MEDICAL HISTORY Editor: EDWIN CLARKE, M.D., F.Lc.P. Assistant Editor: Mrs. J. Run Editorial Board: The RT. HON. LORD COHEN w BIRKENHmAD, CJH., M.D., F.R.C.P. St ZACHARY COPE, M.D., M.S., F.R.C.S. DOULUAS OUGur , M.D., D.LJr., F.R.C.P(Wd.), F.R.C.8(d.), v.a.L(zd.) KL D. KELl, MLD., F.L.C.P. A H. T. RoBn-Surr, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. A. RoOK, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P. K. BRYN THOMAS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., F.F.A.A.C.S. INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS Medical History is devoted to aU aspects of the history of medicine, but is conoerned primarily with the evolution of scientific and social concepts in medicine, as well as with the many disciplines such as econ- omics, ethnology, literature, philosophy, politics, theology, science, technology, etc., that impinge upon it. It is published quarterly in January, April, July and October. Manuscripts. OriginW articles should not normally exceed 10,000 words in length. 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All inquiries regarding subscriptions, orders and advertising should be addressed to Medical Hbtory, The Weilcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 183 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BP. Subscriptions may also be placed with any periodical agent. MEDICAL HISTORY A QUARTERLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND RELATED SCIENCES Editor: Edwin Clarke, M.D., F.R.C.P. Volume 18 1974 THE WELLCOME INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE INDEX Apothecaries, see London; Society ofApothecaries A Arbuthnot, John, 168, 169, 251, 255-256, 261 Archaeology, see osteochondritis dissecans in Abbot, George, archbishop of Canterbury, 72, 73 ancient British skeletal material; instruments, Accum, Friedrich Christian, 270 surgical, on a tomb slab in Roman Malta Ackerknecht, Erwin H., 1-8, 95, 317, 321, 395 Archer, John, 227 Acland, Rev. John, 140 Arcolano, Giovanni, 235 Adair, Robin, 62 Aristophanes, 78 Addison, Thomas, 400 Aristotle, 84, 198, 208, 223-224, 225-226, 227, Adelaide, queen of William IV, 270 233-234, 235-236, 244, 378, 380 Adeloye, Adelola, 275-293 Arlidge, J. T., 144 Adeola, 283, 285 Arnold, Frederick, 3, 5 Adson, A. W., 7 Arnold, Thomas, 322 Aetius ofAmida, 198 Arrigoni, A., 17 Agnew, Mrs., 163 Arrivabene, Giovanni Francesco, 84-85, 86, 87 Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius, 2 Arthur, prince, 263 Akert, Konrad, 1 Ascoli, A., 218 Alanus de Insulis, 310 Aselli, Gaspar, 102 Albemarle, Ist duke of, see Monk, George Astbury, Thomas, 138 Alberti, Leon Battista, 306 Atkins, Henry, 74-75, 80 Albertus Magnus, 84, 209 Attherstone, Dr., 159 Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried, 165 Aubrey, John, 68, 71, 77, 336, 337, 344, 362, 363, Alcock, Sir Rutherford, 131 364 Alexander, Eliza Charlotte, Lady Stratford de Augusta, princess of Wales, 269 Redcliffe, 188, 189, 192 Ausenda, Father Giovanni, 94 Alexander, W., 7 Austen, Adam, 154 Alhazen, 306 Austen, Mrs. J., 154 Allen, A. S., 15 Autonomic nervous system, history ofdiscovery of, Allen, [?Joseph], 61-62 1-8 Allen, Prof., 41 Auzout, Adrien, 363 al-Nadim, 234 Avenzoar, 355, 356 Alston, Sir Edward, 370-374 Averroes, 84 Alston, Edward, 370, 371 Avicenna, 84, 223, 224-225, 226, 355, 356, 400 Alston, Mrs. Edward, 370 Ayres, John, 178 Alston, Mrs. Edward (II), 371 Azzopardi, John, 354-359 Alston, Joseph, 371 Alston, Mary, see Langham, Lady Mary Alston, Penning, 371 B Alston, Peter, 370 Alston, Sarah, see Grimston, Mrs. George