Constituency Profiles:

Wirral South

Including wards*; , , , Eastham, and

*Based on 2004 ward boundaries

Produced by Performance and Business Intelligence Team | Public Health

October 2013 Key Issues

Wirral South Constituency is the second smallest with 72,285 residents. It has the largest number of people aged 65-74 years compared with other Wirral constituency areas, with 8,406 residents (26% of the population) Bromborough ward has the largest non-white British population and Heswall ward has the largest number of Asian/Asian British residents Life expectancy in Wirral South constituency is 80.5 years. The gap between the ward with the highest (Heswall) and the lowest (Bromborough) is 7.5 years One in eight (12%) children live in poverty in Wirral South constituency. In Bromborough ward one in four children live in poverty (22.8%) Children achieving level 4 or above at Key Stage 2 is above the Wirral average for all subjects. Children in Bromborough ward have low attainment at Key Stage 2 which is consistent across all subjects Wirral South has the lowest proportion (5%) of 16-18 year olds not in education, employment or training, (NEET) when compared with the rest of Wirral and other constituencies Wirral South has the lowest rate (53.8 per 10,000 children) of Looked after Children compared nationally and Wirral overall. However Bromborough ward has more than half of the number of Looked after Children in the constituency with a rate of 64.8 per 10,000 children. This is higher than the constituency average and average Heswall ward has the highest rate of under 18 teenage conceptions with a rate of 34.9 per 1000 girls, more than the constituency average with a rate of 23.9 per 1000 girls, but below the Wirral average More than half (64%) of all women in the constituency breastfeed in the first 48 hours after birth, higher than the Wirral average All wards (when rounded to the nearest whole number) have achieved the target uptake of primary childhood immunisations Immunisation uptake for Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) in Bromborough and Eastham ward is below the target uptake of 95% needed to prevent outbreaks Obesity in children aged 4/5 years in Eastham ward is 12%, this is higher than the constituency and Wirral average. In addition the proportion of children who are overweight is higher than the Wirral average and compared to the other three constituencies Almost a fifth (19%) of children aged 10/11 years are classified as obese, comparable with the Wirral average. Bebington and Eastham ward have almost a quarter (24%) of children classified as obese Wirral South constituency has the highest proportion (15%) either killed or seriously injured. Heswall ward has the highest proportion either killed or seriously injured on its roads (one in every four casualties). This is also the highest compared with the rest of Wirral Bromborough ward has the highest rate of hospital admission for falls in people aged over 65 years One in every three people aged over 65 years live alone in Wirral South constituency, this is the lowest of the four constituency areas Wirral South constituency has the lowest proportion (8.7%) of residents claiming housing benefit. This is also true for council tax benefit claimants (12%) The proportion of residents in Wirral South constituency claiming Job Seekers Allowance is less than half the Wirral average (2.2%) The claimant rate for Employment Support Allowance (ESA) for Wirral South constituency is lowest when compared with other constituencies and Wirral. The most common reason for ESA is mental health reasons (which include depression) and Bebington ward has the highest claimants with a rate of 24.6 per 1,000 population. Death rates (Standardised Mortality Ratio (SMR) for all causes of mortality) in Bromborough ward is 130 thus meaning 30% more deaths have been observed, compared with the national average. Heswall and Eastham ward death rates is below the national average with a SMR of 78, and this is also lower than the Wirral average The Standardised Mortality Ratio (SMR) for deaths caused specifically by alcohol in Wirral South constituency is a third higher than the national average SMR 130, but is lower than the Wirral average. Bromborough ward is more than double the national average with a SMR of 232


Wirral Council is pleased to present the 2013 Constituency Profiles.

This document is intended to be a reference guide to the most recent information on the population and health and wellbeing status of the people living in Wirral. It has been designed to support the constituencies through engagement with key stakeholders and elected members which will enable teams to identify key priorities.

This is the first edition of the Constituency profiles to demonstrate the types of information that can be provided at a local level with the intention to present future data to array of different audiences using interactive maps, tables and charts that will be available on-line.

The information is presented as a list of tables and charts, each presented with notes, definitions and data sources. The Constituency Profiles can be freely shared as and when required, but it is recommended that reference be made to the notes and definitions when using the information.

There is also a website if you need more in-depth local health information, as it contains the JSNA for Wirral. Please see over the page for more details on our JSNA.

This document was produced by Performance & Public Health Intelligence Team

Overview of Wirral

Wirral is a borough of contrast, both in its physical characteristics and demographics. Rural areas and urban and industrialised areas sit side by side in a compact peninsula of 60 square miles with around 30 miles of coastline. There is a lower proportion of younger adults in their twenties and thirties and a higher proportion of older people in Wirral compared to England and The 65+ age group is expected to increase at a faster rate than any other age group over the next two decades. Between 2006 and 2031 it is estimated that this population group will have increased by 45% in Wirral The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2010, ranked Wirral as being in the most deprived 20% of local authorities nationally. The map (left) shows this differential in deprivation between the east and west of Wirral visually. The inequality in disability-free life expectancy for example, is the largest in England and stood at 20 years for men and 17 years for women (Marmot Indicators, 2012

List of figures

Figure 1: Estimated Resident Population by Age Group, Wirral South Constituency, Mid-2011

Figure 2: Ethnicity by ward (broad ethnic groupings); Wirral South Constituency, 2011

Figure 3: Life Expectancy at Birth, With 95% Limits Confidence Limits: Wirral South Constituency, 2007-11 (5 years pooled)

Figure 4: Child Poverty: Wirral South Constituency, 2011

Figure 5: Educational Attainment at Key Stage 2: Wirral South Constituency, 2013

Figure 6: Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET): Wirral South Constituency, January to December 2012

Figure 7: Looked After Children: Wirral South Constituency, March 2012

Figure 8: Low Birthweight babies: Wirral South Constituency 2008-10 (3 years pooled)

Figure 9: Under 18 Conceptions: Wirral South Constituency, 2011

Figure 10: Births to Lone Mothers: Wirral South Constituency, 2008-10 (3 years pooled)

Figure 11: Percentage Smoking in Pregnancy: Wirral South Constituency, 2010/11 to 2011/12

Figure 12: Breast Feeding Initiation: Wirral South Constituency, 2010/11 to 2011/12

Figure 13: Immunisation Uptake in 1 Year Old Children: Wirral South Constituency, 2011/12

Figure 14: Immunisation Uptake 2 Year Old Children: Wirral South Constituency, 2011/12

Figure 15: Obesity in Children aged 5 Years: Wirral South Constituency, 2012/13

Figure 16: Obesity in Children aged 10 Years: Wirral South Constituency, 2012/13

Figure 17: Smoking Quit Rates (percentages): Wirral South Constituency, 2008/09 to 2012/13

Figure 18: Road Collision Causalities: Wirral South Constituency, 2010-12 (3 years pooled)

Figure 19: Hospital Admission Rates for Falls in People aged 65 Years and over: Wirral South Constituency, 2009/10 to 2011/12

Figure 20: People Living Alone Aged 65+: Wirral South Constituency 2011

Figure 21: Proportion of Housing Benefit Claimants: Wirral South Constituency, 2013

Figure 22: Proportion of Council Tax Benefit Claimants: Wirral South Constituency, 2013

Figure 23: Monthly Job Seekers Allowance Claimants, Numbers and Rates by Gender: Wirral South Constituency, March 2013

