@B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl Do you guys have any experience with tpcast? A new 2018 version, tpcast plus, is coming out and my doubt is if it is worth to wait or if I should get the old version right now. View on Twitter 2017

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl I also so that vive discontinued the old model of the vive trackers because they will be releasing a new version that is compatible with 2016 the new IR stations. What a pity! I bought 4 more truckers a month ago (for a total of 7 that I have now) & they are already obsolete :( View on Twitter 2015

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl I have round this this github.com/pottedmeat7/Op… It is a driver that should allow using the vive trackers for walking in place. I 2014 installed it yesterday but I did not get the chance to try it yet View on Twitter 2013 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl :) so impatient ! View on Twitter 2012

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl Hi there ! Any news on the vr horizon? I am with impatience waiting for the software development of captoglove team to use their captosensors for locomotion in games This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @kharmencita39 I do not understand why ppl are afraid for me when I am not at all and I do not give a crap of anything and anyone. Actually bring them to me, I will go to the police both in taly and USA :) View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @kharmencita39 Who stole MJ Estate is A crook lawyer part of a crook law firm (ziffren) that have always represented theor own interest$ and the interest$ of their bigger client . The lifetime problems of MJ have roots in them all View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @kharmencita39 Have u read all the tweets I post for years now? If you read all the tweets starting from Today and going back in time, u will have answers to everything u have just said. View on Twitter

Karen Faye @wingheart Exactly. Anything John Branca and the estate touches or releases is poison to me...criminal intentions to line their own pockets first. twitter.com/alwayswithjb23… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Karen Faye @wingheart Luckily I had a full library of Michael's music that I bought while he was alive. So, I am confident and quite content in the music I have. twitter.com/alwayswithjb23… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Karen Faye @wingheart The interesting take-away from this conversation, is how many ppl really believe these books are written by the actual person. Don't believe everything you read. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Karen Faye @wingheart Most ppl equate desiring power as evil. Look how powerful Gandhi was...he Search all Tweets became@B__Marco powerful because@B__Marco of the good he created. Evil power thinks the only way to prevail over the power of goodness is to kill it. twitter.com/slightlycrunch… Retweeted by @B__Marco 595 TWEETS 2019 FebView on Twitter2018

Karen Faye @wingheart Michael's power of goodness was a threat...that is why evil ppl portrayed him 2018 as criminal. When that did not fully work, they killed him, before he could rise again. twitter.com/slightlycrunch… Retweeted by @B__Marco 2017 View on Twitter

Karen Faye @wingheart The entertainment industry is full of unscrupulous ppl. The sexual assault is 2016 only the tip of this Hollywood iceberg. twitter.com/themjap/status… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2015

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #screw sony and #screw Estate 's people pic.twitter.com/XkEyFUZhlq 2014 View on Twitter

2013 Paola @PaolaPatarca @B__Marco Lottiamo allo scopp di divulgare la verità su Michael..nessuno ci paga per questo..zero secondi fini.. Retweeted by @B__Marco 2012 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Dwight’s group from SONY spying MJ’s forums to control the truth about “this is It” vocals - Dwight’s group... tmblr.co/Z11ahk1jacf8O This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive. Retweeted by @B__Marco the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @showbiz411 Hey Roger,why don't u tell us about"this is it"price? scribd.com/doc/263098555/… scribd.com/doc/259975835/… mjestatesonyhackemails.tumblr.com/post/117386033… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @showbiz411 Roger Friedman,Sony,Michael Jackson Estate/John Branca & the price of "This Is It" showbiz411.com/2009/07/24/200… pic.twitpic.twitpic.twitter.com/R9qx3qkzNp Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @rosemcgowan @latimes Hello. I wish you could expose also how Sitrick is used by the crooks of Michael Jackson Estate and Sony to lie to masses of fans the public and cheat and do anything it convenient for themselve$ pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/WFntlQ8XGm View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

FebMarco Balletta2018@ B__Marco595 TWEETS 2019 @TheMJAP @wingheart John Branca uses #MichaelJackson's money to pay Baron,Sitrick,Greenburg etc. to use for his own and sony's "Public Relation/PR" to lie to masses of fans and cover their crooked butt 2018 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/zhnciWZQDd View on Twitter







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Marco Balletta @B__Marco We can see in papers John Branca using #MichaelJackson 's money to pay John Branca's own PR team of Sitrick and Jampol. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam Sony directed their email to John Branca & to JAMES BATES of SITRICK for their worries about"This is it"price pic.twitter.com/rPlJawCpzy Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Branca pays #Sitrick the #SpinDoctor(who did not want to represent #MichaelJackson in life)to use media 4 himself everything-pr.com/michael- sitric… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco John Branca uses #MichaelJackson's money to pay Baron,Sitrick,,Greenburg etc. to use for his own"Public Relation/PR"to lie to masses of fans pic.twipic.twitter.com/KmaWQZBRSb Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019 Marco Balletta @B__Marco pic.twitter.com/Rz7RZ0p2lE View on Twitter 2018






2012 Marco Balletta @B__Marco If you do not see what games are playing on you and how They use you for their own needs to get away with their own crap , it means you have got your eyes covered, same as they cover the eyes of horses. This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco I will repeat. No one will ever take away the fact that Quincy Jones have spoken crap abt #MichaelJackson . No one also can take away the #fact that they have pulled out crap from QJ's mouth right at a time convenient for crooks at sony/MJ Estate twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco The fact that fueling hate against Quincy Jones at a specific point in time was convenient for $ome(sony/MJ estate)is proved by Stacy Brown's article written for crooks 's interest. It makes u think abt the possibility of Jackson close to crook sony/MJ Estate that feeds S. Brown pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/LfZxKIp0aF View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Who wants to give credit to sony/aeg/mj Estate 's marketeers for stirring away attention from the crooks they represent, by having masses of fans spinning b.s. talk on the post 2009 false allegations that suit the people they do the work for . View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco I have nothing to answer to anyone. I do not even have to post anything on here anymore. I can fight sony/MJ Estate anyway. At the end of the day, masses of fans do not even care. Masses care abt the BS cirque of marketeers/MJ Estate/sony/aeg w/ the marionette 's show of Robson View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Karma must exist and must do its course somehow View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @PaolaPatarca Invece e' cosi View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Fan culo Simonetta. View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Simonetta , cerca aiuto da uno psichiatra . Ne hai bisogno. Mi hai rotto le palle. Karma fa il suo. Continua a sparare cagate che 2019 Febsolo indietro 2018 ti ritorno 595 eTWEETS non su cose mj , ma su altro, perche la vita non e' solo su cose mj View on Twitter 2018 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Continue a sparare cagate sul fatto che ho speso tanti soldi . Ma vai a fare in culo Simonetta. Ti auguro che tu perda col tuo 2017 business , 50 volte più dei soldi che io ho speso View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2016 @markobirla @lovemj54 Dopo aver speso soldi. Ma va a cagare Simonetta View on Twitter 2015 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Tutti stupidi diretti come pecore con gli occhi su cause di merda con le masse di stupidi che vengono intrattenuti dal circo di marketeers e venditori di cagate 2014 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2013 @markobirla @lovemj54 Ad una bullshit causa conveniente ad aeg ed alle valutazioni fasulle di mj estate. Coglioni le masse di fans che si fanno prendere per il culo da ste cause View on Twitter 2012

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Il colpo di culo doveva capitare anni prima e tramite altri ed invece ne stiamo a parlare oggi This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Il tuo punto di vista e' solo compreso da te e stride con i blogs con carte che espongono criminali View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Non e' la realtà. Sono prodotti di merda su opere d'arte che non dovrebbero essere toccate. La loro manipolazione di audio e video , e' violenza View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Nulla e' cambiato. Il discorso e' tutto lo stesso . I fatti sono quelli senza neanche bisogno di summaries . View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Ultimi? Ma quali ultimi ! Io non parlo di ultimi. Qui si compra senza sapere ciò che c'e' dentro, si buttano soldi e si hanno doppioni e sarà sempre così. Chi non risica non rosica. Se seguivo la tua mentalità non avremmo avuto mai 1 cazzo di quello che oggi e' utile View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Ma che protagonismo. È il tuo il protagonismo. Se vivessi di consensi, non direi alla gente ciò che penso, inimicandomela . Ho 1 valanga di fonts che mi odia. Non me ne frega 1 cazzo . A me frega che la gente legge le carte ma alla gente non fregano le carte. Fregano i prodotti View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Condivide per gli interessi di imbroglioni mentre le passano i documenti e summaries ed altro , per difendere gli interessi di imbroglioni. Non vale 1 cazzo ivy e non valgono 1 cazzo I documenti che posta View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla Tua "Opinione" in supporto di merda di thriller 3d / prodotto sony-MJ estate , mentre vuoi scrivere blogs su carte che espongono sony/MJ estate . Bipolare o doppia faccia View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 In più, parli dopo che hai visto documenti che prima non avevi mai visto e mai cercato fino ad oggi .... e continuo a ripetere Febche andando 2018 di persona 595 TWEETS si trovano cose che non esistono su nessuno dei 2019 siti di ricerca online e pubblicazione digitale di casi View on Twitter 2018 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Stai prendendo per il culo la gente. Parte dei documenti che io ho preso (come le es . l'operative agreement di sony/atv 2017 ed altri doc e deposizioni), non sono disponibili online. Sono solo disponibili se vai in persona. View on Twitter 2016 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 I blog che tu hai scritto sulla mia pagina e sulla tua pagina e che tu continui a scrivere sulla tua pagina (finanche continuando ad 2015 usare alcune screencaps dei doc) sono il risultato della tua lettura di carte che ho riportato io alla luce , mentre tu dici che io sono inutile View on Twitter 2014 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Non sei il ghostwriter . I blogs che hai scritto sulla mia pagina sono firmati DELTA sotto tuo suggerimento, quando io ti 2013 chiedevo di firmarli a nome tuo perche il merito era tuo ed i pensieri e parole sono le tue, dopo mie rotture di balle sulla scelta di parole da usare View on Twitter 2012 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 La mio obbiettività e' che il tuo contributo sui summaries ed analisi e' stato importante e che c'era da dire ad altri di aggiornare le cose. Io ho postato questi screncap perche tu cerchi di This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use sminuire cosa si sa ora grazie alle carte che prima non si sapeva the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Purtroppo tutti gli altri ricercatori non hanno comprato e postato prima di me. Siamo tutti in ritardo di anni. Sarebbe stato meglio così non avrei dovuto oggi stare a perdere tempo con te che cerchi di sminuirne l'importanza di ciò che ora si sa e non si sapeva prima View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Il mio e' 1 contributo. Io non voglio dimostrare nulla. Sei tu che hai iniziato a sparare cagate cercando di sminuire Il contributo delle carte che ho comprato, mentre io in privato ed in pubblico continuo a dire alla gente che il merito dell'analisi e riassunti, e' tuo View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Il mio rammarico e' che non sono riuacito a procurarmi prima gli account dei mareketers ed i documenti. Tra parentesi prima non avevo neanche la carta di credito per comprare perche era ancora più col culo a terra di ora View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Qui e' il tuo ego, non il mio. Ho sempre detto a tutti che il merito dei blogs e summaries ed analisi erano i tuoi ogni volta che la gente ringraziava me. Ho sempre ammesso la mia ignoranza e la cosa che ho fatto e' procurare cose che non nessuno ha procurato per anni View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Ho speso più di 4000 dollari trala causa QJ , quella in Ny, quella irs,quella tohme tohme, quella probate etc. Ma poteva pure essere 1 dollaro ed essere tanto per me,visto che la tasca e' la mia ed io non ho assolutamente guadagni come tuoi e le spese le metto su carte di credito View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 I documenti che ho comprato e messo in giro servono per integrare quello che Teammichael ha postato negli anni. Nessuno può negare ciò che taaj da sola e con aiuti di fan e di gente vicina a MJ, ha messo in giro. I doc che ho comprato sono utilissimi in quel senso View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 Sei tu che hai messo la fasulla di Ivy in mezzo,non io.Sei tu che mi hai detto che i documenti glieli comprano ad ivy e le Febpassano 2018 i riassunti/sintesi 595 TWEETS fatti per prendere per fare propaganda per gente 2019 di merda di sony/branca/aeg/etc.Ha importanza che tu menzioni propagandisti sony View on Twitter 2018

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @markobirla @lovemj54 La gente attiva nella lotta dal 2009/2010 contro 2017 sony/MJ estate, mi conosce da tempo e sa che ognuno di noi ha contribuito alla lotta come poteva in maniera differente nel tempo. NOI siamo cresciuti insieme ed abbiamo lottato insieme . Di te sono venuto a conoscenza solo da poco 2016 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2015 @markobirla @lovemj54 Simonetta, io non ho alcuna reputazione da "dover difendere". La gente che tu proclami che "mi prendeva per il culo" , sono la gente di merda che esiste per branca e sony e quello che loro pensano e dicono non conta 1 cazzo perche sono imbroglioni . 2014 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2013 Practically, I can 't trust anyone. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2012 @lovemj54 Quinta,questa Simonetta e' fasulla.Piu' parla e più lo dimostra.Finanche menziona la merda di Ivy che fa propaganda per sony/branca e che la stessa Simonetta diceva che ad Ivy, quelli di sony/MJ estate,le passano le carte e le parole da scrivere This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use twitter.com/Sym0s/status/9… pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/wXoZmqTQu8 the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @PaolaPatarca A quanto pare dal 2009/10 ad oggi non ho fatto nulla. Ho perso tempo, denaro e preso rischi per essere infangato da gente di merda. Non più. Sinceramente mi sono rotto le palle di essere preso a sassate ed infangato da gente di merda View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @PaolaPatarca No Paola, ti ringrazio . Non tocco soldi altrui View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @lovemj54 Ma per Quale motivo io devo avere a che fare con gente che si rivela falsa, bugiarda e di merda come questa Simonetta Delfi? Mi sono rotto le palle. La gente è malata mentale e gente che proclama di combattere sony e mj estate spara pure menzogne, facendo loro 1 favore. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @lovemj54 No Quinta. Ti ringrazio. Non voglio soldi. Comprate da soli. Non vedi che la stronza di Simonetta Delfi dice che tutti comprano e condividono. Che tutti gli altri comprino e condividino e facciano da se ricerca,perche' mi sono rotto i coglioni di fare da solo e di ricevere merda View on Twitter Marco@B__Marco Balletta @B__Marco@B__Marco Search all Tweets I am tired to deal with shit people . It is time for me to send to fuck off everthing and everyone and leave everyone in company of shit people they deserve. I do not have to be here on twitter anymore FebView on Twitter2018 595 TWEETS 2019

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Nuhajaafar It does not matter. It is not worth your time or anyone 's time. 2018 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco For whose interests this person keeps writing bullshit ? There is no point to 2017 look like a bullshitter View on Twitter 2016 Marco Balletta @B__Marco The bullshitter is still talking and she wants to spin even b.s. about sony pictures hack. Actually WikiLeaks have shared part of the whole sony hack starting from April 2015,when emails and documents leaked months before 2015 &I was making ppl aware of it already in Dec2014&Jan2015 pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/d70w9RW0pp View on Twitter 2014

