UNITEDUnited STATESstates senatesenate COMMITTEEcommittee ONon FOREIGNforeign RELATIONSrelations

STUDY GUIDE senate committee on foreign relations indexindex

Secretariat welcoming letter...... 8 USG for Specialized Agencies welcoming letter...... 9 dais welcoming letter...... 10 Motivation from fellow congressmen...... 12 Presentation of the Committee...... 14

6 indexindex

21...... Procedure

22...... Topic A: US- Trade Relations

27...... Topic B: Middle East Diplomatic Crisis

and Fight Against Terrorism

31...... References


Dear Delegates,

It is with honor and pride that the Secretariat wishes to welcome you to Universidad de Los Andes’ MUN’s eighth edition, MONUA 2019. My name is Juan Camilo Romero, an Economics and History Major here at Universidad de Los Andes. It is with gratitude that I invite you to enjoy this committee in the best way possible and profit the most from its possibilities. Along with Santiago Paz, Economics and Law major from the same institution, we would like to make you feel the same passion we feel for international relations, economic and political situations and intellectual debates that surround not only our reality, but that have shaped the world we know.

In agreement with this edition’s academic structure and preparation, MONUA 2019’s goal is to make of its´ committees the most educational and memorable experience for any kind of delegate. From newbies to the most experienced, each delegate will have the possibility to motivate him or herself to be better for his own profit and to fight their fears. Each participant this year is not only called upon to relish and benefit from all the amenities provided by the conference, along with the opportunities to get to enlarge their own world but is also called to the duty of breaking the boundaries of their own capabilities.

The academic team that has prepared this experience, from dais members to ourselves as the secretariat, is extremely proud of the result you will soon witness. This experience will reveal new realities, new challenges and an infinity of possibilities that will enable you to mold the world at your will whilst being conscious of the other to set the path towards being a better person and a better member of society.

Delegates, by making part of a committee in MONUA 2019, you assert your character and your capacities. You also confirm having a commitment to yourselves and your surroundings. You certify your responsibility of being leaders that, just as our alma mater’s motto states, go beyond the duty. We expect this dream to motivate you just as much it has motivated us from the beginning and from here on until memory permits it.

Face the impossible, face your mind and face the odds. Welcome.

Juan Camilo Romero Santiago Paz Secretary-General MONUA 2019 Secretary-General MONUA 2019 8 Dear delegates,

It is an honor to welcome you to the Undersecretary for Special- ized Agencies of MONUA 2019. My name is Maria Paula Gómez Gómez, a Law student with a minor in Economics from Universi- dad de los Andes, and I will be your Undersecretary General for Specialized Agencies. You have decided to challenge yourselves in the Committee on Foreign Relations, a committee that has never been seen before in the national circuit, and that I have entrusted to two brilliant people who will guide you throughout the process: Santiago Castillo and Julian Ricardo Padilla.

Ever since raised as President of the United States, the United States’ role in the world has been strongly questioned, be it by words or by actions. What is its geopolitical role now- adays? The Unites States is in charge of leading foreign-policy legislation and debate within the Senate. It is one of the legislative powers that checks upon the actions, regarding foreign policy, done by the executive branch. Are you ready to challenge Trump’s policy?

Welcome again and see you at the Undersecretary General for Specialized Agencies of MONUA 2019!

usg for specialized agencies welcoming letter


Dear Delegates,

Welcome to MONUA’s United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations!

My name is Julian Padilla and I will be one of the board members of the committee. I’m 22 years old, currently working as a commercial pilot and studying business administration in Universidad EAN. I have been involved in MUN since High School, and I have been part of several models. After I graduated from school, I had the privilege of being part of MONUA 2018. One of my mentors in this amazing academic activity is Juan Camilo Romero, the current Secretary General and I thank him for entrusting me, along with the other undersecretaries, this job.

Throughout the decades the United States of America has had a strong presence all over the globe, with a foreign policy that affects most, not to say all, of the states of the international community in terms of defense, economics, human rights, fight against terrorism and the war on drugs, among other issues. The key characters of the US foreign policy are the ongoing administration, leaded by the President, and the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. This is why we see fit to introduce this committee in MONUA 2019.

I will be happy to help and guide you through the debates and activities. Also, I hope not only that you learn from all the staff and partners, but also that we learn from you. So feel free to contact me if you have any inquiry or doubt.

Best Regards,

Julián Ricardo Padilla Sánchez Board Member - USCFR

10 Delegates,

Receive a very warm welcome to MONUA 2019 and to the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

My name is Santiago Castillo, and for me it is an honor to be leading over this commission for MONUA 2019. Currently, I am in tenth grade at Colegio San Carlos and I have been involved in Model since 2014. During these five years, I have had the opportunity of being part of several school and univer- sity conferences as a delegate, president, board member and crisis agent, being able to learn something new from each and every one of them.

In this opportunity, I welcome you all to this commission filled with high expectations and trusting your debate and negotiation skills. Moreover, I deeply believe that a MUN conference should not only be understood as an academic experience, but also as a social one; hence, I encourage you to grow both as delegates and as individuals, and to give the best of yourselves. Please take as much advantage as possible of this new opportunity, learn from others, improve your skills and enjoy the experience.

Lastly,this committee is not a common one. Throughout the three days of the event, you will take the role of US senators, and will have to defend your country and your beliefs from your charac- ter’s point of view. Your actions during this meeting will have se- rious repercussions on the path the United States’ foreign policy is to take. Therefore, be aware of your responsibility, and make sure you appreciate this experience to the fullest. If you have any doubt, both Julian and I would be delighted to help you in any- thing you need. Do not hesitate on contacting us.


