1 Very Time Affair Enjoy Yourselves!
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■ h V m HH t ■ The Clinton Republican. m VOL. X.LV.-NO. 20. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, WHOLE NO. 2,359. i— T1ET HE FOB 1BEL. THREE GOOD HER TOPICS. SCHOOLS WILL OPEN A very pretty wedding took plaoe at ROOSEVELT, 0W0SS0 1 VERY TIME AFFAIR And Indorse Him for Another Term for Apyolatad to Appraise Condemned Pro. the home of Mr. mod Mre. Charles Wal County Clork. peaty for the Electric Railroad. ter Tuesday evening at 7 o’clock, when Editor Republican : Bath, Aug. 27. Judge Merrill has appointed James their accomplished daughter, Florence, Aa the time approaches for electing La Dbit, of Lebanon; Dewitt McCollum, wee united in marriage with Mr. Horace The Famous Rough Rider Will Ar Less than 80 Totes Cast at the delegates for the officers named on the Next Tuesday Horning With a of (>vid, and L. G. Bates, of Elsie, special republican county ticket this fall, and cot imissionere to appraise condemned M. Goho. Rev. J. T. Ewing performed Bingham Republican Caucus. believing that under a republican form Large Attendance. pit perty for right of way purposes for the ceremony. Mendelaeohn ’e wedding rive There Sept 7, at 12:02 of government no ticket should be made th< electric railroad -Application for march wae beautifully rendered by Mre. until the delegates are all seated, and th< appointment of commissions was that everybody has a perfect right to T S. Mann, aa the company took their ms Is by tbe company soma time ago, aa placet, Rev. Ewing coming first, the apply or suggest names for positions on MISS SMITH HAM RESIGNED BECAUSE did cutties arose as to the price of land AND MAKE A TWENTY MINUTE LIST OF DELEGATES CHOSEN TO THE tbe ticket, we, the undereigned, ex waited for right of way purposes. The groom and F. E. Aldrich, beat man, com OF ILL HEALTH. SPEECH. COUNTY CONVENTION. republican supervisors of Bath, would cothmissionere bad to be appointed from ing next, Treva Merrill, carrying the desire through your paper to present the townships off the line of the road. They ring, Ida Pflegharr, carrying flowers, name of Wm. A. Abel aa a candidate for will get $3.00 per day each and expenses. clerk. Twelve years ago Abel servod ooe They are likely to be called upon to put Mias Jennie Hayes, of Detroit, brides term, and history tells us that the county Next Tuesday morning the doors of in a good deal of time before the road is maid, and the bride and her father. Gov. Roosevelt, of New York, famous BiDgham Republican caucus was and state went democratic in 1890, and completed across the oounty. The Episoopal ceremony was very impres Rough Rider and candidate for vice Abel went down with the wreck. It has the public schools will again open for called to order at 2:30 Saturday by another year of labor and progress. The State Republican said Friday: sive. The bride is one of the popular president will arrive in Owoeso from committeeqpan D. H. Hunt. Prof. I. B. always been tbe policy of the G. O. P. to At present the number of men at work give candidates two terms, and now after Everything points to a large attendance members of the young society, of St. Saginaw at 12:02 next week Friday, Gilbert was cboeen chairman, C. C. on tbe grade of tbe Laneing, St. Johns the office of county clerk has been kept in each department, correspondence and St.-Louie Electric railway north of Johns, a very successful teacher, Sept. 7, and leave for Lansing at 12:22. Vaughan secretary, D. H. Moaier, by young men for ten years, we think having been received from nearly every Dewitt, is 150. Fifty new boree- wheeled- highly esteemed for her many He will make a ahort speech there. Murdo McDonald, R M. Winston and it but justice to an old soldier and believe part of the county indicating that the scrapers have'been ordered from Chicago. attractive qualities, whiles the groom has A. E. Dunn tellers, The officers and we voice the sentiment of a majority of As soon as these arrive 3<J0 additional Blood Polalon From a Cat. the republicans of our town when we say enrollment of foreign papils will be even men, with 50 teams, will be put at work built up a good business as a veterinary, tellers were sworn by M. N. Stocker. that Abel should be given one more larger than last year. The buildings and won the esteem of his acquaintances Herman Schneider accidently cut his Two and tbe grading pushed with all possible tickets were presented, one of term. Should he be nominated and have been put in excellent order and speed. by hie sterling, manly character. The hand