Figure 24: Rate of Employment & Support Allowance Claimants by specific health conditions: Wirral South Constituency, November 2012

Figure 25: Standardised Mortality Ratios for All Causes: Wirral South Constituency, 2009-11 (3 years pooled)

Figure 26: Wholly Attributable Alcohol Related Mortality: Wirral South Constituency, 2007-11 (5 years pooled)

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List of Tables

Table 1: Estimated Resident Population by Age Group, Wirral South Constituency, Mid-2011

Table 2: Ethnicity by ward (broad ethnic groupings); Wirral South Constituency, 2011

Table 3: Life Expectancy at Birth, With 95% Limits Confidence Limits: Wirral South Constituency, 2007-11 (5 years pooled)

Table 4: Child Poverty: Wirral South Constituency, 2011

Table 5: Educational Attainment at Key Stage 2: Wirral South Constituency, 2013

Table 6: Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET): Wirral South Constituency, January to December 2012

Table 7: Looked After Children: Wirral South Constituency, March 2012

Table 8: Low Birthweight babies: Wirral South Constituency 2008-10 (3 years pooled)

Table 9: Under 18 Conceptions: Wirral South Constituency, 2011

Table 10: Births to Lone Mothers: Wirral South Constituency, 2008-10 (3 years pooled)

Table 11: Percentage Smoking in Pregnancy: Wirral South Constituency, 2010/11 to 2011/12

Table 12: Breast Feeding Initiation: Wirral South Constituency, 2010/11 to 2011/12

Table 13: Immunisation Uptake in 1 Year Old Children: Wirral South Constituency, 2011/12

Table 14: Immunisation Uptake 2 Year Old Children: Wirral South Constituency, 2011/12

Table 15: Obesity in Children aged 5 Years: Wirral South Constituency, 2012/13

Table 16: Obesity in Children aged 10 Years: Wirral South Constituency, 2012/13

Table 17: Smoking Quit Rates (percentages): Wirral South Constituency, 2008/09 to 2012/13

Table 18: Road Collision Causalities: Wirral South Constituency, 2010-12 (3 years pooled)

Table 19: Hospital Admission Rates for Falls in People aged 65 Years and over: Wirral South Constituency, 2009/10 to 2011/12

Table 20: People Living Alone Aged 65+: Wirral South Constituency 2011

Table 21: Wirral Carers: Wirral South Constituency, 2013

Table 22: Proportion of Housing Benefit Claimants: Wirral South Constituency, 2013

Table 23: Proportion of Council Tax Benefit Claimants: Wirral South Constituency, 2013

Table 24: Monthly Job Seekers Allowance Claimants, Numbers and Rates by Gender: Wirral South Constituency, March 2013

Table 25: Rate of Employment & Support Allowance Claimants by specific health conditions: Wirral South Constituency, November 2012

Table 26: Standardised Mortality Ratios for All Causes: Wirral South Constituency, 2009-11 (3 years pooled)

Table 27: Wholly Attributable Alcohol Related Mortality: Wirral South Constituency, 2007-11 (5 years pooled)

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Figure 1: Estimated Resident Population by Age Group: Wirral South Constituency, Mid-2011





3000 Population Population 2000


0 Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Bromborough Under 15 2,776 2,134 2,275 1,983 2,607 15-44 5,493 4,378 4,765 3,494 5,762 45-64 4,326 4,328 3,814 4,048 3,940 65-74 1,588 1,969 1,625 1,892 1,332 75+ 1,583 1,597 1,397 1,956 1,223

The figure and the chart show resident population based on the census 2011.Wirral South is the second smallest constituency and Bebington ward has the largest population count with 15,766 residents. It also has the largest proportion of residents under 15 years (2,776). Heswall has the highest population for those over 75 years with 1,956 residents.

Table 1: Estimated Resident Population by Age Group: Wirral South Constituency, Mid-2011

Ward of Residence (2004 boundaries) Total Population Under 15 15-44 45-64 65-74 75+ Bebington 15,766 2,776 5,493 4,326 1,588 1,583 Clatterbridge 14,406 2,134 4,378 4,328 1,969 1,597 Eastham 13,876 2,275 4,765 3,814 1,625 1,397 Heswall 13,373 1,983 3,494 4,048 1,892 1,956 Bromborough 14,864 2,607 5,762 3,940 1,332 1,223 Wirral South Constituency 72,285 11,775 23,892 20,456 8,406 7,756 Constituency 88,951 16,695 35,170 23,058 7,636 6,392 Constituency 89,483 15,818 33,793 24,612 7,939 7,321 Wirral West Constituency 69,118 10,901 21,725 20,515 7,612 8,365 Wirral 319,837 55,189 114,580 88,641 31,593 29,834

Notes and Definitions

1. The above table shows the estimated resident population at mid-year 2011 for the 2004 boundaries. 2. These estimates are derived from mid-2004 Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) population estimates by quinary age and sex. The estimates from LSOA populations we re-distributed using the 2001 census ward boundaries. 3. These estimated figures are not guaranteed to be accurate at this level of detail.

Source: Office for National Statistics © Crown Copyright

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Figure 2: Ethnicity by ward (broad ethnic grouping): Wirral South Constituency, 2011




250 Number





0 Heswall Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Mixed/multiple ethnic group 147 139 140 79 81 Asian/Asian British 218 167 198 133 77 Black/African/Caribbean/Black British 27 31 32 39 17 White Non-British 345 354 314 177 174 Other ethnic group 28 20 18 33 9

All ethnicities in Wirral including White British are shown in the table below, but the chart shows only ethnicities other than White British (due to the small numbers of people from other ethnic groups). In every ward in Wirral South constituency, the largest ethnic group was White Non-British. The ward with the largest number of White Non-British was Bromborough followed closely by Heswall. Based on applications for New National Insurance Numbers over the last several years (see Wirral JSNA BME section for more details), it seems likely that a large percentage of the White Non-British group are from the EU Accession states (Eastern European countries such as Poland, Hungary etc..).

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Table 2 Ethnicity by ward (broad ethnic grouping): Wirral South Constituency, 2011

Ethnic Group (broad and detailed groupings) Birkenhead Wallasey Wirral South Wirral West Grand Total Arab 45 51 47 65 208 Other Any other ethnic group 101 74 61 86 322 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: Other Mixed 254 227 157 177 815 Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Black African 234 184 80 60 558 Mixed/multiple Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White and Asian 281 235 219 214 949 ethnic Mixed/multiple ethnic group: White & Black Caribbean 315 353 130 166 964 Asian/Asian British: Chinese 711 427 274 241 1653 Asian/Asian British: Other Asian 309 292 185 256 1042 Asian/Asian British: Bangladeshi 591 192 41 27 851 Asian/Asian British: Indian 589 199 241 315 1344 Asian/Asian British Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 83 21 52 70 226 Black/African/ Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: African 126 123 90 50 389 Caribbean/Black Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: Other Black 21 42 23 31 117 British Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: Caribbean 65 68 33 23 189 White: Irish 820 737 561 549 2667 White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller 35 13 15 14 77 White non-British White: Other White 1191 1009 788 742 3730 White British White: English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish 84204 85197 70953 63328 303682 Total 89975 89444 73950 66414 319783

Source: NOMIS/Census, 2011

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Figure 3: Life Expectancy at Birth, With 95% Limits Confidence Limits: Wirral South Constituency, 2007-11 (5 years pooled)






76 Life Expectancy at Birth (years) BirthLife Expectancyat 74


70 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall LE by Ward 76.9 80.1 80.1 77.4 84.4 Wirral South Constituency 80.5 80.5 80.5 80.5 80.5 Wirral Average 79.2 79.2 79.2 79.2 79.2

As the chart and the table show life expectancy at birth. Wirral South’s life expectancy is slightly more than the Wirral average with 80.5 years compared to 79.2 years. However the gap in life expectancy between the Heswall ward and Bromborough and Eastham wards is 7.5 and 7.0 years respectively.

