
..- --~~- - •" • I Wi\t IRogal (Sazetfr attb (Mrniist lathj INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866)

VOL. 16—No. 160 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1931 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM MAGNIFICENT STORY OF HEROISM AT SEA OPTIMISM FOLLOWS BERMUDA ROTARY CLUB THE LOSS OF THE THE BERMUDA PAGEANT | THEY SA Y POSEIDON Director Impressed With That the speedy trials are fast and DEBT AGREEMENT Noted Headmaster Gives In­ furious. Progress * * * spiring Address Thrilling Story of Heroism That more cases have been tried Knowing the keen interest being since the last session than at the taken in the forthcoming pageant sitting of the Court. LONDON, July 8—A great story at St. George's, our representative Strange Charge Against Dr. Griffiths, headmaster of Rid­ of heroism was told to the House * * * ley College, Canada, was the chief obtained an interview with the That three offences in one day is of Commons yesterday afternoon Master of the Pageant, Mr. F. speaker at the Rotary Club meeting when Alexander read the report rather unusual. held yesterday at the Hamilton John Gould, who kindly gave a * * * Viceroy from the Commander-in-Chief of resume of the story he has written Hotel, and again gave an inspiring the China Station on the recent That criminals are like fish. address on the training of boys. for the occasion together with an sinking of the "Poseidon," British account of the work being done. * * * He • was introduced by Rotarian submarine, off Wei Hai Wei. The That there are more uncaught than Frank Watlington who referred to report related the story of the mag­ The pageant, he said, will con­ landed. Liners Collide in Fog—Brokerage Firm Fined the visit of the Ridley College nificent behaviour of the men sist of 8 tableaux, with 57 speaking * * * parts, groups of singers and in­ cricket XI and congratulated the when they were cut off from their That there always will be till roads $100,000—Big English Bank Reduces Divi* headmaster on their play and con­ feUows in the forepart of the vessel. strumentalists, and over 200 will actually appear in the scenes in are fully lighted and the police dend—Japan and China Disagree— duct. When the order was given to close force is more adequate. Dr. Griffiths said he was indebted the watertight doors, Petty Officer addition to as many more helping in the preparation. * * * Labourites Reported for Breach of not only to the Rotary Club but to Willis, torpedo gunner's mate, That a country gets the govern­ the whole of Bermuda for the gen­ took charge of the men in the fore­ The scenes are as follows, des­ cribed, of course, very briefly. ment it deserves. Discipline—Germany Seeks to erous reception given the boys. part. The electric lighting instal­ * * * They had fallen in love with the lation was put out of action by the Check Withdrawals—Hon­ 1—1515 That it also gets the crime it place and they would, he felt sure, collision and the men had to work creates. prove able ambassadors for Ber­ in darkness, relieved occasionally * * * * our for "Pat" Burns—In­ muda. His object in bringing an by a gleam from an electric torch. The arrival of John de Bermudez on his way to the West Indies. The That the weather prophets have dians Refuse to Make eleven was twofold. The first per­ Willis first conducted prayers and begun already. then ordered his companions to pig incident is well carried out and haps selfish, to be seen and to see. * * * Census Returns— But his second was to help to bring put on their escape apparatus, then a reference to it appears in later opened the valves to flood the com­ scenes. That most agree that June was a about that most desirable condi­ record month. Sporting News: tion, a closer union between Can­ partment in order to equalise the H ada, Bermuda and the West Indies. pressure and thus enable the men * * * CRICKET, TENNIS, BASEBALL to escape. While the compartment The legend of witches. This is a That therefore the croakers pro­ Speaking of boys, Dr. Griffiths phesy evil to follow. said that though boys had not was slowly filling he kept the men particularly effective tableau and in good spirits. At the same time the acting of the witches is very * * * changed in essentials during his That the worst troubles are those 30 years experience, life had changed another member of the crew in­ striking. structed a Chinese boy in the use of that never come. VICEROY CHARGED WITH property are endangered, according considerably—and not entirely for m * * * the better. Until the recent crash the escape apparatus and enabled LEVITY to the Association of Chambers of him to save his life. Although The departure of Sir George That the pageant at St. George's Commerce. 4,000 Chinese at life had been too easy for boys. They had too much money, too Willis knew that the oxygen had Somers and Sir Thomas Gates for is an event all must see. LONDON, July 7.—Characteriz­ Pingyang have taken refuge in the run out from his own oxygen flask Virginia. A dramatic incident will * * * ing the speech as marked by a spirit police station and other public much luxury, too little discipline. Fathers pretended to repose con­ and the flask of an able seaman, be the erection of the cross and the That transportation will be pro­ of "Levity and Defeatism," B. buildings from the violence of the yet he reassured him, declaring moving ceremony. vided for every section of the excited mobs. fidence in headmasters, but they Bracken, Conservative Member for had more in the boy's wishes and there was plenty left, and thus island. North Paddington, today placed a * * * they vied with each other in doing keeping the men cheerful. Finally, IV 0 * * motion on the order paper of the LABOURITES REPORTED FOR most for their boys. after two hours, the hatch was That the plans for next year's ten­ House of Commons asking for an BREACH OF DISCIPLINE - It was the aim of Ridley College, opened and two men shot to the The arrival of Governor Moore nis tournament are very ambi­ early date for debate on the speech as of other high-class schools, first surface. One of them died im­ and 60 Colonists. This is a very tious. of Viscount Willingdon, Viceroy of LONDON, July 8.—A half dozen to make boys think for themselves. mediately, but the other, who was big scene. The procession from the * * * India, at Simla on June 27. The back-benchers are to be reported Education was a much mis-used exhausted, supported the body until That some very big international to the joint committee on party boat, the Colonists carrying goods motion expresses the opinion "That word, but unless it made boys both were picked up. After a fur­ and chaitels, the dramatic meeting stars are expected. discipline for tabling, without ther hour, when the men were the speech of the Viceroy of India think it was of little use. Next wi°ih the three men who had been * * * in which he stated that he hoped authority, an amendment hostile to they were taught to love work as neck-deep in water, the hatch was the second reading of the Unem­ reopened and four more men, left behind by Admiral Somers. That everyone would like to see he would be relieved of many of his they loved play. Pleasure was no The story of their experiences and Betty take part. duties in the near future and that ployment InsuranceBill which deals including Willis, came to the sur­ mean thing, but it should follow the wonder of the new comers*. * * * his constitutional powers should be with anomalies and which comes up face and were picked up. Alexan­ satisfaction at accomplishment of That the island may be too small restricted to those exercised by today. The recalcitrants persist in tasks. There they tried to teach the der, in paying tribute to the forti­ the Governor-General of Canada by their intention. team spirit. That was why he was tude of Willis and his companions, for the bounding Basque. reason of immediate adoption of * * * a crank on cricket. It developed said the Admiralty was considering * * * a suitable recognition for those The trial of Jean Gardner for That there is yet no news of the constitutional reforms is charac­ CHECKING WITHDRAWAL OF witchcraft, 1658. Another moving FOREIGN WEALTH concerned. airport. terized by a spirit of levity and (Continued on Pag* 2) scene with the Judge in his striking defeatism which must under­ i a a OO robes, the pitiful appeal, the anger That ditto the finance commission mine the authority of the Govern­ BERLIN, July 8.—The Reichs­ of the mob, etc. ment of India and should be con­ bank has accepted the offer by the report. RIDLEY COLLEGE vs. COM­ * • * demned." German banks and business men THE DEBT MMATORIUM VI * * * of 500,000,000 gold marks to check That ditto the ports and harbours the withdrawal of foreign credits. BINED CLUBS commission. LINERS COLLIDE OFF AMBROSE World Rejoices at Accord in The proclamation of James II LIGHT * * # 1685, and the transference of the * * * BERLIN, July 8.—The question Hoover Plan Colony from the Bermuda Company That it looks as though the com­ NEW YORK, July 8.—The S.S. of obtaining new credits from to the Crown. mittee-room is the only place "France" collided with the Italian abroad was discussed at a meeting Slow Scoring in Ridley's 156 where plans can be laid to rest WASHINGTON, July 8.—The steamer "Carmia," at dawn yester­ of representatives of the Reichs­ VII securely. day morning in a thick fog off bank and other leading banks J. HAYWARD TAKES4FOR22 accord in the Hoover plan between * * * Ambrose Light. The "Carmia" and industrial concerns. No the United States and France has A garden party at Government That the Ridley boys are having a been hailed Joyously throughout suffered a hole in her port side but decision was reached, but an en­ House in 1804. Tom Moore meets strenuous but enjoyable time. nobody was hurt and she wiU steam In their fourth match of the the world and every paper is com­ tirely new plan of great importance Nea. A large and spectacular * * * into port as soon as .the fog lifts, was considered. However, this will Ridley Cricket Week on the B.A.A. menting in the most favourable ground Ridley College played a scene full of historical value. The That they have given some striking while the "France" is proceeding require legislative measures before manner on this great step to al­ old naval and military uniforms. team selected from various Ber­ leviate the economic plight of the evidence of the value of keen to Europe. it can be put into effect. fielding. * a * muda clubs and were all out for world, Germany particularly. The Continued on Page 2 * * * * * * SOLLOWAY-MILLS a GO. FINED "PAT" BURNS HONOURED 156. J. Hayward was bowling well war debt payments ceased on July and had only 22 runs hit off his OO That the Imperial Silver Band is to $100,000 1st, and will start again on June bowling, capturing four wickets. 30th, 1932. give a series of Sunday evening CALGARY, July 8.—A unique concerts. VANCOUVEB, B.C., July 7— feature in the prairie-wide cele­ Seagram (11% Ripley (29) and Owen INTER-VARSITY CRICKET When a guilty plea to a charge of bration here of the seventy-fifth (20 not out) were the only Ridley SIGNATORIES CONFERENCE * * * bucketing in stock transactions birthday of "Pat" Burns, an out­ boys to show that they could han­ MATCH That these will be appreciated. was entered today on behalf of standing figure in western Canada dle the bowling and the rest of the PARIS, July 8.—The Govern­ Solloway-Mills and Co., Ltd., a and a multi-millionaire cattle king side was cautious and slow to ment has aocepted the proposal oo fine of $100,000 was imposed by and philanthropist was the cutting score. Five wickets were down for a meeting in London next week. High Scoring at Lord's by Judge E. H. Ellis, in County Court. of the birthday cake which was 8 for 90 and the 9th and 10th wicket Representatives at this conference ASSOCIATED BOARD OF The fine was paid in cash, later In feet square at the base and 8 feet stands of 16 and 20 runs respectively wiU include treasury experts who Oxford and Cambridge the day Isaac W. C. Solloway and high. 80,000 pieces of the cake helped considerably to avoid what will settle the details of the appli­ MUSIC Harvey Mills, the firm's principals, were given to that many persons might have been a very poor score. cation of the moratorium. Arrival of Certificates were in Court. A charge of con­ attending the opening of the annual The Combined Clubs were left * at * OXFORD WINS BY 8 WICKETS spiracy to defraud Is pending Calgary stampede. The appoint­ 2\ hours in which to beat their BRITISTH ATTITUDE against them in Vancouver Police ment of Burns to the Canadian opponents. Dodds and Moniz Glorious weather favoured the In our yesterday's issue we stated Court and preliminary hearing Senate was announced at a banquet opened the innings and Moniz LONDON, July 8—The world Annual Inter-Varsity match at that certificates had arrived and has been adjourned to a date to be attended by 700 persons including scored freely and powerfully while heaved a sigh of relief when the Lord's between Oxford and Cam­ could be obtained at the office of fixed later. three Lieut.-Governors of the Dodds was more on the defense. fortnight's suspense due to the bridge with the result that a per­ the Royal Gazette and Colonist * * * * provinces and the Premiers of Seagram and Powell opened the haggling in Paris was ended. Satis­ fect wicket (and both having good Dally. During the early part of BIG BANK REDUCES DIVIDEND Manitoba, Alberta and British bowling for Ridley and were re­ faction is expressed in London batting sides this year) produced the day several candidates called Columbia. Loxd Dun cannon lieved by Buck, the slow bowler, that France has agreed to a London huge scores on both sides. but the certificates had not been LONDON, July 8.—The West­ represented the Governor-General. and Clarke. conference of treasury experts to The curious feature about the delivered by the Post Office and we minister Bank is the third of the Among the hundreds of messages Scores:— amend the Young Plan, though the first innings on both sides was were unable to award them. "Big Five" to reduce its interim of congratulation was one from His British attitude is that the Hoover that Cambridge batted first and A. They have now arrived and should half-yearly dividend, which is 9 per Highness the Prince of Wales to RIDLEY COLLEGE moratorium would have worked Ratcliffe established an inter-, be called for as soon as possible. cent against 10 per cent last year. his fellow-rancher. Ripley, c Dodds, b J. Hayward.. 29 efficiently without being trameUed varsity record by scoring 201; Ox­ This is the Westminister's first cut • • * Powell, o 0. Hayward, b Orisson 15 by the hypothetical possibilities of ford followed and the Nawab of In fifteen years. INDIANS REFUSE TO ANSWER Clarke, c O. Hayward, a year hence. Pending the con­ Pataudi smashed the newly-cre­ GARBAGE COLLECTION » * * CENSUS QUESTIONS b J. Hayward 11 ference here, the world's stock ated record by scoring 238 not out, TENSION BETWEEN CHINA AND Seagram, c Moniz, b J. Hayward 17 exchanges are inclined to wait and thus re-capturing the honour for JAPAN Bell, stpd Dobbs, b J. Hayward 9 see how the French reservations Oxford after 27 years. Householders should especially BRANTFORD, Ont., July 8.—A Kennedy, c Atwood, b Orisson.. 16 are dealt with. The absence of a faction of six nations of Indians, Scores:—Cambridge University notice the changes in the days for NANKING, July 8.—A delicate Coy, b. Moniz 1 sustained buttish sentiment in (1st innings) 885 (Kemp-Welch 87, the collection of garbage which the descendants of the aborigines, axe Buck, o Atwood, b Petty. 14 London, New York and the conti­ situation is growing up between contending In the Supreme Court Ratcliffe 801, Scott 6 fox 64). Health Department will put into China and Japan over the serious Hart, o Pantry, b Petty... 8 nental exchanges is quite note­ Oxford University (1st innings) effect next week. of Ontario the judgment in a test Owen, not out 80 worthy. Snowden is prepared racial rioting in Korea which is case of a magistrate's decision 453 for 8 declared (Nawab of Pa­ The changes will be published O'Flynn, b Atwood. 8 stoutly to defend the British tax­ now extending In Its intensity. fining one of their number fox taudi 838 not out, Owen-Smith 78, in our advertising columns of Telegrams from all parts of China Extras /. „.,„„ It payer against the additional burden Brown 5 for 153.). Saturday next. for refusing to answer census of £4,000,000 yearly with which exhort the Nanking Government questions. The refusal was made on Cambridge University (2nd in­ In Pembroke there will be no to take a Arm stand towards the Total..., 156 the Frenoh scheme would saddle nings) 188 (Wellings S for 85). change, but in most of the other the grounds that Indians owe him, yet all realise that the utmost Japanese -Government, to prevent allegiance to the British Crown and Oxford University (2nd inning) Parishes it has been found that the further recurrence of the horrors Bowling :—3. flay ward, 4 for 28; promptitude Is needed to prevent 55 for 8. dally routes for the trash carts can are a separate entity and inde­ Orisson, 2 for 41; Petty, 1 for 83; a central European collapse. The perpetrated recently In Seoul and pendent of the Government of Result:—Oxford University de­ be lengthened, without loss of other cities in Korea. Over 100,000 Moniz, 1 for 9. credit situation in Germany is still feated Cambridge University by efficiency, but with a saving of Chines* merchants, lives and (CMtbMal *a Pag* 2} (Ciati-dl •> Pag* 10) f—thill m Pag* 2 eight wickets. expense to the taxpayer. BMe a "RALEIGH" The aM Steel Bicycfe—WADSQN'S Page 2. THEROYAt. GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 9; 1931'