last week with a carving knife in them was beaded "Vote for the follow elected this fall, he will not be a candi * Some delay has beeo occasioned by happy couple were generously remem hie father’s meat market. Blood poison date for re-election in 1902, thus giving repair, the North school having furnish condemnatory proceedings for right of- ing delegates to help nominate Lewis ed with two furnaces, sewer connections, bered by numerous gifts. They left on set in at once, making it impossible to Severance for prosecuting attorney, ” the “Right of way” to all competitors way, which could not be secured satis for that office in two years and a play room in the basement for factorily in any other manner. These the evening train east, and will visit in use hie hand. and contained tbe following names; Very Respectfully, use in wet weather which will make prodeedings are low being attended to Toronto and Detroit. Dr. Gobn has Robt . Mo Conkey . Mias Anna Dooling announces to her Warner Bunday, George Foreman, this building as sanitary and convenient io the probate courts of Clinton and purchased tbe P. E. Walswoith house Robert Harris, John L. Tranchell, Riley C. E. Phelps . Ingham counties. It ia expected that pupils that the fail term of her music John Read . aa the others, and give St. Johns a on Walker street east, now occupied by J. Woodruff, Albert J. Nelson, Richard these mattere will be disposed of in the claee will begin Thursday, September 6* Ex-republican supervisors of Bath system of school buildings that may course of a few days in euch a manner M. D. Hubbard, and will move in before 202 Lewis, Richard DuBois, M. D. Or dob , township. well be the cause of pride. But few as to cause no further delay. October 1st. James Larkins, Ed. C. Lamb and Wm. schools in the entire state have a better It is now expected that tbe road will V New Millinery Firm. N. Stocked. Tbe other ticket was bead DESTBOTED MELONS. surely be completed to St. Johns Dext The MiBsee Susie Durkee and Ida equipment than bfcs our own. fall. Id the hurry of moving last week. The ed “For delegates to county conven Butler have purchased the millinery ' Mies Celia Smith has been compelled Preparations are being made to brid e Republican neglected to mention the business of Mrs. L. Canfield, and will go tion, ” and all were elected as follows: An Ovid Man After Thieve* and M»- on accoimt of ill health to resign her the Looking Glass river at Dewitt. The presence of Rev. C. G. Longman in the structure will consist of woo^ laid on to Detroit and Cleveland Dext week to S. B. Daboll, F. M. Spaulding, G. M. randem, position At the central building, and Congregational pulpit the previous Sun Petrie, Peter Cramer, R. C. Daviee, C. spiles purchase a new stock of tbe latest crea Daniel Fuller and William Meyers, Miss Ina Watkins has been transferred day, aDd tbe very pleasant, though short, A. Putt, J. L. Tranchell, H. V. Hostet aged 20 and 23 respectively, were sent to to fill tbe vacancy. Mr. D. W. Kelly visit he made numerous old friends in tions in fall millinery. Miee Durkee has ler, F. E. Swain, Henry Palmer, A. H. the Detroit house of correction for 80 will have charge of the English work of PARTLOV WILL STAY St. Johns. All were very glad to see and loDg been associated with the busines as Kenyon and C. E. Lamb. Tbece dele days each by J uetice Smith, of Ovid, for tbe higb'fcchool for next year while Miss hear him. He promised to come again head saleswoman and manager in Mrs. gates were supposed to be for Dewitt H. stealing melons. Canfield ’s absence, while Miss Butler John Grail made the complaint. His Marion Ney who finished at tbe Detroit In the Rnce for Representative Next Tues in September, and bring Mrs. LoDgman. Hunt for county clerk. crop was almost entirely Btolen or de Business University and had charge of day He is still engaged with the American has also been connected with the store A ballot was called for on tbe first more less for several years. Both have stroyed. Herman Fuller was also arrest the typwriting department -in that Eagle Mich , August 29th, 1900. steel and wire company, but may take up ed, but plead not guilty and is now in had ample experience in the business, four men, the Severance ticket receiv institution for a year resigning that Editor of Republican : I desire to his old work again some day. ing less than 20 votes in each case. On jail. Prosecutor Smith says the men announce through jour paper that I am and possess rare taste as to styles and arrested belong to the famous Seven position to take charge of the books at tbe fifth delegate Mr.