Court File No. 34645 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA (ON APPEAL FROM THE COURT OF APPEAL FOR ONTARIO) B E T W E E N: BRUNO APPLIANCE AND FURNITURE, INC. Appellant (Respondent) - and - ROBERT HRYNIAK Respondent (Appellant) FACTUM OF THE APPELLANT BRUNO APPLIANCE AND FURNITURE, INC. Pursuant to Rule 42 of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada. HEYDARY HAMILTON PC GOWLING LAFLEUR HENDERSON LLP Barristers and Solicitors Barristers and Solicitors Toronto-Dominion Centre 160 Elgin Street, 66 Wellington Street West Suite 2600 Suite 4500, P.O. Box 150 Ottawa, Ontario Toronto, Ontario, M5K 1H1 K1P 1C3 Per: Javad Heydary Per: Henry S. Brown QC Tel: 416-972-9001 Tel: 613-233-1781 Fax: 416-972-9940 Fax: 613-563-9869 Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Counsel for the Appellant Agent for the Appellant McCARTHY TÈTRAULT LLP CAVANAGH WILLIAMS CONWAY BAXTER Barristers and Solicitors LLP Toronto-Dominion Bank Tower 1111 Prince of Wales Drive Suite 5300 Suite 401 Toronto, Ontario M5K 1E6 Ottawa, Ontario Per: Sarit E. Batner K2C 3T2 Per: Moya J. Graham Per: Colin S. Baxter Tel: 416-601-7756 Tel: 613-780-2016 Fax: 416-868-0673 Fax: 613-569-8668 Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Counsel for the Respondent Agent for the Respondent i TABLE OF CONTENTS APPELLANT’S FACTUM PAGE PART I OVERVIEW AND STATEMENT OF FACTS 1 A. Purpose and Policy 3 i. Motion for Summary Judgment – Rule 20 3 ii. Tort Law 4 B. Statement of Facts 5 i. Procedural History 5 ii.