THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. livan said, was in the senatorial High In Minnesota, James Murray in ** FRIDAY. NOVEMBER «. 1854 School Journalists Destruction Brings Fine ADA Says Results Show Montana ‘ election. He explained that and Matthew Neely in A-8 ~ Democrats Willing -T' | Virginia. gave the' victory to Republican “we want the other returns for To Convene at AU West purposes of comparison." Students from more than 100 During Gas Price War Clear Liberal Trend ADA also said some “local re- George H. Bender by a scant <(w Supporters of Burke “Many, many calls from sup- Washington, Maryland and Vir- To Let McCarthy A Takoma Paris (Md.) man [ By Associated Press actionaries” were defeated for 6,860 votes over Democrat Burke. ginia high the House and gov- porters (Burke), schools have been in- yesterday was found guilty of The Americans for Democratic also “liberal Joseph P. Sullivan, chairman of the Senator vited attend the sixth annual ernors” were elected in New to three counts of malicious de- Action says results from Tues- Start Vote Recheck here of the Burke for Senator who were dubious of the. ac- Journalism Day at American Call Peress Hearing York, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, curacy University private property a» , day’s elections show “that alib- Michigan and Committee, sent telegrams last of the count,” prompted tomorrow. By Y. Newton struction of Connecticut. It the telegrams, Mr. Sullivan de- John H. Cline, associate editor James a sidelight to a gasoline price i eral trend, although spotty, is concluded: night to all 88 Democratic coun- of Star, among “ADA is particularly / In Bender Victory ty The will be a Democrats on the Senate In- war. clearly present.” encour- chairmen in Ohio. He asked: clared. number of Washington aged to note that in most of . By Press vestigations subcommittee will general suspended As evidence, ADA yesterday th« Associated "Please forward to me the un- Democrats were interested newspapermen who will address Given a those areas where Vice President official results, precinct by pre- especially in returns from Ham- object to two counts and pointed V CLEVELAND, Nov. s.—Sup- the group. not Senator McCar- sentence on to the Senate election Nixon concentrated his unprece- cinct, for State offices, Congress i ilton County (Cincinnati), where thy’s plan to hold a public hear- fined SSO on the third was ; triumphs of Democrats Richard I dented smear campaign against t porters of Senator Thomas A. and the United Mr. piled up a majority Quimby, whose father States Senate. Bender ing on the case, Senator Gerald E. ¦ Neuberger in Oregon, Paul Doug- j liberal candidates his efforts were * Burke, possibly preparing to ask : Carefully check and recheck of 37,666. He won- 58 per cent Peress filling station in the las in Illinois, Hubert j un- of Arkansas, ranking operates a i Humphrey i unsuccessful.” ; official returns against official of the vote in that Republican McClellan . 7200 avenue. \ a recount, today started re- j | Envoy's Wife Leaves Democrat on the subcommittee, block of Carroll * ! go Sec- area, just per-! checking the returns from Tues- j returns which will to the about the same said today. Witnesses in Takoma Park of State ; centage Senator young retary and advise me the late Taft! Senator McCarthy, chairman police court testified « day’s election in Ohio. of any dlscrepencies.” in sweeping victory in I at once won a Soviet After Scuffle of the investigating group, set Quimby blackened price signs, Returns the losers questioned! His primary interest, Mr. Sul- 1950. painted windows and cut gaso- I By tftt Aitociotod Brwi November 15 as the date for formally re-opening case of line hoses at a rival station at Kassan-Stein j the \ MOSCOW, Nov. s.