113Th Congress 269
UTAH 113th Congress 269 REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT ROB BISHOP, Republican, of Brigham City, UT; born in Kaysville, UT, July 13, 1951; education: B.A., political science, magna cum laude, University of Utah, 1974; professional: high school teacher; public service: Utah House of Representatives, 1979–94, Speaker of the House his last two years; elected, chair, Utah Republican Party, 1997 (served two terms); reli- gion: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; family: married to Jeralynn Hansen; children: Shule, Jarom, Zenock, Maren, and Jashon; committees: Armed Servcies; Natural Resources; Rules; elected to the 108th Congress on November 5, 2002; reelected to each succeeding Congress. Office Listings http://www.house.gov/robbishop 123 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 .................................... (202) 225–0453 Chief of Staff.—Scott Parker. FAX: 225–5857 Legislative Assistants: Fred Ferguson, Steve Petersen, Devin Wiser. Scheduler.—Jessica Sanford. 6 North Main Street, Brigham City, UT 84302 ........................................................... (435) 734–2270 FAX: 734–2290 324 25th Street, 1017 Federal Building, Ogden, UT 94401 ....................................... (801) 625–0107 Counties: BOX ELDER, CACHE, DAVIS (part), DAGGETT, DUCHESNE, MORGAN, RICH, SUMMIT, UINTAH, AND WEBER. Popu- lation (2010), 690,971. ZIP Codes: 82930, 83312, 83342, 84001–02, 84007, 84015, 84017–18, 84021, 84023–28, 84031, 84033, 84035–41, 84046, 84050–53, 84055–56, 84060–61, 84063–64, 84066–67, 84072–73, 84075–76, 84078,
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