Qfy* Imjai <£az?tti> THE BERMUDA PAGEANT I CABLE NEWS Comingl (ContiaaeA from Pag* 1) 1515 1931 atti (LtoUmist Batlg (Continued from Page 1) Eminent Classic Scholar INC* It PO It ATI N a Old fashioned dancing, songs and TMB ROYAL QAZaTTTB. (CsT*B. 10*81 music of the period, etc. Canada. The case recalls several TH* OOLONWT AND DAILY NEW* l«aT«a. 1866) previous instances where represen­ THE BERMUDA PAGEANT REV. WILFRED RANKIN VUI tatives of Indians went to London MA, D.D., S.T.M., Ph.D., PUBLISHED DAILY. EXCEPT SUNDAY A modern setting. Hotels, steam­ and presented claims directly-to the THE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD. foot of the throne. will deliver on ers and tourists have taken the Under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency The REID STREET. HAMILTON place of the early settlers. Witches • * * A. M. PURCELL have become bewitching damsels. Qovernor Saturday evening aiANAaiNO-KDITOR A clever contrast between the two ASSISTANT IOITOR , S. T. SAYCIt BETTER CROP CONDITIONS Lieut. Qeneral Sir Thomas Astley Cubitt, K.CJB., periods with humour introduced. 8 o'clock ASSISTANT MANAGER I BUNCST J. BELL C.M.Q., D.S.O. ADVSRTISINO MANAGER I M. M. HANSFORD OTTAWA, July 8—Rainy and An Address at • TELEPHONES 1 Mr. Gould is an enthusiastic cool weather in the prairie prov­ Produced by VOITOR AJTO ADVKRTISINO HANASIR I »l producer of such pageants though inces for the past week has been St. Paul's A. M. E. Church ASSaSTABJT M AMASKR . • • —T his profession is somewhat differ­ very helpful for the late sowing of THE ST. GEORGE'S HISTORICAL SOCIETY \SS1STAMT EDtTQS a SSV ent. He is connected with the St. grain, pastures, hay and garden written and directed by F. John Qould, Esq. Hilda Guild, New York, a concern crops, and has aided in 'filling the Don't Miss itl SUBSCRIPTION RATES: dealing with the traditional art of very light crop now maturing in Si. per copj. Po»tage Inland V*i, Foreign Mi. church vestments, ornaments, ritu­ the central and southern areas, SOMERS DAY Wl FOR SALE per Annnra Inland, £2.10.0 ($12) Pareiga als, etc. He is an authority on according to Government tele­ ancient usages and customs and graphic reports covering conditions As a going concern all details of an historical pageant for the past week. The wheat 28th of July THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1931 are in safe hands. His parents were prospects remain the poorest of any THE PENARTON MINIATURE British and he is deeply imbued records in the bureau at this season BERMUDA'S NATAL DAY GOLF COURSE. with British traditions and his­ for the past few years, but there at 330 pallia ; 6j &5 6, <*•, CQ Go Cg «g Gg 65 63 65 63 Sj 65 «g Kg 65 4toryj . was a slight improvement during equipment and unexpired portion s s The women's costumes are being the week. in the grounds of Old Government House, St. George's of lease oi the Course. For terms and The Diary s made locally, but the men's uni­ * * * particulars apply to Queenie M. s forms are being designed In New Penboss or John Fullarton. s PROPOSED LABOUR PARTY IN Also on 29th and 30th July York with a view to historical ac­ CANADA 4487fth.f.s. 0/ s curacy. The music will be supplied at 8 p.m. s by the St. George Hotel orchestra WINNIPEG, July 8.—The for- isAMVELPEPYS TEUCER i augmented for the occasion, and 400 take part in big spectacular pageant RAFFLE «> c the military band will play between .m at ion of a Labour Party, corres­ tgCgCaCgegCaOsasOj&jOaSaCgOaCgiijijaoiijc the scenes. ponding to the Labour Party in Over 200 well-trained actors The trip to New York and return Britain, will be contemplated at a A fine feature of the music will The steamer "Woodside" will leave Hamilton at 1 p.m. per S.s. "Pan America," Munson convention to be held here on July Line, first-class room with private July 8. be the singing of spirituals by seven­ 17th, when representatives of all sharp for St. George's and will leave Market Wharf at Our beloved island all quiet and teen coloured singers, all with fine bath, lor one shilling, was won by the provinces will attend. The 6.30. p.m. on the 28th July. Miss T. E. North, Bailey's Bay, content after the series of exciting voices. sponsors of the convention are Ticket No. O.P.179. Mr. Walter occurrences of late, and I do pray Some idea of the publicity that seeking the co-operation of all A wonderful opportunity to see Bermuda's history de- McRonald sold the winning no more untoward event will mar follows this pageant may be seen branches of labour throughout picted in colourful and interesting pageantry. ticket, receiving £1 prize. the peace and serenity of our sum­ by the fact that moving picture Canada for concerted action in mer months when we are indeed companies will take records, the political arena. It is the aim of the two Historical Societies to awaken" in­ in our own homes and fashioning thousands of circulars announcing terest in the history and traditions of the Colony by Cele­ F. G. WHITE. our lives after our own fashion. it have been issued by agencies, brations Commemorating Somers Day 4484*th Yet now that the turmoil of the and it is expected special passenger great fife is over, 'tis good to hear service accommodation will be pro­ NEW PLANETOID DISCOVERED of many incidents which prove vided. People of Bermuda! that out of evil good comes. Stories Mr. Gould is deeply impressed TOKYO, July 8--The Observa­ of bravery, of self-sacrifice, of with the work being done at re­ tory reports the discovery of a new Give your support to the big Communal effort staged cheerfulness in times of stress, of hearsals and he is loud in his planetoid, 185,000,000 miles from THE ST. GEORGE'S HISTORICAL SOCIETY optimism at a period of pessimistic praise of all taking part. the earth and located southward appearances. We feel sure his efforts will be in the co-called "Snake Charmer" 4412t*-ei.totu.28. And few of my beloved country­ hugely appreciated and that the constellation. It is calculated to be men know of the incidents I now pageant will be rightly regarded 120 miles in diameter. It was at Let relate, incidents that redound to as the biggest communal effort first thought to be a planet, but THE PHOENIX the credit of all concerned and ever attempted in Bermuda. later official figures proved it to be a which are indeed cheering to us oo planetoid. THE REXALL DRUG STORE since we do so greatly benefit. NEW WINDSOR HOTEL When news of the lire reached BERMUDA ROTARY CLUB LONG DISTANCE GLIDING European Plan **— American Plan London on the morning of the Supply 17th of June, the amazing and in­ (Continued from Page 1) LONDON, July 8.—The first long PALM QARDENS defatigable chairman of the Fur­ unselfishness, subordination of self distance flight of a towed glider, Your Vacation Needs ness, Withy Company wired to a DANCING IN A FAIRY GARDEN to the team, unquestioning obedi­ carrying a passenger, started from superintendent supervising the ence. London to Blackpool. A flying Monday, Friday and Saturday Nights Twin lines for extra work on the "Monarch" where she officer piloted the towing plane lay at Newcastle. Discipline was insisted on at (Other nights by arrangement) service 99 or 890 school but not of the harsh or and a former expert instructor The superintendent was to in­ martinet kind. They taught the glided, landing at Birmingham BREAKFAST — LUNCHEON — DINNER spect the Franconia, report on her discipline that would later be fol­ according to their plans after Table D'Hote —• Service a la Carte suitability for this route and then lowed by the best of all training— encountering a hailstorm and the await orders. By fast express train self-discipline. They found it ne­ jumpiest weather. The flying was JjocaX Specialties: WANTE and speed motors all this was done cessary to teach a boy the proper beautiful according to the passen­ Lobsters — Green Turtle — Steaks in a few hours, momentous decis­ use of money. Parents, he said, ger. ions reached, and on the evening might help more in this. Lastly, * # * Squabs — Scallops A Live Wire of the same day the superintend­ but not leastly, they taught the UNEXCELLED CUISINE ~ FINEST VINTAGES ent, designer, marine experts, etc. true meaning of religion. Boys BISLEY MEET were all ordered to proceed to our were reticent to talk of religion, SALESMAN beloved island as quickly as pos­ but at heart they were deeply BISLEY CAMP, England, July 7 For insurance office. sible. In a few days they were here religious. At this school they were -—With a score of 177 out of a on the spot, had completed plans not too concerned with particular possible 200 Lieut. W. Jagger of Good wages to a keen energetic for the restoration of the ship, rites or ceremonies, but they placed the King's Royal Rifles won the and now, three weeks from the day a high value on the fundamental Queen Mary's Prize competition, a man. of the catastrophe, they are already principles of religion and they service rifle shoot under service speeding on their way back to CORAL BEACH Apply in writing to Post aimed at producing boys sound in conditions yesterday, it was an­ confirm the plans of the super­ character, scholarship and sports­ nounced today. The match con­ Office Box 372, Hamilton, man, Sir Frederick Lewis. manship; loyal to God, to their sisted of four stages deliberate fire with references. And though such speed and country and to their school. (Loud at 600 yards fire with movement at 4473fth.f. vigour doth indeed bewilder me cheers.) 600 to 100 yards rapid fire at 300 and many of my compatriots, Rotarian Fred Misick in warmly yards and snapshooting at 300 yards outh Shore, Paget yet I do count it fortunate that we thanking Dr. Griffiths for his in­ and the award was Her Majesty's andy Beach, 1500 feet of it— Suntimerside Hotel are the sleeping partners in a spiring address, spoke of the neces­ Prize and £35. parkling Atlantic Ocean partnership entered into many sity for boarding schools in Ber­ oomerset years ago, and that whilst we sleeps unshine and Balmy Breezes muda. Day schools lacked that BASEBALL SCORES Bermuda's Beauty Spo others do act so prodigiously. discipline found in boarding crupulously Clean Bath Houses * * * Excellent Cuisine schools, and he felt that no better NEW YORK, July 7— howers, Hot and Cold Fresh Water I did hope that when the great model could be found than the un Baths for Ladies and Gentlemen Afternoon Teas Pembroke Marsh was converted school Dr. Griffiths had so elo­ AMERICAN LEAGUE - from a mosquito breeding swamp quently described. unshades, Beach Chairs, Back Rests Special Summer Rates andwich Lunches and Afternoon Tea into a Meadowbrook sporting cen­ oo tre for millionaire polo players Philadelphia 7 Washington 3 oft Drinks electrically chilled Boat arrives Cavello Bay 1 p.m. that my home of the Golden Stair­ THE DEBT MORATORIUM ign of-the Parrot on the Phone Somerset No. 9 way would be free from the pesti­ Chicago 10 St. Louis 8 WILLIAM MADDEN, Manager ferous skeeter. outh Shore Road (Continued from Page l) But my friend Capt. Larg has NATIONAL LEAGUE carcely 2 J^ *miles from Hamilton 4361 jw.eitp. most precarious and the most overlooked one particularly savage 2003«I«,th.t.m.tp. specimen of the stinging species serious consequences are expected St. Louis 2-3 Chicago 14-6 and, what is worse, this lone crea­ in the crash of the Norddeutsche Brooklyn 0 Philadelphia. % Huntly Towers Wollindustrie, one of the biggest ture found his way>into my bed­ oo PAGET room last evening. Since my home textile firms, who it is understood is jfcreened, a foolish proceeding, have liabilities amounting to £12,- DAILY COMMUNICATIONS the poor creature could not es­ C00,0C0,with assets of only 17,000,000 New Stock The most beautiful and the most cape and, instead he tortured me * * * LIST luxuriously appointed house in so that I am a wreck this day from GERMAN SATISFACTION COLOURED BORDER want of sleep. Bermuda. Every room with Pr> LONDON, July 8—The German The Wireless Station at St. What an intelligent creature a satisfaction over the Franco- George's is in communication with vote Bath. skeeter is. I ,lay reading some American agreement on the war the following ships at sea.—S.s. BREAD BOARDS strange episodes in our Bermuda debts moratorium has taken the Veendam for Bermuda; S.s. Pan Select Clientele Refined At­ history when this singing skeeter form of a Government manifesto America, Bermuda; S.s. Fernebo, And mosphere suddenly took an interest. which says,"the successful outcome Bermuda; S.s. Fort St. George, J. BINGHAM MORRIS, Mutter He was so savage when he read of Hoover's far-seeing and states­ New York; S.s. Lady Drake, Boston; that our House of Assembly de­ manlike initiative has caused S.s. Lady Rodney,.Boston; S.s. BREAD KNIVES 2186tm.ei tei.tp. clared a defeated candidate elected friendly and joyful feelings every­ Lady Somers, Nassau; S.s. Albert and disposed a member who had where." The manifesto warns tax­ BaJlin, Cherbourg; S.s. Hamburg. been returned that he bit me payers that there will be no lighten­ N.Y.; S.s. Megnantic, Southamp­ fiercely on the neck. When he ing of their burdens and reveals ton; S.s. Majestic, Cherbourg; read that the Solicitor-General that Bruening has given positive S.s. Doric, Montreal; S.s. Penn- GODET & YOUNG gave his opinion that had the poll assurance to the American Govern­ land, N.Y.; S.S. Mongroia, Oran; 4480«J«Jth. been kept open a little longer—it ment that there will be no increase S.s. El Gallo, Cartagena; S.s. had only been open three weeks— of the Reich expenditure. The Grete, Tampa; S.s. Effiingham, the result would have been dif­ manifesto concludes by urging New Orleans; M.s. Ampeteo, ferent—the skeeter attacked my close international co-operation. Bay Town; S.s. Maddelena Odero, cheek. And by the time the Law Meanwhile MacDonald, in Parlia­ Pgiladelphia; i S.s. Farmsum^ FRIGIDAIRE Officers of the Crown had politely ment yesterday afternoon, renewed Palm Beach; S.s. Jamaica, Pro­ Home and Commercial Models but firmly given their opinion that the invitation to the powers to meet ducer, Plymouth; S.s. Consul Horn the House, like the law, was a in London and straighten out sever­ Halifax;.. S.s. New Texas, Phila­ for every needl "Bass," the skeeter had sucked my al important points arising out of delphia; S.s. ScytBia, Oobh; &JSL We have a special home model, blood like a-thirsty vampire. the Franco-American agreement in Letitla, Montreal. principle. aU-porcekin, offered at I used Black Flag freely but the creature just revelled In it. And In Parisian official circles the -00- £45 only this nr.oming i learned that feeling is more cautious, to judge my young son, wishing to play a from a statement by the Minister WEATHER FORECAST Convenient terms joke on his stern parent, had of Finance, Flandin. "We have emptied the pump of the insecticide taken our share of the sacrifices. July 8.—Moderate northeast or BERMUDA TRADING CO. and fin ;d it with plain water. It now remains for others to make east winds with showers tonight Reid St. Hamilton I do hate practical Jokers! theirs." and Thursday.