—Mrs. ' Karl the promotion and honorable Carroll and Grant avenues. ; E. Sommerlatte, declared an discharge given Dr. Irving The defendant testified his I Army father knew nothing of his acts. “undesirable person" by the Peress, former Dental • A with 510 Eleventh St. N.W. Phone NAtional 8-1871 a Corps major. It was Senator juvenile charged accom- jjj i & .. Soviet government after work- Lewis Thos. 5a1tz. 1409 G Street McCarthy’s criticism of the panying him has been turned scuffle, ers* club left Moscow handling of the Peress case that over to the Montgomery County j| today for the United States. touched off his bitter dispute Juvenile Court. I Imported tweeds with a new twist added Accompanied by her husband, with the Army last February. the Second Secretary of the The Wisconsin Republican in- American Embassy, Mrs. Som- vited Senator Watkins, Republi- Reds Pin G.O.P. Setback Twists 8c Tweeds § merlatte boarded a Russian can, of Utah, to tell the sub- | plane committee November 15 what he for Helsinki, Finland. The On Lack of 'Peace Talks' durability, couple fly there to knew about responsibility of cer- For with In- § will from By Press .tweeds Stockholm and then to London tain Army officials in the pro- th« Associated rmM spect our “Galadale” Scottish j§ New York. Mrs. Sommer- motion and honorable discharge LONDON, Nov. s.—Moscow |f Twist. The yarns twisted and Radio said .today contributing ’ are g latte has been given a new as- given Dr. Peress, described by a g ms tightly, then interwoven § “fifth cause to the Republican set- MM with signment in Washington. Senator McCarthy as a £ for § Communist.” Sen- back in the American election other twisted threads in- United States Ambassador amendment js creased strength. 3 Charles E. Bohlen and other top ator Watkins, the chairman of was what it termed the Eisen- embassy officials saw them off, the special Senate committee hower administration’s failure representatives of many that recommended censure of to arrange East-West talks with £ Twist or Tweed or § as did Soviets to J| ®f»lgi other Western and Asian em- Senator McCarthy, accepted the the ease world ten- invitation. sion. j £ , custom-tailored to 5 bassies. Mrs. Sommerlatte “The returns,” said no regret at her election showed visible Has No Objection. an English language broadcast departure from the Russian “If Senator McCarthy wants beamed to America, “in- measure SIOO 1 capital. North ¦ I (Senator Watkins’) testi- had accused his dicate that the American voter The Russians mony,” Senator McClellan said, found nothing attractive in the her of “hulliganism,” charging Senator Watkins to workman in an "apd wants foreign policy of the Republican she struck a be heard, we have no objection candidates. Wm Tweed Topcoats, custom- 3 argument October 25 over where hearing.” novelty Repub- to the “The of the % tailored to your said she actually hit crats organize the new Congress talks and no international co- a man in an effort to free Mrs. in January, said that obviously operation.” Sommerlatte. chairman a can Ministry the of committee Fine Clothes at Fair Prices The Soviet Foreign call a meeting any time he asked that Mrs. Sommerlatte wishes. country was leave the and The word the three Dem- BEST ARTICLE of apparel you can is neither the nor to strong representa- that THE buy cheapest adamant ocrats on the 7-member sub- by Bohlen. The State the most expensive. It is the one that gives you the most for your money. tions Mr. committee will raise no objec- Department said the Soviet Mc- police had illegally tion means that Senator Any one of our new Fall or Topcoats bearing the distinguished label secret de- Carthy can hold his hearing tained the two Embassy wives regardless of the position of the of Lebow, dxxford, Freeman, Norman Hilton; Chester Barrie or Burberry and subjected them to personal indignities.” three other Republican mem- from England will you a few dollars more than mediocre . bers. So far, Senator McCarthy Case Referred hasn’t said whether he will call But what you get in terms of long service, perfect fit, sheer enjoyment Arrest witnesses in addition to Sen- and satisfaction will greatly outweigh your temporary thrill because you To Review Board ator Watkins. The District Commissioners Thanksgiving Target Date. spent a The least expensive the few dollars less. best is in long run. yesterday referred to the Com- Meanwhile, Senators were 'v plaint Review Board a case in hopeful that they could settle the which police arrested Marvin