Santiago Castillo Sepúlveda Board Member USCFR


Esteemed Colleagues,

I am happy to introduce you to the next joint session of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, which will take place in the following days. As you know we will address two important and controversial issues: the trade war we, as the United States of America, have been waging against China, deepened by the actions of President Trump, and a general revision of the U.S. approach to the Middle East and the war on terror.

The trade war we have been waging with China has affected many aspects of the US economy, domestic and international. Tensions with longtime allies, American jobs being affected, American companies suffering in the stock exchange, and many other stakeholders have been affected by the consequences of this controversy involving President Xi Jinping’s expansion plan. However, the diplomatic crisis in Middle East, especially with countries like Qatar, has created new tensions in the area and has brought new difficulties in the fight against terrorism and we need to approach it in a more effective way.

We share a duty with the people of the United States to protect their interests and help the current government to approach both topics in the most accurate way. We have to work through both debates motivated by the wellbeing the United States of America deserves on its own territory, but also overseas.


Senator Bob Corker (Julián Padilla) Chairman Committee on Foreign Relations US Senate

12 Dear fellow Senators,

I feel much honored to invite you all to the next meeting of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. As the Ranking Member of the commission, I earnestly encourage you to be aware of your power and responsibility, especially at this point in time where our country’s foreign relations may be essential for guaranteeing the welfare of all Americans. United States’ position and future actions regarding our trading policies and relations with the Middle East highly depends on you, so both, Senator Corker and me, expect the best results from these upcoming session.

Very truly yours,

Senator (Santiago Castillo) Ranking Member of the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate


Presentation of the Committee

Expectations that you should have for the within the Presidential Council.. committee Senators are expected to lead the course of For the US Senate Committee on Foreign the debate and the decisions; to expose their Relations, we expect to have a very dynamic, points and proposals, to be very strategic and strategic and active commission. We are to do whatever is needed in order to fulfill, hoping that senators come up with original but both the US’ interests, and their own. realistic solutions to all the situations that may arise. Participants are required to be vigorous What is the U.S. Senate CFR? c and adapt to all the different challenges or threats that the US foreign policy may face, Welcome to MONUA’s United States Senate always seeking the benefit of the nation. We Committee on Foreign Relations! As part of this expect it to be a thrilling committee, where committee we are responsible for developing unexpected situations may happen, based on and influencing the United States’ foreign individual interests, strategies and external policy. We have been entitled to debate and threats. report important treaties and legislation The committee is expected to have an important throughout the US history and role and a great influence in the decisions taken

14 we must continue to do so in the future. The advice and consent regarding any official importance of our work is evident, as it was military, economic or technical assistance demonstrated in the purchase of Alaska in he plans to provide to any country to 1867 and then, the establishment of the United strengthen the fight against terrorism. The Nations in 1945. Constitution of the United States divides the war powers between the President, and the The Senate, and this committee in specific, has commander in chief of all the armed forces, “an essential role in the formulation of foreign while the congress has the power to make policy” as “the United States Constitution declarations of war and to raise and support requires the President to seek the Senate’s the armed forces. According to the War advice and consent in the ratification of treaties Powers Resolution (Public Law 93-148) the and the approval of ambassadorial nominees.” President needs to consult “with Congress (Sen. Helms, Sen. Biden, 2000) before introducing U.S. armed forces into hostilities or situations where hostilities are Interconnection with Presidential Council imminent.” Also the President’s powers as Commander in Chief are exercised only Topic A pursuant to a declaration of war, specific authorization from Congress, or a national The interconnection the committee may have emergency. with Presidential Council regarding the Trade • Any official declaration of war shall be War with China will be limited to: brought first to the committee and then • Direct communications with the President brought to the whole U.S. Congress for to request information regarding future appropriate approval. decisions, this request may be from the • Advice the President, by a press release, President to the Committee or the other letter of correspondence, committee report way around. As states further on, this or text of resolution of advice and consent, communication may take place at any to take a specific action in the interest of the moment except during a voting process. American people. • Issuing an advisory concept for the • Communicate directly with the President President, by a press release, hearing to request information regarding future transcripts, committee reports (including a decisions, this request may be from the Text of Resolution of Advice and Consent President to the Committee or backwards. to Ratification), draft amendments or any As states further on, this communication other type of noteworthy declaration to may take place at any moment except take a specific action in the interest of the during a voting process. These official American people. communications shall be conducted by • Inviting the President to address the the chairman of the committee, but the committee. committee is not responsible for any other unofficial communication between its Topic B members and the President.

The interconnection the committee may have with Presidential Council regarding the Diplomatic Crisis in Middle East and the Fight Against Terrorism will be limited to the following aspects:

