Welcome to our Pesach issue packed with news, photos and features ScMagarzine oif theb UHC eLeeds Lighting up, marching on together ■ ■ Alby brings the wonder of Chanukah to Elland Road Nissan 5781 No 70 March 2021 and features h news, photos sue packed wit o our Pesach is ds Welcome t e UHC Lee ScMagazrine ofi th be Made it! Barmitzvah arching Issue No 70 takes place just hours Lighting up, m Nissan 5781 ther toge March 2021 on ■ ■ wonder of Alby brings the lland Road Chanukah to E 2021 No 70 March Nissan 5781 before a lockdown 7 Lawrence, the cholent SMagaczine rof tiheb UHC e Leeds king, gets busy in the Shul’s kitchen 9 TUenli t&ed F Hax ebrew Congregation NWew hYeaar Hto’nso uirn fosr ide . e1m51a Silhadwell Lane wLeeebdss ite LS17 8DW Barbara recognises President 0113 269 6141 office@uhcleeds,com her charity work 14 uhcleeds.com Vice-President London calling! It’s SMeicnhioare lM Lienwisitn er the UHC Quiz trio’s CVaolm Bmeriwttien e Chairs Finance (Treasurer) Mish-Mash Round 15 AFalbceilritt iCehs ait Administration Events Adult Services David Gleek Zack has all the right MarketingG e&o fCfroemy mSkuonlnicicak tions Val Berwin Val Berwin ingredients for TV Our ProfessionaDla Sneiervl iKcaeu Tfemaam n Administration Alan baking contest 21 Benstock Community Development Officer Caretakers Louise Moss, Alicia Gould Kids: Create the cover and Martine Lewis Warden and Shammas Naomi Waillridamens s of our New Year issue Andy and Joules Gibson Shammas – and win prizes! 25 Office Ian Freeman, Ian Selwyn and Geoff Skolnick 0113 269 6Ia1n4 F1 reeman
[email protected] We say big ‘thank you’ TWoa cyosn ttoa ckte tehpe ionff tioceu cphlease call Twitter to the city’s heroes or eFmaaciel book & heroines Back page Instagra@m UHC Leeds UHC Leeds
[email protected] 2 ScrAiblbee rt Sebastian Chait @UHC Leeds Please forward your stories, features, photos and ideas for the New Year issue to: Michael Lewin Reflections from the President of UHC Leeds LeASe jOIn me when I think back on some But those who have a Yahtzeit must be so Pfond Shul memories.