Annual Report 2010年報
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(Stock Code 股份代號:23) Annual Report 2010 年 報 CONTENTS 目錄 Corporate Profile 02 本行簡介 Financial Highlights 03 財務摘要 Five-Year Financial Summary 04 5年財務概要 Chairman’s Statement 06 主席報告書 Report of the Chief Executive and Senior Management 10 行政總裁及高層管理人員報告書 Biographical Details of Directors and Senior Management 40 董事及高層管理人員的個人資料 Corporate Information 54 公司資料 List of Outlets 56 網絡一覽 Corporate Governance Report 62 企業管治報告 Corporate Social Responsibility Report 82 企業責任報告 Report of the Directors 98 董事會報告書 Independent Auditor’s Report 116 獨立核數師報告 Financial Statements 118 財務報表 Unaudited Supplementary Financial Information 260 未經審核補充財務資料 02 | The Bank of East Asia, Limited | Annual Report 2010 CORPORATE PROFILE 本行簡介 We at BEA strive to provide best in class financial Our Mission services, always demanding the highest standard of 使命宣言 professionalism and integrity of ourselves. With a commitment to quality of service, we focus on satisfying customer needs. We aim to grow, together with our customers, our shareholders and our colleagues. 東亞銀行竭力提供最卓越的金融服務,遵行最高之專業和誠信準 則。我們承諾提高服務質素,致力滿足客戶之需要。並以與客 戶、股東、員工與時並進為目標。 Incorporated in 1918, The Bank of East Asia (“BEA”) is dedicated 東亞銀行成立於1918 年,一直竭誠為客戶提 to helping its customers grow and prosper through the provision of 供優質的銀行和金融服務,全力支持客戶發 quality banking and financial services. BEA is Hong Kong’s largest 展。本行現為香港最大的獨立本地銀行,目前 independent local bank, with 87 branches, 57 SupremeGold Centres, 在港設有87間分行、57間顯卓理財中心和3間 and 3 i-Financial Centres throughout the city. i-理財中心。 Total consolidated assets amounted to HK$534.2 billion (US$68.7 於 2010 年 12 月 31 日,本行的綜合資產總額達 billion) as of 31st December, 2010. Listed on The Stock Exchange of 港幣5,342 億元(687 億美元)。本行於香港聯 Hong Kong, the Bank is one of the constituent stocks of the Hang 合交易所上市,為恒生指數成份股之一。 Seng Index. With more than 90 outlets on the Mainland, BEA and its wholly- 本行連同其設於內地的全資附屬公司 — 東亞 owned subsidiary – The Bank of East Asia (China) Limited operate 銀行(中國)有限公司,在內地共設有逾90 個 one of the most extensive networks of any foreign bank in China. 網點,為內地網絡最龐大的外資銀行之一。 Overseas, the Bank maintains an active presence in North America, 而在世界各地,本行共設有逾200 個網點,遍 the United Kingdom, and Southeast Asia, with more than 200 outlets 布北美、英國和東南亞等地,同時聘用超過 and over 11,000 employees worldwide. 11,000名員工。 BEA delivers comprehensive commercial and retail banking, financial, 本行透過企業銀行、個人銀行、財富管理、保 and insurance services through its Corporate Banking, Personal 險及退休福利、資金市場、中國業務總部、國 Banking, Wealth Management, Insurance & Retirement Benefits, 際業務等各分處,為客戶提供各類商業和零售 Treasury Markets, China, and International divisions. Products and 銀行、金融和保險服務。產品和服務非常多元 services include syndication loans, trade finance, deposit-taking, 化,包括:銀團貸款、貿易融資、存款、外幣 foreign currency savings, remittances, mortgage loans, consumer loans, credit cards, Cyberbanking, retail investment and wealth 儲蓄、匯款、按揭貸款、私人貸款、信用卡、 management services, foreign exchange margin trading, Mandatory 電子網絡銀行服務、零售投資和財富管理、外 Provident Fund services, and general and life insurance. 匯孖展交易、強制性公積金服務,以及一般保 險和人壽保險等。 The BEA Group’s subsidiaries further enhance BEA’s total offering, ensuring the delivery of customised, total solutions that meet 此外,本行也透過集團附屬公司進一步完善業 the increasingly diverse and sophisticated needs of a burgeoning 務範圍,提供全面而適切的方案,配合日益壯 customer base. BEA’s wholly-owned subsidiaries, BEA Life Limited 大的客戶群之需要。