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2013 @ItsDiamondMarie @PageSix pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/nryJAjPBr2 View on Twitter 2012

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Marco Balletta @B__Marco @ItsDiamondMarie @PageSix Unfortunately what u retweet appears on my timeline and I wonder why you and ppl retweet gossip crap from anyone , including from Stacy Brown View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @ItsDiamondMarie @PageSix And u are giving clicks to Stacy Brown 's Search all Tweets article@B__Marco who is a shit person@B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019 @ItsDiamondMarie @PageSix MJ got inspired by other 's ppl music and art. That is the fact. Do you want to confront quincy jones by spinning b.s. told by crooks using their people in the media ? View on Twitter 2018

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @ItsDiamondMarie @PageSix This is complete gossip garbage. Why do u 2017 even bother giving it clicks? You know yourself the real facts. U do not need to be fed with gossip bs and help others to be feed with the same . This is in 1995 , with MJ and QJ hanging out together . It debunks the b.s. article pic.twitter.com/eaJhKYKbwh 2016 View on Twitter

2015 Marco Balletta @B__Marco Really. Fuck you View on Twitter 2014 Marco Balletta @B__Marco I am living on debts because I have to pay credit cards 's debts for court papers that I bought and that help MJ by exposing crooks of sony and 2013 Branca etc.,while MJ's own family members sell books or do whatever or nothing, & while some other fans want to play bullshit with me View on Twitter 2012 Marco Balletta @B__Marco 1 thing that truly pisses me off is people acting like shit on purpose,especially after u trusted them and u sincerely opened up to them.I have been repeatedly screwed by people on social media.I hate being on This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use social media but unfortunately I am forced to be here.I must help MJ the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… pic.twitter.com/zV5gXaeEBY View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @belindabee83 Is it that it burns her that I do not want to deal with her anymore? I have stated a million times my ignorance in business and finances and I have stated a million times that her knowledge was the reason why we got to understand the facts in the papers. It seems not enough View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Nuhajaafar Thanks! I am still paying back my credit card 's debts for all the court papers I have been buying for the past 2 years View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This paragraph in an online article is what brought me in court to look for the transcripts of this MJ's deposition. My luck was that not only I found the whole deposition of MJ, but I even found important unsealed MJ's business&contractual papers that expose sony&Branca pic.twitter.com/M3fWbJ8Wtk View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco What more this fucking person wants?She got everything that she needs,without ever moved her own ass to reach a court room in USA&without ever opened her own pocket for those papers. She was not the stubborn person looking for MJ's deposition&that found much more than that. I was twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco If you guys want a book about MJ's finances and business or blog posts or Search all Tweets else@B__Marco made using the @B__Marcopapers I bought and brought to light , that she read and then she even stole from me , you can look for her posts. She is the "guru" of that. I am not worth a fucking thing. twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019

Marco Balletta @B__Marco So yeah, I am tired of the fact that this woman needs to keep writing bullshit about me, in relation to these papers. As a matter of fact, she stole them all 2018 from me since she have used them after we sent each other to fuck off. So what the fuck she wants more than that? twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter 2017

Marco Balletta @B__Marco The papers I have bought& brought to light from a court archive are evidence of what done to MJ to ruin him and no matter if this woman or a 2016 different woman or a man would have read them, analyze them and wrote about them,the facts in those papers/the evidence would NOT change! twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… 2015 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Because only a shit person has the need to keep repeating how much she 2014 was great to read,analyze&present in writing the fucking papers I bought,repeatedly acting like I take merit for that, when I always said that I have no education in business&finances&she needed to be thanked 2013 twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2012 To tell you the truth,I wish I would not have shared 1 fucking thing with this woman, because despite I have repeatedly told multiple times how much she was important in reading and analyzing the papers I bought FOLLOWING MY OWN GUTS/FEELINGS,she keeps proving to be a shit This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use person twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Why no one have done that before? Why no one have moved their own ass and opened their own pockets to do what I did? Why do I have to read a bullshitter I have shared the papers with , to talk shit about me when if it was not for me, she would not have read 1 FUCKING THING ! twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco I decided to go court because I had the feeling I would have found something bad about sony/MJ Estate 's ppl in that specific lawsuit I was looking MJ's deposition of.I went to court multiple times & I have spent days in court looking through those papers that I end up buying. View on Twitter

Karen Faye @wingheart Joseph is easily manipulated and used by the estate to sway the opinion of MJ fans that the estate are good guys. Releasing never released photos that the estate owns is a draw for fans to reach into their wallets. twitter.com/jamonbull/stat… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Karen Faye @wingheart You do not have to "prove" anything, because no one disagreed with you. It is a "book" for propaganda to support the estate and money for Joseph and Branca. Fans should not buy it. I can't imagine any MJ fan even wanting it. twitter.com/b__marco/statu… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart True. I am pessimistic but I hope u are right :) and it is important to have who is not pessimistic and is on the same side as me :) View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart Would not this prove actually the point I have made ? pic.twitter.com/PwGfkIA4ZW View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019





Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Angels____Light The problem is that since 2009, even masses of fans are 2014 not loyal to MJ because they are more loyal to products and to who gives them the products, while all the other people that float around MJ's name, are loyal to the $dollar$ $imbol. 2013 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart I think that same as crook Trump will not end up being 2012 impeached,the Jackson family will never do anything abt the crooks that own their same blood MJ.Fact though is that No Jackson&No crook can erase what done to MJ in life&the evidence I put out,do not depend from what they do This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Jayne Hernon @whatmorecanive @B__Marco Branca Weizmann, Philips aeg Sony, was all involved in the downfall and assassination of Michael Jackson’s himself and his name. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco I would love to see I am wrong. It would mean that they actually would do something abt their family member #Michaeljackson being in hands of crook sony/MJ Estate,instead of them being for a fact divided between who of them endorse Crooks,who is silent&who(if any)fight them View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Haha haha fellow fans ! You want to complain about me for what I say, but at least do it when you are sure u have not done or said the same that you complain about me for doing ..... #wtf View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart pic.twitter.com/w2CrNjghgy View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart Funny that the person is telling u that is blocked :) View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @TheMJAP @wingheart So no one should feel bad that supporting who tomorrow will flip/Flop (or is forced to flip/flop), would have as consequence that who supported will end up being called names and end up look stupid. How good is that? View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart It should not get worse though. After his death, seeing partying over his death, contributes to make it worse . I can't stand the fact that , threatened or Not, this is the reality we are living in View on Twitter Marco Balletta @B__Marco Search all Tweets @@B__MarcoDiamondglove @wingheart@B__Marco Of course. But still it does not change the fact of seeing them flip/flopping and that that does not help anyone and anything. So at this point in time , u can't trust endorsing who might flip/Flop tomorrow View on Twitter Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart Yes, but in the end these facts help just the few fans that cares to finally see the evidence of what done to MJ in life. I can't change the fact 2018 that we all see 1 by 1 any Jackson becoming the opposite of how they were before View on Twitter 2017

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart I am not fighting with u. I know I am judging and misjudging like u say, but after so many years of seeing them flip / flop to allow us to be 2016 called names, I do not see anything better, but just worse View on Twitter 2015 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @TheMJAP @wingheart Is that their case or is it just assumption? Because it is since 2009 that we are assuming things while who we have supported have 1 by 1 flip flopped, allowing us to be called bullshitters . 2014 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2013 @wingheart If that is so, I myself would say to those criminals : pull that trigger on me because I am not up for it View on Twitter 2012 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Diamondglove @wingheart While anyone that fight against those sharks end up being called a bullshitter after 1 or another of the Jackson flips/Flop from b3ing against crooks, to side crooks. How good is that? This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart So is it fine to stay shut seeing them endorsing crooks while allowing anyone of us be called bullshitters when bullshitters is anyone that since 2009 flip/flop? View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart So they have guns on their heads that force them to sign up with sony and do marketing for post 2009 business from crooks ? View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart I guess some people are different. If 1 of the most precious person in my life get killed, and they start to profit off his/her death, I would refute everything and die penniless fighting. That is I guess the "stupid" me, but not anyone else View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart But then they get involved with sony and the crooks of the MJ Estate and their shady business. They do even market ing for them and they flip/flop since 2009 You did not involve yourself with anything post 2009 Jackson and ppl and corp. They did. pic.twitter.com/QzZQSJYfNf View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @TheMJAP Yes. Zack Greenburg/Zak Greenberg - D. Baron Media Relations etc. This is how the crook of John Branca uses #MichaelJackson 's money to lie to masses and write propaganda for serving his own interests and crooked sony 's interests pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/jp997Ocfgt View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019








Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use @TheMJAP Because this is not about the quality of a hologram of MJ but it the months above to navigate the archive. is about the immorality of a hologram from a corporation w/ rotten ppl & lawyers ,that chained MJ in life to them in forced loans to control him, and that own him in death to exploit him,w/ MJ being silenced forever View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @TheMJAP U already know what is the next step,right?He is going to become a man that in life fought against being slave of corporations,& in death will becone a toy of corporations, as a hologram that"touring is more profitable than a living MJ touring" #fuckthat pic.twitter.com/WlO3BF9BYq pic.twitter.com/BEA3IxXFkl View on Twitter

Mindfulness Wellness @HealingMB Making a hundred friends is not a miracle. The miracle is to make a single friend who will stand by your side even when hundreds are against you Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Tom Boylan @tom_nalyob In America, they say the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. But that just sounds like someone trying to sell two guns. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Danuta Kean #FBPE @Danoosha Seeing .@realDonaldTrump’s crass response to the #FloridaSchoolShooting beggars belief. All that money he and other US politicians receive from the NRA, it’s blood money. And the blood is that of schoolchildren. Takes more Search all Tweets than@B__Marco prayers to heal @B__Marcothat. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

595 TWEETS 2019 FebMatt Haig 2018@matthaig1 Mental illness exists everywhere, Donald. Mass high school shootings don't. twitter.com/realDonaldTrum… Retweeted by @B__Marco 2018 View on Twitter

indignadaconlamaldad40 @kharmencita39 2017 @B__Marco True. That makes me angry. The human being does anything for power, control and money. They should pay in one way or another for everything they do, but no. They take advantage, earn money and the image of a person on the floor. 2016 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2015 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Nuhajaafar @kharmencita39 @wingheart Sony and radar online being in contact for business pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/h9sFX8kmBD View on Twitter 2014

2013 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Nuhajaafar @kharmencita39 @wingheart I have lost faith in each Jackson family members. I feel that facts prove that the few fans that cares for MJ's rights against crooks at sony/MJ estate,have done more than the whole 2012 Jackson family. Actually we find ourselves witnessing Jackson on the side of crooks/against us View on Twitter This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use Marco Balletta @B__Marco the months above to navigate the archive. @kharmencita39 @Nuhajaafar @wingheart Press = the tool for has got money/power , aka sony/MJ Estate, AEG etc twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… pic.twitter.com/BA5V23xFyB View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco pic.twitter.com/YV1HVu3aTM View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco pic.twitter.com/2cDIW1LLsQ View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @belindabee83 Yep. And who endorse the undervaluing of MJ's image and likeness and of MJ's assets, should be "proud"( sarcastic): 1)of what a QJ has to says abt MJ,because it is crap that MJ Estate/sony use to shit on MJ 2)to have friend cheaters in the irs that are close to a crook Trump View on Twitter

I can see God within MJ @god7like7king7 There you have It !!! twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

I can see God within MJ @god7like7king7 Amen! twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

MJforeverfan @angel_leigh1979 Apparently people have forgot a lot of things!! twitter.com/b__marco/statu… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Liberiangirl @Liberia56084726 @B__Marco WTF ????????? Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter Marco Balletta @B__Marco Search all Tweets In@B__Marco 2012,all the MJ Estate/Sony@B__Marco 's fans that are among MJ's fans were cheering for Quincy Jones marketing the cirque and attending the Cirque Show. In 2018, they same shit ppl above , call Quincy Jones a devil and a shit person. #fakes pic.twipic.twitter.com/hW3T7gu2lR 595 TWEETS 2019 FebView on Twitter2018

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2018 @kharmencita39 MJ has always been a tool for others (single individuals, firms and corporations) to use for their own gain , at any cost /his expense. View on Twitter 2017

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @kharmencita39 This twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… is to me way worse than Quincy Jones. Why is that everyone wants to talk about Quincy Jones 2016 but not on the facts that the show that gave an audience to C. Murray is something that has got hands of ziffren=mjEstate/sony/winfrey in it? View on Twitter 2015

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @kharmencita39 We will see if it happens 2014 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @kharmencita39 Why do u want to comment on what is not a fact for now? 2013 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2012 Shady people always get together for defending their common shady interest$. It is all about that! twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use What a crap world! Donald Trump nominated the attorney Hochman Salkin the months above to navigate the archive. for IRS Commissioner Role. We are talking about the same lawyer that MJ Estate have hired against the IRS! And of course , the new IRS Nominee defended Trump's Refusal to Release His Tax Returns #shadyshit View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wendylovesmj yeah.. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco The single of Billie Jean of #MichaelJackson that I have :) pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/t593pN4Dj5 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Nuhajaafar @wingheart Sanity make you wish that who you love , would not have died. Insanity and busine$$ make up/fabricate a hoax that who is dead, is alive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Imagine all those frauds that exist among fans to pimp a busine$$ of crook sony and crook John Branca and co. off #MichaelJackson , publicly claiming love for Quincy Jones at that time , for being by John Branca, for among the other things,pimping a post 2009 product ! twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Maybe people forgot that time when Quincy Jones was sitting next to John Branca pic.twitter.com/vJBTClst3b View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019



Marco Balletta @B__Marco Maybe people forgot that time when Quincy Jones was sitting next to John Branca pic.twitter.com/KvJCjmEVwG 2016 View on Twitter

2015 Marco Balletta @B__Marco Quincy Jones speaking about Billie Jean and his answer about Xscape pic.twitter.com/8ghpvBa81S View on Twitter 2014

