt line i^ead: "HB477 — REPEAL IT! I!" . Park .CNy Murilclpiai Cbrp ^ 1^ lAppounting Clerk.:ill.Full.11me:Regu)a:.. ^

SplUiinahTeeh'nologiea-. v Support Techhidan 'Splllman-Tet^nolog... ^ VlP bi^aches > Itsecms that nobody is immune from the massive cyber attack.'on Utah health All Tech. Eieetri.e,lhe~. v records, that co.mpromised.the.p'ersonal..infprmati.o'n o.f more than. 280,0.00.1^^ Licensed'Jounieyman/Ai9prentice'Elect.<, Miexi Page >• CLICK HEfliE to SEE ALL tbPjiSftS

Copyright 2012 Hie Salt Lako TCBHIOO. Al rights reserved. This nnlerial may not tie pbblistied, broadcast, row.ritteh or redislnbuted. iilfTOPJOBS


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Jt. Cblt2<|| 2/' S/11 /12 Roily: Plioit deepens In GOP Convention bombshell ij The Salt

1 vra'elcngp


'Rollyjust-make's. stuff up„doesnt he?- J was at the convention ahd his .actibiiht df what-h'appe' just-Hat out wrong, i also personaliy know oMndivlduals who received the-aliack letter. .Where in the: worid does he get his intbrmatlph? .Ooe'si'h.e-:even ch..eck his fiacis',b.efbi:e;

The:sad.ilhlng is that there'Is-ff cadre'of Tiib readerSfWhobeiieve':hi s lies and:misihfbrmatlbn. Icant'tell whafs worse,.that.Fioily writes such dishonest fluff'or-lha.t;$o manyp'epple: wan'ttb':b;eTl:evB ttie iies'-he talis 'about fellow Utahns.

1 wieek-agb Like. Rd'ply


We ali kno'w the s'tbiy 'abdut'blind men describing en ele'joiharit-' SbrehK - where were yDU I'n the' Q hail. Whatgroup of delegates Were -Only If you-were omnipbten't. would you be able to describe e.veryhlng.sB'id'ahd:done.

^weeic ago- in reply to "SoronK: Lllo Roply

MrsDbgood Q Ntajbeyou-should havesta'yed awake? Everything mentibried iii'd1l8..artlc|e,h'a8 be:e.n-ddici!urn.enteiii on iocallelevlsion'footage th'a'twas- aTred.

1 waekago In rapiy ro SoienK 2Lii«e. Like Reply

Colt2 (SMh»-

Mrs. Dog -ood- l.was also atthe'oonvendon and didinothear anycharitlng.. I donl believe you co.^ld.provide .anyproofeither, iarn belting on'So.r!BnK'W|nnirig-th.atl60:budu-.- 'Thatis juststupid. .trollyhi'ade.leil ttii.s'stufr:up. iW'as there''s'!Jpportirig:Cla.rtc'arid'Wajs.-exdted:fb'r . hirh.unlll h'ejdined forces .with-all:thdse screw upe ah'd;io8t-hi.8 support:. He:!b'8't:th'afjhirig himself.

L.;iiiii Reply


That'Is a lie.-Np one chanted ih.e prpphecy'is fulflli.ed.-''.N'o otije. rii pay-yD.u'.$'1'bp doliarsrfi'f you caniiishow me. footage.

1 .iwek ago 'in reply,l o MreOogdod. Like' -Reply

1^ Jphn

Nobody cares-about this except a'rikle-bitirig L'eftis'ts.s' Paui'R'bliy. Bes'lbf'iud(,:ChH8. Stewart

I Mwakayo 2-Uke: Llks Reply

M' SpicyLNIcHaggliB. "The prophecy has been-fulfilled'': Mormon republicans?, .you are totally nomnal.

i week'a'g'o S-.Lliisi


Not longe'ra're'lhe-60P'8hari(s'J.u'st'carinib'all2ing each other, tfblng-itin.a'frenile' d stale.

John'olitles/S40253i33-90/stewart'4etter^^^ 3^ 5/11/12 Roily: .Plot deepens In .GOP Cohveiitlbn boirib^hdll | The Salt.Lake Trlbiine. Care:to iilace a wager on the'outcome of the face? Methlnks there, will be plenlylof 8iipport .to.get Chris Stewart'elected.

1 weekago (n reply la Mad'ama-.SIiiotto Lite., ^pjyi

M SutMcrfcahvaniaB JhfiSS


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A iVMniiiRNm.Gn^ WEBSitE


WWW,sltrib.cpnVsltrib/poli.tics/54d25363-90/8t6wa.rt^ette^ 41- x: QC 0) a: (0 CO CQ fa :H ti: E x: -•== QL r 6 :^' e (A

CO .E Q O S 2 t'l. . ^ S d.

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c o C ^ ^' 09 >s 01) •—• ^ U 03 to cn c: •-tf JC' 9 'CP .i:!j' • .c .' — CO CZ < Jl o S S :..53. 03 TO ^ H ^ :C:;--. :c:: E -ffl.' 03 8 8 -i to EXHIBIT F

Dear FriendS; cn During the last day or so, anonymous documents have be^n sent to each: delegate ^ personally attErcking, mie ahd my campaign.. The- dlitlandi'sh charges contained in these P documents are unworthy of a response, other than to say that they are not trae^

These sOft of shadoA^ry and diishonest attacks are berteath the people of UtaK I no ^ doubt that delegates will see these desperate an:d false charges for what they truiy are. Q ^ I had. hoped the candidates in this race would avoid resorting to ismear campaigns. But unfortunately,..spme have decided to take the low iroad.

However; I want yoii to know that I'm going;to stay positive and Goncentrate on the real issues, And let's ^remember what's at sta^ke here, We are Jn a fight. to= save the soul of our nation. That is what I ihtehd- to focus dh. Alid...isn't that what yoii woUld exp:ect from a leader.


Chris Stewart

I\0. IU;)X M ' I ARMINCi lON. 11!'^•5402^ • 801-447-0475 • VVWVV.a^fU.SS•ili.WA.Il^li-C^ilCUNGIll^SS.CQM. Paidfair by Friends for Chris SteyiM o

O o ff o o Nl


O u

CO; M •c- £' C o 1 w. OD a tn 151 -"O •a>c : QQ X 6 u • EXHIBIiT I


(Priitt.naineexad^-:exaa^-fls:it:.M-ui t br prinMoniiw/oftlci^-:!!^^ lifo-mnefldinenB.or.nMdijEicBiuiM.8^

for the .office of United States Rtipceseqitadve. foe the,



I. ^ dechre iiiy intetitidn of be(S>nafig a (i^ndidate fbr me .ofBcb of Ufiited States Repiesentathre Cot the . fcangreasional :a cahdidate. for this t^fl^>^ ) 1^"'lVfr^T^ P^'^'^* I ^ soleniqly swear that: I Xxrill jDoieet the qiulifiadoiis :to hold the offioe, both aiid coDStitutioixdi^, if selected; I xeside . in the City, of ot Town ^ Utah, Zip Code ^^j^jf^^ j^ , Phone No. ^: I will not knoyiiifigly violate any Jay gcjiveaaiqg «ftjpaigns aitid elections. The itnailiiig addcess I desiignate for tecoving official .di^ctibn hoticess is;


Si^»iura:.of CjuitUiiiin^ :(MusNBe.aigjbod :iri thb fmeawjotwSI^

Sidtsaibed ami sworn to befbre me: this._ (iMdadi/dBy/yeiiiOr'

(Officer qiulU(ra (idmniis^

1 5 2012

.1 ^^SregBeji ueiJtenahtGoy(ein]K>r

UeuteBaa OciMenHr Mar 2012 (DateRecmd) 2012 STATEOEWEAH

FAIR C^^lMiC^^K^^

there atC: bailie pnt^^ of UUih has a moral obl^ion to obsehin^ in oiid^ Uiisit; affv vigo^^sly con oainpaigns,.oiir ciftiizfnig.nuq^ didrtij^tOva -fiF^ iand lOiatthb'i^^^^^ cleariy eaqpressied .oh the Iim THEREFOSQB: ISBALLiBdildlDetiny c^m discusHiig^i^^ pces^ti|^ iny:r^ Bud/pcdicies with nnciaii^: and :iiraihk|n^ driticizing, wittiout i)ar or i&yor, the: recQrd:aiid.p6Ut:iesiofm^^ opi|i^u»ts tliat4:bd I SHAliL NOlr.iiM::i^ fiuniiy.vi8|^f ^ libdj, or dilaiidi^: aj^hst-m^^ CMudidatisidir

=CBIIl[^igfL I S9irAjlUUN0f^ usiciofany piractiee^^^ uAdininniiiie^O^^ ^stemof.fiee cfc^Hpn^ ori^ ihtel^led to luildCT or pre I SBASJb NOT Qoofics. dci^on hdp/or caropaig^ for any. other candidBte::ih)m;in^^ emplc^^'ipr votonteen. ISHAILL iihnui^ pubUi^:repudiate:5i4tpbit;deriv^ iiuiividual brgnwp .!wh^h:itM behalf Qpinycaitti^ pledge* I.ilnii 4ice^ ju> tal^.fiiin^^^^^ proyiabiiipithis: pl^^ ortfae law|i|:goyenun^^ I'SHLiilj' diiend aikl uph&ld;tte:n^^^ paniidiiMticin iii'the i;:the=^ielriiij^^ ^ndidate^fpr d public offiee ih^the SttCe^ Iwiebyiivpliintm^ subscriiie!^ iinid^^^ prax^tioesi

.NamiK Office:


*tl!iU.b a voluntary pliedge. iGinidlditn:ai!e notrcqnlrrd lo ilgndtfjiplcdg^ nUk dbcumtBtb QN^^ public record and will be reliiinedfi^: pnUfC^iiiii^^ UilittI 30 daystoibwiiig die dieetfon;

tiWifcnaat Qoyonor Mar 18)12 QU,AMFIiCA.TION FOR CAJSfDIDATE BHiHSl DE<:LMIA.XION (Urah Code Secd9n;2QA-9-:>0l) .Please; initial:.. -i >''^^?jyM1igTilihg officer read the constitutional and istatatpiy/require^ listed b^lpw toiAe* and I inect ttov qifali^Fcatibiis, trniderstandthat myname will appear on die ballibt u U prihted oit this declaiadon otcandidacy, and diiat I may not^h^ agy aniendpnents pro^

ahd-:its.;applil!»blb d'!^^

li:haye:reodveda^^ :i^iaiiy..

QUAUFIGA.1FIONS Befiue the G&ag ofiBeec aiooe^ any ded|^aiiioin.i,pf Csindidpqr^.the .Qiiig .Qffiber ^^idl. cead tfi dw. quKj^ die Gonstkudanal and Btanitoqr .cequremeiits. for.candidacy ^ and :i£hie. caniSikte shall, state wfaetbet: he/i|ke fiilfi^ die nqudfeaienlB.. If die candiifatfe indicateB tlbi^ officer iduill.dediiae ^/herLdechmtion of candidacy. (Utdk C^ode Secdon 2QA-9>2pl, 20Z)

.• U5::'Gid|!Mfi &ir.7-yean..v - • At;hast.^:]n|^ • Inhabitant of tJcidi when diccied • P«yfi&%fteof;|43K00

UdaoqaUGowanqr MarSOti :..-.=:.=!Hd:..-..|;,^g

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T3 a cd •xio ' •3 a u a CX CO o "9 p u •1^1: .1 '9 r» H o. •a:" •>» I fl 8 S :j: fl

2 Ol o M t 6 a s EXHIBITK

Glenn Beck Radio SliDw April 20 2012 http://wwWigleimbeckxom/c;c)riteri^^

About the 19:00 iiiarl^:secoiid hoiir segiitiehf


GB: Could you please,.. .when y/e were driving in the car. ^ .we're at KFYl today iri: Phoenix and we we*re driving in together and we were reading a story about you and there is a new website out, you were an Air Force pilot b^t you also hold the air speed record or the... what is it? Lft Stewart: Yea, it-s the world-s recdid for the fastest non-stop flight ardund the; world.

CP GB : Ok, you were the pilot in that?

^ Stewart: I was.

O GB: Inthe Air Force?

Stewart: In the Air Force, yep.

GB: In a plane?

Stewart: In a Airplane, yea.

GB: And thisi website is saying that you lied about that, right? Stewart: -'Yea, kinda silly. It's easily verifiable I mean look, it wasn:' obviously, there was me^ there was another pilot, there was other crew menlbers, there was-another aircraft involved, but we won what they call the MacKay Trophy which is for the most significant aerial achievement for the year and we set the world-s speed record and um.... GB; Were you the commanding officer on that flight?

Stewart: I was the Project Officer for it, Vm the one who came up with the idea and tlie one who laid the foundation and groujid work for it... again wiith an enormouis amount of help from other people, hut there was a senior .^a more senior rianking officer'on the flight, um so generally the raiik in matters accordiing to the military

GB: V/ere you in the left seat or the right seat?

Stewart: Iti the B-1 you there were two instructor pilots. . .the other fbliow was an= instructor pilot and I was an instruptpr pilot and in the B-1 you can seat in, the left s^aj or the right seat it matters not.

GB: It matters not? Well I'm sorry I know we were :goihg aU • Shakesjpearean.' Whaf doth hath you say.. . so tim.. you were in B-1 is... is that the stealth? The B.-1 Bomber? Stewart: .No, no. The Stealth is kind of like a big blackbatkihd of thing. This looks like...

GB: I know what it looks like.. .isn't that the B-IB... theB.-1 Bomber? Stewart: Yea the B-1 looks like a big fighter. Itiis -stealthy' but its not when you say * Stealth* a lot of people uh, yea.

GB: Oh alright.. OK. So What was that like? I'n^^t^^^ they got you on that. .,;b0y they slammed you on ithat one., Stewart: Yea

GB: They are also saying that you are um ... I mean just horrible^ hon^ibfe things, tii fact is it tnie 1^ that they have put together a committee because the caucus j: or What ever you cail it in lOJtah, is happening Saturday..... Stewart: Right ^ QB: You are way ahead in the polls. How many people ijare coming against, you? O m Stewart: Oh the Other cahdidates I guess there are three or four of them. GiB:: And have they really put together buttons that say 'ABC on them? Stewart: Yea* that's what I heard. We haven't seen them but yea that's what we've been told. GB: Which is "Anybody But Chris*? Stewart: ' Anyone Bait Chris', yea. GB: *Anyorie But Chris,'Ok.

Stewart: Yea, I guess,,, well that opens the door to a lot of people ...anyone but Chris. GB: What have you learned through this process;.. like.. ^ maybe; you want: to cdme to work for me and you don't want to go with this slime taiik.. EXHIBITMl rage 1 UiJ

Politics :S'EARCH Friday. Ailay 11. 20121 Last Updatad::0.1<3.5 pm iSall.Lake City -'63* :A.Fe\v-'Cloikfe:. | Trafric.-

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'(Cqurlesy Photo), Hoivacd VVaiiack. a da'r^aied-candidala'^toKho.2h6%'ii^ 6isl'Hci:Repul>ilan:no(^ f \vi' invosligaiion (hat says.ihorc'was no v^'ongdolng in^a oonvenlion proceis naarii by.last^iiiuteacciisatiahi 'and sliirS. Popular stories

60P probe finds no wrongdoing 1. RiMlyi-Vtfbrnan stunned l>yunaiipecladac|-of-MrHiness in 2nd District chaos 2.. Baglay cartoon:'Gay BoOquai 3. WB bad mothers: 20memorabta chWKtart state's top iRepiiblican finds that there were no plots or conspiracies to 4, New-giMadvlsai'EVangeiieaisonhowia'lallitoMorj.: smear Chris Stevyarti^ .& Utah State wll likely .start at bottom of HilWiCilinanc.,. By Ro'bart Gehrke ^Thia Salt-Lake tribune Click hera-.toiivioyf .flidty- Firsi p-ub'llshed May 08.201211:44 am •liaait Updaied:May 08

-A two-wcek-iiivest'igation by the Utah .Kiepublicaii'Party-hito a diaoilc etuption at the party's statje- Staylng .Connected. Gonvention found no evidence of laws.bix)ken in the CQnt^ntiOus 2ifd Congressional .District race and no.indrca'tipn of plots or coiisp|ra6ics..iii'non'g caiididaties. But the'repoil, seiit to'2nd District-delegates Tuesday; leaves "unanswered questions" 'least one ofthe candidates, who remains convinced .tlie conteist was anything but.pri.stine.. SLCDailyOeaLcbm

ERtlLIZER MO^DBBdiieR lot'Ofstriuige thihgs'tliaf htive haiiHyiahlfe{((AR COOKIE^CAKE FROM TMENT DETWtdliaill questions about and hopefiilly theiAiUUnER MRS.:plELbS 26 ^^^ cptTie,"-said Hgward Wallack, oni^i^e $13

httD://Www.stoib.tbm/sltrib/Dolitk 5/11/2012 rage £. UL J

;going:i.o4vailc-fi; ^^'^^^^^^io'va^mpporm^w^ the peop.le'who' jgjiy.'campaign;.. to-.tiy-tq :get.tot.Kcbottp! ReidBiiitifa .Garden -OrchM.-SI\bw' /Ilie-repqi;t'.liy-Utahvfiepub1ican Party^'Chainnan Thomas Ri9d'Bu'ltB.6ardan'and'(ii

