Ashe Motor Company

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Ashe Motor Company PAGE TWO THE SKYLAND TOST, M C. THURSDAY, NOT.; -1% . 1M*’ Birthsßate In Members U. S.,Tolncrease ImprdvenfWffWOrk onrtheTxmg-“ Kyle Dickson Attended Mock Many Branch road is * progressing splendidly} State In Jr. Red Cross Its Air Mi’. Joe taken to the Declining ; „ Strength P 0 wsjs Mr. Ward Poe and family and General In RafeWi Wilkeri ':¦ hospital during the past * r v of John- Assembly - I **:*¦•' > Mrs.-Blanche k ¦ ' Campbell, AH Over World ’ MHee»for treatment. 59,636 Bora First Nine Nov. 5. ston City, and Mr. J. L. Gilley, 7 Mrs Will Ashe Also At- Tfcylor, of the Moun- W. P. Killen and County Boy While 34,344 Persons Died. istration circled heard today that visited Mr. faraHW tain section, who under- ~ ' tended School Press Con- Mrs. Dean McMillan Heads President Roosevelt intended def- recently ily Sunday. • 7 Killed In Air. went an to ask to author- apendicitis operation in ference In Schools initely Congress In Durham. Oddities In Organization Wilkes hospital, has returned to ize one of the world’s mightiest Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Houck, of Raleigh, Nov. 7.—There were Os Ashe his home. County. air fleets, numbering rom 7,000 to Baldwin, and Mrs. Hr A. Camp- Kyle Dickson, senior of Appa- births in North Carolina Rev. T. A 59,635 for Farmer filled his of West weer din- lachian Teachers 10,000 warplanes, the-army. bell, Jefferson,; State College, Ashe the first nine months of 1938, this for international un- regular appointment Working His far-reaching plans to bol- Sunday at ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. spent last week in Durham and County number exceding the State’s ( and for unselfish Long Branch. derstanding ster national defense were re- Duncan Sunday. Raleigh. deaths for the 25,291 same period 1 service to humanity, 9,070,958 include Mr. ported authoritatively to Dickson, senior of Appa- by 34,344, figures compiled by American and girls in 39,- recent entries in The boys also fullwar equipment as quick- lachian State Teachers Many the State Board of Health’s Di- and College, ; 244 elementary schools 2»- for nucleus last Skyland Post’s 1938 Oddity con- ly as possible a army spent week in Durham and vision of Vital Statistics, of which < 648 high schools throughout the gest that in the fruit and of or more men. proved of 400,000 Raleigh. Dr. R. T. Stimpson is Director,. , are active members vegetable classifications, nature country It was estimated that the pro- Mr. Dickson, who is business So far this there Red disclosed. year, the American Junior Cross, involved next of has produced numerous freaks gram outlays year manager The Appalachian, have been/297 fewer births in Mrs. Dean McMillan, Chairman this exceeding by well over $300,000,- school paper of Appalachia, rep- year. North Carolina than the Red Cross unit of 59,932 of the Junior this for This has been in a 000 year’s appropriations resented his school at the school due, large during the period said in corresponding Ashe county, yesterday all military including Press measure, to the late purposes, Conference at Durham. exceptionally in 1937, and 31 more deaths. discussing Red Cross work of the and naval. From there he went to cold and wet spring season Raleigh However, the preponderance of past year. to the equally unusual warm and serve as chairman of the A. S. births over deaths continued “This means that the Junior C. fall. As a result, fruit trees T. delegation to the Student dry heavy. Red Cross is outstanding as an Suffers did this Japan Legislature which was held at double-duty year! Mrs. Mc- Through September, there was organization for youth,” November Under the fruit oddities Vilena Raleigh, 4th and sth. a decrease of 162 deaths from Millan said. “Linked with the Heavy Damage for Best Values in Town About 125 students from 19 Testerman, of Helton, submitted who Headquarters preventable accidests in North youth of the 52 other nations answdred the roll call several full-grown plums, from a Cross societies, colleges Carolina, including automobile have Junior Red In FRESH VEGETABLES AND MEATS tree that its Earthquake FRUITS, at this two-day session of a mock recently produced and railroad in the accidents, bums, no other youth organization second general assembly. There were crop. and accidental trau- world it in opportuni- drownings can equal work- two of Tokyo, Nov. 7.—Rescue only Republicans in the J. J. Turner, Warrensville, matism by firearms, also airplane ties for service or for possibilities Fancy and Heavy Groceries ers reported widespread damage houses. sent in several second-crop ap- crashes. Incidentally, there were for good.” Feed Stuffs Several and strawberries. From Jen- Mr. today in a severe earthquake that bills were passed. ples seven deaths from air transporta- Here in the United States, shook Northeastern Japan. Among these was a bill to ap- nie Bowers, of Jefferson, came tion accidents the first nine McMillan said, Junior Red Cross Johnson fine The center of damage, on the We have a line of Men and Children’s propriate $200,000 to further ag- some second-drop months of 1938, as compared with members carried on definite pro- complete Ladies, basis of first scattered advices, ricultural at N. C. State winter C. S. Wilcox, of the health bet- research apples. corresponding period in 1937. grams or community Hosiery, Shoes and Boots. appeared to be in Miyagi prefec- College. They approved a meas- West Jefferson, believe-it-or-not, terment and for the prevention of ture on the main island of Hon- ure to make a course in sex edu- actually submitted a blackberry ESTIMATED TIMBER accidents in homes and on farms BALL BAND FOOTWEAR FOR THE ENTIRE FAMI- affected included cation in the vine which contained full- schools. In addition, shiu. The area a