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Nuhajaafar @wingheart I do not understand what sort of disgusting MJ 2013 anyone wish to be alive post his death, because the MJ anyone wish for, would be such a disgusting person , opposite of the MJ that was killed and we were lucky to have among us on earth until 2009 2012 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Nuhajaafar @wingheart Pick any good adjective you want to attribute to the man MJ that was until the moment he was killed and the opposite of This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use those adjectives, are adjectives that belong to the "MJ" of a hoax business the months above to navigate the archive. the corporations have interest$ in View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Nuhajaafar @wingheart Do people understand that their "alive" imaginary MJ would be a human being the opposite than the MJ that got killed? Immoral⁰, A Liar, False⁰, Cruel⁰, Disrespectful⁰, Non religious⁰, selfish⁰, Not caring⁰, A Criminal View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Nuhajaafar @wingheart The whole hoax business crap sell to masses of sick people a "MJ" part of the criminal organization that is sony/MJ Estate. It is a business / a hoax fueled by who has interest$ in living off the rights of a deceased mj and with hands in the pockets of sick fans View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @ShaaShaa88 They are faces of facade. Where is/are the pictures of the whole business behind it all? mobile.twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… pic.twitter.com/A2G2OL1YS4 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Nuhajaafar @wingheart To me the whole thing about the name is pure madness and a b.s. talk to feed a b.s. business of a hoax. I can not fix other's madness but I can speak up about what of wrong is about this crap and what is behind it. Is that somehow a problem for u? View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Nuhajaafar @wingheart Do u understand that this business of crooks over such a madness is a business of convenience for the crooks at sony/MJ Estate ? mobile.twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… Am I am not fine with it. Are you? View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Nuhajaafar @wingheart Do u understand that there are sociopaths and crooks that have built a business off the madness of MJ being "alive" and that is why they bring this b.s. up? View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets Marco Balletta @B__Marco @kharmencita39 There is much bigger wrongdoings against MJ than the QJ's crap talk abt MJ . How about the falsity about the finances of MJ ? The 2019 Febpicturing 2018 of MJ being 595 the TWEETS problem when the problem were and will always remain the people that now control and use what left of him? View on Twitter 2018 Daniela Blunden @DanielaDb0704 @B__Marco So true! Retweeted by @B__Marco 2017 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco No matter how much of an ass Quincy Jones could be for you for his words 2016 against #MichaelJackson, you should have a million times more worse feelings for the people at sony and at MJ Estate that you actually endorse and help with their distracting actions. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER 2015 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco It is a simple as that. Whatever complaint about Quincy Jones 's lawsuit you 2014 have, it proves that u did not understand a fucking thing about lifetimes of cheating against #MichaelJackson from the same crooks Quincy Jones have sued. 2013 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Ppl want to be mad about the continuos shit talk of Quincy Jones against 2012 #MichaelJackson ,but not mad about the years of shit doings of sony & lawyer of MJ Estate during MJ's lifetime,that caused a miserable life to MJ to the point MJ ended up even dead trying to save his assets. View on Twitter This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive. Marco Balletta @B__Marco @1_lancaster After reading all these facts mobile.twitter.com/i/moments/8813… that black on white prove everything MJ told us in life about the cheating against MJ&the forced problems on MJ,u should be more vocal about these facts than burying QJ's lawsuit that actually adds more facts against crooks View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @1_lancaster Let me ask u.Are u more mad about the continuos shit talk of Quincy Jones against #MichaelJackson or about the years of shit doings of sony & lawyer of MJ Estate during MJ's lifetime, that caused a miserable life to MJ to the point he ended up even dead trying to save his assets? View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco The way Quincy Jones's shit talk against #MichaelJackson is used,prove exactly how it is so easy to be instrumentally used for going against MJ's interests&rights,interests&rights that were & are torned apart by way much worse shit doings than the some shit talk from Quincy Jones View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @1_lancaster What u tweeted me , prove exactly how it is so easy to instrumentally be used for going against MJ's interests and rights , interests and rigjts that were and are torned apart by way much worse shit doings than the some shit talk from Quincy Jones View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Unfortunately crooks and their shady busine$$ live off the ignorance/not knowing/superficiality of masses of fans, by driving hate/attention toward some specific figures, to take away from themselves their huge amount of shit doings against #MichaelJackson , in his life and death View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco I am going to repeat this over and over. Without Quincy Jones sue the corporations/shit business of MJ Estate/sony , NO ONE of us would have ever known such facts regarding how THEY were after screwing #MichaelJackson too 1) … haeljacksontheothersideofmidnight.com/2017/06/22/the… 2) … haeljacksontheothersideofmidnight.com/2017/08/21/ins… Search all Tweets pic.twi@B__Marcopic.twitter.com/ECvHdCJhR0@B__Marco View on Twitter

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019






Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2013 @1_lancaster Read and learn the truth , Because they are bullshitting you around about the lawsuit of QJ. You should be thankful that QJ's lawsuit brought out facts that u would have know about it = how THEY fucked MJ too! 2012 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @1_lancaster That is not true. QJ sued the corporation sony/MJ Estate for This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use what it was owe to him and were his rights which were also rights of MJ the months above to navigate the archive. because also MJ got cheated in life by the same ppl. U are wrong … haeljacksontheothersideofmidnight.com/2017/08/21/ins… https://t.co/DSccOJNB4w?amp=1 pic.twipic.twitter.com/FwpJdYNPg9 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @NovoaBran I think that QJ was always harsh and full of judgments of MJ. He admitted different times to have bugged MJ View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @wingheart I find it so sickening . The poor deceased MJ is pictured by these ppl as a garbage human being. It is so insulting to the memory of MJ and the man that was. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @NovoaBran Oh. I see what you mean. But I do not think QJ needs money. He is just being stupid and maybe even the age is not helping him. There are latest interviews where while he is talking, he forgets what he is talking about... View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @NovoaBran What money are you referring to? View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @NovoaBran What money? This is not about money. This is about QJ being stupid since QJ was involved in the same period in working on both 1981 MJ's demo of BJ and on Donna Summer 's Cover of the song "State of Independence" youtu.be/NwGztZOBtVk pic.twitter.com/dU8Cg5m8an View on Twitter Marco@B__Marco Balletta @B__Marco@B__Marco Search all Tweets @wingheart @beLIEverMJ95 This crap about "joe" and "Joseph" comes always from people that are sick with the mental illness about MJ "alive" pic.twipic.twitter.com/bZS3BXy6vl FebView on Twitter2018 595 TWEETS 2019

Wendy #Justice4MJ @MayanSun2202 2018 @B__Marco @Michelastella30 "Unfortunate negative tendencies" would be understatement. Retweeted by @B__Marco 2017 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MayanSun2202 @Michelastella30 2016 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/r0fTqkFt32 View on Twitter 2015

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @sonero419 If 35 years later Quincy Jones wants to talk about albums or 2014 songa he did with MJ, at least he should stick with what should be honest to say , thinking also that MJ is dead and he can not also tell it how it is View on Twitter 2013

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @sonero419 youtu.be/NwGztZOBtVk pic.twitter.com/YMg6MMelak View on Twitter 2012

Jayne Hernon @whatmorecanive @B__Marco They use his name to promote there products, and in the next This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use breath they condemn him when it best suits them. the months above to navigate the archive. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MayanSun2202 @Michelastella30 twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MayanSun2202 @Michelastella30 And now we have even business and contractual papers/facts that back up what MJ told us View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @sonero419 35 years later , with a MJ killed and not here to reply to him, QJ want to talk about beats of 2 songs that he both remixed in studio View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco MJ_oohs_01 #MichaelJackson #BillieJean pic.twitter.com/xeFBiKQ3df Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco MJ_oohs_01 #MichaelJackson #BillieJean pic.twitter.com/ayaA1VSXXq Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter GG@B__Marco@rydetheboogie @B__Marco Search all Tweets @B__Marco People dont want to speak about them because they dont want to loae out on new MJ material. Theyve been well trained. Ita a shame. Retweeted by @B__Marco FebView on Twitter2018 595 TWEETS 2019

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @sonero419 More than 35 years later QJ wants to talk about "beat" when 2018 himself was working on the mix of a demo of BJ (QJ forgot about MJ 's demo of Billie Jean dated 1981 youtu.be/lw45PcukaWg ) while himself was working on the mix of Donna Summer ? View on Twitter 2017

Marco Balletta @B__Marco youtu.be/KgJ-2OU3g4w 2016 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco They can all be selective&complain only abt Quincy Jones going through 2015 senility&talking b.s., but not about the lies of crook lawyers and crook sony. How come is that?How come masses want MJ being a bullshitter when it is proved him being right abt sony&pals screwing him in life? 2014 twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter 2013 Marco Balletta @B__Marco pic.twitter.com/H44x9p3syX View on Twitter 2012

Marco Balletta @B__Marco How about also all the other million lies abt #MichaelJackson spoken by ppl that stole MJ Estate and people in their pockets like Greenburg that lie about everything MJ for their own and corporation 's gain? Masses are silent about This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use those lies that suit sony and pals at MJ Estate twitter.com/rydetheboogie/… the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco pic.twitter.com/NHT0TwhnYc View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco youtu.be/7tHSv3vWEgQ View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco All on tape.... I wonder if Quincy Jones remembers his own words .....the words that he once spoke pic.twitter.com/CoFP5NtUox View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco pic.twitter.com/bdx4xsUSH6 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco youtu.be/TK_rX4MjvA4 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Billie Jean #MichaelJackson pic.twitter.com/2OLxMgGz6U View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco youtu.be/8OjqM6uHsY4 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Bruce Swedien: Recording #MichaelJackson soundonsound.com/people/bruce-s… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl Looking forward to what is coming from the captogloves Search all Tweets and@B__Marco the captosensors.@B__Marco :) View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019 This marketing advertising has got sony written all over it. #MichaelJackson is used as a toy to promote not only the radio station, but also 2 artists signed with sony music, since RCA Records (Pink) and Columbia Records (Adele) are both labels owned by Sony Music .... 2018 twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter 2017 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl I see! And the sad part is that hardware developing seems going fast than games or applications developing and hence there is no much around to use the gadgets with, when getting them 2016 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2015 pic.twitter.com/zn1tZR5pAa View on Twitter 2014 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl Someone on vive community replied to me with this method . It feels much simpler and quicker than how I was able to pair. I will 2013 try it and let you know pic.twipic.twitter.com/Lq2mzVFra8 View on Twitter 2012

This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive.

mary sonmor @marysonmor @B__Marco This, these are the kinds of things that make me cry for him. My heart breaks over and over for him. P.S. The interviewer was kind of a jerk! Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl I have a question for u. Would u buy a: TactSuit DK2(Tactot + a pair of Tactosy) Or a hardlightvr ? Which one would u suggest and why? View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl 13) if 1 tracker light remains blue, pair it again , by clicking in steam vr in the option that says pair controller and hit the button on the tracker to activate its bluetooth to pair it View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl 10) after u paired all the trackers and none of the dongle is attached to the pc , turn on both the vive controllers 11) attach all the use dongle to the pc 12) turn on all the vive trackers, 1 by one, and wait that each light turns green before turning on the next one View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl 8) after vive tracker #2 is paired , remove both tracker #2 Search all Tweets and@B__Marco dongle #2 using @B__Marcothe same method as above 9) repeat the same pairing method as above for all the remaining trackers and usb dongles. View on Twitter

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl 5) after 1 tracker is paired, turn it off from inside the steamvr program (right click on the trascker icon and turn it off) 6) remove the use dongle that got paired with the vive tracker #1 7) insert dongle #2 2018 and pair it with the vive tracker #2, using the same method above View on Twitter 2017 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl 1)Turned on the vive headset and the vive controllers. 2)Turned off both vive controllers using the option inside streamvr(right click on the icons of the 2 vive controllers and turn them off) 3) insert 1 usb 2016 dongle 4) pair 1 tracker View on Twitter 2015 indignadaconlamaldad40 @kharmencita39 @B__Marco What I am going to say is very sad but I think Michael had very few real friends in his life. You can count on your fingers a hand Retweeted by @B__Marco 2014 View on Twitter

jazz smith @jazzsmi16408721 2013 @B__Marco How do they sleep at night knowing what they did and continuing to do it. Makes me sick to my stomach Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2012

indignadaconlamaldad40 @kharmencita39 @jazzsmi16408721 @B__Marco Because they lack humanity, morals and scruples. They are like vermin. This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use Retweeted by @B__Marco the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl I was able to pair them all. It seems a certain order needs to be followed to pair all the trackers. It is pretty tedious also because often the pairing fails . It feels like the pairing procedure has some bugs View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl I hope we will have soon an update. I am impatient :-D View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl google.com/amp/s/amp.redd… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl Do u have vive trackers ? I am having hard time to pair 7 trackers and 2 vive controllers at the same time. Do u have suggestions in The steps to follow to make them remain paired all at the same time? View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @belindabee83 U like them&u like to talk to them.I do not.I do not appreciate who is after useless propaganda while being full of duplicity&double standard for the interest of a business off the rights of a man that end up killed after fighting for his rights.U can ask them or ask yourself why View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @belindabee83 They probably will never apologize and even if they would, it would not erase any crap doing and any damage created to mj, including for some,being responsible of a miserable life for MJ , for them to profit in life and in death View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @belindabee83 I am not a fan of QJ's crapping on MJ,but I can see how there is interest in burying the fact that sony&who run MJ Estate are crooks and they screwed QJ and MJ too. Those are facts that are proved by valid contractual and business papers present in a court of law,Because of QJ View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets Marco Balletta @B__Marco @belindabee83 Apologized Stelter have created a huge damage. He should have thought about it before creating that incredible damage . His image got Febtainted, 2018especially 595because TWEETS there is no justice about those songs and lies 2019 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2018 @belindabee83 No . It would not have come out because these sort of inconvenient papers are kept secret , not public ,until someone she someone else and, if crook people do not succeed in sealing them, they 2017 become accessible to the public. What u state is not factual View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2016 @belindabee83 There are papers about the agreement. This is not about what QJ's says . It is about facts , contractual and business papers in possession of sony /mj Estate and that now are public and that state facts 2015 about how qj and even MJ got screwed . Point View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2014 @MedalShieldSrl I see. These are the driver captoglove is working on right now. View on Twitter 2013

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @whatmorecanive Thank you and to you too! :) Have a blessed Sunday! View on Twitter 2012

Jayne Hernon @whatmorecanive @B__Marco Sending love and blessings to you and your family pic.twitter.com/yyiD4Le7eK This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use Retweeted by @B__Marco the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Harvey Levin of @TMZ in "Business" call w/ Sony Pictures . Crooks are always in "business"together #crookmedia pic.twitter.com/vKWbNDH7Ux View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl I think the driver4vr though is what the developers from captoglove should look into. They can put the gloves in steamvr somehow using those drivers but they should rely on the captosensor or vr trackers or the caprosensors, for tracking the gloves in steamvr View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl 2) when wearing the gloves , the leap have harder time to track the hands and the field of view/reach of the ir sensors on the gloves is even narrower. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl I was able to fix the problem and try the gloves with the Search all Tweets leap@B__Marco and the driver4vr.@B__Marco There are 2 problems: 1) the range/field of view of the leap is very narrow. The hands/controllers disappear when coming out from the reach of IR sensors of the leap. View on Twitter Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl Such a luck! :-( Did u get a chance to try yourself the gloves with the leap motion and the driver4vr ? 2018 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2017 Someone might want let know/remind them => twitter.com/MJJLegion/stat… of the fake 17,249 fake followers they have got. How many of those followers do u think are bought followers and how many bot accounts ? lol :-) pic.twitter.com/yDkHX8FNR5 2016 View on Twitter

