An Enumerative Geometry Framework for Algorithmic Line Problems in R3∗
SIAM J. COMPUT. c 2002 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 1212–1228 AN ENUMERATIVE GEOMETRY FRAMEWORK FOR ALGORITHMIC LINE PROBLEMS IN R3∗ THORSTEN THEOBALD† Abstract. We investigate the enumerative geometry aspects of algorithmic line problems when the admissible bodies are balls or polytopes. For this purpose, we study the common tangent lines/transversals to k balls of arbitrary radii and 4 − k lines in R3. In particular, we compute tight upper bounds for the maximum number of real common tangents/transversals in these cases. Our results extend the results of Macdonald, Pach, and Theobald who investigated common tangents to four unit balls in R3 [Discrete Comput. Geom., 26 (2001), pp. 1–17]. Key words. tangents, balls, transversals, lines, enumerative geometry, real solutions, computa- tional geometry AMS subject classifications. 14N10, 68U05, 51M30, 14P99, 52C45 PII. S009753970038050X 1. Introduction. Algorithmic questions involving lines in R3 belong to the fun- damental problems in computational geometry [36, 26], computer graphics [28], and robotics [33]. As an initial reference example from computational geometry, consider the problem of determining which bodies of a given scene cannot be seen from any viewpoint outside of the scene. From the geometric point of view, this leads to the problem of determining the common tangents to four given bodies in R3 (cf. section 2). Other algorithmic tasks leading to the same geometric core problem include com- puting smallest enclosing cylinders [32], computing geometric permutations/stabbing lines [27, 2], controlling a laser beam in manufacturing [26], or solving placement problems in geometric modeling [10, 17].
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