1"Headquarters | Wt Corps January 1945
a. 1"HEADQUARTERS | WT CORPS JANUARY 1945 SECRET HEKHKRHHR HHH = * SECRET * HEADQUARTERS III CORPS * AUTH: asa i Office of the Commanding General ¥*INIT: = APO #303, U. S. Army *DATE: T Feb 45 * HHHRH HE RH RK GNNLF - 1 February 1945 SUBJECT: Action Against Enemy, Reports After. THRU + Commanding General, Third U. S. Army, APO 403, U. S. Army. TO : The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D. C. Section I - Introduction. Section II - Narrative of Operations. Section III - Summary of Operations. Section IV - Intelligence Summary. Section ~-V - Supply and Evacuation Summary. Section VI - Personnel summary. Section VII - Civil Affairs summary. Section VIII - Engineers Summary of Operations. Section IX - Signal Summary of Operations, Annexes: 1. Operations Maps 1 a through 1 h. 2. Map: Intelligence. 3. Engineer Operations Maps 3 a and 3 be 4. Map: Supply and Evacuation. 5. Station Lists. 6. Roster of Officers, Hq III Corps. 7. Report, Hq & Hq Btry, III Corps Arty w/1 Incl. (Incl withdrawn and forwarded separately.) SECTION I- INTRODUCTION 1. Authority: This After Action Report is submitted in compliance with paragraph 10, Change 3, AR 345-105. It is the second report of its kind submitted by this headquarters, and recounts the action which followed the relief of BASTOGNE, when the enemy was forced to withdraw from his penetration into BELGIUM and LUXEMBOURG, and retreat to the Siegfried Line. It covers the period 1 January 1945 through 31 January 1945. 2. Command: During the month of January, III Corps, commanded by Major General John Millikin, was a part of Lt. General George S. Patton's Third United States Army.
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