As a gardener, what can you do? Manitoba Garden Invaders Familiarize yourself with local invasive of concern. Help prevent their spread by making What Not To : sure discarded plant materials are dead and/or contained when disposing of them. Remove seed Grow Me Ox-eye Daisy heads after flowering or dig as much of the root ( vulgare) as possible. Carefully place all plant material in a Scentless Chamomile Grow garbage bag, tie tightly, and leave for pickup by your (Matricaria perforata) local waste management. Where permitted, dry the Instead Common Baby’s Breath plant material for seven to ten days and then burn. (Gypsophila paniculata) Be responsible and do not share invasive plants with Common Tansy other gardeners. (Tanacetum vulgare) When acquiring new additions for your garden be Why should gardeners be Purple Loosestrife Me aware when: concerned about invasive (Lythrum salicaria, L.virgatum) • Buying plants or seed over the internet. Plants ? Dame’s Rocket that are considered native in one can be (Hesperis matronalis) invasive in another. There are a number of invasive plant species which not only Creeping Bellflower threaten our natural areas, but (Campanula rapunculoides) Instead • Buying plants advertised as “Exotic”. Ornamental plants imported and sold under this category also invade your garden. These invasive plants spread far and Tamarisk or Salt Cedar have become some of our worst invaders. fast by both seed and extensive (Tamarix spp) root systems. • Shopping at local nurseries, greenhouses, or Yellow and Dalmation Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris, L. dalmatica) garden centers. Do not purchase the plant if the Landscape plants that seed scientific name or origin of a plant cannot be freely like Dame’s Rocket or Himalayan Balsam supplied. Ox-eye Daisy,for example, (Impatiens glandulifera) often cause extra work for Leafy Spurge • Sowing wildflower mixtures. Many wildflower gardeners. Seedlings must be (Euphorbia esula) mixes contain seeds of invasive plants. If a weeded out before they take list of species (including scientific name) is not over and displace plants that Photo of: Yellow Toadflax Wildflower Mixes included on the package label then do not buy or Bob Nowierski, Montana State University, were carefully planted in your plant the wildflower mix. garden. Plants with creeping Yellow Flag Iris root systems such as Creeping (Iris pseudacorus) Landscapers and gardeners can now select Bellflower can spread quickly Flowering Rush from a wide of alternative perennial and annual from your garden onto other plants- for both terrestrial and water gardens which Council of Manitoba people’s property, decreasing (Butomus umbellatus) pose no threat to the environment. Native plants such c/o 5006 Roblin Blvd their enjoyment of their property, Water Hyacinth as Blazingstar ( ligulistylis), and Blue , MB and their enjoyment of having (Eichhornia crassipes) R3R 0G7 flag () provide excellent alternatives. you as a neighbor. European Frog-Bit THE INVASIVE SPECIES A great source of information for growing native (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) species can be found in the book “Naturescape COUNCIL OF MANITOBA Manitoba” available at local bookstores. For further information on invasive species or to sign up for our quarterly newsletter, contact the ISCM at (204) 232-6021 or [email protected] Shell Environmental Fund Avoid:Purple Loosestrife Avoid: ScentlessScentless Chamomile ChamomileAvoid: HimalayanHimalayan Balsam BalsamAAvoid:void:DameDame’’ss RockeRockett Avoid: Salt Cedar oror TaTamariskmarisk AAvoid:void:LeafyLeafy SpurgSpurgee Avoid:YeYellowllow Flag IriIriss AAvoid:void:WWaterater Hyacinth (L(Lythrumythrum salicaria salicaria) (Matricaria(Matricaria perforata perforata)) (Impatiens(Impatiens glandulifera glandulifera) ) (Hesperis(Hesperis matronalismatronalis) (Tamarix(Tamarix spp. spp.) ) (Euphorbia esula) esula) (Iris(Iris pseudacorus pseudacorus ) ) (Eichhornia(Eichhornia crassipes) crassipes ) Deciduous shrub/small tree. Noxious weed in pasture, Eye-catching perennial found ReferredL. virgatum) to as “the Looks similar to Ox-eye with Fast-growing (2-3m) tall OftenOften confusedconfused withwith gardengarden Noxious weed in pasture, Free-floating Free-floating aquatic aquatic perennial perennial.. Referred to as “the Looks similar to Ox-eye with GrowsGrows bestbest along creeks, ,rivers, rangelands, ditches, wasteland, in in wet wet areas areas at at low- low- to to mid- mid- beautifulkiller, Lythrum ‘ small, white daisy flowers, annual with attractive, phloxphlox DameDame’s’s RocketRocket hashas rangelands,ditches, wasteland, Grows Grows in in ponds, ponds, wetlands, wetlands, beautiful killer, Lythrum small, white daisy flowers, andand