• The president shall seek the committee’s

15 Interconnection with the U.S. delegation in with the government policies and has often MONUA 2019 said “no” too many presidential initiatives. The most prominent example of this subtle The United States Senate Committee on Foreign struggle happened under Woodrow Wilson’s Relations of MONUA 2019 will have a limited administration with the submission of The Treaty interconnection with the rest of the committees of Versailles in 1919, where the Committee’s of the MUN. The only interconnection that will chairman, Mr. , “agreed to be possible is through the U.S. representatives report the treaty, but with fourteen reservations in Presidential Council. We encourage you to drafted to protect American Sovereignty.” limit and avoid contact with other delegates (*) President Wilson refused to work with the from other committees. Additionally, this committee and tried to sway the Senate in a committee has the possibility of pronouncing national speaking, failing to do so with the over the overall delegations’ decisions in the rejection in 1919 and 1920 of the treaty by the form of non-binding declarations (such as press Senate. releases or similar) that do not engage nor hurt the delegations’ performance in MONUA 2019. An illustration of these early years of the committee is the statement of the ex-Secretary If you have any doubt of this interconnection of State John Hay (1938) “a treaty entering the feel free to contact the board members Julián senate is like a bull going into the arena; no Padilla, Santiago Castillo or the Undersecretary man can say just how or when the final blow General for Specialized Agencies, Maria Paula will fall, but one this is certain it will never leave Gómez Gómez. the arena alive.” This happened to 10 treaties between 1860 and 1897. History Following World War I the committee reflected Between 1789 and 1816 the Senate was a very the national spirit of isolationism, preventing small body that was usually the size of only one the US from being part of international ventures committee, but when certain issues arose they and keeping the country aside of European appointed an ad hoc committee to manage conflicts. By 1940 senators with a less neutral these issues. Around 200 ad hoc committees position were able to approve lend-lease were appointed to deal with foreign relations agreements to help fight the Axis powers, but affairs before 1816. The increased involvement the sharp turn the committee had was after the of the senate in foreign affairs and the need Pearl Harbor attack when the US entered World for a structured national defense that arose War II. On 1945, the committee, along with the with the War of 1812, motivated the Senate rest of the senate, approved the establishment to create the Committee on Foreign Relations of the United Nations. on December 10, 1816 as part of the eleven standing committees, which are the eleven The 80th congress (1947-1949), with the committees that the senate has to appoint at work of the Committee on Foreign Relations, each and every session. approved documents like the Marshall Plan and the Truman Doctrine, cornerstones of the Since the establishment of the committee, US postwar foreign policy. (USCFR, 2000, pg. 7) many prominent political and diplomatic leaders have been active members, for example During the Cold War, the responsibility of the six presidents of the United States have served foreign relations was taken by the president, on the committee. Throughout the decades instead of the traditional shared responsibility the committee has worked side by side with with the legislative branch. With the failure the administration in charge and with the of the War and other policies in the Department of State, but its independence has 1970s the Congress repealed the Gulf of Tonkin also been clear as it has also had confrontations Resolution, used to justify Vietnam’s 16 intervention, and enacted the War Power policy, and international economic policy, Resolution, which required the president to working side by side with agencies such as the finish any troop commitment within sixty days National Security Agency, the U.S. Economic unless the congress approved its continuation, Development Administration, Environmental restoring this lost shared responsibility. In 1998 Protection Agency, among others. the committee also worked on the proposal to expand NATO, including three new members: This committee has a very strong influence Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. and incidence in every decision made Resolutions enacted by the committee may regarding foreign policy and international be simple resolutions, which address only affairs, specially due to its independence from the matters entirely within the prerogative the executive branch, as they do not report to of the committee, or joint resolutions, which the President but to the American people. need the approval of both houses and the president’s signature to become law. This Powers and functions of the Council according to the legislative process of the U.S. Senate The committee’s jurisdiction, in accordance with the Senate Rule XXV.1 (j) (1), extends to A lesson learned throughout the years of the all proposed legislations, messages, petitions, harsh work of the US Senate Committee on memorials, and any other matters relating the Foreign Relations is that “presidents rarely following: win when they refuse to work with the Foreign Relations Committee, expecting it to rubber- • Establishment of embassies and legations stamp their initiatives. By contrast, when they in foreign countries. have dealt with the committee in partnership, • Foreign loans and economic, military, rather than confrontation, they have seen technical, and humanitarian assistance. many successes” (Sen. Helms, Sen. Biden, • International aspects of nuclear energy. 2000). • International Monetary Fund and other international organizations established Place of the U.S. Senate CFR in America’s for international monetary purposes (with legislative branch some exceptions). • Measures to foster commercial intercourse The US Senate CFR has a very specific, but with foreign nations and to safeguard Am important, incidence in the legislative and erican interests abroad. executive branch given by the Article 1 - • Interventions abroad. Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution and the • Declarations of War, power brought by the U.S. Senate Resolution of December 10, 1816. War Powers Resolution of 1973 insuring the This committee, with the jurisdictions stated collective judgment of the congress would in the following section, is in charge of be brought to bear on these decisions providing advice and consent to the Senate • Relations of the United States with foreign and to the President. If the committee deems nations generally. it necessary not to approve and give a positive • Ocean and international environmental recommendation to any of these two branches, and scientific affairs as they relate to the the matter at hand may not proceed any further. US. This has happened specifically with treaties • United Nations and its affiliated brought to the Senate by the President and organizations. with presidential nominations for executive • World Bank Group, regional development branch positions regarding foreign policy and banks, and other international organizations diplomacy. Also the committee is entitled to established for development assistance have an oversight, by studying and reviewing, purposes. the president’s national security policy, foreign

