East Anglian Fen Invertebrate Survey English Nature Research Reports
Report Number 477 East Anglian Fen Invertebrate Survey English Nature Research Reports working today for nature tomorrow English Nature Research Reports Number 477 East Anglian Fen Invertebrate Survey D.A. Lott, D A Procter & A.P. Foster You may reproduce as many additional copies of this report as you like, provided such copies stipulate that copyright remains with English Nature, Northminster House, Peterborough PE1 1UA ISSN 0967-876X © Copyright English Nature 2002 Acknowledgements This report was jointly commissioned by English Nature and the Broads Authority. Thanks are due to Simon Allen, Martin Drake and Roger Key for their useful comments and guidance. The EAFIS project was carried out by the Nature Conservancy Council. Traps were set and serviced by A.P. Foster and D.A. Procter. Mrs L. Dear and Messrs H. Bowell, P. Cardy, R. Morris and M. Parsons assisted with the sorting of samples. Identification of specimens was carried out by J.H. Bratton, Mrs J. Breach, J.T. Burn, P.J. Chandler, J. Cooter, M.J. Darby, Dr G.N. Foster, Dr K. Decleer, Dr C.M. Drake, S.J. Falk, Dr E.K. Goldie-Smith, G. Haggett, P.J. Hodge, R.E. Jones, Dr I.J. Killeen, Dr P. Kirby, Dr B.R. Laurence, Dr M.L. Luff, Dr I.F.G. McLean, Dr M. Morris, R.K.A. Morris, D. Notton, Prof. J.A. Owen, C.M. Plant, Dr D.A. Sheppard, A.E. Stubbs, J. Valentine.. Summary 1. The East Anglian Fenland Invertebrate Survey (EAFIS) was carried out between 1988 and 1990 and produced 165 standardised samples from 87 sampling stations at 43 sites containing 26,723 records of 1,676 species.
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