70Th Annual Conference 2017
New York State Economics Association Proceedings Of the New York State Economics Association Volume 10 70th Annual Meeting Farmingdale State College, Farmingdale, New York October 6-7, 2017 Editor: Richard Vogel 70th Annual Meeting NYSEA Proceedings, Volume 10 New York State Economics Association Founded 1948 2016-2017 President: Xu Zhang, SUNY-Farmingdale Vice-President: Clair Smith, St. John Fisher College Secretary: Michael McAvoy, SUNY-Oneonta Treasurer: Philip Sirianni, SUNY-Oneonta Editor (New York State Economic Review): William P. O’Dea, SUNY-Oneonta Editor (New York State Economic Proceedings): Richard Vogel, SUNY-Farmingdale Webmaster: Abeba Mussa, SUNY Farmingdale Board of Directors: Cynthia Bansak, St. Lawrence University L. Chikwudi Ikwueze, Queensborough Community College Kpoti Kitissou, SUNY-Oneonta Sean Macdonald, CUNY New York City College of Technology Della Lee Sue, Marist College Wade Thomas, SUNY-Oneonta David Vitt, SUNY-Farmingdale Jeffrey Wagner, Rochester Institute of Technology Rick Weber, SUNY-Farmingdale Published August 2018 1 70th Annual Meeting NYSEA Proceedings, Volume 10 Table of Contents A Visualization of the Geoeconomic Relationships Linking Coastal Commercial Marine and Fishing Firms to Tourism Activities found on Long Island, New York Emily A. Fogarty, Sheng Li, Nanda Viswanathan and Richard Vogel 3 The Excelsior Jobs Program: Boon Or Boondoggle? Joseph A. Giacalone 13 Is There Bias in the New Moody’s Rating Methodology for the General Obligations of Local Governments in New York State? Julie Anna
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