2015 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl do u have any idea why the vive controllers appear above my head with leap motion in vrstream ? :-( View on Twitter 2014

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @phillytt HAHAHA ! :-D 2013 View on Twitter

phillytt @phillytt @B__Marco Block me, Hate me, you can never Mute me. Fav me, Retweet 2012 me, you will not delete me Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use Marco Balletta @B__Marco the months above to navigate the archive. #MJFam #MichaelJackson Katherine Jackson: "You have to remember one thing,people don't want to know the truth" vine.co/v/iB36tj7H5jb Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

MJforeverfan @angel_leigh1979 Yeah it is... I can’t even say in disappointed anymore. I’m just disgusted by all the people who follow and basically mock MJ twitter.com/b__marco/statu… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @angel_leigh1979 This is in fact what is all about: Looking for a hundred or a thousands of retweet or endorsement or whatever , that is bullshit behaviour when the same ppl ignore the same done by others to MJ or ignore what is way much more worse that has been done to MJ View on Twitter

MJforeverfan @angel_leigh1979 I would say that’s an awesome question, but I think they are followers they don’t really care. They are getting what they want out of it. ATTENTION twitter.com/b__marco/statu… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @kharmencita39 How the Cascio can be friend when they made up fake songs and they sell off MJ in auctions ? They are crooks same as the rest View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Rethorical question: how come none of those accounts that appear to have more "pull" on masses of fans, never expose crooks at sony/MJ Estate and all those rubbish crooked people that work & associate themselves with crooks of MJ Estate/sony etc. ? View on Twitter

Liberiangirl @Liberia56084726 @B__Marco Motherfuckers !!!! Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter Marco@B__Marco Balletta @B__Marco@B__Marco Search all Tweets @MedalShieldSrl Do we need a software adjustment from captoglove for that? View on Twitter Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl I am still confused how the whole think should work. I installed the leap motion and I install his drivers and I can see the vive 2018 controllers moving when i move my hands and when I look throught the vive headset . So my hands have become the vive controllers. View on Twitter 2017 Marco Balletta @B__Marco Zack Greenburg can talk BS abt #michaeljackson to cover up the stealing &shit doings done by sony/Ppl of MJ Estate during MJ's lifetime, with MJ's 2016 fans backing up his bullshit and buying his b.s. book filled with rewriting HIStory,but same fans want to complain abt Quincy Jones View on Twitter 2015 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @kharmencita39 So true! View on Twitter 2014

indignadaconlamaldad40 @kharmencita39 @B__Marco earn half the money and people would not believe so much 2013 falsehood. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2012 indignadaconlamaldad40 @kharmencita39 @B__Marco Worst of all is that everything remains the same, people continue to believe lies and the media and frauds making money. And they do not pay for what they do with the jail, which is where the rest of their lives should be. If all this is done to another person, they would not This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive. Retweeted by @B__Marco the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Paola @PaolaPatarca @B__Marco Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl This is a reply that I have got from the person that created the drivers. Can captogloves send xinput? pic.twitter.com/7zG45qYLbO View on Twitter

Daniela Blunden @DanielaDb0704 @B__Marco Justice must b served! Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco So yeah. Block me, hate me, ignore me, do whatever the fuck you want to do , but the fact I states and I have stated now and for so long , will never change. I might be a shit person to your eyes, but be sure you are much bigger shit to my eyes twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco What the fuck is the matter with you all that claim to "love" #michaeljackson ? twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco It is as simple as this. They all "hate" that people talk shit about #MichaelJackson , but the majority do not actually care about the shit done to MJ. They actually endorse who have done and do shit to MJ and what was and is shit to do to MJ. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco I will keep repeating this, so many people are so shit and I do not share anything with them. I am a fan of MJ. They claim to be fan of MJ. We do not care the same way. Perhaps I am different from the masses that have a strange way of caring for someone View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets Marco Balletta @B__Marco If you genuinely love someone, you would go around penniless instead of helping out shit people pocketing money off the person you claim to love 2019 Febwhile acting 2018 you "care"595 TWEETS that no one would talk shit about him. You actually feed shit done to him! View on Twitter 2018 Marco Balletta @B__Marco Look at the difference in how IRS talks positive abt the album"BAD"&how Michael Jackson Estate talks negative abt "BAD" #MichaelJackson 2017 pic.twipic.twitter.com/ku5ofdvWTC Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2016


Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2014 Look at the difference between IRS positive comments abt"Dangerous"&the negativity of MJ Estate abt Dangerous w/even a WRONG release date! pic.twipic.twitter.com/KZ8mNyLovM 2013 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2012

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Marco Balletta @B__Marco Look at the negative spin that Michael Jackson Estate give to the "Invincible" Era compared to the IRS #MichaelJackson pic.twipic.twitter.com/xkR7Dujbnf Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco More media article containing BS talk abt #MichaelJackson , that MJ Estate filed in court &IRS(Respondent)objected on the ground of hearsay pic.twitter.com/7RX1P87mw3 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Devaluing #michaeljackson 's image and likeness using the same shit talk and b.s. that a John Landis or a Quincy Jones or any in the pocket media or bullshitter wrote or say to spin around for the convenience of $ome, is even more shit than those shit words against MJ! View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco The money that all count since 2009 is toilet paper. This is how I would use Search all Tweets every@B__Marco single dime they@B__Marco "generated" off a deceased man and his buried rights View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019 There is NO amount of money on earth that is worth more than #michaeljackson's rights&MJ's life.MJ faced shit words from ppl throughout all his lifetime&he suffered& continues to suffer even worse than from shit words, because of actions against his rights from ppl & corporations 2018 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2017 How many among the masses of people that complained about Quincy Jones's crap words against #michaeljackson , complained about the crap people of MJ Estate that trash MJ using such articles twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… 2016 View on Twitter

Paola @PaolaPatarca 2015 @splendaas @QuincyDJones @ParisJackson Si dovrebbe vergognare questo vecchio signore..perché lui Michael lo deve solo ringraziare come Michael ha fatto sempre ad ogni premiazione fin che e' rimasto vivo..l'eleganza mentale non è per tutti..evidentemente.. 2014 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2013 Marco Balletta @B__Marco Masses of people did not give a crap about this but now the same masses of fans pretend to care that Quincy Jones talks crap about #michaeljackson acting like they are outraged pic.twitter.com/24pwopO7V1 2012 View on Twitter

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Marco Balletta @B__Marco @rydetheboogie U are one of the rare ones and me too I do not like Quincy Jones but he is no different than John Landis and worse are sony/MJ Estate 's ppl. How about accounts that stay mute about those but want to speak up about Quincy Jones? pic.twitter.com/FaXHQbO1Ey View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @nicoleslifee12 Thank you Nicole. 1 thing is for sure. I do always the opposite of what masses of fans are brought to do for the convenience of the moment. I am not afraid to say it how it is despite I know that the more I speak up and harsh, the more ppl will do the opposite and worse. View on Twitter

Paola @PaolaPatarca @B__Marco @god7like7king7 Chi veramente prova affetto e rispetto per un'artista che ci ha regalato tante gioie ha notato eccome il comportamento dell'altro " personaggino"..vorrei vedere la loro espressione di quando lo incontreranno lassù.. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco When products and exploitation by crooks of sony/MJ Estate and from nasty people like John Landis that talked the same crap as Quincy Jones against MJ, is more important than speak up for #michaeljackson . It is all about the convenience of the moment! #duplicity twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @PaolaPatarca @god7like7king7 Hai fatto bene. Ma tu sei coerente, perche Search all Tweets hai@B__Marco alzato la voce per@B__Marco MJ contro Quincy Jones, ma anche contro John Landis. C'e' chi invece ha ignorato John Landis perche' il prodotto da pubblicare e' più importante di MJ View on Twitter Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019

Paola @PaolaPatarca @B__Marco @god7like7king7 Vero..non bisogna fare sconti a nessuno..comunque ho appena scritto a Q dicendogli che solo un imbecille 2018 può parlare male di uno che non solo e' morto ma gli era pure amico..non posso sentirlo.. Retweeted by @B__Marco 2017 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Where are the complaints against John Landis from the same sort of 2016 accounts that have complained abt the crap words of Quincy Jones against #michaeljackson? John Landis have talked the same sort of crap against MJ, but all these people did not complain for MJ.They pimped products 2015 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/YoF90hV45Z View on Twitter 2014

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @belindabee83 @MJJLegion How come those same people from this 2013 account of MJJLegion did ZERO about John Landis talking the same crap, but they actually promoted thriller 3d despite Landis talked the same sort of crap against #MichaelJackson, as Quincy Jones did ? pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/QHDbmAuSt2 2012 View on Twitter

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Marco Balletta @B__Marco @laruu93 They have all lied for years and years for benefiting themselves and AEG and sony and crooks of lawyers etc. AEG trial exposed all their lies marcoballetta.com/they-all-knew-… View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets Elaine Holloway @rececup713 @wingheart It is just so sad. I really don’t know how people watch “This is it”. It is gut wrenching. It’s so apparent that they scripted this to sell to fans with 595 TWEETS 2019 Feblies. Gross 2018 and disgusting Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2018 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @tangypizzasauce I am having the same issue @TwitterSupport View on Twitter 2017

tupai @parkjazzunnie This twitter update mixed the order of your uploaded pictures its weird :| Retweeted by @B__Marco 2016 View on Twitter

ᚹᚱᛗᛃᚢᛚᚨᛊ @tangypizzasauce 2015 Is twitter putting multiple pictures from single tweets in a random order instead of the order uploaded for anyone else? Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2014

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Because of QJ 's lawsuit, we got the chance to know how they also screwed 2013 #MichaelJackson. Quincy Jones remains a butt , but I can take advantage of what QJ's did by bringing up a lawsuit and use that , for mj's interests against crooks. pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/1SM1Gj6vfD View on Twitter 2012

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use @belindabee83 pic.twipic.twitter.com/eLE35o6tG0 the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Quincy Jones got demolished for the same sort of crap talk against #MichaelJackson that John Landis did too , while John Landis got glorified for his "Thriller 3d" with crook sony/Branca , and his crap talk against MJ got ignored. Masses of fakes View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @belindabee83 U are walking over MJ's interests for your being mad at Quincy Jones . If u are that way, i wish i could erase from your brain everything that QJ's lawsuit brought up that showed u how MJ audited sony and how MJ was screwed up too.U do not give a shit,so u do not deserve to know View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @belindabee83 U do not care that the lawsuit brought out facts and papers that are proof of what the did to MJ too? Even the judge said that without the lawsuit no papers would have ever been retrieved to dig into their shit doings! View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco As soon as John Branca will release the "re-make" of Thriller,they will all "love" John Landis.They all "love" #MichaelJackson dearly #fakes Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Let's remind people John Landis 's trash talking of #MichaelJackson , mixed with fake love for MJ Part1 pic.twitter.com/33bYwIcCNB Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Let's remind people John Landis 's trash talking of #MichaelJackson , mixed with fake love for MJ Part2 pic.twitter.com/aSMHngLbo8 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Let's remind people John Landis 's trash talking of #MichaelJackson , mixed Febwith fake 2018 love for MJ595 Part3 TWEETS thestar.com/entertainment/… 2019 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/hNBiRsq0F2 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2018

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2017 Let's remind people John Landis 's trash talking of #MichaelJackson , mixed with fake love for MJ Part4 pic.twitter.com/Ou649wKKmd Retweeted by @B__Marco 2016 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2015 Let's remind people John Landis 's trash talking of #MichaelJackson , mixed with fake love for MJ part 5 pic.twitter.com/LJG4k2cycr Retweeted by @B__Marco 2014 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2013 Let's remind people John Landis 's trash talking of #MichaelJackson , mixed with fake love for MJ part 6 pic.twitter.com/MBujPm2H5A Retweeted by @B__Marco 2012 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Do you know what is "amazing"fake? That the numerous people that are This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use mad at Quincy Jones , are not mad at all at sony or at who stole MJ Estate, the months above to navigate the archive. that did much worse to #MichaelJackson . Actually these sampe people endorse these crooks that live off MJ's rights View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Do you know what is "amazing"fake? That the numerous people that are mad at Quincy Jones , were not mad at all at people like John Landis that talked shit about #MichaelJackson too. Actually these sampe people endorsed that product of Thriller 3D made w/ crooks,off MJ's rights View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Without the lawsuit of Quincy Jones against crook sony/MJ Estate, no #MichaelJackson 's fans would have ever known that MJ audited sony multiple times …ntheothersideofmidnight.wordpress.com/2017/06/22/the… and that there is also some MJ's fight in common with QJ's, with what MJ looked to get from sony! pic.twitter.com/oJmGMf4Qvj View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Mark2016Loniles Was that more clear? View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Mark2016Loniles Read the papers in the link I sent you. You do not want to like QJ for what he said about MJ? Fine with that. But whoever want to talk shit regarding a lawsuit of QJ that proved cheating against him&MJ , and gave papers that otherwise will never be public, is a BULLSHITTER View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco So get your own shit together about your being pissed off at Quincy Jones, because I am too....but if you want to talk bullshit that helps out crooks at sony/MJ Estate , you are not doing a favor to #michaeljackson at all and you are ending up being a bullshitter too twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco I do not like Quincy Jones for the crap he said regarding #michaeljackson , but I am thankful that a lawsuit QJ brought up against the crooks of sony & MJ Estate , exposed the crooks sony/MJ Estate are & put out contract and Search all Tweets business@B__Marco papers that@B__Marco prove that & papers are public now View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019 No matter how much of a crap person Quincy Jones could be, the fact that They (sony and who stole MJ Estate) cheated him and also #MichaelJackson in life for related topics, will never change ! … ntheothersideofmidnight.wordpress.com/2017/08/21/ins… 2018 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2017 @belindabee83 If u think that Quincy Jones is wrong about the lawsuit agaunst the crooks of mj estate , it means you are getting brainwashed by bullshitters, because facts prove he is right . So u are completely fucking this up 2016 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2015 @MedalShieldSrl I have got the leap motion and I have the driver4vr. No idea how to make the whole thing work with the captogloves though lol View on Twitter 2014 Marco Balletta @B__Marco There is a huge difference in directly control what should have been directly theirs&instead being forced to go though crooked lawyers that control 2013 everything that was of #MichaelJackson,while even continuosly pocketing money with their legal fees&else(like side business off MJ) twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter 2012

Marco Balletta @B__Marco "Ppl are so greedy.People are stealing and people are taking things from under u" pic.twitter.com/RcIzWzUxvJ twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco MJ's children & anything #MichaelJackson,are OWNED by who stole MJ Estate #fact "If the executors are required to retain legal counsel to enforce collection of the sums under the loan, the executors shall be entitled to such reasonable attorney's fees..." twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… pic.twitter.com/bNzHiEtT5f View on Twitter