THE BERMUDA CIGAR STORE State Express Cigarettes, No* 555f^50s tins (Qp the Comes) mm


am When better pictures are made REID HALL WILL SHOW THEM— at the 1 MECHANICS HALL THEATRE - The House of Refinement REID HALL THEATRE 7/icakcj "Your Favourite Theatre" TONIGHT at 7 pan and 9 pan. RED-HEAD DOUBLE SPORTS ARENA SHOW TO Three Shows 3*00,7*00 and 9*00 p,tm They Plunder Life Nancy Carroll Finds Twin in OPEN MONDAY fer Laughter—But Studio After Country - Wide Life Holds the Last THRILLING! GRIPPING! Search Fails Laugh! The definite opening date for the After city after city, the country Sports Arena as a picture and vaude­ ville venture is announced as next over, has conducted contests to find Monday, July 13. Particulars may a double for Nancy Carroll, the girl be noted from the advertising who is really the twin image of the columns. A United Artists picture red-headed star of "Stolen Heaven" will be shown. In addition to the Mechanics Hall theatre attrac­ this there will be a stage entertain­ tion for tonight, was discovered ment of the highest type. The If in the line of extras at the Para­ famous oriental mystic, "Pun­ mount New York studio during jab," win appear with his distin­ in filming of the star's latest success, guished company of Orientals and "Stolen Heaven." present a grand act in which he will IRON MAN "Why, you looklike me!" be buried alive, and demonstrate "And you look like me!" his ability to come forth unharmed. Co-featuring The first speaker was Nancy The programme of the Sports Carroll. The other was Mae Slattery Arena is in ambitious one and ROBERT ARMSTRONG, JEAN a former Follies girl and screen ex­ Nathan Machat, managing direc­ How much is life worth? HARLOW, NED SPARKS tra, whom Miss Carroll noticed tor, has already booked some of I This boy and girl sell among the fifty odd extras on the the biggest acts on the vaudeville • their futures for $20,000 -X- Paramount studio set. circuits. As for the picture part Miss Slattery has the same colour of the programme, Chester Morris —the price of one rich, riotous hair and eyes, the same cast of fea­ will appear in "Alibi," supported holiday in Florida's golden para­ For Fun's Sake! tures, almost the identical express­ by an excellent cast. The best dise. But! They forget to figure SEE ion of Miss Carroll. Moreover she is feature for the comfort of Arena in love—which makes life price­ about the same height and build as patrons is the checking facilities less! LAUREL and HARDY the star. for bicycles inside the Arena. This As a result of Miss Carroll's dis­ is something entirely new to Ber­ NANCY in covery, Miss Slattery was used as a muda. It ensures your wheel "stand-in" on the "Stolen Heaven" being exactly where you left it "It's a Fine Mess" set. As a "stand-in," Miss Slattery when you entered the doors; there -»- had to stand before the cameras will be no scrambling around try­ CARROLL while cameramen adjusted lenses ing to find your bicycle. This is SELECTED NEWS and electricians arranged lighting alone worth as much as a good WITH effects before filming began on show, and you will have both for a scenes for the picture. "Standing- price lower than has ever been charged in Bermuda. PHILLIPS HOLMES in" is often an exhausting bit of IN work, and, moreover, it requires almost an exact double of the star -00- so that technicians can estimate the Iraa feaa lighting and focusing qualitites Laurel and Hardy at Reid Hall Stolen Heaven" before the star player comes on the set. Laurel and Hardy, two of the most SATURDAY-MONDAY The use of "stand-ins" is a new popular comedians on the screen, CC (paramountQiciure system recently introduced in mov­ will appear today at Reid Hall in Your old friends ing picture studios to speed up pro­ "It's a Fine Mess." This title ALSO BRITISH NEWSREEL duction and preserve the freshness sounds like this team, and patrons 448iq^th. WHEELER and WOOLSEY of the leading actors. Such work may be sure of getting the maxi­ often leads to important supporting in mum of fun from the antics of and featured roles in the films: these players. This comedy is a // After making arrangements to three-reeler and will be a principal CRACKED NUTS'' bring Miss Slattery into the picture, feature of the programme. The "Stolen Heaven," Miss Carroll re­ Laurel-H a r d y combination i s 44R3«Mth. marked, "She would have a good probably the best comedy team in old Irish name like Slattery to have pictures and especially well known a face like mine." here. oo I Hamilton Hotel 1 00 AYRES' SENSATIONAL RISE TO SCREEN FAME CINEVIEWS Terrace Roof I

