·Congressional RECORD-SENATE 2339
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1925 ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 2339 By Mr. DENISON: A bill (H. R. 11859) granting an increase• ff511. By Mr. MA.cLAFFERTY: Petition of citizens of of pension to Charley Setemeyer; to the Committee on Pensions. Alameda County, Calif. , opposing th~ 11assa.ge of the compulsory By Mr. FAUST: A bill (H. R 11800) granting a pension to Sunday observance 1bill {8. 3218) and any other national Phebey T. Miller; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. religious legislation which may be pending ; to the Co-mmittee By lli. FREEMAN: A bill (H. R. 11861) granting a pension on the District of Columbia. to James B. Rowley; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 8512. By Mr. MOONEY: Petition of Cleveland Branch, By Mr. GALLIVAN: A bill (H. R. 11862) granting a pension Railway 'Mail Association, for the passage of House bill to Flora Ella Stevens ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 11444, to provide increase in J)ostal salari-es ; to the Committee By Mr. GLATFELTER: A bill (H. R. 11863) granting a pen on the Post Offices and Post Roads. sion to Rose Wernig; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 3513. By Mr. WYANT: Petition of board of trus~s of the By ·Mr. HERSEY: A bill (H. R. 11864) granting an increase Eastern State Penitentiary of Pennsylvania, protesting again"t of 'J)ension ·to Abbie M. Rogers ; to the Committee on Invalid the "Parker-F-ess bill, req_uiring the labeling of a 1 prison-made Pensions. goods, and the Zihlman bill which would prohibit the interstnte By Mr. KURTZ: A bill (H. R. 11865) granting a pension to shipment of prison-made goods; to the Committee on Inter Sarah 'J. Kirkland; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. state and! Foreign Comm~rce. By Mr. McLAUGHLIN of Nebraska: A_ bill (H. R. 11866) granting an increase of pension to Catherine Leacll ; to the Com .mittee on Inv-alid Pensions. SENATE By Mr. MAPES : .A bill (H. B.. 1.1867) granting a pension to Irene M. Stanley; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. FRIDAY, J anuarry es, 1925 By Mr. MORG..A.,N: A bill (H. R. 11868) granting an increase -of pension to John Casey ; to the Committee on Pensions. (Legislative day of Thursday, Jartua1"1J 22, 1925) Also a bill (H. R. ll869) granting an increase of pension to The Senate '1Ilet at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration or .Francis Rounds ; to the Committee on Irwalid Pensiens. the recess. · By Mr. MURPHY: A bill (H. R. 11870) granting an in Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a. £:rea e of pension to Ada Z. Murdock; to th~ Committee on -quorum. Invalid Pensions. The 'PRESIDENT pro ·temp-ore. The clerk will call the rolL By Mr. O'CONNELL of New York: A bill (H. 'R. 118Tl) Tll-e princival legislativ-e clerk called the roll, and the follow for the relief of Stephen ~ Fa~rell; to the Committee on Naval ing Senato1·s answered to their names: affairs. - Ashurst Elki.ns Keyes Reed, Mo. By J\.Ir. SANDERS of New York: A bill (H. R. 11872) Ball IDrnst KinK heppard g1. nting an increase of pension to Cora E. Willetts; to the Bayard Ferris McCormick Shields Committee en Invalid Pensions. Bingham Fess 'McKellar Shipstead Borah Fletcher McKinley Sh.orttidge Dv Mr. TAYLOR of Tennessee: A bill (H. R. 11873) grant Brookhart Frazier McLean Si:mmons ing ·a pension to James N. McNew; to the ·Committee on Broussard George 'McNary Smith Pensions. Bruce Gerry 'Mayfield Smoot Buns.um Gooding Means Spencer Ey Mr. TILSON: A bill (H. R. 11874) granting an increase Butler Greene Metcalf Stanfield of ·pension to .Maria J. Burnham ; to the Committee on Invalid Cameron Hale Moses Sterling Capper Harr-eld Neely Swanson Pensions. Caraway Harris Norris Underwood o, ~ bill (H. R. J.1815) granting an increase of -pension Copeland H::uTison Oddte Wadsworth to Marion S. Davis_; io the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Couzens Hefiin Overman Walsh, Mass. Cummins Howell Pepper Walsh, Mont. By Mr. WA'SON: A •blll (H. R. 11876) granting an inerease Curtis J'oh.nson, Calif. PhiPJlB Warren of -pension -to Clarinda A. Spear; to the Committee on Invalid Dale Jahnson Minn. Pittman Watson Pensions. Dial Jones, Wash. Ralston · Wheeler Hy Mr. WYANT: A bill (H. 