CO The report says that Haiiks' all^tions-that Wallack. lfl fqrmer -HbuseiSjpieakei' I^yidGlaF^^^ and rtaimioh Cl^'ine ^ Chtick-.WilUani6;Cbn'spiried;agBins^^^ Orule;]E^buslniBin. Sulla DiaVelopaf Harl..; '' and that .'there was also no evidence to-suppbrt' the 'iiiost o sen'satipnal-.claim.—thatHanks was a.plant'worIdhg^tb.!get Bp; PnMiictk^ Ijaader Qranger,. W/iBft.,.- r Photos Stieyyartelect^. 8teven»4ieiiagor'Collf|iBO: Stewart did^ibt if€spond.tb a leqiie'st fbr cbihriicafit Tuesday., Free Gad Classe8 BS5^2eo.1(S4T > .Tailskar bear Valley. ^ Eagar :8aid slie considers .the repoil an "accurate p66ci'.& Bmerase-Assistant=Mcn^'r:Pd8i.^^^ '•^• o asiscssment," biit siaid it docsn't put. the. iissues to rest. ro EyelnsHlu'te, The ... ^ "I can't faiiit the party'becaiise, first dE^all, the p'arty-.docsn't BusyOphUwimdooi^prBetlo^ ' liaye-'the.t|mc or resourctes to be really.dehnng'ihto it..I' think they did what they cputd and'I think th^ have 'esked aiCkHERETO SEE AliLtOPJOBS appropriate questibns;" said Eag&r,-.^hp.'U8ied.:the. convention.'contraver(grin-a-'heciNU.'f\indhi{sii^^ '"I think it wenf a.Iongwt^fin the fouf of ii'a yrare'.not'.invplved:in;thaf ../ra-vi«-iappiticiate. Related iStorles that." 2ncl pistrlct furmbll has.aomiB GOP Wright was asked l^ ddegates to delve into'the events after 'looklng-at'-bemocrat Shppping .Publi8hed.>;iay 1.2012 the..2nd..Distiict ooiitest-.enipted'ilt>to-'afirestQrm .of- 2nd.pistrlct race full intrigue; alleiBeLt.ioiVs and£:'cepprt-Ghalk5.up.;the .cbhapiracy. thebriias ihcideht'.tb-thehrated-raceahd'simple: iWisu^^^ RubliahedAprU:2e,2012 andstatesthat the parly=supports''Stevvart as-its-nominec.- Stewart wins 2nd District .nod amid ailegatronsi arfger But Wrigjht also said thiit Hanks, .Vyhile acting " PiibiisKedVi'pril 23.2012 his coiisdehcti," did hot'-consider the'.impact dn'tHe'.electibn. Nbtdridiis 'teihple mailer' case is andrepiitatibns of the-bther candidates-whian h^'inade. WWbekjy closcid- chaigis hecould not prove. Sal8-a..Leeclia|iEi-. Rut>liaHiB4-/!iiipm2a,2012 MahCavesiUtah "Mi*. ..Haiiks:a(cted :i-rresponsibly ia aoinising.fqiir caridi^tes. Champion Factory Direct .Join the Disciisslbri- oflet / MyMndia!/....- >» PoBl-a:Comment Wright said; Bedrbbk'i&bncirete Service LLG

alory'donUnuaa balow Gbhtests andPrbihotlbns Suspect prescription billings at;2;600 U;.S. drugstores Stop Sciolling, ' Published May 10.201212:.12:Q2PM S'Op SecrcMii'rC-- ^•*b^l Idaho prosecutors lament rejection of START WATCHING! abuse bill Piibilahed May 7.2012 lb:32:62PM What:s at'stake Ss 6 Eij.roi^ean. nations vote l>ubiiahed IMayiS. &.i2.i2:33:52PM

httD://\*m^:sltribxom/sltrib/iiolitiGs/S4072272-90^ 5/li:/2Gi2 utan roiicy - investigations mas INO snaay Lieaiing in utan uur zna uisinci Kace rage 1 014 EXHIBIT M2

mora fut clant Audi A4. ***** o


-' - -' Whm pabM jaakfctcM Owii JaUf 't* Register Log. In Home Terms About Contact IJs Newsletter Archives Cahdidate .Tracker aearch | TOPICS SPECIAL FEATURES BL0.6 CALENDAR LEGISLATION PULSE NETWORK InvestigatiQiis Finds No Shady Dealing iii overslocK^jPonnr in Utah GOP 2nd Distriipt Race rH byBpbBemIck Great .Deiais; Everyday O 05/0.9/20121 567 views j 0 j 2. | c::, | A FumHuna, BAddiiig, Wafohejs (^P state: dialrman Jeweiiy, Sportlnie. GockliB: rn Sob Berrildt, 'IHah-Pel&y Contiibuling EOtor- ThomsS- Wright Qn- tue$d.9y: rel^sed h|s .flilMuieh Mora muchanUclpated report on the O unfortunate: 1^ / circumstances -Alwa^:'S2.aS 'Shipplog' surrbundlng accusatlbnsiarid '"^'iSJ • sipeeches made at the April .21 state party convention in the 2*^ Congressional District race.

Wright:told UtahPolicy thathe will suggest several party bylaw/convention operati.on.changes because ofthe Incident, inclijding perhaps stopping nrst.rround'speeches, in linultlrGandldate. races and/or some kind of candidate vetting .by delegates themselves to keep. nohrserlpus candidates, from-addres^'ng the conyentibh at all.

Just.two of the rumors Wright's Inquiry dispelled;

2"" District candidate Milton Harilcs, who t>aslcally caused this whole conveiitlbn mess, was riot a "stalking hor^" or e "plant" fbr the Chris Stewart campaign.

~ The Stewart carnpalgn's qulck.response.on the anonymous anti-Stewart delegate letter was good organization work, and the campaign didnt know about, the anti-Stewart letter befbrehand. ;: to^^ . - 'n'Rl'AW-AM.y6:VN-G;.V.'l^^^

Wright spent more than.a week and, dearly, a lot ortime interylewlng the 10.2*^ District candidates and a number of delegates and pthers that wanted Input into the chairman's repprti

ro JOIN liS AT AN INFO I'.CSSION Long sjbory made short: Wright didn't find any. underhanded, dealings, no plots nor' "dirty tricks" by the candidates or members pf their carnpaign staffs. AbVERIW-EHERE. TODATS HBADLINES That doesn'f iiiean that Wright didnt find fault. 'll^ 'Lbcal'^'.! :Natibiiiai,\'. 'frii^iness

In the report and In an UtahPolicy Interview, . Wright basically said that while 2"'' District: candidate Ma.nks. -• who made accusations from the podium In the first-round speeches .agajnst .Sattila/ltBTirttKina several other 2^ District candidates - may have, honestly believed what tie was saying, he OpfOd: l^noilnq childrein's'liiBalth didn't have any reaj eyldence tp back up his (false) clams and .shpuldn't haye said what he. did. '.Op.-edr.HeitMirt's- eneiioy adviser ahswaiii Editorial: 'Gay.nisrTlage-: Civil unkxris^fbr ail vvduid be'.battar

httn:// .storv/l 8510738/artiGle-TnveRtiBations-Finds-No^ShadvrDe 5/11 /201.2 utan foney - investigations Jrinas MO snaay ueaiing m utanAjiji:^ zna:iJ!istnci^ce rage z .pi'

And the state party pfficial overseeing those first round speeches and first round vbtlhg shpuld Many Reid..says'.h8 supp6rt8-,gay.inanla'ge have cut Hanks' rriike off as Hanks begaii to slani the.pthef candidates by name. l^oily: Vilbman stunned tiy unexpectBd-ad of kiii'dness Harbart-^ritvnn.ex^preiMihg^^ - Bitftbn ,td-UTA bpaiid, That wasn't done/ said Wright, artd it should have-been. Uhdi^-umailted'aBtiVlstB. State-warits'lD i(n.ap {Mibiib, pijsss attay-froni- -'tar sands-hiring' It's unfortunate If Hanks' accusations had real Impacts on the 2"** ,District Voting: BLKi-.cilrector.tO:retlre aVeridia^-'May ^DeseretNews- 'tip^:- Uiah'8.e6onoiny.renu'lns:in'lhe'lead- But .ifth^y did, .fhere-s. nothing to be done about it now, -ppred:. kanneobil deserves'a.cloBer look E'ditprial.:;Car.s,.r!pacb..riwst'l>ecome sal^r-^ .'dMiptt8'tiBWBr''dealh8. As'UtahPbllcy readers.khbw, Stewart weht-oh to barely beat out fbrnfiei' House Speaker Dave Mt'-iPbrrttiiE^ifapiilo^ 'sipHpbl Clark In the final round of votjhg by ririore than .60 pericent, thus eilmjn'atlhg'Clar% in the tetain'o-'aRer-'aoi^aatlbh conyentlpn. Utah Joins;.slate8'»i(er8 rtot -s'how:8m6lclna:lh-youlh-rnouias :GOEOapproves.-incentivBs:'that'couid.bring 1,100 Job's to Utati Stewart has been certified as the Utah Republican Party's 2"'' District norninee. There rib -Hertj^:appolnb- H. .David Bijrion lo-L|TA O primary in that race - which has been reported previously. CO .OI»ma:'8tand.oti..8arnerSiM-rTierria-o^ draws raaci)'on:in Utah: Vou can read Wrighf s extensive repprt below. OOtw HeMi 'tdthi'Ra'ltioUsni- no-bumpar s'Ncker KDaly Heijald) 'Rkiiariljm-e>(|>^ ,c!ea-||B.d..qf' As yo!u can see fTOm reading thb. report there are, links to other documents, llkertljte/anjtj- .aoouaaHonai-yvin iitit'.r!e^n (Daily-Kleraid) Stewart letter that was sent putrtp some of the 1,000 state GQP.2'^ bisblict delegates Just ;Leiii0ks.tjwitalive S100M budgetibially before the-April 21 ccnvention; Herald) ' O'p-^d: Conlrenino erifi'lle(nenis.;(Slandard- o -Examlner) Kl (FYI on the letter - from various- UtahPolicy: Interviews, It appears that maybe 30',tb 50 letters •Steve:.C-|ir)ls-: Explosion -Qf .gRnwih-nwaris ,careiFiil (ll^.--piahnl.hg--iB riaa'iM.(Stah;dard- were actually received by dcllegates, rtibre-thari the half dbzen repprted eariieriih. other Utah Eicamineir) media.) - Roads'battie:ptts stsle versus 'feds 'ttooele Transdipt Buliellri)

Stewart Issued the libllbwirig statement Wednesday:

"I am grateful tp chal.rrnan Wright and his staff fpr ttie work they:,pdrfbrmed in coiin{>llirig ilhls UTAHTWBBTS;. report. After a thorough review, rriy^campalgn staff and I are-sa.tisfied with-the.'re'siilts; We are. now looking fbrward tb the general election 'and :if we aref. successfiil, gbin^ back bd Washington, D.C, to fight fbr the principles tiiat have made our nation great." :Saltlakecha!mbe'r 7 ;Estlrri'ates--Frbm- Neuroscientists Which Will Reyol,Mtip:nlze Brain As .Well As Mind Cjark.h,as previously tpjd UtahPolicy thathe will support.the G(3P nominee inthe 2^ District, Heaith.,; .goo:gl/fb/b$i^ and the Republican nominees in other races. 4 mlnutiii-agb-: rtiply:.: retwMt.-*.'fav.onts saitljak^Gharriber Rye 'Lp.gic..Behl.nd Why I. .Chose A::Overa|i yy'.eilnesS Of note: It was rjepprted 1n.The .Sait Lake.'Tril).une that it appeared>fis.hy t^.at :SPme. delegates, OppbFtu.nlty .0^ received 'the anti-Stewart, letter on one day,, and Stewart got put to delegatesa response Just a .4 'miriut:«=«go.-.r.i!piv..< i«fweM..::ri''-'rt>piv-'if>t«iaet::.ravorlt« been delivered tp a deiegate, brbiighttb: tiie campaign and the bfficiai respbnse'recelved by delegates.the nexMay in ith.eUv^^^ 5lU:lb.:l;al5er^ flashed 'jit ^Sajt ,ijake: Clty-'Iriternattphal Airport planes ii blt:;ly/KuriTiq:i': 18 niinuUM ago,--.reply. ^ rttwael'-iravbrite "I accept that explaiiatlcn," Wright tbld UtahPplicy. "I specifically asked that;questlcn:abbut ttie timing" pf the Stewart carripaign's'respbhse letter. . :BeriWln'sIbw *snickers* RT #Jaredeb6m: Nice hea'diine.i. po.sp(5i:i4ty/

htth://iitahnolicv.r;nm/view/fiill jijtorv/l R51 OT'^R/iartiele^nvestiffation.s^Finds-NoT^^^^ 5/11 /2012 uiari roiicy -mvestigaiionsnnusINOanaay i^eaimgiu utaiiAjv^r.ziiu L/ISUIISLivaw ragp jui t

Jolh.-Ihe cohverssitrori In other words, the qijick Stewart campaign response has a viablb explanation - an'di'th'e campaign dldiit ha.Ve to haverhad knpvilledge of, or the actual anti-Stewari: letter, befbre- it hit ai few delegates' maiiibokes.

"There are a number .of actlbns we.:eou|d take^: tb help ensure, wh^at-happened in the lii District at the state GjOP conventlen ^detailed in Wright's report) dbesnt happen again, said Wright:

"f^lrst and foremost, we need to do a better job of keeping prbper decorum at," he said;

Republicans, unfortunately, in-recent yearis'have had.instances:ih..Gounty-ah-d:state-Gonventlbns where delegatefs, candidates and guesb have abuised that proper decprum standard.'he added.

Secbndly; scrtie: way shbtild-b^ found to weed bijt hbn-serious candidates before they get-to speak at the .conventions. CD

CD Wright said he has a few Ideas, but that the Issue should be cbnsldered by the state party's Kll governing body, the state Central Conimittee. f-i

For instance, suggested Wright,, if in ..multi-candidate races there-were no.speeches^before the first round of voting - ahd if-there was a flopr pf, say, 3 percerit support to.^rhbyetb :thie secbrid r^und - honrseribus candidates cbiild be ellrtilhated without ever getUrig'tb addVesis ttie cbnveriHbn delegates.

Or, said Wright, perrhaps a carididate orily gbt to give a pre-vbUrig first round speech If he gbta stated number of delegate signatures. Thati also, coiild stop a non-seribus carididate from speaking.

The Concern, said Wright, Is that some people pay the candidate'Filing fee (bi* get the fee •waived by claiming they iare.pbor) Jiist sb they can address the state or county GOP conventions.

They areht serious candidates, they Just like to get up oh a istage arid .say what-they warit lri front of the media and theiisands of dele0ates.:fbr:flve or six minutes.

•"We certainly want to encburage people to run for office" as Republicans, said Wright.

"But It's getting tp the point where we need some kind Pf vetting iby the delegates^ of the candidates "prior to letting some people speak."

Wright said that three weieks'after hianks made the allegations Iiri his cbhvention jspiejech.against Clark and the bther 2^ District candidates - allegations that cbuld. h'aVe.lmpacted:the jdeiegates' vpting - Hdnks'".sttihcan nbt substanUatevanythlng tKat.hb saldi" Utah. GOP Ghaitman's Iridulfv

httD://utahDolicv.coni/view/full storv/18510738/ardclerInvestisationsrFinds-No-:Shadv-i^ 5/11/2012 5/1-1/12 QOPchaim.a.n:fin.ds.Eurekia iriayoF's. charges; bas.ele88. EXHIBIT MS-

.BllinPtfWWW.filwiif9flfcy.gril/i^l>wilffm^^^ NawglattarsriittbJ/e>Duri:coinrflbQlPl | BlGfett>ttD.^tel6oi».<>twictard:nat1

SEARCH .SWrrCH: ltetti[aifa!tpJAl1,8lBntl«nl,nt<> l ePaoertljttiWiMiifWW JtandardJMifdlri^^^^

H9fP.A9L(hUp.;;Ayji!!!WjU^^^^ Rcn.U>ISiltlltP.^AirwWi^^^ Job-»iWtpy/www.utal^^^^ AutQS'ltjjSRvfjyKWWiUfj^^^^ IhttK!i!m»riftt?fldsxMfl^^

m o c6mmems:fRttp:y/www.istarida •flfid8-eureka-mavor»s^chariaie:s-bas • . m (JO bftSBtossAtliiBnfibP'ia'ochiiiriinijftte^ " .-..'-Z. ' -'^- Z "'-'''^C.:'-'''--'-'-'':.;'' W^tl^llinion^Mai^^^^^ Q ciii'aMhiifWlH'rfs^^wakB'^m'B'viir-s^Ka

^ GOP chairman finds Eureka rnayor's chaFges baseless

Bv Antona ClarV Wauthnrs/antaha-ciartci


VVed. OH08/2012 - S:19am

SALT LAKE.:CITY'— Theicandldate w4i6..stltred a-cohtroveisy atthe Repiibiican'-'StateGimventldn-aw the-2i:!d-&)h-gresalonai Dlsbicl.namlhiatl6n--a.c^ liijeveling charges, against .fourbther'candidates.- ajlegjng a-plot-tb .thwart tlie.elac-tiGin bki of evmtiiai'nominee,. Chris-iStaMart; :m^.lhvestiga.llpri.l^: tiie.--sttto.-party--cH-Blrili)an-:hn

Thomas Wright.-chalnnan ofthe-state GOP. released a seiwH»ge'report Tuesday after'an'jnvestlgatlqn-Into the bizaim evet«ls.8t:the-Apn1-2'1'.'8tBte'c;onventi(3n.where:St nomination on the thlrd.ballolv emerging as the victor in a Held' candidates..

Wright'is probe lewis some haish crittoism at Eureka Mayor Mllt Ha.n.ks, -a. candidate for the .nom'lnalipn.who stirred thexQntipversyJn.thej'rstrouhd'i^^^^ ai.lisged'th8t' four candidates — Cihuck.Wi!i|anis,.'Cheiliyn Eagar,- Howard Waiiackiand Dask.ed'tlwt-h.e piedga..Ns---8upppK'.for.'8ny.- -candidate other ttian-Stewat t If any of the. candldates wera tp drop out of the-race, and- secondly thiit he-engage jn aliast-ininute act-of .negativs campaigril'hg. to unc'oyer.-what -thpy- al.leged' were mialeadlng statenients tty Stewart..

Wright said he cah findno.-e\^denc e that.a formal meeting .took place among the.:candidala8. at the.Davls County convention,, and saldall oflhafourcandldates-; named detiy any'Siich (^onvBrsalion took place:

The plot- that unrawBlad-at the convention aiso Included an unslgnad ietter-sent lo-some delegat-es In the 2nd .Distnct,- aijeging.Stewart-had exaggerated.his military; record,amon g olher' things. During^ Ihe state convention. Hanks look aim- at' the tour and ralerencad .theiletter In making the last speech of the first- vbtii^ reund at the conventlon.

Wright .Is still-seeking infofmaUon about vifhp may hava iiiltlated:the letter.

I.stmngly encourage-anyohe vAto has infonnatidn .that would be hetpfol -ih determining vvho Is respbnsible-forPthe-letter:to contact tha.Federal: Elecllbiis,.Cam-missloii;*--WHg^^

Adding a layer of Intrigue to the letter Issue Isa Unit the communlquAhad to a similar. letterlti:ths:2d10b.!Si..Senate race, in wMich ServMIke Leewas palnted:ih a negallve.llght,.a||egedjy:by' Stewart's brother,.who WBS-a-formerataffiar-for-Sen. Bob BennelL

Because ttiera'wara sornany candidates-,, speeches forthe Znd'Cpiigressibnd race-ware heM In B.raoiTi.-ad)went-to.thB. main hall,, w^ere. most of thecoriyerit'ldn/eVBri^ .Wrlgh.l said. the. person In charge .of monitoring.the speeches should have lumed off Hanks' rnic-wheri he began tp.assail his Mlbw candklates.

Ihe second'rouiid. of speeches for the remalhing candidates, moved to the:maln hall, where freworks,erupted. Williams caiiiad Stewiirt "a bald-faced liar end threw^his support to Clark. Eagar and Wallack' also backed out and' threw their support, tb Clark.

Clark did emerge-as the only candidate besides Stewart from Round TVvo bul was beaten in Round Three by the Fannington residerit.