ponds.ponds. Scale-likeScale-like leavesleaves and abandoned areas. elevations. elevations. Ye Yellowllow flowers flowers Morden Pink’and but has distinct fern-like orchid-like pink toto purplepurple 44 petalspetals andand alternatealternate leaves,leaves, and abandoned areas. marshes marshes large large lakes lakes,, ‘Morden Pink’ and but has distinct fern-like leaves. concentrateconcentrate saltsalt fromfrom groundground Sometimes planted in home with characteristic Iris shape. ‘Morden Gleam’. Tall, leaves. Reproduces by seed. HollowHollow stemsstems areare phloxphlox hashas 55 petalspetals andand Sometimes planted in home reservoirs, reservoirs, and and rivers. rivers. Broad, Broad, ‘Morden Gleam’. Tall, Reproduces by seed. Invades water water in in the the soil. soil. Salt Salt released released back back gardens. Secretes a milky Grows Grows in in ditches, ditches, irrigation irrigation thick glossy leaves with an upright strongpurple spires. Invades natural areas similar easily broken. Widespread opposite opposite leaves. leaves. Flower Flower color color gardens. Secretes a milky thick glossy leaves with an upright strong purple spires. into into the the soil soil with with leaf leaf litte litter.r. Increased Increased canals,canals, marshes, marshes, stream stream and and lake lake naturalto Ox-eye areas Dais similary. to invaderinvader of agricultural areas, naturalnatural forests,forests, cancan bebe magentamagenta throughthrough toto pinkpink latex latex sap sap when when damaged. damaged. stalkstalk that that supports supports a a spike spike of of showy showy Takes over ponds, beaches, salinitysalinity inin thethe soilsoil makesmakes itit unsuitableunsuitable shorelines,shorelines, and and shallow shallow ponds. ponds. Takes over ponds, beaches, Ox-eye Daisy. disturbed areas, rangelands, riverbanks,riverbanks, oror white.white. ConsideredConsidered aa “traditio“traditional”nal” Flowers Flowers are are in in numerous numerous flowerslavenderflowers lavender to to pink pink in in colou colour. r . marshes, farm dugouts, irrigation forfor manymany nativenative plantsplants andand shrubs.shrubs. ReproducesReproduces quickly quickly through through seed seed AccordingAccording to to the the Global Global Invasive Invasive marshes, farm dugouts, irrigation wetlands and gardens. It should not be used gardengarden floweflowerr.. ProlificProlific seedseed small clusters around green to yellow canals. A mature plant can produce DeepDeep rooted.rooted. ConsumesConsumes asas muchmuch asas dispersaldispersal andand horizontalhorizontal root systems, SpeciesSpecies Database, Database, it it is is on on the the list list of of canals. A mature plant can produce toused beautify to beautify natural natural areas. areas. Brittle Brittleseed seed producerproducer oftenoften foundfound inin ‘wildflo‘wildflowewerr’’ heart-shaped . Lower leaves 2.5 million seeds. Ornamental 750 litres of water/day. Grows 3-4 creating thickets in the water like 100100 of of the the Wo Worldrld’s’s Wo Worstrst Invasive Invasive Alien Alien 2.5 million seeds. Ornamental capsules explode upon contact, sending mixes. Especially problematic near 750 litres of water/day. Grows 3-4 are smooth, green and narroww.. creating thickets in the water like , originally considered sterile, capsules explode upon contact, sending mixes. Especially problematic near Species.Species. Can Can displace displace native native cultivars, originally considered sterile, woodlands. metresmetres inin aa singlesingle season.season. MatureMature Spreads easily through seed and root cattails.cattails. Dense Dense stands stands exclude exclude native native have proven very fertile when cross seeds (2500 per plant) 66 metersmeters oror more.more. woodlands. Spreads easily through seed and root vegetation,vegetation, reduce reduce biological biological diversit diversity,y , have proven very fertile when cross plantplant cancan produceproduce 600,000600,000 seedsseeds fragments. Dominates it wetlandwetland species,species, threatening plant and pollinated. Copious sources for Shallow root system makes it easily fragments. Dominates habitats it andand clog clog irrigation irrigation canals. canals. Widely Widely sold sold pollinated. Copious pollen sources for annuallannuallyy.. SeedsSeeds easilyeasily disperseddispersed by infests and causes economic impacts andanimal animal diversity. diversit Soldy. Soldin garden in garden centres wild plants. controlled by hand-pulling. infests and causes economic impacts asas a a pond pond plant plant due due to to its its exotic exotic wild plants. windwind andand watewaterr.. SeveredSevered stemsstems and centrescentres and and on on the the Internet Internet for for wet around $34$34 millionmillion per per year year in in Manitoba. Manitoba. appearanceappearance and and attractive attractive flowers flowers.. shootsand shoots root readilyroot readily in moist in moist soil. soil. wetareas. areas. Instead Instead InsteaInsteadd InsteadInstead InsteadInstead InsteadInstead InsteadInstead InsteadInstead