Baas, J. H., 377 Alston, Lady Susan, 371 Bachem, C., 17 America: "The first images of America: the Bacon, Francis, Ist baron Verulam, 247, 305, 306, impact of the New World" (conference, 1975), 308, 314-315, 360 304 Baddeley, Mrs., 181 Anatomy: John Tinney, Compendium anatomicum Bagnall-Beech, apothecary, 139 (1743), 174-185 Bailey, Pearce, 395 Anderson, Emily, 187, 189, 190, 192 Baillie, Matthew, 399 Anderson, J. E., 398 Bakewell, Thomas, 326 Andrea di Firenze, 99 Balchew, Captain John, 116 Andrewes, Sir Christopher, 397 Balfour, D. C., 31, 44 Andrewes, C. H., 218 Balfour, F. M., 5 Andrewes, Lancelot, bishop of Winchester, 68 Ball, John, 179 Angibaud, Charles, 265, 266-267, 272, 273 Baltimore, Lord, 272 Angibaud, Charles, jr., 267, 272 Banger, Woolphengus, 72 Angibaud, Daniel, 267 Banks, Mrs., 181 Angibaud, Marthe, see Misaubin, Mrs, Jean, Barium salts, history of use in medicine, 9-21; Anne, queen ofGreat Britain and Ireland, 163, 262, toxic effects, 12-15, 17-18 268, 273, 398 Barker, A. E., 34, 37, 42 Anne of Denmark, queen ofJames I, 263, 264 Barkly, Sir Henry, 156 Anne, princess ofOrange, 168 Barlow, G. H., 400 Anson, George, baron Anson, 62 Barnato, Barney, 156 Anthony, Francis, 71 Barns, James, 10 403 Index Barrow, Abigail, 336 Bickerton, Sir Richard, 296 Barrow, Dorothy, 336 Bidder, F. H., 4, 5 Barrow, Elizabeth, 336 Bidloo, Govert, 203-204 Barrow, George, 336 Bierich, J. R., 208 Barrow, Henry, 335 Bigelow, Jacob, 375-376 Barrow, Isaac (d. 1616), 336, 337 Billroth, Theodor, 23-24, 26, 34, 47 Barrow, Isaac (b. 1614), bishop ofSodor and Man, Bird, Golding, 400 336 Bird, Rev. Joseph, 371, 372 Barrow, Isaac (b. 1630), master of Trinity College, Birkeld, Thomas, 352 Cambridge, 336, 337 Birkeld, Mrs. Thomas, 352 Barrow, Judith, 336 Birkeld, Mrs. Thomas (II), 352 Barrow [Barrough], Phillip, 336 Birken, William, 370-374 Barrow, Samuel, 336 Bisaccione, M., 9 Barrow, Mrs. Samuel, 336 Bisceglie, V., 216 Barrow, Samuel jr., 335-348 Bisere, John, 266 Barrow, Mrs. Samueljr., see Clarke, Lady Dorothy Bishop, P. J., 304 Barrow, Thomas (fl. 1630), 336 Black, Joseph, 388 Barrow, Thomas (b. ?1628), 336 Blackwell, Mrs. Elizabeth, 147 Barrowby, William, 96 Blaize, Charlotte Olajumoke, see Obasa, Mrs. Bartholin, Thomas, 377-378 Orisadipe Bary, H. A. de, 14 Blaize, Richard, 278 Basedow, Carl Adolf von, 27 Blake, J., 16 Basedow's disease, see goitre, toxic Bloch, Marc, 398-399 Battie, William, 321 Blood transfusion, 360-364 Battiscombe, Mrs. Georgina, 186, 188, 193 Blousfield, William, 133 Bawden, F. C., 216 Blyth, A. W., 14 Baxter [Baxster], William, 350-351 Boeck, C. W., 98 Baxter [Baxster], Mrs. William, 350-351 Boehm, R., 16 Bayer, Joannes, 77 Boerhaave, Herman, 150, 250, 386, 392 Baylen, J. O., 186-193 Boiano, Francesco, 86 Beale, Rev., 279 Boitard, Frangois, 168 Beauchamp, John, 79 Bolingbroke, viscount, 117 Becher, Johann Joachim, 308 Bolzone, Ludovico, 87 Beck, C., 300 Bonellis, Rainerio de, 354, 355, 357, 358 Bede, 77 Bonet, Theophilus, 364 Beebe, S. P., 36-37 Bonnet, Charles, 309 Beijerinck, M. W., 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217 Book Reviews and Notices: Andrewes, C., In Beit, Alfred, 156 pursuit of the common cold, 1973, 397; Aselli, Bell, Charles, 98, 397, 401 Gaspar, De lactibus sive lacteis venis (facsimile Belloni, Luigi, 232 of 1627 ed.), 1972, 102; Bertier, J., Mnesithee et Benedict, S. R., 194-196 Dieiuches, 1972, 380; Bibliography of the history Benezit, Emmanuel, 178 of medicine, 1964-1969, 1972, 312; Bickel, L., Bengtsson, Lars, 238 Rise up to life.
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