Velazquez Waters Woolsey Swett Towns Waxman that the Senate had passed a resolution Vento Watt Wyden Swift Traficant Whitten Visclosky Waxman Wynn Synar Tucker Williams on the following title: Volkmer Wilson Yates Tanner Unsoeld Wilson S. Res. 2. That the Secretary inform the Washington Wise Tauzin Vento Wise House of Representatives that a quorum of Tejeda Visclosky Woolsey the Senate is assembled and that the Senate NOT VOTING—6 Thornton Volkmer Wyden is ready to proceed to business. Berman Henry Strickland Thurman Washington Wynn Fish Sangmeister Whitten Torres Waters Yates The message also announced that the Torricelli Watt Senate had passed joint resolutions and So the motion to commit with in- concurrent resolutions of the following structions was not agreed to. NAYS—199 Allard Gradison Oxley titles, in which the concurrence of the The question being put, viva voce, House is requested: Will the House agree to said resolu- Archer Grams Packard Armey Grandy Parker S.J. Res. 1. Joint resolution to ensure that tion? Bacchus (FL) Greenwood Paxon the compensation and other emoluments at- The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. Bachus (AL) Gunderson Payne (VA) tached to the office of Secretary of the Baker (CA) Hall (TX) Petri MFUME, announced the yeas had it. Baker (LA) Hancock Pickett Treasury are those which were in effect on Mr. SOLOMON demanded that the Barrett (NE) Hansen Pombo January 1, 1989. vote be taken by the yeas and nays, Bartlett Hastert Porter S.J. Res. 2. Joint resolution to authorize which demand was supported by one- Barton Hefley Poshard the United States Secret Service to continue Bateman Herger Pryce (OH) fifth of the Members present, so the to furnish protection to the former Vice Bentley Hobson Quillen President or his spouse. yeas and nays were ordered. Bereuter Hoekstra Quinn S. Con. Res. 1. Concurrent resolution to The vote was taken by electronic de- Bilirakis Hoke Ramstad provide for the counting on January 6, 1993, Bliley Horn Ravenel vice. Blute Houghton Regula of the electoral votes for President and Vice Yeas ...... 221 Boehlert Huffington Ridge President of the United States. It was decided in the Nays ...... 199 Boehner Hunter Roberts S. Con. Res. 2. Concurrent resolution to ex- affirmative ...... Answered Bonilla Hutchinson Roemer tend the life of the Joint Congressional Com- present 1 Brewster Hutto Rogers mittee on Inaugural Ceremonies and the pro- Browder Hyde Rohrabacher visions of S. Con. Res. 103. Bunning Inglis Ros-Lehtinen S. Con. Res. 3. Concurrent resolution pro- T1.21 [Roll No. 7] Burton Inhofe Roth viding for a recess or adjournment of the YEAS—221 Buyer Istook Roukema Callahan Johnson (CT) Rowland Senate from January 6 or 7, 1993 to January Abercrombie Flake ! McKinney Calvert Johnson (SD) Royce 20, 1993, and an adjournment of the House Ackerman Foglietta McNulty Camp Johnson, Sam Sangmeister from January 6, 1993 to January 20, 1993. Andrews (ME) Ford (MI) Meehan Canady Kasich Santorum Andrews (NJ) Ford (TN) Meek Castle Kim Saxton MINORITY EMPLOYEES Andrews (TX) Frank (MA) Mfume T1.23 Clinger King Schaefer Applegate Frost Miller (CA) Coble Kingston Schiff Mr. MICHEL, by unanimous consent, Barcia Furse Mineta Collins (GA) Klug Sensenbrenner submitted the following resolution, Barlow Gejdenson Minge Combest Knollenberg Shaw Barrett (WI) Gephardt Mink which was considered and agreed to (H. Condit Kolbe Shays Becerra Gibbons Moakley Cox Kyl Shuster Res. 6): Beilenson Glickman Mollohan Cramer Laughlin Sisisky Resolved, That pursuant to the Legislative Berman Gonzalez