CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 16 September 22, 2009 Ms
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22262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 16 September 22, 2009 Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I urge mocracy, liberty, and freedom that are the Lexington, at Concord, and later at Members to support this bill, and I foundation of the Nation and sources of in- Trenton, at Saratoga and at Yorktown yield back the balance of my time. spiration for people everywhere; and are the men who wrote our Constitu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The (3) the creation of Minute Man National tion. question is on the motion offered by Historical Park 50 years ago represents a re- markable achievement that continues to And when they met in Philadelphia a the gentlewoman from Guam (Ms. benefit Americans around the Nation, to pre- decade later to form a more perfect BORDALLO) that the House suspend the serve the proud legacy of the American Rev- Union, they still believed that we are rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2741. olution, and to serve as an enduring resource endowed by our Creator with certain The question was taken; and (two- for future generations. inalienable rights. They therefore set thirds being in the affirmative) the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- out to devise a government with only rules were suspended and the bill was ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from limited, enumerated powers so that passed. Guam (Ms. BORDALLO) and the gen- they and their descendants would, they A motion to reconsider was laid on tleman from Utah (Mr. CHAFFETZ) each hoped, be citizens of a free Republic, the table. will control 20 minutes. not submissive subjects of an ever-ex- f The Chair recognizes the gentle- panding government. HONORING MINUTE MAN HISTOR- woman from Guam. Our Constitution was written and ICAL PARK ON 50TH ANNIVER- GENERAL LEAVE ratified by the very Minutemen and pa- SARY Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I ask triots who fought for freedom in New England, the Middle Atlantic States Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I move unanimous consent that all Members and the South. That is why we have the to suspend the rules and agree to the may have 5 legislative days in which to Bill of Rights. They knew that private resolution (H. Res. 599) honoring the revise and extend their remarks and in- property rights, free exercise of reli- Minute Man National Historical Park clude extraneous material on the reso- gion, the individual right to keep and on the occasion of its 50th Anniversary. lution under consideration. bear arms, and State’s rights will al- The Clerk read the title of the resolu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ways have opponents. That’s why they tion. objection to the request of the gentle- The text of the resolution is as fol- woman from Guam? are in the Constitution. lows: There was no objection. So it is appropriate that we take time to honor the Minutemen who left H. RES. 599 Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 599 was introduced by our us a legacy of freedom on this, the 50th Whereas, since September 21, 1959, Minute anniversary of the Minute Man Na- Man National Historical Park has preserved colleague from Massachusetts, Rep- key sites where the first battles of the Amer- resentative ED MARKEY, and would rec- tional Historical Park. ican Revolutionary War occurred, and edu- ognize the 50th anniversary of the es- I reserve the balance of my time. cated millions of Americans about the ex- tablishment of Minute Man National Ms. BORDALLO. Mr. Speaker, I have traordinary events that led to the birth of Historical Park in Concord, Massachu- no additional requests for time and the Nation and the ideals embodied in those setts. would inquire of the minority whether courageous actions; Minute Man National Historical Park they have any additional speakers. Whereas Minute Man National Historical was established 50 years ago yesterday. Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, with Park encompasses more than 1,000 acres in no additional speakers, I yield back the the historic communities of Lexington, Lin- It preserves for Americans and the coln, and Concord that were at the center of world the places and the landscapes balance of my time. the American Revolution; along the route from Boston to Con- Mr. MARKEY of Massachusetts. Mr. Speak- Whereas the events, places, and people rec- cord, known as the Battle Road, where er, I rise in strong support of this resolution, ognized by the Minute Man National Histor- the first battles of our War of Inde- which I have introduced with the gentlewoman ical Park have become enduring testaments pendence were fought. The park also from Massachusetts, Ms. TSONGAS, to honor to American values and are among the most memorializes the renowned American the Minute Man National Historical Park on its celebrated and cherished