17 In addition to these matters, we are mandated party to have 9 senators as members of the to study and review matters relating to the committee. In MONUA the following senators national security policy, foreign policy, and will be present: international economic policy. Finally, we also may provide advice and consent to all treaties Republican Party (Majority) entered into by the US and all nominations to the principal executive branch positions in the Senator James E. Risch (Idaho): Elected to the field of foreign policy and diplomacy. senate in 2008 after serving as Idaho’s governor. As governor he lowered property taxes and The committee is divided into several raised funding for schools. “Most Conservative” subcommittees: senator according to the . Strong supporter of President Donald Trump. • Subcommittee on Near East, South Asia, Has worked on bills that limits the authority Central Asia, and Counterterrorism. of the Environmental Protection Agency, • Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, while promoting geothermal energy. Member Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, of the Committee on Energy and Natural Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Resources, Committee on Small Business and Women’s Issues. Entrepreneurship, Select Committee on Ethics • Subcommittee on Europe and Regional and Select Committee on Intelligence. https:// Security Cooperation. www.risch.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/about • Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health Policy. Senator (Florida): Son of cuban • Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and immigrants, arrived to the senate in January International Cyber security Policy. 2011 and former US President nominee in • Subcommittee on Multilateral International 2016. He has focused on modifying the federal Development, Multilateral Institutions, budget, decreasing debt, and spending more and International Economic, Energy, and on defense, also strong supporter of the lack Environmental Policy. of interference of human activities in global • Subcommittee on State Department warming. Member of the Committee on Security and USAID Management, International and Cooperation in Europe, Committee on Operations, and Bilateral International Appropriations, Committee on Small Business Development. and Entrepreneurship, Select Committee on Intelligence and Select Committee on Aging. Senators. https://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/index. cfm/biography As we work and debate through these subjects in MONUA we will be representing the committee Senator Ron Johnson (): Elected to the of the 115th Congress, as it was before the senate in 2010, has pushed bills which reinforce US Senate elections of November 2018. The programs of the Dept. of Defense and has committee has been organized in two sections, focused on accounting the US contributions to the Republicans and the Democrats, one being the United Nations. Thinks that the expanding the majority, which depends on the political size, scope and cost of government is the complexion of the current senate. In 1816 the cause of the huge deficits of today. Member committee only had five members, but over of the Committee on Commerce, Science, the decades this number has increased and and Transportation, Committee on Homeland it has varied between 18 and 20 in the past Security and Government Affairs and Committee years. In the 115th congress the majority party on Budget. https://www.ronjohnson.senate. was the Republican and the minority party the gov/public/index.cfm/biography democrats. In this case the Republican Party is entitled to have 10 senators and the Democrat 18 Senator Jeff Flake (Arizona): Elected to the new educational funding and advocate of a senate in 2012, previously serving in the balance-budget amendment. Member of the House of Representatives. Has been active in Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, immigration reforms, strong opponent of same- Committee on Finance, Committee on sex-marriage and . Critical opponent Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, of Donald Trump. Member of the Committee Joint Economic Committee and Joins Select on Energy and Natural Resources, Committee Committee on Solvency of Multiemployer on the Judiciary and Special Committee on Pension Plans. https://www.portman.senate. Aging. https://www.flake.senate.gov/public/ gov/public/index.cfm/about index.cfm/about-jeff Senator (): Elected to the Senator Cory Gardner (Colorado): Elected to senate in 2010, with a medical degree from Duke the senate in 2014, known for following a small University. Has been an advocate of federal government and low tax agenda. Opponent of spending strong cuts and to abolish all foreign the same sex marriage. Has focused on both aid. Member of the Committee on Health, renewable and fossil fuels. Strong advocate of Education, Labor and Pensions, Committee on imposing sanctions to . Member of Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs the Committee on Security and Cooperation and Committee on Small Businesses and in Europe, Committee on Commerce, Science Entrepreneurship. https://www.paul.senate. and Transportation, Committee on Energy gov/ and Natural Resource and Committee on the Budget. https://www.gardner.senate.gov/ Democrat Party (Minority) about-cory/biography Senator (Maryland): Elected to the Senator (Indiana): Elected to senate in 2006, has been known for his work the senate in 2016, former military, has been in social services, child welfare and strong known to be very moderate in career, working interest in the environment. Strongly opposed with the democrats in many issues. Has focused the War. Member of the Committee on his sponsorship of bills on the ones that deal Environment and Public Works, Committee on with education. Member of the Committee Finance and Committee on Small Business and on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Entrepreneurship. https://www.cardin.senate. Committee on Health, Education, Labor gov/ and Pensions, and the Committee on Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship. https:// Senator (New Hampshire): www.young.senate.gov/about-todd Elected to the senate in 2008, she has been considered a moderate and pragmatic Senator Johnny Isakson (Georgia): Elected to democrat. Involved in veteran affairs and has the senate in 2004, has had special interest in tried to lessen the burden of college students veteran affairs and in international trade. He that hold a federal loan. Member of the sponsored a bill to change the federal budget Committee on Appropriations, Commission on from an annual one to a biannual. Member of the Security and Cooperation in Europe, Committee Committee on Finance, Committee on Health, on Armed Services, and Committee on Small Education, Labor, and Pension, Committee Business and Entrepreneurship. https://www. on Veterans Affairs, and Select Committee on shaheen.senate.gov/ Ethics. https://www.isakson.senate.gov/public/ index.cfm/about-johnny Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Committee on Armed Services, Senator (Ohio): Elected to the and Committee on Small Business and senate in 2010, supporter of the NAFTA Entrepreneurship. https://www.shaheen. and known as a “deficit hawk”. Proponent of senate.gov/ 19 Senator Christopher Coons (Delaware): the senate in 2013, strong advocate to gun Elected to the senate in 2010, worked in South control and violence abatement. Known for his Africa for a Non-Profit Organization caring for bipartisan cooperation. Supports tax increase the homeless, and has focused on programs for the wealthy. Member of the Committee on for job creation and revitalization of domestic Environment and Public Works, Committee manufacturing. Member of the Committee on on Small Business and Entrepreneurship and Appropriations, Committee on Small Business Committee on the Judiciary. https://www. and Entrepreneurship and Committee on the booker.senate.gov/ Judiciary. https://www.coons.senate.gov/ US Senate (2018). Committee Assignments Senator (Connecticut): of the 115th Congress. https://www.senate. Elected to the senate in 2012, has focused gov/general/committee_assignments/ on environmental policies and socially assignments.htm#RischID progressive initiatives. Reputation of a liberal- to-moderate democrat. Member of the We hope you enjoy, learn, and build Committee on Appropriations and Committee new connections in MONUA 2019! We on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. also encourage you to look further into https://www.murphy.senate.gov/ the committees work and achievements, especially the ones regarding your assigned Senator (Virginia): Elected to the senator in, but not limited to: senate in 2012, former vice presidential running https://www.foreign.senate.gov/ mate for Hillary Clinton. Strong interests in https://www.foreign.senate.gov/legislation defense and veteran affairs. Member of the https://www.senate.gov/legislative/ Committee on Armed Services, Committee legislative_home.htm on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and Committee on the Budget. https://www.kaine. senate.gov/