The most sensational rise to a stardom during the past year has "Non-Bouncing" dialogue will § SPORTS been that of Lew Ayres, at the Reid relieve the present occasional strain Tonight at 9 p.m. Who Play the Game Hall Theatre where he is starring on the ears of the public with the in "Iron Man," Universal's stirring development of a new spherical Band Concert picturisation of W. R. Burnett's microphone which, by reason of Its popular novel. circular shape, eliminates any ten­ By the B. V. R. C. Military Band One picture mad him an idol in dency of reverberation within the th eyes of film goers throughout the recording instrument. world. The picture was "All Quiet The new "mike" is making its (A By kind permission of Major R. C. Earl, V. D. and/ on the Western Front." Today he debut on the set of "Susan Lenox, ss Officers . is regarded as the "find" of the Her Fall and Rise" at the Metro- year, and his fan mail runs into the Goldwyn-Mayer studios. It is made thousands of letters per month. of aluminium, about six inches in § Not since John Gilbert burst into diameter, with the diaphragm in stardom with "TheBig Parade'' has the centre. According to sound ELTON RICH and DANCERS there been such a sensation in technicians, it overcomes many Hollywood. of the disadvantages in the old in Young Ayres received his high cylindrical microphone which was school education in San Diego, both unwieldy and subject to A repertoire of Unusual Numbers VJ>W Calif., and after a year at the Uni­ internal echoes. versity of Arizona he joined Henry Not the Largest Hotel, but the Best for those who can Halstead's Beverly-Wilshire orches­ C afford a slightly higher tariff tra, playing the banjo. He was no­ W. S. Dyke's collection of guns SAM ROBBINS ticed by film producers, and given a and hunting trophies from Africa, small six months' contract by Pathe where he filmed "Trader Horn," and Tonight at 8.45 p.m. but played in only one picture, that came In handy in the screening of being a small bit. his new Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer pic­ HIS ORCHESTRA After Hollywood had been combed ture, "Guilty Hands," in which by Universal, he was chosen for the Lionel Barrymore is featured. The WATER CARNIVAL script called for a hunting room, c lead in "All Quiet," and signed to a and Van Dyke used his private ar­ § five-year contract. senal and trophies for atmosphere. AT THE POOL He has lived up to every predic­ • * * The most interesting entertainment and best tion made for him. He received ap­ music on the only Roof Garden in Bermuda by plause in "Common Clay," and was Having directed twenty-five film a sensation in "The Doorway to comedies, Edward Sutherland plans BERMUDA ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Hell." Following "East is West," to lead a more leisurely life. He is assisted by "Many a Slip" and "Up for Murder" going to free-lance. He is now di­ IJIF^C^^^^^^^M^^^FS m Carl Laemmle, Jr. in charge of recting Eddie Cantor's new comedy, RIDLEY COLLEGE BOYS production, promoted Ayres tp full "Palmy Days." fledged stardom. Sutherland rose to megaphone ' 'Iron Man'' is a stirring love story status after assisting Charlie Chap­ of the prize ring, with Jean Harlow, lin in "A Woman of Paris." As a OPENING EVENT Robert Armstrong, Eddie Dillon result of Chaplin's praise, he was engaged by Paramount, with whom HOTEL LANGTON for the and John Miljan in the cast. Tod Browning directed. he has been ever since. Ridley Annual Challenge Cup and should prove a great incentive Tonight is Langton Night For Boys under 16 years RIDLEY ANNUAL CHALL- to local swimmers. Presented by Mr. H. O. Griffith, Master Ridley College This evening the Bermuda Athle­ ENGE_CUP tic Association will be assisted by the Ridley College cricketers, which RAY AND HIS BOSTONIANS should make for lively contests in announce the first of a series of- Henri Taylor's Belmont Orchestra Feature of Belmont's Water the various events arranged on the well diversified card. Thursday Specialty Dances Carnival Following the meet the Cedar Nightly on the Cedar Court Court will be the mecca for dancing Most Beautiful Setting in Bermuda 'Tonight the pool of Belmont and refreshment, the excellent In the Afternoon join the Swim Party in Bermuda's larg Manor will bo the soene of one of music of Henri Taylor's orchestra, and most up-to-date Pool ... Then stay to Dine... those spectacular Water Carnivals, and the cool tropical setting of the which have been so popular at the dance floor making it one of Ber­ muda's most fascinating places in Special Moderately Priced Dinner 18 HOLES 6200 YARDS hilltop manor. The featured event is the opening which to enjoy the glamorous star­ STUART MURRAY -Professional lit nights, and revel in the twin and Goif orjfrhe contest for the Ridley, delights oi fine music and good Annual Challenge Oup, presented DANCE in/the Wonderful TERRACE GARDEN Ferry every^Half Hour^Crom Hamilton by Mr. H. O. Griffith, headmaster company. 4482tt4. RidleyEoollege. this Interesting 44U*w. even$9*opento boys under sixteen. R. P. yalet Service ., While i£au Wjiit "feffrevs' *s Oemc^i^fitfiTS Page 4 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 9 1931


Jonathan Edwards, by Henry Barn- ford Parkes, New York: Minton, Balch. $3.50. SALE New England Colonials of the middle period are less familiar to most readers than either the early Commences GOVERNMENT founders or the men of the Revolu­ tion. For that reason, Mr. Parkes in writing about Jonathan Edwards's NOTICE. parishioners and their contempora­ ay, July ries, has drawn a picture strange to New England tradition. He repre­ sents the New Englander of the 1730s Passing of Acts and as a hearty, practical, materialistic being who varied hard work Resolves with coarse fun. He had a Ra­ belaisian humour; he had an BARGAIN: enormous disposition to go to With reference to Government law with his neighbour; he re­ Notice of the 8th April, 1931, it is belled at the domination of the cler­ hereby notified that the following gy, just as 35 years later he would Acts and Resolves have been passed rebel against the King. 6 Mattresses Regular Price £3. 10. 0 now £2. 5* 0 by the Legislature:— Among these, but not of these, ACTS was Jonathan Edwards. He attemp­ 9 Porch Chairs " " £L 0.0 " 10/- ted to change them, and he suc­ In Force Indefinitely ceeded in putting his imprint on 12 High Chairs " " 8.9 " 5/- their descendants. Just when Pur­ itanism was becoming a dead letter 1931 he invented a new brand of Pur­ 4 Parlour Sets " " £10. 0.0 " £6.0.0 17. The Bermuda Development / Rev. Frank G. Coffin, Columbus, Company Act, 1931. itanism, and Mr. Parkes takes as O., of the Christian Church, (above) (Wood with Cane Seats) his mam thesis that the Edwards and Fred B. Smith, New York, Con- 18. The Companies Act, 1931. The Meteorological Station brand influences America even in gregational minister, are working out 19. the present day. plans Jor a union of the_two sects. ' Screen Doors Special 14/* Act, 1931. Edwards was a scholar and a mys­ 20. The Civil Service Establish­ Ice Cream Freezers ^ off ment Act, 1927, Amendment tic, besides being a man of a singu­ Act (No. 2) ,1931. larly sweet temper. When he was no more than 14, walking alone in advising on the course. Miss May 21. The Bermuda Volunteer Act, A quantity of Chinese Reed and Grass Furniture 1921, Amendment Act, 1931. the fields at Wethersfield, he was Fleming who has thorough exper­ uplifted by a sense of harmony of ience in both the family and child comprising tables, armchairs, extension chairs, and 22. The Dredger Loan Act, 1931. the universe and was seized by am­ protection field and who is at present 23. The Superannuation Act, 1931. Settees at y$ off regular prices. bition to write a great treatise that in the Parent Training Division of 24. The Bermuda Railway Act, would make him famous in Europe. the Canadian National Committee Handsome upholstered Stick Reed Suites at Yi off 1931. Before he had finished his college on Mental Hygiene (St. George's regular prices. 26. The Civil Service Establish­ course at Yale, the young dreamer School for Child Study, Toronto) ment Act, 1927, Amendment had decided to be a minister. He will be in charge of the course. Act (No . 3), 1931. had been converted and had accept­ Ample opportunity will be afford­ The Appropriation Act, 1930, ed Calvinism. ed for observation and field work in Amendment Act, 1931. Calvinsim was passing from New city and neighbouring institutions. 28. The Superannuation Act, 1927, 25% off Special attention will be given to Amendment Act, (No. 3), 1931. England in those days. Boston and Harvard were becoming liberal. Ed­ matters of child training and The Public Works Department 29. wards accepted a parish at North­ development, etc., by including Act, 1930, Amendment Act, Our regular stock of Furniture, Mats and Kitchen- ampton, and settled down to study problems of diet, health, etc., but 1931. and to turn the Northampton peo­ especially problems in the mental The Bermuda Welfare Society ware, etc. 30. ple from their light ways. After a Act, 1931. hygiene of childhood. time his congregation responded. Registration fee for the course 31. The Public Health Act, 1930, Amendment Act, 1931. The revival spread to towns will $25.00. The Council on Child throughout the Connecticut Valley. and Family Welfare in an endeavour 32. The Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Act, 1931. The established clergy opposed the to assure a representative atten­ THE BERMUDA FURNISHING & SUPPLY CO. revivalistic movement, and the The Allocation of Colonial dance and support for this first 34. Congregational churches were torn 4399Cs.tu Lands Act, 1931. venture in this important departure by faction. Edwards was put out of The Malicious Injuries to Pro­ is offering eight scholarships to 35. his church at Northampton, partly perty Act, 1931. ' registrants in the course. These because his people had tired of be­ scholarships are offered on the IF it is a slightly used 36. The Smith and Scott, Limited ing strict, partly because he did not Act, 1931. condition that the agencies releas­ agree with the neighbouring clergy, ing the workers to take this course 37. The Justices Civil Jurisdiction and partly by a family feud. He will double the value of the award. For ns Act, 1922, Amendment Act, went to Stockbridge as a missionary -oo— 1931. to the Indians, and in his later ROYAL 38. The Immigration Act (No. 2), years he succeeded his son-in-law A MEW JOB FOR WOMEN For Her 1931. Burr as president of Princeton. A Graceful Guaranteed-foi-Llfe His great influence was exerted ENFIELD In Force Until 31st December, 1933. • VANCOUVER, B. C—(By The Parker Duofold That Writes With through his writings, produced Canadian Press)—The age-old art Pressureless Touch 33. The Treasury Advances Act, largely during the quieter years at From of water divining is being employed These new streamlined Parker 1931. Stockbridge. Of the far-reaching range of influence he could not, of by the provincial government this THE Duofold Pans—with Pencils to course, have been aware. Mr. Parkes year in an effort to locate wells for match—combine smartness and In Force Until 31st December, 1934. the farmers of the Okanagan valley, utility to a high degree. They set believes that the "Treatise on the low in the pocket, without bulge Religious affections" by Edwards is the central interior and the Peace BERMUD1ANA 24. The Bermuda Railway Act, —yet hold 17.4% more ink than the fountainhead of modern Puri­ River district. 1931. average. Duofold Pens write with tanism in America, and that its Miss M. E. Penrose, an English­ CYCLES Parker Pressureless Touch—'are main doctrines have become the woman, who claims extraordinary Guaranteed for Life. In Force Until 31st December, 1935. corner stones of the evangelical powers, is being engaged to tour churches. these districts and assist farmers in 39. The Non-Resident Businesses the search for water. She 4s in the You may be sure it is The author has written in a pun­ Act, 1931. Okanagan valley now and will go to gent style, salted with a frequent Tarj ^X^uofolii the country between Prince George RESOLVES emphasis on the more earthy as­ A PENS bUARANTEED FOR LIF pects of life in those days. He has and Prince Rupert later in the sum­ the faculty of clarifying and co-or­ mer and then to the Peace River The Suspensory Account Ap­ THE BERMUDA PRESS 16. dinating abstruse material and Country. REAL propriation Resolve (No. 4), - • •— making it entertaining. It is evi­ Miss Penrose was employed in 1931. dent that his distaste for the mani­ similar work in a small way last The Superannuation Deduc­ 17. festations of Puritanism in modern year and her success was described tions Refund Resolve, 1931. life has had an effect upon the as extraordinary, according to gov­ 18. The Reid Street Extension Re­ narrative, and that, though he ernment officials. It was for this solve, 1931. admires Edwards, he is not in reason that she was brought back Get* yours before they C\ 19. The Devonshire Bay Property sympathy with what Edwards Belie­ again this season to operate over are all sold Just Arrived Purchase Resolve, 1931. ved or achieved.—Christian Science a wider territory. 20. The Bermuda Welfare Society Monitor. Her method is to walk over xhe Mm Resolve, 1931. ground holding a sprig of willow in 3792^«Jtu. NEW IB 21. The Vested Schools Supple­ —oo— her hands. The willow turns down mentary Grants Resolve, 1931. towards the ground when she stand 22. The Supplementary Appropria­ FOUR WEEK'S COURSE IN I -1 i BRUNSWICK New above water, no matter how far be­ t tion Resolve (No. 5), 1931. low the surface it may he, accord­ 1 <*£«& 23. The Wreck Inquiry Resolve SOCIAL SCIENCE OFFERED ing to the theory. Apparently Miss 1 RECORDS York I 1931. AT TORONTO Penrose has some sense not pos­ I sessed by ordinary people, for, ac­ 1 1 make this convenient, centrally located cording to government officials, I By Command, 1 Davis : hotel your headquarters. You'll like its OTTAWA, Ont..- I By The Canad­ her findings are most infallible. 1 cheery, friendly atmosphere, its home­ ian Press)—The Department of 6087—I had to lose you JOHN TRIMINGHAM, like comfort, its proximity to bright Extension Services and the Depart­ gives I'm mad about you Fifth Avenue, famous shops, theatres. Acting Colonial Secretary. ~oo- ment of Social Science of the you 6088—Out of nowhere A few minutes walk from Times University of Toronto, in co-oper­ MONTREAL—(By The Canadian Say a little prayer for me Square, yet quiet at night. Colonial Secretary's^Office, I ation with the Canadian Council on Press)—With the aid of a $1,500 European Plan, per day $3.00 1st July, 1931. surer 6089—Wabash Moon Child and Family Welfare and with grant from the Carnegie Corpora­ 1 American Plan, per day, with mails $5.00 4442jhi.w.tk. the help of the Canadian National I surrender dear "New York, die most interest- tion awarded her lately, Mrs. Mary and 6090—If you should ever need me Committee on Mental Hygiene Duncan Carter, assistant director # ing vacation city m America" Out of nowhere announce that a course for institu­ of the McGill Library School, will better POSTAGE STAMPS tional workers will be offered for the conduct a survey of library facilities 6091—Farflita dc Mi Barrio HOTEL LE MARQUIS first time in the Dominion at the in the Province of Quebec, material baking La Cumparsita 12 EAST 31st STREET, NEW YORK University of Toronto in the Depart­ 1 For Collections from which is to be used in the j 6092—I'm crazy about my baby ? Under KNOT1 Management * ment of Social Science this summer. White Jazz presentation of her Doctor's thesis Wtfffffi&lV»f **.V&f*FTmimm BERMUDA The course will open on July 6 at the University of Chicago. Mrs. and continue for four weeks. It Carter in her position at McGill and will be limited to 28 persons actually has already conducted a prelirninary ipws; The Taste is the Test engaged in this field of work. survey and has chosen as the topic RAKING POWDER BRITISH WEST INDIAN Robert E. Mills, Chairman of the of her thesis, "Some comparison The Radio Store ERNEST J. BELL Child Welfare Division of the Coun­ of the reading interests with the HEINZ cil on Child and Family Welfare, library facilities of the Province Reid Street Bermuda Press, Ltd., Reid St. will be chairman of the committee of Quebec." 57 BEDS, MATTRESSES, SPRINGS By SIMMONS •See our Beautiful New Lines and New Low Prices 4009«M».tu.th.ip. #' • CHESLEYHE. WHITE



