Ha Mam: Concerns Will Be Heard'
VOLUME Llll, NUMBER 38 DREXEL UNIVERSITY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. FRIDAY, MAY 26. 1978 Coming next fall: More PM classes by Mary McGuiness have their schedules adjusted when The plan was developed after a b’aced with the largest sections are balanced. three year study by Dr. M. Jerry enrollment in Drexel’s historv, the Neal feels that this plan will Kenig. Assistant to the President, administration will institute a new relieve overcrowding without in the Registrar's office and by the scheduling plan designed to better creasing costs and still give up- Academic Deans. It has also been utilize available classroom space. fKTclass students the perrogative of discussed with Student Congress Starting with the Fall Quarter of section selection. He appealed to the faculty, and the Board of next year, each academic depart the students for their coop>eration to Trustees ment will offer more classes during "help us hold the line on tuition and A number of ideas were con the aftern<x»n and at 8:00 AM. avoid Saturday classes ” sidered before this solution was Students will be asked to schedule The plan also includes shifting the advanced. A new classroom at least half their classes during traditional 3:30 activities period building was rejected because the these non-peak hours. According to from Wednesday to Tueaday. This cost of land, construction, debt John W. Neal, Registrar, students adjustment will allow better use of service, and maintenance would who do not observe these the three hour Monday-Wcdnesday- increase tuition The feasibility of requirements will be the first to Friday scheduling block Saturday and even Sunday classes was al.so considered and rejected.
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