Senator Edward J. Markey (Massachusetts): Elected to the senate in 2013, known as a liberal champion of renewable energy and cosponsored the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. Involved in high- tech policy. Member of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Committee on Environment and Public Works and Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. https://www.markey. senate.gov/

Senator (Oregon): Elected to the senate in 2008, promoter in civil equality and organized labor. Introduced legislations that promote energy independence. Member of the Committee on Appropriations, Committee on Environment and Public Works and Committee on the Budget. https://www. merkley.senate.gov/

Senator (New Jersey): Elected to 20 PROCEDURE

1. General at least one senator of each party. As stated before, the committee has the duty of providing advice and consent to the whole 2. Voting Process (Rule XII) senate and to the administrative branch. When the voting process is ordered, the Therefore, the main product of the committee senator’s names shall be called in alphabetical will be to write declarations of the senators’ order where they give their “yea” or “nay”. A positions and the recommendations we, as member of the Senate may decline to vote if he a group, decide to give to the senate or the or she believes that his vote would be a conflict president. of interest. This conflict may exist whenever any member “is engaged in an outside business Whenever a witness is required to testify, the or professional activity or employment for chairman of the committee, Mr. Bob Corker, compensation which is inconsistent or in will be in charge of selecting and calling an conflict with the conscientious performance of “equal number of non-governmental witnesses official duties.” (Rule XXXVII) to testify at the hearing.” In this case, when a senator wishes to bring a witness to the 3. Messages (Rule IX) committee he or she shall communicate it to At any time, except in any voting procedure, the chairman and he will approve or disapprove the committee may receive messages from the the witness, according to the relevance in the President or from the House of Representatives. topic at hand. The same applies when the committee wishes to address any communication to the President When the committee reports any decision or or the House of Representatives. recommendation a majority of the committee has to be present to constitute a quorum, with

21 4. Debate (Rule XIX) Whenever a senator wishes to speak he shall address the Chairman and shall not proceed Topic a: us-china until recognized. No other senator shall interrupt another senator in debate unless he trade relations receives consent, which can be obtained by addressing the chairman. Former presidents of the United States shall be entitled to address General context of Trump’s protectionist the Senate upon notice to the Chairman. measures and scandals

5. MONUA On January 20th of 2017, Donald Trump was We recommend the use of the traditional positioned as the 45th president of the United motions of the MUN throughout the sessions States. His term began with several polemic of the committee, which include Unmoderated rulings, which included economic protectionist Caucus, Speakers List, Formal Debate, Lobby decisions such as the withdrawal from the Time and also Round Robin or Consultation Trans-Pacific Partnership. President Trump of the Hall. Any doubt regarding these types has also criticized, since the beginning of his of debate, please refer to the MONUA 2019 presidential run, the North American Free Trade handbook. Agreement (NAFTA), created in 1994, stating that it is “perhaps the worst trade deal ever • US Senate (2013). Standing Rules of the made” (Trump, 2018). This trade agreement, Senate. https://www.rules.senate.gov/imo/ which includes and Canada, has media/doc/CDOC-113sdoc18.pdf suffered a lot of tensions due to President • US Senate (2018). Rules of the Committee Trump’s position. The proposed redesign of on Foreign Relations, United States Senate. this trade deal brings new benefits to American https://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/ workers, stricter labor requirements for Mexico. media/doc/Rules_115-23.pdf The new deal has encountered some resistance • USCFR (2017). Membership and Jurisdiction from Mexico and Canada due to the imposed of Subcommittees. 115th Congress, 1st tariff by the US, although on August, Mexico Session. U.S. Government Printing Office, agreed to accept the treaty. Mr. Trump shifted Washington D.C. https://www.foreign. the pressure to Canada, threatening to impose senate.gov/imo/media/doc/115TH_SFRC_ tariffs on Canada-made cars if they didn’t reach MEMBERSHIP3.pdf a three-way consensus. (The Straits Times, • USCFR (2000). Committee on Foreign 2018) Relations, United States Senate, Millennium Edition 1816-200. 105th Congress, 2d As part of Trump’s economic policy, the Session, U.S. Government Printing Office, withdrawal of the US from the Paris Climate Washington D.C. https://www.foreign. Agreement was announced due to “the senate.gov/imo/media/doc/CDOC- draconian financial and economic burdens the 105sdoc281.pdfN agreement imposes on our country” (Trump, 2017).

Being one of Trump‘s campaign promises to make trade much fairer for the United States, his plan for achieving it, was to fight against China, one of American oldest trade partners. Based on a semi-protectionist model, the government has imposed several taxes on imports from countries such as Mexico, Canada, and members of the ; 22 nevertheless, the target has been the Asian population. country, with which a trade war has been said to have begun.

This semi-protectionist model encompasses some, but not all, aspects of the trade protectionism, which is defined as a nation “creating specific trade barriers with the specific goal of protecting its economy from the possible perils of international trading.” These measures can encompass tariffs, quotas, subsidies, local content requirements, administrative trade policies and exchange rate controls (Guarino A, 2018). According to The Guardian up to 2017 China has spent over $210 billion and has awarded Introduction: Origins of the US-China Trade many construction contracts along this belt of War. overland corridors and the maritime road of A trade war, according to the Cambridge shipping lanes. Dictionary, is defined as an economic conflict between two or more countries in which, The most notorious impacts of this seeking the improvement of its own economy, “rejuvenation” has been the US-China trade a government begins to impose tariffs and war, the pressures imposed over Taiwan, and quotas on imports coming from the other the economic damage to US partners such as country. Then, the affected government or Japan and South Korea by restricting trade, group of governments, retaliate with similar encouraging popular boycotts, and cutting of measures, reducing and limiting international tourism. trade. This is a form of trade protectionism, which in the theory, seeks the protection of the domestic industry and to create jobs among other reasons. According to president Trump, “Trade wars are good and easy to win”.