東亞人壽保險有限公司及 and Blue Cross (Asia-Pacific) Insurance Limited, serve as the Bank’s 藍十字(亞太)保險有限公司為集團拓展保險業 life insurance and general insurance arms respectively and provide 務,分別承保人壽保險和一般保險產品,讓個 a comprehensive range of insurance solutions for individual and 人和企業客戶享有周全的保障;而卓佳集團則 corporate customers. A leading professional provider of integrated 在亞洲的商務、企業和投資者服務業界中居領 business, corporate, and investor services in Asia, Tricor Group helps clients build their businesses by offering outsourced expertise in 導地位,以其外判支援服務,全力協助客戶開 business support functions. 拓商機。 Going forward, BEA will continue to strengthen its customer 展望未來,本行將會繼續加強與香港、內地和 relationships and explore new business opportunities in Hong Kong, 海外客戶的聯繫,滿足客戶的需要,並致力拓 Mainland China, and around the world. 展全新業務機遇。 東亞銀行有限公司 | 2010 年報 | 03 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 財務摘要 2010 2009 HK$ Million HK$ Million Change 變動 港幣百萬元 港幣百萬元 %百分率 Profitability 盈利能力 Total operating income 經營收入總額 11,126 10,188 +9.2 Profit attributable to owners of the parent 可歸屬於本集團股東溢利 4,224 2,604 * +62.2 Balance Sheet Strength 資產負債狀況 Advances to customers 客戶貸款 297,044 247,654 +19.9 Total consolidated assets 綜合資產總額 534,193 434,082 +23.1 Total deposits 存款總額 425,419 345,340 +23.2 Total equity 股東權益總額 48,643 39,735 * +22.4 Earnings Per Share and Dividends Per Share 每股盈利及每股股息 Basic earnings 基本盈利 HK$1.92 HK$1.39 * +38.1 Dividends 股息 HK$0.94 HK$0.76 +23.7 Key Ratios 主要比率 Loan to deposit ratio 貸款對存款比率 69.8% 71.7% Impaired loan ratio 減值貸款比率 0.5% 1.0% Average liquidity ratio 平均流動資金比率 44.9% 43.3% Capital adequacy ratio 資本充足比率 13.2% 13.3% * Restated due to changes in accounting policies. * 因會計政策變更而重報。 04 | The Bank of East Asia, Limited | Annual Report 2010 FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL SUMMARY 5 年財務概要 TOTAL EQUITY 股東權益總額 HK$ Million 港幣百萬元 50,000 48,643 39,735* 40,000 32,669* 30,616* 30,000 27,742* 20,000 10,000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 ADVANCES TO CUSTOMERS / CUSTOMER DEPOSITS / TOTAL CONSOLIDATED ASSETS 客戶貸款 / 客戶存款 / 綜合資產總額 HK$ Million 港幣百萬元 500,000 534,193 400,000 434,082 419,833 415,368* 300,000 393,979 342,528 323,802 294,202 200,000 297,044 284,186 247,654 230,339 218,184 100,000 209,524 166,178 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Advances to Customers 客戶貸款 Customer Deposits 客戶存款 Total Consolidated Assets 綜合資產總額 東亞銀行有限公司 | 2010 年報 | 05 FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL SUMMARY (CONTINUED) 5 年財務概要(續) PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO OWNERS OF THE PARENT 可歸屬於本集團股東溢利 HK$ Million 港幣百萬元 4,200* 4,224 4,000 3,500 3,456* 3,000 2,604* 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 11* 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 FIVE-YEAR COMPARISON 5年比較 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 HK$ Million HK$ Million HK$ Million HK$ Million HK$ Million 港幣百萬元 港幣百萬元 港幣百萬元 港幣百萬元 港幣百萬元 Total equity 48,643 股東權益總額 27,742 * 30,616 * 32,669 * 39,735 * Customer deposits 419,833 客戶存款 209,524 284,186 323,802 342,528 Certificate of deposit issued 已發行存款證 6,999 12,165 5,491 2,812 5,586 Advances to customers 客戶貸款 166,178 218,184 230,339 247,654 297,044 Total consolidated assets 綜合資產總額 294,202 393,979 415,368 * 434,082 534,193 Loan to deposit ratio 70% 貸款對存款比率 77% 74% 70% 72% Profit attributable to owners of the parent 3,456 * 4,200 * 11 * 2,604 * 4,224 可歸屬於本集團股東溢利 Earnings per share* HK$1.92 每股盈利* HK$2.05 * HK$2.44 * HK$0.01 * HK$1.39 * Dividends per share* HK$0.94 每股股息* HK$1.33 HK$1.51 HK$0.23 HK$0.76 * Restated due to changes in accounting policies. * 因會計政策變更而重報。 