Jayne Hernon @whatmorecanive @B__Marco Some of us do care Marco, I promise you that. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Jayne Hernon @whatmorecanive @B__Marco @InuyashaMJ So called friends stabbed him in the back in and before 2009, and now some are trying to say, oh no I didn’t say that we where good friends. So many liars. No wonder he preferred children’s company they never wanted anything off him. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco We did get a visitor today on site :) Not a safe place to be though! pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/cexAzWR7sE View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019








Paola @PaolaPatarca This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use @B__Marco Comunque l'avidità e' terribile..annulla tutto..parentele the months above to navigate the archive. affetti..che orrore..e parlo con cognizione di causa.. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Paola @PaolaPatarca @B__Marco Ci credo che non gli basta..vogliono forse un tenore di vita che non possono permettersi e rimanendo agganciati ai vertici alti magari ci riescono.. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @PaolaPatarca La penso proprio esattamente cosi View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @InuyashaMJ But that is a fact. So many that mj thought being his friends have been revealed themselves to be trash . That happen before 2009 and got worse after 2009, when MJ got replaced by greedy people and the greedy business that these ppl are part of and that "friend$" do busine$$ w/ View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @PaolaPatarca Come prima dipendevano anche da Michael, ora dipendono da chi controlla Michael View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @PaolaPatarca Ma loro hanno fatto e fanno le loro cose e non solo le loro cose, ma quelle di nessuno, saranno mai come quelle di Michael. Ma questo e' 1 dato di fatto che vale per tutti i cantanti ed artisti . Qui il problema e' che secondo me non basta per loro quello che loro producono da se View on Twitter

Paola @PaolaPatarca @B__Marco @QuincyDJones Troppo gentiluomo per poterlo fare..era un vero Lord a differenza di molti altri.. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @PaolaPatarca E vai a farlo capire agli adulti che hanno intorno. Visto da Search all Tweets fuori@B__Marco , sembrano i primi@B__Marco a pensare al guadagno personale giornaliero che non alle più grandi perdite giornaliere e future View on Twitter

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019 Karen Faye @wingheart Randy Phillips brought him in, to make sure that AEG would get it's 3 million dollar investment in TII back. twitter.com/ele777_/status… Retweeted by @B__Marco 2018 View on Twitter

Karen Faye @wingheart 2017 Frank DiLeo created legal complications with contracts with Allgood and the Jackson Family regarding concerts. AEG brought him onboard to clear that up and also get Raymone Bain off their back. twitter.com/avonskiidrauhl… Retweeted by @B__Marco 2016 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2015 The difference between #MichaelJackson and @QuincyDJones or almost any other artist or anyone else , is that MJ would have never talked crap in public about any other artist. MJ was such a respectful and decent person compared to anyone else 2014 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2013 @MedalShieldSrl I am going to receive the leap motion today by mail and during the weekend I could try it with the captogloves and the drive4vr. Though I have no clue at the moment what should I do to try to make it all work 2012 View on Twitter

indignadaconlamaldad40 @kharmencita39 @B__Marco Quincy has said a lot of nonsense about Michael Jackson and This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use he's also talked bad about . It seems sad to me. the months above to navigate the archive. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @PaolaPatarca Domanda da risposta da 1 milione di dollari . Magari a loro va bene che il padre sia stato fregato in vita (incluso della propria vita) e loro continuano la dinastia facendosi fregare View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @kharmencita39 It is sad and disturbing to me too . For what he said in the past and ,if it is confirmed to be true, for what he said lately . But again, be aware of who want to use that to defend cheating , including some of the same cheating that MJ endured in life , from sony & co. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco The 500 million dollar loan (250M for each of MJ's children) brought by AEG for the fight of Katherine Jackson and of #MichaelJackson 's children to expose the crooks of AEG and the rest . Not only they took away their father,but they put them also at the mercy of fucking crooks pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/mV1INEgEvI View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019





2014 @DREAMS_InMOTION @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 Ikr Mafia trapped michael and killed him to own him..They r killers& TRUE Culprits&been feeding media to create suitable protective atmosphere. Sad part is Q himSELF been spewing hate,Shame 2013 Smh Though he isn't culprit who pulled trigger&pro est r ugly2 twist it4own agendas 1+ Retweeted by @B__Marco 2012 View on Twitter

Jules @PinkGinTastic @B__Marco @mikethatmagic @MiAmorNjunior11 100% Retweeted by @B__Marco This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Superman2Sucks @sixtiesgoddess @GMJHDvideos Take note . pic.twitter.com/BaI3xGOUhi View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Superman2Sucks @sixtiesgoddess @GMJHDvideos What facts ? Facts expose sony and MJ Estate. And look that the Jackson that I see siding crooks at sony/MJ Estate 's lawyers and crook business off MJ , got in my blocked list. So stfu pic.twitter.com/pJadYJCWcS View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @sixtiesgoddess @GMJHDvideos You might want to read these facts regarding the lawsuit of Quincy Jones against the crooks of sony/MJ Estate. …haeljacksontheothersideofmidnight.com/2017/08/21/ins… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #Fact that MJ Estate are the rotten lawyers and people that screwed #MichaelJackson in life , same as they screwed Quincy Jones & others pic.twitter.com/Q5PGYT4NXB Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MichaelJackson in life audited sony for seeking from sony the same missing payments Quincy Jones is seeking too!MJ Estate side sony instead pic.twitter.com/tRmRYTuWYy Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @sixtiesgoddess @GMJHDvideos 1 of the point/fight that Quincy Jones brought in his papers , was also the same point/fight that #MichaelJackson did in life against sony pic.twitter.com/AjvcIXKZmo View on Twitter Marco@B__Marco Balletta @B__Marco@B__Marco Search all Tweets @mjjhuman7 @DREAMS_InMOTION 1 of the point/fight that Quincy Jones brought in his papers , was also the same point/fight that #MichaelJackson did in life against sony pic.twitter.com/DyiKgSylw1 2019 FebView on Twitter2018 595 TWEETS



Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2016 @TheMJAP 1 of the point/fight that Quincy Jones brought in his papers , was also the same point/fight that #MichaelJackson did in life against sony pic.twitter.com/ZrRuX5uWfi 2015 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter



2012 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 @DREAMS_InMOTION QJ always had these harsh and crude and wrong views of MJ. Compared though to the loss of MJ's life following years of crap done to MJ by the same ppl and corporations that now want to use hate against QJ for their needs, is nothing This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 Masses of fans will be brought to side cheating Quincy Jones . And again ,some of the cheating QJ fought against, are cheating that MJ faced from sony in life View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 But again . I am not giving a free pass to QJ and the crap he always stated about mj. I am separating my being pissed off for his words , from being instrumentally used by crooks of MJ Estate for their gain View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @DREAMS_InMOTION @mjjhuman7 Yes. And Quincy Jones being hurtful to MJ should disturb us. But what also should disturb us , and even more, should be what all the crook marketeers are trying to do by helping out the crooks of sony/MJ Estate that cheated also MJ and even the same way MJ got cheated in life View on Twitter

@DREAMS_InMOTION @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 That's a very valid point. It's been the same story Always.. unwanted uproar to divert. And side eyes to pro est workers hopping on to this issue,to laud est. Est is Trash regardless. But Q's been attacking mike's honour since forever..in print&on tape..in most hurtful ways Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 The past few months ....The months in which the crooks of MJ Estate have been appealing the jury verdict pic.twipic.twitter.com/wGDkuKZs6V View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019



Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2016 @mjjhuman7 The past few months.... right at the same time when crooks were being kicked in the ass. What a coincidence to use it for other purposes 2015 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 Strange that these things come out right at a certain time that 2014 match with this timeline of crooks of MJ Estate being kicked in the ass pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/hceqLkbcEW View on Twitter 2013


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Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 I am bringing up another point. People/masses of fans are fed at a certain time, with certain things , for the benefit of huge crooks View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 I do not understand where do u read that I said that you should not complain about any words of QJ that are not right for mj ,when being sure that he said those words? View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 And where I said that what stated in the past by Quincy Jones and what is reported in an article today (if truthful) re. Quincy Jones , should 2019 Febnot make 2018 us feel annoyed595 TWEETS with such QJ's words (for his words that can be certified to be true)? View on Twitter 2018 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 I am not judging who set himself/herself aside from who set themselves aside and away for instrumental use the complaint to Quincy 2017 Jones , for benefiting ppl and a corporation that are horrible View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2016 @mjjhuman7 I am not giving a free pass to Quincy Jones. I am stating that there is interest to use what came out in an article , for different purposes that are convenient for other crooks 2015 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 This is valid for you if you always complained abt QJ. It is not 2014 valid For other people that use what Quincy Jones have said in the past and what is reported at this time in an article , for benefiting crooks at sony/Branca. 2013 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 That is because the reason of the shit talk on Quincy Jones at 2012 this specific time , had to be meant to coincide with the kick in the ass John Branca and co got from a judge pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/LQyPy3MjMH View on Twitter This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 Whatever shit Quincy Jones said this time and previously, should not be used to favor shit people at sony/MJ estate. Because this is what is about . View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mjjhuman7 This is not just about what QJ have said. This is about else. This about hate on QJ for a side goal. In fact look how frauds bring up the lawsuit he won against crook Branca View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @belindabee83 The one that gave fake songs with Cascio.... what a choice ! pic.twitter.com/w9uSf4TbRS View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @cIosetomidnight The one that gave fake songs with Cascio.... what a Search all Tweets choice@B__Marco ! pic.twitter.com/RwFqhfEfbi@B__Marco View on Twitter

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019





Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2014 @sixtiesgoddess @GMJHDvideos And there were evidence that backed his claim. Infact Quincy Jones 's claim is founded and nothing can change that ,not even whatever would be put out in an interview of QJ that draw hate on him for his words . pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/OUKmN5b1qw 2013 View on Twitter


Marco Balletta @B__Marco @sattapaal @TheMJAP That video would help a lot and assure that what you read is actually the whole truth , the way it was spoken This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Media is a piece of the whole industry/business and there are different hands/big hands that pull the cords and have specific articles or whatever , written and appearing at a certain time, online or wherever, for the interest of $ome with big pocket$,over the damage of others . View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is how masses of #MichaelJackson 's fans are fed pic.twitter.com/16ebAjVlcW View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam Never believe the tabloid garbage.Don't waste time or money.If u hear it from my lips,then you can believe it pic.twitter.com/A80OkcaYGW Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam "Business men": "the ones With the biggest smiles The idle jabbers... Cuz they're the backstabbers" pic.twitter.com/0wzqiiRuqb Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @sattapaal @TheMJAP Believe it or not, I took by the letter MJ when he was warning us for years before 2009 about media. I ignored everything it was reported by any media . I questioned its truthfulness and fairness and I decided that there was no point for me to read paper/tv media/ article etc View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @sattapaal @TheMJAP Probably Sam did.I am not much into reading papers.I am not confident in how much can be trusted because genuine&how much has been twisted by who writes the articles.I have issues w/ trusting media based on papers and emails&documents that I read that prove it is a dirty busine$$ View on Twitter Marco Balletta @B__Marco Search all Tweets No@B__Marco matter if they all want@B__Marco to hate on Quincy Jones, the facts that sony/MJ Estate cheated Quincy Jones , remains. We are talking about the same crook lawyers and crook sony corporation that cheated #MichaelJackson throught his life and own him in death 595 TWEETS 2019 FebView on Twitter2018

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is the usual "coincidence" of them (MJ estate/sony) putting out an 2018 article with words meant to have masses of fools to be used for sony/Branca's interests, to suppress who and what is inconvenient to those crooks. The judge ruled against the cheaters of MJ Estate 2017 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/svxsoFjI88 View on Twitter 2016





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Marco Balletta @B__Marco @TheMJAP Hey Sam . This is the usual "coincidence" of them (MJ estate/sony) putting out an article with words meant to have masses of fools to be used for sony/Branca's interests and suppress who and what is inconvenient to those crooks. The judge ruled against the cheaters of MJ Estate pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/4I9253Dx43 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl For ex. Arizona allows the use of mouse&keyboard,along w/the use of the vive controllers.For that reason we can use captogloves to play arizona.Fallout 4 vr instead,does not allow the use of mouse& keyboard.It only allow the use of the vive controllers View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MedalShieldSrl I am wondering if the leap motion and driver4vr can: 1) remove the need of attach the vive controllers to our foreharms 2) allow the activations of mouse & keyboard clicks/use in those games that do not allow Search all Tweets the@B__Marco use of mouse & keyboard@B__Marco , to play them View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019 @MedalShieldSrl Hi there! I was wondering if you have any idea/suggestion about using leap motion and driver4vr , in conjunction with the captogloves . View on Twitter 2018 I can see God within MJ @god7like7king7 And jet they are never been acounted for what they did! #ThisWorldIsGettingCrazyerByTheMinut!!! twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… 2017 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

I can see God within MJ @god7like7king7 2016 He Is as fake as they come!! twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2015

Manisha Dhiman @manishadhiman84 @B__Marco Absolutely #Fake Retweeted by @B__Marco 2014 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2013 @whatmorecanive The show had to go on and MJ was with his back on the wall , treated like garbage, harassed,pressured, threatened to lose everything.....but hey, masses of fools love "this is it" and love all the crooks involved in that and give them products since The moment MJ died and own 2012 him View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use The liar of Travis Payne about #michaeljackson 's health . Travis Payne and the months above to navigate the archive. AEG and the rest, got exposed during the AEG trial twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/r3pcSWLv17 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco The liar of Travis Payne about #michaeljackson 's health . Travis Payne and AEG and the rest, got exposed during the AEG trial twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/pCF9ZnDreB View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco The liar of Travis Payne about #michaeljackson 's health . Travis Payne and AEG and the rest, got exposed during the AEG trial twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/3HnInJeog5 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco The liar of Travis Payne about #michaeljackson 's health . Travis Payne and AEG and the rest, got exposed during the AEG trial twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/lF9OR5llWL View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019








Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use The liar of Travis Payne #fake pic.twitter.com/nhZvZnojvi the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mikethatmagic @Julia_S_Martin @MiAmorNjunior11 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/BlW3tuA5n5 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mikethatmagic @Julia_S_Martin @MiAmorNjunior11 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/sHoCvvumAE View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019



Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2016 @mikethatmagic @Julia_S_Martin @MiAmorNjunior11 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/V3k88jCpUg View on Twitter 2015

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2014 @mikethatmagic @Julia_S_Martin @MiAmorNjunior11 Travis Payne is a huge fake and liar too pic.twitter.com/BNEGqJQUmP View on Twitter 2013