Table 3: Life Expectancy at Birth, With 95% Limits Confidence Limits: Wirral South Constituency, 2007-11 (5 years pooled)

Ward of Residence Life Expectancy 95% Confidence Intervals (2004 Boundaries) (Years) Lower Limit Upper Limit Bromborough 76.9 75.8 77.9 Bebington 80.1 79.2 81.0 Clatterbridge 80.1 79.2 81.0 Eastham 77.4 76.5 78.3 Heswall 84.4 83.6 85.2 Wirral South Constituency 80.5 80.1 80.9 Birkenhead Constituency 77.0 76.6 77.4 Wallasey Constituency 78.4 78.0 78.8 Wirral West Constituency 81.2 80.8 81.6 Wirral 79.2 79.0 79.4

Notes and Definitions

1. The mortality data used in the calculations were deaths registered in each year from 2007-2011. Five years of data were aggregated to provide a reasonable number of deaths for each ward. The ward populations used in the calculations are ONS ward populations. These ward populations are classed as “experimental statistics”. 2. Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a baby born in an area can expect to live if they experience the mortality rates of that area for the whole of their life. It is not a guide to the remaining expectation of life at a later age, e.g. if life expectancy at birth in a particular ward is 80 years, it does not follow that people aged 70 living in that ward can expect to live for a further 10 years. 3. Ward life expectancies are calculated locally, hence they are not comparable with life expectancy figures for England overall(due to slightly different methodologies)

Source: Office for National Statistics © Crown Copyright

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Figure 4: Child Poverty: Wirral South Constituency, 2011



15 Proportion(%) 10


0 Bebington Bromborough Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 14.6 22.8 5.8 12.6 4.3 Wirral South 12 12 12 12 12 Wirral 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 23.8 North West 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 UK 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1 20.1

The chart and the table show the proportion of all children living in poverty up to 2011. Wirral South has one of the lowest proportions of children living in poverty with 1 in every 8 children (12%) compared with Wirral average of 1 in every 4 children (23.8%). Heswall ward as the smallest proportion of children living in poverty with only 4.3%, or 1 in 20 children compared to Bromborough with 22.8%, or almost 1 in 4 children.

Table 4: Child Poverty: Wirral South Constituency, 2011

Ward of Residence (2004 boundaries) % of all children living in poverty Bebington 14.6 Bromborough 22.8 Clatterbridge 5.8 Eastham 12.6 Heswall 4.3 Wirral South Constituency 12.0 Birkenhead Constituency 32.3 Wallasey Constituency 26.4 West Wirral Constituency 12.2 Wirral 23.8 North West 22.1 UK 20.1 Notes and Definitions

1. Child poverty is calculated on the basis of the number of children in families in receipt of either out of work benefits, or tax credits where their reported income is less than 60% median income as a proportion of the total number of children in the area.

Source: Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), 2013

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Figure 5: Educational Attainment at Key Stage 2 (level 4): Wirral South Constituency, 2013





40 Proportionachieving(%) Level4


0 Bebington Bromborough Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Reading 91.6 78.1 88.9 90.9 96.8 Writing 91.6 78.1 90.3 84.6 97.6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 83.8 60.9 81.9 80.4 88.9 Maths 92.2 74.6 87.5 88.1 97.6

The table and the graph show educational attainment for children achieving level 4 or above at Key Stage 2. Wirral South’s Attainment level for all four of the disciplines is above the Wirral average. Heswall ward has the highest attainment at Key Stage 2, compared with Bromborough ward with the lowest.

Table 5: Educational Attainment at Key Stage 2: Wirral South Constituency, 2013

Key Stage 2 - % achieving Level 4+ Ward of Residence Grammar, (2004 boundaries) Reading Writing Punctuation Maths and Spelling Bebington 91.6 91.6 83.8 92.2 Bromborough 78.1 78.1 60.9 74.6 Clatterbridge 88.9 90.3 81.9 87.5 Eastham 90.9 84.6 80.4 88.1 Heswall 96.8 97.6 88.9 97.6 Wirral South Constituency 89.3 88.4 79.2 88.0 Birkenhead Constituency 86.6 81.8 73.9 85.7 Wallasey Constituency 84.7 83.1 71.1 81.2 West Wirral Constituency 91.2 88.6 78.9 89.7 Wirral 87.3 84.7 74.6 85.2

Notes and Definitions

1. All data refer to children living in Wirral who are educated in schools run by Wirral Local Education Authority (LEA). 2. The table shows the percentage of pupils achieving Level 4 or above in the Key Stage 2 tests for English and Maths. Level 4 is the level expected of most 11 year olds.

Source: Wirral Council Information and Performance Department, 2013

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Table 6: Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET): Wirral South Constituency, January to December 2012




6 Proportion(%) 4


0 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 9.8 5.9 2.1 5.6 2.2 Wirral South Constituency 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 Wirral 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5

Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) is seen to be the highest in Bromborough ward 9.8% (see table and chart) compared with Clatterbridge with only 2% of 16-18 year olds. Wirral South constituency performance is lower than the Wirral average with only 5% of 16-18 year olds not being in education, employment or training, compared overall with 7.5% for Wirral.

Table 6: Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET): Wirral South Constituency, January to December 2012

Ward of Residence (2004 boundaries) % NEET Bromborough 9.8 Bebington 5.9 Clatterbridge 2.1 Eastham 5.6 Heswall 2.2 Wirral South Constituency 5.1 Birkenhead Constituency 12.6 Wallasey Constituency 9.9 Wirral West Constituency 4.5 Wirral 7.5 North West 9.5 England 7.6

Notes and Definitions

1. Percentage of young people 16-18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training in Wirral, 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012. 2. Figures for the North West and England are for July 2012.

Source: Connexions MI & NCCIS Data, 2012

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Table 7: Looked After Children: Wirral South Constituency, March 2012

Ward of Residence Number Rate Per 10,000 (2004 boundaries) Bromborough 20 64.8 Bebington 15 43.8 Clatterbridge * n/d Eastham * n/d Heswall * n/d Wirral South Constituency 35 53.8 Birkenhead Constituency 375 185.2 Wallasey Constituency 150 90.6 West Wirral 50 85.5 Wirral 675 101.3 North West 11,360 76.0 England 67,050 59.0

The table above shows looked after children up to 2012. Overall, Wirral South’s constituency has less than half of looked after children (53.8 per 10,000 children) when compared to Wirral overall rate of 101.3 per 10,000 children. Clatterbridge, Eastham and Heswall have no reported looked after children.

Notes and Definitions

1. Looked after children are: children who are in the care of the Local Authority and are between the ages of 0 to 17 years old. 2. The rates have been calculated using Wirral ONS 2011 mid-year populations for children aged 0 to 17 years. The rates are per 10,000 population.