06 | The Bank of East Asia, Limited | Annual Report 2010 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT I am very pleased to report that The Bank of East Our record-setting performance has been built on our Asia Group (“BEA Group”) delivered a record-setting success in combining the twin strengths of our established performance in 2010. The Bank earned a record profit Hong Kong base and our growing Mainland franchise. after tax of HK$4,303 million, HK$1,626 million, or The Bank of East Asia (China) Limited, (“BEA China”), our 60.8%, higher than the HK$2,677 million earned in wholly-owned subsidiary bank on the Mainland, is now 2009. Basic earnings per share reached HK$1.92. Return a major source of business referrals for the rest of the on average assets and return on average equity were 0.9% Group, especially in the area of corporate lending, trade and 10.1%, respectively. finance and wealth management. Ever-closer economic integration between Hong Kong and the Mainland will The Directors have proposed a final dividend of HK$0.56 per continue to be a source of new business opportunities for share. Together with the interim dividend of HK$0.38 per the BEA Group, as we are well-positioned to capture the share paid in September 2010, the proposed dividend for growing demand from Mainland Chinese clients. the full year is HK$0.94 per share. This is 23.7% more than the total dividend of HK$0.76 per share for the year 2009. Both our lending and fee-based businesses registered strong growth in 2010. Net interest income rose by 11.8% The new profit record demonstrates the strength of the to HK$7,543 million, while net fee and commission BEA Group’s recovery following the financial crisis and income rose by 30.1% to HK$2,942 million. Our Hong marks a return to the record-setting pace that we delivered Kong lending business was particularly strong, with prpriorior to 2008. The Bank also achieved new heheightsights in total loans and advances increasing by 32.7% year on year. aassets,ssets, total loans outstandinoutstandingg and total dedeposits.posits. Good performance was recorded across the board, from personal finance to small and medium enterprise lending to corporate and syndicated loans. The rise in net fee and commission income was mainly due to increases in trade finance business, sale of treasury products and securities and brokerage turnover. We held net interest margin stable – despite record-low market interest rates – by carefully managing our loan and debt portfolios to produce higher yields. Impaired loan ratio fell to 0.5% for the Group, as global economies stabilised and the prudent measures we employed to safeguard against bad and doubtful loans bore fruit. Dr. the Hon. Sir David LI Kwok-po Chairman & Chief Executive 主席兼行政總裁 李國寶爵士 東亞銀行有限公司 | 2010 年報 | 07 主席報告書 本人十分榮幸宣布,東亞銀行集團(「本集團」)在 2010 年 本集團創下有紀錄以來的佳績,是因為我們成功掌握及結 度的業績非常亮麗,創下歷史新高。年內,本行錄得除稅 合了兩個獨有優勢:在香港的深厚根基,以及在內地不斷 後溢利港幣43 億 300 萬元,比較2009 年度溢利港幣26 億 壯大的品牌地位。我們在內地所設的全資附屬銀行