Wright is. critical.of Hanks, but doas not allege any Illegal actlvlly.:or the Idea tiiat Hanks — who did not acUveiyibartiRJiign — was a {ilant by the;Siewart earnpajgn.

'Tbeliew ho acted according to his conscience, biit'he dldnbt'conslder the fiJI.Impact his actlbns.vrauldhave.oh. the elections or on the iepiitatlonB of-those Individuals and their, fomllies for, making allegations against them,' WHghi wrote; "Mr Hanks actedlrresponslbly. k>jjr acciislhg four, candidates of misconduct .with noevldence to support: his claims.*

As part of the findings,. Iitanks:,fo.rmairy i8sued.8..paragre^

'It. was. unfair of me to hot varify that my siiapicMms were-true before rnaking accuaatibna diiririg my speech. The Party Is better than this.. Utah Is better than this.' Hanks said.

Stewart was out of town anci'cquld not be reached for-comment. on the reportls findings.^ 1/ Kjur repon: nacKroom ueaiing noi to oiame lor uian coiiveuuoii cuiiu'uversy i ucscvci... rage z ui t


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GOP report: •Backroom dealirrg' not to bfame forM'litit'Yn u Miiy Huv^c -Mi.ssc!il. .Sifis tifi^hs father. Sieve.n Pbweirs b^hiivior leavo»'8 Utah convention controversy .ie'giity af'hai-m By Usa F^iie-y Roch-e, DeBerel-IMews Print Fonl M (-]' 6 Commenls » .No-Sunday iitance 'has not slowed success of 'Qostico.'biijicicr HI Publishad-. Tuosday, May B.201212:b5 p.m, MOT -rtecoiRmend 1V»eM>\-S' -vyire of I'aiigii'ius leader'raccunis rri$rram'il/s"pn.vaie O 'Oatiic- A.'famjjy 2012*8 summer'oioues

Viaw:2 piiolos:!* tiie.2iid-Gp'ng.i%s8idri:iI Distnct o CKris Stewa'il spciiks-a't the GOP convention :Sdturdny,.April2i,.:!b' Bxp.osirioii:'Center.. .Scot! G. VVinteiton,. Oaserat Maws archives

*.pW€lfel«Ktf^ ur HandsT

SALT LA.KE CITY- Uteh GOP ehairrhan Thomas; Suiiim'acy- Wright cpiiduded :in a ;rei$otit rel'gdsed Tuesday that y^ili^^^pi^ ours, A-re'p6rt released Tiiesdiay. cohclydad Uiat ''ba-cl(rb6lrii:doallngr "badcroom dealing!' was. not. to -biame for fhe 2nd. was notio k>lame'fpi--lha 2nd Congressiqiial District race boiling over at the party's Congres^nal bistridraca-baiilng filore dian any^pther dealer. .over allhe -RepuUtean F>aiVs slate State convention la^ itionth. c6nvent-|pn iastmontt). Wright.said he:Siippor:ts.'Chris Stewart as the party's nominee for the seat and found no evidence: that any la>ys. vrere violated by any of the candidates or their campdigtfs. He also said there was no evidence other candidates conspired agjainst Stewart, Who won the nomination, after a.series of allegatipns:.made during convention speeches by soihe of thie ip.dthei^'in th'e .Furihiiig. The uproar startedi theirepon saijd, whien ohe.bft.he .Mpst-l'opulnr candidates, Eurekia Mayor :Milt Haiiks,. told delegates, duriiig his first-round speech that he was: approached by ill Uinli. .A°c-i'iiss Stic four other candidates, Dave Ciar:k, Cherilyn Eagar; Charges dismlssediagainsl'Moimon bishop^.. . Howard Wallack and Chuck Williams, to join an " ABC!' Cbams'stand oii um.e-seK.riiam'aaa drawK:. or "anybody but Chris" effort. S.ins.of-.th6 fatner; StttVen.Pow-e.ii<& itehaylor... In interviews with Wright, thoseifourcandidiOtes Falheis wfio faii cosily lor families. "emphatically denied" stich a conversation took place i teen remains hospitalized trom'c(!ish-ihai„> and HanlA'a-rit'iu-(ie|-away? Her«-} ho.w much those-, his support to any candidatiEi oth€r than .Stewart. lidothef gets emoi-ibnaiseeing vDyi»'un5ii-c •. Cox sitomny-wants all repcitsTn'Susdii... Hanks'linicrophdhe should.have bee^ siaid, "When he begaii naitiihg candidates land.making

httD://^^^ 5/11/2012 \jvjr repon: DauKroorii ujcaimg noi lo Diaiiic lor uiaii coiivciiitoii cuiiiiwcr&i^. .| .i^cscrci

.:Siibjecl1ve, inflammatory accusations" but the ofifi'cial r-<^t'The-!bes,eretNews.Ev^ running 'the first round of speeches in. a:.side:'hail said it

happeried so fast he time to react. '.Emit Wright said Hanl>-»!«-!iii>-' reputations of theselndividiials and their families," and Obama slaind-ori same^seic mo'iriitge-dcawa:'.'..' P .65 acted irresponsibly. .VWotblch Lugarisildss-mieht.mesin^fur;^. Q -S3 -LDSCtiuticri-^e-iiplalns ROijtica.l.-;:..^ -3fl Ha'nics apologized in the report, but said/he''spoke what . FeUs sign -qfT 'pn'il&IO'.mit-ijas weilsiin,.:-^ 34 f believed: to. be the truth based On convei^tions Lha.d. • Kiali'cjn's long'asi.'jilioction.wailihi);.^, '^' • 27 with other candidates'' and npted.he didinot ha^^ .Ulahitmn'sliarus-.'stoiy of iibrrioi^irafihy.,. p- -23 '•proper docuinerifatidii:' ahddid hoE'-verifyithy .Paip,arr^iad':alta'r' stea|iiig.C.0S'f4-si:';v'9 -21 suspidons Were trite before makihgvaccusations. during -pbug. Robinsons TiUlB.|-X.'airn'pelasA'tfith..;.;.p-19 my speech.";said Planks had received .a copy of a ,letter to CD GOP delj^tes that surfac^ib'efore the April 21 coilventibrithat riaised..qUesti0n5 aboqt iStewart's d military background and connections to the coritroversial ''Temple ihaileT" in the 2010 ij:.S. Sienate race thdt initially appgdred io attack on former Sen.'Bob Bennett; ST "Despite.considerable.tinie and enei:gy on f he partof

myself and mystaffi .T hqve been unable to asceiltai who ivsS is riespbnsible fbr the lettiei'," Wright said ^in4he:repoct. We'll Take ic He said because it di

Comnients 6 Comments » i3eser(ilNaws,QDm'ancouragas acivll diaiooua among.l(s-reader8. .VlVe welcome your thoughtful commenta, —Abbiilcpmmeriis

Abolit the Author -li;i'su:..Kil(!y-:Ru<.:lii- .Lisa Riley-Rioche^covcrs politicis-fbr ttic'Dcscret New8/KSI'..new8 division, .procUiciiig t'ptitent :fb.r ilie n-ewsptipcr, tif« I'Vand^radio sta.tipn.s, iindliotli :desci:dtncws.'C0m:aiid.ksl.cdin.-Slie iias'Iie'e'iia i^pbileivfor moric.tiian 25.'yGai's'. ntQI%. : Cohiicct:

httD://www.deseretnewsxom/arricle/865555396/GOP-reoort-Backroom-d^^ 5/11/2012 nd District race foil of icHngiie. oonspifa^ (beories I The Salt EXHIBIT M5

POUOGS Mo»iili» May 14. awz 11 rtt lyAiM. 05kS7 pm





(Uah mtHtim 17WB:tt>iifcb Wburia) Aaaraiid Cwiiniiriir^ OirtM'OBMNiaiei'llia.H«idl'iajBiin8BplBry Wto jjwr iBBUWBprijK,

Politics »:SfiBwaft; Ulaih^^^ rivals vdoby i^lifi^ Iranehssa piobs. Popular ftpilM

HM PUMriMd Apr » 2012 0M7 pm • IJM 1> GHtHMtWOOHrtCMcdlNlnpUlM

As aB.nidiar.Ghib Stewart hHWiIUBU tdM of mdhlod iaIiliaiB. 2. Bwnl;ffMLili>pBlct

Iof 6 S/14/12 4:01 FM nd District face fuU of intrigue, oonspincy theories I The Salt». http://Www^firibxoin/sltrib/^i1ic^^

Stewrart-ciwfgrfftBifiBbBrflP'tiiBdByt.cBii^^ 'BiiiBinBllon-8S-|ib ciiMcstc^

What.iKiniini PR .luuilyf riwigBB nd ncriniMthMnf-Ait leiniin riiwoBt iiw|>naillJii to-aist.anL TUs MDCh-iffpeBW StCbiii!|0^^ lOUMTElJEittDNfli DirtridiacefeB^

'BUYNOW: Ctedidrt«qiBdkllWBiMM,.alb^ Rstatod Storfos flie-U& Air Foraa aiH .a ffniagon iolHciiil,.giitw epnotncd^ GOP probe finds no wrongdoing in 2rid District citaos linftfeadiittvote^ Thlngato;db MMMdIlqrPilDa and led ab aiWBid Ihn wmM^BedwewijL Mayor of Eureita: The man wlio blew lOichMShow iMBuHa6enM.mmpa«:i.««iea^ up Utah. GOP convention Stewaifs eanp alaw.afrgpdjy tflid dritpto dwt Hovraid MbMlMMvH2D12 WUEbMl!;,iiAokJhN«irii^:^ Fordl.fielBww.lie viaw-Gvaffl.cteialiis CO opiddbeaMiidiak" Wdlacfceimta^ Ata/glma iilalBiHWiti bat SteMprt' IriiwnlBla^.iiDtnie* Apf-it qylBl.1|to

O "What a dttwib^ diBri>:caimiaj|pi tpctlc tfamawi p WCTB-ID OtHflia wHU-caMto iMei^llellea GOPBaOh»ln«iV tiyiado liiBi^" ShMBrtpaid. He.atedqd^ bi.Thii.Vtiniw fiw'iaN alClirilpm a' 1 iwnQ! 'Viinv avanl OeiaMs to rinuiaMand arnQBaled ia'a^f iwqr-and he has pfovUed paiicC peoid of ny aenrke," he nid..

Ibe cod of tte^iBape^gpi f tfie laeepliBBBt-ftd a caattfoait WMMMdm at fw pai^ daaiiMi taQan M WhenithegcoBp'agtwdiDeii|||wrt.gHeanb^ dher o InMiliBilim Uito eMrta.eMtBmrilno (he meadien iiiro dropped ptt.rtCjwvqUojB. Nl tnpkMhinfli-iiepei^MiHOTaan SriudQt aitasrlffllkllaiilia. 1.dant«faRrttaiiai It. daltaatoa MHno .ma aa'tMr Ditoete QlriMm Mien f?aoOiOp SO... dMhnen tolMl|pMrtmitlielBClit"'MMUM i i.iie- GOP ehritman TMimn VWi^ s» The'ilboar.aC-Enidai-«aa a 8HM VMr SivanMr M trim Be... htt'OriiiiAe fflivI D tbe-taoi^. Bewv booi^ a h CintfldBle.CMM^-EBBar MU eNe MH meat cuiiy aatiOBft .apd apwit fcesthan . Sit/fl!w.**o hie -CBwiiwIgiHi SSeiirS-eentar(oralB8iataB|.~ wMi BM paily on TlundQf arri.hopas Ibr a HTt Iboniuoh feMBMlBaian. ButVOwfarty.iHiia Apatrwm^^ Oaterftr-tte. conflM cf MaiMt dnce SMuHt il am. ;Stedy-

I e conpnlkiMnl to the aftoppme ts HeatehtertwdfaBrcea^^ tORlOBS aa Om toctoOia l IM,^ he mM. i .Ghpri^ BS^.and iC!iwfc.~ aiMBaftag.ttitto hiM no to»abou t iMtaeaiw Onee.,1 .wiiilw badotbofbi-dal-lD'liriiig dpin Iwiiert wHh Oim mid forihooailno towim l i. Bhnilni wM that beftire Uie Deirii CbBiily.Gbiw^^ Ond.- faad:becii adsBd to job tta ^Aaoiboc^ Bat GfaV.groi9^-aiid: VWgM MM he Mt ima how tano O wl take toaBcaaedil t of saMBriag-Sleeiait» wavhiganaHOiqriiiow peOiarlnAaiiuAQn^ biil.hesMnni leuer eaat tb ddcgtfaa at the faBtnrfuqte . •M' ar«Oitog wdaatheiB iwm Oia I TbelilleK; paetanAad April 18^ dalnied SteinuEt had Quto Moiwciaa e-pBlBciil aclenrie pndBeMripl- BiuaiBniiMiianiaiy laiwa^aMiPiBBMfaafliBceiWM Brtohem Vtaunp IMvenOy, iiMiN'irtoiii-iMiinaR aBiiHdne-iBOB!(yiM-|iie wwnpaiiy^ a^ worind.irtlh Mi , Eqiill^Reaieafiol* .vwpM to ttie-.betowi-.w.iiiiim.lHii>pBned > hiRidier.iSB SlnwMB^ to aend M -|||iidd|V'fi^%b:/Cli^^ beMiB.DafnoBato dOL eepealtfy OOmm ewe BtaOot^ doriDisSie aoio cgde—aiAdcsHukr eenttb .OaMiiridoa'.Graai^^ mo choiDfiQ^Qg iocnnibait SeiL:Bol>- Ptmirtfa-. '-flinitiD S'SonO' tn OM eene.Owm li ewey taopnOM! tor -ElOMtfoiH»:-jRM«^^ --. TlMinaVtMl^tobB wihiioamniBawheWL* .iibiiiil^6»inrt;-'QM^^ CENTERED AROUND YOUR LIFE

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Report: Na 'bdckroonri dealing- ihVQived in i GOP coiivehtidh controversy I CD By Lisa Rliay Roche May aih.:20ia e ftsapm | PiCK WHiCl'i lieM HI .Ihisaidilwdnews.sioryisaalbbleonlyf^^ PREVEN-B- 0sr Nl o

• Share 2 'Uke QTvMtler .0 Inrterati. ia'e!S'0;'^^'B

.SALT-LAKE CITY — Utah GOP Chairman Thornas Wright!uded in e rapqrt released Tuesday that "becltioorn. dealing" was:not to blame for .the Post or'read'ootnmanis '2nd Congressionar District race taldng a dheoUc turn at the peirt/s.state: •convention last'mbifth, Relateid Stories. -Mia Ldva gets rioinihailbn; Wright said in the report, reii^!Oonfiised delegates et j^. Ap.ii|. 21 liatch, kH|anqulst)iaad:.lo. conventipn, thiat he supports Chris Stswartiss the peit/s norninee forth e Most Popular primaiy' seet- end found no evidence that.-eny of the. 10 other:cendldates ln:the race oottepired against Stewart dir broke any, laws. . Raad.('Vldao' Comniemed 'iSsseret.Nmn Photo Gallery » --1. 'Arayo'u tnpm ahcHighr-A dlUo'gua alidut,. Stewart-won the-nbrnlnetion amid a 8iBHes.of !&hclr(|es and odurfterbharges '2; Obama 'cartoon gives Rapubllcani plenty.. m-pde duriif)-g-iQdnventipn speedhes, beating former-Utah HoUse/jS'pefaknr Save G.iark.-in-a'third. rqund of voting with Ju^ more tha.n .the GO pe.rpe.nt-Qf 'i. The moatliiiarastlriig Utahn .you'll 'havar-.. the vote-needed'to'-evold a primary: '4. ElffM or ayakoira7.|.ondoh'a Oibtt tower... 6. Boy Injurad.ln hit and run Reactlon'to the reeiilts

In a.statement, Stewart said he was satisfied by ttierepor t end grateful toWright^an d his staff forth0i r Latest Vidjeos work-." looking fbrward .to the generarelection'.and, ^f:we era sijcoessful, goihg' Box..ii||u.Fed;ln hH and lun Washington D-C," the pilot.and auttidr said In the statement His cempeign said he was not available for pMto'd'.Zimltiuiea age further comment. IVVWt/SlMlil

hiis.Deirnbcrat'ico|i>pohent,.Jey SeegmHIer, said ' Ovarnlght'constnietloniwoik-. he's hot .sure Ifow the carnpaign will be affected by. to -ektaa'^iieciidria of :tli!aawa]t8- the report. "It!s: sorriettiing they he«e:^to sort out ori RMitdMky 1.1th--Ifcippin th!9 otiier side d( the tieket," he. said, celling the TVMaUSiwia ponyentipri'-brouhaha "much ado about nottiing." 'Arayou momi-anouah?'A dlalogue.,abbut'.atla'chmant

httD://www.ksLcom/?md=960&sid=20322079 5/11/2012 isjcpoi'i; INO Oiu;Ki'uoui.ucdiiiig' uivoivcu iii vjur uuiivciiiiuu i;uiiuu.vcisy | .^slbV^iu

Seegrnlller, who wori the leglsletive. seat held by parenting PbiM lillay.'l1Hi • iliSiam. then-GOP IHouse Speekisr .Grs^ Curtlafouryears IVwMtfSHara agb.'said dnbethe'convention, -his: has-been., .cbritacte'd by Risp'ublicah.deleg'ates whQ'wanted fo. know more about his^candidacy^ Deaf;Studrints-.pniiiluGa, perlbnn 'opera PosiadiMay l'lliiyi.1:32Mh "They said, they were Just fed. up with eH. the .TVwetfSliara. shenenigens, so they .were tooking to leemmore

about:me.and see if ttiey were bbrhfbrtable rnay be Sp!ll8::axpacf(id:'aa ofRceri going In a different dirieicOori" Seegttiiller said. :train'fPr.niotoircyele aquad Poalad Maylltli. li:05affl' "We'll 8ee :if this takes legs, end we get more, ftpm TwaaUSitaia. •It." ' opena Saturday WHght said In an interview that the controversy :iMitti:impr9venien&, c6£ial hurt sefveral-csndidates, indudihjg Stevwatt "His has .madia pian fo live with'this kind of controversy on' tlH)"side..of -p6-iltd.Ma-]),i Ilil' •'i0:22«n .'Caridldaie..ln'th8:2iiii';Cong DlBUi^:ciiiis Stiiiimi'rt.apffalnC^ .TimalKirAra; his S^lctbry'i" the perty chelrmaniaaid. "there'ii.nQ. Itia GOP opnvantibh Satiiiday, lipfii'2.ii-2At2w.ttHt';SBii^^^ TMme Expoiillion Cenler..:(Phdto::Gicui:d'VMnlaiion, Oesarat' winners in this." ~l|laiNB) •'"'•' ^llr.CehturyLihk' Neitti'er Clerk nor his cempaign manager could be reeched forcommerit' . VOave was ihurt," WHght said. "To CO miss th'e,prlmary by such a fbw e'mbu'rit bf vbte's^sfter-'Sbnielhing liMs-'this happens, thet's e dlfficultJossV' High-Speed fhternet CD bur Best deal Juit Gel Better.. Oetaiia of the fliidinge o The report seid ttie uproer started when one of ttie^candidates, Eureka Meyibi' Milt Hanks, tbkl delegates during his first-roundspeec h thet he wasapprbeched t>y fourottie r cartdHatea — Cleric, Cherilyn Eeger, . •: ....VMi)lH>-.yod>jjtd|i(«i|n..k Nl Howard Wallack and Chuck Williams—to.Join an iVKBC" or"ahybo(ly but G'hrl.s"-efbrt. <^ At.the-cori«ention.Ee'ger, Waila'ck^a.ri'd'Wllilams had all:w1t.hdr]BVvn.frpm the-raoe be^rvithe-sepond rpurid;6f O voting, ancl-yyilliams ^lied Stewertia "liar" from the;stege, suggestirigihe was behind'HianksValtegations.