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mikethatmagic @Julia_S_Martin @MiAmorNjunior11 2012 dailymotion.com/video/x2v675z_… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mikethatmagic @Julia_S_Martin @MiAmorNjunior11 This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use dailymotion.com/video/x25doua the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @mikethatmagic @Julia_S_Martin @MiAmorNjunior11 They have all lied for years and years for benefiting themselves and AEG and sony and crooks of lawyers etc. AEG trial exposed all their lies marcoballetta.com/they-all-knew- … View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco People love to live the lies that float around #michaeljackson and are meant to erase HIStory for the benefit of crooks. They have benefits to gain from sticking with the lies that suits what and who they end up endorsing for personal gain. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine I have no clue who u are and yes, u are following a narrative based on the book of lies of the ppl you follow that writes on social media for sony/Branca's interest. There is plenty already out that expose the crooks of Branca and co, but somehow you want to go in circle View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine After I have stated all that I had to state to u,I have no intention to keep going with this back and forth of yours that someohow brings up that usual b.s. narrative that follow a book of lies for Branca/sony that Abbas and co. (frauds that u follow) spin around for them pic.twitter.com/d0MNUTPzAq View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine There is no such thing as "John Branca working for MJ after 2003".This is total BS.Since 2003 Branca had no longer any new assignment from MJ and in 2005/6 John Branca fucked MJ up with his b.s. injunction.I love to use John Branca 's own words against the frauds b.s. u brough up pic.twipic.twitter.com/9HdhUBXKdi View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Search all Tweets @@B__Marcolanger_regine Your@B__Marco mental masturbation on "dates" or whatever, do not hold up when facing the facts about a John Branca that was fired in 2003 & remained attached as a leach until 2006 when he tried to block MJ's refinacing using an old agency agreement against MJ 2019 Febmarcoballetta.com/john-branca-th… 2018 595 TWEETS pic.twitter.com/22Twf3TTns View on Twitter

2018 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine Before replying to else u wrote, how come u behave like those frauds that since09 exist for John Branca?So odd that u are coming back at me bringing up the same usual exact b.s. words and narrative that 2017 the frauds that endorse sony and Branca have tried to spin around for years? View on Twitter 2016

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Billie Jean - BG Main_L_01 and BG Main_R_01 on opposite channels 2015 #MichaelJackson sendvid.com/1d09vill View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2014 Add Bgs Line_L_01 and Add Bgs Line_R_01 on opposite channels #MichaelJackson #BillieJean sendvid.com/yr1qtlq0 use headphones View on Twitter 2013

Marco Balletta @B__Marco MJ_oohs_01 #MichaelJackson #BillieJean pic.twitter.com/ayaA1VSXXq View on Twitter 2012

Marco Balletta @B__Marco MJ_oohs_02 #MichaelJackson #BillieJean pic.twitter.com/XEhQMlmmCp This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco MJ_oohs_01 #MichaelJackson #BillieJean pic.twitter.com/xeFBiKQ3df View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Michael Lead Vocal Take 1_01 and Michael Lead Vocal Take 2_01 , on opposite channels sendvid.com/41cf598m use headphones View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Michael Lead Vocal Take 3_01 #MichaelJackson #Thriller Search all Tweets pic.twitter.com/8YkgE681ij@B__Marco @B__Marco View on Twitter

2019 FebMarco Balletta2018@ B__Marco595 TWEETS Shifted audio in the 2017 “Thriller” audio from “Thriller 3D” in Sydney,compared to the 1983 original audio marcoballetta.com/shifted- audio-… pic.twitter.com/civL0o2pxp 2018 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2017






Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/hB7RJAOXTB This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine They step back from fighting and some chose to compromise . marcoballetta.com/katherine-jack… Whatever they did, did not do, do or not do, will never change the facts about sony , Branca etc pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/LJkKusOPsZ View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2018 @langer_regine Nothing changes based on what u think of him. The facts of the bogus will remain View on Twitter 2017

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Julia_S_Martin @MiAmorNjunior11 They all knew about MJ’s true physical conditions at "This Is It" rehearsals….and they all LIED ! 2016 marcoballetta.com/they-all-knew-… View on Twitter 2015 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Julia_S_Martin @MiAmorNjunior11 mobile.twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… pic.twipic.twitter.com/Y5GXursjG8 View on Twitter 2014



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Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Julia_S_Martin @MiAmorNjunior11 Sony & MJ Estate tried to cover up their lies about "This is It" Vocals , because afraid: "It is our strongest safeguard against a charge of deceit" pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/NjmQtGjwub View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019


Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2017 @Julia_S_Martin @MiAmorNjunior11 #MJFam This is It - Kenny Ortega and Randy Phillips LIES about #MichaelJackson 's health pic.twitter.com/Q2K6sRH1GO 2016 View on Twitter

Karen Faye @wingheart 2015 Not to just capitalize, but to give the illusion nothing was wrong with MJ. It was cut, edited, retouched and sound enhanced. AEG had to make it appear they were unaware MJ was in mental and physical jeopardy...THEY KNEW! 2014 twitter.com/julia_s_martin… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2013 Marco Balletta @B__Marco In 1996, #MJFam was wondering what the hell was going on with #Sony FAILING promoting #MichaelJackson in USA ! pic.twitter.com/1qHdrzoeG1 2012 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use 1995/1996:This is how Sony screwed up #MichaelJackson in USA by not the months above to navigate the archive. releasing the single"Earth Song"in USA,making mad #MichaelJackson's fans pic.twitter.com/3GiEQaiHO3 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco April 1996 - sony screwing #MichaelJackson with the single releases in USA pic.twitter.com/eydHSNESjU Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine Yep and it does not matter who asks the questions because the facts that you take out from the questions and answer is what matter View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine This same person that told back in time how MJ was feeling about being sabotaged by the same ppl and $ystem that had interests in sabotaging him in life and profiting from him in his death pic.twitter.com/LJ2qMiL8df View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine If u want to read something about the crook of Greenburg / John Branca 's scribant twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… 595 TWEETS 2019 FebView on Twitter2018

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine marcoballetta.com/the-bogus-trus… 2018 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2017 @langer_regine The crook will & trust has been around for years on the internet.&u are right.A lot of things are wrong abt that will & apart being fake or real,that will should not have existed anymore.A lot of crap to MJ happened in the years after that will that gave everything to Branca/sony 2016 pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/VFPc55dyYA View on Twitter 2015

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine This is my understanding by reading the crooked will and 2014 trust . Are we going to be still both around on this earth in 2042 to see what is left to control , if any is left , after these dirty ppl and corporations have had their dirty hands on it for so long? pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/6PvFFWW7o8 2013 View on Twitter


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Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine @wingheart The Jackson and mj's children own nothing . Everything is controlled by John Branca that exploit MJ. mobile.twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Jayne Hernon @whatmorecanive @B__Marco John branca the backstabbing snake induction papers forced mj into foreclosure, fans need to read facts about branca and Estate before endorsing them, mj was not broke! Branca had been drawing music money to Sony for years, then pinning his own pockets. This was all planned. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine @wingheart Nothing is preserved if it is in the hands of crooks. They cheat, they lie. They are a stain for anything MJ. Their hands should be off MJ and anything that MJ had. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine @wingheart Nothing should go though crooks of sony/MJ Estate. Nothing should go though the hands of crooks. I will never support anything that passes though those disgusting pigs that have tormented MJ in life and benefit from his death. Nothing though those crooks has moral value View on Twitter the wicked witch @rachelkavanaghh Search all Tweets love@B__Marco u forever mj, fuck@B__Marco em twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

595 TWEETS 2019 FebMarco Balletta2018@ B__Marco Neverland Ranch – forced loan papers marcoballetta.com/neverlandranch… #MichaelJackson Retweeted by @B__Marco 2018 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2017 @JonesJones1955 @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares This is in 2008. This is the paper warning MJ to be in default on the 2006 Neverland loan caused by John Branca 's injunction pic.twipic.twitter.com/Ocx0ic4e09 View on Twitter 2016





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Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2008- #MichaelJackson 's papers re. Foreclosure of Neverland Loan imgur.com/a/kELPq 2005- John Branca's Injunctions papers against MJ pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/QwW9YA9T0B Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MichaelJackson risked foreclosing in 2008 on Neverland Loan,Loan that in 2005 MJ was forced into by John Branca's injunction against MJ pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/xfP9rZOosK Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019




Marco Balletta @B__Marco Michael Jackson Estate is a co-owner of #Neverland as per admission of MJ 2015 Estate 's crook people #MichaelJackson pic.twitter.com/oMYWBxmHoH Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2014


2012 Marco Balletta @B__Marco Timeline of the Loan on #Neverland caused by John Branca 's injunction against #MichaelJackson . imgur.com/a/7U9FB pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/ckmRQWJAFp Retweeted by @B__Marco This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive. @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019



Marco Balletta @B__Marco If you are not demented and you still have 2 working neurons in your brain, 2016 you should read yourself the fucking legal papers that #MichaelJackson signed for Neverland with Colony Capital, to create a joint venture with Colony Capital. pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/Mjffgj8PHW 2015 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter




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Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is in August 2014 , when crook John Branca trademarked the phrase "Neverland Ranch" for entertainment services , etc. pic.twipic.twitter.com/4Awwb1LrRR Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019



Marco Balletta @B__Marco Thos is in April 2014 , when crook John Branca trademarked the phrase 2016 "Neverland Ranch" for possibly exploiting it for paper goods and printed matter etc. pic.twipic.twitter.com/Ee0JxMJML7 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2015

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2014 @JonesJones1955 @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares The leach of John Branca that someone remained attached to MJ after 2003 (despite in 2003 MJ sent him away), was sent to hell one more time in 2006 2013 and rev. Jesse Jackson step on in helping out MJ with refinancing pic.twipic.twitter.com/RRzlHzoNuK View on Twitter 2012

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Karen Faye @wingheart MJ dies on Thursday. Kenny Ortega is meeting with AEG on how to capitalize on it that weekend Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Karen Faye @wingheart Michael fired him years b4 he died. twitter.com/jonesjones1955… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Karen Faye @wingheart He is the definition of a Hollywood player. He exploits every person and situation for his own greedy benefit. He was on MJ's side only when it benefited him. AEG's side when MJ was on deaths door. twitter.com/larsvanegmond/… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @JonesJones1955 @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares MJ lost millions and millions of dollars for years and years and years before Tohme Tohme, because of Branca and sony and the rest. Did u read the facts posted? How would you have saved neverland from the default on the loan, loan caused by John Branca years before ? View on Twitter Marco@B__Marco Balletta @B__Marco@B__Marco Search all Tweets @langer_regine @wingheart Why do u want a greedy ass museum on Neverland when there is no need of any permit for a small family day care home or , with a minor conditional use permit , it could be possible to have a Febchildren 2018 care center 595 ? TWEETSMoreover, Screw the crooks of MJ Estate 2019 pic.twitter.com/ccMyizGgdw View on Twitter 2018

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MayanSun2202 @JonesJones1955 @wingheart @Sonyantares Please read them all 2017 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2016 @MayanSun2202 @JonesJones1955 @wingheart @Sonyantares twitter.com/i/moments/8813… View on Twitter 2015 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MayanSun2202 @JonesJones1955 @wingheart @Sonyantares twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… 2014 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @JonesJones1955 @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares 2013 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/p0e4lj44Ez View on Twitter 2012

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MayanSun2202 @JonesJones1955 @wingheart @Sonyantares John This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use Branca screwed MJ huge time with BOA loan and after that he screwed him This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive. by blocking MJ refinance . He was putting MJ in involuntary bankrupcy the months above to navigate the archive. pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/3Syd8mYhc8 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @JonesJones1955 @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares Are u still talking about Tohme Tohme while ignoring what John Branca did to mj and that screwed him with neverland and his loans? View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares If John Branca would not have done an injunction against #MichaelJackson (link: twitter.com/B__Marco/statu…) ,risking MJ to foreclose on his assets, there would not have been a Neverland Loan & there would not have been a "service agreement" with Tohme Tohme, for Colony Capital pic.twipic.twitter.com/SfqPhr33EG View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019








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Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares If John Branca would not have done an injunction against #MichaelJackson (twitter.com/B__Marco/statu…),risking MJ to foreclose on his assets, there would not have been a Neverland Loan, there would not have been a "finding fee letter of agreement" with Tohme Tohme, for Colony Capital pic.twipic.twitter.com/4UYJa9Y16V View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019


Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares This is the paper that MJ 2017 signed and that regulate putting Neverland in a joint venture based on MJ and Colony Capital. The same papers have a right of 1st offer that MJ could have used to keep Neverlad away from any interested buyer 2016 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/Wt3mXwwil6 View on Twitter 2015

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares This is Michael Jackson 2014 Estate admitting that they are co-owners of Neverlad with colong capital. pic.twitter.com/sTLVLCv4w3 View on Twitter 2013

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @moonwalktalks @wingheart Why can't people leave Neverland the way it 2012 was meant by MJ and used by MJ? Why Neverland should be transformed in anything different ? Crooks of MJ Estate look for rubbish excuses to justify their crap doings View on Twitter This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive. Marco Balletta @B__Marco the months above to navigate the archive. @langer_regine @wingheart Neverland is in AG-II zoning. This is what u can do in AG-II zoning. There are things that can be done without permit and other things that need a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) https://t.co/EdX7P1P5La?amp=1 Part 2 of 2 pic.twitter.com/PbU9MOdNWh View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @langer_regine @wingheart Neverland is in AG-II zoning. This is what u can do in AG-II zoning. There are things that can be done without permit and other things that need a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) https://t.co/EdX7P1P5La?amp=1 Part 1 of 2 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/gLqRPRd8u8 View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019






2013 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @JonesJones1955 @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares As for the zoning. Neverland is in AG-II zoning. This is what u can do in AG-II zoning. There are things that can be done without permit and other things that need 2012 a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) https://t.co/EdX7P1P5La?amp=1 Part 1 of 2 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/yB0JrqIiZh View on Twitter This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive. @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019







Marco Balletta @B__Marco @JonesJones1955 @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares As for the 2012 zoning. Neverland is in AG-II zoning. This is what u can do in AG-II zoning. There are things that can be done without permit and other things that need a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) https://t.co/EdX7P1P5La?amp=1 Part 2 of 2 pic.twitter.com/UuuIBBK2OI View on Twitter This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @JonesJones1955 @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares Moreover , Joel Katz (of Michael Jackson Estate) has links with AEG and with Colony Capital. All the crook$ link together . But also that is ignored in this talk about Neverland. How come is that? pic.twipic.twitter.com/pSQyTSBaVf View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @JonesJones1955 @MayanSun2202 @wingheart @Sonyantares How come none mention the name of John Branca before mentioning the names of Colon Capital and Tohme Tohme? John Branca has dirty doings in neverland before Tohme Tohme and colony Capital pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/kOndiQzmyz View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco To who Katherine Jackson is referring to when saying: "Ppl are so Search all Tweets greedy.People@B__Marco are stealing@B__Marco and people are taking things from under u" ? pic.twitter.com/RcIzWzUxvJ Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Katherine Jackson is referring to who controls #MichaelJackson and his 2018 belongins , since the day he died twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2017 Chuck D @MrChuckD Hologram performances of deceased entertainers is Industry-Taxidermy.Its the same nature that made their ancestors hang animal heads on wall 2016 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Lamas @MarcoRLamas 2015 @MrChuckD the music industry finds something that works & exploits it to death. With holograms they've found a way to exploit it beyond that Retweeted by @B__Marco 2014 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MrChuckD Could you please give voice to these documents / facts that 2013 expose what they have done to #MichaelJackson ? marcoballetta.com/michaeljackson… More here : mobile.twitter.com/i/moments/8813… 2012 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MJsSoldierofLuv @wingheart @nicoleslifee12 This is the history of "Nederland Loan". John Branca has hands in it and that is a fact that no one This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use will ever be able to erase pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/O9LfJuLWM0 the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MJsSoldierofLuv @wingheart @nicoleslifee12 Yeah. It is a fact that John Branca is the parasite that is in Michael Jackson 's court papers and legal Febpapers ,2018 as being the595 personTWEETS that risked MJ to foreclose blocking MJ 's 2019 refinancing and forcing MJ into the "Neverland Loan" pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/x31ZhLpLqR View on Twitter 2018