Source: Swift Database/DCSF Annual Statistical Return SSDA903

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Figure 8: Low Birthweight Babies: Wirral South Constituency 2008-10 (3 years pooled)





Proportion(%) 3



0 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 5.7 4.1 4.7 5.0 4.7 Wirral South Constituency 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 4.9 Wirral 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6

The chart and the table show, low birthweight babies (less than 2,500g) born in Wirral during 2008-10. Overall, Wirral South proportion of babies born weighing less than 2,500g is lower, at 4.9%, than the Wirral average of 6.6%. However wards that are slightly over the constituency average include Bromborough and Eastham with 5.7 % and 5% respectively.

Table 8: Low Birthweight Babies: Wirral South Constituency 2008-10 (3 years pooled)

Total Number of Total Number of Births <2,500g Ward of Residence Live and (2004 Ward boundaries) Total Number of Stillbirths % Of All Births Births <2,500g Bromborough 612 35 5.7 Bebington 437 18 4.1 Clatterbridge 344 16 4.7 Eastham 437 22 5.0 Heswall 276 13 4.7 Wirral South Constituency 2106 104 4.9 Birkenhead Constituency 3865 285 7.4 Wallasey Constituency 3459 242 7.0 West Wirral Constituency 1822 117 6.4 Wirral 11,252 748 6.6

Notes and Definitions

1. Low birth-weight babies - Percentage of live and stillborn infants with a stated birth-weight under 2,500 grams. The numbers exclude births without a recorded weight.

2. All figures are presented as a total for 3 years combined (2008-2010). This is to smooth out random year-on-year variations.

Source: Office for National Statistics © Crown Copyright

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Figure 9: Under 18 Conceptions: Wirral South Constituency, 2011




17 years 17 - 25



10 Rate per 1000 girls agedperRate 1000girls15


0 Bebington Bromborough Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 32.4 26.1 12.8 9.5 34.9 Wirral South Constituency 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 23.9 Wirral 35.4 35.4 35.4 35.4 35.4

The chart above shows under 18 teenage conceptions by ward. It is important to note this is data for all conceptions whether they lead to a full term birth or termination. The under 18 conception rate for Wirral South constituency is 23.9 per 1000 girls. This is almost a third (32.4%) lower than the overall Wirral average of 35.4 per 1000 girls. However, Heswall ward has the highest rate of teen conceptions in the Wirral South constituency with a rate of 34.9 per 1000 girls. (Although small numbers must be considered when interpreting this data)

Table 9: Under 18 Conceptions: Wirral South Constituency, 2011

Ward of Residence (2004 boundaries) Conceptions 15-17 Rate per 1000 girls Bebington 10 32.4 Bromborough 6 26.1 Clatterbridge * 12.8 Eastham * 9.5 Heswall 8 34.9 Wirral South Constituency 29 23.9 Birkenhead Constituency 82 48.2 Wallasey Constituency 73 43.0 West Wirral Constituency 24 17.8 Wirral 211 35.4 Notes and Definitions

1. Data is derived from local datasets based on activity rather than actual births. This is a proxy measure and is used to inform the local Teenage Pregnancy Steering Group Strategy, and should be used and interpreted with caution. 2. The rates have been calculated using Secondary User Service Data and BPAS data for the calendar period of 2011. The Populations used are mid-year populations for girls aged 15-17 years only. 3. Numbers of conceptions have been suppressed if they are less than 5

Source: Secondary User Service, British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) and Office for National Statistics (ONS)

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Figure 10: Births to Lone Mothers: Wirral South Constituency, 2008-10 (3 years pooled)




15 proportion(%) 10


0 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 21.1 15.6 7.3 15.6 3.6 Wirral South Constituency 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 14.2 Wirral 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4

The chart and the table show births to lone mothers during 2008-10. Wirral South has the lowest proportion (14.2%) compared with all other constituencies and Wirral overall. The lowest proportion can be seen in Heswall 3.6% and the highest - over a fifth (21.1%) of births born to lone mothers can be seen in Bromborough ward

Table 10: Births to Lone Mothers: Wirral South Constituency, 2008-10 (3 years pooled)

Total Number of Ward of Residence Total Births to Live and % Of All Births (2004 boundaries) Lone Mothers Stillbirths Bromborough 612 129 21.1 Bebington 437 68 15.6 Clatterbridge 344 25 7.3 Eastham 437 68 15.6 Heswall 276 10 3.6 Wirral South Constituency 2106 300 14.2 Birkenhead Constituency 3865 1264 32.7 Wallasey Constituency 3459 896 25.9 West Wirral Constituency 1822 283 15.5 Wirral 11252 2743 24.4

Notes and Definitions

1. Births to lone mothers: Percentage of all births registered solely by the mother or jointly by parents who are living at different addresses. Babies born to parents who are living at the same address but are not married have been excluded. Also excluded are babies born to married mothers who have separated from their spouses. 2. The figures in the above table are for live and stillbirths. 3. All figures are presented as a total for 3-years combined (2008-2010). This is to smooth out random year-on-year variations.

Source: Office for National Statistics © Crown Copyright

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Figure 11: Percentage Smoking in Pregnancy: Wirral South Constituency, 2010/11 to 2011/12






Proportion(%) 6



0 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 9.8 8.9 3.2 8.7 1.7 Wirral South Constituency 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 Wirral 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1 14.1

As the figure and the chart show the proportion of mothers who smoke at the time of delivery during 2010/11-2011/12. The proportion in Wirral South is less than half (6.4%) when compared with the Wirral average (14.1%)

Table 11: Percentage Smoking in Pregnancy: Wirral South Constituency, 2010/11 to 2011/12

Ward of Residence (2004 boundaries) Smoking in Pregnancy 2010/11 - 2011/12

Bromborough 9.8 Bebington 8.9 Clatterbridge 3.2 Eastham 8.7 Heswall 1.7 Wirral South Constituency 6.4 Birkenhead Constituency 17.7 Wallasey Constituency 14.6 West Wirral Constituency 6.4 Wirral 14.1 Notes and Definitions

1. The figures in this table have been extracted from the WHIS database. The data is for 2 financial years pooled from 2010/11 to 2011/12. 2. Percentage rates for smoking in pregnancy are for women who gave birth at Wirral Hospital Trust, excluding pregnancies in women residing outside of NHS Wirral. Also excluded are pregnancies where there was no response to the smoking in pregnancy question. Overall this data covers around 91% of Wirral births. 3. Smoking in pregnancy is the percentage (%) of women known to be smokers at the time of delivery.

Source: Wirral Health Informatics Service WHIS

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Figure 12: Breast Feeding Initiation: Wirral South Constituency, 2010/11 to 2011/12






40 Proportion(%)




0 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 53.8 61.9 66.5 57.8 80.5 Wirral South Constituency 64.1 64.1 64.1 64.1 64.1 Wirral 53.4 53.4 53.4 53.4 53.4

The chart and the table show breast feeding initiation rates between 2010/11 and 2011/12. Wirral South performance is better, at 64.1%, when compared with the Wirral average of 53.4%. The highest initiation rates can be seen in Heswall 80.5% and the lowest 53.8% in Bromborough.

