' j NEW YORK, SUNDAY, APRIL 9, 1922. 1.8S i

UAtftBt rtn a}a*l News and Sidelights of Socie ihq oft} A Gala Meetingc^of^ < Round of Gayeties to Begin Welcome to ei» Yr. iUot yiaai Easter v lSCOllTlt'eS&i)A'S&CHfi With Monday Night i* .aaiJivin^ bawollol hfta Final Subscription Dances of the Season Arranged.! Miss Ruth Morgan t&atomttj# Exodus to Europe Offset by Many Men and of Committee.To " in Town Women of Society Returning From Abroad. Ell boiiild no noarionuf'- liRANGEMENTS h«vt»,/. lwnt WITH this -week the season of Lent will come to an end, and while completed for the> ffftlk. rffefcN that period that is supposed to be devoted to deeds of self denial A ing of welcome to bo jr. etintvfc has been moderately gay, there has been no entertainment of the Town Hall on the night of.A$ufi.k.}# note such as marked the earlier part of the long fashionable season. In for Lady Astor, who is comingrjfrQin her homo in London for a short sstay retrospect there is a season to recall that has exceeded even those of pre¬ in this country. war this been due to the number of debutantes which ^ days and has great Women of prominence in the'sq^lj more than passed the hundred mark and for whom it was necessary to life of New York, particularly t|)p^ begin the long succession of receptions, dinners, theater parties and who are members of the New Yonie dances as lar back as the early days of last November. City League of Women Voters, ar® The staying power of these aspirants to the bountiful favors of society planning the event. Lady Astor is>£j sympathy with all the women here in* has been tested and seem to be none the worse for all that has been they terested in voting and in public Ufa. done for their diversion. It was a rather difficult matter to settle down Miss Ruth Morgan, president of th4 to a humdrum life that the Lenten season prescribes, and while there have Colony Club, as chairman of the com* been numerous gatherings of the younger element they have been for mittee of arrangements, will give thd official welcome and to Vls« philanthropic or charitable purposes and there have been raised substan¬ greeting countess Astor from the platform of tial amounts to on one Institution or another whose needs always carry the hall, where out of compliment to seem to be multiplying. the distinguished visitor will be deco« rations of American and English flags With Easter week there will begin another round of entertainments and insignia. MISS Among those who have dbtalned to raise funds for charity and combined with these calls upon one's purse BEATRICE. boxes for that night are Mutes. Charles there will be otherwise to make the week notable with the many BATTERMAN Dana Gibson. A. Ronald Tree, DwighA plenty of THE JUNIOR;. W. Morrow, J. Borden Harrim&n, Her¬ weddings that are to be celebrated in town. The season for country nup¬ COMMUTE FOR THE bert L. Pratt, Henry Rogers Winthrop, seem be but few such in AVIATORS' OF Stanley McCcrmlck, James Rus«=«ll tials is weeks ahead and there to prospect, although BALL, I'arsons. Willard Straight, John* W. midsummer may witness some important marriages. Climatic conditions APRILS Davis. August Belmont. Henry P. DavtV MRS PHOTO bf A. * Pu*oht_ ¦yyOtCft here are not conducive to a supplementary season of dances, but there will son, Douglas Robinson and George 8. SHANNON Brewster. The headquarter* of th®i be a few subscription parties, in each case the last of a series. LORD league is besieged with applicants tor faster Monday night will see""the final Coffee Dance in the ballroom of tickets so that interest in the MEANy ASSIST^ _ meeting the Cosmopolitan Club and the subscribers, including young married people, I NO- IN THE is being expressed in a pronounced and ARRAtfSE^ Mrs. practical way. will