Iri Inten/iews witti WNgiit, the'report said Clark, Eagar, Wsllaick ieind VViHlams "etriphaticielly denied" .tiie conversation Hanks :described in his convehHon.speech. The reFk)rt:said Hanks cbuldnl rebell whp^afttisng. the 'four esked him' to.campaignagaltis t .Stewart..

Hanks' mlqipphQne should heve been out off, the report seid, "Vrhen he begen nemlng:candkjates (Eiureka Mayor Milt). Hanks end miaking: sUb{jectivei.lnflamnniafory accusations," buf'ttie officlel r'un'ning...the first Apologized lh the ffoport but said round .of speeches ih e sUe hall SaM it happened he. "spoke-what il believed to biei so fosth e reect: the truth based/6n :conyer!8atlons: I had with other candidates" Wright 8a.kJ jn ttie report thet Henks-'belleved what he said tob e cbrrect:Wheh I belieVe'he ected iaccbrding fo his oonscienibe biit did hot consider ttie^llill Impect hls ectloris wbuki have:Pa ttia .etectloiis pir on the.tspuCatkMis of tfie'seiridlvkiiuali i and their ferrillies;"-arid acted irresporislbly.

Hanks lapplogized.'ih- ttie repprt but sski; he."spoke whait'l believed tob e the truth based ori-cpnyersetjons I hed with other candidaites" even though he ecknowledged he did not have "proper documentatidh' and did riot "verify my suspidons were'true.before making isfbcusatkms during -rny .speech',"'pbrt seid :H'anks had re'ceived e copy' of a'tetter'to'-GOP-'delegatos ttietsurfoce d befbre'the .Qonventlon ..raising questtons about iStewarfs military iMbkgrobnd and cp.nne.ction8 fo the controversial "Temple mailer" .In ther2d1Q U.S. Senate, FSOS. tiiatinitieli y appeared fo be an attack on fonner Sen.:Bob Bennett but wes actually aimed et now.='Sen. Mike:Lee:

"OespltiEi considerable tiriiean d energy pn ttie part pf myself and my staff, I twye'.lMien :unabie to ascertain who Is responsible for ttiie tetter,"Wiigh t saM in ttie report He seid.ttie tetter .yiras Jn yioliaitipn of :fBderal election jaws because It'did not Include disclaimer .aboiJt.'whp euthorizedor paid-ibr K.

The Republican-chairmen went on in^the report to"strongly:ehc6urage.enybne.wh 6 has:inf6rrTiati6n.that-. would be helpful in deformihihgwho/is reS|X>n8lbte foMhe fettbrtocoritactth e Federal Electibris. Cbmmissfon."

The.repprt elSP cells forfutur e .bonventlon planners forevie w ralesgovernin g candidate conduct, iDjcluding -whether candidates'whpse'names-are nient)one.8 by opponents shouU be:8nk3w.ed rebuttal tlrne and. wheUier candklates who do not campalgri. shouU be allowed to.give. a speech at all.

.Lisa Riley Roche,. Political RepQrtei.r Usa-Riley-Mche co.v»/s.pb/(McS'for'Me.Oe5ef«f/Vews^SL rievifis division, prpduc'nff.- oontont'Aorffie ne'¥i(spaper..lhe:T\/ a'n'd'iadiq stations, srid'bofihr and .ks/i'com,. she. has 'Aeen a-Ha'porter fo'r'moiB 'ihan.2S'-yaali:-/'utt-&o -'»

http://ww.ksl.coni/?nid=960&sid=20322079 ;5/l 1/20:12 5/14/12 Utah Repiiblican Party investigates Iseandair at state conventibn j | SL George News j STGhiByvs,comSt. BXinBITM?

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Rq)ublican Party investigates scandal at convention

Written by Tmcie McFarliti on May 11, 2012 in News, State - No comments

s^eoi^eiJtah.ront/neyira/archive/.. ./litahrre 1/ 5/14/12 Utah. Republlcari Party Investigates, scandal, at'state ixinvehtion 11 .St: George. News |: STGnews.cbm.St..


O zm. O 41 Uke 9 Ml oeoole ^ MID VALE - The- Utah Repubieaii Parly has relea:sed l3nt findmg$ of an investigation iiitp the scandal and ^ drama at the R^nbfean State Convention.

The race fi)r the RepiiblicannoniiiiatiQn &^ Utah's 2nd Congressionial District was the site of an uproar atthe state conveni^n in April During a speech to delegates, candidate; Milt Hknks accused four ofhis feiOow candidates of creating a conspiracy to prevent candidate Chris Stewart from winning the noinniatipii.

At leaist oiie candidate became ipset onstage, the microphone was ciit off at least once, and state delegates were left confused about the situatioa

State delegate Steve Kelley made a motion fbr the Utah Republiciaii Paity chaihtian to conduct an investigatibn into the events^ Hie investigatidn has been compleied aiid the findings have been released, You can read the entire report here or here (pdf^.

St George News previous^ reported on the events at the convention here.

The centerpiece of this scandal was an anoiQnx)us letter attacking candidate Stewart. Several state delegates: receiyed copies of this letter in the mail with no retum address and no '^aid fi)r by^' or "endorsed by" disclaimer.

The Federal Eiectbn Commission requires these disclaimers on any public conimunicatiorlis, deluding maiss

Hahks said he was handed a copy ofthe letter while in a mall in Provo. He ssud;he was; approached by a woman who asked him ifhe was Milt Hankis, and after he confirmed he was, he said she gave liim tiie negative letter.

Utah Republican Party Chaiirman Thomas Wrigjit concluded in his seven page investigative report that he believes that Hanks ''acted according to his conscierice but he dM not consider the M impact his actbns would have on the elections or on the reputations of tee indii^uals and iheir fiimife bwden was On Mr. Hatiks to prove hi$ anegatibns and he has been linabkl to do soJ"

stgepi:ge«Jtahi.i&pm/n 2n 5/14/12 Utah Republican Party-investigates scandal at state cohvehtion j j St, George News (STGnews;corhSt..,., Wri^ found no evidence of wrongdoing by any 2nd Coi^ssbnal ^strict candidates.

Cheri^ Eagar, candidate forth e Republican nomination forth e 2nd CongreilssioM Disti^^ sakl she iis glad Wright found no evid^e of wrongdoihg but that the natter merits inore^ invest^tion.

''We're glad that he has found that we had nothing to do with the anonymous letter and wMi ai^ conspiracy against any candidate, but we are still ttying to figure out who did iltj" Eagar said. '^Rather than shove it under the: carpet we think that we owe it to the delegates, the party and the voters to research it a little bit furtiier."

Eagar said she wiD contact St George News when she leams more.

Candidate Howard Wiallack also said he beHeves there shovdd be more invest^tiorL

'There's stiU just too many questions. That soiiieione Would walk ii$ the day before a convention, tiiatsomeon e would walk into a mall in Provo, whichis not evoi in the 2nd E&trict,,. an anorrynious person, who; is one of tiie v6ry fow who received this anonymous mailing, happens to bump mto Milt Hariks and rec^^iizes hiin and hands liim a cOpy of tiiis. I mean it's a littie absurd," Wallack said.

^ 'XJEIanks) then goes home and in a coupk of hours pens a sixriniiiute speech, which he is then able to deliver witii Q precision (at the conventibn) witiiout the use of a teleprompter," Wallack said, 'it just seems a little unrealistic to me.

Candidate Jeramey McElhaney said tiie results of tiie investijgatibn are what he expected them to be.

"It's aln»st tiie exact same words that I told Thomas; (Wright) that I tiiou^ was what happened. But at the end ofthe day it's not going to be beneficial to the Republican party to have a big fij^ over it at this point," McElhaney said.

"I know all the candidates, obviousty, spent a bt of time witii tiiem over the past few months, and I tiiink for the most part they're good people; I'd say all of them are good people,''McElhaney sakl.'? mean 1'$ unfortunate the way it happened and I'm positive that votes werC: changed because of what Milt Hknks had said, but 1 tiutdc tiiat the fiiidingsar e aibout what I e^qpected them to be."

McElhaney also mentioned tiieinvestigativ e limitations of the Republican party:

'The Utah Republican party is not a criminal investigative body, it's a political party. So it's tike anytiiing else - you assume people are telling the truth," McElhaney continued. 'Thomas (Wright) didn't caU up all 11 candidates, I guess^ and have them svy^ear on a Bible to: tell the fruth, but I thnik everybody told the trutii or at least their viewpoint of it"

Candidate Bob Fuehr is disappointed at the events.

"We had good people running, it's a shame that tiiis thing had to come up fi'om wherever it came," Fuehr said.

"With going fiiomcount y convention to county convention you get to know (aU of the candidates)/' Fuehr continued. 'It's 13ce a travefing band of vagabonds that go fi^in convention to conventioa One day.. .we started at 8 a.m. in St George, and 1 pm: in Cedar (City), and ended up ih Beaver at 6 (^.tn,)... It's really a shame tiiat sometfrbig had to come up to disrupt the process."

iStgjBQrgeutah'.cpiTi/nav^ 3/ 5/14/12 Utah RepubUcaniParty Inyestlgafes scandai atstate conventibn.i i.SL .George Niaws i STGnevws.cornSt.,.- Candidate John Wilbiigfiby is' happy witii his fblbw candidates but unhappy with Ha^^ cOiidnct

"My felbw candidates conducted themseh/es admirably during the carii)aigia,and^ witii one exception^ I have nothing but respect for each of tiiem," Wifloiiighby said. ''Notwitiistandirig, I am x^ tiibubled by tiie abhorrable behavbr of Miboii Hanks. I don'tknow what his motivatb^ . .but;tiiere i$ no doubt itiiatlijB de^^^^ cbridiict swayed the ptxtcpiiie oftiie h^ CQiiy^ribnt:ajn^^ afi^ we'H never g^t to the bottoth ofv^t real^hap^

Candidate Jason Buck is also utihappy witii Hariks' actions.

'The process was definitely nian|)ukted by Mit Hanks, who went in there premeditated witii n^ intent^" Buck said, 'It was just a bad moment for tiie state Reptibjibaii paity'be the people^s iplerests m end weren't represented wefl. I tiiink Milt Haiiks did everybody a disservK^e v(^-what he did:^ (M .. Chris Stewart won the RepublKaii noininatbn forth e 2iid Congressbnai; Distrid Stewart's ofEjcial statement 'Il reads: am gratefiil to Chairman Wri^ and his st^for tiiewor k tiii^ have performed in conpiliiig tiiis r^ After ^ a thorou^ reyiew, rny campaigti staff arid I are satisfied "Matfa/the results. We are noy^ bokitig forward to the O general election and, if we are successfiil, going back to Washnigton DC and joinitig the f^ to save otir natibn at this critical time." rH St George News attempted to cbW 11 candiilates for the J^^pubHcanrnbii^ for the 2nd. Cong^ssbnali>istrict before piibls

Email! jkuzmanic^stgnewseom Attn; Track McFarlin

Twitter: ra).TracieMcFarlin

Copyryit.2012 St George News

About the Author

Trade McFarlin graduated fiiom Dixie State College in May 2011 with a bachebr's iri profbssbrml iand technical writing. She began her jbumalisrn cai^ser as a report^ arid: copy editor for tiie student newspaper at Community College (Riverside, CA). She wix)te forthe Desert V (Mesquite- Nev:) and Mesquite Locsd News before cpmiiig to St. Gisiorge Nevt^. Iri her sfpare tirne; Tracie: studKs: Voca^ musiG, jreads &ntasy literature, and folbwis developments ksocMi^^ Learnmoie: about Tr^ wvi/w.traciemcftir]

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(Stave Orilfin/The Salt"Lalff<>:^<3|ppers-beal Grbz|le8;62-72 toadvan.. Cllck'.ii'erc .to-view inore-. "I guess I know hiin better than most," Batim said. "The guy, in my mind, is a flim-fUtmman." Stoylrtg Connected The lanky 75-year-old settled onto a step under a low, Photos overhang that drew wasps so. Ikrgii they .could'be heard bumping into wood. A diisfy SUIl saw lay on the concrete. patio-8uiTounded;by a faded, uneven stlckiehce. Around the corner from yAiere he sat Was. a rOW:of storefronts.thai SL&DaiiyOcai.cotti looked as if they'd gone 15 rounds with a recession and lost. wvw:8ltrib.(tem/8ltrlk>/polltliQ8/54098479^9(Vhanks-eurek8^ 1/ 5/14/12 Mayor of EiJreka: The man who blew up Utah GOP oipnventidn^l Th.e Sialt; Lake Tribune CHINESE: iPObb Thaty in fact, might be the only thing Baum and Hanks ajgri^ on — thereis'a desperatie'need for ecoridrtuc stiimiliis $7,50. in the Juab Cburity town. InTsct, both:mfmtiori:PaFk..Gity :aS :.[ BUY Now- a riiodel.'of what they'd like Eufdea to.b'e.But'Whilethcy both want iti neither seems to trust the other ip dp. it the right way,; 'TJ7.i'nij3 le-cio Fbd Butte..iBarden-.6rchM'Show The.problem for Hanks is fewer in toWrt seem jtp trust him.: Rad;iaulte.'Ga.rdeh and (M'ay-1'4tH:al'9:0'0ani '&'-74 -l-i^ i «i.;•©.-:.! '.S'l.i«v '•» Posta Comnient When he.sp6ke, it wasiit abouttax,policy or balancing the budget. Instead, itWas ah.angijf'tirafie about hadkrobih D politics, about deals and.conspiracies:against.Chris Stewart o.ther toprtier candidates thro.ugh a-last-minute letter that fewdiEilegates churn, to' have .Naj>-RBeivilnie.iitppinm.unleatfom- v -A8Sl8' Pmfes's'qr Nursing jridlvld'lja... '' Ml actually, seen. ^arkCI^:Seh.poiDistriet v His.explosive commerits led to chaps and, eventually, Stewart securing.the nomination wilhout a^ L'ead'Pre8clio6i:te'acher.(2QT35-H P...''. primary; The state party investigated. O Rocky Mbiinta.l.ri-.Csre ^ 'Hb'U8ekeiaplng:.Rodiy ro stwy. c'ontlhues below Utah8itate-.UnlyBr8i!|y •.:.H-inwi[.ii^^iiMM.**..-.cift V 'Chef I;/Lead .Baker blnlng'Saryjcea

Nac/dhHr OOP probefihd.s nd wrongdoingj.h 2nc| Eia.clricai Maintanance/ Tedi.nldan Po'.i-. bistrict .ch^os nibbhed Miy B;.2012 iO:28:.13PM Click HERE TO SEE ALL TOPJOBS Vourtovyn in brief:. Bjg park;, big laughs Rjbfehed li^x 7,2012 dB:52:b2PM Your lown in buief: Hit the' roed or the trail niblshed May 712012 09:4g:62PM mm TOPJOBS Fied8..sue .ceder Hills::mayor foraileged fraud nibbhed May 3.2012.11:32:5SAM -5i'ii'>-j->piiiKj

v.'-.•.'-Ki^^•l:«^..!J'3S! "I have no way to prove or disprove what waS'Said,"'Hahks said. 'The party c'oiildrit determine it either, so I don't feel bad." left many wondering who Hariks was. Cimj.j-'n'iii'W •thcf-Ht» For Hanks, who is.nt..prone to giving short answers, it's a complicated stew of careers, hobbies and 'Uove -i'firifl Ci-cwe iHf, airibitions spanning several states biit-usually leading'back to two pas.siqns:.sailing and painting. Jc'iftlan Vair&y VVc>'lf:'r Oc»i.».sft r/ahc. C:'r'iihi\.n-i .l-.iiw 'Office s' "T. wanted to b.e an artist," he said,.sittirig:in.ihe Eureka .Ci^ GQ.uncil Chambers; 'IBut I had seven kids, i-<;!'»»diii| .R.. .H>.<.iriy.j; Auurtu.;:'/ sit;.. and that killed my art career. TheJoke is.I screwed myself out of being" tii'lp.h' Eii*f:.i»!'ii»*5. He.has.a:sail.boat in Eureka and said tliat once his itiayoral (erm endsln 2Q13, hernjighthead out to the ocean.agf^in. Hanks said he.!s.going to be a pne-term.mayo.r because he's a-stript believer in term limits.

That suits Sharon.Brewer jiist fine. Stop Searchinq. START WATCHING!

Copyright 20121'ha Salt Lake Trliiuna, All '^hls r(>s.«rved. Thte rnterlal may n»t be puoilshud.. bi-oadcaat; row rittHn^o'r rwlb^iifautBd. 2/ .5/14/12 Mayor of Eureka: the.i:mari whd'blew'up.'UCah G^^ | The Salt LakeTribuhe


Reader-commehts bn ara'-the opinions ofthe writer, ndt'The'Salt Lake -Tribune. We wiirdele.te 'conimerits containing obscenities, personal attacks and Inappropriate or .olYensIvs retiiarks.-'Ragrantor-repeat violators will be. banned; lf.yo!u see an 6biectt'd^!d.ic^^^ red "Flag' llnk-below It. Sea mora about commflntB hara. Wh'at are th'oaia ba'doea.soma^ijsaira hava nextto thalr hamate?

'Uliii'. iuirfrio-iii'-i-j ••,^inl-^-.^llv•;•o

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O Raal-tbiiB tipdailn'g Is pauaad-. (Resume) Showing i-io Of 1.9 comments ^Soiirt by newest first' \m

wilLa O Kl Iriteresting to leam a little more about this man. I can count on'one4iand the.numbei^'or'people .|:geniji'nely'- 'dis-llke, and eyen'th.ough l.know ve.ry little about h.l.m.~Ml.l.t Hanks'Is^one of'those fiwa:.-

He didnt'run a campaigrir-S's a .volunteer I pro'bablyrWoriced mora.tha'n!hlm,,'ahd'l h'dries'Hydldhtsta'nd'mu'ch to'galn 'by mycandldate winning, but.'l know him to be a great man, so l'.wan'ted tohelp'ou t Instead I had-to llslein'to lyiit H'a'nk8.'disparaga hLm-pn stagOi vyin-drios.eflt.'shdUld haws tteen a;day.ihafQaye..plark'TO.uld' hbld':hl's.hea'd:hl^h.:and feei'l(kq:he.:had:'rah'-a'^bdd.campaign.a dTiilogu'e in.'thei 2nd cbngresslonaldis'trict. Uri'fbrtuna'tajy lhe.delegatiis.:b'elleved'the'W6rds--ofthis MayDr'that.n'do'rieiireairy knew..I dont blame -Ihe delegates. They were put In a difflcult situation where they-had to dedde^who was telllng.-ihe trvtii without sufficient eMdence.