This trade war with China started as part of the “national rejuvenation” of China developed by President Xi Jinping with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), where Chinese government started an improvement and expansion in terms of military power, economic strength and Development of the problematic nowadays. political warfare. This is an effort to improve Include actions taken by both China and the regional cooperation and connectivity of China U.S. on a trans-continental scale. BRI relies mainly on the Silk Road Economic Belt, which links US relies mainly on formal, published sanctions, China to Central and South Asia and forward trade controls, or investment restrictions while into Europe, and the New Maritime Silk Road, most of China’s economic instruments and which links China to the Southeastern Asian practices have been informal or extralegal. nations, the Gulf Countries, North Africa and Beijing approaches the subject by not legally Europe (World Bank, 2018). Additionally, this linking any foreign dispute to the economic initiative includes up to one third of the world coercive measures applied. As it will mentioned trade and GDP and also over 60% of the world’s further on, China targets politically influential 23 constituencies capable of pushing for a policy forced to shift their developments towards change in their home countries that will favor China. The government’s will is to encourage China’s position in their market. Despite this, the population to buy American products rather China accuses the U.S. of launching the largest than Chinese products, through initiatives like trade war in economic history. (Blumenthal, the 2017 “Buy American, Hire American”. 2018) The negative effects that this trade war has A basic distinction should be made between the brought to US economy can be seen in North terms of predatory economics and economic Dakota farmers, Georgia manufacturers, the coercion. According to Oxford’s Public national Aluminum and Steel industry, and many International Law Dept. economic coercion is others. Such has been the impact in agriculture the use, or threat to use, any economic measure that President Trump announced on July 2018 to induce or force a target state to change, even that he would provide a $12 billion aid for involuntarily, some policy or practice for the farmers hit by retaliatory tariffs, plan which did benefit of the sender state. This measures aim to not require congressional approval. 4.7 Billion achieve geopolitical goals and include a strong paid to corn, cotton, soybean, dairy, pork Chinese pressure on US companies present in and sorghum farmers. This aid plan received China to force stop the North-American tariffs, approval and opposition from diverse fronts. if they succeed they are granted market access, Some state that it would distort markets and if not they are excluded. China also uses this ultimately have negative consequences for the economic coercion on Taiwan, forcing US national agricultural industry and also run afoul airlines to include Taiwan as part of China, and of WTO rules. Simon Wilson, executive director also with South Korea. of the North Dakota Trade Office, stated that farmers don’t want that help in the short term, they want a long-term stability without bailouts. China’s Predatory economics, on the other hand, include practices like using loans to the Competence of both the U.S. Senate and the US to keep the dollar-Yuan exchange rate from U.S. Senate CFR on the matter falling to a trade-balancing level and buying up US asset and acquiring US technology, to Even though the US Congress is the only reduce its comparative advantage, which may organ allowed to impose tariffs, the Trade create a structural stressing on the international Expansion Act of 1962 under section 232 trading system. This specifically happened with declares that whenever the import of certain a company which partnered article threats national security the executive with a Chinese company, partly owned by branch is allowed to intervene. Section 232 the Chinese Communist Party. This Chinese also gives this branch the authority to retaliate company ended up stealing the intellectual through protective measures against foreign property of the US Company, as stated by import restrictions. For the president to senator Ed Markey Ranking Member of the intervene on import tariffs, he has to request an Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia, investigation of the Department of Commerce the Pacific, and International Cyber security on the targeted tariffs, which has to conclude Policy. with a report within the next 270 days. This investigation focuses on two subjects: national Additionally, according to the White House security and imports. Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, China’s economic aggression represents a In terms of national security, the DOC threat towards the technologies and intellectual (Department of Commerce), based in 15 CFR property of the United States. The threat exists 705, considers: due to the pressure imposed on American businesses and businessmen who may be (1) existing domestic production of the product, 24 (2) future capacity needed, (3) the manpower, impact on the overall welfare. raw materials, production equipment, facilities, and other supplies needed to meet projected US Senator stated: “While I national defense requirements, (4) growth believe that we should hold China accountable requirements, and (5) any other relevant for unfair trade practices and I strongly support factor. In terms of imports DOC considers: (1) strong trade enforcement rules that protect impact of foreign competition on the domestic American workers, the President should not industry deemed essential for national be relying on obscure provision of a trade security, (2) the effects that the displacement law intended to uphold national security in of domestic products cause, and (3) any other order to impose tariffs on our allies. Instead, relevant factors that are causing or will cause a he should focus on building international weakening in the national economy. coalitions to hold bad actors accountable and protect American workers.” Following If this investigation has a positive report, this, and some other oppositions to the use of the president has 90 days to determine if he Section 232, this committee has made efforts concurs with the investigation’s findings and to limit the executive branch’s authority on the then determine the nature and duration of the subject. A bill introduced on June 6 of 2018 action to be taken to adjust the subject imports. would create the requirement of congressional After this determination he has 15 days to approval of tariffs designated under Section implement the action and 30 days to present a 232. For this, the President should submit to written report to Congress. congress any proposal to adjust imports in the interest of national security and for a 60-day The previous argument is the one that has period legislation to approve the proposal will been used by Donald Trump, who has argued qualify for expedited consideration, with the that several goods or prime material coming opportunity for debate and vote in congress. from China, represent somehow a threat to national security. Up to October 2018, the The role of the US Senate Committee on three rounds of tariffs on Chinese products Foreign Relations is to approach this subject made a total $250 billion worth of goods. The by every perspective and achieve, along purpose of these import tariffs is that, in theory, with all other committees of the congress it will make US products cheaper than foreign and the government, a National Economic ones, encouraging consumers to buy American Security Strategy. By means of hearings and made products, although some industry debates this committee has to introduce a groups have testified that their businesses are solution to this trade war, but also taking into being harmed. consideration the opinion of experts on the subject. Legislations on the subject like the Many organizations, public and private, Asia Reassurance Initiative Act, introduced have declared against the “abusive” use of in congress in April 2018, have to be taken President’s Trump of Section 232 of the Trade into account. One opinion also worth taking Expansion Act of 1962, including the majority into account is the one of Mr. Ely Ratner, Vice of the members of the Senate’s Committee President of the CNAS, who on a hearing of on Foreign Relations. Some concur that the this committee stated that tariffs are blunt executive branch should focus on China’s instruments, which raise prices for consumers predatory economics and economic coercion, and businesses and invite new retaliations, rather than imposing tariffs on allied countries focusing that they should not be the true central (Canadian steel and aluminum) which at the tool of the economic approach to China. Also end create a negative impact on US companies. he has stated that the US withdraw from the TPP Not focusing on it would worsen the Trade War. has not helped in this subject, on the contrary it Also, these low levels of commerce brought by has weakened US position in Asia. Most of Mr. the tariffs on economic allies have a negative Ratner’s framework can be found in the Center 25 for a New American Security (CNAS) report China’s Use of Coercive Economic Measures.