Blazing Star Blue Vervain Obedient Plant False Sunflower Flat-top Sunflowers Joe Pye-Weed Swamp Meadow Wild Flax Purple Fireweed Common Nannyberry Common Yarrow Prairie Sage Marsh Sweet Flag Blue Flag Water Yellow Water WhiteAster Milkweed Blazing Star Prairie Clover Juniper Bearberry Milkvetch Marigold Wild Iris Smartweed Pond Lily Arum (Liatris (Verbena (Physostegia (Heliopsis ( spp.) (Eupatorium (Linum (Epilobium (Vibumum (Achillea (Artemisia (Acorus (Astragalus (Caltha (Iris ligulistylis) hastata) virginiana) helianthoides) (Doellingeria maculatum) (Asclepias (Liatris lewisii) (Dalea angustifolium) (Juniperus lentago) millefolium) ludoviciana) calamus) (Polygonum (Nuphar (Calla (Arctostaphylos canadensis) palustris) versicolor) amphibium) variegatum) palustris) umbellata) incarnata) ligulistylis) purpurea) communis) uva-ursi)

Avoid:Ox Eye Daisy AAvoid:void:CommonCommon BabyBaby’s’s Breath AAvoid:void :Common Common Tansy Tansy Avoid:CreepingCreeping BellflowerBellflowerAAvoid:void:YellowToadflax, & DalmationToadflax Dalmation or Yellow AAvoid:void:WildflowerWildflower Mixes Mixes Avoid:Flowering RushRush AAvoid:void: European Frog Frog Bi Bitt (Butomus umbellatus) (Hydrocharis(Hydrocharis morsus-ranae morsus-ranae)) (Leucanthemum(Leucanthemum vulgare vulgare)) (Gypsophila(Gypsophila paniculata) paniculata) (Tanacetum(Tanacetum vulgare) vulgare) (Campanula(Campanula rapunculoides rapunculoides) ) (Linaria(Linaria vulgaris, vulgaris) Many “Wildflower” mixes (Butomus umbellatus) Ornamental perennial used Perennial. Perennial. Noxious Noxious weed weed L. dalmatica) Many “Wildflower” mixes Ornamental perennial used in Perennial. Yellow, contain seeds of non-native, Upright, rooted showy aquatic Free-floating aquatic European origin. in floral arrangements. In in in Manitoba Manitoba of of pastures, pastures, Bell shaped, nodding blue Perennial. Yellow, contain seeds of non-native, Upright, rooted showy Free-floating aquatic floral arrangements. In winter, Snapdragon shaped aggressive plant species perennial. Flowers are perennial.Resembles a Widespread invader in winter, stems break off, roadsides, roadsides, river banks, banks, flowersflowers onon leafyleafy stalks.stalks. Snapdragon shaped aggressive plant species aquatic perennial. Flowers perennial. Resembles a stems break off, blowing around flowers with narrow, legislated (or characterized) umbrella-shaped, deep pink miniature water lily. North American pastures blowing around in the wind like abandoned abandoned fields fields and and ReproducesReproduces byby seeds,seeds, flowers with narrow, legislated (or characterized) are umbrella-shaped, deep miniature water lily. and natural areas. in the wind like tumbleweeds, lance-shaped leaves as invasive. Contents of these mixes to white, and on long stalks. Found in calm, waters of and natural areas. tumbleweeds, spreading seed natural natural areas. areas. Reproduces Reproduces slenderslender creepingcreeping rhizomesrhizomes lance-shaped leaves as invasive. Contents of these mixes pink to white, and on long stalks. Found in calm, open waters of Classic white daisy. Lower leaves spreading seed to pastures and (Yellow toadflax) or broad, are rarely listed accurately by their Leaves are long, stiff and narrow. marshes and ditches. Round, Classic white daisy. Lower leaves to pastures and natual areas. byby seedseed andand shortshort .rhizomes. FormsForms andand tuberoustuberous rootroot pieces.pieces. RhizomesRhizomes (Yellow toadflax) or broad, are rarely listed accurately by their Leaves are long, stiff and narrow. marshes and ditches. Round, toothed, upper leaves have natural areas. Widespread heart-shaped leaves scientific names. The wide variety of Lives in wetlands, sedge heart-shaped leaves and white toothed, upper leaves have wavy Widespread infestations densedense stands.Pungent,stands. Pungent, aromatic aromatic cancan traveltravel underunder fences,fences, sidewalkssidewalks heart-shaped leaves scientific names. The wide variety of Lives in wetlands, sedge heart-shaped leaves and white wavy margins. Reproduces by seed, or infestations across Canada and (Dalmation toadflax). Spreads common names used for some plants streams, riverbanks, ditches and flowers with a yellow centre. margins. Reproduces by seed, or across Canada and northern foliagefoliage usedused medicinallmedicinally,y, asas an an insectinsect andand concrete.concrete. ProducesProduces upup toto 15,00015,000 (Dalmation toadflax). Spreads common names used