Congressional Record—House H1952
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H1952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 27, 2007 Project. He was responsible for the honor and privilege of knowing Gene nicate its needs and the needs of our Dayton Floodwall; the Falls of the Snyder for many, many years, listen- citizens in Kentucky legislatively and Ohio Wildlife Conservation Area; the ing to his advice, laughing at his sto- was a great friend to the Common- renovation of the Louisville Post Office ries, and enjoying the companionship wealth and was also one of those prod- and the Louisville Courthouse; and a that we did. God rest his soul. ucts of Gene’s influence and his new terminal at Standiford Field; new Mr. DAVIS of Kentucky. Mr. Speak- mentorship. bridges in Covington and Newport; the er, I thank the gentleman. Another was Joe Whittle, who met Gene Snyder Airport at Falmouth; and, Congressman ROGERS, I think you Gene the first time in 1975 when he was of course, the freeway. That is what captured the emotion and the power of running for attorney general in Ken- Gene called it anyway. Just the free- that funeral, the eulogies, the tucky at a time that it wasn’t cool for way. reminiscences that brought so many to Republicans to be running on a state- ‘‘Gene embodied the old rule that laughter. Sitting with Gene and Pat wide ticket. Gene called him up on the Members of Congress should be friends Snyder was always a wonderful journey phone. Joe was a little taken aback to after 5 o’clock. He was a committed back to the old House in the days be- get a phone call from the famed Con- conservative, but even liberal Members fore C–SPAN, before 24-hour news cy- gressman Gene Snyder, but he invited lined up to thank him in his last days cles, before multimillion dollar cam- him to come up to meet him in Louis- in Washington. One of them had this to paigns. ville and then drive up to Northern say: ’Gene Snyder has been devoted to The one thing that struck me about Kentucky to give a talk at the Beverly building things like bridges across riv- him when I first met him was his com- Hills Supper Club to a large group of ers and streams, but he has also de- plete lack of pretense. As a young man, Republicans there. When Gene got up voted himself to devoting goodwill I couldn’t believe this was a Congress- to introduce Joe Whittle, he used his among people.’ man, compared to the image that one humor to make that strong point about ‘‘When the last staffer turned off the would have on TV, somebody so ap- how he had sized up Joe’s character, lights and pulled the door shut on proachable, so transparent, and his and he said, This is Joe Whittle. He is Gene’s Capitol Hill office, an era in great gift of humor. He could teach a lawyer but not enough to hurt. And Washington ended. The people in the with humor. He could scold with humor they instantly became friends and were Fourth District saw a lot more of him and make his point very clearly. He close and intimate friends until a week and Pat. The members of Owl Creek was a man who built friendships that ago when Gene left this Earth. Later Country Club would hear his stories transcended partisan differences. Joe Whittle became the United States now. The people at Concordia Lutheran As Congressman ROGERS mentioned Attorney for Western Kentucky. saw him quite a bit. from Senator MCCONNELL’s eulogy, one The investment that Gene made in so ‘‘But Washington would miss, and of his great friends in the House was many lives has transcended their im- still misses, his common touch, his Congressman Carl Perkins, who rep- mediate impact and gone to other gen- lack of pretense, his principle. resented what is now the western part erations. ‘‘Age and illness would take their of the Fourth District, centered in Ash- Anne Gernstein, who is now the toll in the last years of Gene’s remark- land, Kentucky, in Boyd County. He chairman of the Olden County Repub- able life, but his humor remained. Old and Carl Perkins could fight on the lican Party, was his office manager at friends would call just to hear the re- floor, fight in the hallways on issues, his office in Louisville. And before I cordings on his answering machine. but at 5 o’clock they were friends, and first met Gene, I met Anne. She was ‘‘But now death has done its work, they were strong friends committed to helping with the local campaign, and I and a great American story comes to the Commonwealth, committed to the walked in the door as a new volunteer, an end. Yet we know it continues. This future of Kentucky. just wanting to get involved in politics, husband, father, lawmaker, mentor, He was a strong leader. And probably and I would have never thought at that and friend goes to the Father’s house the highest compliment that I could time that I would have the great honor now. pay him is that he was real. And that and privilege to follow in the legacy of ‘‘We take comfort in trusting him to fact is never lost on those who knew that great man. the Lord of Mercy, who tells us that in him. Those who were his foes in legisla- Gene, we will miss your humor and the life to come, every question will be tion had tremendous respect for him that twinkle in your eye right before answered. Every tear wiped away. And and invariably they liked him. you are about to spring a joke on some- we look forward to the day when we see The real fruit in a person’s life comes one. Marion Gene Snyder again, upright, re- from the seeds that are sowed in many To Pat and the children, thank you stored in body, healthy and strong, lives, the fruit that is born from that. for sharing this great man with us. reaching across the fence to take our I think of several names to mention Your hospitality and kindness are re- hands.’’ here that come to mind. Congressman membered by so many that you have So, Mr. Speaker, that is the eulogy ROGERS shared his perspective on touched throughout the years. that Senator MITCH MCCONNELL of Ken- Gene’s influence in his life. I have Gene Snyder left an indelible imprint tucky, the senior Senator from Ken- shared mine on his influence on me. My on Kentucky and our country. With his tucky, the Republican leader in the wife, Pat, and I used to live in La passing, Kentucky has lost, and the Na- Senate, as he delivered the eulogy to Grange, Kentucky, down near the Lou- tion has lost, a great leader and a true our friend Gene Snyder Saturday at isville suburbs. My first campaign statesman; but his legacy continues to the funeral in Louisville. I read the eu- chairman in Olden County was Harold live on. logy because I could not say it any bet- Smith. Harold Smith, as a young attor- f ter. ney in 1966, managed Gene’s first cam- Gene Snyder was a legend in his own paign for Congress in the Fourth Dis- THE 30-SOMETHING WORKING time. He is a legendary Member of this trict, and then he helped manage my GROUP body. He was one of the most powerful first campaign for Congress in 2002 and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Members of this body for many years. then again in 2004 and again in 2006. I the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- But beneath that sometimes publicly think about that legacy of friendship uary 18, 2007, the gentleman from Flor- crusted personality was that warm, and how he reached out and was known ida (Mr. MEEK) is recognized for 60 min- gentle spirit and warm, gentle heart; by so many in the community. utes. that helpful person who reached out a Another was his staff director on the Mr. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, it hand to help those who needed it, Public Works Committee, Mike is an honor to address the House. whether it be a Member of Congress or Toohey, who also was with us on Satur- And to my colleagues on the Repub- a person back home looking for help on day. Mike left government at the time lican side of the aisle, it sounds like a Social Security claim or a veteran’s that Gene retired and had a long and our past colleague Mr. SNYDER and his pension or the like. distinguished career in government re- family served our country well, and we We won’t see his kind again, unfortu- lations, helping Ashland Oil, later Ash- appreciate his contributions to our nately, but I am glad that I had the land Inc., to reach out and commu- country in serving in public service. VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:44 Apr 19, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00054 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\H27FE7.REC H27FE7 hmoore on PRODPC68 with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 27, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1953 Mr. Speaker, as you know, this is the to travel to Iraq twice, and looking for- binding resolution. The President first night of business, returning back ward to going back soon and going to agreed he thought that it would pass from the Presidents Day break. Before Afghanistan and other areas where we here on the floor because the votes we left we had a week-long debate on have a military presence, readiness is were there.