Montgomery Crane Lazio Skaggs Bevill Gordon Moran Pay Act of 1929, as amended, the six minor- Crapo Leach Skeen Bilbray Green Murphy ity employees authorized therein shall be the Cunningham Levy Smith (MI) Bishop Gutierrez Murtha following named persons, effective January Deal Lewis (CA) Smith (NJ) Blackwell Hall (OH) Nadler 3, 1993, until otherwise ordered by the House, DeLay Lewis (FL) Smith (OR) Bonior Hamburg Natcher Diaz-Balart Lightfoot Smith (TX) to-wit: William R. Pitts, Jr., Walter P. Ken- Borski Hamilton Neal (MA) Dickey Linder Snowe nedy, Ronald W. Lasch, Jay Pierson, William Boucher Harman Neal (NC) Doolittle Lipinski Solomon Gavin and B. Robert Okun, each to receive Brooks Hastings Oberstar Dornan Livingston Spence Brown (CA) Hayes Obey gross compensation pursuant to the provi- Dreier Machtley Stearns Brown (FL) Hefner Olver sions of House Resolution 119, Ninety-fifth Duncan Manzullo Stenholm Brown (OH) Hilliard Ortiz Congress, as enacted into permanent law by Emerson Margolies- Stump Bryant Hinchey Owens section 115 of Public Law 95–94. English (OK) Mezvinsky Sundquist Byrne Hoagland Pallone Everett McCandless Talent Cantwell Hochbrueckner Panetta Ewing McCollum Taylor (MS) T1.24 AUTHORIZING A JOINT SESSION TO Cardin Holden Pastor Fawell McCrery Taylor (NC) COUNT THE ELECTORAL VOTES Carr Hoyer Payne (NJ) Fields (TX) McDade Thomas (CA) Chapman Inslee Pelosi Fowler McHugh Thomas (WY) The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. Clay Jacobs Penny Franks (CT) McInnis Torkildsen MFUME, laid before the House a privi- Clayton Jefferson Peterson (FL) Franks (NJ) McKeon Upton Clement Johnson (GA) Peterson (MN) leged message from the Senate, which Gallegly McMillan Valentine Clyburn Johnson, E. B. Pickle was read as follows (S. Con. Res. 1): Gallo Meyers Vucanovich Coleman Johnston Pomeroy Gekas Mica Walker Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- Collins (IL) Kanjorski Price (NC) Geren Michel Walsh resentatives concurring), That the two Houses Collins (MI) Kaptur Rahall Gilchrest Miller (FL) Weldon Conyers Kennedy Rangel of Congress shall meet in the Hall of the Gillmor Molinari Wolf Cooper Kennelly Reed House of Representatives on Wednesday, the Gilman Moorhead Young (AK) Coppersmith Kildee Reynolds 6th day of January 1993, at 1 o’clock post me- Gingrich Morella Young (FL) Costello Kleczka Richardson ridian, pursuant to the requirements of the Goodlatte Myers Zeliff Coyne Klink Rose Goodling Nussle Zimmer Constitution and laws relating to the elec- Danner Kopetski Rostenkowski Goss Orton tion of President and Vice President of the Darden Kreidler Roybal-Allard United States, and the President of the Sen- de la Garza LaFalce Rush ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—1 DeFazio Lambert Sabo ate shall be their Presiding Officer; that two DeLauro Lancaster Sanders Engel tellers shall be previously appointed by the President of the Senate on the part of the Dellums Lantos Sarpalius NOT VOTING—10 Derrick LaRocco Sawyer Senate and two by the Speaker on the part of Deutsch Lehman Schenk Baesler Hughes Strickland the House of Representatives, to whom shall Dicks Levin Schroeder Dunn Klein Velazquez be handed, as they are opened by the Presi- Fish Mann Dingell Lewis (GA) Schumer dent of the Senate, all the certificates and Dixon Lloyd Scott Henry Menendez Dooley Long Serrano papers purporting to be certificates of the Durbin Lowey Sharp So the resolution was agreed to. electoral votes, which certificates and papers Edwards (CA) Maloney Shepherd A motion to reconsider the vote shall be