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George M Johnson @IamGMJohnson This bitch still did a video of Prince. He just couldn’t help get his dusty appropriating hands on Prince. I hope his album goes double aluminum #JanetJacksonAppreciationDay pic.twitter.com/g9qQlWdOFR Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco I wish anyone would leave alone especially deceased artists that were activists ( ie. #Prince and #MichaelJackson ) and fought in life for their own rights and other artists' s rights, against their exploitation by the hand of the industry/busine$$ View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @nicoleslifee12 The same John Branca that stole Michael Jackson Estate, risked MJ facing foreclosing and forced MJ into having a loan on Neverland , after John Branca remained attached on MJ as a leach. Search all Tweets pic.twi@B__Marcopic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/tzY06dbFBO@B__Marco View on Twitter

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019






2013 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @nicoleslifee12 This is the Timeline of the Loan on #Neverland caused by John Branca 's injunction against #MichaelJackson . This is the same John Branca that stole MJ Estate (link: imgur.com/a/7U9FB) 2012 pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/ZZkCfENqAA View on Twitter

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Karen Faye @wingheart The executors are thieves. twitter.com/nicoleslifee12… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

MJforeverfan @angel_leigh1979 Isn’t that a load of fuckin bullshit... sorry for the language but damn.... #MichaelJackson was an amazing human being and they are using him in death.... the man deserves peace twitter.com/b__marco/statu… Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @DREAMS_InMOTION Completely agree with you. View on Twitter

@DREAMS_InMOTION @B__Marco What even?I mean we fans know the snakes that r branca&co..and their powerful bosses..&paid mouthpieces like greenburg Bt even if someone is ignorant over facts..This is STILL so morally obtuse ! Using(abusing) his artistic legacy and the criteria and goal is nothing but money! Retweeted by @B__Marco View@B__Marco on Twitter @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Marco Balletta @B__Marco John Branca's marketeers(Greenburg &pal)will say again: A hologram 2019 Febtouring ismore2018 profitable 595 TWEETS thana living MJ touring pic.twitter.com/iDHmznr5t0 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2018

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam AEG would not need to slap&force a hologram totour ignoring his health pushing him toward death,like for MJ #Hologram #MichaelJackson 2017 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2016 Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam No 1 would need to slap&force a hologram totour ignoring his health pushing him toward death,like doneto MJ #Hologram #MichaelJackson 2015 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2014 Marco Balletta @B__Marco With a hologram,John Branca would not go on CNN to lie about the health of the Hologram and his “unexpected” death #MichaelJackson #Hologram Retweeted by @B__Marco 2013 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2012 Branca/Sony/AEG would not lie to fans for having them buy a DVD of a Concert that did not happen because of the death of the #hologram Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use Marco Balletta @B__Marco the months above to navigate the archive. Fuck the #hologram and fuck the business off a deceased #MichaelJackson . They all (Branca, Sony, etc.) should fucking rot in hell ! Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam John Branca ,through media like Zack Greenburg writing for him,has slowly fed the public w/hologram marketing pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/R52zZNECJo Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco No need of a MJ in flash&bones thinking of his own&giving problems to the industry when a hologram of MJ can do & say what THEY want #slave Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Zack Greenburg(John Branca's personal writer)wrote about the busine$$ of a hologram of #MichaelJackson as more profitable/convenient than MJ pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/3cEdaorWjk Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco It is horrible. Not even in death #MichaelJackson can be at peace. He was a Search all Tweets man@B__Marco fighting against @B__Marcobeing slave of corporations , that ended up dead and a toy of corporations, as a hologram that "touring is more profitable than a living MJ touring" #fuckthat pic.twitter.com/WlO3BF9BYq Retweeted by @B__Marco 595 TWEETS 2019 FebView on Twitter2018





Marco Balletta @B__Marco I truly dislike anyone that endorse any sort of hologram of #MichaelJackson , which is the final step of exploiters replacing MJ with a corporations's toy , 2014 that makes MJ a commodity for corporations and masses of fucking self serving fans and ppl. Retweeted by @B__Marco 2013 View on Twitter

Michael Is Forever @wendylovesmj @B__Marco Still using Michael to try to promote their new product. Note: 2012 #MichaelJackson is at the core of this image...Because Michael Jackson IS the core essence of music/entertainment. The Greatest EVER. They will NEVER replicate his Genuine Talents, Heart & Soul Retweeted by @B__Marco This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Curiosity Rover @MarsCuriosity New Web Series Alert Check out "The Mars Report" by@NASAJPLL for regular updates on all of@NASAA's missions to the Red Planet.pic.twitter.com/juSSLTEiFvv Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

NASA @NASA Looking back to see how far we’ve come. This sweeping panorama of the Martian surface highlights key sites visited by our @MarsCuriosity rover since its 2012 landing. This view gives you the perspective of what it may be like to stand on Mars. Take a look: go.nasa.gov/2FB4tCp pic.twitter.com/rGkoznodIl Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019 Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam MJ News International spoke with #MichaelJackson . On November 8, 2005, Gloria Haydock (President of (cont) tl.gd/n_1so4upu 2018 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2017 @Annie_Is_Not_OK Because it would hurt sony and MJ Estate immensely if they would remove the songs and admit they lied to masses of people on purpose to cover up their crap doing. It would be a huge disaster for them all. 2016 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2015 twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter 2014 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @lisaonetwo I am a good person too that can't do more than just put the facts out that either no one reads or no one get it. The result and the feeling is the same....it is depressing 2013 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2012 @lisaonetwo You wrote me a tweet tonight with 2 interrogative questions. The answers are same as before because the questions are same as before. It feels like Déjà vu View on Twitter This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use Marco Balletta @B__Marco the months above to navigate the archive. @lisaonetwo What u wrote me tonight, felt a lot like what u wrote me here before pic.twipic.twitter.com/Pg3VbeMsXr View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @lisaonetwo Do u have a gun? Pass it to me so that I can shoot myself in the brain. 1) u did not read or u did not understand anything at all 2) MJ died fighting and every time he was raising this voice & fighting back,crap was brought on him to shut him up. So what did u want more from MJ? View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @lisaonetwo What a tragedy... Do u read what I post? If u would have read everything that I post, u would not have asked this question, because I already posted the documents and it is 1 year or more that they are out there for anyone to read marcoballetta.com/michaeljackson… twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Jayne Hernon @whatmorecanive @B__Marco Estate is run by a bunch of liars, cheats, users, and are behind everything that happened to Michael Jackson, they have his blood on there hands!!! Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @RevJJackson was helping #MichaelJackson spiritually&w/his finances in2005/2006,while crooks that own MJ since2009,were dragging MJ down pt2 pic.twitter.com/YWZ5ERBoXV Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019


2017 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @RevJJackson was helping #MichaelJackson spiritually&w/his finances in2005/2006,while crooks that own MJ since2009,were dragging MJ down 2016 pt1 pic.twitter.com/cbw0dgZeFQ Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2015

Marco Balletta @B__Marco June 2006: #MichaelJackson about the record business pic.twipic.twitter.com/OXMtGYVYGG 2014 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2013


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Marco Balletta @B__Marco June 2006: #MichaelJackson about the record business / the industry pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/KOIIUhrbFZ Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019





2014 Marco Balletta @B__Marco "I think there is a lot of theft involved, so.." "There is a lot of conspiracy" #MichaelJackson 's words in June 2006 #Truth pic.twitter.com/5SX5YGLZiU Retweeted by @B__Marco 2013 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2012 This is #MichaelJackson reporting the involuntary bankruptcy attempt against him in 2005/2006. Michael Jackson News International fan club was reporting it. 2009,NO fan cares that who was behind his problems before 2009,controls everything #MichaelJackson for sony&personal gain This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use pic.twitter.com/TXqaEOWdU9 the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Jayne Hernon @whatmorecanive @B__Marco All estate work to the beat of branca, Sony drum!! Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco BAD25 in worldwide theaters? SONY: “Not worth pursuing anywhere except maybe Japan” Anyone told this to ? pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/FAaDHzPl9U Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco MJ Estate/Sony:"Breaking News"a never heard before song by Michael webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache… michaeljackson.com/us/news/new-mi… pic.twitter.com/0lyIeAHEtO Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco MJ Estate/Sony: NEW MICHAEL JACKSON SONG "BREAKING NEWS" webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache… michaeljackson.com/us/news/new-mi… #LIES pic.twitter.com/S2HQlqEwsZ Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam MJ Estate / Sony OFFICIAL Press Release re. "Michael": "Breaking News a never heard before song by Michael!" pic.twitter.com/itWKrWoTGT Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam Year09: Martin Bandier -EMI- Sony -Conflict of Interest Leading to Search all Tweets Unfair@B__Marco Competition scribd.com/doc/264762069/…@B__Marco pic.twipic.twitter.com/kiKqfkCCrW Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019







Marco Balletta @B__Marco Genuine & honest #MichaelJackson 's fans,watch out!U are surrounded by croocks that exist to market sony & MJ Estate pic.twitter.com/rAXV5uVmmD 2012 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive. MJSTAR , PositivelyMichael & ppl of forums/pages worldwide,MET sony & the months above to navigate the archive. MJ Estate and got bought off ! #MichaelJackson pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/P4pgTCZryg Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is what John Haines ,owner of MJSTAR,got&stil gets in exchange of marketing for Sony & MJESTATE #MichaelJackson pic.twitter.com/RmqX97diZy Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is what John Haines ,owner of MJSTAR,got&stil gets in exchange of marketing for Sony & MJESTATE #MichaelJackson pic.twitter.com/ESUrowGJTC Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MJStarOfficial claimed to be NOT for sale! #Fact Sony and MJ Estate were trying to buy the silence & succeeded ! pic.twitter.com/gylJlz8Tns Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter Marco Balletta @B__Marco Search all Tweets On@B__Marco 8 November 2010@B__Marco @MJStarOfficial claim:"Sony is streaming a song not sang by Michael Jackson.This is unbelievable" pic.twitter.com/UKm8RRXjUf Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Sony will adapt to changes in music publishing business while continuing to 2018 be an unparalleled leader inthe industry pic.twitter.com/rhjkWpM1Zl Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2017

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Screw U John Branca,U achieved the end goal to screw over Michael 2016 Jackson and favor Sony! #FuckSony #FuckJohnBranca pic.twitter.com/fv5KkbbxnZ Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2015

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2014 Screw U John Branca,U achieved the end goal to screw over Michael Jackson and favor Sony! #FuckSony #FuckJohnBranca pic.twitter.com/rpAJYXYdF1 Retweeted by @B__Marco 2013 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2012 Screw U John Branca,U achieved the end goal to screw over Michael Jackson and favor Sony! #FuckSony #FuckJohnBranca pic.twitter.com/o2uVaMDa3t Retweeted by @B__Marco This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam In March 2005 (2 years AFTER Mottola gone), #MichaelJackson speaks about Conspiracy for Sony/ATV Catalog pic.twitter.com/3AOIW8VOlX Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Sell outs that were anti-sony but that became pro-sony & pro-Branca,after being bought off by Sony & by John Branca pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/0HXxFqKYKp Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam Hundreds of marketing accounts tweeting MJ Estate/Sony 's advertise of a #fake song dailymotion.com/video/x3cyma0_… pic.twitter.com/pR5d3kRgw7 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Because of AEG & their pals,#MichaelJackson ended up dead,in a coffin,while AEG, Sony,Branca etc. counts their MONEY pic.twitter.com/VbFOy1JtYF Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam John Branca 's ("Team Branca")fans have told BS to #MJFam since 2009. TODAY, Sony/ATV & Neverland ARE on sale pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/HtrO6hilxU Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter Marco@B__Marco Balletta @B__Marco@B__Marco Search all Tweets All the rotten ppl that appeared in 2009 to falsely claim (for John Branca) that #MichaelJackson 's half of sony/atv was safe & untouchable pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/Eu6Lnf1gIg FebRetweeted 2018 by @ B__Marco595 TWEETS 2019 View on Twitter








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Marco Balletta @B__Marco April 23rd 1996 , @JRTaraborrelli speaking about how #MichaelJackson was really mad at Sony pic.twitter.com/Ua6fX7JdMF Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @soso001984 This is what sony have done to MJ back at that time and what fans had to say about it pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/t2HjGC8aOA Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MichaelJackson went from a possible lawsuit against Sony, to being accused w/false allegations,that MJ believed Sony was involved in! Febpic.twitter.com/SARvAyYYFL 2018 595 TWEETS 2019 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2018

Marco Balletta @B__Marco A CALL OUT TO ALL FANS On 22nd April 2002, MJNI, Angel & Planet Jackson launch a major campaign of support for #MichaelJackson against 2017 Sony pic.twitter.com/yiwnQCDsjb Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2016

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Saturday, May 18, 2002 - Demonstration at Zurich in Switzerland for 2015 #MichaelJackson against Sony pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/CZBw2C4Tq2 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2014



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Marco Balletta @B__Marco June 15th, 2002 LONDON - Fan Demonstration & #MichaelJackson 's Speech against Sony pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/DhmCDNi0WX Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Year 2002 - Sony sabotaging the promotion of Invincible for doing one more step closer to #MichaelJackson 's half of Sony/ATV pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/tftFgXppel Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019



Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2002 - UNITED #MICHAELJACKSON FANS CAMPAIGN - STOP SONY FROM SABOTAGING MICHAEL JACKSON!!! pic.twitter.com/OtfJ74HEtJ 2016 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2015 Marco Balletta @B__Marco Thisis when John Branca's marketeers were reporting John Branca's BS words about Sony/ATV safe&that was not going to be sold #MichaelJackson 2014 pic.twitter.com/MnsHJlu3nR Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2013

