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328'2 Quest.ions and Answers. f ASSEMBLY.] Leadership ofCoimtry Party. Question-That the words proposed to what authority has Miss Ryan for so be struck out (the Hon. Mr. Brooks' doing? (3) Will he grant an inquiry amendment) stand part of the clause- into this matter? ( 4) Is it a fact that put. The Committee divided: a Miss Ryan, sub-manageress, Central Ayes, 12; noes, 22; majority, 10. Railway refreBhment-rooms, was ap AYES. pointed to her present position over the heads of employees who have been years Connington, M. J. Tyrrell, 'f. J. Cruickshank, R. W. Wall. Dr. F. E. in the department'/ (5) Is it a fact Kavanagh, E. J. Willis, A. C. that :Miss Ryan, sub-manageress, Rail Mahony,R. ·way refreshment-rooms, recently l~/ Smith, T. J. Tellers, tured the staff relative to taking their Sproule, R. Bryant, F. II. Storey, •r. Higgins, J. F. complaints to the union? (6) Will he NOES. state whether it is his intention to re Ashton, J. Peden, J.B. store the tramway passes to the females Boyce, F. S. Sinclair, A. a:rid junior employees at Central Railway Brooks, W. Taylor, Sil- Allen refreshment-rooms, N ewcastlc railway Farleigh, J. G. Travers, J. refreshment-room, and carriage cleaning Farrar, E. H. Trethowan, A. K. FitzGerald, R. G. D. Varley, G. H. G. department, Central Station, that were Hughes, Sir Thom:~~ Waddell, T. in operation for close on three years? Innes-Noad, S. R. Wise,J.H. (7) Is it a fact that the employees of the J_,ane-Mullins, J.
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