Athletics – Board of Directors Meeting December 8-9, 2016

Athletics Canada Board of Directors Meeting December 8-9, 2016

ATTENDEES: Gordon Orlikow – Chair Bill MacMackin – Vice-Chair Sean Holman – Treasurer (by conference phone) Jillian Drouin – Female Athlete Director Inaki Gomez – Male Athlete Director (by conference phone) Tim Berrett Helen Manning Grant McDiarmaid Ann Peel Dave Thomas Rob Guy – Chief Executive Officer Michele Edmiston-Hurter – Recording Secretary

GUESTS: Kayla Cornale – Paralympic Talent ID & Development Lead Peter Eriksson – Head Coach / Chief Technical Officer Anne Merklinger – Chief Executive Officer, Own the Podium Carla Nicholls – Olympic Development Lead & Sport Partner Contact Sue Scherer – Sr. Program Officer, Sport Canada (by conference phone) Peter Davis – (by conference phone)

01. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. EDT by Gordon Orlikow.

02. Own the Podium – Anne Merklinger Anne Merklinger, CEO, OTP, provided a presentation of Athletics and Para-Athletics which included a review of funding and medal production. A review of HP elements was covered, changes to categorization and NextGen investment recommendations, NextGen assessment timelines and Coaching Enhancement assessment.

A copy of Anne’s power point presentation is included with these minutes as Appendix (i).

03. High Performance Report – Peter Eriksson Prior to the presentations, the Board congratulated the High Performance team on the results obtained in 2016.

Peter Eriksson provided a High Performance Report. Subjects addressed were Paralympic Development and Talent Plan; NextGen Plan & Programs; 2016 Performance Report; 2020 Tokyo Plan.

Kayla Cornale also presented on the Paralympic Development and Talent Plan. Carla Nicholls provided additional presentation on the NextGen Plan and Programs.

A copy of Peter’s power point presentation is included with these minutes as Appendix (ii).

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Athletics Canada – Board of Directors Meeting December 8-9, 2016

04. Peter Davis Report Peter Davis provided a report on High Performance and 2016 Rio. This report is attached as Appendix (iii).

In-camera session

05. AC Organizational Review Christine Searle provided a report on the results of the AC Organizational Review. Copies of all reports were provided in the Board Dropbox. Click here

In-camera session

MOTION 16.12.01 MOVED: Ann Peel SECONDED: Tim Berrett

Be it resolved to accept the reports from the AC Review Process. CARRIED

MOTION 16.12.02 MOVED: Helen Manning SECONDED: Grant McDiarmaid

Be it resolved to accept recommendations #1-6 as proposed by the AC Review Committee.


MOTION 16.12.03 MOVED: Bill MacMackin SECONDED: Ann Peel

Be it resolved to accept recommendation #7. CARRIED

06. Committee Discussion Rob Guy reviewed the Strategic Plan and indicated that regular communication required with branch parties, especially at the AGM, to discuss whether we align or not.

Hosting: current arrangements for setting strategy and awarding hosting bids are cumbersome and inefficient. Management proposes return to an operational committee, though with clearly defined accountabilities and processes.

Proposed Changes to Rules of Governance Vice-Chair: Discussion took place whether to name a Vice-Chair consistent with our By-laws. There is a succession element to this.

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Athletics Canada – Board of Directors Meeting December 8-9, 2016

MOTION 16.12.04 MOVED: Tim Berrett SECONDED: Dave Thomas Be it resolved to appoint a Vice-Chair, Board of Directors. CARRIED

The proposed changes to rules of governance were reviewed and discussed in preparation for voting at the SAGM on Friday, Dec. 9th.

Notice of motion to discuss at the July 2017 AGM: - Rule 126.04 National Team Committee composition - Article 2.4 - a proposal to increase fees by 50 cents was outlined

Rule 141 Rules Committee to deal with technical rules of the sport, the Governance Committee to deal with organizational governance.

Discussion took place re U18 competition in Kenya. National Team Committee recommendation included an option to investigate the feasibility of developing other competitive opportunities if an expanded team attending Commonwealth Youth was not possible (and also to provide opportunities for events not included in Commonwealth Youth).