symbols in the his- soldiers, the Minutemen, trained vol- 50th anniversary. Since its inception on Sep- tory of the Nation; tember 21, 1959, the park has played a vital Whereas the Minute Man National Histor- unteers who were always ready to ical Park includes multiple sites and land- march at a minute’s notice. role in protecting and preserving the sites in scapes along the route from Boston to Con- Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 599 the towns of Lexington, Lincoln, and Concord cord, known as the Battle Road, where commemorates the enduring legacy of where the American Revolution began. For 50 American Militia and British soldiers fought this Nation’s fight for freedom, liberty years, the park has educated millions of Amer- numerous times on April 19, 1775; and democracy and pays tribute to a icans about the extraordinary events that led Whereas American militia were first or- park that celebrates the birthplace of to the birth of our Nation. dered to return British fire at Concord’s American independence. On April 19, 1775, American colonists in North Bridge, a heroic action commemo- I commend Representative MARKEY ‘‘every Middlesex village and farm’’ rose up to rated by American poet Ralph Waldo Emer- throw off the yoke of the English king and son in his poem ‘‘The Concord Hymn’’ as the and his cosponsor, Representative NIKI ‘‘shot heard ’round the world’’; TSONGAS, for their timely and diligent claim their inherent right to govern them- Whereas the park celebrates Paul Revere’s work on this resolution. I ask my col- selves. The Minute Man National Park pre- legendary ‘‘midnight ride’’ of April 18, 1775, leagues to support passage of this serves not just the sites, buildings, and land- to warn American colonists that British sol- measure. scapes where these momentous events took diers were marching to Concord to destroy I reserve the balance of my time. place but also the ideals of liberty, democracy, key military stores; and Mr. CHAFFETZ. Mr. Speaker, I yield and self-determination that they embodied. Whereas more than one million Americans myself such time as I may consume. The beliefs held in the actions of those spring from States across the Nation and people On April 19, 234 years ago, the British days in April 1775 remain the cornerstone of from around the globe visit Minute Man Na- tional Historical Park every year to learn commander in Boston sent a detach- our Nation and an inspiration to people every- about the role that these New England com- ment of troops to nearby Lexington where. munities played in the American Revolution: and Concord to impose what I am sure The Minute Man National Historical Park is Now, therefore, be it he thought was a perfectly reasonable comprised of 1,038 acres, which include 8 Resolved, that it is the sense of the House gun control measure. After all, there miles of trails and 136 historic structures. The of Representatives that— wasn’t any reason to allow people to park preserves multiple sites along the ‘‘Battle (1) Minute Man National Historical Park possess guns in the park-like green Road,’’ the 22-mile route from Boston to Con- serves an essential role in preserving the sites and landscapes in New England where commons of those pleasant little cord where British soldiers and American mili- the American Revolution began, and in edu- towns. tia first clashed on April 19, 1775. cating the public about these historic events; Unfortunately for General Howe, the The park includes the famed North Bridge, (2) Minute Man National Historical Park patriots disagreed. Fortunately for us, in Concord, where American militia were first honors and commemorates the ideals of de- the men who stood their ground at ordered to return the fire of the British VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:34 Apr 06, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\H22SE9.000 H22SE9 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD September 22, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 16 22263 regulars. Down the road, in Lexington, is the past Sunday, I attended the 50th anniversary (2) recognizes that creating a successful Lexington green, where the first shot was fired gala to celebrate the success of the park and adoption model for wild horses and burros is that morning and where eight American patri- the hard work of all involved. I want to espe- consistent with Public Law 92–195 (com- cially recognize Superintendent Nancy Nelson monly known as the ‘‘Wild Free-Roaming ots lost their lives in the opening battle of the Horses and Burros Act’’) (16 U.S.C. 1331 et Revolutionary War. whose dedication to this national treasure has seq.) and beneficial to the long-term inter- The park commemorates Paul Revere’s helped preserve its integrity and make certain ests of the people of the United States in ‘‘midnight ride’’ of April 18, 1775, to raise the that its historical significance will inspire many protecting wild horses and burros; and alarm that the British were marching to de- future generations.