We invite you to search for studies and reports of specialized organizations on the impact and possible solutions for this subject and also focus extensively on your senator’s position and role.


Introduction the described above.

The relations between the United States and The relations between the United States and Middle Eastern countries has been defined Middle Eastern countries have changed and around the fight against terrorism during varied continuously during the last years. In the past few years. Ever since 2001, after the region, the U.S. has diplomatic relations the 9/11 tragedy, the American view over with all the countries except from Iran, which international relations gave a turn towards the is accused by the government of being a State need to prevent something similar to happen Sponsor of terrorism. Countries such as Israel, again and, therefore, the new external enemy , , Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, became terrorism. According to the US Code in UAE, Jordan, and Egypt are considered Chapter 38; title 22, terrorism is defined as the allies, while the relations with both and “premeditated, politically motivated violence Iran are considered to be the most hostile, due perpetrated against noncombatant targets to the ideological and proxy conflicts existing by subnational groups or clandestine agents”. in between them and the United States. The During the past few years, Islamic Jihadists U.S. government has backed up groups such groups, such as Daesh, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, as the Syrian Democratic Forces, the Syrian among others, have represented a threat for opposition and several Kurdish groups, and has the United States, by committing acts such as enmity with organizations such as Hizbollah, 27 the Houthis and Hamas, which are considered to Yemeni Shia groups. The war, seems to be to be terrorist organizations. The greatest very similar to the proxy wars in between the US threat, however, is posed by the most radical and the Soviet Union, and countries from the terrorist organizations, being these, Al Qaeda, region have granted their support to either side and all its factions, the Taliban, and Daesh. of the dispute. As for the Saudi-led intervention inside Yemen, the United States currently faces a dilemma in regards to its responsibility with Struggles between regional powers in the the international and it’s support to its allies: Middle East The intervention has been criticized by several actors from the international community for According to several international relations its alleged violations to the rules of war, yet analysts, currently, the Middle East is facing a the U.S. keeps aiding the coalition in support sort of “Cold War” in between the two main to their ally and their interests for the region regional powers: Saudi Arabia, and Iran, (Sleiman-Haidar, 2018) both lead by non-secular autocracies and influenced directly by the two main branches of Islam, Sunnism and Shiism respectively. Just as it happened during the Cold War, several proxy conflicts, defined as conflicts in between two actors that act on behalf of more powerful actors, have happened between both regional powers within territories such as Syria and Yemen. At times, alleged assassination attempts and bombings destabilized their relations, and during the Syrian Civil War, it has been set clear that both countries support opposing poles within the conflict; being that Iran keeps supporting unconditionally Bashar al-Assad’s regime, and Saudi Arabia backing up the opposition. Furthermore, the political and religious tensions have grown between the two parties during the past few years, growing exponentially ever since 2015 with the beginning of the Yemeni Civil War (Ubriaco, 2017).