'R. 1.1~77) granting a pension Dill Kendriek RansMU WilliB to Jo epbine How-ell; to the Committee on Invalid Pensiorn;. Mr. "FLETCHER. q wish to announce that -my colleague, the Also, a bill (H. R. 11878) granting an increase of pension junior Senator from Florida [Mr. TRAM:MELL], is unavoidably to Sarah :E. Sias ; to the Committee on ·Invalid Pensions. absent. "I ask that this announcement may stand for the day. .By 1\fr. ZlliLMAN: A bill ~H . R. 11879} for the relief of Mr. PEPPER. I n~sire to announce that my coUeague, i:ne B.ell~ II. Walker and :F.rank E. Smith; to the Committee on junior Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. REED], is unavoidably ClaimB. absent from the Chamber. I -request that this announcement By Mr. WINGO: A bill (H. R. 11880) .granting a peru!ion U> may stand for the day. Loui a Bell ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Eighty Senators haTe an .By Mr. NEWTO of Minnesota: Resolution (H. Res. 411) swered to the roll call. There is a quorum present. The Senate :for the relief of the estate of John M. \Larson, late an em will receive a. message !rom the Honse of Representatives-; ployee oi the House of Representatives ; to the Committee on .Ac.counts. · MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE A message from the House of-n.epresentatives, by Mr. Farrell, PETITIONS, .ETC. one of ·its clerks, announced that the House had passed with· 'Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, .petitions and pa_pers were laid out amendment the following bills o.f the Senate: on tne Clerk's desk and referred .as iollows: S. 698. :An -act for the relief of the Great_ Lakes engineering 3506. By the SPEAKER (by .request): Petition of Municipal works; :Assembly of Ponce, P. R., favoring the enactment of legisla S. 831. An 1;1ct f()r the relief of H. B . .Stout ; tion permitting Porto Rico to elect its own governo-r ; to the 8.1427. An act for the relief of Rosa L. Yarbrough; Committee on Insular Affairs. · S. ·1568. An act for the reli~f of certain officers in the 3507. By Mr. CHINDBLOM: Petition of F1·elon A. Mott and United States .Army ; other residents of Chicago, opposing passage of Senate bill S. 1605. An act for the relief of Emma Kiener ; 8218, a bill to secure Sunday as a day of rest in the District S.1.894. An act for the reli-ef of the owners of the steamship of Columbia, and for other purposes ; to the ·Committee on the Ki11-Dave; Dlsb·ict of Columbia.. 8. 1976. .An act ior the relief of the Commercial Union A13- 3508 . .By :ur. HAWLEY: Petition of tlle residents of Bend, surance Co. (Ltd.) , Federal Insurance Co., American & For Oreg., to the House of Representatives not to ·concur in the eign Marine Insurance Co., Queen Insurance Co. af America., passage of the compulsQry Sunday observance bill ( S. 3218) Fireman's Fund Insurance Co., St. Paul Fire & Marine In nor to pass any other .religious legislation which -may be pend :surance Co., and the United States Lloyds; ing ; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. 8 . .2316. An act to allow credit .in the acc(}unts of A. W. 3509. Also, petition of residents of Hood River, Oreg., oppos Smith; . ing certain legislation, to wit: The compulsory Sunday observ S. 2526. An act providing for an allotment of-land trom the ance bill (S. 3218) and asking the House of Representatives !Kiowa, Oomanclle, and Apa-che Indian Reservation, Okla., :to not to pa s any other religious legislation which may be pend James F. Rowell, an intermarried and enrolled member of the ing: -to the Committe on the Distriet of Columbia. ,Kiowa Tribe ; 3510. B_y .Mr. LEA of California: Petition of 16 citizens of S. 2669. A:a act for the relief of ;r_ ~. King; S<moma County, Calif., protesting against Senate bill 3218, S. 2689. An ·act for the relief of •the First International :Bank known as the compu.lsor.y Sunday obse:rrance bill ; to ·the Com of 8weetgra'Ss, :Mont. ; mittee on the District af ~ CQlnmbia. S. 2m. An act for the ·relief of ·the 'Pitt RiTer Pmver Co.; 2340 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE JANUARY 23 S. 2764. An act authorizing the President to order Leo P. ceipt of resolutions recently adopted by the Senate, which will ·Quinn before a retiring board for a rehearing of his case and, be printed in the RECORD. 'upon the findings of such board, either confirm his discharge The communication is as follows : or place him on the retired list with the rank and pay held by SMITHSONIAN !NSTITUTIONJ FREER G.U.LERY OF AnTJ pim at the time of his discharge ; WashitzgtonJ D. a., Janllary !2, 1925. S. 3073. An act for the relief of George A. Berry ; GEORGE A. SANDERSO~, Esq., S. 3416. An act to authorize the appointment of Thomas Secretary United States Senate, J'ames Camp as a major of Infantry, Regular Army; and Washington, D. a. S. 3505. An act for the relief of Canadian Car & Foundry MY DEAR SIR : On behalf of my family and myself, I beg to · thank :Co. (Ltd.). you for the copy o! the Senate resolutions of January 19, 1925, and The message also announced that the House agreed to the to ask that yon will convey to the Senate our grateful appreciation o! 8235), amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.