EX-POW BULLETIN the official voice of the American Ex-Prisoners of War Volume 71 www .axpo w .or g Number 7/8 July/August 2014 We exist to help those who cannot help themselves table of contents July/August 2014 officers/directors 4 BREAKING NEWS: After nearly five years in captivity, the last commander 5 servicemember unaccounted for from the wars in Iraq and Af- nso 6 ghanistan has been freed in exchange for five Guantanamo Bay medsearch 7 detainees who will be transferred to Qatar, which helped facilitate andersonville 11 the deal. namPOW 12 legislative 13 As we go to press, Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, 28, is under the care outreach 14 of the U.S. military after being handed over by his captors in Af- pow-mia 15 ghanistan, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said in a statement civilian 16 May 31st. The resident of Hailey, Idaho, was serving in a para- events, looking for 18 chute infantry regiment of the Army’s 25th Infantry Division when jr. ranger program 19 he was captured in Afghanistan on June 30, 2009. Charter 21 News 22 August 10... “buzz bunny” 29 On this day in 1945, just a voluntary funding 31 day after the bombing of contributions 32 Nagasaki, Japan submits its new members 33 acquiescence to the Potsdam taps 34 Conference terms of uncon- chaplain 36 ditional surrender, as Presi- raffle 39 dent Harry S. Truman orders quartermaster 42 a halt to atomic bombing. Emperor Hirohito, having re- Publisher mained aloof from the daily PNC Maurice Sharp decisions of prosecuting the 9716 54th Street CT West war, rubber-stamping the de- University Place, WA cisions of his War Council, 98467(253) 565-0444 including the decision to
[email protected] bomb Pearl Harbor, finally Editor felt compelled to do more.