A new figure is emerging on the Subscribers List field of American Intercollegiate Writing Paper sport—the scholar-athlete. He Payment of the undermentioned combines Intelligence in the class­ subscriptions to the Bermuda Pool room with grit and skill on the / fox 1931 is hereby acknowledged and gridiron, diamond or track. He is with thanks by the Pool Commit­ neither a pale, bookish recluse, nor tee, and it would be greatly appre­ the athlete pictured as "husky but ciated if regular subscribers would dumb," to whom college means send in their usual subscriptions i^ little more than a training camp. either to the Secretary of the Ber­ PADS Well rounded in his activities, he muda Pool or to the Treasurer of offers proof that athletics and In­ the Bermuda Chamber of Com­ tellectual pursuits may work to­ merce. gether and even aid each other. Those who rightly object to over­ Bank of N. T. Butterfield Sold at Cost emphasis on distractions at college & Son, Ltd. £250 0 0 often misdirect their fine by calling Bank of Bermuda, Ltd™™ 250 0 0 sport the chief offender. Lounging, Gosling Bros., Ltd 200 0 0 laziness, idle talk and petty enter­ Trimingham Bros., Ltd... 200 0 0 tainment are the chief thieves of W. S. Purvis 15 0 0 To clear stock college time. The athlete, in order "Vanities" „. 4 0 0 to remain on a team at a reputa­ "Pomander Gate" $50.00 ?loo riot to c ble college; must maintain his Watlington & Conyers 75 0 0 academic standing. He therefore Bermuda Press, Ltd. 30 0 0 has little time to waste. The Pearman, Watlington & scholar-athlete is the outcome Oo 150 0 0 From 3d to 3/- of a severe regimen, wherein The Bianca Shop 5 0 0 U OT weather lassitude and fatigue are very largely academic standards become more Hand, Arnold, Ltd „ 25 0 0 •*• •*• due to the fact that ordinary hot weather foods exacting all the while, and require­ The Smoke Shop, Ltd 25 0 0 do not contain sufficient energy-giving nourish­ ments for success in sport mount Bermuda Railway Co., ment to make good the energy you expend in like proportion. Ltd „... 50 0 0 The athlete must therefore use W. H. Heyl & Co 15 0 0 • in the day's work and play. every minute constructively. He Bermuda Cigar Store .$120.00 is early to bed. His days are filled The Book Store 10 0 0 THE BERMUDA PRESS inat is why cold Uvaltine should be your with strenuous, purposeful activity. Ingham & Wilkinson 50 0 0 lailw hr>\ sn!y a particularly It is noteworthy that outstanding Butterfield & Co „ 10 0 0 Reid Street your system an scholar-athletes are appearing in The Yankee Store $125.00 abundance of the food elements which maintain colleges that have rigidly main­ M. A. Gibbons 10 0 0 strength and vitality. tained their acade'mic require­ Bermuda Bakery, Ltd 25 0 0 ments. John A. P. Pitt & Co 25 0 0 "C " i~ prepared from fresh creamy milk, Barry Wood of Havard has been Lockward & Co 50 0 0 ripe barley malt, and eggs from our own and cited as an outstanding but not Bermuda Electric Light The Ideal Summer Drink selected farms. It makes every meal complete in isolated example of how one man P. &T. Co., Ltd 125 0 0 can combine notable achievements nutritive value. 00 For a Discriminating Thirst in sports and scholarship. At the Cold " Ovaltine" is easy to prepare. Add beginning of this his junior year he NEW COURSE OPENS AT Mc " Ovaltine" to cold milk or milk and water. Mix was elected by Phi Beta Kappa as one of the eight members from that GILL MUSEUM for a few seconds with an egg-whisk or in a class. In the mid-year ratings just shaker. Then you will have a dreamy, refreshing announced he is in group 1 of the MONTREAL, Q u e., —(By Barclay's drink—inexpensive in cost and brimful of energy- scholarship list. At the same time the Canadian Press)—McGill Uni­ he is captain-elect of the football versity's educational enterprise has giving nourishment to enable you to avoid fatigue once more been made manifest by and to keep vigorous and healthy. team, has just completed a season of varsity hockey, is now starting the establishment of a new summer London Lager a baseball season and is good course in medical museum tech­ nique. This was announced recent­ enough at tennis to be invited to LIGHT OR DARK compete in the tryouts for Amer- , ly by E. L. Judah, Curator of Mu­ 393 I fev 1 I • ica's Davis Cup team. That he is seums , McGill University. No other ^^ W daft v"3 a part of a general trend is shown by such school or course exists in Can­ Mi L —----- ^ & is. a it 1 ^ Asa* the fact that Vernon Munroe Jr., ada, and it is doubtful if such a training is available in the United At all the Leading Hotels and Bars f^SSfts track captain, and forty-one other States, as indicated by the fact that fisf Harvard athletes, are on the "dean's and at IdMOrx/ i list" with practically a "B" average half of the class is from across the in studies. border. is I The course consisting of 10 one- Stanford University track ath- i hour lectures and 20 two-hour la­ GOSLING BROS., Ltd. letes have shown similar pro­ boratory periods, will give novices Sol aivj. jiotes. ficiency in studies, while holding 3498«H3«.tu.tk. instruction in care, preparation, PC 32 their place near the top of their handling and arranging of museum W, S. PURVIS & CO., Distributors sport in national intercollegiate material. There is also to be an contests. The scholar-athlete bids optical week, from June 22-27 with fair to eliminate in large degree the 12 three^hour laboratory periods. imagined conflict between class­ Eight students, four of whom are room and playing field..—Christian MOTOR BOATS Canadian and four American, make Science Monitor. up the class which Mr. Judah finds a^afoftsBafta oo quite large enough for such a eourse. "An effort is being made to ac­ ELECTRIC TIDE TABLE FOR quaint all students with the most modern ideas regarding the furni­ Horns, Search-Lights. Storage Batteries, JULY shing and laying out of a Museum Hot Shot Bulbs, Spark Plugs. & INSOMNIA Laboratory," Mr. Judah explained. High Water Sun­ Sun­ Information with regard to tools, All accessories and spare parts for above mm things of the past Date A.M. P.M. rise set skill in mounting, and numerous 8 W. 1.57 2.22 5.18 7.29 other ideas anent thereto are sur­ 9 Th. 2.48 3.16 5.18 7.29 veyed. Questions of mounting are 10 F. 3.42 4.11 5.19 7.29 also of vital importance, and dwelt THE MASTERS HARDWARE CO. upon considerably. One would not 11 S. 4.37 5.06 5.19 7.29 Phone 192 Front St. 12 S. 5.34 6.01 5.20 7.29 think of the glass blowing profes­ 13 M. 6.28 6.53 5.20 7.29 sion as akin to museum curator- ship, yet eight students could be 4389«Mtu.tli..« 79 14 Tu. 7.18 7.43 5.21 7.28 15 W. 8.04 8.32 5.21 7.28 seen busily engaged in blowing I 16 Th. 8.56 9.19 5.22 7.27 glass. The old fashioned specimen used to be immersed in alcohol and Why suffer Headaches or Insomnia week 17 F. 9.43 10.05 5.23 7.27 after week ? Isn't it obvious, that to get at 18 S. 10.29 10.53 5.23 7.27 that was all there was to it. the cause of the troub.'e fa dep'eted nervous 19 S. 11.17 11.42 5.24 7.26 Now, the student must place the THE WORLD FAMOUS system) you need a TONIC? Bui;d up 20 M. 12.06 5.25 7.26 specimen in its natural shape in a your nervous system with the hypophos- 21 Tu. 0.32 1.00 5.25 7.25 square glass. phites Dr. CASSELL'S TABLETS supply. 22 W. 1.30 2.01 5.26 7.25 oo Let the wonderful nutritive powers of this 23 Th. 2.34 3.08 5.27 7.24 Munchener Hofbrau AMAZING TONIC restore your nerves. 24 F. 7.24 And headaches and insomnia will disappear. 3.41 4.14 5.27 MEDICAL GRADUATES STILL Buy Dr. CASSELL'S TABLETS TO-DAY 25 S. 4.47 5.18 5.28 7.23 FLOCK TO U. S. 26 S. 5.48 6.16 5.28 7.22 (Bavarian Beer) F5ES 27 M. 6.42 7.06 5.29 7.22 MONTREAL, Q u e.,—(By 28 Tu. 7.29 7.51 5.30 7.21 the Canadian Press)—The lure the 29 W. 8.11 8.32 5.30 7.20 Fresh Shipment Just Received United States still has for Canada's 30 Th. 8.52 9.11 5.31 7.19 recent medical graduates, and the 31 F. 9.29 9.47 5.32 7.19 anxiety American hospitals show to get them is indicated by a canvass ]. E. LIGHTBOURN & CO. 15—New Moon. of the recent graduating class from SOLE AGENTS 22—First Quarter. McGill University. 29—Full Moon. Eighty-one of those who were 3858^tJ«. students at McGill and residents of 1/9 & 4/- at all Chemists Mean High Water Spring Tides— Montreal before the term ended 3 ft. 11 ins. •**sss*;.: were canvassed. Of these, almost Mean High Water Neap Tides— half have decided to go to the United 3 ft. 3 ins. States. Many of these, educated by MORRIS A. GIBBONS Mean Tide Level—2 ft. 2 Ins. Canada by great expense, will likely remain in the United States, it was N.B.—All heights are given above said. 460 YARDS WHITE COTTONS soundings on charts. Of the total, 15 will go to hospitals H.W.F. & C. 7 hours 09 minutes. in New York State, while other lOd., l/-, 1/3 per yard 2tol2CYL Age of Tide assumed to be 1 day. states who will get McGill's Sunset and sunrise refer to upper doctors are as follows: New Jersey 36 inches wide limb of Sun touching the horizon, 5;Louisiana, 1; New Hampshire, 1; height of eye being 20 feet above sea Connecticut, 1; California, 2; Iowa, ST. GEORGE'S STORE level. 2; Massachusets, 3; Pennsylvania, 3968tf.J. Cjtom heavy duty boats and for Times are Standard Times. 2 and Rhode .Island, 3. J deep sea lishingthe 4-cylin- work-boats; also for auxiliary der, 12 horsepower L-Head Ker­ use in sailing boats up to 45 feet Those remaining in Canada num­ math delivers rugged, reliable in length. ber 36 and of these three go to Saint power. Men who sail the sea for a John, N. B., one to Toronto, one to Walkerville, one to Edmonton and The Kermath "1<>' and "20" living have learned to trust and two to Vancouver. were developed for increased depend on these sturdy members It's the taste power and speed . . . and are of the Kermath family. They, too, oo ideally adapted for launches and say you can't equal a Kermath! that saves Ultra violet ray lamps have been DESIGNED invented by a German physician SALT-WATER the waste— to treat the interior of the human body, an attendant being able to Crystal Jellies North Shore, MR C R. L GIBBONS Devonshire watch the effect of the light on various organs. COOL AND REFRESHING FOR SUMMER SAUCE 00 Th* situation (in New York) is far ensures that everything is "eaten TeL 581 BUTTERFIELD & CO., Agents up" with utmost enjoyment. worse than when I was there.—The 4375qtIi.to2?.8Jl. Rev. Dr. Charles 11. Parkhurst. m

