Class of 1962 Motto: “Our ship is at sea, where will it anchor? Colors: Lavender and Silver Flower: Orchid Nancy Avenson (Kath) 211717 SE 279th Street Maple Valley, WA 98039 Telephone: 425-433-0852 Cell: 253-350-9542
[email protected] Birthday: October 26, 1944 Spouse/Partner: Gil Kath - Married 12/28/1962 Children: Daphne, 1964; John Kyle 1995, Adam 1999 Jason, 1965; Whitney 1989, Mikayla 1997 Jolene, 1970; Christopher 1988, Kimmy 1990 Occupation: Walmart Cashier and Retired Comments: I retired in 2003 after working 25 years at Itasca-Mantrap Co-op Electrical Assn. (REA) in Park Rapids. Then moved to the Great Northwest Pacific area. We had lived out here in the late 1960's and I always planned on retiring here. Also, all 3 children moved to this area before I did. I guess they heard me tell them how much I liked the climate, etc. so they came to check it out first. LOL. They have lived here since the mid 1980"s. School Story: Thinking back, I always had the feeling of what I will refer to as segregation. We had the "town kids" and the "country kids". We did not have any late after school buses, which would have helped in allowing all kids to take advantage of after school activities. Some country kids would be able to stay late whose parents could arrange transportation. I am so glad that the district solved the problem by scheduling late buses. I remember trying out for the Junior Class play and was very concerned about staying late and if I could drive to school so that I would be able to drive home afterwards.