Table 12: Breast Feeding Initiation: Wirral South Constituency, 2010/11 to 2011/12

Ward of Residence (2004 boundaries) Breast Feeding Initiation 2010/11 - 2011/12

Bromborough 53.8 Bebington 61.9 Clatterbridge 66.5 Eastham 57.8 Heswall 80.5 Wirral South Constituency 64.1 Birkenhead Constituency 47.7 Wallasey Constituency 52.3 West Wirral Constituency 69.5 Wirral 53.4 Notes and Definitions

1. The figures in this table have been extracted from the WHIS database. The data is for 2 financial years pooled from 2010/11 to 2011/12. 2. Percentage rates for breast feeding initiation are for women who gave birth at Wirral Hospital Trust, excluding pregnancies in women residing outside of NHS Wirral. Also excluded are pregnancies where there was no response to the breastfeeding initiation question. Overall this data covers around 91% of Wirral births. 3. Breast feeding initiation is defined as a mother giving any breast milk (including expressed breast milk) in the first 48 hours.

Source: Wirral Health Informatics Service (WHIS), 2012

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Figure 13: Primary Immunisation Uptake in 1 Year Old Children: Wirral South Constituency, 2011/12





95 Uptake(%)



92 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 94.8 96.2 98.1 94.5 95.7 Wirral South Constituency 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 95.6 Wirral 95.2 95.2 95.2 95.2 95.2

The chart and the table show Immunisation uptake of the 3rd dose of diphtheria - this is a measure used to quantify the primary vaccination uptake, see definition. Wirral South constituency is almost the same as the Wirral average with both areas achieving above 95%. All wards (when rounded to nearest whole number) achieved the target of 95%.

Table 13: Primary Immunisation Uptake in 1 Year Old Children: Wirral South Constituency, 2011/12

Uptake of 3rd Primary Immunisation Ward of Residence Number of Number (2004 boundaries) Uptake Rate (%) Children Aged 1 Vaccinated Bromborough 191 181 94.8 Bebington 156 150 96.2 Clatterbridge 103 101 98.1 Eastham 164 155 94.5 Heswall 116 111 95.7 Wirral South Constituency 730 698 95.6 Birkenhead Constituency 1296 1218 94.0 Wallasey Constituency 1084 1041 96.0 West Wirral Constituency 651 623 95.7 Wirral 3776 3594 95.2

Notes and Definitions

1. Uptake of 3rd primary immunisations is defined as a child having received their 3rd Diphtheria immunisation. 2. Number of children aged 1: The total number of 1 year old children within each ward for the period 2011/12. Number vaccinated: The number of 1 year old children who have received their 3rd Diphtheria immunisation. 3. Children are routinely scheduled for “primary” immunisations against each of the following: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Polio, Haemophilus Influenza B (Hib) and Meningitis C. These are given in a series of immunisations from the age of 2 months. Additional immunisations against pneumococcal infection have also been recently introduced.

Source: KC51 Returns Database for NHS Wirral, 2013

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Figure 14: Immunisation Uptake of Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) in 2 Year Old Children: Wirral South Constituency, 2011/12






94 Uptake(%)




90 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 93.7 96.4 94.8 93.1 97.8 Wirral South Constituency 94.9 94.9 94.9 94.9 94.9 Wirral 93.4 93.4 93.4 93.4 93.4

The chart and the table show Immunisation uptake for MMR vaccination. Overall, Wirral South’s constituency uptake is 94.9%, slightly higher than the Wirral average 93.4%. Eastham and Bromborough have the lowest ward uptake with 93.1% and 93.7% respectively.

Table 14: Immunisation Uptake of Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) in 2 Year Old Children: Wirral South Constituency, 2011/12

Uptake of 1st MMR Immunisation Ward of Residence Number of Number (2004 boundaries) Uptake Rate (%) Children Aged 2 Vaccinated Bromborough 223 209 93.7 Bebington 166 160 96.4 Clatterbridge 115 109 94.8 Eastham 144 134 93.1 Heswall 91 89 97.8 Wirral South Constituency 739 701 94.9 Birkenhead Constituency 1215 1112 91.5 Wallasey Constituency 1115 1051 94.3 West Wirral Constituency 657 618 94.1 Wirral 3762 3513 93.4

Notes and Definitions

1. A single dose of MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) is offered from 13 months. The national programme aims to immunise 95% of children by the age of 2.

Source: KC51 Returns Database for NHS Wirral, 2013

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Figure 15: Obesity in children at Reception (age 4/5) years, Wirral South Constituency, 2012/13







Proportion (%) (%) Proportion 30



0 Bebington Bromborough Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Reception - healthy weight 83.6 69.4 80.0 70.7 85.6 Reception - obese 4.2 9.3 6.7 12.0 3.8 Reception - overweight 12.1 21.3 12.5 17.3 9.8 Reception - underweight 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.8 Wirral South % Obese Reception 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.3 Wirral % Obese Reception 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5

The chart and the table show the proportion of children that are monitored through the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). The proportion of children aged 5 who are recorded as ‘healthy weight’ for Wirral South constituency is the very similar, at 77.3%, as the Wirral average with 77.0%. The proportion of children classified as obese for the constituency is 7.3%, lower than the Wirral average of 8%. However Heswall has the lowest proportion of children classified as obese with 3.8% aged 5 years and Eastham the highest at 12%.

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Table 15: Obesity in children at Reception (age 4/5) years, Wirral South Constituency, 2012/13

Ward of Residence (2004 boundaries) Reception - healthy weight Reception - obese Reception - overweight Reception - underweight Bebington 83.6 4.2 12.1 0.0 Bromborough 69.4 9.3 21.3 0.0 Clatterbridge 80.0 6.7 12.5 0.8 Eastham 70.7 12.0 17.3 0.0 Heswall 85.6 3.8 9.8 0.8 Wirral South Constituency 77.3 7.3 15.1 0.3 Birkenhead Constituency 73.6 10.9 14.7 0.8 Wallasey Constituency 78.5 6.5 13.8 1.1 West Wirral Constituency 79.9 8.7 10.9 0.5 Wirral 77.0 8.0 14.0 1.0

Notes and Definitions

1. The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) measures the weight and height of children in reception class (aged 4 to 5 years) and year 6 (aged 10 to 11 years) to assess overweight children and obese levels within primary schools 2. Children's heights and weights are measured and used to calculate a Body Mass Index (BMI) centile 3. Defining children as overweight or obese is a complex process, given that their height and weight change at the same time. An individual's BMI is calculated by dividing their weight (expressed in kilograms) by the square of their height (expressed in metres). 4. The method of assigning a BMI classification is different for children and adults 5. Figures will not always sum due to rounding

Source: National Child Measurement Programme, 2013

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Figure 16: Obesity in children at Year 6 (age 10/11) years: Wirral South Constituency, 2012/13





40 Proportion (%) (%) Proportion 30



0 Bebington Bromborough Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Y6 - healthy weight 62.2 64.7 68.1 55.2 68.7 Y6 - obese 23.8 17.9 15.0 23.3 14.3 Y6 - overweight 12.2 15.6 13.3 19.0 17.0 Y6 - underweight 1.7 1.7 3.5 2.6 0.0 Wirral South Constituency % Obese 19 19 19 19 19 Wirral % Obese Year 6 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0 19.0

The chart and the table show the proportion of children that are monitored through the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). The proportion of children aged 10 who are recorded as ‘healthy weight’ for Wirral South constituency is slightly lower, 63.9% compared to the Wirral average with 65%. The proportion of children classified as ‘obese’ in Wirral South is the same as the Wirral average with 19%.