•;aBffrw • ^ ;•;';:;. :;J Page 6 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 9; 1931]


The number of radio broadcast­ VICTORIA, B. 0.—(By The Cana­ ing stations in Norway has been in­ The Archbishop of York lays it dian Press)—A discovery concern­ creased to 13. down that "the most indispens­ ing a peculiar class of stars known * * * able condition for moral progress as Wolt Rayet stars was made re­ is that you should know which Airplane engineers are designing cently at the Dominion Astrophy- instruments for the special use of way to go." sical Observatory near here, and glider pilots. * * * tbe group bas been under close ob­ * * * To arrive at this ''indispensable servation to learn more of its pe­ fcrcnts United States imports of raw silk condition" the first need is a guide culiarities. from Japan have more than doubled post that will secure universal con­ Conditions on these stars, it is in ten years. Virol saves children's sent as to which is the right way. stated, are such that streams of * * * lives. It makes delicate Many are the guide posts but none atoms are continually being thrown Cow & Gate" children strong. If The population of the Hawaiian seem to meet unquestioning obe­ off from all parts of their surfaces. your child is sickly, Islands has Increased 57 per cent in dience? The atoms are shot off in enormous the last decade. * * * numbers and with speeds often as Builds give Virol. * * * Priests, prophets, martyrs, saints great as 1,000 miles a second. 3i ! If your child catches Experiments have indicated that have all put their hands to it, but Continually streaming off into Ji hemp of good commercial value we stiU get a world well-sprinkled cold easily, give Virol. space, these atoms cause the stars CHILDREN fed on Cow & Gate are can be cultivated in Chile. with unmoral beings, needing to lose probably millions of tons of If your child is easily * * * either the police to keep them in C' active and vital. Their limbs are material every day, investigation strong and firm—the rich stream of tired, give Virol. Virol A score card for golfers has been order, or laws to frighten them with shows, but the stars are so massive life rans freely in their veins—healthy invented that can be carried on the behaving decently towards their builds up resistance to that it would take millions|oflyears and happy manhood lies before them. back of a putter's head. neighbours. infection, strengthens for any appreciable fraction offtheir This famous food will build them * * # * * * vitality, builds for life. mass to be lost by this process. up for life like no other infants' food A Japanese metallurgical en­ At the time of writing a news­ can do. Mothers, be wise! Look to The supreme value paper discussion is going on as to gineer has developed a process for the future, and give your baby of Virol is that it com­ plating other metals on aluminum. what the world would have been bines an adequate * * * like today if Christianity had never PS) _ /^'S? — supply of all the vita­ A finger ring has been patented existed? that has a reversible setting to per­ * * * mins with the other mit the display of different stones. Mr. Bernard Shaw once met the essentials for healthy * a> a> question by observing that Christi­ growth and develop­ It is estimated that about 90 per anity's laws, as laid down by their annEinr ment in a perfectly cent of the radio equipment used in Founder, have never been tried out, so the question of their benefit is STANDARD FOR OVER balanced form. Chile is of American manufacture. HALF A CENTURY * * * still in the air. In many essentials More popular drinks and Jet- Small animals are caught with­ this cannot be denied. We have serU lum been created by its out injury with a new trap that en­ only to take the prominent-law of me than by any other. velops them in a net made of chain the Golden Rule to see that Mr. NICHOLL & ASHTON, Agents netting. Shaw hits a hard nail on the head. Hamilton, Bermuda * * * For the first time in history Siam But when it comes to the ameli­ has adopted legislation providing orations in manners and morals for the registration of trade marks. Christianity has introduced, there * * * is plenty of room for discussion. According to a University of Cali­ If Christian theology has brought fornia investigator normal human wars and cruelties, its sociology A HEALTHY WIFE MAKES stomachs vary in form as greatly as has worked wonders in introducing A He-gd Teacher writes:—"Tfce BEST SUCCESS OF MAR­ iVott' Imported and Distributed by improvement in the health of faces. a more humane state of mind, and NICHOLL & children having Viral is so * * * of individual actions. RIED LIFE ASHTON *££• marked I feel I must continue When empty a boat designed in * * * HAMILTON. during the coming winter." England for use with outboard Indeed the latest complaint is Ask for tke new "Cow & Gate" Rusks—they will develop Baby's teeth motors can be run on water only that over kindly Christian services SHE IS "PEPPY," iWIIMATED, and jaws and Baby will love them! to each other are going to upset VIROI. I/cD™ Ealing. London. W 5. England three inches deep. CHEERFUL, COMPANIONABLE * * * nature's plans by over protection of Paint for the exterior of houses and consequent of survival of the Martha Washington Gives Advice has been invented that dries within unfittest through the scrupulous a few hours, leaving a finish like care we now take of the weaker No man can be expected to be a lacquer. brethren? gay Lothario if his wife is full of * * * * * * "Nerves." If she is thin, cross, irri­ PI Poland is estimated to have more Mr. Garvin, who may be described table and inclined to nag and com­ ha VAT 9^ than 70,000,000 acres of arable land, as the heavy father of English plain, hubby won't get a fair break. fi! or more than two acres for each journalism, says that what is hap­ If the domestic ship isn't sailing (SCOTCH WHISKY) pening amongst us is "the gradual member of its population. on smooth waters, let little wifey «&_laafafl-fr j {Quaranteed 15 Years Old) * * * destruction of competitive capa­ look to the condition of her health; ^3 -• ! Tests at Harvard University have city." This view is enunciated as her nerves probably need attention. A product of shown that thrilling stories some­ part of an argument in the endless AT JSSO Now-a-days health is woman's SCOT times make a child's heart cease Free Trade versus Protection Con­ first consideration. Good health HEDQES & BUTLER beating or increase its action. troversy. means good looks, good spirits, a feSfi§3 S * * * * * # good time. BRADLEY BRYAN, Agenl Portable oxygen apparatus weigh­ But, apart from any fiscal handi­ *5 Many women find Ferrozone an 3808*i«Iw.ci. to tu. Don't; let it go until it ing only 14 pounds has been in­ cap destroying our competitive invaluable aid to health. Once you develops intosomething vented for the use of aviators and capacity to beat the foreigner, take Ferrozone you become aware much more serious. parachute jumpers at high altitudes there is an element of weakening that some powerful force is build­ There is no better * * * going on in the tendency of all ing up your depleted energies. You remedy for the relief of About one third of aU Swiss mo­ trades towards the Big Combine feel braced, toned, strengthened. Coughs, Colds and all tion picture theatres are equipped stage. No more spells of tiredness, no Bronchial Afflictions with sound apparatus, of which * * * more crabby arguments or jangled than Kobertte Syrup. It about one third have American The individual "capacity" is re­ nerves — no more sleepless nights breaks up the cold, systems. duced because the vast majority and weary days — build up — get soothes the throat and * * * of those starting out know* the strong — get pep and animation. quickly restores normal A preparation has been invented fight is hopeless. All that can be Ferrozone is the tonic that will conditions. Most pleas­ that, when applied with a paint expected nowadays is to be a cog make you feel like new—two little ant to take. brush to the under side of rugs, in a big wheel, and never to expand tablets after meals, simple isn't it? prevents them slipping on polished into a whole wheel. So the compe­ Start Ferrozone to-day. r Manufactured 6» floors. titive nature shrinks. Six boxes for $2.50, or .50c each, KOKTHROP & LYMAN COW * * * LIMITED * * * at all dealers. Toronto, Canada All foodstuffs imported into Po­ True the Trade Giants fiercely land are analysed or inspected by compete. But mostly their battles government officials on the basis end in a merger, so another blow of that country's pure food regu­ is given to the competitive spirit. lations. One can Instance whole trades, * * • once in thousands of hands, that Clamped to the edge of a table, are now under the control of half a new opener cuts out the top of a a dozen big firms. It may be noted WW Hoi can and lifts it so that it can be the Socialists tell us these are removed without injury to the fin­ doing the work of propaganda for or an gers. a non-competitive state of society, * * * better than, the theorists could do f Ever sharp An apartment house will be erect­ it for themselves. ed in Vienna -that wiU have 12 .* * ' * {ir*\ uu>LY,if Eetxrald, would this Son of the stories of reinforced concrete, sur­ A bee expert has discovered that l\JT Sea have exchanged his chestof plunder mounted by two stories having the conversion of a common bee for a pair of smooth-writing Eversharps. glass walls. into a queen is the result of suitable 3LNowadays,evenwithoutchestsof gold and * * * feeding. But more astonishing jewels, anyone can have this inodern pen Scientific tests have been given to still it converts its sting into an and penciL For you yourself, and for you babies from 15 minutes old upward entirely different shape of weapon to give to your friends, Eversharp Pens and to determine what age their general to be used for altogether other pur­ Pencils are made in a wide range of styles,' intelligence begins to develop. poses. sizes and designs.* All bear evidence of the * * * * * * careful work of master-craftsmen in precious Carrying eight passengers and On this the discoverer asks wheth­ metal and in rubber. ©.Gifts of these in­ crews of three persons, the largest er the elements of food do not struments are welcome gifts, to be used and transport airplanes in the world themselves have intelligence, else cherished through years of useful service. have been designed for a line in how could they perform this amaz­ Each passing year will bring added regard for Europe. ing conversion, not a mere deposit the giver of this practical, beautiful writing * * * of material, but a highly construc­ •equipment. Give Eversharps!' Operated by a dashboard knob, tive surgical operation? new automobile headlights can be * * * made to swing their rays to the If carbon and oxygen know, right without dimming when The way they would like us to go, another car is met. Why then it seems certain OR-LEM te made from luscious ripe * * * Life ne'er drops the curtain fflBRSHARP oranges and lemons, fresh crushed, with pure cane sugar. About 99 per cent of Italy's pro­ With everywhere njind's ceaseless It is deliciously thirst-quenching and duction of coal consists of lignite, flow. ft inv-'gorating, and the ideal after-games drink. known reserves of anthracite being estimated at only about 1,000,000 H. W. FOR SALE tons. * * * -oo- Non-poisonous dyes that do not BY THE ORANGE AND LEMON JUECE injure them have been developed by a Minnesota Agricultural Ex­ POEMS ABOUT BERMUDA IN QUE periment Station scientist for col­ Bermuda Press ouring cut flowers. A. JOHNSON & CO. * * * (By John J. Maclntyre author of Hamilton The Japanese government has "Nea, Rose of the Isles") ^7-vRlltlStt.ORE FRl/fH taken over the raw silk condition­ ing plant at Kobe as a step toward WHERE NATURE IS LAVISH more complete official grading of silk for export. The clearest of waters; The greenest of hills; A beauty of landscape For use in model airplanes com­ That constantly t&rills! The most effective pressed air motors of six and eight Here' Nature is lavish cylinders and weighing only four In showing her charms, insectide and six ounces respectively, have Held safe in the circle Costs less too been developed. Of Neptune's soft arms. THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONS; DAILY' THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1931 Page 7