come on from dinners to the club for their coffee. Mrs. Theron R. Strong MENTS FOR, THE BALL Lydig Hoyi Another event which Lady Astofj lias directed these dances during the winter. The final meeting of the IN AID OF THE NATIONAL probably will attend is the Sunrise ball! Theater to be held at the Ambassador on the with supper and dancing, will be held on the night ol NAVy CLUB. to Manage Midnight Club, Putro lu »/Mf DUPOtn evening of April 20. Mrs. Newbold Le* April 19 in the ballroom of the Ambassador, and as there is a surplus at the Fair Roy Edgar, who is at the head of thet of funds left over from the previous dances there will be some money, which Street dance committee, has sent a cable mw->] Mrs. Edward N. suge to Lady Astor asking her to to be will be devoted to a charity. Mrs. Richard T. Wilson, a guest at the ball. Breitung and Mrs. T. J. Oakley Rhinelander have comprised the women's Circus and Dolls' Fashion In orrior to stimulate Interest In the; committee of these dances, which have been decidedly successful. Plan Pageant for dance Mrs. Kdgar has invited all th« the last of the Mid-Winter Other Novelties for patrons and patronesses of the event to' Another gathering to mark Easter week will be Show hear an informal talk on Tuesday after¬ Dances,- which were organized three years ago and which have since held a de¬ Aviators' Ball at noon at the Ambaswador by Mr. Albert! cidedly enviable place. These dances have not taken into consideration the Three Day Event. W. Randall, who is in rharge of the' debutantes, for whom so many provisions have been made, but their sub¬ the Hotel Astor welfare work at the Church of St. scribers have Included young married people and young women who were Mark's-in-the-Bouwerle. several The last dance of the PRELIMINARY arrangements are As the expenses of the ball all have numbered aftmnn* the debutantes years ago. the entire will be be held in the main ballroom of the Ritz-Carlton, and the forthcom¬ been donated receipts series for this season is to Will Take Tart in being made for given to th« committee, who will erect In advance of it there will be numerous dinners. The committee includes Debutantes MISS HOPE. ing street fair for the benefit stations where men from sunrise ti C. Fraaer, Dave Hennen WALDRON Mmes. Jonathan Bulkley, Rudolph H. Kissel, George 011 21-.Gov- of the Association for the Aid of Crip¬ noontime can find the means to maka Morris, Wilfred I. Worcester. Philip Q. Bartlett, Richard M. Hurd, Pierre Jay, Spectacle April WILLIAMS themselves cl^an and presentable at lio' John Sherman Hoyt and Frederic W. Lincoln. crnor Attend. WHO WILL 5E pled Children, to be held in the open cost to themselves. This method ot' May MARRIEO TO MR. air for three days, beginning May 17. helping nr>n to help themselves is sural and the at the ocean R. BARTOW R-EAD, to be appreciated by hundreds of men The European exodus continues, gatherings great The spot chosen is in Park avenue, have or none shores are like those of NEXT THURSDAY who poor sleeping quarters steamships on the days of their sailing for foreign HE list of patrons and patron- and tho central plazas extending from at all. other times. Floral tributes are piled up In the cabins and there is as of yore Photo CAM^aeit 3tud/o3 the many the csses for th.} fourth utimial ly to Fiftieth street will Among patronesses Mrs^ a crowd to waft bon voyage to relatives and friends. Mrs. Forty-seventh Charles Dana Gibson, a sister of I.