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Table 16: Obesity in children at Year 6 (age 10/11) years: Wirral South Constituency, 2012/13

Ward of Residence (2004 boundaries) Y6 - healthy weight Y6 - obese Y6 - overweight Y6 - underweight Bebington 62.2 23.8 12.2 1.7 Bromborough 64.7 17.9 15.6 1.7 Clatterbridge 68.1 15.0 13.3 3.5 Eastham 55.2 23.3 19.0 2.6 Heswall 68.7 14.3 17.0 0.0 Wirral South Constituency 63.9 19.0 15.3 1.8 Birkenhead Constituency 62.6 21.1 15.3 1.0 Wallasey Constituency 65.5 20.8 13.0 0.7 West Wirral Constituency 72.1 14.4 12.5 1.1 Wirral 65.0 19.0 14.0 1.0

Notes and Definitions

1. The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) measures the weight and height of children in reception class (aged 4 to 5 years) and year 6 (aged 10 to 11 years) to assess overweight children and obese levels within primary schools 2. Children's heights and weights are measured and used to calculate a Body Mass Index (BMI) centile 3. Defining children as overweight or obese is a complex process, given that their height and weight change at the same time. An individual's BMI is calculated by dividing their weight (expressed in kilograms) by the square of their height (expressed in metres). 4. The method of assigning a BMI classification is different for children and adults 5. Figures will not always sum due to rounding

Source: National Child Measurement Programme, 2013

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Figure 17: Smoking Quit Rates (percentages): Wirral South, 2008/09 to 2012/13





30 Proportion(%) 20


0 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall 08/09 41.3 50.5 54.7 61.6 22.0 09/10 48.8 40.1 58.5 50.0 50.9 10/11 47.9 30.9 34.3 52.2 27.3 11/12 42.6 42.4 48.8 48.8 44.7 12/13 48.2 39.4 50.0 57.3 39.4

The chart and the table show clients who did not smoke in the 4 weeks following their quit date. During 2012/13 Wirral South constituency has an overall quit rate of 46.9% this is more than the Wirral average (41.0%). The highest quit rates can be seen in Eastham 57.3% and Clatterbridge at 50% respectively.

Table 17: Smoking Quit Rates (percentages): Wirral South, 2008/09 to 2012/13

Ward of Residence Quit Rate % (2004 Boundaries) 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 Bromborough 41.3 48.8 47.9 42.6 48.2 Bebington 50.5 40.1 30.9 42.4 39.4 Clatterbridge 54.7 58.5 34.3 48.8 50.0 Eastham 61.6 50.0 52.2 48.8 57.3 Heswall 22.0 50.9 27.3 44.7 39.4 Wirral South Constituency 46.0 49.7 38.5 45.5 46.9 Birkenhead Constituency 41.8 43.7 40.9 40.3 36.1 Wallasey Constituency 45.4 49.2 46.8 45.8 46.2 Wirral West Constituency 45.4 52.8 46.9 38.4 46.5 Wirral 43.7 46.6 43.7 41.4 41.0

Notes and Definitions

1. Successful quitters are clients who did not smoke in the 4 weeks following their quit date (self-reported smoking status). 2. The Unknown/Other category is clients who did not give a full/accurate postcode or the postcode could not be matched to a Wirral ward.

Source: Wirral Community NHS Trust Stop Smoking Service, 2013

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Figure 18: Road Collision Casualties: Wirral South Constituency, 2010-12 (3 years pooled)




10 Proportion(%)


0 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 15.1 12.0 14.9 10.8 22.8 Wirral South Constituency 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 15.1 Wirral 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9

The table above shows the proportion of people killed or seriously injured from road traffic collisions. It is important to note this data represents where the road collision took place rather than place of residence. Heswall ward has nearly 1 in every 4 casualties killed or seriously injured (22.8%) on its roads. This is significantly higher than the Wirral average of 12.9% and the other constituencies.

Table 18: Road Collision Casualties: Wirral South Constituency, 2010-12 (3 years pooled)

Ward Total Number of % Killed or Seriously (2004 Boundaries) Casualties Injured Bromborough 186 15.1 Bebington 92 12.0 Clatterbridge 94 14.9 Eastham 120 10.8 Heswall 57 22.8 Wirral South Constituency 549 15.1 Birkenhead Constituency 1007 11.1 Wallasey Constituency 597 13.5 Wirral West Constituency 439 13.8 Wirral 2592 12.9

Notes and Definitions

1. The data in this table are based on the information collected by Police at the scene of the collision using the STATS-19 form. This is used to record the details of the incident and the circumstances surrounding it. 2. The data collated to wards, is based on the location of the collision rather than the usual place of residence of the collision victim. 3. The data is up to and inclusive of 31/12/2012.

Source: Wirral Council Accident Investigation Unit, 2013

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Figure 19: Hospital Admission Rates for falls in People aged 65 Years and over: Wirral South Constituency, 2009/10 to 2011/12





20 Rate perRate 1,000population 10

0 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall 2009/10 44.8 33.8 35.9 35.0 36.2 2010/11 45.7 39.0 30.2 32.3 34.3 2011/12 51.2 47.7 36.8 39.8 43.6

As the table and the chart show falls to people aged over 65 years during 2009/10 to 2011/12. Wirral South has the second highest Constituency hospital admission rate with a rate of 43.2 per 1000 population. Bromborough ward has the highest rate of falls (by place of fall) with a rate of 51.2 per 1000 population, over 19% higher than the constituency and Wirral average.

Table 19: Hospital Admission Rates for Falls in People aged 65 Years and over: Wirral South Constituency, 2009/10 to 2011/12

2009/10 2010/11 2011/12

Ward of Residence Number of Rate per Number of Rate per Number of Rate per (2004 boundaries) admissions 1000 admissions 1000 admissions 1000 Bromborough 106 44.8 108 45.7 121 51.2 Bebington 104 33.8 120 39.0 147 47.7 Clatterbridge 121 35.9 102 30.2 124 36.8 Eastham 103 35.0 95 32.3 117 39.8 Heswall 132 36.2 125 34.3 159 43.6 Wirral South Constituency 566 36.6 550 35.6 668 43.2 Birkenhead Constituency 581 42.5 591 43.2 660 48.2 Wallasey Constituency 592 40.3 591 40.2 584 39.8 Wirral West Constituency 612 39.7 458 29.7 499 32.4 Wirral 2351 40.2 2328 39.3 2584 43.6

Notes and Definitions

1. The majority of the data is for emergency hospital admissions, however it also contains figures for other types of admissions in people aged 65 and over. 2. This data includes admissions where any of the 8 diagnoses codes included an ICD-10 code that corresponds to a fall. 3. The rate is per 1,000 persons aged 65 and over using the population estimates mid-2010.

Source: Secondary Use Service

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Figure 20: People Living Alone aged over 65 years: Wirral South Constituency 2011

The table and chart show the proportion of people aged 65 years and over living alone. Almost a third (30%) of people aged 65 years live alone in Wirral South constituency. Compared with 34% in Wirral overall. The highest proportion can be seen in Bromborough and Bebington ward with 34.5% and 34.2% respectively.