7.45—Ollendorff Review OVER THE RADIO 8.00-10.00—Same as WJZ SaWNfcN Nfc •N HM) 10.00—Barbasol Programme (£A«*ttA-&5J^™^ A series of broadcasts featuring 10.15—National Touring Objectives FOUNDED I889 original musical compositions in 10.30-11.00—Same as WJZ I * which the respective composers 11.00—Teaberry Sport Review s will conduct an NBC Salon orch­ 11-15—Jimmie Joy's Orchestra estra, will be inaugurated over an 11.30—Same as WJZ NBC-WJZ network tonight from • Cricket Gear i 7.45 to 8.00 p.m., and will be heard WTAM, Cleveland 280m.-1070kc. over this network each Thursday 7.00— Meditation Good Investments This season you will find our assort­ thereafter. 7.15—Baseball Scores ment of gear more complete than * * * 7.20—Twilight Reverie s A programme of selections under 7.30—Spang Bakers—Gene and Are Hard to Find, ever—die prices considerably lower. the title "In the Good Old Sum­ Glenn mertime" will be broadcast over 8.00-9.30—Same as WEAF an NBO-WJZ network tonight from 9.30—Sohio Programme BATS 8.30 to 8.45 p.m. The programme 10.00—Same as WEAF BUT there is one by "Spalding" and "Gunn and Moore" I will be presented by a male quartet 11.00—The Don Hall Rose Trio investment you can make that will bring made of thoroughly seasoned English assisted by an orchestra conducted 11.15—Same as WEAF an immediate dividend of health and by Thomas Belviso. 11.30—Euclid Beach Orchestra Willow-—clean, straight-grained blades s * * * 12.00—Musical Bulletin Board happiness. Needless to say it is an Elec­ with plenty of wood in the right place. TONIGHT'S PROGRAMMES oo trical labour saver; stoves, washing machines, pumps, vacuum cleaners— (Bermuda Time) MOVEMENTS OF SHIPS 25/- up I they all do the "dirty work" in no time; WEAF and WTIC 454m.-660kc. S.s. "Fernebo" (Ocean Dominion they relieve you of the "Chores" that are 7.00—Mid-Week Federation Hymn Line) is due to arrive from Mon­ Sing treal via Halifax today and found in every home. BALLS 7.30—Niagara-Hudson Programme will sail for the West Indies 8.00—Fleischmann Hour upon completion of discharging It is easy to have them, the company has that conform to the latest M. C C. 9.00—Arco Birthday Party cargo. Agent, Capt. R. M. Browne. instituted a new arrangement for gradual regulations* 9.30—Edwin Franko Goldman * * * Band S.s. "Veendam" (Furness Ber­ payments out of income. It is a good 9/6 up 10.00—B. A. Rolfe and his Lucky muda Line) is due to arrive from proposition for those of sound financial Strike Dance Orchestra New York tomorrow, sailing on Stumps, Leg-guards, BattingGloves, Wicket- 11.00—Bertie Sees the World—Skit return the following day at 9 a.m. standing. Phone 394 (Mr. Dunch, Sales keeping Gloves, Score Books, Cricket Mats, 11.15—Lido Country Club Orch. Agents, Watlington & Conyers. Dept.) for further news. 12.00—Sherbo's Continentals * * * Composition Balls. S.s. "Pan America" is due to ar­ BRITISH SPORTS DEPARTMENT WLW, Cincinnati 428m.-700kc. rive from New York tomorrow, 6.45-7.30—Same as WJZ sailing on return the following And 7.30—Dog Talk by Dr. Glenn day at 12.00 noon. Agents, J. S. Adams Darrell & Co. The Electric Light Company 7.45—Baseball Scores 8.00—WLW Highlights 00 *sW'^ 8.15—Same as WJZ <&&&* nr6.tu7.tli9. *&< 8.30—Netherland Plaza Orch. MAIL NOTICES ($J/-^ 9.00—To be Announced 9.15—Horseshoe Gardens Orch. Mails per S.s. Veendam for Great ^^^^C^«^ 9.30—Russian Airs Britain, Canada, and the United 10.00—Crimelights States of America will close at the 10.30—Same as WJZ General Post Office on Saturday:— 10.45—Hires Fireside Melodies Ordinary Mail at 6. a.m. 11.00—Hotel Gibson Orchestra Registered Mail and Parcel Post 11.30—Variety at 5. p.m. tomorrow. 11.45—Bob Newhall, Sport Slices * * * 12.00—Great Composers This is a Mails per S.s. Pan America for WOR, Newark 422m.-710kc. Great Britain, Canada, and the United States of America will close 7.15—Thermoid Brake Doctors at the Central Post Office on Satur­ PANAMA HAT 7.30—Hotel Astor Orchestra day :— 8.00—Hearing America with Guion Ordinary Mail at 12. noon. 8.30—Krueger's Extra Lively Boys Registered Mail at 12. noon. Summer! 8.45—Reminiscences of Victor * * * Herbert Mails per S.s. Lady Hawkins for 9.00—O. H. Caldwell the West Indies and British Guiana 9.15—Idolita Cigar Programme will close at the General Post Office Men are wearing Panamas more than ever 9.30—Merle Johnston's Saxophone on Saturday:— offer Quartet this summer. One of a fine plait, uniform Ordinary Mail at 4.30. p.m. 9.45—The Witch's Tale quality, drooping brim and trimmed 10.15—Woodworth's Clintonians Registered Mail and Parcel Post at 4. p.m. CRICKET GEAR 10.45—Globe Trotter narrow black ribbon, and a special feature 11.03—Nelson Glen Islanders which prolongs the life of the Hat, is € 5 by Wisden of England MAILS DESPATCHED 11.30—Moonbeams specially recommended. WJZ, New York 395m.-760kc. Mails leaving Bermuda Saturday the 11th, should connect with S.s. This renowned firm needs 6.45—Literary Digest Topics in Berengaria sailing from New York Brief—Lowell Thomas no introduction to Bermuda for Southampton on the 16th July, See this one before all others 7.00—Amos *n' Andy-—Sketch 1931. Cricketers. 7.15—Tastyeast Jesters A complete stock of Cricket 7.30—Phil Cook—the Quaker Man 00 7.45—The Composer Conducts Bats and Gear is ready for 8.00—Dixie Spiritual Singers your selection. 8.15—Rin Tin Tin Thriller INDIAN SINGING tor 25/ 8.30—In the Good Old Summer Time A spontaneous outlet for every 8.45—Sisters of the Skillet villager and for all the moods of the Special Disccunt to Clubs 9.30—Maxwell House Ensemble village was music. I can still hear XT 10.00—The Story Behind the Song the vibrant songs of a cartman I 10.30—Clara, Lu and Em—Sketch never saw to my knowledge, who 4423Wm.tu.tlj. 10.45—Willard Robison used to drive his lumbering cart 1\ J, PEARMAN & SON 11.00—Slumber Music along the road past my house at 11.30—Old Stager's Memories night. His 70ice had a strangely 4421tI

6Y &OL.UT, MA*4A£*E'

jooexgs By

George McManus ® Hi lot-I Feature Service, In*, qrejt BrHato HghU reserve* -jyain'.jjiLJiuj.L- ITHIU.-I i i T i -*Vj~riij :. I ! Page 8 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 9; 1931

Their Greatest Battle Post's and Gatty's Flight Brings . "U. S. Is Greatest" If Other Fast Globe-Girdlef s to Mhi3 * * * * * • *. Remarkable Speed Shown by Intrepid Pair in Circling tne World Greatly, Eclipses Records Set by Early Navigators of Sea, 'Round-World Armx Fliers, the German Graf Zeppelin and Others.'

W*?j-S-| A

"The greatest nation now existing on the face of the earth." _ That was the high compliment paid the United States by Prime Minister Ramsay Ma'cDonald (above), of Great Britain. The Premier, in speaking before the Independence Day dinner of the American So­ ciety in London, not only accorded the U. S. first honors, but highly praised President Hoover for his I - debt holiday plan. It was nothing short of a battle to fly the monoplane -Winnie Mae" round the globe in the record time of 8 days, 15 hours and 51 minutes, as Wiley Post and Harold Gatty know full well, but one of their hard­ est ordeals was battling the surging mob of 10,000 persons which wanted to get a glimpse of them after their arrival at Roosevelt Meld, N. Y. Commerce Head Here the fliers (indicated by arrows) are shown almost inundated by • policemen, newspapermen and the crowd as they are whisked from I field to hotel. Post is at right, with hand raised; Gatty at left. U S. ARMY 'ROUND Vds&r> F&Efes With Wiley Post's and Harold.Gatty's record-smashing globe-girdling flight fresh in one's mind, it's an appropri­ ate time to glance over other attempts to set records for circumnavigating the world. Ferdinand Magellan per­ haps caused the greatest excitement when he announced that he would sail around the earth. And his ship did it too although he was robbed of the climax by death in the Philippines. Jules Verne had a lot of fun sending his fictitious character, Phineas Fogg, around the world on a fictitious trip of 80 days. Then Nellie Bly came along as an adventurous newspaper woman and set a mark of 72 days, 6 hours and 11 minutes to shoot at. The Before and After U S Army round-the-world fliers in 1924 set an enviable record of 14 days, 15 hours' actual flying time in circling the globe during 175 days. Then along came John Mears and the late Oapt. Collyer, who flew and shipped around the world in 23 days, 15 hours and 21 minutes. The record, until Post and Gatty smashed it to bits, was held by the Graf Zeppelin, which negotiated the globe In 21 days, 7 hours and 34 minutes. But it won't be long untH some ambitious soul will be out trying to lower the mark just established. days, 6 hours and 11 minutes. NEW YORK, July 7.—Now that setting sail from Seville, Spain, Post and Gatty are safely back with the intention of circum­ With the advent of the^airplane, among us after completing a cir­ navigating the»globe. Magellan's speed records in all fields fell Frederick M. Feiker, newly ap­ cuit of the earth in the undreamed ship did complete the circuit, in thick and fast. Small wonder then pointed director of the Bureau of that we find the United States Foreign and Domestic Commerce, of time of 8 days 15 hours, during 1,083 days, but the gallant rover of the U, S. Department of Com-", which they put such places as Novo­ never lived to see the end of the Army fliers setting a new reeord merce, is shown seated at his desk adventure. He was killed in the for girdling the globe in 1924. The in Washington, D. C. He wini sibirsk, Irkutsk, Blagovestchensk keep his finger on the pulse o£| and Kharborovsk—which the aver­ Phillipmes en route. men who took part in the great ven­ ture are above left to right: Lt. business and economic conditions; age person can't even pronounce— The next man to have his sanity of the country. on the map, we may look*forward C. D. Schultze, Lt. ». H. Nelson, questioned on the 'round-the-world Lt. L. P. Arnold, Lt. Leigh Wade, to many attempts to lower their score was Jules Verne, who had great record. Captain Lowell Smith, and Lt. his character, Phineas Fogg, make John Harding. Jr. Naturally the question arises: a fictitious circuit of the earth in 80 The army flight ef planes flew First Job of Kind Who started all this 'round the days. But even a fictitious record the big circle in 14 days, 15 hours WO! Id competition?^For the answer wasn't allowed to stand and so we actual flying time, but it took 175 we must go back some 400 years find Nellie Bly, an adventurous days to get in that two weeks of when Ferdinandj[Magellan caused newspaper woman, attacking and flying. the sceptics of the period to make beating Fogg's record by complet­ loud queries as to his sanity by Then along came John H. Mears ing a trip round the world in 72 who, with the late Oapt ain C. B. D. Oollyer, made the round trip by plane and ship in S3 days, 15 As Plane Was First Sighted hours and 21 minutes. That was in 1928. The following year the Graf Zeppellin, commanded by Dr. Hugo Eckener, broke all records by flying from Lakehurst, N.J., around the world and back to the' starting point in 21 days, 7 hours and 34 minutes, total elapsed time.' Of course the actual flying time These two graphic pictures, the top one taken just before WQey Post was a great deal less than that, j and Harold Gatty hopped off from Roosevelt Field for their epochal That record was considered "round-the-world flight, and the lower one snapped a moment after almost unbeatable and when Post' they had wearily climbed out of the Winnie Mae upon their return to and Gatty announced their inten­ the same field, show the fatigue under which the famous airmen were The first woman to be named pro­ suffering after their 8-day-15-hour-51-minute flight. It was raining tion of surpassing it there was no bation officer in the Federal courts when the intrepid pair took off, as their rain-spattered coats indicate, lack of cold water throwers. Now! of Massachusetts is Mary Mc- but it was hot from milling thousands and booming flashlights as the world knows how they made' Sweeney (above), of West Con­ they returned. Post is shown at left. good, but when some ambitious1 cord, Mass. Miss McSweeney's father, Richard McSweehey, is also flier gai ly sets out to emulate their a probation officer in the Federal feat in half their time, the world] courts at Boston. He was the first will again turn sceptical and go^ to congratulate his attractive Missouri. • daughter on the unusual honor. '