*dy mailed last week, and It is her plan to go to the South of France to Join her aviators' ball, to be held at tho bo used. There will be everything Astor. also Mmes. John Aspegren, Wll- son-in-law and daughter, Sir John und Lady Ward, who were here the early Hotel Astor cn Monday evening, April from a circus and merry go round to ber A. Bloodjrood. Harry Harknessl Mrs. Reid most of her winters abroad when Flagler, Joseph Ol^ndenln, William part of the winter. passed 24, will be headed by Gov. and Mrs. an open air theater, and the last men¬ Norman Donn Barber. Cor¬ the late Whitelaw Reid. was the American Minister to France Guthrie. Iter husband, Nathan Miller, according to invita¬ tioned will be managed by Mrs. Lydig nelius N. Bliss, Jr.: Charles H. Guye, and later in London, when he -was the Ambassador to the Court of St. James. Ned Arden Flood, Tlowland H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Courtland Field Bishop and their daughter. Miss Beatrice tions which have Just been issued by Ifoyt. Mr. Francis Burrall Hoffman. A. F. Lauterhach. Hermann M. Bigg*.! Bend Bishop, who sailed last week on board the , will motor on the Conti¬ the committee. The presence of the Jr.. is drawing the plans for the booths Gordon Knox Bell and Jacquee Cartler. nent, and they also will go to Brussels to pass some time with the recently ap¬ Governor with his military staff, to¬ and other buildings, the decorations Miss Wanden Mathews Is at the head Ambassador to Belgium and Mrs. Henry Prather Fletcher, of the dance committee that includes' pointed American gether with of of which are to be Mrs. Mrs. sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Barrows have planned high ranKing officers designed by most of the debutantes of the winter. (he latter being Bishop's the Army, Navy and Marino Corps and Tickets at l"> each may be summer abroad. will sail on board the Paris on April A. Stewart Walker. The fair will be obtained! an interesting They all aviation officers Is ex¬ from Miss Anne Shlngleur. at the Am-1 their Miss Sarah F. Barrows, and after passing i;i uniform. modeled after those that have been 26, accompanied by daughter, to add even more than in re- bassador. will motor to Rome and other parts of . They will pected *ome time in Paris Cfnt years to the military character such a feature of the season in South¬ Tiot open Wonderlea. their summer place In Seabright, N. J. Mrs. Richard Calendar of Social ampton, L. I., for several summers. last has to of the ball. Novel Features Stevens, who went to the White Sulphur Springs week, arranged Fifty of New York's debutantes who Mrs. Arthur B. Claflln is chairman Many Homeric and in England will be joined her Events for the Week of the committee and among her aa- tall on board the May 6, by pre working wish the aviators for the For Navy Club Ball1 Miss Stevens, who has been abroad nearly a year. Mrs. fuccess of the hall, under the direction s:-Uints will bo Mrs. Lyftleton Fox. Mrs. daughter. Dorothy Barton French and Mrs. H. O. Burke Roche has decided to sail on April 26 for the summer. of Miss Barbara Brokaw, will take pari TO-DAY.L«ecture by Miss Mar¬ George Mr. Edwin H. Denby, Secretary of tha in a "Pageant of the Air." to Havemeyer. according guerite Clement, Fellow of tho Amonu the many novelties will be a Navy, and Mr. . A*! who has been for the greater part of the winter plans made at a tea party Riven for Countess Scherr-Thoss, the University of Paris, in aid o? the Polls' Fashion Show, which Mrs. H. Lc Blatant Secretary of the Navy, are and Mr. and Mrs. Henry White, sailed last week Junior committee at the Plaza Motel fund of the French Or¬ will There mucjj with her father stepmother, on Wednesday afternoon. The pageant COMMITTEE FOR. THE building Boy Whitney superintend. Interested In the ball which will be held Before her husband in Oermany she will NAVY BALL OF APRIL 18, of Vincent de also will he a soda fountain presided on hoard the Rotterdam. joining is being arranged by Mr. Francis Mar- PH9TO A/MB DUPoHT. phan Asylum St. baW« France and Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Fahne- fra ballroom of the over by Mrs. George B. D. Schleffelln. on the night of April If. In the inako visits in England, Belgium. hoe. assisted by MIsh Emily Chauncey Paul, Colony room of the for the benefit their country in Shrewsbury, 4 M. .Mrs. Albert Z. Gray and Mrs. Joseph Rlt*-Oarlton, htock will not open Shadow Brook Farm, place and Miss Barbara Brokaw. Among those Club, P. will aid Mrs. J. Rob¬ of the National Navy Club. on board the 23 who arc are the Misses 907 E. Pavis Randolph X. ,T.. but instead will sail with their children Aqultiania May taking part Mrs. George L. Rives, inson at the candy booth, and associated A row of boxes will be plared arouWl autumn. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Br«»kaw have leased for the Elizabeth Andrade, Beatrice Batterman, Fifth avenue, meeting of the the ballroom floor, where refresh- to remain until Constance with Mrs. Lydig Hoyt In the manage¬ light summer Frost. Mill Lodge, In Little Neck, L. I., and with their daughters. Banks. Mary Alle*> Barney, Amateur Musical Club, evening. ment of the theater will be Mrs. W. ments will be served. Among the T*»r- June remain several Phyllis Batcheller, Alice Beadieston, rhasers are Mrs. Julian W. Robblns. Mr* Misses Barbara and Mimi Brokaw, will sail early in to Harriet Camac, Maud Cabot. Dolores MONDAY.Concert to benefit the Adams Delano, Mrs. Otto H. Kahn anil Mrs. Mintirn Pinchot and her daughter. Miss Rosamond Pinchot, Notable Easter Miss Katherlne Mackay. Duncan Harris. Mrs. Patrick A. VaAen- months. Carliio, Nina Chatlllon, Elizabeth Clarke. Weddings Columbus Hill Day Nursery, tlne. Miss May T. Moulton, Mrs. Edwi>& There will be erected on one of the are to sail this week, and will remain* for the summer. Miss Pinchot will be Florence Ciendcnln, Dorothy Collins, home of Mr. T..ewisohn, Adolph plazas a floor for dancing. This part Tolfree, Mrs. E. Clarkson Potter nql tmong the debutantes of next season. Marjorle Cleveland. Diane Dalzicl, Mar¬ 8 81 Fifth avenue, 4 P. M. of the fair will be directed by Mr. Law¬ Messrs. Jamfi< Speyer. Paul Hamn»#*.. Mrs. Samuel on the hls:h seas bound for this port. Townsend, WEDNESDAY.Sale in aid of the keep section of the city clear ot iAncey LamtttM) are on the after several of President and later was heavy traffic and from morning until Mrs. John T. Pratt, Mrs. Clarence VVtukC* went abroad In February, Homeric, having passed ASTEK week will be crowded McKinley Lincoln and Home, weeks in Monte Nice and Paris. They will be at 237 Madison avenue Pavlov/a Will Dance made Secrt-tary of Commerce and Hospital night there w ill be. many Inducements to Trlppe, Mrs. Joseph W. Burden. Carlo, with weddings, as dates for babor after tliat department wm house of Mrs. Arthur Curtiss make for those .Tames Watson Webb, Mrs. Theodore the end of when will ko to Forest Edge Farm, their country p purchases who have May. they - until At Farm Benefit them are being announced created. During President Roosevelt's James, 39 East Sixty ninth funds to spare. Mrs. Kdgar S. Auchin¬ Douglns Robinson, Mrs Hamilton iFJsh. In Locust Valley. Miss Emily Sloane Hammond, daughter of Mr. and Hope f Imt term lie was of the Is Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dillon, Mrs Wftls place An interesting one on Easter Secretary street, 3 to 6 P. M. closs. Jr.. president of the association Mrs. John Henry Hammond, who has been abroad several weeka, also is a daily. Treasury and waa Postmaster-General for which aid Is needed. ter A. Vail. Mr. and Mrs. George 8, .BR. Hope Farm, a community for chil¬ tout which will take THURSDAY . Wedding of Miss passenger by the Homeric. While abroad she haa been part of the time with dren, founded by the late Hlshop Greer, Tuesday, April 18, during his sccbnd term. George. Mrs. August. Belmont, Mrs. BhPt her Mr. and Mrs. William Jay Schleffelln. out of town, will be that of Miss Hope Waldron Williams, a ton Cuyler. Mrs. H. Bartow Farr> tutd relatives, which Is in Verbank, Dutchess county, place of the lato Mr. and Mrs. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Perry Belmont, who have been abroad two years, plan to will benefit the enter¬ Irwin of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Kate Wyman Griffin, daughter daughter French Woman to Richard Robinson. substantially by Fearn, daughter of Dr. A. will be another Waldron to Mr. R. Speak l**turn this spring, and they expect to be in Newport for the summer. Mrs. tainment which will be given on the George Fearn, Jr., of Mobile, Ala., to Jtenry Griffin, Williams, of 24 of the brtdes of Raster week. She will Bartow Read, home of the bride's On Rue Politics Belmont's sister, Mrs. Peter Lynch, who has been living in Paris for twenty night April in the Metropolitan Mr. OeorKe B. Cortelyou, Jr., son of be to Mr. Chamber- D'Orsay Dominican Opera House by Pavlowa and the mem¬ married W. Macy sister, Mrs. John T. Terry, Jr., Academy years, now is hero visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robert L. Hoguet. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Cortelyou of lin, a son by a former marriage of Through the courtesy of Miss Marie bers of her company, who have not ap¬ of N. Lawrence, L. I., Afternoon. Alumnae Dartt!6 In the house for some New York and Biverdale. M rs. George Davis Barron Itye, La Montague of 570 Park avenue h lec¬ peared years . Observance of Good Dinners, dancing and calesthenlcs will be features of an entertainment to seats The wedding will take place In All Y., on Thursday afternoon, April 1!0. In FRIDAY ture for the building fund of the French rr. Boxes and for that night already cere¬ The annual dance of the Alumnm ofi bo held at Pierre's on the night of April 17, when the beneficiary will be the have been secured by Mrnes. Charles D. Saints' Episcopal Church In Mobile, St. Bartholomew's Church. The Friday. Orphan Asylum of St. Vincent de Paul of the New York Tables for dinner and T. W. and Mr. and Mrs. and their mony will be followed by a reception at of the Sat¬ In Tarrytown will be given this after¬ the Dominican Academy will be held a Wolfe. Among the many patronesses Mmes. Cornelius Vanderbllt, cheslra seats Hemphill, Robert Sollace Mrs, Bd ward La Montsgne. was one of M. P. may be obtained from Mrs. best man, Mitchell of Jacksonville, Kla. A. Burke, Mies T. Brull, Mrs. Martin F. Whitney Warren, J.'Norman de tt. Whitehouse, Grayson Murphy, Henry Alfred Seton, 7 West Fifty-second street. the founders of the asylum sixty years I'allagv, Mr?. P. J. CVisktty, Mrs. Jo- Richard T. Wilson. John H. Charles C. R. Thornton The wedding will unite members of N. Y. U. Cast to Act ago. Tickets may ibe obtained from dn Pont, Wyckoff, Rumsey, All other seats are on sale at the box of mourning, relatives »eph ,i. Dillon, Mrs. William H. Doo- Wilson. Herbert L. Pratt, H. Caslmlr de Rham, E. Henry Harriman, Joseph office. two families who have been friends for Because only Miss La Montagne. llttle. Mrs. VVancta A. Plytin. Mrs. Cor¬ Miss Fearn first became and a few Intimate friends will be nnked In 'The First Year' Earle Stevens, Kenneth Taylor, Jumes Lowell Putnam, W. Fltz Hugh White- many years. of Mrs. Elizabeth Powel nelius Gallagher. Mrs. Martin T. Har¬ TO D.tJICK FOR IICHriTA?.. with Mr. when to the marriage SA1.K at iiomf. or >ms. Mr*, l.awrenre Mrs. house. Allen Gouverneur Wellman, Arnold Whltrldge, John A. Hartwell, Robert acquainted Cortelyou Campbell, widow of W. Halllie Kraser The following cant hns been selected vey. P. Glbney, Fulton