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is how Sony keeps an eye on #MichaelJackson's fans,to keep under 2012 control their lies&deceits against Fans & MJ i.imgur.com/NeNrbTM.jpg pic.twitter.com/2izbg2NWDt Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive. Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is Michael Jackson Estate talking crap about #MichaelJackson , to demise MJ on purpose. THEY were and are THE problem with Sony & pals pic.twitter.com/nEIkEHGIqL Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco When reading this in the IRS legal papers&fact is that conflict of interest John Branca w/ Sony exist to NOT produce the Fair Market Value pic.twitter.com/iUY5uFPq5Y Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is the IRS demolishing the low valuation of Sony/ATV given by who runs Michael Jackson Estate #MichaelJackson pic.twipic.twitter.com/6rSrzMYvNM Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2018 #MichaelJackson talked about how his lifestyle was NOT the issue behind his financial problems. MJ's words expose John Branca,sony&pals'lies pic.twipic.twitter.com/Avv4DsmK5c Retweeted by @B__Marco 2017 View on Twitter






This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive. Marco Balletta @B__Marco The words of the Sytem based on scumbags of sony,lawyers&business men of John Branca &pals, AGAINST #MichaelJackson 's words exposing THEM pic.twipic.twitter.com/mGp8qqYfIi Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco In 2005 #MichaelJackson with the help of Burkle and @RevJJackson got rid of crook people like Branca,Koppelman,Malnik ,that stench with Sony pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/7cXQzpTBvz Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Sony: “Matthew Freud can put this in a bottle. Call him asap” #lies #MichaelJackson pic.twipic.twitter.com/jSrraDO4kM Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MichaelJackson , in life , wanted to get sony 's half of sony/ATV With MJ's death, John Branca relinquised MJ's half of sony/atv to sony pic.twitter.com/m5D07ZJET1 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is #MichaelJackson looking into buying sony's half of sony/atv , at the time of the problems with BOA and John Branca 's injunction. pic.twitter.com/awmHcyyfK2 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco John Branca was behind BOA loan w/the worse loan conditions ever. JB Search all Tweets filed@B__Marco injunction against@B__Marco #MichaelJackson. W/JB,sony/atv is getting sold pic.twipic.twitter.com/w2J9i6wRps Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019








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Marco Balletta @B__Marco Harvey Levin of @TMZ had "Business" call w/ Sony Pictures (Steve Mosko , at the time) Crooks are always in "business"together #crookmedia pic.twitter.com/1n4OHvVwJM Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Roger Friedman was 1 of the many writing crap about #MichaelJackson throughout his lifetime,for convenience of sony & friends #Neverforget pic.twitter.com/fSbLGrH0PR Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco We have also the crook Roger Friedman @showbiz411 that is in bed with sony. Was he in the end able to celebrate with Sony for "Globes"? pic.twitter.com/OrY0EeCOCe Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Roger Friedman @showbiz411 became quiet,when John Branca and sony told him to shut up,after Banca got exposed for cutting the price 4 Sony pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/9TfizPKsSu Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019





Marco Balletta @B__Marco Sony,Branca &the rest,were/are behind media from before2009 to today,w/ the same narrative convenient for their cheating off #MichaelJackson 2014 pic.twitter.com/doYdOqFZwG Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2013


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Marco Balletta @B__Marco When in 2005/2006 MJ was facing the worries of a forced sale of sony/atv , #MichaelJackson mentioned to sell to others, NOT to sell to Sony pic.twitter.com/rAvWHG8sF2 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 272 Million of #MichaelJackson 's corporate investments in sony/atv , were dressed up as MJ's personal loan, by sony pic.twitter.com/EUop5e5Uor Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MichaelJackson 's royalties & ATV revenues were not credited into the accounts where it was supposed to be. Sony was stealing from MJ #Fact pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/e6ShzHQUZo Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco We can say that we have John Branca and Sony and their friends,from their balls,even if no one would care to read about it. #MichaelJackson pic.twitter.com/uhTpmHSQBI Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco John Branca / sony 's pocket . I will leave it for you to put the names of the people that are in that pocket. pic.twitter.com/Bsz2dR7U1h Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco June 25 2009: the replacement of #MichaelJackson by John Branca/Sony pic.twitter.com/wNlHD7KVbq Retweeted by @B__Marco View@B__Marco on Twitter @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Marco Balletta @B__Marco FebSony : "….2018 there’s 595some TWEETS question of whether that violates executor’s 2019 fiduciary duties to the Estate" #MichaelJackson pic.twitter.com/05GL5E05xW Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2018

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Sony & MJ Estate tried to cover up their lies, because afraid: "It is our 2017 strongest safeguard against a charge of deceit" #MchaelJackson pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/3vRrS4U4TJ Retweeted by @B__Marco 2016 View on Twitter

2015 Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is sony/MJ Estate and their Marketeers with their lies about everything related to #MichaelJackson before and after 2009. 2014 pic.twitter.com/yfuSsg6D9q Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2013


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Marco Balletta @B__Marco Sony and David J. Pecker, President and Chief Executive Officer of American Media, Inc. (AMI) ( that includes National Enquirer , radaronline etc) , get in touch when there is something that Sony "needs" from media/lies spinners americanmediainc.com/about-us/execu… #MichaelJackson pic.twitter.com/pOwVb2Bc7l Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco John Branca is Michael Jackson now #Rotten who claim to be a fan of #MichaelJackson & stay shut & endorse the crook Branca & sony & the rest pic.twitter.com/yrN21Q0GIz Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter Marco@B__Marco Balletta @B__Marco@B__Marco Search all Tweets Where the fuck are these #MichaelJackson 's fans "activist" since they are fucking mute & even endorse sony & rotten lawyers , since 2009 ? pic.twitter.com/5frVuaMfPa FebRetweeted 2018 by @ B__Marco595 TWEETS 2019 View on Twitter

2018 Marco Balletta @B__Marco These are the people/the entity of MJ Estate that #MichaelJackson 's fans endorse since the day MJ died. In my book, anyone that claim to be a MJ's fan that endorse and/or buy post 2009 crap from such entity of sony/MJ 2017 Estate , is a bullshitter pic.twitter.com/iXDsr2bYTl Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2016

Marco Balletta @B__Marco "Flip-Flop Award" - The award created in 2009, assigned to the best faker 2015 and liar of the year, regarding #MichaelJackson pic.twitter.com/0lpPqyirvA Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2014



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Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam This is how John Branca used Sitrick:to make phone calls,reassuring Sony that they were going with the 60M price tag for"This is it" Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam So ..... John Branca used Michael Jackson's money to pay Sitrick 's firm, to shut the higher price of "This Is It", to favor Sony... Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco "Fan of Michael Jackson" means be a bullshitter marketeer that since 2009 promote Sony/Michael Jackson Estate 's online posts of their marketing account => @Michaljackson and of other PR accounts that sony/MJ Estate own. Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam Look at these sell outs meeting with Jeff Jampol of Michael Jackson Estate! #Crooks #MichaelJackson pic.twitter.com/07GbCoucvu Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam Sell out people that are marketeers and an extension of John Branca & Jeff Jampol of the MJ online team pic.twipic.twitter.com/fKV7HZS3ZX Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter Marco Balletta @B__Marco Search all Tweets Jeff@B__Marco Jampol that appears@B__Marco on MJ Estate accounting is the marketeer of the MJ Online Team,paid to bullshit MJ's fans with Branca/sony 's lies pic.twipic.twitter.com/kJnW23oX4m Retweeted by @B__Marco 595 TWEETS 2019 FebView on Twitter2018







Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Silherca "Spain official fan club " explain everything . Everything claiming 2012 "official" is tempered by MJ Estate . Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use Marco Balletta @B__Marco the months above to navigate the archive. @Silherca When u see any other site using the term "official", is because they got the Estate approval for doing so Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Silherca This is how Michael Jackson Estate "Official" Fan Clubs(like the one u told me)are connected to the Estate pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/ynBWI9pCmN Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Zandra007 Not surprised. This is 1 of those "fan clubs" using the word "official",because affiliated w/ MJ Estate pic.twitter.com/Ok3Y77zcvL Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco The "official" badge used by the forums and pages that are on the list of affiliated pages to the crooks at sony/Michael Jackson Estate pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/9crDn4baBA View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets Marco Balletta @B__Marco MJ Estate' statement on OFFICIAL page: ""Breaking News"a never heard before song by Michael" michaeljackson.com/us/news/new-mi… They sold FebFAKE SONGS 2018 pic.twitter.com/23kofgZWy3 595 TWEETS 2019 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2018 Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam The truth about sell out Michael Jackson's forums pic.twitter.com/QwLB6qSaL7 2017 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2016 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @TheMJAP @LisaS1967 Only sell out can party w/ Sony&Michael Jackson Estate&plants,to promote this crap intheir pages pic.twitter.com/p8kf7Gs8n3 2015 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2014 Marco Balletta @B__Marco 96-97 when #MichaelJackson's community had #MJFam speaking up for MJ & NOT sellout&plants representing Sony as today 2013 pic.twitter.com/iaL1nB9KtF Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2012

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Look at how genuine fans in '96 were talking about Sony,defending #MichaelJackson.Since 09,sell out&fake defend Sony pic.twitter.com/nbr3Hvelzj This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use Retweeted by @B__Marco the months above to navigate the archive. View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MJonlineteam How Jeff Jampool or any mouthpiece of MJ Estate is doing in sell out forums? imgur.com/bQGrAof pic.twitter.com/RocLG6eJEg Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @ToriBolling A bunch of sell out that for perks or even just for being noted by crooks of sony/branca,are their markeers & lie w/& for them pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/LZpwtQq6CV Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019








Marco Balletta @B__Marco Jeff Jampol & #MichaelJackson Estate recruit ppl in MJ's fan community, for doing marketing #MichaelJackson #sellout pic.twipic.twitter.com/flT6A1Kt54 Retweeted by @B__Marco This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use View on Twitter the months above to navigate the archive.

Marco Balletta @B__Marco A bunch of sell out imbeciles that met John Branca & his MJ Estate 's marketing team sendvid.com/54ddjb40 #MJFam pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/QggtjyaLOF Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco #MJFam Sell out marketeers were with John Branca & Jeff from the MJ online team during&after webcache.googleusercontent.com/search? q=cache… pic.twipic.twitter.com/FsG6VZOzQi Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco So many ppl of forums & pages about #MichaelJackson , are marketeers for Search all Tweets Sony/MJ@B__Marco Estate #sellout@B__Marcopic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/teiWXX8oRU Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Feb 2018 595 TWEETS 2019






2013 Marco Balletta @B__Marco @Silherca 1 of the 1st times these sell out ppl(that own forums and pages) met w/ MJ estate was for the release of the album "Michael". 2012 pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/E6gqz4GEJg Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use the months above to navigate the archive. Marco Balletta @B__Marco Sell out people that got affiliated w/ John Branca & do marketing for Branca since 2009 ,with their forums and pages pic.twipic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/SkqaNYtYG8 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Whoever wants to associate #MichaelJackson 's name to this band of cheaters and liars that is Michael Jackson Estate ,should be ashamed of himself/herself. You are gluing to MJ's name the adjective and behaviours of cheating and lying for ca$h. MJ was NOT a crook! You are a crook twitter.com/B__Marco/statu… View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco There is nothing genuine & honest & clean about who run$ MJ Estate & that is a provable fact even because no honest and genuine and clean person and entity would spend time and money & else to corrupt a communtiy of fans & pay PR ppl to lie to masses online using media & internet View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @TheMJAP @MJFFC @nOt24seven @goldenerahits_ @mjfcc And Steven's talk about any will or whatever in John Branca's hands, is worth nothing In front of these facts twitter.com/i/moments/8813… that makes anything in John Branca 's hands comparable to paper toilet because it is has no morality and genuinely . It is crap pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/i89c2MBoc8 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco 2006: #MichaelJackson 's words when questioned about him putting his Mother as Trustee: "Wouldn't you trust your mother over someone else?" pic.twipic.twitter.com/8JTwqJhSC7 Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Marco Balletta @B__Marco This is how they use #MichaelJackson 's image and likeness. It is all a big Febbusine$$ 2018 . They all595 count TWEETS the money , while very very few care about his 2019 long dead and gone rights and his gone voice that was a problem for who benefit$ the most off his dead body pic.twitter.com/wUFCBSH92b View on Twitter 2018

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Sony speaking about bad blood between Katherine Jackson & John Branca 2017 "Looking Like they (Branca/Weitzman etc) are trying to hide the ball" pic.twipic.twipic.twitter.com/7uueD5L1V0 Retweeted by @B__Marco 2016 View on Twitter





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Marco Balletta @B__Marco Katherine Jackson: "He(#MichaelJackson ) felt that people wanted him gone,wanted him dead" "For him to say that, he must've known something" pic.twitter.com/i3kUJYRqTn Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Katherine Jackson:He has told me several times that he felt that people wanted him gone, wanted him dead.I want justice done #MichaelJackson pic.twitter.com/wGtLE8sQdv Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco Michael Jackson Estate 's loans receivable. You can see Katherine Jackson's loans in there #MichaelJackson pic.twitter.com/CrGoDOgk0F Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter @B__Marco @B__Marco Search all Tweets

Marco Balletta @B__Marco FebKatherine 2018 Jackson 595 ‘s Objection TWEETS to Appointment of Executors (Aug. and Sept. 2019 2009) marcoballetta.com/katherine-jack… #MichaelJackson Retweeted by @B__Marco View on Twitter 2018

Marco Balletta @B__Marco I hate social media.There are so many shit ppl that call themselves fans of #MichaelJackson that are far away from the sort of ppl I,as fan of MJ,would 2017 have ever dealt with,if MJ did not got killed.Since 2009 I am forced to deal w/such shit ppl because they are a voice against MJ View on Twitter 2016

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MJFFC @nOt24seven @TheMJAP @goldenerahits_ @mjfcc This fucking laughing face that u put here,Steven,is completely a fucking smack to MJ's 2015 face&MJ's rights . I keep wondering , what the fuck were u doing before 2009?Were u Laughing while MJ was repeatedly being fucked by the same ppl & corporarions that u and this woman endorse? 2014 View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MJFFC @nOt24seven @TheMJAP @goldenerahits_ @mjfcc MJ ended 2013 up dead w/ MILLIONS dollars of shit brought on him from the same shit ppl&shit corporarions that u are all explicitly defending. Without the millions of dollars of shit brought on MJ during his lifetime,MJ would have been still 2012 alive today&u would not be here taking shit View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MJFFC @nOt24seven @TheMJAP @goldenerahits_ @mjfcc What the This is an offline archive of your Tweets from Twitter. Use fuck are u guys taking about ? U are all talking Shit that suits what the months above to navigate the archive. convenient for you and for shit corporations and shit busine$$ and shit ppl that did wrong to MJ in life. None of u will ever erase the shit done to MJ and that remains in the MILLIONS dollars stolen! View on Twitter

Marco Balletta @B__Marco @MJFFC @nOt24seven @TheMJAP @goldenerahits_ @mjfcc That is Total bullshit talk from this woman, because there is a HUGE difference in MJ's childen directly control what was of their father, versus instead a crook lawyer and a crook corporation controlling everything MJ while profiting directly and indirectly using MJ View on Twitter