MillHanfts proved one of the'flaws ofthe delega1e/iconvention-.s^tem'^nyidiolcan get on the'ballot and :go. up on stage-and say..wh.atavBr he wants and compreteiychange the'courserofcandidatais'that actually Worked to earn the nd'mlhatlori.

i'.iiinirs'ip.fio ! U^ia lite R'iitly

Brer Rabbit

Too bad Reip.Mathe'sbn. wentc'arpatba'g'ging to the 4th' CO. Ifhe had 6.ta'yed'.lh..the''2hd CD. He w6.uld. h'aye- had a much betterchance, after thls'llttle Gibp'flascoi Ma Love will be ahard'-candidab for Matheson:, a demo'crat'tp..'b.e!at.

1f! Il-iu.'a'.'ini'j .r.i^» 'Rcriis"'


Sure..wlsh'the headline was true. The Utah GOP needs tb be biqwn up.

?1 I'loiirRiigo -2 Itt^fi


IfTo'ur tired .of the parly.politics lhatbolh- parties .engage in, thenlookalthe other-candidates. -Neither party is .innocentwhen it coin.aa tp back' room dealings.

23iiourango 1 Lite Lite' R'opiy.


I donl ihih'k.lhe pains canioutdothe GOP bn th'eir'screyv ups though and we ell wltne's's.'-th'eir.elhlcs daily

www..sltrib.cprTVsltrib/politics/54098479-90/hanks-eureka-mayor-town:htmLcsp 31 5/11/12 Utah Local News - Salt; Lake City News, Spbrts;, Archive v This Salt. Lake Tribiine HXlrilbl 1 Ul

WhMcan:-M-helpybu4rid?-. r- '5fi;'.^

. .-.!?^I^Uyi;^^(iii:>^^^•' .l>jr}i1jy-i;i:ifi/!'; -:| 'TiiiK^v- -I-?-!'::.»¥: ftlfl V ^': Stliil S 'H.^>^.^Vl^^^^i!Sii^S^1 ''! lii ii v^V

News- Spoils Bl'o'cjs 'Opiiuoi'i Money Ufo'iitylo [:iHei-l'ainiii«i>t Obiliia'tids- .dobs- tldnvcs Car's -C'la'ssifi.cds •Shbp.pii.vcj. .Sv'il).3.c'i'|b'c.

Utah I Nation.•» World | Nalghborhood | Pollllca j J.uatlea. .| Polyaamy. j LDS Church | Ediicatli«i j. VMalha.K. hUtahaRlglitcMri | McEhtaa |. Ral|y | O.nllna Today

CHINESE?FP00 *temple mailer* PdtowFonriBr BY RCIBERT GBHRKE ANDTHOMMS BURR l^islative.aicle THE SALT LAKE TRBUKlE IS. says he was a PUBLISHED JUNE 14, 2010 g:03.PM mlddteiT^htprtHe Q This Is ah archived article that wias jxibllshis'd on sltrib.conn in 2010; and briiiiarit! poiitical Iriformation In the article; may be outdated. It Is provided orily fbr persoriial move. researdh.purposes and may not be reprinted.

A'(-H's|(*Tss)l!i A Wa^hiiigton'lobbyi^t 'who .had worlce'd for Sen. 'Bob .-Behrieft-.and's'uppoFted hi8-'re-dec'ti'onbid.-ap'pai:e'iil'iy''pU a'key.rbIe:ma.niailer.djB'signe'd^ o iike.:bpp6netit:Mike .I.'ibu'ne. Capital Campaigns paid Precision Strategies $4,734.25 for the job. The TVibun'e prev-io-usly had traced the bulk-mail permit numbeF-'tO;a Cle.veland--based company ,.Ho'tcard', which said it had^been hired by Karp and-Prccisioii Strategies tp send 'thje ad; Greg.Hopkins, Bennett's campaign manager, said'the campaign had nothing to do witli the temple mailer. "We didiit know anything iabout any ofthe independent stuff that was-going on," h'csaid. After Bennett was=eliminated at the convention, Stewarticontributied $$00 1529726.7 1/- 5/11/12 Utah LScal News - Salt Lake City News, Spdrtei, /^hlve - The .Salt'bike tribune to Tim BridgisVraler^ campaign and Saddle PACgave $;i.,ooo. The Bi'idgewater cahipaign wo'iild return the fundi! Stewart gave to the campaign. 'I'm shotik'ed.and appalled that someone supporting my oppon.ent-ls- cam'pa'ign woiild resort to sucli.thuggish, Cliicago-style t.BCtics,".Le'e. said... Theses tactics werie clearly intended to hurt.iiiy campaign and helpwy opponent's." .Lee said hewajsnot-suggestingthiat-the Bri.dgewiater^campaignknew about, -the mailer. I..e.e;said-h.i.s campaign is-expl'bring,.wheih.e.r''i't'wp.uld 'fil.e.,a complaint-with'the Fe'der.a.l.El.e:ction'/Q)'ssipn-. 'We thought the tcniple mailer was cbiiripletely di^usting," Bridgewate.r spdkeswoiiiah Tiflahy Gu'h'iiersoii'Siaid, iaii'd even iflt b'ehe'fited'us •miraculausly; itis^'not'-thefFight thing tb'..d6 ahd-wc d'bnt'want^ahy- part ofthat." She said for Lee'to be tiy'ingto tie .the Bri.dge.water'campa'ign i.n any way .lb the ad. '-l guess it just i/eflects the tjone their setting riglit 'nowi".she 'said: Karp declined lo comment Monday on thee-mails. Copperthite did.riot return a..messagc>

H If the ot|jective:of thb hiailct Was to ihake it l£i:bk like Lee .supporters were, O using .the religion slam-Bennett, it may .have worked. ST'poll by Brigham Young Universi'ty'lS'Centeivfor'fhe-'Study of ElectionS'.and Democracy showe.d that.-abo.ui a third of thosewho sawthe mailer .ini.tially believed it had .been sent by the Lee campaign andfound-it highly .offensive. Q Going into thc-convention, polls showed Lee as the f^oht-if uhner, but he Nl finished second behind Bridgewatcvi 'This .demonstraited Ihatwhen ordinary people.speak out, they do ha'vc .an impact,-even when the'pro'cessmay be closed to-.all but a few;'-'Stewart said.. "Who ca.n-.argue'.w.ith'.that'?" 'However, t-hose'bchind'the-mailer could'.ftce an:investigation:an'd potential', fines by t-he''F-EC-for-no't;'mndefo in-iluehce a'-federal election and for'failingto file as-'a-'poli'tical-action committee; .Paiil Ryan, ari attorh&y with the Washihgtoh-based Carnpaign.Lisgal Center^^ said'oup in'de'pieh'deiitly spending'mo're-ihah.$25.0 e'x-pre'ssly advocating for or -ugaitist a tederal candidate-ihii'st-file:-th'atexpendifirre with thc'FESC. Moi'cover, a group formed for'the'purpose bf-'advbcatihg fo'r'd- r against a:candidate must file as a political cominittee ifit raises or 'spends moire than'S'i.o'ob. Tale ot\\i6' teuiple .mailer' The 'ltemple mailer," sh'owihg Mike Lee's photo above 'an.Iiit)S'.t'e.mpl'e and. :Seii. Bob'Bennett's above the U.S. Capkol, hit an unknovim.riii' of 'GOP delieg!Btes''.niailbox.e's.:in''tIie..dia'y or'two befo're l'he''Utah..Republica'n Gonyentibh': The back of the'ad'li.n'gb,'telliing,v,ote^^ .|^nstitiiii'ti.q'n:v«!a's 'liangi.iigby a.t.hread!'a'nd'urgihg thenuto 'Velease.'Bienn'ett' wi th'a'vp,te'of .th anlcs^?'. A.:po's't.-cO'iiv.ent'io n ^ sa.w:it believed it had coihefroih the;Lee campaign.;Mofj!oyei:i Ihpsc who -sawijt found, the-u'se^'offcligibus'iihage'ry. and phrases'to ibe.higlily o'ffehsiye. Ali-.sides. denied'aiiy ih'vblvemeht, itn'd-the grioup th'at..orcli'estrat.ed'th'e'.a'd, Utah'.Defenders o'f-'Cohstitutional integrity, havciiot registei'e.d.with the Federal Election Co'rhmission. Lee, the firont-tunner going iht'o the co'riv-entid'nf, finished second behind Tim 'Bridgewatei*. Th'e two'-will face off in a primary a week from today.

'6 Copyright 20121he.Sialt Laka'Trlbune. All tighta reBerved:-ThiB.nBterlal.n«y published-, broadcast, rewrkiiBn or redisfirlbuted.

Woman ie 53 Biit Ldoica 24 i See Todawa Reflhanee Rate '.:!:'Ma'n '-^^iiigrty i^mmtvr^ .Mom^reveais simple>wrlnkle Refinance Rates Hit 2.5% (2.9% APR) \fie Added 126.'Roihts To His. Credit Score'ger'ed .FHA Cuts Refi -.-.-Uslh'g'-Thl's--IjESsy . Consum.arljFe:sty:| 'ifwi. Mo itg B'g'e Ra te s'Ex'pe.rts :-cb fn '':|'Up;fyourCredjtScore

.:1-v. l}v 'V'f!rvCi!Sf 15297267 21 5/1-1/12 Teniplegate: Chicago politics-spreads its .wings-to Utah?

EXHIBIT 02 •I ...'.'.<.. . V ^'^M • ti Z^ :^'sMZ^^^^^hi^im June 14, 2010 Templegate: Chicago politics spreads its wings—to Utah? By Wes Vembn 00 fs. As a phenomenon, politiGal dirty tricks should shocl< no one in the adult world. r-i Nonetheleiss, not every political precinct is in Chicago, iand there is less tolerance Wfes Verrio.h O fbr that way of attracting votes in some places than in others.

Kl Templegate?

Q This is the story of a last-minute snriear job that — so far appears to have worked.

j-^^ <^ i By way df background, every politically-aware person In the niation knows that riH'\'^^§l^nB^K I ^^^'^ three-term Senator Bob Bennett was denied re-nomination to his job. The llllllll^^^^^^^^ senator's candidacy was eliminated by his own party at its state GOP convention l\^ay 8. The end result was that his two rivals — Mike .Lee (an attorney and son of Reagan Solicitbr General Rex Lee) and Tim Bridj9^water (iari international financier and longtime business partner of George^: W. iSu;$h:'s brother Nblf)^ vi/ii| face off in: a state\Mde primary June 22;. The. vMnner of that contest is viewed: as haying a; strong edge in the predpnriinantly Republican state November 2.

Just prior to the convention, delegates received in the mail a flier picturing Mike Lee above the Sialt Lake (Mormon) Temple and Senator Bob Bennett above the Capitol building iri Wiashington. Below the pictures was the rhetorical question "Which candidate really has Utah values?"

Interestingly, most of the fliers went ohty to those delegafes favoring Lee's opponents or to those who were listed as uncohirtiitted — suggesting that if the Lee delegates had received thern, the carnpaign might have had more time to mount an etfective counter'^offensive^ b the cQnyentipri d^d its voting.

The backfire

What is for certain js that anyone in possession of the slightest: acquaintance with Utah peljtjcs and culture would instinctively know that dragging Mormonism's most widely-known, symbol into raw politics: is pure poiiticai poison for anyone who perpetrates it.

It is thus not credible that this monument to the hanvhanded was in; any way engineered by Lee or anyone associated with his campaign. But subsequent polling of the delegates shovyed the flier damaged Mr. Lee, just as the mailer had obviously intended.\/emon/100614 IA 5/11/12 Templegate: Chicago politics spreads its wihg&<^.Utah7 Prior to the convention, much ofthe speculation had Lee possibly garnering a super-majority (60%) of the delegate vote — in which case he \Aroiild: have avoided a rurioff primary. Ih the actual balloting, Lee led all contenders in the first round, and Senator Bennett was iBiiminated in the isecbhd. But then, ih the final showdcvm, It. was Tim BridgevMater who ended up with 57:28%: of the votes (just barely short of avoiding the primary runofO and Lee trafling with 4:2.72%, after supporters of Bennett backed Bridgewater on the third ballot.

Comment .Tii|ni:fH9.9''^i1»r'

So the upshot of Templegafe's political thuggery Is: that Lee goes into a prirnary seiason Adhere his backeris must spend time on defi^rise explaining: that their campaig had hdthing to do \A^th the flieri;

Senator Jirii DeMlnt;(RrSpiith Carolina) heads the group $enate (>o/i5eirva//ves, vvhich — as Its title suggests — works to eject those: R^epubllcan senators >Aiho shun the ''pale pastelis-' |a: term used by Ronald Reagan) of "mpderato'' (R|Nb) Republicanism. $oth Lee and. Brldgevi^ter cfa conservative, but DeMint is firmly in Lee's corner. On his organization's blog, Senafox DsMint sai^^^^ o the last-minute mailings, "Negative attacks occur in politics all the time, but this one was very d|rty.,.ancl very illegal" (bold type in original). Kl What Is to be done? Q There are reports that investjgatiOhs ofthe mailing are underway by the FEC (Fedisral Elections Cornmisslon) and the FBI. The latter, as usual^ib very dPsed-itio abocit either the substance or the. very existence of its ohgoihg InvestigatiPhs. The FEd also keeps details about ongoing investigations GPnfidentlali but VMII ackhov^ieidge the @)dstenpa of a prpbe if thp Inquiring party ca.h name eithpr the complainant or the target. Apparently^ the iriost pbyipus names are not attached to any ongoing FEC effort to expose the perpetrator. Aside frpm thatvfecieral investigators have thrown cold water on any notion that the case will be solved before the June 22 priman/. (Early voting has already started.)

The dirty tricks apparently are ongoing. The daifnpaigh reported that robo calls went.oUt to Republicah voters again this past week claiming that Lee had the support of freshman Congrps$rnan Jaspn Chaffetz. Not so, and this claim appears to be another attempt tp putLpp-on the:d^^ though — as with the flier — he appears to be blindsidexil by it..

Ryan McCoy ^ a high official in Lee's camp ^ told this column he would love to: have the backing of the very popular congressman, but that he knows Chaffetz^ for reasonsof protocol and: of practical politics observes the general unwritten wisdom that when you're, running for office yourself, you don't butt into someone: else's primary.

What Is known

Thomas Burr of the Sait Lsike Tnbum's Wiashington bureau has done some digging, and according to his blog, thisis what he has learned:

"[T]he answer of >Mio paid for fhe now infanious Temple mailer may lie in an Alexandria, Va., consulting firm that has worked for and donated to Democrats....

' thomasiBu^^^^^^^ "The mall permit used to ship the piece to deleggtps was Permit #1667 out of Cleveland, Ohio, \Miich according to the US. Postal Service belongs to Hotcards.cpmi listed at 1600 E. 23rd Street I Cleveland;"^ .2/- 5/11/12 Templegate: Chicago politics'spreads.its wings-to Utah?

A Hotcards rep who had the account told Burr the mailer was paid, for by one Jbrdah Karp of PrecisiiPn Strategies in Alexandria.

Repeated attenipts by Burr — and later by this column — to reach Precision Strategies were to no avail as of this witing. Burr finds that Karp — listed as a partner ^ has supported and contributed to Democrats.

Meanwhile Senator Bennett has endorsed Bridgewater to succeed him in Wiashington, citing the letter's business experience, a background not unjike that of the senator himself. Lee has VM)n the support of Stephen Covpyt respected Utah author Seven Habits of Highly EffectlvB ^Fe

Pros and cons

O Bridgewater, who rose from humble beginnings to the world of corporate oo finance, has bePh accused — by his opponent and others — of profiting from :S:jiii';' Bb.b Bennett- .O taxpayer money he has secured for his Ihterhatiohal clients (and his own ventures) through government programs. In fact, spme Republicans in the state see the Bennett endorsement as a minus for Bridgewater, given that, the senator lo$t out in part because of what-they see as his eagerness to facilitate public-private businessarrangements that leave the taxpayer holding o the bag^ Others think Bridgewater gains because Bennett is beljeved to .be more pppgiar among the state's GOP rank, and file than he was with the delegates.

In an Interview with the Provo Diaily Herald, the cahdidate responded that — as one example — he had helped a client of his Consultancy ''Specifically with access for getting some grants for development projects overseas" which he claimed Involved exports Pf about 200 mlllioh dPilars Pf equipiTlent and services "and I think that creates jobs here In this country, here In this economy in Provo...."

Bridgewater has left a residue of resentment among fellow Republicans in Utah County (Whose seat Is Provo about 40 miles south of Salt Lake City) because a few years ago he resigned his brief chairmanship of the county Republican Party during campaign season to join; a i 2-^person primary race for Congress (which he lost). He left behind in his county position a replacement whose stewardship Is blamed by some for the narrowgenerarelectioh defeat that year of the GOP nominee to Jim Matheson. The latter remains to this day the Phly Democrat In, the Utah CPngresslonal delegation.

Mike Lee is sometimes criticized — even among his supporters —as hot always an adequate speaker on the campaign trail (a surprise to this writer; who heard both men at VVashington meetings and thought they stated their respective cases well),

First-time candidate Lee also made a rnove that called into question his political judgment: At the state conyention he was allocated three minutes to imake his case as to why Ithe delegates should nominate him. Some delegates reportedly were taken aback when he Used much of His limited time to present a video Pf an endorsement by Senator DeMlnt.

The South Carolinian, is as solid as they come,; but those delesiates wanted tP Sen: Jirn. DeMlnt hear from the candidate, not from an out-of-state surrogate^ no matter how worthy.

Mr. Bridgewater has the fatter war chest—largely self-financed. However, cohtributiohs to :the Lpe Campaign are picking up — In part because of his background as a clerk fbr Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alitp (tv^ce), as Assistant U.S, Attorney in :3ait Lake City, and as General Counsel tP Governor

«nii^iv.renewanrierica.corn/colui1ins/vemon/100614 •3/i 5/11/12 Templegate: Chicago politics spreads its wlngs-tb: Utah.? Jon Huntsman, Jr., v^en Huntsman was in office.