opened, presented, and acted upon in Edwards (TX) Manton Skelton whereby said resolution was agreed to the alphabetical order of the States, begin- English (AZ) Markey Slattery was, by unanimous consent, laid on the ning with the letter ‘‘A’’; and said tellers, Eshoo Martinez Slaughter table. having then read the same in the presence Espy Matsui Smith (IA) and hearing of the two Houses, shall make a Evans Mazzoli Spratt list of the votes as they shall appear from Fazio McCloskey Stark T1.22 MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Fields (LA) McCurdy Stokes the said certificates; and the votes having Filner McDermott Studds A message from the Senate by Mr. been ascertained and counted in the manner Fingerhut McHale Stupak Hallen, one of its clerks, announced and according to the rules by law provided,


the result of the same shall be delivered to When said concurrent resolution was Foglietta, Pennsylvania; Esteban Edward the President of the Senate, who shall there- considered and agreed to. Torres, ; George (Buddy) Darden, upon announce the state of the vote, which A motion to reconsider the vote Georgia; Nita M. Lowey, New York; Ray ´ announcement shall be deemed a sufficient whereby said concurrent resolution Thornton, Arkansas; Jose E. Serrano, New declaration of the persons, if any, elected York; Rosa L. DeLauro, Connecticut; James President and Vice President of the United was agreed to was, by unanimous con- P. Moran, Virginia; Douglas ‘‘Pete’’ Peter- States, and, together with a list of the votes, sent, laid on the table. son, Florida; John W. Olver, Massachusetts; be entered on the Journals of the two Ordered, That the Clerk notify the Ed Pastor, Arizona; Carrie Meek, Florida. Houses. Senate thereof. Committee on Armed Services: Les Aspin, When said concurrent resolution was Wisconsin, Chairman (when sworn); G.V. T1.27 DAILY HOUR OF MEETING (Sonny) Montgomery, Mississippi; Ronald V. considered and agreed to. Mr. MOAKLEY submitted the follow- Dellums, California; Patricia Schroeder, Col- A motion to reconsider the vote orado; Earl Hutto, Florida; Ike Skelton, Mis- whereby said concurrent resolution ing privileged resolution, which was souri; Dave McCurdy, Oklahoma; Marilyn was agreed to was, by unanimous con- considered and agreed to (H. Res. 7): Lloyd, Tennessee; Norman Sisisky, Virginia; sent, laid on the table. Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered, John M. Spratt, Jr., South Carolina; Frank Ordered, That the Clerk notify the the hour of meeting of the House shall be McCloskey, Indiana; Solomon P. Ortiz, Senate thereof. noon on Mondays and Tuesdays; 2 o’clock ; George J. Hochbrueckner, New York; post meridiem on Wednesdays; 11 o’clock Owen B. Pickett, Virginia; H. Martin Lan- T1.25 JOINT COMMITTEE FOR THE ante meridiem on all other days of the week caster, North Carolina; Lane Evans, Illinois; ARRANGEMENTS OF THE up to and including May 14, 1993; and that James H. Bilbray, Nevada; John S. Tanner, INAUGURATION from May 15, 1993, until the end of the first Tennessee; Glen Browder, Alabama; Gene session, the hour of daily meeting of the Taylor, Mississippi; Neil Abercrombie, Ha- The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. House shall be noon on Mondays and Tues- waii; Thomas H. Andrews, Maine; Chet Ed- MFUME, laid before the House a privi- days and 10 o’clock ante meridiem on all wards, Texas; Don Johnson, Georgia; Frank leged message from the Senate, which other days of the week. Tejeda, Texas; David Mann, Ohio; Bart Stu- was read as follows (S. Con. Res. 2): pak, Michigan; Martin