E. McCarthy , censure issue by Fall Suits are S7B to $145 Fall Outercoats are $75 to $195 Brown of 212 F street NJS. Thanksgiving despite new evi- Mr. Brown and two others dence from the Wisconsin Re- arrested by Pvt. Robert Clothes Start at $lB5 were publican that his bitterness Oxxford King and Pvt. Vincent J. Cas- against those who recommended tiglioni of No. 1 precinct on Sep- action against him has not tember 29. Charges against the abated. civilians were dismissed by Mu- While Senator McCarthy said nicipal Court Judge George D. he planned no "obstructive” Neilson on October 7. tactics to delay a vote on the The Commissioners’ action censure motion, on which debate would have the civilian Com- Monday, expressed plaint will start he & Review Board consider A m& his feeling on whole affair - ju:ii*:-:/: Lewis Thos. Saltz... 1409 G Street the advisability of any trial the by ea3iihg it "that November 8 u charges against police board the circus.” involved. He also fired off’—and made public another denunciatory letter to. Senator Watkins. ( In the letter, he accused Sena- tor Watfdns of having made an “imbecilic ruling” during com- mittee hearings when he barred evidence Senator McCarthy sought to introduce in his de- fense against a charge that he had been contemptuous toward the Senate Elections subcommit- tee which investigated him in 1952. This was the most recent of a series of letters and statements in which Senator McCarthy has attacked the conduct of the cen- sure investigation by Senator Watkins. Watkins Group to Meet. BOYS’ “AIRANSURr Members of the Watkins com- ' mittee planned a meeting Mon- day morning to perfect the reso- lutions they will offer calling °L FLAIWiBI« for WO officialreprimand of Senator Mc- j | Carthy. Its three Republican and three Democratic members voted un- animously in September to urge the Senate to censure Senator important charcoal tones McCarthy on grounds that he (a) was contemptuous toward a fcnnanm—»¦ «i Senate subcommittee which in- vestigated him two years ago; (b) used vulgar language about Senator Hendrickson, Republican of New , and (c) abused unjustly Brig. Gen. Ralph W. Zwicker, when Gen. Zwicker was a witness before Senator Mc- s sixes 13 to 30 Carthy’s Senate Investigations \lik#\ subcommittee. Members of the committee have reached only tentative agreement on language of the resolution they will submit call- H ingfor censure. Senator Watkins and Senator Case, Republican, of South Dakota, committee secretary, plan to confer here over the week end to perfect a draft of the.resolution. This will / i J—- be submitted to other members for final approval Monday. Senator McCarthy, in a re- newal of his feud with Sec- retary of the Army Stevens, said he wiU demand that Mr. Stevens tell “why he is hiding the secret master responsible for coddling” former Dr. Peress. “Whoever that was is a dan- gerous man,” Senator McCarthy said. Replies to New Inquiry. Mr. Stevens, replying to an earlier inquiry by Senator Mc- DONCASTER SUITS Carthy, wrote the Senator last night saying that two Army of- soft-constructed ficers have been officially repri- fine woolens skillfully manded for delay in handling the Peress case. He did not suits go far beyond just clothing you name these officers. Doncaster Ornamenting on Mr. Stevens’ well. They give you with a fine, mascu- report, Senator McCarthy said line dignity. Soft construction is an example. in a telephone interview: “This letter is completely „ . They give you fine fabrics. Doncasters' deep- phony. It doesn’t answer who tone flannels, worsteds and gabardines have a was responsible for this honor- importance, but first they able discharge and promotion, fashion and foremost, and it indicates that the Peress are fine woolens. Next time you are in The Men's case was handled the same as Store, into or Doncaster. Experience the . .” others. . quality of this well-tailored suit. Protective Papa SAN FRANCISCO (A*). —A 65" pair of lions had quadruplet cubs and Carey Baldwin, director of W&L—The Men's Store, 2nd Floor Pleishhacker Zoo, warned visi- . . . Chevy Alexandria tors: “ out, Papa Lion is also Chase and passing out scars!”