Adding it all up As to Templegate, we don't know all the facts beyond y^at wa have outlined here^ What that with two candiclates attempting to Piit^cpnisei^atlve eiach pther; sprnephe or sprhe entity desperately wants i^ike Lee Put of that Senate :race> That shadowy p jaye^^^^ to comnnita crime and jail time-just to bring him down. There has to be a reason for that beyond ''politics as usual,"

Utah voters are entitled to some answers^ but they may notgptany before the primary next waek. FEC investigations take months, sometimes years.

© Wes Vernon

O T^e v/Pivs expressed by RehewAmericisi i^iailumnii^^ th^ir own and: W not ^ neces^rity reflect the position ot RenewAtherfce or iijs aiflllatesi ^ : , • ' •: '• ••• • ' •-• . • ^••'•':.••'"••-:1-':^ Zr-::::.: - '..v..:..:-..:...

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Our Pfofbssionals

^.pndD wmdw oo ihc cipaiiie and eyeoBiceofou i r pmfiiwonili 'Trim awie rfwiutetd i «tf tihe inanibc9 of die.ibBcdaD OfiuA-Giau^ • .Onc'Eimon '• ISmSinmirc • JimLuk • 'JoMthoa'Ldimn CO • IbaDnm

Q RihfcHaalft:lhipww«wit.Ad.of300tt AO of dtfie Bib becmeiaK

DnneahO! •cncd-fmn^SOibl^jXMS^aa tiie .dwc@initficiBCtptfo%RMfMoni bw:-'Em'(^^A>Bm;''i^ O 'DMC LMKU ii-ifae..fiMadecaDd.i He iheo oo^wndcdithegpRniaDCBt fdaMote .putocr of-lhe Aaamon tiipul-GmHp iUbr finit Tartf^-T^r'*'^. Ijifi wlKh-c^MHided-lto over yott « • li|B|b4iAa«iSeiHlr iid^^^^ become the Ameiiua €2i|ittol'Gfoii|L hn iinsB-2001.||iftaDd'aHViWHda-w7'

In lb dnent apaci^-Dine.OfBaoes • B& fB.voBBcai BoanBB.iiiB raNocjiuuBHaooB e

wUe tpniiHiii^ m'paBqp rti'lcBpJijwicmatt ^ M&.iB:EiiR|i!eBn-IiilclkctHa- biotechnolqgitdiMbai^ ibodi StMeUuvenitr p&tinaNKi^^

OdMU AworiMion, ihc Gdlicri.Mh biMiuii^ the tlwiniinrtidcJ^ltMwdi jfc'MMulkwwiiof TtmSnmart jtolBriHw SMiofi Brtwir, tiid:URAC; toon e • EapiBb^nwipflaiD

liaa-q^qBiKieB m'iam'ihak.afKKt ^ .Piior to idw iHMUWm Hiitjfi^ wiA aa;anpniiMiiiiwi^ coei|Df ariid laod. me%'add-^ i^pqiijg^Iijei M^oibf. Loder M Kii* (jK-TNl). Rmm 'iwsaiin.-DpiwiBi

iof 5 5/14/l24:i5;il^^ npfessionals - American Qifiilol Group isjimii

Tim abp served ibr aem Ton aa a tpp aide to ibnnerSeaaitor Robert Beanett-0(4/I%.a aorior

JoaaAoB deMfape Iqpriahve atnli^gptB'fer cBenii. ComouHBCk HB ovcfONf anwHl appcopBBtBot.iii oa'abnad aame of aauca.irfailimicaenjfc. theaobeoinBiiiicea an..Idlcnof aod Rdttcd AgoMfci^Baeigy aad Wtier. aaid'Agandtote aad 'awrqtiim He has aaMd.'at.l|b Ji^^|^ ' oa-Gipkd }13L.aBd.|Mondea adeep tioriiiel -BlSi lWitiqJ.ScaBKat.0tih-5laie'lfciwiaiiy- lie aerycd-aa Cdaaail .fioaiaoop to-2pOS'-'ibr.|U& SebalB:hbjMi9 ijeadBr:!l£m:pa^ JimlM where hii-feapaaia>fli9..«aB:iD devdopik^. pbiic».aBd;U|jiilaiiii«''a . Dtaawiata. Joaadioa wodBsd dncllf..viih

aoflwc hi|pdattoB.|haom^ht the ootaaaBMe paocen^ Nl aad vafa kaduAipiaiiid ooaaaitipe aiaff to CO indixhqg aoo'pnfit hoaphdik MhiMBKni iaaa%p hajihifir pairnAin a ta dtc'Seaate: He '.Uiiivuii^. and. BaoHdi USA befaiB.Coi^g)ffn-lMd waaHi laiiHiiy vaa aae-waac novae aaa o (he AdawdaHMM. He ina aMMC than B decade of hMibyimi e^peneMX( aadaeraed for ci^it.ycirB im.aud!.bilB.« the. Nl aOIB'.ni»-BiQi die Btaagif'E^Scy-Ac^ iad - He. aenied 'fiH)ai.l992to-19W:M • top aideia die ' Fioii8it,-HefdA Iryilitipn. Senate Ihfpiddjran' Viijjp ofijipe; aal.vaa. O L^gilatiwAwataat:-ibr.SiMator Ahn'Sanpatin '8Kip.'ib.lhc'SiH^ Nl ^•V[ry).-J|ini manfipd ihe SeaaftMfliik'MV lahy he.x|RNhBdiOB,aBli4pntt and Seaate'.floor.irapowaWlitwi^ and paMn^iiatBd Itoi ia l^piAlken Indeadi^ aintaDi He iibo ihiHawl iht jjeaatort iagdiatwe muam BS-Nnual'-Rcaoumi aad Bariaoanwat

tpecdnvBttr-CK tttcSeaanc He aho-aerad aa an aide to.fbaner RcfML'Vniliam EMcldnaoo JIX VbrtnolM iawSdnol QRnAL) and Dkk diicnqr i^WV). aiM^^ fiaidnoB nr ite Nahooai Ibspidificn-SenatorHl TemDamm..

Janttaea tad 0M.govcnaient rdbtiooe.caBn •t.dhe 7baiD«Mm'bs.nnMx«d.l6bbyiit«iih:dw!. Nadooal Aaaodaiioa of Oaaa-Bi^gSiaiea .Aaararaa Capaal GaciQpk-Hb-ibfBiMa-ofi whcie he jwryed aaVilBe Fkoident ofAdmil -Medfaue aad-MadMaidafanhHiaeaieat poiaj^ Gowonaient ASaia HBaHntgedlabbf - , kaldi <»-.a;fimn, hcaU^ taaihsjeB fer Albertaoa'a^ CVl^ haa^ Dng ^poliGi; aad adiflD biiiiniM SioflB\ RtiB-Aid) and-\W|pBaA.idiiay ib nwifcaiMii^ -ThaiVcSaatB aKhide thc'Ameiwan. Medcrn RutiGt Medaoid, andikboi; tiii and Onaopaifac Aaannitioa>.Medfcaid-HBalih Flani- IMde iiai«L' HB.bter acmd aa panncrand' AnBactbaqd .tbeiNaiiaiHil'Oaibibn of lati HsIdiisaiB Rravideia'to aane-a- tett Ifii.voifc- ^^Ud^'aiheeo-he hidt •[ lH||a ^oal^.pniEaee'foc vdfa- IlK'hBilftcaR iBjlwliy. haa'bcea .bbdi ai IBB . 'hcddi'ca^^fiofit^.jpad 'cflipC!.iaie'dif|iita .His gh.wm'inniitto.adtiiba.fe fioatB^ «u aho oo-diBBEaor of die Vhrfdqg^ DC hodlh r^uoBMC oidiHttyi: offin Ibe MWW Genvb a^^ .fer the.AaKBon Inn nd SHfi laalHulc Rior to'ipoHQgflfaef^n , ^lbin,indKdiai'Senaft HeaMi CUB Cound to dbe U& Hbi^bf

aad aa aa-adntor to1^*^rmrfiBiawH-Hiy|tani r Gam Heahh.Guc lUklUte. WUe oa MBA, lain iiitioBil BuaMtat Aiwmfin Uancno^r .paoirided fUNfance'cri - hBAfa-uauiMO^-eH^iio^^ lKW.Hi^'.liipal|.h^aW;?- I pdiq^. aflRxim hcdih Jfiml^ifl l iflliiflli

AddiiidBdl|ilViin:Bef«ed iscTbiBiaalaw


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Q '''• - liCbnuibuUoitk'.. nai.3ic / IModie, $227.4K r Nl

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Utah Wb'rid Nation Politick More News


iTtCT ¥CUR Hmt TUW.COM ' AKK»1ii^Al'.' FEG resolves 20io 'Temple uiailet' c^se Whal You Mrty lluvc'MiSjfcrl Fiecis depicted formet, future senato.FS iiiext to 0^pltQlyL£)S edifice ' Sihs of Ihe Eather;' Steven Powell's behavibr leaaUie' A ian)iiy'guldb'.to 2'01'2's siirnnier'mjMies. Nl SALT IJVKE CITV - The case of the "TerWple mailer" Su'inmary circulated'in the 2010 U.S. Senate race has been lri'.a negolialed iagrsemem on file. wIlh.lNB FEC, the.'group created Iq rQsolyed by the Federal Election Commission,. O distribute Ihe'coritioverslal mailer; rn:a negotia ted agreement on file vy:ith the FEC, the Nl ilie Utah 'D8fcndBrs-.ol Caraiiii;itiQnal Ihtegrtly.'was group created to distribute the contrdvei-si^lmailer, the as'sessejil a .S.1 ,'400,.iine-.artd ordered loflte disdosure reports. Utah Defeiiders of Con^titu'tidnal integrity,. Was assessed a $1,400 fme.and ordered to file disclosure reports.-: Related ..;-.«*.™;i&T3S?5'?^^r*i!:.|'-a The mailer, sent Qut just, days before the 2p.ip-60P state FEC deiiies Lea .super PAC proposal convention, pictured theh-Seri; Bob ikinhett next to the I We'ifemke it Dec. "1.'2011 U;S. Capitol and one of his opponents, now-Sen. .Kiiilce Lee, next to the Mormon^Salt Lakc^City. The front of ithe mailer also raised the question, "Which, candidate really has Utah values?" Oh the back} it urged We'll buy ybur.%r. even if Republican delegates tb.".i«lea:se Bennett with a vote of yotifJdon't bux:^milof ours. thanks and extend.tlic call to someonenew;-" 'Z '. Although, the mailer appeared to be. in support of Lee,, ^;|n;ipF|rl^ ariy ^thisr dealer who eventually won. the seaty a former. Bennett erfif^lpyee, Tim Stewart, was.'identifi»] 'asvbeirfg behind it. i Supporters of Lee filed the cbmplaiht with the FEC over the mailer that resultedi n the agreement signed in March and. recjently miade public. It was Stewart who :signed the agireement. with the FEC; The agreement stated he spent $3,500 of his own money toward the cdst of the mailer, ih excess.of the $i,QOo:threshold fo,r.repprting the expenditure.: Mos't'Popular

He was also eitc^ for failing tp register ^aiid fill )'iii.Uiali'- •Aciois Siic disciosure reports with the FEC and for hot ihcludirig -.Charges.di$miKse(i aoamsl Manttonkyishop..: contact infbrmation for the group.oh. the .mailer. Si.ns pr the'faihec; Sley^.PowBil'js beFi^vipn — Lisa Rilei/ Ruche TMttfer; i:lh(^iOspdlitics ObB;°o'nsa'nie-mx.rhaMalBe-draws.j Fathara.who fail'costiv torfamilies.. - 1 'lobn rertislrrM.hospilalized .from (hat...:. Cbx.a.ilorney'wanlS all.repprls'ln Siiwh,,. Z.^iiude'nls killed, 2 hurt in colVision'nfiar.'... Mother gels emotional seeing wyeurlslic.

httD://www.deseretnewS;Coin/iarticle/865554802/F 5/11/2012; zuiu 1 empie ixijEUiier case FjssoiveQ oy r ak. \ rage 1 Ulz

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2010 Temple mailer* case reisolved by FEC By Lisa RHey Rdcha .Apil27Ul.20i2.e'1:3Spfn RCWilley. IhlsaithlMdneMSinyis'Mlbblei^ seled by.addidOnaliiAiinaiOoa.l)ea^ nitta)nnKuiea.i!tpiibl.l(Miin PACKAGES O

Q ro


SALT LAKE CITY—.The case of. ttie 'Tenipl.e.:tna|lei* ci'rcu.lat8d in.the 20.16 Ki:S: Senate race, has-been resolved-by the Fed'eral Eleclion Comrhissioh. Post or read comments ln.:a:nj9gbtlated 'Bgreenten't on filewit h .the PEG, the.'gnbu'p'created to Related Storlds disjlributs di.e oontro«erslai fnaijer, 'th9 U.tah befsndeirs of Con.atHuttonal Fomier BlanneH stalfar tiiad lo Integrity, was assessed a:$i,46o fine and ordered to'file..disclosure reports. nsllglou's flier Th'e nnailef, .sent "but jusLdays before th'e..2010-'G.6P Mate, convention, p.ietu|:9d then-S^n-. Bob Bennett-next to the U.SL.'Capitpi'and one of'hjs oppotiepta., ppw-Sen.. Mlilce Lee,- Most Popular next to the Mormon temple in Salt Lake City. -Raad-'VMao Commaniad DaMrai.'NeiM.

The front of the ihaOer cilsb raised the..quei;tidn,."yyHl{^ cahdidate reiallyha s tJtah'valijesr Ohlheiback, it 1. The!iA'pirt..lhtiB'rasUnii';UM^ you'll haviiir'.-..- uiged Republican'delegates to "release. Bennjstt with a vote of ttienksand;extBn(l,.the.cairto;someQn. 9 .2..'A'i«-.y«iu.'mom s'lMiiigh?' A.

Supporters of L^ ffled'the complalht with the FEC ove'r the maller'that:re8uited Ih ttie Related: Latest Vldeoai agreement .signed In March and fsnnlly made Fornier Beflnett'sfafWr.ffstf ib'- .MriiiiyM'ffloiri.erioiiBhT'-.A public. re- The-'Bigreem.e'nt'staM' hc!.-speht'-$3,500 bf (nd)sir'(A8^4pp(BSfeiy-ib.atf Kb own money toward the tiost of, the/mailisr • in BemetltmBf^. pesr'slude'rils.'prdiduiBiB, p.erfonn,o|nrs" excess the $1,000 threshold for reporting the -PfwlaS M'iMiiiilM'a^ .iBi^wndltufB. TwMVShani'

He was aisd cifad fbrfsllihg to register and fill disclosure reports with .the FEC and fbr not including: contact SplUs expacted:ss ofllcers Informatton for. the g.roup on' the mailer. .IrsIA fb'r mbtireycle-squad Pbt'tMl Ntay iilli-- liaiSam' TwwAiimi'ni

httD:// 5/11/2012 zui.u 1 empie maiier case resoiyea oy rcvj | Ksi.cum r age z uiz

Lisa Riley Roche, Political Reporter Usa Riley Roihe-coverspoSUcs'rortha Deseret'Niows/KSL news dMslbn,JfawJ'ucir^ contehl'fy'rth'e.ifewsfSaiperi the-TV andradip station's, 'antf.te/ft d^sere'lnews^^ l(sl.ccim:rShiB':h'as been 'a. repo'iterfor-rrioiiB Man-25-years'. Fu//:6rbi« tlimp:C«ve\opens'.SaturdaY-. 'wKHtpi'proyieinjiiM^^^^ media.piaii.. ,P.Bstiid':MayJl'lli>:.18ii2ahi -TwMVSffara

.Q.SharB LiKi! Q''Mllar m.Pbi(a'raai -6 GfeoMiiiiii: - Empioyee'chaniedw^tti ' ar^'ii aflarhto.Kpii.Hi'. w^ 'ciit': .Poslad MJV llih.-7.:29alii.. Advertisement 'TmweUaiia'n:

-A'dveilliienw' lUtahns'welgh In'jon Ob'sms siippdh^ftiruinMex. nisnlsge- iShoddng-repofit-reiveals hovy. :PotlMi.Miy' lOdi • i:l.-aspm 'dhve're WItti ho':P!Lil8.-arB.'ellglble to -TiMMUSIia.iib- recejye SOK-Mf'cer llrisurance op Tlietrsveliagehts #1 'IftoK'tp. iExcluslyejtw'rt'yldeo'^veate 'gsiWoo'cailses up to 75> 'off,., =seomt''(^^^ to,'.lMrn''aiiy SO .'iairiguaiie-iii'Just'lb'di^sl O 'ST sr O

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Politics :SEARCH Fridav. May 11,20121 Lasi. Updated: 1219 pm Sail take City 62* Partly Cloudy | Traffic-

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O m TICKETS ON Temp'lp Mallai'''nyer iiialledioQl'prior'lo lhe'201.0 Utah Re'pij()licaii'GociMritlon.Ni«KuHrig.Mlke.Lm Bob Berihall Notorious ^temple mailer' case is SAtE NOW closed 'By-Matt'Canham j Tlia Salt Lake. Triliune FlrstPublished Apr 26.2qi2:04:.54 prii vLast Updated Apr.26 201211:35 pm WICKED Wiishlngtain.-a The fake group b'ehind .the sq-caiied templeniBiler that smeared'Mike. Lee iii.20i6'-wiil have to officially file with the Federal'Election'.Commis8ion and p^y a':'$i^oo'fine, butnoindividuaV CAPITOL THEATRE will getpjenalizedi negotiated agreemeiit CLICK HERE The'deai, i«ieased piiblidy thi8':indnth, ends a twq?yeaa:.-p'robc ihto.the lastriiiihiite pblitical -maiW.-t:hat' tied Lee to the LDSiChiiich aiid Sen. Bob Bennett to Washington. italso bffersiiiew detajls. ori the creatiini of the' Popular Stories the. people behiud.the 'shadowy .tJta'h'I)ef(mdbr8 of' Cbnstituti6nd'Ihtegrity,-Wiflch tbok'credit 1, .Rdlyh-WDmao^islunined liy'uheiipecied'atfioridhdiiass Photos .2. Tl/alijiKl niolhAii:';20 nia't^^ eharac^;; Th'e hit'piccc made it'seem like Lee was using the'-Mormon .3,- .Baal^'ca'itMm:.Gqr..BoUiufit:' fa.rth.a8 Q cudgel agsiinst B^ennetti-Wheait was,actualV produced hy- pc6plc-.Whb support^ Bennett. Polls i'ndicatied .'4.- .Naw'giilde 'advlHls'eyangalGali[-on how'to-Mk io Mor.. itrhurt Loe at the state convention, but-he:|}ur^ved.iBind. .& 'lilah Siala wn |liiel» start at boSomM MVIC.'firiaiic...' eventually won'the't^ectioniWhjleBennthtcainein third' Cllckiiiara Itf vtawwora and .wa8.eiiniinated. Reiated Stories Le'e has-steamed oyer the inailer.ever'since,.iwa'nting;to. Staylqg 'Cbnhected GOP pipbe irinds no wrongdoing in know who was behind the.pieoe'.-'But on Thiirsdayi.-he sBid 2nd District chaQs PuMlBhad May 6.2012 he accepted tlic. agreement'. '1 am-satislied'.the FBChas prapei'ly o(nidiicfed.'.their-duties ^ Jbin the Discussion and consider t.he matter dosed," he-said. SLCbailyDeai.coRi >>. Posi a Comment CMNni^i^Q^iaiiipaign aidej Dan HaiiB!er;wh(^^ SPRING FERTILIZER J^ljH^iQiooinplaint iti Jiirie i20ib;.had. k sfi^^^'KwTdW 8LC TREATMENT $20

htto://wWw.sltribxom/'sltrib/mlitiGs/53998360-90/M 5/11/2012 "ltis.d.isa'1 IciiKt lli^^HH|Bltiiji]ifi SU -niniplbtcl: Jn-clccnon^T^pKo^l^on^tl He.'s,:pefia^fflgHP"*P^' Pcra°" who ^Md:mie^«W the mailer. Stewart iwS^Bw^-I!?"!^^^*'^^ seven y!ears'.')HI@@l^^'wSi)^^^^ Beriti^t/wfao.. Red Butte GardaifO'tchid^Shipw Slid, he had no prior knowledge of the mailer, hinis rieceritly partnered with:'SteWart to creatie the Bennett Red Butte.GardBn^arid'Otay.-iiui ai9:0l)ani:^-'74 niofa) Consulting Group. viflM-eyeirK dalajls

