THE AUSTRALIAN IRISH HERITAGE NETWORK No 4, June 2008 PRINT POST APPROVED PP 336663/00047 Dispelling the Myths Patricia O'Connor Farewelling Greg Dening Peter Steele S.J. ! ! ! " R$ % &S R% ( %S )* +, &)* +, & R$ - S . / 0 . 1 / 2 ) 3/ +4,, 554 678 Tinteán No 4, June 2008 Tinteán is a publication of the Contents Australian Irish Heritage Network Regulars 2 Letters: The Lass of Aughrim; Compliments & Corrections PO Box 13095, Law Courts, 3 Editorial: Celts in the British Isles, Patrick Morgan Melbourne, 8010 4 News Tel 61-3-96708865s 6 What’s On Email
[email protected] 7 Bolg an tSolatháir/Odds and Ends, Val Noone 8 The Evolution of linguistic groups, Stuart Traill Web 10 Future of the Irish Language, Éamon O’Cuív Published four times per annum 12 Financials: Ease Liquidity Pressures, Simon Good. ABN 13643653067 32 Poetry ISSN 1835-1093 44 Tinteán Update, Rob J.F. Butler Features Editor: 14 A parent’s tribute, Michael Costigan Liz McKenzie 16 Emeritus Professor Greg Dening (1931–2008), Peter Steele S.J. Deputy Editor: 19 Dispelling the myths, Patricia O’Connor Felicity Allen 20 Quintessential Australians, Bill Hannan Business Manager: 22 Lost Your Census? Mattie Lennon Rob Butler 23 Hard-bitten fi ghting men, Michael Doyle Advertising: 24 John Walshe and the Irish Land League, Patrick Naughtin 25 The Kellys Again, Terry Monagle Marie Feeley, tel 03 5996 3343 26 Royal Hospital for Incurables, Donnybrook, Stephen McCormick and Kate Press Production: 27 Cancer among the Irish in Britain, Felicity Allen Andrew Macdermid 28 From Co.