for some plants meadows, streams, riverbanks, flowers with a yellow centre. by shallow creeping roots (rhizomes). northern US. by seed- up to 500,000/plant- adds to the confusion. Never purchase lake shores. Brought to North Roots are horizontal stems that by shallow creeping roots (rhizomes). US. repellant,repellant, andand historicallyhistorically waswas usedused seeds/plant.seeds/plant. CanCan displacedisplace andand dominatedominate by seed- up to 500,000/plant- adds to the confusion. Never purchase ditches and lake shores. Brought Roots are horizontal stems that Single plants quickly become large and creeping rhizomes. Strong a seed mix without the packet being America as an ornamental and has entwine to form dense mats in Single plants quickly become large forfor embalming.embalming. ContainsContains compoundscompounds lawnslawns andand perennialperennial sunsun oror shadeshade and creeping rhizomes. Strong a seed mix without the packet being to as an ornamental entwine to form dense mats in patches. Unpalatablefor grazing by competitors for soil moisture. clearly labeled with scientific names. escaped cultivation. Spreads by seeds the water. Becomes the patches. Unpalatable for grazing by toxictoxic toto humanshumans andand livestock,livestock, ifif SurvivesSurvives periodsperiods ofof drought.drought. competitors for soil moisture. clearly labeled with scientific names. and has escaped cultivation. the water. Becomes the livestock or wildlife, giving it a Can form dense patches that Some seed packets with contents and creeping roots. Can displace dominant plant in wetlands and livestock or wildlife, giving it a consumedconsumed inin largelarge quantities.quantities. TTuberousuberous roots,roots, creepingcreeping rhizomerhizome Can form dense patches that Some seed packets with contents Spreads by seeds and creeping roots. dominant plant in wetlands and competitive advantage. Has become a replace native vegetation. Difficult labeled may still contain surprise native vegetation, reduce biological reduces native plant diversity. competitive advantage. Has become Unpalatable Unpalatable to to grazing grazing animals, animals, systemsystem andand resistanceresistance toto somesome replace native vegetation. Difficult labeled may still contain surprise Can displace native vegetation, reduces native plant diversity. serious invasive problem in natural to eradicate once established invaders not listed. diversity, and clog irrigation canals. Interferes with swimming, boating a serious invasive problem in natural gives gives it it a a competitive competitive advantage advantage herbicidesherbicides makemake itit extremelyextremely to eradicate once established invaders not listed. reduce biological diversity, and clog Interferes with swimming, boating areas. Some cultivates sold as ‘Shasta due to extensive root system. Sold in local garden centres as a fishing, and waterfowl hunting. areas. Some cultivates sold as ‘Shasta in in natural natural areas areas and and rangelands rangelands. difdifficultficult toto eradicate.eradicate. due to extensive root system. irrigation canals. Sold in fishing, and waterfowl hunting. Daisy’ are in fact Ox-eye Daisy. Seeds Often included in wildflower seed pond plant. Sold on the Internet and in Daisy’ are in fact Ox-eye Daisy. Seeds Often included in wildflower seed local garden centres as a pond plant. Sold on the Internet and in are often included in wildflower seed mixes. garden centres as a pond plant. are often included in wildflower seed mixes. garden centres as a pond plant. mixes. Instead Instead InsteaInsteadd InsteadInstead InsteadInstead InsteadInstead InsteadInstead InsteadInstead Planting packets of individual wildflower species is preferable to planting wildflower mixes contaminated with invasive species by mistake. Otherwise, a gardener could spend many years battling invasive plants. Choose only the most reputable local sources for False Flat-top Prairie Common Pearly Flat-top Stiff Goldenrod Black-eye Alexanders Harebell Tall Bluebells Wild Flax Turtlehead Helenium Blue Flag Swamp Obedient Water Duckweed Water Arum Sunflower Sunflowers Yarrow Everlasting Susan Milkvetch seed to ensure species planted Wild Iris Milkweed Plant Smartweed White Aster White Aster (Zizia aptera, (Mertensia (Helenium (Oligoneuron (Campanula (Linum (Chelone are actually native to, and adapted (Lemna , (Calla (Heliopsis (Doellingeria (Helianthus (Achillea (Anaphalis (Doellingeria rigida) ( Z.aurea) rotundifolia) paniculata) lewisii) glabra) autumnale) (Astragalus (Iris versicolor) (Asclepias (Physostegia (Polygonum L.trisulca) palustris) helianthoides) umbellata) spp.) millefolium) margaritacea) umbellata) hirta) canadensis) for, a specific area. incarnata) virginiana) amphibium)