Try to Beat Post-Gaity Mark A,*^* cll$?T arose from 10>000 throats eagerly awaiting the arrival' of Wiley Post and Harold Gatty at Roosevelt Field, N. Y„ as the! Winnie Mae was first sighted flying swiftly home to the field from which it had taken off on its epochal flight around the world only 8 days | New Seafighter Salutes Old and 15 hours before. Here the record-breaking monoplane is' shown SSW.PS PHs Of the deepening twilight of the west just a moment before *»*- it landed. j As U. S. Finance Met French

An attempt to replace the Stars and Stripes by the tri-color ef France ; in 'round-the-world flying records will be made when Joseph Lebrix i (left) and Marcel Doret, noted French fliers, take off from Paris for | Tokio on the first leg of what they hope will be a recorf-smashing 2?und world hop. They hope to reach Tokio in one jump, fly the Pacific to San Francisco next, cross tfee American continent in one K hop to New York and then follow the Lindbergh trail to Paris, • Secretary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon Is shown at left with OH Ironsides, rebuilt and reborn, sailing down to the seas she glort* Pierre Etienne Flandin, French Minister of Finance, when the two lfie^2?1 ^^ solemnpomp and'naval ceremony due the andenfe These two aviators tire now en route to Yokohama, where they representatives of their governments met for the first time in Paris seafighter. Overhead fb.es amoSem airplane, tv symbol of the new' will attempt the longest non-stop flight in the history of avia­ to discuss the one-year war debt holiday proposed by President Hoo* ? rax. Latest dispatches indicate that an accord has been reached be­ I w»m sea warfare. The plane presented its oldeV comradeTbf thl tion. They plan to fly from Yokohama, to Vancouver, a distance tween the United States and France through negotiations earriej fin Navy with an aerial salute as it circled ovejr the gallant U. S. & Con- of 4.800 miles, 4*waa»._.,. _.. Jf **!?!*?* Mellon. . ~§ y . stitution. The frigate u' shown under tow, bound for the nigh seas L » and ft slsl ta tU of. tha parti a* tii lnA^HBA4S& ?S THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY THURSDAY, JULY '9; 19311 Page 3


Before the Wor. H. V. Smith BISHOP

Samuel Chapman Gibbons was Bright Sunny Days charged with wandering abroad and not giving a satisfactory account of Funeral at St. George's Big Shady Hats himself yesterday morning at 12.20 H| A New; Shipment a.m. With impressive ceremony the Accused pleaded not guilty. funeral took place on Monday last One witness stated he saw Gib­ of Mrs. P. D. Bishop wife of Captain bons asleep on the porch of a church Philip D. Bishop M.O. 1st Kings 1 LADIES' in Court Street and reported the African Rifles. As recorded in a matter. Constable Percy Miller previous issue the death took place said that while on duty in the vicin­ in the King Edward Hospital on ity of the church he heard a sound Sunday night last, following a very BATHING SUITS of snoring coming from the porch. brief illness. The deceased attend­ This was at 12.20 a.m. The search ed the sports of the St. George's revealed the person of Samuel Grammar School on Friday after­ Chapman Gibbons, boots and hat noon, and at the conclusion com­ off and sound asleep. Accused was plained of feeling unwell, and was awakened and brought to the sta­ taken to the hospital where she One piece, with sun tion. A conviction was recorded passed away. The sad news came and a sentence of one month with in the nature of a shock to a wide backs, in all colours. Cool Summer Nights hard labour was imposed. circle of relatives and friends. * * * The funeral service took place in Smart Petite Models William Uriah Bloomfleld, la­ the Roman Catholic Church at bourer of no fixed abode, was charg­ St. George's, the deceased being a Hats are variable ed with being drunk and incapable member of this religious body, and 25/- at 1.50 a.m., yesterday morning. was conducted by the Rev. Father as September wea­ Accused pleaded guilty and asked Durney of Hamilton. The mourn­ ther for the leniency of the Court. ers included Capt. P. .D. Bishop The Magistrate -took into con­ (Husband) Dr. Graham Shelley New: Attractive! Reasonable sideration the fact that the accused (Father) and Mrs. Shelley, Lieut, had kept clear for eighteen months. and Mrs. Nichol. Beach Pyjamas and Robes A conviction was recorded and The bearers were Mr. W. E. Many, many hats accused was allowed to go with a Meyer, Mr. L.D. Fox M.O.P., Mr. caution. E. P. T. Tucker, Mr. F. S. Robertson, LitdeGirls, Big Girls 00 Mr. W. P. Mayne, Mr. H. L. Ingham. Following the service in the Small Boys too HAMILTON HOTEL NOTES Roman Catholic Church the cor­ tege went to the Cemetery where TRIMINGHAM BROTHERS the internment ceremony took It is expected that a large number place. of people will avail themselves of The WON.ANS SHOP the opportunity to hear the band Floral tributes were sent by concert Thursday evening on the Jackie, The Family, Lieut, and a! 1 Reid Street Hamilton Hotel Roof by the Mili­ Mrs. Nichol, Col. and Mrs. Jesson, tary Band of the B.V.E.C. A fine St. George's Chapter I.O.D.E, Revd. programme has been selected that A. T. Tucker, Mr and Mrs. A. St. should suit the tastes of all. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. Cousland, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Robertson, * * * Miss J. S. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. T. Noted on the Roof Tuesday even­ W. Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Mayne ing were Miss Nora Frith and Cap­ The Hon. S. S. and Mrs. Spurling, tain C. N. Bednall. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tucker and MEN'S CRICKET WEAR As Prices Drop... * # * Family, Mrs. Eric Virtue, Mr. and Another gay party consisted of Mrs. J. R. Pearson, Capt. and Mrs. WE'LL PASS THE SAVINGS ON! Miss Beatrice Hodgson, Miss Ann McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Bond, and Miss Ruth Hart all of Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Meyer, Men's Blue Flannel Blazers— 28/- to 40/- Philadelphia with Dr. Robert P. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Williams, Late prices on Silver-Plated Flatware have Wallace, Robert Delano and George Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Clifford and Men's Blue Flannel Caps— 3/- F. Baker, Jr., all of New York Crlpr Lloyd, Mrs. E. M. Moss and Family, gone lower, and the difference is reflected and now on the American yacht Mr. and Mrs. Hathway, Mr. and Men's White Flannel Pants—32/- to 37/6 "Viking." in our new low prices to our customers. Mrs. F. E. Gurr, Mr and Mrs P. B. Men's White Cricket Shirts— 6/- - 10/6 * * * Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Stopping at the Hamilton from Gibbons, Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, Men's Cricket Belts— 1/6 " 3/- some of the Southern States, are Commander and Mrs. Landman, IN THREE PATTERNS:- Miss Betty Wooten of Atlanta, Ga., < w Mr. Philip and Miss Lightbourn, "Anniversary**—* Lufberry —"Mayfair" Miss Connie Pearce of Gainsville, Staff and Workmen Bermuda Rail­ ALSO Ga., Miss Bess Gilmore of Big way Co. Ferry Point, Staff of Bal­ Stone Gap. Va., and Miss Elizabeth 20/- Articles are now 17/- four Beatty and Co. Ltd, Mr and Handkerchiefs, Ties, White Linen Caps, Bowie of Jefferson City, North Mrs. H. O. Jones, Mrs. Vaughan 10/- " • now 8/6 Carolina. Pugh, Mrs. Hurd, Nurse Pearson, Hosiery, etc Other pieces in proportion * * * Mrs. Lant, Mrs. W. B. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Lach of Pitts­ Mrs. Gerald Peniston, Mr. and Mrs. All most reasonably priced burgh, Pa., are spending a few days Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sylvester, THREE DISCONTINUED DESIGNS:- at the Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Boyle, Mr. * * * and Mrs, W, Sylvester, Mr. and Triumph" "La France" "Heraldic" Mrs. P. B. Feeney, and Mrs. Mrs. Gilberg, Miss Pugh, Mr. Irene Feeney, of Irvington, N.J., Hubert Turini, Miss Lutes, Mr. and Are now J^ off. and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCarthy Mrs. Honeybourne, Mr. A. J. and COX & WILSON of Bloomfleld, N.J., arrived at the Miss Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. R. 12/- Articles are now 8/- Hamilton Wednesday morning on Swainson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Queen Street Other pieces in proportion the "Lady Somers." Fox, Mr. Leon Fox M.C.P., Mr. 4478«MIth. oo A. M. Minors, Mr, W. C. Arnelt, Mrs. J. S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. DENTAL INSPECTION IN B. V. Smith, Mr. H. D. Manley, Mrs. Spedon and Family, Miss E. SCHOOLS URGED Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Virtue, E. M. ASTWOOD'S Mrs. F. K. Outerbridge and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Leighton, Mrs. Claude Front and Queen Streets... Hamilton MONTREAL.—(By The Canadian McCalland and Eleanor, Mr. and and at St. George's Press)—Dental inspection and treat­ Mrs. H. Highinbotham, Mr. and 4370«I«h. ment for school children through­ Mrs. C. T. Outerbridge. out the province was recommended as a means of cutting down on the number of "repeating" students, many of whom are backward in their studies due to dental troubles, Headache, by Dr. A. L. Walsh, acting dean of the faculty of dentistry at McGill Youths' University, who believed that several estion hundreds of thousands of dollars would be saved annually by such \r% LONG PANTS an action. Speaking at the Lions Club recently, Dr. Walsh told of the importance of looking after the m For over half a teeth of children. Many boys, century Dr. Chase's backward in their lessons on ac­ £^4K> Kidney and Liver Pills %m Morning, noon and night you'll say count of teeth troubles, often v& have proves successful ill promptly relieving torpid, slug­ It's uniform and good each day LINEN turned from school when their gish action of the Liver, Kid­ teachers accused them of being a neys and Bowels and the legion BUTTER CRUST BREAD "dullard" and later drifted into of ills that arises therefrom. CRASH U criminal ways, he claimed. 1 Dr. Walsh remarked on the i Ask Your Qrocer SUITS serious lack of dentists in' this Dr^ Chase's province, where, he said, there are BERMUDA BAKERY, LIMITED only about 850 dental practitioners KIDNEYtjJVER PILLS to look after a population of 2,700- In Bermuda The Dr. Chase Medicine Co., is repre­ 000. sented by J.S. Vallis who carries a large stock and Mannish—Yes! But then he is 00 will supply the trade promptly. The roots of political vice run probably like his Dad—Then down into the business world.— again Mother likes to see her big Paul Blanshard, City Affairs Com­ mittee. JLasty- iemptingX Boy in long Pants. These Suits * * * are really well made: the linen We are in vastly greater danger as a people from New Yorkism than we Jell-0 of excellent quality— are from communism.—Joy Elmer \Its as good to eat as Morgan. to look at 13 to 18 years

52/6 NEW-HUDSON BICYCLES j,-t (Slightly Used) |§ Selling at BARGAIN PRICES YOUNG BROTHERS J. B. ASTWOOD & SON Queen Street . 4173«J«Jw.e.tp, 4479Wh. :£jL Neverout Lamps 16/- TorchiBrackets 2/- While They Last—ASTWOOD'S. —-^1_1_^.:'^—T mm _^ ^


Classified ^S5WWW Advertisements RALEIGH I FOUND FOUND—Sum of Money In Ber- * mude Press Office. Owner may have same by proving property THE ALL-STEEL BICYCLE and paying for this advertise­ One Penny Per £ Per Month ment, ^ aVea> ASI'OC^ /US/ //J fm.eitp. Cheap Money- 1 - WADSON'S LOST 4373