He woi6 the. main, plajwr behind the mailer, ydiich.feature^^ Lee'ihiftont of The'(%un:!h:bf Jiesiis 'I .WieicMl Latter-day Saints temple'iii Salt Lake (Sty;.whiTe Behiiett'wais'picfured in-frohf of a.blad^ and .white .Ga^'TheaM (May llOi a|.l0»0ani'a.74 inore). U.S; Capitol, the mailer asked: "^Vhich cBndidate.really has .Utah's valties?" and on the reverse side 'vi(gw''eyenl'd8i!sjls. featured phr^sf^-stiecped with m^aning'for Mo(:pi;oiu,:^uch as-"yfaihans^(sic) value thjc CQiisti'tution. Dsral -Ba'rlMi'; .Eail LJbne8i^0enle Phillips' ft above all elsiSi biit we Imiaiyiit iumgs.:!:^ a thread:" "^•^ to«iy Siiiilh -iArMets Phnip^.O'dleiy'(Mw 11lli'rt'.1iMa'ihit-1'in^ view elferit'.detaib story'cOrtlinues below

J6k)s Edwards' tri.8l: PmsecutoFs detail money to mistress Q Publiahed Misy-IO, 2012.'12:4a:03RM cn Madrid Open:.Federer:rallles past .Raonic Uteh.TrainitAuthorlty Pbiiildiied litay'9,;%l'2-dB:U^^ Efb Data Analyst Utia ICLpokins For A.,: .Sliow ydur :da'ughterthe j}ath:.ydii' chose: .Valley Maiital Health iPiibllBhed Ntay'S, 2(fl2 pi:01:02AM Vaiiay MB^^ ilimlm See^ F/^. taniv O lsiF|L..hpte8;: Former, quartdite^^^ StevenB-henager Coilsge Leaf admite stealing pilliis. iFrea:GadClasse8.855^29d^'ld41 ... Published May s. 2012.07:31:b.1PM Bp ProdiicUpn Tmm LAidw.Grarider, vyV-Bp,.. 'Rocky'Mouiitalii .Wira.R6pe O .VMra FUipa Rim*^^ ymT]v»n.oum... .Shortly after the conventioui Stewart..defended thep'iece receiyed by 2,poo'del^tes but take credit.for'il,.'telling The.SaU Lake Tribune.: '^I:'sinceisiy wisli that I could take'crcdit.fbr' d.ilCKHEIiiS10 SEE AiJLTQPJOBS be.the iiiotst hnliiant ond possibly the biggest sinigle game-changiiig pcHiticai.pla^ Utah poiiticisin-th'e. Iasti20 yeaiis. But I can't. I am not'that diabolictil .br oeative.." Lce called the mailer ''thiiggi^rChicago-3tyle.ta(itics,'',an.d re^^ investigatipn s;in(^:the ffifOPJOBS gipup didn't .regi.sterordisclos!e..who funded iitsactivitira. The agreement, reached.March 22,:8^ys the Utah Diefenders of Gonstitutional lntcgrity;, represented by Stewart, violated thrce-lawa for not rcgistcriiig ps a political committesi not..filing a disdosiire report' S,hopplng 'and:not.incluy EmbassySuitGis-Hotel frf.end8 G(N)rge'.Mai:shallahd:Kandy-SiminQ before co'rit'racting..with a.Deitiocratic campaigii Cruise & travel Masters. •coiisultianttb c'reate'th;e ad,ahd.Piyision Stititc^'iK, a.mail hoiisie tb send'it out. LariyH Miller Fprd the liiiiversitytbf titah Predsion Strategies chanied a little more j^.700 for the temple mailer.. Steyyart paid $31500 and MarstAill paid $75. Tlie.agreeme»it:said an "unspeci.fied person" spent $50.:for a prepaid cdl phoiie to accept mils in response to the iiiailer. Cbntests andPrbmotiotis Next Page >

CopyrioM 2012 AU'rIams reserved Thb rhatetial.may riol be published, briaa'dca'sl, rmrmeh'dr. radisiributBd.

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Reader comments on sl' are^lhe'opinions- of (he-writer, not The 'Sall "Lake trlbune/VVIt wiH'deiefa commentB -conlalnlri'g 6b8oeniile8,;piBrs6n'al BUack8.end inappropriate or offensive remarks. Flagranl or repeat violalors will be

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Henry.DruihmQn'd Deals on the gr(>f)t .Rlanel=Play - Off6r 0> places to ieiit shop, available now. ri :And Bennett gets away with simply saying he'dM noi know, He's in business whh this same'.guy as' we speak. and play In .Salt: b^ice O He's ribt even trying lb condemn such tectics, What-a Joke; City. '1 week ego 1 Uke Lft'! Ficpty Ml idprek-mariowp sign yp nm sign up n o .vyowi m TKats 80in(ielhihg.a°-D.amdcrat Lis''eB. .2w!Beks.ago tLlke-


^Google' -Slnsleir SIIBB Mornion temple is bn this site .as sh.eyll bulkling.

'Z.weeks ago

paclflcsharp 0 IfS is on thi>' Internei it riiuA beilrue;

I wBei:.ago lnrep|y.toGI_iitefri J.Ukos-

Hipmamag-Opinionated, not of llie>foid, paid to complain

ITiis-is disgusting;' Is abiove corrupt behavior. If.'aaine LDS fblks'iaxpecl' lhiat Wii "prleiBthciitad"'Wlll save ,llw'cpnstiMlon'.(liiey:better' 'stait.lopkihg for a mdra'ethfc:al..-hbneat, les's.'enlitleid group'pTpeople lo'leed lhal effort'

iJ-weeksogo -5 Likes


lihope'therels'some scandal brewlng-agalnst-'Mike Lee-arid-we.-can.'elect a'new Senatqriin ;4.yeaniv.'ilSi'.j8 quite, possibly the toastefbcHve-senalor'ln congrei8S'righ'tnow.:resultlrig in'Utah.issues beiiig^ignorBd.'

?.«ktlak.tfli|C.< 8-|il>


Worae'lhan being Igriorad,'he's such a cracfcpdt-that no'one takes him senou8iy.when he dbes have something oogariMb s'ayH(I.C8n1 thlhk'of anlnaliahoa right hoi)v,.bul'tha liun shines even:.on's butt bnce.:iri. aiWhiiB)

2 wiMks-ago in-ieply. to'l'mieeiiidy a LikBs Like Reply'

.A'brbken ctack is; right lwlos'.'a. day.-.-:. Bul, who eafas,When thp 'Qlbik Is, laplaled-and Ighpred-by evdrydne.. 'Look; Utahnsneed to.under«'und.'how crappy.Lise'is.'as a.-.SeriiatbF.'.He-is. 1'OOK isolated': l^i*' .nsmew any legislation is the:k'is8;or'd'ea'lh and his stafT'ls ihcompelerlt and bareiy'have '20

httD://ww.sltribxom/sl1rib/ooliliGs/5399836G.-90/^^^ 5/11/2012 ragC'H .Ol J

years of collective expeiience In Washington'DC by. Ihe 25 or so people on'His-staff. Read: liBsa-than'1-year mparieiioe among aiihls-siaireirs because'Ihey .spent the firBL'4 morrthslsst year not doing'anything: Wkilching the appbu8e..he. feceivad ai stale convention was disgusting; Uttfihs-desOirva'trie irulh, Foolme'once..i

timekago In reply to U32 2Likes: l.'.ilia Rifply


And to think this guy Tim's brbiherjust had anoiftier dirty scandal break of his owri(.,Chris Stewart), it aU'sounds fisKJ^:

.3 weeks ago 4'.Likes' 1 petragalazi.0 I hala diily poBtidi. LOS shouM know beiter-'thet td'ehjaage In lhis sOH of tra'sh, but obvtouaiy igripre tno8e.S.unday School lessons:

2 •A-Qii!i'[> apo 4 Li!(>:» UKC. Refit/

aWWtfilWtW'OTWI itkBSS ^||'2';3:: jNEkr.;- O btog-oomnania.powand'iiy Disous

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Politics SEARCH Friday, May 11,20121 Last Updated; 12:19 pm Salt LBke Clly 62^ Partly Cloudy | Traffic

Newa Sports Blogs '.Qplnion Monay LlfestylB Ehtartalnmaril bbituariee Jbba- Homes. iCara -Ciasslflada; -SihOpping -Stibscrllie Utah I NaUon-'•'World | NalghbortMod | Pelllles | JiwHca j Polygamy .j LDS Chiireh j Educaildn .| Wtoaihar j UiahsRIgMxeiri j McEnlaa | 'Roily j'.Oiilliia Today

'Gel new!!, 'BportBandpofiticB a'lerts. SIGN U P 'Clkil<.'h8rB lb.inanage-ydur alerts Roily: Sen. Mike Lee backers cn embrace their fonner pariah H By paul roily | Trbune Cohjmnisi' O First Published Mar 27 2012 07:18 pm • Last Updated Mar 28.2012 02:9 pm ^nl .Ch'ria Stewart, .one of the.gvggle of Kepublicaris.ruhning fbr .the:opieh 2hd Cbiigressiobal Distiict seat, is r 'ST basing his campaign on an'ideolqgy -that'blends Mormon sensibilities and good govemraent. sr '.Herrecen'tly sent delates his,b!Qplc, Seiven Miracles That 'Saved Aiiicri'cS; whidi .wias eiidbra'ed ly- o oonscFvativiEi Mormon radio talk-show host Glenii Bebk. .That's'funny, and here'swhy. HI Chris'Stewavt is the brother df tjnvStewart, WashingtCKn; lobt^st-aiid longtime aide^to.ifbnner Sen. Bdb,^Benli'ett''Who' Photos iis'creditcd with mastennlndiiigfhe infamous TeihpIe Mailei^' during Bennett's rerelcctian.atteini>t two years-ago TICKETSON that Mike Lee eventually won. SALE NOW The iiiailer, from a group caiUing itself Utah Defendeis.of Constitutional-Integrityi pictured .Lee'in-fix}.ntof an LDS temple and Branett 'in.fivbt.of!thje'-U.S. Capitol. Below,;it « Jolh the Discussion asked, "Which candidate,nial]y has Utahyalues?'' » Post a Comment Thead hurt Lee at the convention'because'some delegates vvere'oSiai'ded at theiisc^qf thechurdi in ajwlitical-smebrj WICKED Now, Tim jStewart's brother, Chris, is playing-tiie;'religi6n raird''that':bis.brathjBr''hq fo ituike' CAPITOL THEATRE :Lee a.flBnaitic. And white the Uee.campaigirobh'sidei'ed Hiii Stewa'rt a paiia'h.fdir-vvhiit..he.did:at. .the time, the Leeand^Stewart campsnow seem.-'to be in^aync. CLICK HERE Qeck yvas~an..adainant Lie;e.supporter tyvo yCars ago. He. isian aclamant Stewart siipptorter now, At least t%yo. former campaign, workers for Mike Lee have jumped.bnto the Chris Stiswart l^nd^^ori. and twD:cif liCe's. federal em'plqyees ane.hialpiit|g bn theStcwart campaign. Popular Stories.

AlsOi during the. Rcpiiblicaii primaiy tv0 years-ago,.Lee.'attacked.his'opponent iTlm Bridgewater, 1. =Rally: Woman stiinhad by uriBiipeclMd act of. kliidnass becausiejiidgewiiter consulted for Raser, a cotni&ny thatreceived stimulus ixidn^. -2.. Ty 8 bad liiMBiK 20 meimbrabla GharadBn- ButGbriis Stewart.i8- the CEO of the Shiplcy Groupi Which consults government agencies on navigating :3.. 'Begjey oBrioqn:'

httD:'//www.sl1ribxom/sitrib/Doiitics/S3794889^9^^ 5/ii/20l:2 rage z urn

Sextjiigs get fpnner Caiiybn Country wori

.lited-Butle''gandeh Show: .Red Butte OardenandjMy'llih at B3jWama74.I So just what have. ih«y- been spiking that, tea with.lateV? .mora).' y'lQM>''evwi;:|i>e.lUls Et-tu, Brute? • When Liz Muniz asked Democratic Rep. Neal Hendrickson to nominate.her 'Fi^'Qed.'Cl.aBseB-S5S^^ NTi Bbypr Compaiiy The; 'Gon8lnJctlon'iRini!ieet''Manager-Large- Re:: sr town (ft.Counlry..Ba.nli y CopyriBhl'2ai2 TheSalt LoKe tritH4h'e.--A>l..righis.'reMr.vo^^ tdwn)a':'Cpi^itry'B^^ o 'ladifli'ibuied. KlmH.iiuliloF.AttiBmey.AtiLaw,:ft ^ B.rlgfiam;ybui)g' UnKersity .Located lri-.P,-.., ''


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PFeniier Mentoring Type your comment hisre. BfMW of Murray / BNlW of Pleasan... Upgrade Vour'Space's Randall R.. Heiner Attomey at t.. i Mount olivet Cemetery Real-IImB' updaling Is pBU8ed.-(ReBume) Richard Paul,Evans / the Road...

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CoachCiever' Cbntests~ahd Prothotiohs

MiloB Lee-.was.'exppsed.a'nd Utahn s i^ii sent tibriMb' V\tashiriglon,:Obaifna was'sK'pbsed and-st|ll''iri'ade"irta. Stop Scrolling. -Vfeshington. .Somethlng;!being "added to our water supplies ihai;'limh-'6raln'ftjnoiipnBll^^^^ Siop Seorchinq, ••. START WATCHING!-! -2 ivoo'ks ago '1 LiKo Ljk.«- Fte^ly.


I trust Mike Lee. i-em basing rny vote on people whtf B-:rapulatk)n and actjonaiine up with Lea-and Chaffetz . If Chria'Stewan is'that pe'raoh, tr^t'B where rliy vofis goes but I will not:be..u8ing'the:.Tribune'fbr eny factual informatton,. Trusting the.TritKine to.guard cpn8e'nratiye8''againsl the jjroverbiai.wdif in'ship's clo!thirig''is as ridiculbus as tnjding 'the kn to guard the hen twuse.

ht1i3://www.sltribxom/sltrib/Dolitics/53794889-90Aee<-stewa]t^c^ 5/1172^12 .3 ivaeks ago

Lyn Peterson i^JfJP

AnyOine.inat Gierwi BeUc supports, is rwt fbr me

1 mpnlh ago 1 Uke LiKe'. RefKy'


"The wbmeh,Bigning them in, howover,. triad to discourage thern frorn.'ceglBterkig. .She'toU Ihein. thet,. if'they

parent wouM^no kxigar ba abie-to claim them ea dependents on their iricomiB lax reluins. One shjdent was lold he.w'auid forfsit-his PeH -Grant:"

Whal an evil woman.

1 Ofiinlh Jl^ 2 l-JiOS-

'Iga'meplahner cn NnWh> Ten dbservations:/.!) RbHy-receiyed a;dagi9a in Poiiticai Science rwt Jounwl'lun, 2);Chri's Ste{wari'S:website' doesn't mentkmanylhlhg aboul raligipn, just "aeruibU'ities and"good.gpvernment:.'' 3).'GliMin Beck bMbrmon?. o vyAida.'!tlb way; Ihars gfaall Wa landed on the rnbe!ii;v 4)'.CHrl8. ha's^aibrottier name'dTlm'.that Rpl|y musf^nql. sr liiie.- 5).Rolly.likes the word p8riah'.6) Chrls hasianolher brother named-Ted. that 'op:wrotaia fsw'bpc^ with; Chris ihat Roily doesn'l'mentlon,'Rolly may iiot'.hava read the Stewart book8,.;bul-Chuelc Norrto haa. Ha .was. sr "irvspired." delegeleB-rnay imprasaadi. 8)..THe "winherB? from the Mike Leo co'mpaigri now'work with ChKB: lAftiaLoptkmsdU they have-in the'!9aggle7".9) Stimulus?.S1-,4 b!iilioh.i10) "ChrlB^ Is playing tha raiigipri- o card." Go back lo item\#i m 1 (ii;i»ti) stoc 3 Uiica 1 S'orenK You.know.-what. wpuki be 'reel jbumaiism.?.' For'Fto'iiy tb come .dean pn.the sources of his lumoHncinoerlne, The-people:haye.-a right-tb'.know.

1 inonlh,8go. .2 LIkas Like Rei^y.


As a huge Mike supporter, who was deeply oiTended by Tm 5towart'B:Bm.o8r campaign two yaare ago, there is rio way I could support his bUBiness parlnisr end oohort Chrfs- Stewafrt..- BeaidaB,. Chris makiBB a Kvtng.bff - getUng Obama atimulus moriay? That's nol the kind df conservatlve-.cpngra8sman I warit riBpraabnting' my femliy,

imofilhago. 2UkaB LKa -Roiily


AbBoliM!y'right.bec8use.wo all know.lhat tmther* 'shouM p!» held.'acopuntabliB.far e8ch;pttie!rs.Birls..

ImorMhapo Inreplv'ie''TribSkap|le I tike. Like. 'RetHy-



liiKinihajio n ieplvioTribGkepik: Uke Repty


'And'he sunfy'had.noOUng tp'do-with M«.tempto..ffiaAer 'smear qBmptign','anii':lo sugge^' othenrise'WOuUba'aixusing'aooagmssib^ of'ac/inw and wouM'sut^f the Gdnimeriterto'a starider'/tsivsM.'