(December 9, 2016 continued.)

07. Vice-chair of Board Motion 16.12.04 was approved on December 8, 2016 to appoint a vice-chair. One nomination was received from the floor. Bill MacMackin unanimously endorsed.

08. Board chart of duties Gord Orlikow reviewed a Board chart of duties and will prepare a chart for distribution, as a draft. (Draft subsequently prepared and attached to Board minutes.)

- IAAF  Congress every two years  World Championships  NACAC (Jillian) - IPC/CPC/Para – Helen Manning - COC (2 sessions) – Ann Peel - OTP/SC – chair and vice-chair (Gord Orlikow and Bill MacMackin) - CWG – Sean Holman/Tim Berrett - Legacy – Gord Orlikow until 2017 - Branch calls – Gord suggested that no requirement for a Board rep be on calls. Operational responsibility of management. - Ensure one Board member at Branch AGMs

09. NACAC Hosting – Helen Manning - Three bids received: Guelph, Moncton, U of T - CBC will do the production if in

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Athletics Canada – Board of Directors Meeting December 8-9, 2016

- NACAC strong for Toronto - Priority in our strategic plan to have events that are financially successful and successful from the point of view of building our sport and our brand - For three reasons, U of T determined the optimal choice

10. Commissioner’s Report – Hugh Fraser Hugh Fraser provided an update of the Commissioner’s role to date. - Code of Conduct file for a para athlete - Five carding appeals received - Hugh putting together an ‘appeal primer’ for athletes to help demystify the process - Providing an opportunity to receive suggestions etc. from athletes - Hugh to meet athletes in person when all athletes are together to explain the process

11. Athlete Representative Report – Jillian Drouin Jillian Drouin provided an update. - Athletes are more comfortable going to Jillian and Inaki with issues - Working on policies and procedures within the Athlete Council - Would like a press release as to who is on the Athlete Council - Discussion on how to improve AC website - Discussion on the makeup of the Athlete Council i.e. including para athletes - Points systems for para athletes an issue - Jillian and Inaki in process of negotiating an athlete agreement - The only issue is re separate commercial agreement - Complaint re national team coach - Re Nationals – issues around scheduling that require addressing, i.e. field events

12. Finance Report – Sean Holman - Six month report positive, forecast on track - Surplus at six months - Challenge is what is going to happen over last part of the year - Final payout on Jeff Adams file

ACF - Suggest explore possibility to give ACF to COC (COF) to manage ACF funds - Proposal to Board to do a review and make a recommendation. Helen Manning and Sean Holman to follow up with assistance of ACF representatives.

13. Ratification of Canadian Outdoor Records Tim proposed to table the motion until such time as a more updated list can be provided. Tim further proposed the establishment of an ad hoc committee (which he was willing to chair) that would be charged with updating (and researching in the case of age group records) performances that are the best known for various categories. The ad hoc committee would submit a list to the Board for ratification in relatively short order that can be approved by electronic vote (or at the next meeting of the board).

Tim proposed to investigate the feasibility of engaging the road running community via an initiative that has been developed in the (Run Britain). He suggested contacting the developers of the initiative to determine whether they might be interested in licensing the program to AC. A link to the

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Athletics Canada – Board of Directors Meeting December 8-9, 2016 initiative can be found at with an explanation of how it works found here. Rob was directed to have staff follow up.

14. Other Business Tim brought to the attention of the Board that (during the course of the meeting) Edmonton's Track Town Canada had been approved funding from Edmonton City Council to proceed with preparations for a bid to host the IAAF U-20 Championships in 2020. Tim disclosed an interest (as a volunteer board member) in the bid organization and urged the Board to develop a process for identifying AC's support for a Canadian bid should more than one local organizing group be interested in submitting a bid to the IAAF. Time is of the essence in this matter given that there is an April 2017 deadline for a letter of intent to bid to be submitted to the IAAF by a prospective LOC and signed by the member federation (AC).

After Tim’s departure (but before the Board meeting was adjourned) he sent (via text) to Gord two items to be raised under Other Business. The contents were forwarded by Gord to members of the Board via email with the note “No need to respond if you are comfortable with this approach.”

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