required subject as well as in LY. SWEATERS, HORSEHIDE COATS of black- Because he had some fine perhaps 300 miles of coastal state’s high schools. developed, second-crop pines Junior Red Cross members carry berries. J. H. con- about 75 old and wanted to towns and villages stretching The assembly is sponsored by Gentry years out classroom or school projects Heavy Shirts and Hanes Underwear, northward from Ibaraki, which Pants, Ladies, students at N. C. State tributed second-crop Yellow protect his new growth in selling in debating for aiding the underprivileged The latest and E. C. Ri- the mature timber Fred Yates of is the prefecture just north of Gloves, Handbags. very College and Pi Kappa Delta, for- Transparent apples their communities, and in pro- ensic and is held in of brought forth a Chadbourn, Columbus ’Tokyo. in styles fraternity, ley, Creston, county, viding Christmas holiday remem- North Carolina’s halls. which had grown had the Extension forester at and The earth tremors, which were legislative large twig on brances for men in the Army wrecked seis- BEFORE BUYING COME IN AND annual three large June State to use the scale services so severe that the ELSEWHERE, This was the second as- to maturity ap- College Navy or other military far as “Those on a stick in the timber he mograph aparatus as away GIVE US A TRIAL sembly. ples. apples grew estimating all these projects being designed tree that has been bearing for wished to sell. “It was better Faenza, Italy, occurred Saturday to teach school children the pleas- and this is the than Mr. Yates afternoon included three strong DECLINE ON DEBTS the past 75 years selling blindly,” and in serving ures advantages We Strive to Please • the mort- first time I saw a second- said. self. shocks. A steady decline in ever others without thought of indebtedness of it,” Mr. said. Junior gage and other crop on Riley “Broadly speaking, the noted for the Mrs. C. L. Blevins, of Crump- Red Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crawford, of farmers has been near Jefferson. It was 12 inches Cross is the American Red John The entered nice bunch of sec- Bocne and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. STORE 20 years ending with 1937. ler, a long, about three inches in diam- Cross in the schools of the na- JONES “Os course Crawford, of North Wilkesboro, reduction since 1920 was accom- ond-crop raspberries. eter and each grain appeared to tion,” Mrs. McMillan said. “Its week-end of thei‘ WEST JEFFERSON :: N. C. decrease of almost these came from down where it be health, to were the guests panied by a perfectly developed and all of purpose is to promote number of banks doesn’t frost early and that’s the in parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Craw- one-half in the the rows were perfectly straight. develop altruistic! tendencies section,” she ford. operating in the agricultural Healing Springs W. C. Vannoy, of Oval, also de- children, to give practice in good areas. boasted. serves a boost for several large citizenship, and to promote in- With the view of not letting ears of corn that were entered. ternational friendliness —a thing and Mrs. Reid Sturdivant has been apples, plums, raspberries, Jack’s Dahlia Stalk greatly needed today. blackberries steal the fruit oddity all a patient in the Wilkes hospital We have heard and read a lot “It should be realized by Carl Jackson, of for the past week. show entirely, about “Jack and the Bean Stalk”, citizens of our local community Jefferson, brought in a twin know West but along came L. H. Phillips, of that this work, which we walnut. Idlewild, with a tale and also will be of such great importance actual proof of dahlia whose to is made Oddities in Vegetables a in the years come, pos- Theatre! stalk Parkway reaches the towering sible by the annual memberships From the vegetable kingdom of of 7 feet and 8 inches.
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    ISSUED Tuesday THURS EWY Saturday The Courier-gazette ib Entered »s Second Clui Mall Matter THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 92..................Number I 50. Established January, 1846. By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, December 16, 1937 The Courier-Gazette CHEER FOR THE NEEDY IMPORTANT LOCAL DEAL Editor “The Black Cat” WM. O. FULLER Associate Editor Winslow-Holbrook Post Furnishes 265 Families Black Eslale Sells To Amusement Co. FRANK A. WINSLOW Subscriptions 63.00 per year payable In advance; single copies three cents. With Supplies From Food Show EmPire Theatre and Buslness Block Advertising rates based upon circula­ tion and very reasonable NEWSPAPER HISTORT The Rockland Oazette was established In 1846 In 1874 the Courier was estab­ An agreement was signed yesterday occupied on ithe ground floor by the lished and consolidated with the Oazette The Amerloan Legion's 1937 food quisite judgment and energy. He was ! whereby the Rockland Amusement Moor drug store and Hastings dry In 1882 The Free Prese was established show at Strand Theatre has passed ably supported by other members of In 1855 and ln 1861 changed its name to Winslow-Holbrook Post. Company will take over from the goods store, together with the build­ SUGGESTlOriS the Tribune. These papers consolidated into history, to take its place among ing at the rear known as Empire March 17. 1887. , Mr. Kelsey, and his associates, are Black Estate the block on Main street, Winslow-Holbrook Posts highly not only entnled t0 the thanlcs of Theatre. By The Roving Reporter ! meritorious achievements. The pub- ■, the community but they want the Tlie deal was negotiated on the' To the Christmas shop­ lie reads about it carelessly little world to know how grateful they are I have been young and am now reckoning the amount of work which to everybody who helped.
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