Table 20: People Living Alone aged 65+: Wirral South 2011

Ward of Residence (2004 boundaries) Living alone Total aged 65+ % of 65+ living alone Bebington 1085 3171 34.2 Bromborough 881 2555 34.5 Clatterbridge 815 3566 22.9 Eastham 950 3022 31.4 Heswall 1049 3848 27.3 Wirral South Constituency 4780 16162 30.0 Birkenhead Constituency 5055 14028 37.3 Wallasey Constituency 5572 15260 36.8 Wirral West Constituency 5214 15977 32.7 Wirral 20621 61427 34.0

Notes and Definitions

1. A household is defined as one person living alone, or a group of people (not necessarily related) living at the same address who share cooking facilities and share a living room or sitting room or dining area 2. A household must contain at least one person whose place of usual residence is at the address. A group of short-term residents living together is not classified as a household, and neither is a group of people at an address where only visitors are staying.

Source: Census, 2011

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Table 21: Wirral Carers: Wirral South Constituency, 2013

Ward of Residence Number of (2004 boundaries) Informal/Principal Carers Bebington 287 Bromborough 293 Clatterbridge 213 Eastham 266 Heswall 200 Wirral South Constituency 1259 Birkenhead Constituency 1552 Wallasey Constituency 1688 West Wirral Constituency 1234 Wirral 5733

The table above shows the number of carers known to social services. In Wirral South constituency the number recorded as ‘Informal or Principle Carer’ is 1,259. Anecdotal evidence suggests this is an underestimated figure and not all carers are registered or in receipt of some form of service.

According to the Census (2011), 40,340 people in Wirral identified themselves as a carer, so it is clear that the large majority of those caring are not known to services.

As of August 2012, 4,800 Wirral people were claiming Carer’s Allowance (NOMIS, 2013). These figures mean that around one in eight of all carers in Wirral are known to services and/or claiming Carers Allowance

Notes and Definitions

1. The term carer is those identified and recorded on the database with a current role of “Informal/Principal Carer” 2. The numbers are correct at the time of extraction (August 2013)

Source: Swift database

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Figure 21: Proportion of Housing Benefits Claimants: Wirral South Constituency, 2013







Proportion (%) Proportion(%) 6



0 Bebington Bromborough Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 9.8 16.3 3.3 9.1 3.3 Wirral South Constituency 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 Wirral 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9 15.9

The chart and the table show the proportion claiming housing benefit. Almost, 1 in every 10 people (8.7%) claim housing benefit in Wirral South, this is less than the Wirral average of 15.9%, or 1 in 6 people. Although, Bromborough ward has almost double the number of housing benefit claimants when compared to the constituency with 16.3% and slightly more than the Wirral average.

Table 22: Proportion of Housing Benefits Claimants: Wirral South Constituency, 2013

Ward of Residence Number of Housing Benefit (2004 boundaries) Claimants % Bebington 938 9.8 Bromborough 1556 16.3 Clatterbridge 283 3.3 Eastham 772 9.1 Heswall 244 3.3 Wirral South Constituency 3793 8.7 Birkenhead Constituency 14052 24.6 Wallasey Constituency 9972 24.1 West Wirral Constituency 3803 9.2 Wirral 31620 15.9

Notes and Definitions

1. Data relates to households in receipt of housing benefit 2. Percentages have been calculated using mid-2011 census population estimates by ward 3. Data is correct as of July 2013

Source: Wirral Council, Benefits Processing

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Figure 22: Proportion of Council Tax Benefit Claimants: Wirral South Constituency, 2013

The table and the chart show the proportion of council tax benefit claimants. One in every 8 people (12.1%) in Wirral South constituency claim council tax benefits, compared with 1 in every 5 claimants for Wirral overall (19.3%). Only Bromborough, at 19.8%, is higher than the Wirral average of 19.3%.

Table 23: Proportion of Council Tax Benefit Claimants: Wirral South Constituency, 2013

Ward of Residence Number of Council Tax (2004 boundaries) Benefit Claimants % Bebington 1271 13.2 Bromborough 1886 19.8 Clatterbridge 518 6.1 Eastham 1138 13.5 Heswall 446 6.1 Wirral South Constituency 5259 12.1 Birkenhead Constituency 15254 26.7 Wallasey Constituency 12215 21.4 West Wirral Constituency 5685 13.7 Wirral 38413 19.3

Notes and Definitions

1. Data relates to households in receipt of housing benefit 2. Percentages have been calculated using mid-2011 census population estimates by ward 3. Data is correct as of July 2013

Source: Wirral Council, Benefits Processing

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Figure 23: Percentage of Monthly Job Seekers Allowance Claimants: Wirral South Constituency, March 2013




2 Proportion of JSA Claimants Claimants JSA of Proportion


0 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 3.6 2.3 1.5 2.2 1.1 Wirral South Constituency 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 Wirral 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1

The table and the chart show the proportion of job seekers claimants up to March 2013. A small proportion 2.2% claim jobs seekers allowance in Wirral South compared to the Wirral average of 4.1%. The lowest proportions at ward level are Heswall and Clatterbridge with 1.1% and 1.5% respectively. The highest rate can be seen in Bromborough ward with 3.6% although slightly lower than the Wirral average.

Table 24: Percentage of Monthly Job Seekers Allowance Claimants, Numbers and Rates by Gender: Wirral South Constituency, March 2013

Total Job Seekers Allowance claimants Ward of Residence Male Female Total (2004 boundaries) Number % Number % Number % Bromborough 235 5.1 113 2.3 348 3.6 Bebington 149 3.2 72 1.5 221 2.3 Clatterbridge 83 2.0 45 1.0 128 1.5 Eastham 125 3.0 62 1.5 187 2.2 Heswall 53 1.5 27 0.7 80 1.1 Wirral South Constituency 645 3.0 319 1.4 964 2.2 Birkenhead Constituency 2459 8.9 1037 3.5 3496 6.1 Wallasey Constituency 1827 6.6 805 2.7 2632 4.6 West Wirral Constituency 680 3.4 327 1.5 1007 2.4 Wirral 5,611 5.8 2,488 2.4 8,099 4.1 North-West 129,873 5.7 62,989 2.8 192,862 4.2 UK 1,012,106 5.0 526,470 2.6 1,538,576 3.8 Notes and Definitions

1. Job seekers allowance figures are based on the number of people resident in the area who are unemployed and claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA). The JSA percentage (%) rate is expressed as a proportion of resident working age population (16- 59 for females and 16-64 for males). 2. ONS Mid-2011 population estimates have been used as a denominator to calculate the JSA rates. 3. Figures may not add up to the total figures due to rounding.

Source: NOMISWEB, 2013

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Figure 24: Employment & Support Allowance Claimants by specific health conditions, Number and Rates: Wirral South Constituency, November 2012



20 Rate perpopulation 1000Rate




0 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Mental Illness 16.1 24.6 11.7 13.0 9.5 Nervous system 2.1 2.6 2.9 3.0 2.7 Respiratory or Circulatory 3.1 3.1 0.6 2.4 2.0 Musco-skeletal 5.2 8.4 1.8 6.5 1.4 Injury, poisoning 2.1 4.2 0.6 0.6 0.7 Other 9.4 15.2 6.4 7.1 2.7

The chart and the figure show the rate of Employment Support Allowance (ESA) claimants by specific diseases. Wirral South constituency has the lowest ESA claimant rate with a rate of 34.3 per 1000 population compared with Wirral’s rate of 57.1 per 1000. The highest claimant rate by specific disease condition – Mental Health which includes depression is seen in Bebington ward with a rate of 24.6 per 1000 population. The second highest category apart from other is musclo-skeletal and Wirral South has the lowest rate 4.6 per 1000 population compared to Wirral, 7.6 per 1000 population. However there are some wards were the rate is higher, namely Bebington with a rate of 8.4 per 1000 population claiming ESA for musculo-skeletal conditions.