Spoken like e«i-atIoirney:lhrp!ugh'and thrbugh: I hope'yoUVe.nbl-'blllirig anyorwfdr-wrRlrig'thew- meahderingi repeljb've posts. And. while .y'o(/re'el it, dp soma invjssl^iive. research of your' ownon'^peiicheck:"

f inonllLngo in iTiiiiy ta liviilrlWA 111 Lilte Rwr,-

I Sutiacittia bv amaS RS8 ;2.3' --'NEXt'-

httD://www.sItribxom/sltrib/oolities/537948:89-90/le^ S/l,1^0i2 EXH IB IT Rl

Weber seizes computers / Campaign vendor for Davis candidate inyestigated over einailBy Rpy .Burto.n:, ScQtt.Schwebke«tiin Gurrister Fri, 04/69/2010 - i0:43pni

WEST PQINT - A search warrant was served Friday evening and several computers were: seized from .the home-ot a^pampaigin vendor for Davis County sheriff is candidate Todd Richardson, isays Wetwr County Attorney :PeeS;niith.

The computers taken from the West Point hpitie:pf Randy Minson ^yJII likely .Iiifi turned oyer tib the Utah State Crime Lab.for examination .Monday as pan of a probe of election-related e-m.ail. Smith said,

"I'm not going to say anything about potential charges now," he said. "We seized a number of computers that be analyzed."

The potential victim in the case would be the person who was the subject of the questionable e-mail . Smith said^.but could ihclude recipients of the e-mail.

CO He. declined to Identify the subject of .fhe.e-rnai.l,

Q Minson did not return phone messages seeking comment Friday. sr ^ ^ Richardson, a Davis County sheriffs deputy, is running against Sblomon Oberg; a Bountiful polibe-lieutenant, for the Republican' ^ norhination for sheriff at today's, county convention. SI O 1^ Contacted Friday by the Standard- Examiner, Richardson said he >yas. unaware of the Avarrant being served on Milispn^, "That's nothing that i know of. That has nothing: to do with my campaign. I'm sure if Weber County had a sjearch warrant, they had: probable cause to be there:," Richardson .said.

"The only thing (Minson) does for me is some printing of my signs, and any other little odds and ends stuff that I want to have, printed, 1 go through him."

Toavbid any appearance ofa possible confHct of interest, Smith said, Davis County Attorney Tirpy Rawlihgs.askcdih.i$-pfflce about twp weeks agp tp investigate complaints regarding a questionable eleclion e-mail.

Smith said an investigator from his office is serving as lead detective.

Rawlings'said the Davis County Attorney's Officev including bureau chief Crsiiig Webb, is actiyiely assisting in thejinvestlgatipiii

"Any deci.sions:a.b6ut prosecution will be made by Weber, but.we're staying involved," Rawlings said.=

Smith said computers in other residences besides Minson's could be ilooked at ss' part of the ihvisstigatibn,.vvhich is continuing.

"It's impossible to say how many may have received the e-mail," he said.

Dberg said Friday night that the e-mail contained slanderous and untrue allegations^about: him but declined to elaborate. on the content or say who sent it out;

He contacted Rawlings, who was already aware of the e-mail .

"I've cooperated with- the investigation ,'- said Oberg, adding, he didn't have any details;a warrant executed at iMinsPn's home.

Oberg said he has tried to center his campaign on the issues and is concerned that a search of Minson's home pn the.eve. pf tpdiEty's cpnventipn will make it Ippk like he is. grandstanding.

"I'm cpncerned that what it!s gping to look like is a power play, and that is something I dpn't want tp happen.*'

Source.: Standard-Exaitiiner http://ww\^c^ iiivestigated-over- ^MiiiiuiJim ijivcsiigiiuuii Ui iiiucptsiiuciii. .puiiuciai uuiisuiiiUii cx;paii!u.s.iii i/avis vv-uuiy EXHIBIT R2

0 I lhjtif:


IS. i>,«y».: ::i/oH;; ,j(http./ftiia'irketpiu

O Criminal ijriyestigatioh of independenf p0litic#:^iiisiUf^ in sr Davis County o BySc6tt.Sct1Wfebitci/aut«brs?st6tt>'a'ci

Tua, 08/01/2010 -.StMam


• •.'iJ'iwL



The criminal inyisstigatlpn. into political.operative Brett Rait.dail.Minsiori's

On April .9, police ;Sazid four ooiiipijteire^ pclilical consultant Ibiig involved in both stater and couitty^level issues. the investigation has widened :b.eyond ft8.orlginai soqpe:or. the Davis C6unf/.jtopubli(^n'SheHff« n^ inciude'(Mher.reces^some.gping backiseveral .years; Investigators ere iooldng..intQ .e^ni!aji ninior mills thalindude aliegations of bpgus obmplaints.-tii the;8tate:Pb cars and'iinfbunded tales of banknipfcy, Retiring Dayls County Sheriff Bud .Cox said he was contacted by the. invesUgatjon: oyer anonymeusramplalhts .madi»:8bou t him.'loithe:Stati9 police academy., eisoiknown as POST, during his 2biD6 re-eiectlon campaign. The cbmplalhts alleged sexual.'m Cdxraid^iiimiiar to'slurs passed to. th^^^ Sbtomdn Obeig. Oberg.lpst his bid,at the April iO Davis iQounty Republtean Convention ifor the nomination toreplace Cox - .UKe :Qberg, Cox;strongly denied the smearsi "I understand it-swas 8ie»c In; something Jllce that;" Cdx.said ofttie allegation s agalhslhim; .John Pltt fihlshjeidlhlfdlat the! odhveri^ the:ra&:fbr the leglslative^seat being Rep: Sheryl Ajlehi RTBbuhtlfbl. Pitt was;tfid6rsed by^ 5/11/2012 Wiuiiiiai iuyc2»ugit.uuii ui iuucfjciiuciii puiiuum uuiisiiiuuii cxpaiius iii iJittvis v^uuiiiy rttgc. -A UI

Oberg Ic^t hls bid at thjB April 10.payl.s. County Republican Convention fbr th&npmination'tp riepljape .Gjonu

Like Oberg, CQX strongly deniedihe smears.

"I underetand it was sex Ih a patrol:car, something ,lll«s that,":Cdx said of the:aliegBtions'

John;Pitt finished ttilridiiatttfeconventk m in ttie .lice-fbr flie leglslafiVis seat being Vacated by RSp.vSheryl Alien, RTBountifui. Pitt was tiiid6rsed:l}yAllen . He is' wel.l:knqwn:'j^.a.fbrmer .twio- op.unci.lmanand isialso aibrmerpresktentpf tbe.b.avj8:0|upm

Pitt has'been contajct6id.a.s;part of the |nvestiga.t|bn.

'They fbund things there, 'things on his j[lMlnson'^| tomputerabout rne W vit deaKiWith a barikniiplcv i never'fiied."

:GbP-on-.Gi3P lattacks

The political attaeks^ppear tb be.Rep'ublican-on-Republlcahiby ttie'right^^ 6f ttie party,.'with one source using ttie phrase 'TalibaniR^publtearis.?.

No chcirg'es have been filed against MinMn,..who'hefs hbtretumed numerous;phdhe cialiis and other etternptis'lb seek iM^

The investlgath>n began .when Obierg, a Bounttfbl police lieutenant, reported Oi-rhall smears agialnst hihi to the Davis Couhty.Attbrheys Offloe. Hie was'bcHig 00 Todd Richardson, a DavisvCourity ;sheriiTs sergeant, fbr the. party's nomihatton to replace.!Coy. en ^ Obeig dedlned to divulge tile content of the.e-fhall since an investigation, is underway, "it wbiikl be Irresponsible (to dlsciiss It)," he'toM the Stahdard-Examiher. O IMvis County tiibved'the Investigaflon-to ttie V\teber Coiih^ /^mey's Office toaVbI d any eippearahce of .conHict bf interest, since proMcutbiris. work'ck)s^ ^ the8hei1ff'soffk». ^n ^ Minspn:;ls !representbd,byjajitbrney«:ftpm t^^^ Qhicagb-besed flmi df Sidiey and Aujstjn, a teamlheaded iby. Jay JiyJofgensenia-Brigham Vou Uijiversity alumni XJ and'Washihgtbn, D.G., partner.lh ttie firrh ttiat brice'einplbycid Pfe8ident.Barack Obiahria and his wif&,;iUli(jhelle. o :Skll^ .and.AU8tin has 1,700 laWyers In 17- offibi^ around flieiglobe. m Jorgenscin said his fInn Is repreabntinjjMlhsb n pro bono.. Thto case is veiy troubling tonne,"h e said. 'That's why we!re involved." Just a rumor?

He said hto Anpvyiedge pf ttie case Is largely from Minson, who claims he was. only passing ;on an e-mail rumor'he heard.

"If armed officers were sent to his home beoause he passed oh-aruninrrithey^areitbteiiy in vloto^^ Wrst'Amehdment Is hbt tosqijeto h ttiat... discussing ttiisheiir a Witti neighbib'ra,;to pasa-atong infiwrifiatt^^^^ a pbiltiral,vendetta.''

Jorgensen said cliehtSiipaying or pro bono, all receive the same 8.erylQe;froin the lawlfirm -^ a:Rartri9r and twip;pr j^ree eAspptotes^iTh^ ateo has';to employ .a lawyer who Is'a merriber of the t)!ar1n:'the.'8tate:of^ijil8dliaibh he said, in ttito ease ibrrtierjiidb. Gbuhtyf Attorney David UaVitt. Leaiiritt isllthe/bibther of IMike. Leavltt, former Utahigbverifibr and Ssbliid member In' iPresktent George :Vyi,BjJ8h,


DaviS'County Attorney tray iB'awlings disputed Jorgensen's claim ttiat ttie;:lnye8tigaflpnIsipbiittcaii y motivated.

''y^e do.our .HUgatipn in court, not th.rQugK the press." ha said. 'Ifa already been relayed to-Jay ttiat hto a88uitipti0h8.'afiB:wrDr$. f^o ifnattef Whp:ithe'defense, lattofhey .Is .ttiey: can't chartge the ia^

'X)ur bfficelSnd'ttie'VVeber GbOhty At^ dan go toe^tb^tbe witti jsnyone on how the law and the facts apply tb a:given P|E!.ae.

He dtohilssed Jprgensen's free

Ravylins dbferred furttier comment to.VVbbe r Courity Aticirney E)ee. Smitti, who8e.:ciiice;is handling the jnvestigatnn ^nd yvhb will decide. Wheflier any charges, are tobiBfiledi


The warrant, was signed by a.]udge yirtio fbund probable cause tostipport'tti e .warrant. Beyohd that llnfi not going .to try the case In ttiemedi a and wbnl com'meht any fiirttier"

•Sealed affkJavIt

Farrnington 2nd District Judge Jlohn R. IMpn^s signed the warrant and has since sealed itVand lto:abiBompanying affidavit.

.Jorgensen isaid htfs knovim Minson'for yearai.nnieetlng Him in Republican, pbiltiiisai clrcib8rarbun'(i.20^22 wheh^Jorgehsenrrari 'fbr Congress but.wWdbfbated-ih'' cbriventioh.

Jbrgiahsen said neither he nor hto client Will comment YUrttier at ttils.point : In .the. proceeidlngs::

http://www.sttod£ttd.het/tGoics/p^^^^ 5/11/12012 iiLiiimi iiivcsugauun ui iiiuepenuciii puiiiicai cunsuiutui expanus in ij/avis v^uuui^ rage J. UI IA.

"VUB are confident in Randy! Minson's: innbbence and would love todiiacus s ttiei88ue8«u.rrouhdlrtg!m^^ ^ to ttie court's .secrecy order, we dp. hot feel |t 'lappit! dja^ ttiat might tie]|iM.:ja^^M^^^^

:Mqrrl.s. in.addiUtKi to skiing Ull) warfHrft:ahd it8:<^^^

Jorgensen's oaoe at wwwillnkfld^^^^^^ a social netwprklng'webslte, stiates lie: hired :Min8on ln:2602.

"Randy is a top campaign consuitent in Utehv He has a deep undbrstendlng of .Utahls prinriary and generalielecHon process and years .of experijahce working witti all'of ttie key individuals," Jorgensen said bn hto Uhkedin-fMige endbraing' Mlnspn. "HOito. alsb .extremely creaNve anid hejrelrvraiWhgl'iHe/mMtiarf^^^ and disseminates a (campaign message. I wouM recemmendhi m toan y tepHnpt^ candidate:"

Lpng invpivement

Mlnspn hds Ipng.bieen invohradibi Davis Cpuhty Republican Party.pUlttin and'Hais w eri many .campiBlgnSi Mld.Allen, ttie)^^^ governor on ttjie..Denftoqratic..ttcl(eL Anjan.:8aid sha hj^s,neyer u8ed;Mln8ph'8.i8sry)9^

tayfon Mayor Steve CMffo met .witti:a,.VUiBber County dete^ sheriff.

"1 don't have'any ties to-Minsohottie r than supporting Sol," he saU..

^ Richardson is now effbcttvely. 8heriiri«iecl. since hp:bembcratfiled fbrttie oflioe. He ranuraiiippessfUil y agajnst'hls boss, Ccm, Iri 2p02:8nd 2008.:.

Q Sherifl^snpce

^ Cox said Minson was heavily involved witti .Richarjdsqn in boHi or .ttiose ca(Tipaign8,:and heisuspecte lMinson was behind spme.defB.nntQ.^ rumors; about.him.: »J "His name doesn

Minson helped witti canipaign irailers and genbraripglsflcs, RlGhardsbn saldi

"I'ye knpwn Randy a jpng Urne" Richardson'said, "It would kind of surprise me to ttiink he^vw^uid' dP arjything iike ttito.

"^y whote goal tot o be copperative wittt ttie.investigatb n and make sure they have, any inforinattPrt I !have;".he..said[

.Minson wasn't as.inyolved in his cuneht campaign as in'ttie paat, Richardaipn said, beeauiaebf work hewas doihgon'anblhericanripialjBn^ .i^ichardson was scheduled tora'taoe^to-fec b meetihg with an'investigator jh'.the Mihsph^pirbbe'May 12, buthaSril returried phoiie inlis'siaekir^ Comnient'Sih^ Uieitdafe. POST Deputy Director Kelly Sparfcs.4aid he had cpn.sidered running ttijs yearfbr Diavls Cburity .Sheriff, but deddedl'ttie timing'W8sh!t.r|{^ .knw^ of' Minsbri, but.dbesnTfficail ever talking to hirn.

Sparks said hi8.'decisk>nnbt toru n came after 6bn8uitetioh with ibmlly arid fNendSj: and hbt:jn.jiMCt|on'to.a else.

Contacted by the investjgattoh, Sjiarks said^he was told"ttiey (Minson's .canip) were.devising a way .tp keep'me from running, brtp defeat rne if i dki riin. they dkln!tgive me any more deteiithan ttiat 1 wbuM like to knbw at some time. I'm kind of dying tbiKnow niyseif!!^

inferniattpn gattiered so fer by ttte invest^attpn has cbnierbnly froiri Miri8bn! phbhe anditiirbiigh Iritarvlewa.

Date to stili tocom e from the tour icomputors and..ttie two. hard drives in Uie hands of tiie Utah State Crimeilab foriexaminatton.

Prosecutors have issued arsubiwena toMinsbh^ s cell phone prbvkter. They hope to r#Byer date ttiey tej^ search warrant was exieiMjted at .his home.

Thto topic to being dlscusaed at TheiWct»or C6iiiitfePiBiijini.thha':^


Topics t/taqadellc/chunk/3)

'• Grime (/teoics/cri'mel '* Politics -filtbDics/ooli'ticsl

A uthbfs (/tadadelic/.chunk/4]

httD:'//ww.s1andard;net/toDics/Dolitics/2Q10/05/29/crifflinair^^^ 5/11/52012 Consultant sues Buck, claims unpaid bills I The Salt Lake Tribune hUp://Mtww.sltrib.CQni/csp/c;rns/sities/sltrib/pag^^ EXHIBITS

Consultant sues Buek, claims un]

O O Politics • U.S. House candidate, ex->NFIisr sa^ (M By david montero O m The Salt Lakie Tribune sr Piiblished: April 11,2012 12:58PM sr Updated: April 11,2012 11i22PM o Jason Buck, a candidate for Utah's and Congressional rf District, is being sued for more than $19,500 by a local consulting firm thiat alleges the former BYU and NFLiootball player failed to pay for materials and services provided to his campaign.

The lawsiiit, filed April 9 in 3rd District Court, claims that Buck sought the firm's servicies ih Aiigust and had paid only $500 to date.. In couFtdocumehts, the Salt Lake City-based Letter 23 agency incltidied five invoiceis-- each totalUng $4,000 —;:Says:v^ ignored by Buck.

Christopher Jessop, the lawyer representing Letter :23 in the case, said he wouldn't comment on pending litigation. But Buck said the firm provided very little of what it promised, and he fired the company in December. He Paul F.raughton ||lephbto Jlaispn Buck, also said Letter 23 Manager Kelly Casaday was candidate for the 2rid bongressional Oistrid,.8ays iei working for another candidate in the race — Eureka lawsuit fllied against him issdirty: politiics. Mayor Milton Hanks— and that the lawsuit is an attempt to isabdtage the campaign.

'•We're 100,000 percent above board," Buck said. "Hel's pkyed eveiy dirty tridc he can."

Casaday said he's offered only free advice to Hanks, and wbh't provide any materials: until Haniks signs a contract and pays up frbiit. "We learned our lesson after working with Jason," Casaday said.

1 of 2 5/16/12 4:60 PM Consulti^it sues.G!U(ik, piaiiiis unpaid bills I the Salt Lake Tribune htt)};//Ww-w;sUrlbi(^:m^^

However,. aGcordin]^ to Federal Election Commission.rep'orts, :Ha!il<3 haS'taisedinQ money, speiit. iio. moiiisy and doesn't appear to-even have an operating website for his campaign.

Biuidk;said.^he diosei^L^tter 23 be^^^^ was impressed vid proniises wheh3ei :Wasi looldng for political pros to launch his bid. Biit by December^ he said^ "they'd only delivered about 10: percent :of what they promised us.'' He .said he went to other consultaiits to fihd otit if hiis campaign Y/as;gett^^^ seiyiG^.

"They said you've got to :get this straightened out right now and let them gp,'^ -Buck said. "They said for theiii'to only offer tiii^ muj&h, you've got to fire them."

Casaday said he's been doing .political consuUing fpr 20 years ,sa.i4.h6'4 niade goodrl^ith ^ffbiits td c611ect;^rom Buck,

^sr Accordingto the latest. FEC filings. Buck iraised $137,506 as rofApril'i, andhas $$i964 ca$h-Qn'hand.. ^ Buck is paii^bf a crowded field of Republicans seeking to nab the party nomination at the state Repiibiican ^ Conventibn bn April 21; [email protected]


© 2012: Tihe iSalt Lake Tribune

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