Yemen, as several other Middle Eastern On the other hand, another regional power that countries, faces a great division within its has raised during the previous years, just after population, which oftentimes finds itself the beginning of the Arab Spring, is Qatar. This divided in between Sunnis and Shiites. When country, though being part of the Arab League an insurgency of Shia Houthi rebels deposed and having former strong ties with most of the the Sunni government in the Yemeni capital Arab states, has yet a very close relation with city, both Iran and Saudi Arabia began to be Iran. During the Arab Spring, Saudi Arabia and deeply involved in the conflict. The Saudis, Qatar found themselves confronted in regards therefore, did mobilize a coalition principally to their support towards revolutions happening composed of Sunni nations to restore the throughout the Arab world. Al Jazeera, one of Sunni government of President Hadi. Iran, the most important broadcasters of the region, which has been accused of funding the Houthi funded by the Qatari government showed rebels for years, countered by censuring Saudi its support to Arab spring movements, while intervention in Yemen and allegedly supporting Saudi Arabia worked hard in order to suppress 28 and fight them. In the Yemeni conflict, Qatar terrorist organizations. According to the was part of the Saudi-led coalition, but after Saudi government, Qatar’s “embrace of the 2017 Diplomatic Crisis (Which will further various terrorist and sectarian groups aimed be explained), Qatar was expelled from the at destabilizing the region”. The state is being operation. According to Yemen’s Southern accused of supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, Transitional Council spokesman, Salem Thabet al-Qaeda, Islamic State and groups supported Al Oulaqi, “Qatar has played a very negative by Iran. Due to the accusations, the Ministry role in destabilizing the situation in Yemen by of Foreign Affairs of Qatar expressed that offering the Houthis and other terrorist groups “The state of Qatar has been subjected to a all the support needed to remain alive to serve campaign of lies that have reached the point of Iranian agendas, which aim to destabilize the complete fabrication. It reveals a hidden plan Arab world,” Therefore, Qatar is allegedly to undermine the state of Qatar.” Furthermore, aiding these belligerent groups, however, the main reasons for the diplomatic actions, is there are still no clear proofs. Qatar’s acknowledged support to the Muslim Brotherhood, it’s close ties with Iran and the Both Qatar and Saudi Arabia have very good publications of Al Jazeera, which often tend relations with the U.S., but for most of the Gulf to oppose to the ideals of the members of the Cooperation Council, Qatar’s Relations with Gulf Cooperation Council. Besides the closing Iran appears to be dangerous and now, both of diplomatic ties, Saudi Arabia and UAE Iran and Qatar are being accused of supporting prohibit Qatari vessels to enter to their ports; terrorism. the Saudi Border with Qatar was closed, Saudi Airspace was banned for Qatari flights, among Qatari Diplomatic Crisis and further other economic measures. accusations The GCC countries demand Qatar to: On April, 2017, Qatar was involved in a deal with Shiite and Sunni militants in Iraq and Syria, • Curb diplomatic ties with Iran and close its seeking the liberation of Qatari hostages and diplomatic missions. to allow humanitarian aid to pass through; • Sever all ties to “terrorist organizations” and nonetheless, the cost of all the operation and hand over “terrorist figures”. the agreement was very high, which seemed • Stop all funding for individuals or very suspicious to countries in the region. On organizations designated as terrorists by May of the same year, a Summit was held in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, the Riyadh, the Saudi capital city, were several United States and other countries. world leaders, including Donald Trump, were • Shut down Al Jazeera and other Qatar- present. One of the outcomes of the summit, funded news outlets. was the idea that states who supported either • Close a Turkish military base and halt joint Iran or terrorist groups such as the Muslim military co-operation inside Qatar. Brotherhood should be condemned. These • End interference in other sovereign idea, was shared by all the members of the Gulf countries’ internal affairs. Cooperation Council. During the following • Pay reparations and compensation for loss days, Qatari government media platforms of life caused by Qatar’s policies. were allegedly hacked, and posts supporting • Align with other Arab countries militarily, Iran, Hamas, Israel and Hizbollah were exposed politically, socially and economically. (BBC, (Wintour, 2017). 2017) To which Qatar has refused, claiming that On June 5th and 6th , Saudi Arabia, the for that, they would have to surrender their United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Yemen, sovereignty the Maldives and Libya cut diplomatic ties with Qatar, alleging its support towards 29 that it is not supporting terrorism anymore and will no support it in the future. The sanctions imposed towards these states are the following:

• A ban on arms-related exports and sales; • Controls over exports of dual-use items, requiring 30-day Congressional notification for goods or services that could significantly enhance the terrorist-list country’s military capability or ability to support terrorism; • Prohibitions on economic assistance; and • Imposition of miscellaneous financial and other restrictions.

States currently on the list are North Korea, Iran, Sudan and Syria. Qatar, has actually provided their support Iran: Was designated a State Sponsor of to groups considered terrorist by some of its Terrorism in 1984. According to the US neighbors, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Department of State, ever since 2016, Iran Hamas. Yet the government denies any link to has continued supporting terrorist groups, other groups such as Daesh or Al Qaeda, there including Hizbollah, Palestinian terrorist groups is still no certainty regarding these, and yet, the in Gaza, and several groups in Syria and Iraq. US finds itself in a complex position, given that Allegedly, Iran used the Islamic Revolutionary Qatar is one of American most important allies Guard Corps‑Qods Force to cultivate and in the region, and hosts the Al Udeid Air Base, support terrorists abroad. Its closest ties are one of the most important US military bases in with Shia militias and organizations such the region. Finally, Qatar has been also accused as Hezbollah in Lebanon among others. of, perhaps no supporting, but yet allowing Moreover, it is said that Iran has repeatedly terrorism fanciers to operate inside its borders. supported jihadist groups such as Hamas, and These accusations have come from different showed reluctant to bring to justice Al-Qaeda sectors, especially within Israel, which accuses members. the regime of allowing underground support to Hamas and Daesh (Wintour, 2017). Syria: Was designated in 1979 as a State Sponsor of Terrorism. According to the US US Policy Regarding Countries that Sponsor Department of State, throughout the entire Terrorism Syrian conflict, Al Assad’s government has kept supporting terrorist groups and arming As said previously, the US policy regarding Hezbollah. It has been said, that the government terrorism is utterly rigorous. According has had a permissive attitude towards terrorist to the Bureau of Counterterrorism and groups such as Al Qaeda. During the Iraqi Countering Violent Extremism, a State Sponsor post conflict, Syria hosted several terrorist of Terrorism is defined as a state whose groups within its territory and currently, government has repeatedly provided support foreign terrorists keep traveling to Syria to for acts of international terrorism. A state who fight for or with the government. Moreover, is designated under this category remains as the government has used in several occasions a State Sponsor of Terrorism until it begins chemical weapons against its population accomplishing certain criteria which are a among other humanitarian crimes. fundamental change in the leadership and policies of the government or the assurances

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