ENGLISH 1114 (Sections 001 and 050): Reading Poetry
1 ENGLISH 1114 (Sections 001 and 050): Reading Poetry From Bard to Rock Star Course Description We’ll explore poetry about love, social conscience, meaning, and belief. We’ll start each theme with Shakespeare, touch on some Romantic and Modern poetry, and then spend most of our time on contemporary poetry. We’ll look at traditional forms such as sonnets and odes, as well as poetry that’s integrated with music, drama, and film. We’ll also look at several texts in translation from French, Italian, and Spanish. Course Texts You don’t need to buy a text or course pack. You’ll use the readings in this file, and you’ll download lyrics from the Net. I’ve not assigned a poetry text and won’t test you on poetic terms, such as those in the “Six Categories” section of the course file. The sixth category, “Style,” lists the most common terms, such as image and metaphor. You don’t need to print out this entire file, although you’ll need to print out the Readings section. I don’t allow the use of electronic devices in class, so make sure to bring hard copies of all assigned reading (you’ll need these hard copies for the exams anyway). Be advised that because the exams are open book, there’s a strict limit on the number of notes you can make on the text pages. See the mid-term instructions for more specific information. 2 CONTENTS Schedule 3 Course Information, Marks, Academic Integrity, and Marking Notes and Symbols 8 Six Categories 13 Commentaries and Essays (With Samples) 19 The Academic Essay 29 Readings Week 1 33 Week 2 34 Week 3 34 Week 4 40 Week 5 41 Week 6 47 Week 8 48 Week 9 50 Week 10 54 Week 11 56 Week 12 60 Week 13 64 3 SCHEDULE Key CF Course file & Text (and other information) in CF “Readings” ♫ Lyric: download from Net (if not followed by &) Blue Required reading (or for ⏏ viewing during class) ⏏ Clip shown in class Q.
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