Allen, [?Joseph], 61-62
INDEX Apothecaries, see London; Society ofApothecaries A Arbuthnot, John, 168, 169, 251, 255-256, 261 Archaeology, see osteochondritis dissecans in Abbot, George, archbishop of Canterbury, 72, 73 ancient British skeletal material; instruments, Accum, Friedrich Christian, 270 surgical, on a tomb slab in Roman Malta Ackerknecht, Erwin H., 1-8, 95, 317, 321, 395 Archer, John, 227 Acland, Rev. John, 140 Arcolano, Giovanni, 235 Adair, Robin, 62 Aristophanes, 78 Addison, Thomas, 400 Aristotle, 84, 198, 208, 223-224, 225-226, 227, Adelaide, queen of William IV, 270 233-234, 235-236, 244, 378, 380 Adeloye, Adelola, 275-293 Arlidge, J. T., 144 Adeola, 283, 285 Arnold, Frederick, 3, 5 Adson, A. W., 7 Arnold, Thomas, 322 Aetius ofAmida, 198 Arrigoni, A., 17 Agnew, Mrs., 163 Arrivabene, Giovanni Francesco, 84-85, 86, 87 Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius, 2 Arthur, prince, 263 Akert, Konrad, 1 Ascoli, A., 218 Alanus de Insulis, 310 Aselli, Gaspar, 102 Albemarle, Ist duke of, see Monk, George Astbury, Thomas, 138 Alberti, Leon Battista, 306 Atkins, Henry, 74-75, 80 Albertus Magnus, 84, 209 Attherstone, Dr., 159 Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried, 165 Aubrey, John, 68, 71, 77, 336, 337, 344, 362, 363, Alcock, Sir Rutherford, 131 364 Alexander, Eliza Charlotte, Lady Stratford de Augusta, princess of Wales, 269 Redcliffe, 188, 189, 192 Ausenda, Father Giovanni, 94 Alexander, W., 7 Austen, Adam, 154 Alhazen, 306 Austen, Mrs. J., 154 Allen, A. S., 15 Autonomic nervous system, history ofdiscovery of, Allen, [?Joseph], 61-62 1-8 Allen, Prof., 41 Auzout, Adrien, 363 al-Nadim, 234 Avenzoar, 355, 356 Alston, Sir Edward, 370-374 Averroes, 84 Alston, Edward, 370, 371 Avicenna, 84, 223, 224-225, 226, 355, 356, 400 Alston, Mrs.
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