Mr Darragh Cullinan S .E. Water Services (Operations) Wexford

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Mr Darragh Cullinan S .E. Water Services (Operations) Wexford I Environmental Protection Agency An Ghniomhoireocht mi Choomhnu Comhihnoii Mr Darragh Cullinan Headquariers, PO Box 3000 Johnstown Castle Estate S .E. Water Services (Operations) County Wexford, Ireland Wexford County Council Ceanncheathru, Bosca Poist 3000 Eastat Chaislean Bhaile Sheain Spawell Road Contae Loch Garman, Eire Wexford T t353 53 916 0600 County Wexford F. t353 53 916 0699 E: info@epa ie W: www.epaie LoCall. 1890 33 55 99 27 January 201 1 Re: Acknowledgement in accordance with Regulation X(c)(i) ofthe Waste Water Discharge (Licensing Regulations) 2007, as amencled. in respect of waste water discharge Certificate of Authorisation Applications in respect of the Agglomerations named Adamstown and Environs. Arthurstown and Environs. BaIlindaEgin and Environs, Ballycullane and Environs, Ballygoman and Environs, Ballyhack and Environs, Ballyhine and Environs, Ballvlioge and Environs, Ballywilliam and Environs. Boleyvogue and Environs, Bree and Environs, Carna and Environs, Castledocluell and En\;irons, Clohanion and Environs, Clongeen and Environs, Crossabeg and Environs, Davidstown and Environs, Glenbrien and Enviroiis, I<ilmyshall and Environs. I<iItealy and Environs, Lady's Island and Environs, Lough and Environs, Marshalstown and Environs, Moiiagear and En~irons,Murntown and Environs, Newbawn and Environs, Oilgate and Environs, St mgids Tei-race (Tellorought) and Environs. Dear Mr Cullinan I refer to the above referenced applications for waste water discharge certificates of authorisation which were recei\:ed by thc Agency on 3 1/08/2010 and to other information in respect of a iiumber of the applications received by the Agency in reply to its notifications in accordance with Regulation 25(c)(ii)). As the application documentation now complies with the requirements of Regulation 24 of the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007, as amended, I alii directed to acknowledge the following applications in accordance with Regulation 25(c)(i) of the Regulations: Adanistown and Environs Wexford County Council A0235-0 1 Arthurstown and Environs Wexford County Council A0243-01 Ballindaggin and Environs Wexford County Council A0259-01 Ballycullane and Environs Wexford County Couiicil A0240-10 Ba 1l ygoniaii and E nvii-ons WexSord County Council A0252-0 1 Ballyhack and Environs Wexford County Council A0242-0 1 Ball yhine and Environs Wexford County Council A0260-0 1 Ballylioge aned Environs Wexford County Couiicil A0256-0 1 Ballywilliam and Environs Wexford County Couiicil A0234-01 Boleyvogue and Environs Wexford County Council A0258-0 1 Bree and Environs Wexford County Couiicil A025 3-0 1 Carna and Environs Wexford County Council A0239-0 1 Castledockrell and Environs Wexford County Council A0262-01 Clohanioii and Eiivirons Wexford County Council A0254-0 1 Clongeeii and Environs Wexford County Council A0244-0 1 Crossabeg and Environs Wexford County Council A0268-01 Davidstown and Environs Wexford County Council A0264-0 1 Glenbrien and Environs Wexford County Council A026 1-0 1 Kilmyshall and Environs Wexford County Council A0271-01 Kiltealy and Environs Wexford County Council A0265-01 Lady's Island and En\~irons Wexford County Council A024 1-0 1 Lough and Environs Wexford County Council A0232-0 1 Marsha 1st own and Environs Wexford County Council A0266-0 Monagear and En\'irons ' WexfoI-cl County Council A0267-0 Mumtown and Environs Wexford County Council A0269-0 Newbawn and Environs Wexford County Couiici 1 A0233-0 0i I ga t e and Envi 1-ons Wexford County Council A0247-0 All the applicaLion documentation is made available for public inspection 011 our website ww w.epa .ie The Agency \vi11 issue its decision on the applications for certificates of authorisation in due CoLIrse. You1-s slllcel-ely, I En\ironmental Licensing Progranline .
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