T. Meehan, Massachu- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- T1.28 REPORT OF COMMITTEE TO NOTIFY setts; Robert A. Underwood, Guam; Jane resentatives concurring), That effective Janu- THE PRESIDENT Harman, California; Paul McHale, Pennsyl- ary 5, 1993, the joint committee created by S. vania; vacancy; vacancy; vacancy. Mr. GEPHARDT was recognized and Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Con. Res. 102 of the One Hundred Second said: Congress, to make the necessary arrange- Affairs: Henry B. Gonzalez, Texas, Chairman; ments for the inauguration, is hereby contin- ‘‘Mr. Speaker, your committee ap- Stephen L. Neal, North Carolina; John J. La- ued with the same power and authority. The pointed on the part of the House to join Falce, New York; Bruce F. Vento, Min- joint committee may accept gifts and dona- a like committee on the part of the nesota; Charles E. Schumer, New York; Bar- tions of goods and services to carry out its Senate to notify the President of the ney Frank, Massachusetts; Paul E. Kan- responsibilities. jorski, Pennsylvania; Joseph P. Kennedy II, United States that a quorum of each Massachusetts; Floyd H. Flake, New York; SEC. 2. That effective from January 5, 1993, House has been assembled and is ready the provisions of S. Con. Res. 103 of the One Kweisi Mfume, Maryland; Maxine Waters, Hundred Second Congress, to authorize the to receive any communication that he California; Larry LaRocco, Idaho; Bill Orton, rotunda of the United States Capitol to be may be pleased to make has performed Utah; Jim Bacchus, Florida; Herbert C. used in connection with the proceedings and that duty.’’. Klein, New Jersey; Carolyn B. Maloney, New ceremonies for the inauguration of the Presi- York; Peter Deutsch, Florida; Luis V. dent-elect and the Vice President-elect of T1.29 ELECTION TO COMMITTEES— Gutierrez, Illinois; Bobby L. Rush, Illinois; the United States, are hereby continued with MAJORITY Lucille Roybal-Allard, California; Thomas the same power and authority. Mr. HOYER submitted the following M. Barrett, Wisconsin; Elizabeth Furse, Or- When said concurrent resolution was egon; Nydia M. Velazquez, New York; Albert privileged resolution (H. Res. 8): R. Wynn, Maryland; Cleo Fields, Louisiana; considered and agreed to. Resolved, That the following named Mem- Melvin Watt, North Carolina; Maurice Hin- A motion to reconsider the vote bers, Resident Commissioner, and Delegates, chey, New York; vacancy; vacancy; vacancy. whereby said concurrent resolution be, and they are hereby, elected to the fol- Committee on the Budget: Leon E. Pa- was agreed to was, by unanimous con- lowing standing committees of the House of netta, California, Chairman; Richard A. Gep- sent, laid on the table. Representatives: hardt, Missouri; Dale E. Kildee, Michigan; Ordered, That the Clerk notify the Committee on Agriculture: E de la Garza, Anthony C. Beilenson, California; Martin Senate thereof. Texas, Chairman; George E. Brown, Jr., Cali- Olav Sabo, Minnesota; Howard L. Berman, fornia; Charles Rose, North Carolina; Glenn California; Robert E. Wise, Jr., West Vir- T1.26 ADJOURNMENT OF THE TWO HOUSES English, Oklahoma; Leon E. Panetta, Cali- ginia; John Bryant, Texas; John M. Spratt, The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. fornia; Dan Glickman, Kansas; Charles W. Jr., South Carolina; Charles W. Stenholm, Stenholm, Texas; Harold L. Volkmer, Mis- MFUME, laid before the House a privi- Texas; Barney Frank, Massachusetts; Jim souri; Timothy J. Penny, Minnesota; Tim Cooper, Tennessee; Louise McIntosh Slaugh- leged message from the Senate, which Johnson, South Dakota; Mike Espy, Mis- ter, New York; Mike Parker, Mississippi; was read as follows (S. Con. Res. 3): sissippi; Bill Sarpalius, Texas; Jill L. Long, William J. Coyne, Pennsylvania; Barbara B. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- Indiana; Gary A. Condit, California; Collin C. Kennelly, Connecticut; Michael A. Andrews, resentatives concurring), That when the Sen- Peterson, Minnesota; Calvin M. Dooley, Cali- Texas; Alan B. Mollohan, West Virginia; ate recesses or adjourns on Wednesday, Jan- fornia; Eva M. Clayton, North Carolina; Bart Gordon, Tennessee; David E. Price, uary 6, or Thursday January 7, 1993, pursuant David Minge, Minnesota; Earl F. Hilliard, North Carolina; Jerry F. Costello, Illinois; to a motion made by the Majority Leader or Alabama; Jay Inslee, Washington; Tom Bar- Harry Johnston, Florida; Patsy T. Mink, Ha- his designee, in accordance with the provi- low, Kentucky; Earl Pomeroy, North Da- waii; Bill Orton, Utah; Lucien E. Blackwell, sions of this resolution, it stand recessed or kota; Tim Holden, Pennsylvania; Cynthia Pennsylvania; Earl Pomeroy, North Dakota. adjourned until 3:00 o’clock p.m. on Wednes- McKinney, Georgia; Scotty Baesler, Ken- Committee on Education and Labor: Wil- day, January 20, 1993, and that when the tucky; Karen L. Thurman, Florida; Sanford liam D. Ford, Michigan, Chairman; William House of Representatives adjourns on Bishop, Georgia. (Bill) Clay, Missouri; George Miller, Califor- Wednesday, January 6, 1993, pursuant to a Committee on Appropriations: William H. nia; Austin J. Murphy, Pennsylvania; Dale E. motion made by the Majority Leader or his Natcher, Kentucky, Chairman; Jamie L. Kildee, Michigan; Pat Williams, Montana; designee, in accordance with the provisions Whitten, Mississippi; Neal Smith, Iowa; Sid- Matthew G. Martinez, California; Major R. of this resolution, it stand adjourned until ney R. Yates, Illinois; David R. Obey, Wis- Owens, New York; Thomas C. Sawyer, Ohio; 10:00 o’clock a.m. on Wednesday, January 20, consin; Louis Stokes, Ohio; Tom Bevill, Ala- Donald M. Payne, New Jersey; Jolene 1993, or until 12 o’clock noon on the second bama; John P. Murtha, Pennsylvania; Unsoeld, Washington; Patsy T. Mink, Ha- day after Members are notified to reassemble Charles Wilson, Texas; Norman D. Dicks, waii; Robert E. Andrews, New Jersey; Jack pursuant to section 2 of this concurrent reso- Washington; Martin Olav Sabo, Minnesota; Reed, Rhode Island; Tim Roemer, Indiana; lution. Julian C. Dixon, California; Vic Fazio, Cali- Eliot L. Engel, New York; Xavier Becerra, SEC. 2. The Majority Leader of the Senate fornia; W.G. (Bill) Hefner, North Carolina; California; Robert C. ‘‘Bobby’’ Scott, Vir- and the Speaker of the House, acting jointly Steny H. Hoyer, Maryland; Bob Carr, Michi- ginia; , Texas; Lynn Woolsey, after consultation with the Minority Leader gan; Richard J. Durbin, Illinois; Ronald D. California; Carlos Romero-Barcelo´ , Puerto of the Senate and the Minority Leader of the Coleman, Texas; Alan B. Mollohan, West Vir- Rico; Ron Klink, Pennsylvania; Karan House, shall notify the Members of the Sen- ginia; Jim Chapman, Texas; Marcy Kaptur, English, Arizona; Ted Strickland, Ohio; va- ate and the House, respectively, to reassem- Ohio; David E. Skaggs, Colorado; David E. cancy. ble whenever, in their opinion, the public in- Price, North Carolina; Nancy Pelosi, Califor- Committee on Energy and Commerce: John terest shall warrant it. nia; Peter J. Visclosky, Indiana; Thomas M. D. Dingell, Michigan, Chairman; Henry A.