and Frederick O. Beach. School children of he was connected with the gas com¬ of Mrs. Robert An Faster exhibition and sale of George J. Glllespl<\ Mrs. Augustus Croll, L. Stevens, Arthur Isclln, Cutting leading families Campbell and daughter for the New York University student Mrs. will aid the New York Skin and Cancer pany of Mobile. During the war she ,f. Hare Powel of Ardsley mi Hudson, of "The Klr«t which woven rugs, knitting bags and garden Mrs. Henry Haggerty, Harry work In production Year." Maggerty, Mrs. John J. Hearn, Mrs. Juniors In are to do their bit on Saturday In Easter Hospital by an exhibition of classic did hospital this city, but re¬ to Mr. Slgourney B. Olney, son of the will be given at the lynngaore Theater baskets made by tnmatrs of the home society solnp week, dances under the of returned to her homo in Mobile. B. which will take of Lincoln Hospital and Thnmas Keary, Mrs. William A. Kati> when the members of St. Guild of St. Mary's Free for direction Miss cently lnte Peter Olney, lOaster Monday. April 17: department K- Mrs P. Christopher's Hospital Harris In the Plata the after¬ Mr. Cortelyou. who was on Tuesday afternoon, 1*. Home will be held next Wedr.esday af¬ Mrs. Hugh liy. William Ken¬ Children will hold their tenth annual tea, bazaar and dance In aid of the hos¬ George graduated place April Ortct Livingston Ml" Rose flols* 2d. Mrs. Alfred Leader. Mrs. noon of Afirll 27. Mrs. Eugene S. from Yale In 191.1, served In France us in Grace Church Chantry, Mr. Peter B. Mr. Livingston William Behoof ternoon at the house of Mrs. Arthur ny Timothy pital at the home of Mrs. Edward R. Staettlnius. 1021 Park avenue. Miss 320 Park av»mie, has tickets on of the will be best man for his brother. Mrs. Livingston Minn Elisabeth Rubin Curtias James, 39 Fast Sixty-ninth I), l.ehane, Mrs. Dennis McAullffe, Mra, Reynal. Captain Seventeenth Engineers. Olney J. Amy Bowring Is chairman nnd Miss Barbara Brokaw secretary of the guild- sale, and among others Interested are His brother, Mr. William Wlnthrop There will be no other attendants. Or Anderson Rlrhnrd E Lambert street. Among the officers are Otmes. James Mel.irney, Mrs. Daniel Men- ]>l' k Lorlng frank K. Cecesrclll Al¬ nan. Mr* John P. Mulgrew, Mra. M. Miss Mary Alice Barney will act as chairman of the dance committee, and Mmn Cameron Tiffany, W. B. Osgood Cortelyou, Is still In France, where he Thomas Tucker Mlehael t. Rechler neorge A. l-egg. Andrew J. Miller. Field, Henry Rogers Wlnthrop, Samuel has been for tbe last, three years study¬ Ml»* fred Van 8. Olcott. Armltage Whitman, Muller, Mrs. Krancl* J. Murphy, Mrs. her associates will be Misses Clarlssc de Hham. Carlotte Havemeyer, Marlon Miss Hope Williams, youngest daugh¬ Initio Rutli Hornung Morgan J. O'Bi ten, Mrs. William P. de Rham. Susan Glbney, Jeanne Beynal and Marjorie Taylor; also Messrs. Adams Clark, John 8. Rogers, Frederic ing miisir. During tho war he was with ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Waldron Mr. Rsrntow Charlon K. Brown Landon K Thome. Henry L. Stlmaon, Nellson, Clarence G. Dlnsmore. James the French army, first In tho ambulance Williams, who will be married to Mr. R. Mr*. Harstow Miss Rita Oluek Paul Townsend Jones, Benjamin T. O'Connor, Mrs. P. Iranian. Mlsa Isabel Philip Gallatin Cammann, C. Temple Emmet, Jr.; William J. Maddox, A. Coster L. Barclay, Charles de Rham, George A. service and later with tho French artil¬ The performance will be for the en¬ I Tllton, Van Santvoord Merle Smith and Sullivan and Mrs. William J. Tlernay. Bchermerhora, Frank M. McLaughlin and William Fanshawe Whit*. Legg and Stanley Mortimer. lery. Their father wa» private iecretary Continued on Tnge Thirteen. dow} lent fund. I Frar* H. Piatt. t« Th» Club do Vlngt Orchestra wW playv