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Table 25: Rate of Employment & Support Allowance Claimants by specific health conditions: Wirral South Constituency, November 2012

Disease Specific Claimants Rate per 1,000

Respiratory Total Ward of Residence Mental Nervous or Musco- Injury, claimants (2004 boundaries) Illness system Circulatory skeletal poisoning Other Total (number) Bromborough 16.1 2.1 3.1 5.2 2.1 9.4 38.0 365 Bebington 24.6 2.6 3.1 8.4 4.2 15.2 58.1 555 Clatterbridge 11.7 2.9 0.6 1.8 0.6 6.4 24.0 205 Eastham 13.0 3.0 2.4 6.5 0.6 7.1 32.6 275 Heswall 9.5 2.7 2.0 1.4 0.7 2.7 19.0 140 Wirral South Constituency 15.0 2.7 2.3 4.6 1.6 8.2 34.3 1540 Birkenhead Constituency 39.3 3.3 4.9 11.0 3.9 16.4 78.8 4585 Wallasey Constituency 30.4 3.1 4.1 8.2 2.9 13.7 62.4 3595 West Wirral Constituency 16.3 3.1 3.0 4.6 2.0 8.7 37.7 1475 Wirral 27.3 3.1 3.7 7.6 2.8 12.6 57.1 11365

Notes and Definitions

1. On 31st January 2011 Incapacity Benefit was changed to Employment & Support Allowance (benefit paid to working aged people unable to work due to illness and/or disability). 2. Percentage of working age population calculated using 2011 population estimates by LSOA for people aged 16-64.

Source: NOMIS Benefit Claimants for Small Areas

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Figure 25: Standardised Mortality Ratios for All Causes: Wirral South Constituency, 2009-11 (3 years pooled)





80 StandardisedRatioMortality 60



0 Bromborough Bebington Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 130.27 109.92 120.99 78.29 78.00 Wirral South Constituency 101.4 101.4 101.4 101.4 101.4 Wirral 109.6 109.6 109.6 109.6 109.6

The chart and the table show the Standardised Mortality Ratio (SMR) for all causes of death during 2009- 11. Overall, Wirral South constituency is slightly above the England average of 100 with a SMR of 101.4. Wirral’s overall mortality rate is almost 10% above the England average of 100 with a SMR of 109.6. Eastham and Heswall wards have the lowest death rates – lower than the national average 22% fewer deaths. Bromborough ward has a third – SMR 130.27 more deaths than the national average of 100, and this equates to 20% more deaths than the Wirral average of 109.6

Table 26: Standardised Mortality Ratios for All Causes: Wirral South Constituency, 2009-11 (3 years pooled)

Ward of Residence 95% Confidence Intervals (2004 boundaries) SMR LCL UCL Bromborough 130.27 130.01 141.93 Bebington 109.92 109.71 119.42 Clatterbridge 120.99 120.77 131.00 Eastham 78.29 70.08 87.19 Heswall 78.00 77.83 85.52 Wirral South Constituency 101.4 97.4 105.5 Birkenhead Constituency 129.8 125.1 134.7 Wallasey Constituency 114.6 110.3 119.0 Wirral West Constituency 95.8 92.1 99.7 Wirral 109.6 107.5 111.8

Notes and Definitions

1. Standardised Mortality Ratios (SMR) is a way of comparing death rates in a particular area with those in the national population. The SMR for England in 2009-10 is 100, so an area with SMR of 120 is said to have a mortality rate 20% higher than the national average (after taking account of differences in the age structure of the two populations). 2. 95% Confidence Intervals indicate the range within which the true value of SMR falls, e.g. a 95% CI for Wirral of 93.5 to 113.2 means that we can be 95% certain that the SMR lies somewhere between of 93.5 and 113.2.

Source: Office for National Statistics. © Crown Copyright

Figure 26: Wholly Attributable Alcohol Related Mortality: Wirral South Constituency, 2007-11 (5 years pooled)







StandardisedRatio Mortality 100


0 Bebington Bromborough Clatterbridge Eastham Heswall Ward 140.2 232.7 134.8 110.8 36.1 Wirral South Constituency 130.9 130.9 130.9 130.9 130.9 Wirral 183.9 183.9 183.9 183.9 183.9

The chart and the table show the Wholly Attributable Alcohol Related Mortality (SMR) during 2007-11.In laymen’s terms, deaths that are entirely alcohol related. It is important to note this analysis contains small numbers hence the wide variations in the mortality rates. Wirral South SMR is 130.9 thus, 30% above the England average of 100. In comparison, Wirral’s overall SMR is 184 therefore Wirral has 84% more deaths that are wholly attributable to alcohol when compared to the national average of 100. Heswall has the lowest death rate with a SMR of 36, thus 64% fewer deaths than the national average. Bromborough is over 132% above the national average of 100, for wholly attributable alcohol deaths with a SMR of 232.7

Table 27: Wholly Attributable Alcohol Related Mortality: Wirral South Constituency, 2007-11 (5 years pooled)

Ward of Residence 95% Confidence Intervals (2004 boundaries) SMR LCL UCL Bebington 140.2 72.4 244.8 Bromborough 232.7 137.9 367.8 Clatterbridge 134.8 69.7 235.5 Eastham 110.8 50.7 210.3 Heswall 36.1 7.5 105.6 Wirral South Constituency 130.9 67.6 232.8 Birkenhead Constituency 264.0 167.2 401.8 Wallasey Constituency 197.9 117.0 318.5 West Wirral Constituency 115.9 57.0 215.0 Wirral 183.9 164.5 205.1

Notes and Definitions

1 Standardised Mortality Ratios (SMR) is a way of comparing death rates in a particular area with those in the national population. The SMR for England in 2007-11 is 100, so an area with SMR of 120 is said to have a mortality rate 20% higher than the national average (after taking account of differences in the age structure of the two populations). 2 95% Confidence Intervals indicate the range within which the true value of SMR falls, e.g. a 95% CI for Wirral of 93.5 to 113.2 means that we can be 95% certain that the SMR lies somewhere between of 93.5 and 113.2. 3 There are 13 conditions whereby definition wholly attributable to alcohol consumption. See appendix 1 for list of ICD 10 codes wholly attributable to alcohol

Source: Public Health Mortality Files, 2013

Appendix 1: ICD 10 Codes used and attributable fractions for alcohol-attributable/specific hospital admission and mortality

ICD 10 Disease AAF E24.4 Alcohol-Induced pseudo Cushing's Syndrome 1.00 F10 Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol 1.00 G31.2 Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol 1.00 G62.1 Alcoholic polyneuropathy 1.00 G72.1 Alcoholic myopathy 1.00 I42.6 Alcoholic cardiomyopathy 1.00 K29.2 Alcoholic gastritis 1.00 K70 Alcoholic liver disease 1.00 K86.0 Chronic pancreatits (alcohol induced) 1.00 T51.0 Ethanol 1.00 T51.1 Methonol poisioning 1.00 T51.9 Toxic Effect Alcohol, unspecified 1.00 X45 Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol 1.00

For further details please contact Fergus Adams, Wirral South Constituency Manager at [email protected] John Highton, JSNA Programme Manager [email protected]

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